Photo: brog.tomorrow01... ホンダ CB1100RS : グラファイトブラック Honda CB1100RS : Black brog.tomorrow01... クルマとバイクの画像ブログ「クルマとバイクのあれこれ」 Car & Moto in Japan : Car & Moto Photo Gallery from Tokyo,Yokohama
I think you are projecting your disappointment fueled by Honda of North America decision to not import it to the USA towards the wrong subject/person. Write Honda a heartfelt e mail or [letter?] letting them know how you feel about such a douchebag move.
nice bike but those triangle side covers are as old as ancient history why not redesign it and then offer a shaft drive model with fat tires not low profile.
This is the most beautiful Bike ever
Cracking bike I've mine ordered
The best, i have this bike :-)
CHOICES, CHOICES....1300 liquid cooled or 1100 air cooled ? Both look delicious.
Harganya berapa motor iini
And we cannot buy it in the US, so thumbs down
I think you are projecting your disappointment fueled by Honda of North America decision to not import it to the USA towards the wrong subject/person. Write Honda a heartfelt e mail or [letter?] letting them know how you feel about such a douchebag move.
nice bike but those triangle side covers are as old as ancient history why not redesign it and then offer a shaft drive model with fat tires not low profile.
Çok şık
Quick someone bye my Harley.