Taraf De Haidouks - Tot Taraful

  • Опубліковано 1 гру 2024


  • @sclipone
    @sclipone 2 роки тому +19

    Am vazut acest videoclip de zeci de ori si tot il vizionez ! Extraordinar ! Maiestrie,tehnica,claritate,disciplina ...nu sunt cuvinte pentru a definii !
    Dumnezeu sa-i odihneasca pe cei trecuti la cele Sfinte ! Suntem cu mult ,mult mai saraci !

  • @Tanyushinki
    @Tanyushinki 16 років тому +53

    what is it about these guys?! ITs not just the music, ITS THEM!! THeyre faces, their character, their dignity ,the unity,the equality,the kaos,the desperation,the love....the secret to life!!!!

  • @liriacarmen
    @liriacarmen 13 років тому +28

    Blessed Romanian music, masterly performed by our long time brothers- The Gypsies, who can play virtuously those instruments without a certain musical trainin!!!Music is the only voice that can get people together, unite their spirits. Thank you!!!

    • @jomoer
      @jomoer 3 роки тому +5

      sorry sweet-heart, they don't attend the conservatory but are trained from age 5... for such results it's just fine

    • @paulbraunstein2290
      @paulbraunstein2290 2 роки тому +2

      @@jomoer I think they said that they play the instruments without music training. I live in America, was adopted from Russia, am Romani, and I can attest to the musical ear we have. I played along with this music for a few years in high school. I miss it and wish more people understood it

  • @AywillbeFayed
    @AywillbeFayed 12 років тому +4

    God bless the Gypsies, the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims and most of all the musicians. Thanks for sharing.

  • @marcumarcu9729
    @marcumarcu9729 4 роки тому +43

    Asta-i taraf ?... Iată o superorchestra disciplinata după toate rigorile muzicii populare și lăutărești !..... Adevărați maeștrii profesioniști !.... Felicitări și mult respect !......

    • @adrianciobanu5856
      @adrianciobanu5856 Рік тому

      Advahov Lăutarii Fluieraș Joc Plai Moldovenesc Doina Moldovei Busuioc Moldovenesc acestea îs super divine orchestre haiducii îs taraf ce nu a fost și nu va fi niciodată la egal cu vreo orchestră Moldovenească din Republica Moldova

  • @aurasubtirica2495
    @aurasubtirica2495 Рік тому +1

    Bravoooooooo !! Magnific !! Nu pot să nu pun acest video de mai multe ori !! Sănătate celor care mai sunteți în viata și odihna veșnică celor care nu mai sunt !!!
    Minunat !! Felicitări!!

  • @paulziolo9241
    @paulziolo9241 3 роки тому +13

    Jesteście fantastyczni! Pozdrowienia z Polski!

  • @djrgigi1
    @djrgigi1 13 років тому +5

    Folclor autentic Romanesc,nu ce canta clejanii acum,simt un fior in tot corpul cand ii ascult pe acesti oameni,BRAVOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @georgiantoma1216
    @georgiantoma1216 3 роки тому +3

    asta e ceva extraordinar ce nu mai exista multumim tarafului din suflet pentru asa ceva e unicat in lume pacat ca noi romani nu ascultam si straini apreciaza mai mult decat noi

  • @carolemuller533
    @carolemuller533 4 роки тому +19

    Fabulous! Sadly, since Nicolae Neacsu left us, even Caliu himself doesn't play like that anylonger....If only Nicolae Neacsu and his sound would stay with us for ever.... Thank you so much for this unique music...RIP Nicolae and respct to the band....

    • @stefanhantig6035
      @stefanhantig6035 3 роки тому +10

      Caliu still plays at weddings and festivals in Romania. I attended a wedding one year ago in a village in Teleorman, where he played his violin. Still the same energy. Not quite the same virtuosity... As all of us, he's getting old. But his son , Robert Caliu is catching on ...

  • @doinamarin628
    @doinamarin628 5 років тому +13

    A rupt tot ce se putea. "aoleoooo" TITANI. Să le dea Dumnezeu sănătate celor ce au mai rămas.

  • @fanicabuduru2285
    @fanicabuduru2285 8 років тому +54

    Dumnezeu sa-i ierte pe cei ce au trecut in lumea dreptilor! Culai, Cacurica, Pasalan, Iorga, Fluierici.

    • @andriano22
      @andriano22 8 років тому +2

      Fluierici??????? cind......este pe net ceva artikol?

    • @scarlatalexandru1126
      @scarlatalexandru1126 8 років тому +5


    • @andriano22
      @andriano22 8 років тому +2

      Multumesc foarte mult.

    • @Rares140
      @Rares140 6 років тому +2

      Pasalan cand a murit? Pe google nu exista NICIUN articol despre el, mi se pare incredibil

    • @iuliantodosia1461
      @iuliantodosia1461 5 років тому +2

      Pasalan nu e mort

  • @constantineconstantine6718
    @constantineconstantine6718 2 роки тому +9

    La multi ani celor care mai sunteti si un gind celor care au plecat.Impreuna ati bucurat toti romanii.Muzica voastra va dainui peste secole.

    • @iulianpodoleanu8894
      @iulianpodoleanu8894 Рік тому +1

      Nu numai pe Români i-au bucurat. Au bucurat toti balcanii si multe urechi din occident.

  • @IndriesAnavia
    @IndriesAnavia 11 років тому +7

    Doamne Dumnezeule!!!!! Nu exista nimic altceva decat muzica lor!

  • @DorianDumitrascu
    @DorianDumitrascu 14 років тому +1

    incredibil, fantastic,nemaipomenit, ............................. totul la superlativ, bravo, sunteti cei mai buni, manelistii ar trebuii sa nu mai ridice capul din pamant, cu tot rahatul si mixajele lor, asta e muzica adevarata

  • @VaEmpire
    @VaEmpire 14 років тому +3

    e prima data cand ii ascult si canta foarte frumos...bravo lor!instrumentele fac parte din ei..cu asa ceva au crescut de mici si acum au cea mai mare plaere sa le foloseasca.. .felicitari lor!

  • @XeresPaolo
    @XeresPaolo 12 років тому +10

    This is one of my favorite song. GO GO GO!!
    Taraf de Haidouks, you're really wild!!

  • @sirop1960
    @sirop1960 16 років тому +12

    I've been watching this video at least five times, incredible rhythms, masterful ensemble playing. Thank you for this wonderful music !

  • @zedeli
    @zedeli 15 років тому +5

    ai dreptate! mi se face pielea gaina cand ii ascult.asat e live adevarat!!bravo baieti!!

  • @aurora_w4
    @aurora_w4 4 роки тому +16

    Incredible! Absolutely amazing!🎶☄️💥💥✨✨talented and truly masters! Bravoooo💕

  • @nicumunteanu3296
    @nicumunteanu3296 3 роки тому +8

    Băi oameni buni ! Taraful din Clejani , după cum cântă în acest clip și nu numai , poate concura cu orice orchestră și luând în calcul că nu au conservatorul , ocupă locul 1 fără mârâieli .

  • @furriaverrde
    @furriaverrde 14 років тому +3

    Bine ca stiu strainii sa ne aprecieze valorile! Pentru ca acesti oameni simpli,nascuti intr-o saracie crunta,asta sunt,valori! Romanii nu puteau sa-i filmeze,au facut-o nemtii. Neam de ...ce suntem.

  • @seankoreski5826
    @seankoreski5826 5 років тому +12

    Simply the Best. That's what it's like when you're born with an instrument in your hand, and music in your blood.

  • @andrabarcan8573
    @andrabarcan8573 5 років тому +13

    Extrem de talentați! Asta este adevarats pasiune! All my love comunitatilor rome de pretutindeni! ❤❤

  • @VelikiDespot
    @VelikiDespot 12 років тому +39

    Beautiful! Greetings from your neighbours and friends Serbs!

  • @inorder2
    @inorder2 15 років тому +8

    Fenomenalno! Greetings from Bulgaria!

  • @astraguitarra152
    @astraguitarra152 10 років тому +48

    These amazing musicians are outstanding! To them, playing music is like drinking water. They are sooo much better than a professional orchestra who have probably studied music for years!!

    • @andriano22
      @andriano22 8 років тому +9

      They told self they are not studied , learn only by listen......own words:
      " it is much easyer to bring the music sound from heart and easyer to compose"....the bass player have only 3 cord and Culai play sometimes with horse hair cord on violin

    • @adrianciobanu5856
      @adrianciobanu5856 5 років тому

      Not better than Lăutarii Flueraș Advahov Moldovlaska Buchet Moldovenesc Virtuozii Moldovei

    • @ASpectrethatishauntingEurope
      @ASpectrethatishauntingEurope 4 роки тому +5

      They grew up in families that have practiced singing this music for centuries. They have heard it ever since they were born, they have played it their entire life. To them, music is like speaking. Unlike pro orchestra, these people have probably been playing and living together/in the same community for their entire lives. Their skill is something only a lifetime of play and a lot of talent can achieve.

    • @phoenixalbastru3706
      @phoenixalbastru3706 3 роки тому

      @@adrianciobanu5856 you have no good taste in terms of Romanian folk music! The band you name are small children compared to Taraful Haiducilor!

    • @liviatarcea
      @liviatarcea 3 роки тому +1

      They learnt the instruments on their own. None of them had a musical school education, they had music as a traditional job in their families. It was a way of earning a living. You can watch this documentary: ua-cam.com/video/joDtKv62V9c/v-deo.html

  • @stelutabatrinu170
    @stelutabatrinu170 12 років тому +4

    Atat eu cat si familia mea ascultam cu mare drag muzica dumneavoastra. Ne merge direct la suflet.

  • @albertoconstantinstancu7630
    @albertoconstantinstancu7630 Рік тому +1

    M-au lasat fara cuvinte MAESTRII

  • @marinsarbu
    @marinsarbu 16 років тому +1

    ceea ce ma revolta e ca sunt atat de cunoscuti in strainatate si in romania sunt preferati altii sa apara pe la televiziuni

  • @SethusMxTree
    @SethusMxTree 14 років тому +8

    This is one of the best things in the world. Ever. This band is AMAZING!

  • @alinutza24
    @alinutza24 16 років тому +4

    thank you Taraf ,this is romanian traditional music ,but they make it so good,i love them,i want music like this at my wedding!

  • @cadaques1978
    @cadaques1978 13 років тому +9

    this is epic! the final come up and ever blasting energy... great men from rumanien ensamble des lautari, beautiful, beautiful!!!

  • @Soleildumon
    @Soleildumon 5 років тому +19

    Asta e arta ❤️❤️❤️adevarata muzica inspirata din suflet

  • @MartinfdeZ81
    @MartinfdeZ81 4 роки тому +5

    Respect from Spain!!

  • @iianneill6013
    @iianneill6013 3 роки тому +3

    It just doesn't get any better than this.

  • @ionicacapra131
    @ionicacapra131 4 роки тому +4

    Superb pt cei buni bravo ma simt mandru cu ei si suntem romani ii iubesc si inca ii iubesc mult ionica

  • @vizitiudan7114
    @vizitiudan7114 2 роки тому

    Cred ca trebuie scoasa in evidenta simbioza sufleteasca , cu totul speciala , dintre lautarii tigani si poporul roman , caruia ii canta de sute de ani ! Si simbioza artistica , bineinteles !

  • @iianneill6013
    @iianneill6013 Рік тому +1

    Here in their prime they were the greatest band of folk musicians on the planet.

  • @acropolis2000silviu
    @acropolis2000silviu 15 років тому +5

    acordeon weltmeister , vioara din paltin ...
    bestial !!!
    organizati spectacole mai dese in bucuresti !!!
    traiasca inima muzicii autentice romane ! traiasca , CLEJANI !

  • @Mary2007R
    @Mary2007R 13 років тому +1


  • @TheMainSilverSultan
    @TheMainSilverSultan 4 роки тому +22

    You can't find better music. You just can't. I am sad but this is the truth. This is the best in the universe. Maybe aliens got something better, but until they come, this is my jam.

  • @circulati
    @circulati 16 років тому +1

    da, domnule, muzica romaneasca! imi aduce aminte de bunicii mei si de vacantele la tara cand rasuna tot satul duminica de muzica d-asta... acuma rasuna de manele :(((( *&%^$#!

  • @lenutacornea5949
    @lenutacornea5949 2 роки тому +3

    Felicitări,!Te lasa fara cuvinte o sper orchestră.

  • @mikeoak2413
    @mikeoak2413 2 роки тому +2

    I wish this group could play at my funeral to finish off the funeral and get the party started.

  • @benelliM1S90
    @benelliM1S90 12 років тому +13

    Love and respect from Iceland

    • @sanduflorea9477
      @sanduflorea9477 6 років тому +3

      ooooooooh....man you'r at the end of the world.....love Iceland !

  • @nutivasilescu3928
    @nutivasilescu3928 6 місяців тому +1

    WaW WaW Din ❤❤❤ Vă Mulțumesc pentru Simpla voastră existență Dacă de Milioane de ori Vă Voi asculta de atâtea ori Vă Voi
    Mulțumi și tot din ❤Căci Meritați
    ❤ Dedicație Specială 👑 ❤Mele
    ❤ O Zi Plăcută
    Miercuri 👉 29-Mai-"24😊😭😭😮

  • @ioands
    @ioands 15 років тому +4

    Yes, they still are playing. They only play live. And yes, the experience is great.

  • @e-ternell
    @e-ternell 5 років тому +11

    I think we can largely thank the #TarafDeHaidouks to give back its true meaning to the word "performance"

  • @popcornmuse1
    @popcornmuse1 15 років тому +7

    Merci. . .musiciens de génie et admirable musique.
    A + Claude.

  • @paulbraunstein2290
    @paulbraunstein2290 2 роки тому +1

    5:19 I heard tot taraful at the age of 13 and I still cannot comprehend this. I feel like this music can strengthen brain cells (neurons)

  • @fishermanoss
    @fishermanoss 15 років тому +13

    that guy with the flute is amazing!

  • @fiorellagiordano2132
    @fiorellagiordano2132 3 роки тому +2

    Fenomene,,succes, felicitari din suflet romanii frumosii si destepti,,sant mandra ca sant din ghimpati, va iubim romanii fr,,,taraf caliu, 100anni sa ne traiesti chivasso Torino inima roman

  • @tupina22
    @tupina22 14 років тому +11

    this is great music, full of emotion and heart! viva romania!

  • @tehotatu
    @tehotatu 13 років тому +9

    bunch of real cool cats!
    greetings from sweden

  • @NKolarovski
    @NKolarovski 8 років тому +16

    Jesus fucking Christ, I love this. It seems that this music has been buried deep within me since birth, because I've been listening to classical music, rock, metal and jazz my whole life -styles that, some would say, don't "go well" with this type of music but It really takes me to a whole new dimension whenever I listen to it. It reminds me of my favorite place-a village I'm emotionally bound to, I imagine myself terribly drunk dancing around with my eyes closed, it's dark, there's a campfire somewhere in a field and I'm feeling freedom.

    • @grimreaper203
      @grimreaper203 6 років тому

      y'know, technically speaking this is a genre of jazz

    • @iianneill6013
      @iianneill6013 3 роки тому

      Speaking of classical ... this is how I imagine Franz Liszt might have sounded ... at least, this is surely the effect he had on his audiences at the time ... a divine frenzy.

  • @sorinz87
    @sorinz87 16 років тому +4

    these are some of the greatest musicians in the world !!!!!!!!

  • @dg4bi
    @dg4bi 13 років тому +2

    bravo voua, sa me bucuram de adevaratele valori romanesti

  • @doinamarin628
    @doinamarin628 5 років тому +12

    Doamneeee..... Alții ca ei de unde sa mai luăm. Mai sunt câțiva dar s-au împrăștiat. Păcat.

  • @xaero2006
    @xaero2006 12 років тому +5

    intr-adevar, respect pentru oamenii astia. Sunt mandru ca am sange de roman in mine

  • @zordezi
    @zordezi 16 років тому +6

    Extraordinari! Cei mai buni artisti pe care i-am vazut pana acum => bat tot de la Elvis la Led Zep.

  • @GoldmanLaszlo
    @GoldmanLaszlo 14 років тому +7

    THIS IS MUSIC-ONLY-BY-HEART! A part of the real Romania!

  • @dumitrumaruntelu4468
    @dumitrumaruntelu4468 3 роки тому +3

    Fenomenal .Fantastic

  • @Iulii30
    @Iulii30 12 років тому +7

    If someoane want to know us just hear this music,
    This music captures our romanian authentic spirit.

  • @B.P.0
    @B.P.0 13 років тому +4

    Saw them twice on the weekend and I miss them already!!

  • @philippejenvrin2741
    @philippejenvrin2741 5 років тому +8

    Quand je pense que pratiquement aucun ne connais le solfège ! C'est vraiment magnifique !!

  • @wwmadi
    @wwmadi 13 років тому +9

    the accordionist is truly a 'Weltmeister'

  • @007JamesJamon
    @007JamesJamon 13 років тому +6

    @ftzandrey Esta música es impresionante. Muchos compositores como Mozart o Frank Listz o Brams se inspiraron en esta música para componer la marcha turca o la danza húngara nº2 o la danza hungara nº5 respectivamente...Pero escucharlo en su estado original es todo un privilegio...

  • @mitza19871
    @mitza19871 15 років тому +1

    super tari...geniali...eu am facu 11 ani de populara...cele mai frumoase dansuri....

  • @mi2006st
    @mi2006st 9 років тому +20

    comoara folclorului roman...putini o cunosc in lume .

    • @bulau1977
      @bulau1977 8 років тому +8

      cred ca lumea ii stie mai bine decit Romînii. 👍👍

    • @BebyT
      @BebyT 5 років тому

      Putin in romania, pe mapamond sunt foarte cunoscuti

  • @willy1986tralara
    @willy1986tralara 16 років тому +8

    ole el arte si señooor!!
    muy bien tocado!
    very well played!

  • @cassanova007ful
    @cassanova007ful 14 років тому

    ascultati ce vreau sa comentez........la barcelona am multi prieteni spanioli majoritatea din ei asculta aceasta muzica ............imi zice ca acesti oameni sunt geniali ,,,,,ca daca pot sa i aduc in romania sa vada un concert cu ei ....ce sa le zic ....nu stiu daca mai traiesc acesti muzicanti adevarati?¿?¿

  • @bogdanwarchief
    @bogdanwarchief 12 років тому +2

    CIt talent,mai frati romani! Se poate? Fara conservator, fara cinci ore pe zi lucrate la vioara/\? Cum se poate sa dea Dumnezeu asa mult talent,cum se face ca cinta asa de bine,perfect,perfect.. totul e armonie zici orchestra de milioane..

    • @florinpopescu4877
      @florinpopescu4877 7 років тому

      Bogdan Tiupco e vb de mai mult de 5 ore pe zi!!!! E f multă muncă pe lângă talent in spatele rezultatului.

  • @IndigosEyes
    @IndigosEyes 4 роки тому +4

    Insanely brilliant!

  • @mugurelparaschiv8662
    @mugurelparaschiv8662 11 років тому +16

    Romanian traditional music of southern Romania, Muntenia and Oltenia areas.

  • @bgverka
    @bgverka 15 років тому +5

    Great music regards from belgrade

  • @photon2580
    @photon2580 9 років тому +13

    this is called soul in music. love it!

  • @rauldragomir1280
    @rauldragomir1280 5 років тому +5

    Acest taraf canta prea frumos si ei au talentul in sânge

  • @florinflorin8402
    @florinflorin8402 4 роки тому +4

    Doamne cu câtă poftă cânta....adevărați lăutari....

  • @michelesaputo5448
    @michelesaputo5448 Місяць тому

    The amount of notes i just heard in a 7.15 mins tune is more than i usuali hear in a month 😂

  • @gp-gt4cv
    @gp-gt4cv 2 роки тому +2


  • @danyelko1
    @danyelko1 14 років тому +1

    eu nu mai am cuvinte impresionant ff frumos as vrea sa ai vad si la noi in tara

  • @CristiChristi
    @CristiChristi 9 років тому +15

    Lautari adevarati,RESPECT

  • @РоманПетренко-б3й
    @РоманПетренко-б3й 2 роки тому

    Super classico ⭐✌bravo fantastic Made in Romania ,Gypsy King💪💪💪 🥰🥰🥰🥰

  • @fredkoning
    @fredkoning 13 років тому +5

    They are the best! Very impressive.

  • @temudjin1155
    @temudjin1155 12 років тому +4

    Absolutely fantastic !

  • @al1nprada1983
    @al1nprada1983 16 років тому +1

    sanatate maxima si lautarilor si la baiatu de lea pus pe youtube

  • @panatsopa
    @panatsopa 15 років тому +2

    Taraf de Haiduks. Perfect! I have an LP and I´ve seen them in Spain, Gijón. Φοβεροί , αυθεντικοί. Τι να πεις... Μπράβο παίδες. Bαλκάνια! Και Roma μαζί. Βalkans

  • @AdrianC-DRI
    @AdrianC-DRI 14 років тому

    Gheorghe Anghel a fost un violonist extraordinar.....BRAVO

    • @doinamarin628
      @doinamarin628 5 років тому

      Si este.

    • @nicknolteanu
      @nicknolteanu 3 роки тому

      Gheorghe Anghel zis Caliu , traieste , il poti lua sa-ti cânte , contra cost , bine'nteles .

    • @nicknolteanu
      @nicknolteanu 3 роки тому

      Face toti banii!!!!

  • @danielapetre2583
    @danielapetre2583 5 років тому +1

    O mie de ani sa ne traiasca

  • @ishisushi
    @ishisushi 16 років тому

    muzica romaneasca populara e intr-o continua evolutie, nu e deloc invechita ci de la an la an de la regiune la regiune melodiile clasice care le stim, se schimba, se adauga felurite influente de la cele turcesti si tiganesti care deja sunt, la altele nou create.

  • @lajosludman1521
    @lajosludman1521 9 років тому +11

    Full of soul!

  • @VadimKarhu
    @VadimKarhu 8 років тому +9

    They are Gods of music.

  • @bolinda84
    @bolinda84 13 років тому +3

    Vozi Miško! Serbia loves you!

  • @janenco93
    @janenco93 Рік тому +2

    can't stop listening it. These people think different than just Europeans. This clearly manifests in their music. It is much more spontaneous, ecstatic and sensational than European traditional music, let alone classical music. European music seems more Apollonian, Gypsy music more Dionysian so to speak.

    • @catalinnicolae4443
      @catalinnicolae4443 Рік тому +6

      This is not Gypsy music, it is traditional folklore from Oltenia region sang by gypsie band (and we love them for that).

    • @janenco93
      @janenco93 Рік тому

      @@catalinnicolae4443 thanks for claring it up more, that's interesting. But I wonder, do the Romanians play it in a different fashion than the gypsies? Seems to me the gypsies play more ecstatic and often have a bit of aggression in their playing.

    • @petrut.1224
      @petrut.1224 5 місяців тому

      @@janenco93 Gypsies are mostly playing it by ear, Romanians mostly study it on Conservatoires, at least today. That wasn't the case 50 years ago, the academic approach is slowly gaining traction on everyone. Even so, sometimes both rely on ear, because this music was and is still usually "borrowed" from the people who actually preserved it through generations, so, no musical score or notation was used.

  • @valentino7616
    @valentino7616 12 років тому

    melodiile bune ramine intodeeaunea nemuritoare, nu toate rahaturile din ziua de astazi!!! skz..... nu am spus cu rautate, dar ce e bun ramane bun.

  • @MezaRevolucionario
    @MezaRevolucionario 15 років тому +3

    Genmial, son bárbaros estos músicos, son muy buenos!!!!

  • @marius22198
    @marius22198 15 років тому +1


  • @andremaggiori9360
    @andremaggiori9360 2 роки тому

    DIEU ne pourra pas faire mieux.... Vous etes des Dieu. ( FRANCE Avignon)

  • @nc3765
    @nc3765 2 роки тому

    Respect și atît👍