It's sad because they Laurie Holden did the best she could with what she was given, but the writers really did Andrea a disservice. You can tell they had issues with writing female characters especially. Look at how it is now compared to early on. Lori and Andrea were vilified by the writers. It's a shame since Lori at least had a poignant death (probably one of the few deaths that was both logical and meaningful). Not Andrea, such an illogical ending. She could have at least had a decent exit and final story arc. If she was introduced a bit later it could have been so different. Would have been really cool to see her more with Michonne as I still have a hard time believing she would turn her back on Michonne. In my headcanon, she just left Woodbury haha
Andrea was one the definition of humanity along Dale, she was ruthless, her transformation of a suicide person to a independent woman. Andrea was the first woman to kill a walker with the screwdriver, was one of the first that doesn't wait to men for saving her, she wants to be independent and thanks of that she was able to defend herself when she was running all night long through the woods.
She had a beautiful character arc in my opinion, - She was lost and scared when the outbreak began, - She held her sister close then lost her just as quick as she got back to her, - She didn’t want to live anymore and struggled to keep on going, - She started doing gun training to help protect herself and her friends, - she stood up to lori when they had that argument in hershels house, - she saved carols life when the barn was overrun with walkers, - She survived with Michonne for an entire winter, just the two of them. - She found woodbury and fought like hell for what she THOUGHT was right, - she helped defend the place, - she was able to realize that the govennor was a terrible person and you have to give her credit SHE WAS GOING TO KILL THE GOVENNOR in episode 14 but milton stopped her, - SHE WAS SO CLOSE TO GETTING TO THE PRISON AND WARNING THE OTHERS BUT THE GOVENNOR CAUGHT HER RAAAAAAAH - She finally got to say goodbye to her friends, surrounded by the people that had kept her safe in the beginning and realized her mistake, she ended herself peacefully, accepting that it was over, and she was happy to see amy again.
I really don't understand why she was hated by so many people. But my guess is, she was a strong and intelligent woman who wasn't afraid to tell what she was thinking. And with the whole governor chapter, people called her a traitor but she was just trying to avoid a war... She made some mistakes but come on, everybody on this show have made mistakes.
People don't dislike her because she is a strong woman. People dislike her because she almost killed Daryl, slept with Shane, trusted the Governor, slept with the Governor, considered killing the Governor then deciding NOT to kill the Governor.
@@juicesauce5672 Her almost killing daryl was an accident and it was sexist writing, they just did that becase she was the only woman trying to learn how to survive. And how is sleeping with Shane a good reason to hate her?
@@killyourdarlings1305 it was a weird storyline that went nowhere. And it has nothing to do with sexist writing. If so why are there characters like Michonne, Maggie, CAROL, Rosita, who people love?
@@juicesauce5672 Because the writing for female characters improved when Michonne was introduced. I mean, look at how Carol and Lori were written in the first 2 seasons. Carol's entire abuse and grief storyline was told through Rick and Daryl's POV and it served to help them as characters instead of her. She only became a main character once she learned how to defend herself. And Lori literally thought the women should do all the chores while the men protected them, not to mention she almost got raped by Shane and it was barely adressed. That's sexist writing, it's obvious they struggled to write good female characters and Andrea suffered from it too. They made her look stupid because she wanted to learn how to survive, her shooting Daryl was the writers basically saying "haha look women using guns"
For me it kinda of make sense andrea died.. she was a character that had a very evolved thought in relation to the other characters, thought that was just seen at the end of season 8, where carl makes rick reflect a lot, and he decide to not kill negan.. She always wanted peace beetwen the two sides, and rick's speech at the end of season 8 was very similar to what she said and always defended "lets save the bullets to the real threat" (the walkers of course), if she had lived they would have avoided many conflicts.. they would have much more peace and advancement.. but the walking dead still had a lot of stories to tell.. wish they just remember her more
I didn't like her during her seasons but looking back i loved she didnt kiss ass and follow blindly and accepted the new world, she was mentally where rick went seasons later
I do wish that Andrea didn’t die and I think it would’ve been great to see her again if she had left Season 1. She would’ve appeared in Season 3 fighting Walkers alongside Michonne. Everything would happen with the Governor except this. She wouldn’t have been caught and would’ve made it to the Prison.from there she would make amends and would be a leading figure in the group. Season 4 I would have her be with Tyrease and getting Sniping lessons from Sasha. After the murders of Tyrease’s friend and Carl’s friend, she would want to seek justice for them too. She wouldn’t get sick but would help Herseal. After the Govenor’s raid, she would travel with Beth and Daryl. They would run into Rick’s group and the rest would happen as usual. Season 5, she would be in the Terminus line up with Rick and co. She would be shocked by Carol like everyone and would be thrilled to see Tyrease again. She would defend Gabriel from everyone. She wouldn’t join the massacre on the Saviors though. She would stay with Carl and watch over Bob. After that, Tyrease would ask her to watch over Sasha to which she agrees. When Beth does, she would comfort Maggie. When Tyrease dies, she would mourn Tyrease but look out for Sasha like she promised. She would be a friend to Aaron and try and get everyone on the ideals of Alexandria. She along with Daryl would join Aaron on his runs for more people. Season 6, I would’ve had her be with Glenn and divert away half of the herd. She and him would get pinned down in a Carbage Bin and would return later on after being found be Enid. After fighting off the Herd with the others, her and Daryl would get close and their relationship would be explored. Really is the season of love. She would join in the fight against the Saviors. She wouldn’t be in the line up from Negan though as she stayed behind to protect Alexandria. Season 7, she would’ve heard about what happened to Glenn, Abe and Daryl(he’s still taken) After 7x04, she would go to Hilltop and check on Maggie and Sasha. Then she would’ve traveled to the Kingdom with Jesus and Sasha after he believes it’s time for them to see his bigger plan. They would talk to the King and Morgan. Andrea would’ve stayed there with Carol just to watch over her. A few episodes later, Jesus brings Rick and the rest of the group to the kingdom. Andrea would’ve seen Daryl and run towards him. Andrea would’ve travelled back to Hilltop to stay with Daryl. A few episodes later, Andrea would join Rosita and Sasha on their mission. She would cry about Sasha but Rosita pulls her away. She and Rosita would return back to Alexandria. She doesn’t trust the Garbage people but she goes along with Rick’s plan. She would be on the Guard Tower instead of Michonne. Once Negan arrives, she would give her gun to the Garbage girl and look on. When Sasha pops out of the casket she cries but fights the garbage lady. She would take the same beating Michonne did but not as bad. Maggie, Jesus and Andrea would find Sasha and Maggie would put her down. Season 8 she would be the new Sniper of the War. She would be a help in the fight against the Saviors. She would go with Carl when he helps Siddiq. When the walkers attack them, she would help fight. However, a walker falls on her but she shoots it. This also means Carl doesn’t die!!! Her and Carl would lead Siddiq back to Alexandria and hide him in the sewer drain. There she would help Carl lead the Alexandrians to safety. When Rick and Michonne return, she would be in the same place as Carl. There, she would show them the bite on her shoulder. She basically would take Carl’s death. Instead of Rick and Michonne staying, it would be Daryl and Michonne. They would grieve over her and everything that happened to Carl would happen to her. They would go to the Church. She would kiss Daryl a goodbye and would die like her death in Season 3. Michonne would stay with her but Daryl stands outside the Church door. She would be buried next to Sasha. Andrea’s story.
This is perfect, her death in season 3 was so pointless. She had so much potential and if the writers used your story to build her character up, the walking dead would be such a better series
Sadie Moulds why thank you! I just think they split up her character traits between Michonne and Sasha which is fine but both ladies are now gone so it was a waist😭 Plus, she easily could’ve done what Carl did.
I feel people have to understand that this was still early into the apocolypse so Andrea obviously wasn't going to fully adjust to the savage life. She was supposed to make it to at least season 7. I get it andrea did choose the governor over her friends, but at the same time wouldnt you? Like she hasnt seeen civilization in at least a year. Like I said she wasnt fully devoloped to the apocolypse so she obviously was going to still trust people. And she tried so,so,so hard to get back i just feel like people really misunderstand her character and how good she was.
she knew how evil the world was. keep in mind, she was a civil rights lawyer before the apocalypse, so she kept her humanity until the end. you can also notice it when she was the only one who sided with Dale into not killing Randall
People who say Andrea is the worst character clearly stopped watching after S3. Andrea > Gregory, Jadis, Pamela, Dante, Nicholas, Jared, Ron, Pete, shiiiiii- even Magna, Lori, Officer Dawn, Sebastian, and young Henry
Je kiff Andrea ses ma préféré de toute la série jais kiffer son personnage sur tout les angles la ferme d'Herchel le camp d'Atlanta et Wodbury ses juste très très très dommage qu'elle soit tombé dans le panneau du Gouverneur elle ne mériter pas de mourir comme sa la pauvre... Elle aurais pu être très important et intéressante pour la suite comme la guerre contre Negan la saison 9 et 10 qui arrivent et enfin se que jaurez voulut voir ses l'amour entre Andrea et Rick car oui normalement Andrea avais un contrat de 8 ans donc pour 8 saisons ses vraiment dommage car cetais une très bonne survivante qui aurais fait beaucoup pour le groupe...
C'est très dommage aussi qu'ils aient décidé de la tuer à la dernière minute. Ce n'était même pas prévu dans le script initial de la saison 3, c'est ça le pire. Tout ça pour avoir une mort type "shock value". De plus, le personnage a été traité d'une façon a ce que beaucoup de fans l'ont détesté, tout le contraire des comics.
Enfin quelqun qui pense comme moi, le pire ses qu'il ons décidé de la tué pour lessais place à Sasha comme tireuse d'élite au sniper ses n'importe quoi, Andréa elle on la conais bcp plus que Sasha alors je trouve pas sa normal qu'il tue Andrea pour Sahsa
Je pense que Sasha a été créée sans conviction au début. J'ai vue que l'actrice avait à l'origine été au casting pour le rôle de Michonne. Ils lui ont donc créé un personnage. Je pense qu'ils n'ont pas trop su quoi faire d'elle et ont relégué le côté sniper d'élite d'Andrea pour elle. Comme Michonne qui a repris le statut de femme de Rick. En gros, l'Andrea des comics a été transposée un peu dans tous les personnages féminins de la série.
Perso moi jais arrêté de regardé the walking dead à la saison 3 même si jais essayé de continuer jusqu'à la saison 6 j'y arrive pas sans Andrea ses plut pareil jsp se que jais avec se perso mais je la kiff trop que se soit dans les comics ou la série moi je la kiff bcp bcp bcp elle pas mal sublime et une tireuse hors paire heureusement qu'ils vont fair un troisième spin-off de the walking dead j'espère que je vais aimé sa
Je tenais à revenir sur le fait que Andrea manque terriblement à la série, elle manque à beaucoup de chose. Par exemple j'aurais bcp aimais la voir au côté de Rick et les autres à la prison dans la saison 4 avec l'épidémie et tout, après la fuite de la prison je l'aurez bien mise avec un des groupe le Best serais avec Rick et Carl, à la place de Michonne quoi. Après avec l'église de Gabriel, le terminus, Alexandria, les sauveurs... Oh oui avec les sauveurs elle aurais tellement pu éviter à des gens de mourir. Elle aurais apris de ses erreurs avec le Gouverneur et aurais fait de son mieux pour protéger les sien et être fidèle à eux. Elle aurais étais cool aussi à voir contre les chuchoteur, ou carêment dirigeais la communauté de Oceancide je la verrais bien. Mais le mieux serais de la mettre avec Rick qu'elle soit la belle mère de Carl comme dans les comics... Ils ont vrm gâché mes attentes à moi... Je suis hyper hyper déçus de sa mort et sa se voit. Parceque même la mort de Glenn pour moi ne ma rien fait. Ses plutôt Andrea qui la touché, elle a essayé de protéger les deux groupes, et faut savoir que Woodbury à la base n'es pas une ville avec de mauvaises intentions. Ses juste le Gouverneur et ses hommes qui sont horrible avec tlm la bas. Elle n'a fait que protéger les civils qui ne savais pas se battre et d'autres bien sûr comme le Gouverneur comme elle le dit elle même. Faut la comprendre aussi les gars. Breff juste pour dire qu'elle le manque et dsl pour les fautes
I liked Andrea but let’s all be honest here, the woman made one dumbass decision after another. It honestly amazed me that she lasted as long as she did…….
she was crazy selfish, it really showed when she turned her back on Michonne! she wasn't this strong figure on the show, comic book, yes! on the show she thought her value to the group was more than what it was that's why she was hated! she had a chance to kill the governor but chose his affection (false) over everybody and look what it got her in the end! and by the time she did wake up it was to late. I was glad when she a Lori kicked the bucket they both were annoying and self righteous. she even tried to link up with Shane and side with him by using sex.
“ the pain doesn’t go away, you just make room for it”
One of the most powerful quotes ever in the walking dead
“I know how the safety works” will always be an iconic quote from Andrea
thanks for the comment
Andrea vs Alpha would be epic
Let’s be honest in alpha can take Daryl on then I think she may be able to beat Andrea
thanks for the comment
So sad they killed her right when her main progression was starting :( wish the creators would’ve just let her be the one to kill the governor.
beastmimicry94 so true
Andrea could have been a good character
beastmimicry94 yup
God I miss Andrea so much and I hate the governor for killing her
I really wish she was around to see season 9.
Ben Rai I feel like she wouldn’t of made it to season 9 negan would of took her to be one of his wives and then killed in some way like Sasha
Govenor best men
@@hypojonk she actually was supposed to stay up until s9 but the show runner of s3 killed her off for shock factor and got fired for it
I’m not trying to be mean but it’s Andreas fault she went with the governor
It's sad because they Laurie Holden did the best she could with what she was given, but the writers really did Andrea a disservice. You can tell they had issues with writing female characters especially. Look at how it is now compared to early on. Lori and Andrea were vilified by the writers. It's a shame since Lori at least had a poignant death (probably one of the few deaths that was both logical and meaningful). Not Andrea, such an illogical ending. She could have at least had a decent exit and final story arc. If she was introduced a bit later it could have been so different. Would have been really cool to see her more with Michonne as I still have a hard time believing she would turn her back on Michonne. In my headcanon, she just left Woodbury haha
I love your headcanon lol
It’s funny you say that bc she was never supposed to be killed off the show
@@shanepatterson6358 ;_; such an injustice
Andrea was one the definition of humanity along Dale, she was ruthless, her transformation of a suicide person to a independent woman. Andrea was the first woman to kill a walker with the screwdriver, was one of the first that doesn't wait to men for saving her, she wants to be independent and thanks of that she was able to defend herself when she was running all night long through the woods.
Thankyou for the comment and i am so happy.
@@andreabarry6076 yeahhh too
I actually didn’t dislike Andrea, I mean sure she had some bad writing at times but she did really try and her and Shane was a good relationship
The writers did her dirty in season 3
I love Andrea and miss her😢
Well, I Don't Like Her Really.
Ofir Karlik- Edit same!!
Ofir Salvatore ♥️
Ofir Salvatore:I miss her to and wanna be friends
It breaks my heart knowing Andrea was so close
She had a beautiful character arc in my opinion,
- She was lost and scared when the outbreak began,
- She held her sister close then lost her just as quick as she got back to her,
- She didn’t want to live anymore and struggled to keep on going,
- She started doing gun training to help protect herself and her friends,
- she stood up to lori when they had that argument in hershels house,
- she saved carols life when the barn was overrun with walkers,
- She survived with Michonne for an entire winter, just the two of them.
- She found woodbury and fought like hell for what she THOUGHT was right,
- she helped defend the place,
- she was able to realize that the govennor was a terrible person and you have to give her credit SHE WAS GOING TO KILL THE GOVENNOR in episode 14 but milton stopped her,
- She finally got to say goodbye to her friends, surrounded by the people that had kept her safe in the beginning and realized her mistake, she ended herself peacefully, accepting that it was over, and she was happy to see amy again.
Its sad because the story line at the comics is so good and on point and why they let her shine but no reason to let her die😬 r.i.p Andrea
Nathan Drake shock value 😞
she and shane are alive and hero in the history books
The writers butchered her character
I really don't understand why she was hated by so many people. But my guess is, she was a strong and intelligent woman who wasn't afraid to tell what she was thinking. And with the whole governor chapter, people called her a traitor but she was just trying to avoid a war... She made some mistakes but come on, everybody on this show have made mistakes.
Well said
People don't dislike her because she is a strong woman. People dislike her because she almost killed Daryl, slept with Shane, trusted the Governor, slept with the Governor, considered killing the Governor then deciding NOT to kill the Governor.
@@juicesauce5672 Her almost killing daryl was an accident and it was sexist writing, they just did that becase she was the only woman trying to learn how to survive. And how is sleeping with Shane a good reason to hate her?
@@killyourdarlings1305 it was a weird storyline that went nowhere. And it has nothing to do with sexist writing. If so why are there characters like Michonne, Maggie, CAROL, Rosita, who people love?
@@juicesauce5672 Because the writing for female characters improved when Michonne was introduced. I mean, look at how Carol and Lori were written in the first 2 seasons. Carol's entire abuse and grief storyline was told through Rick and Daryl's POV and it served to help them as characters instead of her. She only became a main character once she learned how to defend herself. And Lori literally thought the women should do all the chores while the men protected them, not to mention she almost got raped by Shane and it was barely adressed. That's sexist writing, it's obvious they struggled to write good female characters and Andrea suffered from it too. They made her look stupid because she wanted to learn how to survive, her shooting Daryl was the writers basically saying "haha look women using guns"
For me it kinda of make sense andrea died.. she was a character that had a very evolved thought in relation to the other characters, thought that was just seen at the end of season 8, where carl makes rick reflect a lot, and he decide to not kill negan.. She always wanted peace beetwen the two sides, and rick's speech at the end of season 8 was very similar to what she said and always defended "lets save the bullets to the real threat" (the walkers of course), if she had lived they would have avoided many conflicts.. they would have much more peace and advancement.. but the walking dead still had a lot of stories to tell.. wish they just remember her more
a andrea morreu peli escritor,e ele foi demitido por matar ela,era pra ela ter vivido até a 8 temp
Always will be my favorite
Jason C she will always be my favourite girl character she was just getting interesting when she died too
Thankyou Jason Curry for the comment and your my friend.
I'm in the final season of The walking dead this year.
cried so hard when she died.... i miss her. i miss the early seasons
Laurie Holden deserved better!
Even Chandler Riggs.
Its very sad... so much beautiful story is lost!
I prefer the Original-Comic.
Yeah, they are both big characters in the comics, and the tv show ruin it...
Laurie Holden is such an amazing actress, one of her best acting was when Amy died, every time that I saw that scene... man i just fell it
Sebastian Eilers same I do too
Yes I miss all 4 of them. Wish they all lived longer.
I hated Lori
Best Actress and the role model great person
I was always looking forward to watching the incredible Andrea character
Thankyou Joe for the nice comment.
She grew up so much with the series the character was much bad ass in the end
I love this video! Thank you for making it!
Andra had potential
I miss her
andrea can be more badass than maggie when she alive.
Thank You Soooo Much 🙂 She's My 2ND
Favorite Character :) Still Subscribed!!!.
thankyou and i so happy for your comment
@@andreabarry6076 NP :)
I do like Andrea even tho she was hella annoying she was still a great character! Rest in peace angel..
What could have been. Such a great character. Fought till the end .
Carol and Daryl should have ended up in woodbury with Merle. Andrea and Michonne would have found the prison by the end of season 3.
I didn't like her during her seasons but looking back i loved she didnt kiss ass and follow blindly and accepted the new world, she was mentally where rick went seasons later
She is my favorite
The Walking Dead
Goodbye - Andrea
Season 1 - 3
It made me very sad, she knows Andrea is no longer ...
it's me in the walking dead oliva so that's my story and not yours
I miss her so much I always wish that she appears again that she is not dead in the next episodes 😢😢😢
I know how the safety works
Who's waiting for her TWD Spin off?
she’s coming back?
@@jason20599 i dont think so but we can hope
Andrea and merle death makes TWD different
I do wish that Andrea didn’t die and I think it would’ve been great to see her again if she had left Season 1. She would’ve appeared in Season 3 fighting Walkers alongside Michonne. Everything would happen with the Governor except this. She wouldn’t have been caught and would’ve made it to the Prison.from there she would make amends and would be a leading figure in the group.
Season 4 I would have her be with Tyrease and getting Sniping lessons from Sasha. After the murders of Tyrease’s friend and Carl’s friend, she would want to seek justice for them too. She wouldn’t get sick but would help Herseal. After the Govenor’s raid, she would travel with Beth and Daryl. They would run into Rick’s group and the rest would happen as usual.
Season 5, she would be in the Terminus line up with Rick and co. She would be shocked by Carol like everyone and would be thrilled to see Tyrease again. She would defend Gabriel from everyone. She wouldn’t join the massacre on the Saviors though. She would stay with Carl and watch over Bob. After that, Tyrease would ask her to watch over Sasha to which she agrees. When Beth does, she would comfort Maggie. When Tyrease dies, she would mourn Tyrease but look out for Sasha like she promised. She would be a friend to Aaron and try and get everyone on the ideals of Alexandria. She along with Daryl would join Aaron on his runs for more people.
Season 6, I would’ve had her be with Glenn and divert away half of the herd. She and him would get pinned down in a Carbage Bin and would return later on after being found be Enid. After fighting off the Herd with the others, her and Daryl would get close and their relationship would be explored. Really is the season of love. She would join in the fight against the Saviors. She wouldn’t be in the line up from Negan though as she stayed behind to protect Alexandria.
Season 7, she would’ve heard about what happened to Glenn, Abe and Daryl(he’s still taken) After 7x04, she would go to Hilltop and check on Maggie and Sasha. Then she would’ve traveled to the Kingdom with Jesus and Sasha after he believes it’s time for them to see his bigger plan. They would talk to the King and Morgan. Andrea would’ve stayed there with Carol just to watch over her. A few episodes later, Jesus brings Rick and the rest of the group to the kingdom. Andrea would’ve seen Daryl and run towards him. Andrea would’ve travelled back to Hilltop to stay with Daryl. A few episodes later, Andrea would join Rosita and Sasha on their mission. She would cry about Sasha but Rosita pulls her away. She and Rosita would return back to Alexandria. She doesn’t trust the Garbage people but she goes along with Rick’s plan. She would be on the Guard Tower instead of Michonne. Once Negan arrives, she would give her gun to the Garbage girl and look on. When Sasha pops out of the casket she cries but fights the garbage lady. She would take the same beating Michonne did but not as bad. Maggie, Jesus and Andrea would find Sasha and Maggie would put her down.
Season 8 she would be the new Sniper of the War. She would be a help in the fight against the Saviors. She would go with Carl when he helps Siddiq. When the walkers attack them, she would help fight. However, a walker falls on her but she shoots it. This also means Carl doesn’t die!!! Her and Carl would lead Siddiq back to Alexandria and hide him in the sewer drain. There she would help Carl lead the Alexandrians to safety. When Rick and Michonne return, she would be in the same place as Carl. There, she would show them the bite on her shoulder. She basically would take Carl’s death. Instead of Rick and Michonne staying, it would be Daryl and Michonne. They would grieve over her and everything that happened to Carl would happen to her. They would go to the Church. She would kiss Daryl a goodbye and would die like her death in Season 3. Michonne would stay with her but Daryl stands outside the Church door. She would be buried next to Sasha. Andrea’s story.
Isaiah M. Owens this is so true her death was to early she needed to have the proper death and live to be the long hero she meant to be
Isaiah Owens I agree with your whole story but not when she dies I think she should have survived
This is perfect, her death in season 3 was so pointless. She had so much potential and if the writers used your story to build her character up, the walking dead would be such a better series
Sadie Moulds why thank you! I just think they split up her character traits between Michonne and Sasha which is fine but both ladies are now gone so it was a waist😭 Plus, she easily could’ve done what Carl did.
@@BryceDD actually she dies in seasson 8 but they killed her most soon than was
Me waiting for “WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT” that is how it’s done
I feel people have to understand that this was still early into the apocolypse so Andrea obviously wasn't going to fully adjust to the savage life. She was supposed to make it to at least season 7. I get it andrea did choose the governor over her friends, but at the same time wouldnt you? Like she hasnt seeen civilization in at least a year. Like I said she wasnt fully devoloped to the apocolypse so she obviously was going to still trust people. And she tried so,so,so hard to get back i just feel like people really misunderstand her character and how good she was.
she knew how evil the world was. keep in mind, she was a civil rights lawyer before the apocalypse, so she kept her humanity until the end. you can also notice it when she was the only one who sided with Dale into not killing Randall
@@jason20599 thankyou for the comment
The first time I watched TWD (and before reading comics) I thought Rick and Andrea were going to have a relationship 0:19
Agreed 🤗
What a season I miss Andrea 😢
Here cuz she's about to be in season 3 of the boys 🔥🔥
This was rellly good!
People who say Andrea is the worst character clearly stopped watching after S3. Andrea > Gregory, Jadis, Pamela, Dante, Nicholas, Jared, Ron, Pete, shiiiiii- even Magna, Lori, Officer Dawn, Sebastian, and young Henry
@@flaufher06_ you enjoyed her attitude?
Well, she did had the chance to comeback...she chose to do when it was too late.
They had an irl Governor writing Andrea into a corner 😂
Je kiff Andrea ses ma préféré de toute la série jais kiffer son personnage sur tout les angles la ferme d'Herchel le camp d'Atlanta et Wodbury ses juste très très très dommage qu'elle soit tombé dans le panneau du Gouverneur elle ne mériter pas de mourir comme sa la pauvre... Elle aurais pu être très important et intéressante pour la suite comme la guerre contre Negan la saison 9 et 10 qui arrivent et enfin se que jaurez voulut voir ses l'amour entre Andrea et Rick car oui normalement Andrea avais un contrat de 8 ans donc pour 8 saisons ses vraiment dommage car cetais une très bonne survivante qui aurais fait beaucoup pour le groupe...
C'est très dommage aussi qu'ils aient décidé de la tuer à la dernière minute. Ce n'était même pas prévu dans le script initial de la saison 3, c'est ça le pire. Tout ça pour avoir une mort type "shock value". De plus, le personnage a été traité d'une façon a ce que beaucoup de fans l'ont détesté, tout le contraire des comics.
Enfin quelqun qui pense comme moi, le pire ses qu'il ons décidé de la tué pour lessais place à Sasha comme tireuse d'élite au sniper ses n'importe quoi, Andréa elle on la conais bcp plus que Sasha alors je trouve pas sa normal qu'il tue Andrea pour Sahsa
Je pense que Sasha a été créée sans conviction au début. J'ai vue que l'actrice avait à l'origine été au casting pour le rôle de Michonne. Ils lui ont donc créé un personnage. Je pense qu'ils n'ont pas trop su quoi faire d'elle et ont relégué le côté sniper d'élite d'Andrea pour elle. Comme Michonne qui a repris le statut de femme de Rick. En gros, l'Andrea des comics a été transposée un peu dans tous les personnages féminins de la série.
Perso moi jais arrêté de regardé the walking dead à la saison 3 même si jais essayé de continuer jusqu'à la saison 6 j'y arrive pas sans Andrea ses plut pareil jsp se que jais avec se perso mais je la kiff trop que se soit dans les comics ou la série moi je la kiff bcp bcp bcp elle pas mal sublime et une tireuse hors paire heureusement qu'ils vont fair un troisième spin-off de the walking dead j'espère que je vais aimé sa
I hate how the TV show changed her. She was my favorite character in the books.
Her character was getting good when she died.
Andrea was like the Sarah Connor of The Walking Dead. She ould fit in perfectly in a Terminator movie, with a $10 M paycheck, haha. Really.
thankyou Joe for the nice comment of me as the sarah connor of the walking dead
Je tenais à revenir sur le fait que Andrea manque terriblement à la série, elle manque à beaucoup de chose. Par exemple j'aurais bcp aimais la voir au côté de Rick et les autres à la prison dans la saison 4 avec l'épidémie et tout, après la fuite de la prison je l'aurez bien mise avec un des groupe le Best serais avec Rick et Carl, à la place de Michonne quoi. Après avec l'église de Gabriel, le terminus, Alexandria, les sauveurs... Oh oui avec les sauveurs elle aurais tellement pu éviter à des gens de mourir. Elle aurais apris de ses erreurs avec le Gouverneur et aurais fait de son mieux pour protéger les sien et être fidèle à eux. Elle aurais étais cool aussi à voir contre les chuchoteur, ou carêment dirigeais la communauté de Oceancide je la verrais bien. Mais le mieux serais de la mettre avec Rick qu'elle soit la belle mère de Carl comme dans les comics... Ils ont vrm gâché mes attentes à moi... Je suis hyper hyper déçus de sa mort et sa se voit. Parceque même la mort de Glenn pour moi ne ma rien fait. Ses plutôt Andrea qui la touché, elle a essayé de protéger les deux groupes, et faut savoir que Woodbury à la base n'es pas une ville avec de mauvaises intentions. Ses juste le Gouverneur et ses hommes qui sont horrible avec tlm la bas. Elle n'a fait que protéger les civils qui ne savais pas se battre et d'autres bien sûr comme le Gouverneur comme elle le dit elle même. Faut la comprendre aussi les gars. Breff juste pour dire qu'elle le manque et dsl pour les fautes
J'aurai aimer que elle sois comme dans les comics mais malheureusement ses pas le cas
After 10X3 Andrea is actually the hero of twd😂
Nice Vid
I liked Andrea but let’s all be honest here, the woman made one dumbass decision after another. It honestly amazed me that she lasted as long as she did…….
Governor bad!?
Chimps don’t cryyy
she was crazy selfish, it really showed when she turned her back on Michonne! she wasn't this strong figure on the show, comic book, yes! on the show she thought her value to the group was more than what it was that's why she was hated! she had a chance to kill the governor but chose his affection (false) over everybody and look what it got her in the end! and by the time she did wake up it was to late. I was glad when she a Lori kicked the bucket they both were annoying and self righteous. she even tried to link up with Shane and side with him by using sex.
Andrea was the literal worst character lmao. She was so annoying and I was so glad when they killed her off
I know how the safety works