You can find out which factory it was shipped from via your unique VIN number. All Berlin made Model Ys start with XP7 whereas Shanghai is LRW. It’s just the Model Ys that come from Berlin but there are still some new Shanghai ones around. So UK’s supply of new Model Ys seems to be mixed at present. Model 3 is from Shanghai only. There are some differences between each factory such as the seats. You can find some of these differences in my first impressions video I did the other week 👍
Looks like you got your hands on a few of the best accessories on the market ! Glad to see you enjoy them 🥰
Just the video I was hoping for. My Tesla arrives August 10th.
Perfect timing. What Tesla did you opt for in the end?
How do you know it’s from Berlin? I thought all UK Tesla’s were from Shanghai. What is the difference does the location of manufacturing make?
You can find out which factory it was shipped from via your unique VIN number. All Berlin made Model Ys start with XP7 whereas Shanghai is LRW. It’s just the Model Ys that come from Berlin but there are still some new Shanghai ones around. So UK’s supply of new Model Ys seems to be mixed at present. Model 3 is from Shanghai only. There are some differences between each factory such as the seats. You can find some of these differences in my first impressions video I did the other week 👍