I'll never forget I had to use the bathroom during the movie, and when I got back I asked my wife what happened and she said "Oh Chewy was blown up in a space ship but we already know he's fine."
Palpatine was able to intercept the force connection between Rey and Kylo, but thanks to Nord VPN you don't have to worry about anyone stealing your force connection
"It doesn't matter that she blew up a ship full of prisoners because none of them were named characters" might be THE MOST Star Wars thing in this entire movie.
@@Niobesnuppathey were too busy busting out their LOL to catch the correct name
4 роки тому+10593
Rey should have said "just Rey" at the end. It's a callback to the beginning when she doesn't know how to answer to the little girl but this time she says it with confidence, showing her journey.
"I think the worst thing a franchise ending can do is make you feel kind of stupid and embarrassed for being so excited for it in the first place." Game of Thrones fans relate.
Audrey - Knowing the kind of pure joy Jenny derived from Star Wars, that statement is so damn sad. It reminds me of the tragedy of watching someone break a promise to a child and then mock the kid for having been excited by what they were promised. : (
Except the Sequels were bad from the start, but TFA left a chance for a Sequel to repair it's damage, TLJ threw that chance out the window. TROS is just spitting on a dead corpse.
Heck, *I* have an old (2007) blue Honda Civic, and that make and model really doesn't change its appearance much from year to year. I regularly see others just like it in parking lots almost everywhere I go.
I had a blue Honda Civic once. It was a distress purchase, from Gumtree, when my previous car extremely broke down mid-journey in Glasgow. "Bulletproof engine" crowed the listing, but the engine was a colander for distributing oil onto the road. Scrapped it a few months later…
@@witchflowers6942 I definitely fell asleep with autoplay on and somehow managed to leave this comment. Regardless, I stand by my demands. Just let me know.
Rey naming herself Skywalker definitely feels like they picked the title of the movie first and got all the way through the script before realizing that "Rise of Skywalker" had nothing to do with anything that had happened
Indeed. Studio Board meeting "Hey guys, a bunch of SW nerds on twitter are complaining that The Last Jedi made luke into a flawed wimp, and now any old joe can be a jedi now! What about the freakin' midichlorians?! We need to bring things back Old School style!" "I Got it. We need to put "Skywalker" in the title!" "Yep, that'll attract those fans that are in fact only a small visible demographic of the true SW fanbase that we actually shouldn't care so much about."
@@weneedaladder8384 Phantom Menace pretty clearly refers to the Sith running things behind the scenes but not properly revealing themselves until the end of the movie. A more accurate comparison would probably be The Force Awakens, a film wherein the Force does not, at any point, awaken. Because, uh, that's not how the Force works.
The last Skywalker, Ben Solo rises out of the pit to save Rey. Palpatine says himself that Ben is the last Skywalker btw. That's partly what the title refers to.
I thought that woman at the work end was going to turn out to be Aunt Beru. She’d be all like, ‘oh yeah, I actually survived. I just never told Luke, for some reason’
@@shakespeare4bears run, don't walk, to Darths & Droids, where (spoiler alert) Owen and Beru are canonically alive and amongst the Rebel commandos assaulting the Peace Moon's shield generator on the Endor moon.
The writers now, are like "It's supposed to be cheesy..like the OT." However, the OT is only cheesy because it has old fashioned values of heroism imho.
@@Generationrhino Well, if everyone would fucking decide whether they wanted it like the OT or to be its own thing, the writers could settle on something.
The whole thing about rey being sold into what is essentially slavery in order to "protect her" is all the more moronic when you realize that both luke and leia went through exactly the same experiences, as they needed to be hidden from vader and the emperor, but instead of being sold to a mercenary, they were given to a there aunt and uncle, and to a king of a planet respectively. Like come on did they just forget the plot of the previous movies.
@@Dampfaeus I mean, JJ seemed to do that with Into Darkness so there's precedent. Side note: Star Trek Beyond is a much better sequel to ST '09 and deserves more love.
Adopted Father figure - Han SOLO Adopted Mother figure - Leia Organa formerly 'SOLO' Falls in love with - Ben SOLO What's your name? "Rey SKYWALKER" Bro, WHAT?!
It’s funny that Solo is even Ben’s last name at all given that it’s just some nickname a random imperial bureaucrat gave Han in an airport. TBH he should have been Ben Organa, given that Bail Organa was a kind and loving father, and a pivotal member of the rebel alliance, not to mention it would be a nice memorial to Leia’s family on Alderaan.
@@PhantasmalBlast I refuse to believe that's how he got the name solo. In fact most of the Disney start wars I refuse to believe is canon because most of it is so so stupid, especially the last jedi onwards
@@Steven141I agree. I mean, after all "Skywalker" is a family name. Same with Palpatine or Organa. I just assumed, quite literally "Solo" was just a normal family name. I mean hell, in the EU, Han had family who were also Solo's.
i feel like most of the writers for this trilogy forgot that jedi weren't supposed to have families, and like **most** of them never had children and you don't need to be descended from someone to use the force
which is wild because the entire premise of force awakens is that the Force Awakens in a bunch of people who are completely unrelated to it. and then they forgot.
Yeah, I always wonder why people wanted to know who Rey's parents were because they wanted to know why she got her powers. Who are Mace Windu's, Kenobi's or Yoda's parents.
@@bebo2629 Except those characters, you know, TRAINED like Luke to get their powers I imagine. If I'm wrong I stand corrected. Rey was just perfection out of the gate, so the question then is, come on writers throw us a bone here, is there a reason why she's overpowered or is it you're just idiots. Turned out that there was a reason, her Palpatine bloodline (although why did it skip a generation?), AND of course they're also just idiot writers because the whole trilogy is a dumpster fire. That's why people wanted to know. Then of course TFA kind of thrusts her parents in your face as a mystery box, it does want to suggest here's a question that will get answered along the way, so there's that too, you're primed to wonder who her parents are.
@@Persephone_Personifiedhonestly i have not interacted with this franchise until recently and after hearing so much about this legendary reylo community that keeps being published i was SO sure reylo was a gay ship I was truly so sure that reylo was gay and now im watching these videos in shock and disappointment
One thing I'm shocked no one ever talks about is how stupid it is that kylo gets Luke's lightsaber and rey gets leia's. Rey was following what luke wanted for her, she wanted to be part of Luke's family. Kylo was called back from the dark side by his mother, and he never forgave Luke trying to kill him. The only reason I see for them getting their repsective lightsaber is because one was a ""boy"" lightsaber and the other was a ""girl"" lightsaber. (I realize this is 7 months late, but w/e)
Also the amusing notion that Kylo takes up this saber like it's Excalibur, having thrown away his own one. The most notable deeds done pre-ST with that weapon are the crippling of Mace Windu, the summary execution of Count Dooku and the dismemberment of a a room full of children.
@@JohannDakitsch It also didn't help that they were using blue sabers in a very blue place - amusing as Luke's saber was green because Lucas and Marquand realised they were shooting its first appearance against a blue sky and changed the colour for that reason. Added to that, Kylo's fight with the Knights is pretty incoherent and they're all dudes in black with weapons that don't light up (anyone else find it weird that they didn't get vibro/plasma blades like Snoke's guards?)
I guess, it all comes down to the notion that Leia is a Skywalker. I think what JJ tried to do: Make a story in which Leia Organa accepts herself as a Skywalker. Like, accept Luke as his brother and accepts Vader as someone who was redeemed. Abrams seemed to be obsessed in closing abandoned storylines from the Original Trilogy, and this probably is one of them. I speculate that there were lots of scenes about Leia coming to terms with her legacy that were left behind. So, Rey does it for her. TRoS is about Leia (and the Jedi) using Rey as a puppet, so this idea wouldn't be so crazy.
"The worst thing a franchise ending can do is make you feel kind of stupid and embarrassed for being so excited about it in the first place." - Jenny Nicholson I realy felt that :'(
"Why did he make more Snokes? What will they do for him at this point?" Ah, my child. You can never have too many Snokes on hand, just in case. My mother always used to say, that a Snoke in the hand is worth two in the bush, and not to put all your Snokes in one basket.
The awkward nothingness between Finn and Rose at the beginning felt very much like he’d said “look you’re really sweet but I’m gay” and Poe being like “what were you going to tell Rey” felt like romantic jealousy, but then they added random straight shit for both of them to undercut it. It’s like “there’s something for everybody!” But is actually nothing for anyone
@skankhunt42 Dexter taught me to just jump ship on Walking Dead when I found myself actively not enjoying myself watching it anymore, and that it was just a habit from when I *used* to like it
@@swampgoat6343 I will say that if JJ Abrams and Disney were WILLING to go in the direction Rian Johnson pointed them towards, there could've been some interesting developments. However, the unrelenting, and frankly amazingly hyperbolic, backlash TLJ received scared Disney to basically backtrack on the movie in its entirety. I have no doubt that if the backlash wasn't so deafening than they would've continued from where Rian Johnson left it and the trilogy would be MUCH more cohesive.
I feel really bad for the actress, she's a victim for Rian Johnson's dumb character....But its was totally hilarious..Everyone's going on an adventure, and the story is like "NO YOU STAY!"
To me the issue with this trilogy is that they had all of these ideas but very few ideas on how to do anything impactful or effective with them. Like they think "maybe we should have a more diverse cast with a female lead" and "maybe a main character is a reformed storm trooper" and "what if Leia and Han's son is turned to the dark side" but they don't think about it further than that. Like Jenny said, it's just a list of things.
If it was anyone but JJ, I would say for sure there was a plan and Rian just crapped all over it/made it unusable. But I've seen enough of Lost and Star Trek, that I wouldn't actually bet money on it.
@sebastianbelcher5354 I'll admit, I had my fair share of issues with TLJ, but if TROS had at least continued what that movie started then the trilogy as a whole would've still been so much better. But no, Disney and JJ decided to just pretend it never happened I guess. It's crazy how (at least imo) even Colin Treverrows version would've been better than whatever we got.
@@la_scrittice_vitabruh, JJ is clearly the one who crapped all over this project. He proved he is a terrible director with hack ideas. TFA speaks for itself and RoS proves he has never known wtf he is doing.
It’s very short sighted to blame the directors. JJ Abrams made a JJ Abrams movie exactly how you would expect. Rian Johnson was told by the Lucasfilm CEO to write a script before TFA was even finished shooting and told not to follow any preset plotlines or reveals. He then made a Rian Johnson movie out of Star Wars. Then they rehired JJ Abrams and told him to do the one thing he’s been incapable of in all of his 20 years of writing/directing, which is to stick the landing. Both directors did what should be expected of them. The whole disaster is the fault of the people who had editorial oversight and final approval for all 3 projects, which is the higher ups at Lucasfilm.
I love that Finn doesn't know which ship out of two Chewie is on but his gut feeling tells him exactly which Star Destroyer out of a hundred thousand carries the beacon.
Well it's fortunate that the star destroyers patiently waited out the moment when he diacovers that ability in himself - And that Palpatine's power enabled him to raise like a thousand warships out of the ocean simultaneously without effort but his force range ended at somewhere in the lower atmosphere, from which point on, the star destroyers needed a beacon to know which way was "up". And that Palp's tech was advanced enough to grow force sensitive puppet dark lords, but not so much that he could build in an autopilot function into his star destroyers that would have made them, in the absence of further commands, simply move away from the pull of the gravity well.
I love that Palpatine (does he have a first name or is he from before the invention of first names?) didn't just force-push the fleet all the way into orbit and left it vulnerable instead.
@@ibtrippen It was also very thoughtful of him to halt the ascent low enough so that there still was enough oxygen and atmospheric pressure for ground forces to be able to land and ride horses on the star cruisers. Such a gentleman, he really cares about sportsmanship.
Rey enters Tosche Station Rey: "I'm here to pick up some power converters" Station Clerk: "Name on the order?" Rey: "Skywalker." Luke Force Ghost: **Thumbs Up** Ending that finally resolves the power converters and supports small business and keeps the cringe.
I honestly cannot believe the last line wasn't: "Just Rey." But said contentedly with a smile, in contrast to the last time she said it where it was said with insecurity and a bit of sadness, to symbolize that it doesn't matter anymore who her biological family was (and they sucked harder than could be imagined) because she has a new family with her friends in the resistance and family names don't apply so she can be "just Rey" and it's fine. Like when she paused before answering I was actually feeling a little bit of emotion in anticipation of the line that I was sure had to be coming. Instead what had become the familiar feeling of empty confusion returned, only this time there wasn't a new scene to make me forget the dumb thing that had just happened.
also Finn, Poe, and Rose should've been there too, and the old lady would ask all of them for their full names, and Finn would look over at Poe and say "Finn Dameron."
Ah ah ah! "Hey, JJ, how we end the final fight?" "Ehm...We can...I don't know...Ehm...Why don't we copy a previous film? It worked so well whit episode seven."
The writers were just incompetent from start to finish, over the whole trilogy, it's astonishing they took so little care of their billion dollar franchise. Anything would do, no quality control, they felt entitled to your money.
She didn't kill him herself, she redirected his force lightning against him, so essentially she forced him to kill himself. I thought it was pretty obvious that's what the writers were going for when I first watched the movie but considering I haven't seen anyone else talk about this interpretation I'm second guessing myself idk
Perhaps others have said this already (I realize I'm watching this video over four years later), but I remember feeling so disappointed by the decision to have Kylo and Rey kiss. I was really into the story of their connection over the course of the movies, but the feeling that I thought came through most strongly from Kylo was loneliness. I wish they had just embraced after he revived her - a physical gesture of care for each other that isn't necessarily romantic, and demonstrates that he's not alone. It would have felt so much more meaningful to me. Having them kiss just felt so lazy, like someone playing with dolls, and it took me out of it just before he died so it undercut the emotional impact of losing him.
I get what you're saying, but if you have a young attractive women who struggles with loneliness, and a young man who struggles with it, and they bond over that, that's kinda gonna happen... I don't think we have to be allergic to that idea. Not to mention there was some (even if it was the absolute bare minimum) romantic development with them in TFA and TLJ. Not as much as there should've been, mind you. But it was there.
I don’t mind them kissing, per se, but having them kiss right before he dies feels like the filmmakers trying to have their cake and eat it. Everyone wanted Reylo to kiss, so ok they can kiss, but he also dies so they don’t have to fully commit to them being a couple
this guy murdered his father, her friend, right in front of her, and killed lord knows how many others, so how in any way is it reasonable for her to fall for this guy? because he kind of feels bad about it now? that would make her a complete psycho
ideal: hux doesn't get shot and goes on an adventure with the leads, but ALSO kylo reforms earlier in the film, so they end up on the same side again by accident and the vibes on the ship have never been worse
And then Rey becomes Darth Rey, and joins the First Order, and eventually both sides are functionally the same as they were originally, just with different names.
@@alexs0s I mean, Reddit might disagree with you, but... How I see it, Rey and Darth Rey are two different people. Darth Rey is actually the real actress, Daisy Ridley, who took spice one day and was transposed into the Star Wars galaxy. Daisy then turned to the Dark Side in a bid to find the knowledge to get home. Upon becoming a Sith, she changed her name to Darth Rey. Now, in order for Rey to "become" Darth Rey, she would have to quite literally shapeshift into the role--mind, body and spirit--which I believe is indeed possible if you utilitze the principle of the Rey Eternal and let down your Rey Shields.
I had to go back and watch it, but she really does say, "she's not on Jakku" which is literally the second worst thing you could say, right behind, "she's on Jakku" if you're trying to hide your daughter on Jakku.
I thought she was doing a jedi mind trick but that might have just been me trying to make sense of a movie that doesn't make a lot of sense. If she's not doing a mind trick...why would she say that?! Yeesh
@@bookshelfhoney she wasn’t doing a mind trick, neither of Rey’s parents had force powers and the one who would is her dad who was palpatines son(clone?).
your star wars hotel video was youtube algorithm-ed into my feed and I watched a little but then I binged your entire the vampire diaries video and I was hooked. Went back and finished your star wars hotel one and now I am systematically working my way through your catalogue. I had no idea this was the content I needed in my life. I feel like you and defunct land could team up on something awesome
@@paddyspub7225 Kyle did a voice cameo in the Evermore video (as the lawyer dragon IIRC), and Jenny guested on his podcast… not sure if they did other collabs beyond that though, I’m not caught up on Defunctland.
Shmi: “There was no father.” Translation: “I followed the Palpatine rock tour when I was as younger, but I signed an NDA. Last I heard he was dating a Gungan.”
pretty sure it's heavily implied that the force itself was the father, a haphazard and kinda bad jesus metaphor but the intention definitely isn't for palpatine to be the father
@@apersonwhomayormaynotexist9868The force was the father... But also Palpatine and Plagueis were influencing the Force to create life and that life is at minimum strongly suggested to be Anakin, so Palps and his master are also kind of co-fathers? Honestly there's a good chance that the less we think about it the better.
she even personally killed or witnessed the deaths of almost all the other remnants of both families along the way! if you add Solo then it just gets even more depressing
@@jaxietoon Thus, her fall into the Sith begins. Isolated and alone, she stews on her failures, realizing if she had just had more power... And then we hear Palpatine laughing quietly
@Gwendolyn depending on ur politics they do that all the time, moreso imo by refusing to tell complex narratives properly and trying to grey villains who do not have a grey morality- it drags the heroes down. The way they white and black hat characters leads to a lot of protagonists who are like, genuinely bad people with terrible ideas that deserve deconstruction and critique. And then they just. Don’t. I get what you mean though. It’s just too off brand tho so I doubt they’re ever gonna give it to us in a way that doesn’t do a lot of harm :/
Just a little hindsight 4 years later: Rian Johnson has gone on to write and direct two Knives Out mystery movies that simultaneously brought back and subverted the murder mystery genre, with at least two more coming. He has been nominated for multiple awards for both films. JJ Abrams has not written or directed anything for television or film since The Rise of Skywalker. His executive producer credits are not for anything of note. He has not been nominated for an award since 2016 for The Force Awakens.
Well I think people are also starting to realize that JJ did the bare minimum with the Star Trek reboot as well and maybe he shouldn’t be as revered as he is.
It truly made me reexamine and more importantly fact check what little I thought I knew about JJ, and yup. He also he didn’t have nearly as much to do with the early promising parts of Lost as I thought. And when he has made things that had potential, it was always in tandem with someone else. Not saying it’s impossible that he’s good or that he sometimes jumpstarts good things, but in hindsight it’s just… significantly less common than I remembered.
@@frankkennedy6388 True but somehow lots of people did enjoy it, which led to it being divisive. JJ was guilty in Force Awakens of being derivative and Rise of Skywalker was near universally disliked. I don’t like Last Jedi but Rian Johnson at least tried something, even if that something was half baked, hollow attempts to subvert expectations.
Finn has: 1) An implied crush on Rey. 2) A shared kiss with Rose. 3) A continuous dynamic with Poe. 4) A kindred soul in Jannah. Finn ends up with no one. Honestly, I'm someone who believes that films can and SHOULD end without a "Big Damn Kiss". But when a character's arc is built around making connections and deciding who he's going to be, and that identity is intrinsically linked to MULTIPLE people, then this arc is incomplete.
Disney hired a bus load of writers and directors who had no unified vision and they passed Star Wars around like a Tijuana hooker. Of course they left loose ends.
Until this video, I never even thought about the fact that Kylo Ren would have known Chewbacca his whole life. Another thing this trilogy did terribly.
I wouldn’t hate the whole “the dead speak!” thing if it weren’t for the fact that they used Palpatine’s announcement for a Fortnite tie-in instead of in a trailer
it is frustrating yes, but maybe that's a good thing, they'd have ruined it with idiotic dialogue like the rest of the movie. They just let Adam do his thing and I think it worked for the best.
literally gasped aloud at the “rey killed her own parents” idea… delivered without theatrics and yet an infinitely better reveal than anything in the actual movie
It was painful to hear because it is SOOOOOO DAMN GOOD! I just wanted something in this movie to have even a 1/10 of the resonance I got from hearing this idea...
It actually gives something interesting for Rey to have done and to deal with. The problem isn't that Rey's OP, it's that they didn't do anything very interesting with her after TFA. She's a vanilla wafer. Our favorite movie heroines (Ripley, Sarah Connor) go THROUGH it in the sequels.
My favorite moment in RoS is subtle and I haven't heard anyone else mention it: when Kylo calls the First Order meeting about the spy in their midst, he gets side-tracked by sensing Hux's dislike for his new helmet. It's brilliant that, from Hux's point of view, he knows Kylo can read his thoughts, and is vain, and so he blasts the thought "KYLO'S NEW HELMET LOOKS DUMB" to get Kylo off the subject of the spy while letting Kylo like he's won something over Hux and is therefore still in control. Great manipulation, it's a pity the rest of Hux's decision-making and characterization isn't to that level.
@@eoincampbell1584 some people say that TRoS is anti TLJ, I don't agree at all. I think TRoS is anti sequel trilogy. The great twist plot of this trilogy: Palpatine takes away the wall paper and the carpet; we are still in episode vi.
The knife map is something that would show up in a puzzle in a PS1 or DS game because it would show off/justify the fact that it can use 3D models. Plus weird puzzles using whatever key items you have are relatively expected in that medium.
Thats an insult to the clever puzzle design of the original playstation games. Example, silent hill. Puzzle items have connections to the lore and inform you about the world while also informing you in a clever way how to solve the puzzle. Rey just straight up happens to be standing in the exact spot she needed to be for the bullshit knife ruler to match and everything works out cause screenwriting is hard.
It did make me think of Professor Layton, or like that part in Ace Attorney where you have to rotate a pot to get it to match up with the silhouette in the drawing
@@AmellsGrace the whole von karma plotline in the first ace attorney game with rey as phoenix, kylo ren as edgeworth, and palpatine as von karma would be fucking incredible. i wanna see rey and palpatine interrogate a (space) parrot. i wanna see palpatine bullying the judge. the game even has an obvious place for him to use his evil force lightning. wait shit. luke's force ghost in the role of mia.
Me: watched Jenny read Foster’s Rey-cyborg fan fiction right before going to see the Rise of Skywalker The first ten mins of the film: Organa puts a meaningful hand on Rey’s shoulder and says “never underestimate a droid” Me: No
They could've exploited that joke so much: Finn missing the toilet bowl, Finn surviving a battle by bonking his head on a fallen tree. And always C3PO sticking around saying: Only imperial Stormtroopers are that precise!
I’d prefer Finn be treated like a real character rather than a joke. It’s bad enough his near death experience was treated as a joke while TLJ treated Kylo with more care.
@@maximo_lopez well, we ended up with neither in ROS. He wasn't a funny joke, or a real character. Didn't even speak in the final half hour of the thing.
My head cannon is that Han and Chewy got some crazy herbal substance from Lando and shared it with Luke and Leia and this whole trilogy was some bad space acid trip the four of them had.
At least the family is on a planet Ani swore he'd never return to, which is why Vader told that commander to go get the plans instead of getting them himself. So Luke is safe. Leia is the one in plane sight, a member of the imperial senate no less and Sidious is the senate
@@joenesvick7043 I think you might be missing the point. I'm saying there is precedent for hiding children safety that is not simply abandoning them on a dangerous criminal desert planet. Why couldn't they hide Rey somewhere nicer, like like and Leia, per the video.
so they exualy sold her couldnt the child of the emperor pull a vew strings to find a place where she be kinda save. like a orphange on a relatively nice planet.
She salvaged junk...he murdered kids...they really hit the skids He wanted her, she could just tell. They're probably cousins as well. He works for Snoke, she rides a cool bike...they both have a helmet that they really liiiiiiiiiiike.......
The biggest missed opportunity with Rey Palpatine is they should have made Palpatine act loving and grandfatherly to her. He should have seduced her like Anakin but even more effective because of her desire for family. There should have been a scene of Rey reluctantly fighting Kylo while she claims through tears that no, Palpatine is good she can see it when he's actually just manipulating her. The best villains are ones that exploit the deepest weakness of the protagonist. Palpatine could have done this to Rey better than anyone else. It could have been perfect. He could have offered her family. But, no they made him space Hitler zombie Satan and they fought with swords. Huge missed opportunity.
Damn that would've been really cool to see. That manipulative and kind old man comes back for a moment, saying things about how all he wanted was for his granddaughter to come back to him. It would've immediately explained how this man could've possibly had a family. If he employed the same tactics he used with Anakin, I think he could absolutely have a family, and he could absolutely manipulate Rey too. And then Rey would have like an actual moral dilemma instead of "do I get the power to save my friends but lose control of my body, thus rendering this power useless and this decision incredibly obvious"
Genuinely think Rey should have answered the question "Rey who?" by saying "Just Rey." Have Rey's arc be the realization that her heritage doesn't define her, she's doesn't have herself as a Palpatine, but she doesn't need to choose to be a Skywalker, she can carve out her own legacy for herself.
Yes, then she'd have a bookend to being uncomfortable not having a last name on Pasana... She discovers there are worse things to having no last name; for example, having a name that motivates people to harm others or being burdened by a name's legacy. It was so obvious that the alternative was so fan-servicey as to be offensive. Woof.
The Mandalorian: a ship is abandoned for 12 hours and is completely stripped for parts by scavengers Episode 9: a ship is abandoned for 20 years, it is completely untouched
Also a TIE Fighter remains totally intact through (checks notes) a cataclysmic explosion, entry into a planet's atmosphere and crash into the surface, and finally thirty years of salt corrosion.
I know there's a lot of disagreement about which of the Disney Star Wars movies are good or bad or for what reasons, but at least we can all agree that picking directors for each movie who ACTIVELY DISAGREED with each other on where the overall story should go was an unfathomably bad idea.
I get the suspicion it was going to be three different directors total, the third taking the first two and tying it all up, but then TLJ got lambasted by fanboys, Disney got gunshy and brought back Abrams, and we got this mess.
@@The11thEvilEx As far as I can see, that would have been equivalent to what we got. The issue was the change in directors in itself, not in going back to the first director for #3. Whoever did the third movie would still be stuck with the task of tying together two prequels that just don't get along.
12:00 "Wow, Finn is really bad at object permanence!" The idea of Finn not having object permanence, a skill that toddlers develop, is so funny to me lmao😂. Makes me wish that was the actual explanation for it.
"Pouring your life force into somebody, kissing them and then falling over dead and vanishing from this plane of existence is also awkward on a first date" Dang, I *knew* I was doing something wrong!
1:02:31 ”The worst thing a franchise ending can do is make you feel kind of stupid and embaressed for being so excited about it in the first place.” is a really powerful line
@@TheAussiePencil so true! I used to love it and now I can barely stand thinking about it. There are some shows that get bad in later seasons and you just tell people to stop after season XYZ. But GoT fucked up so royaly that it taints even the good seasons.
The only thing this movie made me feel was insulted. That they thought any viewer would be stupid enough to enjoy this vapid slop. I guess they were ultimately right though, there are still legions of weirdos who endlessly hate on TLJ with incoherent reasons (like saying Rian ruined Luke's character as if he wasn't going down the logical continuation of what was set up in TFA) and praise RoS.
As someone who watched both Star Wars and GoT, it was a double gut punch having both series end like that within only a few months. Big enough that I haven't really gone back to watching anything in any of the fantasy subgenres since.
The trilogy is the story of one storyboard artist’s desperate attempt to make a series of movies at least visually enjoyable, even when 75% of the rest of production is collapsing in on itself.
@@treasurehunter3369 It is, I got a real kick out of the cinematography and the set design As over the top it was, it was enjoyable. Maybe the only reason I enjoyed some of it in hindsight.
Palpatine dying was such a big moment in the 6th episode and star wars in general, his death was the result of Darth Vader becoming Anakin and the light winning over the dark. It was the beginning of a new era and simply bringing him back seemed lazy.
With the resurrection of Palpatine, both the Original Trilogy AND the Prequel Trilogy were utterly destroyed. That's why the Sequel Trilogy CAN NOT be Canon.
@@unsweetenedfruit the genuinely amazing bit to me is that people act as though this isn't par for the course with Abrams. The man's franchise career is based on remixing films he likes.
When people ask me what my favorite star wars qoute is, which happens all the time i assure you multiple times a day, I always say "Somehow Palpatine has returned" so great. Not only did it tell us NOTHING, it also proved that even the characters in this universe also knew NOTHING. Love to see it, its filmmaking at its very best.
Disney has spent so much time trying to explain this through other Star Wars media. The books said he’s a clone… and then he cloned himself again (I guess?) because Rey’s dad was a clone too. Despite the actor playing her dad having supermodel good looks… no shade to Ian McDiarmid, but he’s didn’t look like Rey’s dad (his theoretical clone son). His face has more character, and he’s already played a younger Palpatine in the prequels. Also, the tv shows (Mandalorian, ObiWan series) have tried explaining things on the side. There’s a scene in Mando where he sees what looks like baby Snokes lmao. And ObiWan stumbles upon something similar, but with former Jedi stuck in some kind of stasis. Disney keeps trying to write in clues, like they’ve had this plan all along. But we all know, “somehow Palpatine has returned” was a last minute edit. JJ himself said he wasn’t sure if it was going to be Palpatine or ObiWan as her dad.
"This film is just a weird checklist of things that are meant to satisfy star wars fans..." Is exactly how I felt about the The Force Awakens and why I did not watch the other two. I couldn't see them coming back around from the parade of obvious references thrown in your face in the bluntest way possible. It felt insulting.
Same. Watched them years later just out of curiosity and opportunity. First one was obvious social justice messaging mixed with plot line regurgitation or even cloning. Second felt like it was building... Something. Lotta plot holes but I tried to stow any logic as best I could after all, this is star wars where gravity is exactly the same everywhere there is no such thing as air pressure and all air is breathable. And space wizard knights with laser swords that aren't lasers clash. Anyways! But then I saw the third movie, and it took me by the hand and gave me an immersive experience into what psychosis feels like.
i literally had to refrain from bursting out laughing in the theater because when palpatine shoots lightning into the sky it sounds exactly like one of those bass boosted meme edits
@@damien678 Shoot I did the same in Taiwan which have very different movie culture (make absolutely no sound) Good thing is there’s not much people there to see that fuking movie.
Congratulations everyone! By watching this video you have thought about the Rise of Skywalker script approximately 1 hour longer than the scriptwriters for the Rise of Skywalker...
I love Finns Forced abilities. In one instance he can't tell what shuttle Chewie was actually on, but then later he knows exactly which star destroyer has the fleet beacon/satellite thingamabob. Bravo, Disney and Abrams. Bravo.
This is an honest question cause I'm sure there are tons of fans who'll know the answer better than me, but...is there any indication that the Force allows you to sense machinery? Like, would using your Force powers to locate a non-sentient beacon actually be a thing? I know there have been Force-sensitive droids in Legends powered by sentient crystals, and that there's a new Jedi droid coming in the newer expanded universe, but that feels like something different entirely.
@@kieranhair7892 If you're aware of something, then the Force can guide you to it or it to you because the force is in all living things and binds all things together (as Yoda told Luke in Empire Strikes Back). Don't know if that helps, but that's all I've got on the subject.
Or the studio demanded he answer criticisms to the last Jedi from annoying internet haters who were never worth listening to but gaslit a multi-billion dollar company into thinking they represented the majority of the fanbase, and the multi billion dollar company who has the box office numbers for the Last Jedi easily within reach were stupid enough to fall for it
I swear on everything I was so excited when hux FINALLY GOT SOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT but there was a gay couple behind me that just straight up lost it. But when was literally killed ten seconds after, dying the most boring way, the two guys behind me literally said "well that's it" AND THEN THEY GOT UP AND LEFT THEY JUST LEFT THE THEATER WITHOUT LOOKING BACK AT THE SCREEN and boy I was THAT close to joining them.
Evil Clever Dog about when rey “kills” chewie then the very next scene they show chewie all fine and dandy was when my brain checked out as a defense mechanism.
@@MyScorpion42 Hux was set up to be Snoke's top General (at least there is no indication otherwise) but even if not, he was not a buffoon in TFA. Over the top? Sure. In TLJ he was made to be a buffoon and it just didn't fit with how he was in TFA.
They couldn't have redeemed Kylo earlier and have him hanging awkwardly off tbe edges of their group bc that would be too similar to Zuko's arc and they can't be seen anywhere near actual good writing
@@gnocchidokey there's a lot on the web, and in pretty much all flavours. Kylo as the villain, Hux as big bad, resurrected Snoke, take your pick. Just be ready to filter aggressively if you're not looking for Reylo stuff (though I can also point you to a fic or two there).
Rey's parents sold her to one direction
Underated comment
@@annie7716 Agreed
Star Wars's parents sold it to Disney, just like Billy Ray Cyrus.
During The Purge.
If i wasnt in a roo with other people i would have screamed from laughter at this comment
_"It's not much, but it's honest work."_
- Palpatine, tending to his Snoke farm.
Underrated comment
After every youtube video I put on my hazmat suit and descend into the comments, and I always leave wondering why.
This, this is why.
Underrated comment... Made me laugh loud for a solid minute.
"I'm Rey"
"Rey who?"
*Rey looks away for a rude amount of time and the lady walks away uninterested in hearing her finish*
I was seriously hoping this would happen and disappointed that it didn't.
Kevin Eontrainer lol
@@KevinEontrainer381 using the "r" word, even in pun form, is gross and you should do better.
I was waiting for them to sneak in a title call-out, and I was heartbroken that she didn't reply '...Rey Star Wars.'
@@ctkachuk08 We shouldn't use puns. Puns are hurtful. And emotionally we're all children now.
I'll never forget I had to use the bathroom during the movie, and when I got back I asked my wife what happened and she said "Oh Chewy was blown up in a space ship but we already know he's fine."
The fact that something that should've been impactful was thrown out so nonchalantly is an incredible indictment of the writing.
That was a pretty long bathroom break.
@@cejaprime chewie shows up literally like one scene later, you don't even have time to mourn tbh
I got so excited when he got blown up, I thought we might actually get to see some character development. But no, all we got was immediate denial.
@@indigo0977how did you feel any excitement during that movie
"I'm Rey."
"Rey who?"
"I don't have a family... I'm alone."
"Rey Solo, then"
Full circle.
Underrated call back
Still a better line than the movie
I would have liked that WAYY more than the actual line lol
Honestly makes more sense than the version in Solo.
"I'm Rey"
"Rey who?"
"Rey'd shadow legends is a hot new mobile gaming experience..."
This deserves more likes 😂
Top tier comment
Marley Chinn They had two chances to do this in the movie.
The force is stored in the balls.
Palpatine was able to intercept the force connection between Rey and Kylo, but thanks to Nord VPN you don't have to worry about anyone stealing your force connection
*Ford VPN
Hahahaha 🤣
Omg 😂
weve been trying to reach you about your cars extended warranty
HAHAHAHAHAHA , ben, BEN is that you?
Before i saw it i though "somehow Palpatine returned" was a joke making fun of the movie, not an actual line
That makes much more sense
It's so stupid it became a meme 🤣
Anakin's lightsaber was buried in sand, the final roast.
This deserves each and every like.
Daughter Of Frankenstein anakin be screaming no forever now
Daughter Of Frankenstein Oh god. I just realized that that!
Ethan Alfonso - Anakin was a bit of a whiner, wasn’t he?
the last two movies Palpatine was just standing around on his veranda with a pipe in his mouth watching his crop of Snokes ripening for harvest.
His farm was next to Thanos’s but he ignored Palpatine because the snokes were a very smelly crop
Dr. Krieger?!
Palpatine with a cowboy hat: "That be some good harvestin', yee haw"
It ain't much but it's dishonest work
@@gateauxq4604 "I finally rest, and watch the sun rise on a Snoke-ful universe."
"I'm Rey"
"Rey who? Who are your people?"
"I have no people"
"Rey... Solo..."
Seriously this would've made so much sense
Would have been so much better haha! Good job!
I'm Rey...Rey-turn of the Jedi....sigh.
Rey who?
Rey Liota
Dude, I was so ready for that. It woulda been perfect and also made the Solo movie have some vague relevance.
"It doesn't matter that she blew up a ship full of prisoners because none of them were named characters" might be THE MOST Star Wars thing in this entire movie.
Low-key your funniest line here: "They wanted to protect her, but yes, money did change hands."
Gotta respect that hustle.
I busted out an LOL at "Maybe Po has trouble with object permanence." The verbal gems are consistent throughout.
Ethical human trafficking 😊
@@brianstorm5488 Finn, you mean.
@@Niobesnuppathey were too busy busting out their LOL to catch the correct name
Rey should have said "just Rey" at the end. It's a callback to the beginning when she doesn't know how to answer to the little girl but this time she says it with confidence, showing her journey.
The film would have to be called the rise of Rey, which is actually better.
Stop expecting good writing. That would have been an awesome idea.
@@vasari9198 It could still be the rise of Skywalker, but Kylo is the Skywalker. (I know his name is Solo, but he's Leia's son too and he's a Jedi)
@@Picking.a.name.is.hard1 But Kylo didn’t rise. He literally and figuratively fell. We’re spending way too much time thinking about this! 😀
Just dog? Just dog
"I think the worst thing a franchise ending can do is make you feel kind of stupid and embarrassed for being so excited for it in the first place."
Game of Thrones fans relate.
Audrey shout out from the magic the gathering fans too. We just had a big arc end with at least seven main characters being done dirty.
@@pinkwings8036 Oof, you have my condolences.
I was about to write this exact comment and by chance saw this first. It's sad that two legacies came down to this.
Audrey - Knowing the kind of pure joy Jenny derived from Star Wars, that statement is so damn sad. It reminds me of the tragedy of watching someone break a promise to a child and then mock the kid for having been excited by what they were promised. : (
Except the Sequels were bad from the start, but TFA left a chance for a Sequel to repair it's damage, TLJ threw that chance out the window. TROS is just spitting on a dead corpse.
"Was he puppeteering Snoke?"
No. He was Palpateering him.
I don't support the concept of angry upvotes, but here we fucking well are.
Underrated comment
How dare you
“Rey, honey. Your parents just left in a blue Honda Civic. It’s not the same one.”
They both left to get some green milk twenty years ago, and haven't come back.
Looked like a Pinto to me.
Heck, *I* have an old (2007) blue Honda Civic, and that make and model really doesn't change its appearance much from year to year. I regularly see others just like it in parking lots almost everywhere I go.
@@commandercaptain4664 Ah, the car with that one fundamental flaw. Classic Star Wars.
I had a blue Honda Civic once.
It was a distress purchase, from Gumtree, when my previous car extremely broke down mid-journey in Glasgow.
"Bulletproof engine" crowed the listing, but the engine was a colander for distributing oil onto the road.
Scrapped it a few months later…
Ah yes, Palpatine the humble Snoke farmer, peacefully tending to his Snokes
I love this.
It ain’t much, but it’s honest work
Farming ? Really? A man of your talents?
@@alexbrundage4733 Lol I was just about to say that 😂😂😂
Perfectly balanced, as things should be.
The "Finn is really bad at object permanence" bit would also reinforce the running joke that stormtroopers can't aim, so it's really a win-win
That should've been a genuine thing they did throughout the movies
@@bobsempletank5362 Finn and Poe at the target practice range would be such a good scene
@@JustinTheGrey let.. me .. know ??
@@witchflowers6942 I definitely fell asleep with autoplay on and somehow managed to leave this comment. Regardless, I stand by my demands. Just let me know.
dear evan hansen: anybody has a map?
rise of skywalker: everybody has a map
Oh my god…!😅
they have maps now?!
they have maps now!
Rey naming herself Skywalker definitely feels like they picked the title of the movie first and got all the way through the script before realizing that "Rise of Skywalker" had nothing to do with anything that had happened
Indeed. Studio Board meeting "Hey guys, a bunch of SW nerds on twitter are complaining that The Last Jedi made luke into a flawed wimp, and now any old joe can be a jedi now! What about the freakin' midichlorians?! We need to bring things back Old School style!" "I Got it. We need to put "Skywalker" in the title!" "Yep, that'll attract those fans that are in fact only a small visible demographic of the true SW fanbase that we actually shouldn't care so much about."
Well the same thing happened in Phantom Menace so the series has a record of it.
@@weneedaladder8384 Phantom Menace pretty clearly refers to the Sith running things behind the scenes but not properly revealing themselves until the end of the movie. A more accurate comparison would probably be The Force Awakens, a film wherein the Force does not, at any point, awaken. Because, uh, that's not how the Force works.
The last Skywalker, Ben Solo rises out of the pit to save Rey. Palpatine says himself that Ben is the last Skywalker btw. That's partly what the title refers to.
its um... stylistically designed to be that way? 😆
“I’m Rey”
“Rey who?”
Smiles to the distance
“Rey Rey Abrams”
Sister of Jar Jar
"I'm Rey"
"Rey who?"
Smiles to the distance
She should have just farted loudly as a response.
@sabizos5897 *end credits roll music plays*
Rey Mysterio (booyaka booyaka)
"Jedi have killed before... it's not always a dark side act." It's worse than that: Jedi have killed PALPATINE before.
The Jedi have like the worst killing skills ever, Napoleon.
@@alexjames7670 They're like my favorite killers.
@@mrdarklight I admit, mine too. But if they had only put uncle Rico in in the fourth quarter . . .
@@alexjames7670 Actually, there's this electrical device you can get online...
@@mrdarklight Lol. It would be awesome to see you and Kip fight with lightsabers, even though he basically has no ninja fighting skills.
“Rey who?”
“Reyy…bies” and then she growls and bites the old woman, and then episode f*cking 10 has werewolves the end
Filoni is frothing at the mouth rn
And sparkly vampires.
this is the funniest thing I've seen all day, I can go to bed happy now!
That may be the only thing that would get me back into theaters for another Disney Wars movie.
No joke, I'd pay to see that.
Make it happen, please!
Or she says “Reyy… BEES” and shoots a swarm of bees out of her mouth, which start a new galactic campaign.
Rey burying the lightsabers in the desert has the same energy as Luke saying "Aunt Beru" as his dying words
I thought that woman at the work end was going to turn out to be Aunt Beru. She’d be all like, ‘oh yeah, I actually survived. I just never told Luke, for some reason’
@@celebrimborposting9251 The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a message, a sinister delivery of BLUE MILK in the voice of the late AUNT BERU
@@shakespeare4bears run, don't walk, to Darths & Droids, where (spoiler alert) Owen and Beru are canonically alive and amongst the Rebel commandos assaulting the Peace Moon's shield generator on the Endor moon.
@@RoamingAdhocratyes. They were in Captain Rex squad
My favourite part of the movie was when Palpatine ruined his own plan by telling Rey the entire thing
The writers now, are like "It's supposed to be cheesy..like the OT." However, the OT is only cheesy because it has old fashioned values of heroism imho.
The real secret plan was the one we were told about...openly.
Subverting expectations good, subverting awful tropes bad!
@@Generationrhino Well, if everyone would fucking decide whether they wanted it like the OT or to be its own thing, the writers could settle on something.
Come to think of it, he kinda did that with Luke.
The whole thing about rey being sold into what is essentially slavery in order to "protect her" is all the more moronic when you realize that both luke and leia went through exactly the same experiences, as they needed to be hidden from vader and the emperor, but instead of being sold to a mercenary, they were given to a there aunt and uncle, and to a king of a planet respectively. Like come on did they just forget the plot of the previous movies.
We are talking about a man who's said he hates thinking about what a scene or line means, so you're asking far too much of him
"did they just forget the plot of the previous movies." I don't think they even watched the previous movies :D
@@Dampfaeus I mean, JJ seemed to do that with Into Darkness so there's precedent. Side note: Star Trek Beyond is a much better sequel to ST '09 and deserves more love.
All the good hiding spots were taken
@@blokey8 Into Darkness and Beyond are almost the exact same movie, JJ is the worst
Adopted Father figure - Han SOLO
Adopted Mother figure - Leia Organa formerly 'SOLO'
Falls in love with - Ben SOLO
What's your name?
Bro, WHAT?!
It’s funny that Solo is even Ben’s last name at all given that it’s just some nickname a random imperial bureaucrat gave Han in an airport. TBH he should have been Ben Organa, given that Bail Organa was a kind and loving father, and a pivotal member of the rebel alliance, not to mention it would be a nice memorial to Leia’s family on Alderaan.
Yeah, Skywalker came out of nowhere.
@@PhantasmalBlast I refuse to believe that's how he got the name solo. In fact most of the Disney start wars I refuse to believe is canon because most of it is so so stupid, especially the last jedi onwards
@@Steven141I agree. I mean, after all "Skywalker" is a family name. Same with Palpatine or Organa. I just assumed, quite literally "Solo" was just a normal family name.
I mean hell, in the EU, Han had family who were also Solo's.
could've been "just Rey" too. would've been a neat callback, and kinda cool. Rey Skywalker stunned me I can't believe how not ready I was for it
This video is confusing; you should have opened with a shot of you leaving your spaceship, so we would know how you got there.
This actually wouldn't work because Jenny popped into existence in her room along with her giant porg
@@ashikjaman1940 I guess you’re not a True Fan because Jenny has a video of her going to get her giant porg.
@@charlesherbig4502 those are lies being sold by Big Jenny for views
@@ashikjaman1940 You sound like one of those people who believes all kinds of conspiracy theories about the Military-Jenny-Industrial Complex.
You two should just kiss and get it over with.
i feel like most of the writers for this trilogy forgot that jedi weren't supposed to have families, and like **most** of them never had children and you don't need to be descended from someone to use the force
which is wild because the entire premise of force awakens is that the Force Awakens in a bunch of people who are completely unrelated to it.
and then they forgot.
Yeah, I always wonder why people wanted to know who Rey's parents were because they wanted to know why she got her powers. Who are Mace Windu's, Kenobi's or Yoda's parents.
@@bebo2629 Except those characters, you know, TRAINED like Luke to get their powers I imagine. If I'm wrong I stand corrected. Rey was just perfection out of the gate, so the question then is, come on writers throw us a bone here, is there a reason why she's overpowered or is it you're just idiots. Turned out that there was a reason, her Palpatine bloodline (although why did it skip a generation?), AND of course they're also just idiot writers because the whole trilogy is a dumpster fire.
That's why people wanted to know. Then of course TFA kind of thrusts her parents in your face as a mystery box, it does want to suggest here's a question that will get answered along the way, so there's that too, you're primed to wonder who her parents are.
@@WokeBegone How was Rey perfet? She does not win a single fight against an other force user on her own?
"Rey who?"
"Rey, Rey Palpatine,
Jakkus greatest love machine."
I need a parody of this
She was a cat who really was gone
I loved that song.
why? why would you do this to me?
Jakku's (apostrophe)
The way Jenny says “like a pickle” and it cuts because it sounds like she’s gonna start laughing is the best
In the Reylo fandom we’ve giggled about pickled Snokes for years now. It’s the single worst and best thing in the entire movie.
@@Persephone_Personifiedhonestly i have not interacted with this franchise until recently and after hearing so much about this legendary reylo community that keeps being published i was SO sure reylo was a gay ship I was truly so sure that reylo was gay and now im watching these videos in shock and disappointment
10/10 line reading
One thing I'm shocked no one ever talks about is how stupid it is that kylo gets Luke's lightsaber and rey gets leia's. Rey was following what luke wanted for her, she wanted to be part of Luke's family. Kylo was called back from the dark side by his mother, and he never forgave Luke trying to kill him.
The only reason I see for them getting their repsective lightsaber is because one was a ""boy"" lightsaber and the other was a ""girl"" lightsaber.
(I realize this is 7 months late, but w/e)
Also the amusing notion that Kylo takes up this saber like it's Excalibur, having thrown away his own one. The most notable deeds done pre-ST with that weapon are the crippling of Mace Windu, the summary execution of Count Dooku and the dismemberment of a a room full of children.
Also i wish they were at least different colors because it was very hard to tell which was which during that scene
@@JohannDakitsch It also didn't help that they were using blue sabers in a very blue place - amusing as Luke's saber was green because Lucas and Marquand realised they were shooting its first appearance against a blue sky and changed the colour for that reason.
Added to that, Kylo's fight with the Knights is pretty incoherent and they're all dudes in black with weapons that don't light up (anyone else find it weird that they didn't get vibro/plasma blades like Snoke's guards?)
I guess, it all comes down to the notion that Leia is a Skywalker. I think what JJ tried to do: Make a story in which Leia Organa accepts herself as a Skywalker. Like, accept Luke as his brother and accepts Vader as someone who was redeemed.
Abrams seemed to be obsessed in closing abandoned storylines from the Original Trilogy, and this probably is one of them. I speculate that there were lots of scenes about Leia coming to terms with her legacy that were left behind. So, Rey does it for her.
TRoS is about Leia (and the Jedi) using Rey as a puppet, so this idea wouldn't be so crazy.
"The worst thing a franchise ending can do is make you feel kind of stupid and embarrassed for being so excited about it in the first place." - Jenny Nicholson
I realy felt that :'(
Yea, I saw The Sopranos too.
That's how I felt about The Last Jedi
@@jjared__19 Same. Saw it last night. I want my money back, and I didnt even pay to see it...But I want my money back.
I got flashbacks to the 4th season of Sherlock
"Why did he make more Snokes? What will they do for him at this point?"
Ah, my child. You can never have too many Snokes on hand, just in case. My mother always used to say, that a Snoke in the hand is worth two in the bush, and not to put all your Snokes in one basket.
Momma always said life was like a jar of Snokes, you never know what your gonna get
My mom used to send me to gas station when she ran outta Snokes.
@@WritesMethis makes me imagine snokes grown from little capsules like foam dinosaurs
You could say he was a "chain Snoke-er."
I could've sworn endless Palpetine clones were a plot point in the old EU, and it was as dumb then as it is now, but I could be misremembering.
The awkward nothingness between Finn and Rose at the beginning felt very much like he’d said “look you’re really sweet but I’m gay” and Poe being like “what were you going to tell Rey” felt like romantic jealousy, but then they added random straight shit for both of them to undercut it. It’s like “there’s something for everybody!” But is actually nothing for anyone
"The worst a movie franchise can do is make you feel stupid for getting exited about it." Wise words, indeed.
It's a good thing all my excitement was sapped before The Force Awakens came out.
@skankhunt42 Dexter taught me to just jump ship on Walking Dead when I found myself actively not enjoying myself watching it anymore, and that it was just a habit from when I *used* to like it
@@swampgoat6343 I will say that if JJ Abrams and Disney were WILLING to go in the direction Rian Johnson pointed them towards, there could've been some interesting developments. However, the unrelenting, and frankly amazingly hyperbolic, backlash TLJ received scared Disney to basically backtrack on the movie in its entirety. I have no doubt that if the backlash wasn't so deafening than they would've continued from where Rian Johnson left it and the trilogy would be MUCH more cohesive.
Cohesion doesn't insure quality. Also going by your logic rian should have just followed jj's outline.
skankhunt42 OoO
I like to imagine Rise of Skywalker as an RPG where all the decisions and dialogue are a player trying to choose the worst options every time.
So true god it feels that way
@@roachybill It's not even that, the game just has the one ending.
@@owo5869 OwO?
Darths and Droids is only half-way into Force Awakens, but could be.
Feels like improv
My favorite part was every time Rose showed up and then a hook appeared and dragged her off-screen like in a Vaudeville show
It hurts so bad to laugh at this. lol
I feel really bad for the actress, she's a victim for Rian Johnson's dumb character....But its was totally hilarious..Everyone's going on an adventure, and the story is like "NO YOU STAY!"
@T Doran Do you always project your racism onto other people like a typical leftist?
@@FullMPTV They're a troll, but I have a feeling you are too. But at least I can laugh at you for taking the bait.
@@FullMPTV Do you like Fortnite just like every other zoomer on the planet, or are you a boomer trying to zoom with the zoomers?
To me the issue with this trilogy is that they had all of these ideas but very few ideas on how to do anything impactful or effective with them. Like they think "maybe we should have a more diverse cast with a female lead" and "maybe a main character is a reformed storm trooper" and "what if Leia and Han's son is turned to the dark side" but they don't think about it further than that. Like Jenny said, it's just a list of things.
@sebastianbelcher5354 Yes, it's always the fan's fault.
If it was anyone but JJ, I would say for sure there was a plan and Rian just crapped all over it/made it unusable. But I've seen enough of Lost and Star Trek, that I wouldn't actually bet money on it.
@sebastianbelcher5354 I'll admit, I had my fair share of issues with TLJ, but if TROS had at least continued what that movie started then the trilogy as a whole would've still been so much better. But no, Disney and JJ decided to just pretend it never happened I guess. It's crazy how (at least imo) even Colin Treverrows version would've been better than whatever we got.
@@la_scrittice_vitabruh, JJ is clearly the one who crapped all over this project. He proved he is a terrible director with hack ideas. TFA speaks for itself and RoS proves he has never known wtf he is doing.
It’s very short sighted to blame the directors. JJ Abrams made a JJ Abrams movie exactly how you would expect. Rian Johnson was told by the Lucasfilm CEO to write a script before TFA was even finished shooting and told not to follow any preset plotlines or reveals. He then made a Rian Johnson movie out of Star Wars. Then they rehired JJ Abrams and told him to do the one thing he’s been incapable of in all of his 20 years of writing/directing, which is to stick the landing. Both directors did what should be expected of them. The whole disaster is the fault of the people who had editorial oversight and final approval for all 3 projects, which is the higher ups at Lucasfilm.
I love that Finn doesn't know which ship out of two Chewie is on but his gut feeling tells him exactly which Star Destroyer out of a hundred thousand carries the beacon.
Well it's fortunate that the star destroyers patiently waited out the moment when he diacovers that ability in himself - And that Palpatine's power enabled him to raise like a thousand warships out of the ocean simultaneously without effort but his force range ended at somewhere in the lower atmosphere, from which point on, the star destroyers needed a beacon to know which way was "up". And that Palp's tech was advanced enough to grow force sensitive puppet dark lords, but not so much that he could build in an autopilot function into his star destroyers that would have made them, in the absence of further commands, simply move away from the pull of the gravity well.
I love that Palpatine (does he have a first name or is he from before the invention of first names?) didn't just force-push the fleet all the way into orbit and left it vulnerable instead.
@@ibtrippen It was also very thoughtful of him to halt the ascent low enough so that there still was enough oxygen and atmospheric pressure for ground forces to be able to land and ride horses on the star cruisers. Such a gentleman, he really cares about sportsmanship.
@@ibtrippen Palpatine's first name is Sheev, believe it or not.
@@dw1419 Wow. That's right up there with the fat dude being named "Porkins."
Rey enters Tosche Station
Rey: "I'm here to pick up some power converters"
Station Clerk: "Name on the order?"
Rey: "Skywalker."
Luke Force Ghost: **Thumbs Up**
Ending that finally resolves the power converters and supports small business and keeps the cringe.
If I could give you worthless Reddit points for this comment I would
And then the walking bassline from Seinfeld plays.
Tosche station kept those converters for 50 years. Best customer service ever
Can uncle owen and aunt beru be force ghosts as well
This is canon.
Honestly Hux doing everything out of Pure Spite was the funniest part of the movie and an absolute mood
It makes all of my Kylux fanfiction all the more enjoyable
@@JMarchel do they hate fuck? Do you have a link to your work 👀
@@La-PetitMort jesus fuck 😂
@@JMarchel got any Sheev-lo stuff?
@@Evelyn_Richardson I'm not judging but Jesus Christ.
I'd just try browsing ao3, you can filter by pairing
Palpatine exclaiming to the galaxy "WHAT'S UP, SUCKERS? I'M ALIVE!!!" is the most un-Palpatine like thing ever.
But it's something Ian McDirmand would do
"I'm Rey"
"Rey who?"
Looks off dramatically to the horizon
"Rey Star Wars"
Cousin of Sans Undertale and the Undertale family.
I hope you’re the original person who tweeted this.
Rey Star Wars makes sense. She is pretty much God at this point
Wow its like we both saw the exact same tweet! Lol!!!!! That's so hilarious hahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wow this is a tweet from twitter dot com how original of you!!
I honestly cannot believe the last line wasn't: "Just Rey." But said contentedly with a smile, in contrast to the last time she said it where it was said with insecurity and a bit of sadness, to symbolize that it doesn't matter anymore who her biological family was (and they sucked harder than could be imagined) because she has a new family with her friends in the resistance and family names don't apply so she can be "just Rey" and it's fine. Like when she paused before answering I was actually feeling a little bit of emotion in anticipation of the line that I was sure had to be coming. Instead what had become the familiar feeling of empty confusion returned, only this time there wasn't a new scene to make me forget the dumb thing that had just happened.
also Finn, Poe, and Rose should've been there too, and the old lady would ask all of them for their full names, and Finn would look over at Poe and say "Finn Dameron."
@@ce7.0 Poe: Ugh, dude! We weren't going to tell them yet!
"Just Rey"
"Just Rey?"
"Just Rey"
I am Rey Resistance.
@@ce7.0 but right before Finn says Dameron, Rose body checks him out to f the way.
"Kill me"
*Kills him*
*The resistance wins*
I think it's because she died at the same time, so his soul was just gone.
@@SailorOrbiter "DAMN IT! The ONE thing I didn't plan for!"
Ah ah ah!
"Hey, JJ, how we end the final fight?"
"Ehm...We can...I don't know...Ehm...Why don't we copy a previous film? It worked so well whit episode seven."
The writers were just incompetent from start to finish, over the whole trilogy, it's astonishing they took so little care of their billion dollar franchise. Anything would do, no quality control, they felt entitled to your money.
She didn't kill him herself, she redirected his force lightning against him, so essentially she forced him to kill himself. I thought it was pretty obvious that's what the writers were going for when I first watched the movie but considering I haven't seen anyone else talk about this interpretation I'm second guessing myself idk
Perhaps others have said this already (I realize I'm watching this video over four years later), but I remember feeling so disappointed by the decision to have Kylo and Rey kiss. I was really into the story of their connection over the course of the movies, but the feeling that I thought came through most strongly from Kylo was loneliness. I wish they had just embraced after he revived her - a physical gesture of care for each other that isn't necessarily romantic, and demonstrates that he's not alone. It would have felt so much more meaningful to me. Having them kiss just felt so lazy, like someone playing with dolls, and it took me out of it just before he died so it undercut the emotional impact of losing him.
I get what you're saying, but if you have a young attractive women who struggles with loneliness, and a young man who struggles with it, and they bond over that, that's kinda gonna happen... I don't think we have to be allergic to that idea. Not to mention there was some (even if it was the absolute bare minimum) romantic development with them in TFA and TLJ. Not as much as there should've been, mind you. But it was there.
I don’t mind them kissing, per se, but having them kiss right before he dies feels like the filmmakers trying to have their cake and eat it. Everyone wanted Reylo to kiss, so ok they can kiss, but he also dies so they don’t have to fully commit to them being a couple
this guy murdered his father, her friend, right in front of her, and killed lord knows how many others, so how in any way is it reasonable for her to fall for this guy? because he kind of feels bad about it now? that would make her a complete psycho
@@mccallosone4903 hybristophilia
ideal: hux doesn't get shot and goes on an adventure with the leads, but ALSO kylo reforms earlier in the film, so they end up on the same side again by accident and the vibes on the ship have never been worse
I like it! I also feel like someone's probably written that fanfic by now.
And then Rey becomes Darth Rey, and joins the First Order, and eventually both sides are functionally the same as they were originally, just with different names.
@@willow5945 Darth Rey is too normal and not-stupid for a sith name, she’d have to change to like Darth Eevil or something
@@alexs0s I mean, Reddit might disagree with you, but...
How I see it, Rey and Darth Rey are two different people. Darth Rey is actually the real actress, Daisy Ridley, who took spice one day and was transposed into the Star Wars galaxy. Daisy then turned to the Dark Side in a bid to find the knowledge to get home. Upon becoming a Sith, she changed her name to Darth Rey. Now, in order for Rey to "become" Darth Rey, she would have to quite literally shapeshift into the role--mind, body and spirit--which I believe is indeed possible if you utilitze the principle of the Rey Eternal and let down your Rey Shields.
That sounds like fun this should be a ship fic
Rey should have said “I am the Senate” when that old lady asked who she was
Missed opportunity smh
Or when she said "I'm all the Jedi"
Rey "The Senate Jr." Skywalker
@@sour_peckanmix "I'm every Jedi! It's all in meeeeee! Any duel you want done baby, I'll do it naturally. Oh. Oh. Ohoh."
"It's treason then..."
@@lycanrocx1121 LMFAO 😂😂
I had to go back and watch it, but she really does say, "she's not on Jakku"
which is literally the second worst thing you could say, right behind, "she's on Jakku" if you're trying to hide your daughter on Jakku.
I thought she was doing a jedi mind trick but that might have just been me trying to make sense of a movie that doesn't make a lot of sense. If she's not doing a mind trick...why would she say that?! Yeesh
She's on jakku might be better, cuz they would think you surely wouldn't give it up that easy
@@CalebRogers808 bwahahaha
@@bookshelfhoney she wasn’t doing a mind trick, neither of Rey’s parents had force powers and the one who would is her dad who was palpatines son(clone?).
your star wars hotel video was youtube algorithm-ed into my feed and I watched a little but then I binged your entire the vampire diaries video and I was hooked. Went back and finished your star wars hotel one and now I am systematically working my way through your catalogue. I had no idea this was the content I needed in my life. I feel like you and defunct land could team up on something awesome
im an idiot, you did collab with defunctland
@@paddyspub7225 Kyle did a voice cameo in the Evermore video (as the lawyer dragon IIRC), and Jenny guested on his podcast… not sure if they did other collabs beyond that though, I’m not caught up on Defunctland.
i am also going through her whole catalogue after the star wars hotel video!!!
Jenny: makes a list of silly predictions about the movie
Abrams: “write that down!”
The Js in JJ Abrams secretly stand for Jenny. She did this. She's been Palpatine-ing us this whole time.
@@Retsonine Now I'm picturing a jar stuffed full of of JJ Abrams' just out of camera view. "I MADE JJ."
All the trailers until she makes her prediction videos are just elaborate deepfakes, and the SECOND she drops the vid, the writing process begins.
Deku Bro “Get that girl a contract!”
Maybe Hasbro follows suit and bases My Little Pony G5 on Friendship is Witchcraft.
“I’m Rey”
“Rey who?”
Looks away dramatically
“Rey Rey Abrams”
"I'm J J Reybrams"
@@ian_b Rey Rey Reybrams
Rey Rey Binks
You can call him Rey, or you can call him Rey Rey.
@@Amitlu If Rey Rey come round here lookin' for me...you don't go droppin' a dime, do you's?
The real Star Wars: Episode IX: Rise of Skywalker was the Snokes we cloned along the way.
oh god
am i a snokes
dndboy13 we are all snokes
@@Flatcetera It's Snokes all the way down
Snokes on a plane
The rise of Snokes
Shmi: “There was no father.” Translation: “I followed the Palpatine rock tour when I was as younger, but I signed an NDA. Last I heard he was dating a Gungan.”
pretty sure it's heavily implied that the force itself was the father, a haphazard and kinda bad jesus metaphor but the intention definitely isn't for palpatine to be the father
@@apersonwhomayormaynotexist9868The force was the father... But also Palpatine and Plagueis were influencing the Force to create life and that life is at minimum strongly suggested to be Anakin, so Palps and his master are also kind of co-fathers?
Honestly there's a good chance that the less we think about it the better.
Kylo to Rey: “Your parents were nobodies... from a certain point of view.”
Kylo was just trying to insult Rey. I'm sure he would have said they were nobody no matter who they were.
Is that proof that Kylo Ren is actually Obi-Wan's descendant? Leia managed to entertain the old bloke? I mean, he's real name IS Ben after all...
@@Itheadon please
@@nemo_of_napa just kidding ofc :)
"aw come one I was KINDA right lol" - Kylo Ren
Also I love how all of Palpatine's lines are basically different versions of lines he's said in other movies
@@HOTD108_ And people say that the disney trilogy goes against Lucas' vision
"Something something something Dark Side! Something something something complete!"
And he is the actor who didn't die.
@@gastronomist do it!
You look like Rose.
damn, the ending is actually really tragic for Rey. starting alone, ending alone, with 2 different dead families
she even personally killed or witnessed the deaths of almost all the other remnants of both families along the way! if you add Solo then it just gets even more depressing
@@jaxietoon Thus, her fall into the Sith begins. Isolated and alone, she stews on her failures, realizing if she had just had more power...
And then we hear Palpatine laughing quietly
@@tomechan5139 oh WAIT now I’m fucking interested 👀
@@tomechan5139 instantly 10x better
@Gwendolyn depending on ur politics they do that all the time, moreso imo by refusing to tell complex narratives properly and trying to grey villains who do not have a grey morality- it drags the heroes down. The way they white and black hat characters leads to a lot of protagonists who are like, genuinely bad people with terrible ideas that deserve deconstruction and critique. And then they just. Don’t.
I get what you mean though. It’s just too off brand tho so I doubt they’re ever gonna give it to us in a way that doesn’t do a lot of harm :/
Just a little hindsight 4 years later:
Rian Johnson has gone on to write and direct two Knives Out mystery movies that simultaneously brought back and subverted the murder mystery genre, with at least two more coming. He has been nominated for multiple awards for both films.
JJ Abrams has not written or directed anything for television or film since The Rise of Skywalker. His executive producer credits are not for anything of note. He has not been nominated for an award since 2016 for The Force Awakens.
Well I think people are also starting to realize that JJ did the bare minimum with the Star Trek reboot as well and maybe he shouldn’t be as revered as he is.
It truly made me reexamine and more importantly fact check what little I thought I knew about JJ, and yup. He also he didn’t have nearly as much to do with the early promising parts of Lost as I thought. And when he has made things that had potential, it was always in tandem with someone else.
Not saying it’s impossible that he’s good or that he sometimes jumpstarts good things, but in hindsight it’s just… significantly less common than I remembered.
This doesn't change the fact The Last Jedi was crap.
@@frankkennedy6388 True but somehow lots of people did enjoy it, which led to it being divisive. JJ was guilty in Force Awakens of being derivative and Rise of Skywalker was near universally disliked. I don’t like Last Jedi but Rian Johnson at least tried something, even if that something was half baked, hollow attempts to subvert expectations.
@@chan_martin Who are these nutcakes who enjoyed TLJ? They need help!
Finn has:
1) An implied crush on Rey.
2) A shared kiss with Rose.
3) A continuous dynamic with Poe.
4) A kindred soul in Jannah.
Finn ends up with no one.
Honestly, I'm someone who believes that films can and SHOULD end without a "Big Damn Kiss". But when a character's arc is built around making connections and deciding who he's going to be, and that identity is intrinsically linked to MULTIPLE people, then this arc is incomplete.
Incel Finn
Well we got two lesbians kissing, totally not out of place at all with the complete lack of romance in the rest of the film.
@@MrRyan-wu4jx It was a 2 second cutaway. That way it's super easy for Disney to cut the scene from overseas markets.
Disney hired a bus load of writers and directors who had no unified vision and they passed Star Wars around like a Tijuana hooker. Of course they left loose ends.
W Rizz
Until this video, I never even thought about the fact that Kylo Ren would have known Chewbacca his whole life. Another thing this trilogy did terribly.
Well that’s why Chewbacca didn’t fire a deadly shot with the bowcaster at the end of force awakens
That's okay, nobody who knew Chewie for a really long time cared for him all that much in this entire trilogy.
@@sackthebastardno. That's just shitty writing.
Chewie would have been his goddamn godfather !
Fin: "Rey! Rey! Rey! I never told you-"
And then he never did.
It’s a story for another time....
(John Mulaney voice) And then I *didn’t*
He was like Stewie Griffin from Family Guy. - "Mom... Mom... MOM... Mommy... Mommy... Mama... MAMA... Ma... MA..."
This made me laugh more than it should have 🤣
A good question....😑
I wouldn’t hate the whole “the dead speak!” thing if it weren’t for the fact that they used Palpatine’s announcement for a Fortnite tie-in instead of in a trailer
Lines of dialogue Ben Solo says after his redemption
Ben Solo: "Ow"
it is frustrating yes, but maybe that's a good thing, they'd have ruined it with idiotic dialogue like the rest of the movie. They just let Adam do his thing and I think it worked for the best.
He got blasted by Chewies crossbow, something that sends people flying, and grunted.
But that hurt?
@noisyflowers In my theater it was actually when they kissed then he died for no reason
Tomato Melvin There was a reason... Ben didn’t want to commit to a relationship, so he force faded out real quick.
@@CharlieTooHuman dude really said ow and dipped
literally gasped aloud at the “rey killed her own parents” idea… delivered without theatrics and yet an infinitely better reveal than anything in the actual movie
It was painful to hear because it is SOOOOOO DAMN GOOD! I just wanted something in this movie to have even a 1/10 of the resonance I got from hearing this idea...
What point of the video is this? I can't find it
@@iapples38 49:30
I really liked the backstory. Especially when compared to kylo
It actually gives something interesting for Rey to have done and to deal with.
The problem isn't that Rey's OP, it's that they didn't do anything very interesting with her after TFA. She's a vanilla wafer. Our favorite movie heroines (Ripley, Sarah Connor) go THROUGH it in the sequels.
My favorite moment in RoS is subtle and I haven't heard anyone else mention it: when Kylo calls the First Order meeting about the spy in their midst, he gets side-tracked by sensing Hux's dislike for his new helmet. It's brilliant that, from Hux's point of view, he knows Kylo can read his thoughts, and is vain, and so he blasts the thought "KYLO'S NEW HELMET LOOKS DUMB" to get Kylo off the subject of the spy while letting Kylo like he's won something over Hux and is therefore still in control. Great manipulation, it's a pity the rest of Hux's decision-making and characterization isn't to that level.
“Oh yeah Hux was gonna be our villain but we have Palpatine now. I guess make him a spy and then shoot him”
@@liamross340 and then replace him with Hux 2.0 the older, gruffer model.
@@eoincampbell1584 some people say that TRoS is anti TLJ, I don't agree at all. I think TRoS is anti sequel trilogy. The great twist plot of this trilogy: Palpatine takes away the wall paper and the carpet; we are still in episode vi.
This is the greatest observation ever 🤣
it's so cool that i'm pretty sure it was done on accident.
The knife map is something that would show up in a puzzle in a PS1 or DS game because it would show off/justify the fact that it can use 3D models.
Plus weird puzzles using whatever key items you have are relatively expected in that medium.
Thats an insult to the clever puzzle design of the original playstation games. Example, silent hill. Puzzle items have connections to the lore and inform you about the world while also informing you in a clever way how to solve the puzzle. Rey just straight up happens to be standing in the exact spot she needed to be for the bullshit knife ruler to match and everything works out cause screenwriting is hard.
It did make me think of Professor Layton, or like that part in Ace Attorney where you have to rotate a pot to get it to match up with the silhouette in the drawing
So, an ace attorney game? Prosecutor Palpatine taking over when we get prosecutor Ren a penalty for murdering a witness.
lol yeah I can imagine it in the old resident evils
the whole von karma plotline in the first ace attorney game with rey as phoenix, kylo ren as edgeworth, and palpatine as von karma would be fucking incredible. i wanna see rey and palpatine interrogate a (space) parrot. i wanna see palpatine bullying the judge. the game even has an obvious place for him to use his evil force lightning.
wait shit. luke's force ghost in the role of mia.
Me: watched Jenny read Foster’s Rey-cyborg fan fiction right before going to see the Rise of Skywalker
The first ten mins of the film: Organa puts a meaningful hand on Rey’s shoulder and says “never underestimate a droid”
Me: No
Also: clones of snoke
Bless this comment and bless you, I was screaming
Yo I felt the exact same
Joaquin Echavarria “Luke and the Snoke Clones” (great band name by the way)
"Finn is really bad at object permanence"
Does this go along with his having been a storm trooper? Walking into doors, unable to hit any target, etc.
They could've exploited that joke so much: Finn missing the toilet bowl, Finn surviving a battle by bonking his head on a fallen tree.
And always C3PO sticking around saying: Only imperial Stormtroopers are that precise!
@@JosephSchneider26 HA ha. Like they did in Mandalorian. ;)
MKultra is one hell of a drug
I’d prefer Finn be treated like a real character rather than a joke. It’s bad enough his near death experience was treated as a joke while TLJ treated Kylo with more care.
@@maximo_lopez well, we ended up with neither in ROS. He wasn't a funny joke, or a real character. Didn't even speak in the final half hour of the thing.
My headcanon is that Palpatine was actually not prepared for Rey yet and the "you must kill me" thing was just him trying to reverse-psychology her.
And he wasn’t actually expecting Kylo he was just bluffing and playing some recorded mp3 file.
My headcanon is that she kills him with her head cannon
@@NotQuiteFirst how long have you waited to say that?
Palpatine: No balls, you won't
My head cannon is that Han and Chewy got some crazy herbal substance from Lando and shared it with Luke and Leia and this whole trilogy was some bad space acid trip the four of them had.
Who else is watching this after the Star Wars Hotel video? LOL
hello checkmark
I remember you from watching Drunk Disney! Small world.
“I’m Rey”
“Rey who?”
“Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Rey”
Pretty much, yeah.
We need to hide this child.
Episode 3: let's make her a princess and leave him with family
Episode 7: let's dump her in the desert.
Episode 9: "But it's much more important that we get some money for booze before Darth Owchie kills us, let's sell her to that shifty thug there."
At least the family is on a planet Ani swore he'd never return to, which is why Vader told that commander to go get the plans instead of getting them himself. So Luke is safe. Leia is the one in plane sight, a member of the imperial senate no less and Sidious is the senate
@@joenesvick7043 I think you might be missing the point. I'm saying there is precedent for hiding children safety that is not simply abandoning them on a dangerous criminal desert planet. Why couldn't they hide Rey somewhere nicer, like like and Leia, per the video.
@@CruelestChris i know right ? because they actually sold her :D thats still a thing lol
so they exualy sold her
couldnt the child of the emperor pull a vew strings to find a place where she be kinda save.
like a orphange on a relatively nice planet.
He was a Skywalker. She was a Palpatine. Can I make it any more obvious?
I snorted
He was a Vader boi...she said see you l8ter boi...
She salvaged junk...he murdered kids...they really hit the skids
He wanted her, she could just tell. They're probably cousins as well. He works for Snoke, she rides a cool bike...they both have a helmet that they really liiiiiiiiiiike.......
So he threw her down an exhaust shaft?
They had a fake/manipulated father-son relationship with ulterior motives?
I like to play club music while I play this video and pretend we’re at the club and this girl is yelling everything in my ear over the music
I don't know why this doesn't have more likes lmfaoooo
I'm just thinking of that scene from American psycho with defoe and bale at the restaurant
This is the greatest idea I heard all day!
Could we do an edited video like that? It can't be too hard.
You win the comment section lol
The biggest missed opportunity with Rey Palpatine is they should have made Palpatine act loving and grandfatherly to her. He should have seduced her like Anakin but even more effective because of her desire for family. There should have been a scene of Rey reluctantly fighting Kylo while she claims through tears that no, Palpatine is good she can see it when he's actually just manipulating her. The best villains are ones that exploit the deepest weakness of the protagonist. Palpatine could have done this to Rey better than anyone else. It could have been perfect. He could have offered her family. But, no they made him space Hitler zombie Satan and they fought with swords. Huge missed opportunity.
While I disagree with Rey Palpatine, having Sheev be manipulative would be more accurate than keeping this a secret from her.
Yes! Exactly! They even missed that opportunity. That would have been a perfect fit if Palpatine was to come back!
Yes, but the problem with this, it would have required caring about the whole thing, and understanding basic concepts about storytelling and SW
Damn that would've been really cool to see. That manipulative and kind old man comes back for a moment, saying things about how all he wanted was for his granddaughter to come back to him.
It would've immediately explained how this man could've possibly had a family. If he employed the same tactics he used with Anakin, I think he could absolutely have a family, and he could absolutely manipulate Rey too.
And then Rey would have like an actual moral dilemma instead of "do I get the power to save my friends but lose control of my body, thus rendering this power useless and this decision incredibly obvious"
‘Space Hitler Zombie Satan’ accurate
He was a Skywalker and she was a Palpatine. Could I make it any more obvious?
He murdered his dad and she killed his master. What more can i say?
Sk8walker Boi
He wore high pants, and she'd never tell, that she thought Ben wore leather really well...
We're all dating ourselves😂
Genuinely think Rey should have answered the question "Rey who?" by saying "Just Rey."
Have Rey's arc be the realization that her heritage doesn't define her, she's doesn't have herself as a Palpatine, but she doesn't need to choose to be a Skywalker, she can carve out her own legacy for herself.
Yes, then she'd have a bookend to being uncomfortable not having a last name on Pasana... She discovers there are worse things to having no last name; for example, having a name that motivates people to harm others or being burdened by a name's legacy.
It was so obvious that the alternative was so fan-servicey as to be offensive. Woof.
Yes, this is clearly an infinitely better choice!
But muh rey skywalker yellow lightsaber money- disney
I regard this movie as the true beginning of my writers journey because I was convinced that I could do better at 13
That would be an amazing story to tell at a book tour someday. Good luck! 😅
The Mandalorian: a ship is abandoned for 12 hours and is completely stripped for parts by scavengers
Episode 9: a ship is abandoned for 20 years, it is completely untouched
@Mike Strawson JJ Abrams just scavenges ideas and characters from the OT.
Also a TIE Fighter remains totally intact through (checks notes) a cataclysmic explosion, entry into a planet's atmosphere and crash into the surface, and finally thirty years of salt corrosion.
Jawas! :)
I maintain, that Abrams and Johnson did not seem to have an appreciable understanding of the setting.
it blows my mind just how completely different these two worlds are yet they're the same world
I know there's a lot of disagreement about which of the Disney Star Wars movies are good or bad or for what reasons, but at least we can all agree that picking directors for each movie who ACTIVELY DISAGREED with each other on where the overall story should go was an unfathomably bad idea.
Yeah, they should’ve just given someone their own trilogy. Either JJ , Rian, or someone else, idc, just make it one person’s vision.
It’s ultimately what doomed the trilogy, there is no cohesion
they should have just done the correct thing....... gotten m night shyamalan for the last.... "TWIST!"
I get the suspicion it was going to be three different directors total, the third taking the first two and tying it all up, but then TLJ got lambasted by fanboys, Disney got gunshy and brought back Abrams, and we got this mess.
As far as I can see, that would have been equivalent to what we got. The issue was the change in directors in itself, not in going back to the first director for #3. Whoever did the third movie would still be stuck with the task of tying together two prequels that just don't get along.
"I'm Rey"
"Rey who?"
"I don't have a family"
"So, Rey Solo"
Rey thinks of Ben and Han dying and starts crying
This is cursed.
Honestly this would've been better with Jan being like a father figure in the force awakens
12:00 "Wow, Finn is really bad at object permanence!"
The idea of Finn not having object permanence, a skill that toddlers develop, is so funny to me lmao😂. Makes me wish that was the actual explanation for it.
"Pouring your life force into somebody, kissing them and then falling over dead and vanishing from this plane of existence is also awkward on a first date"
Dang, I *knew* I was doing something wrong!
1:02:31 ”The worst thing a franchise ending can do is make you feel kind of stupid and embaressed for being so excited about it in the first place.” is a really powerful line
Legit. Definitely applies to Game of Thrones. I can't even watch earlier seasons because I know what idiocy it all leads to :(
I think we witnessed the end to "The Millennial Falcon"
@@TheAussiePencil so true! I used to love it and now I can barely stand thinking about it. There are some shows that get bad in later seasons and you just tell people to stop after season XYZ. But GoT fucked up so royaly that it taints even the good seasons.
The only thing this movie made me feel was insulted. That they thought any viewer would be stupid enough to enjoy this vapid slop.
I guess they were ultimately right though, there are still legions of weirdos who endlessly hate on TLJ with incoherent reasons (like saying Rian ruined Luke's character as if he wasn't going down the logical continuation of what was set up in TFA) and praise RoS.
As someone who watched both Star Wars and GoT, it was a double gut punch having both series end like that within only a few months. Big enough that I haven't really gone back to watching anything in any of the fantasy subgenres since.
"Look out Rey, you're in a sword fight!"
I'm done.
“Look out, he’s gonna sta- she’s dead”
HAHAHA, I had to stop the video to laugh when she pointed this out
"Also unrelated, but this is stupid" could describe this entire movie
A friend said it was "Concept Art: The Movie" and that really stuck with me.
The trilogy is the story of one storyboard artist’s desperate attempt to make a series of movies at least visually enjoyable, even when 75% of the rest of production is collapsing in on itself.
Visually great though. .. I have to admit
All the money in the world can't rescue a badly written script.
@@treasurehunter3369 It is, I got a real kick out of the cinematography and the set design As over the top it was, it was enjoyable. Maybe the only reason I enjoyed some of it in hindsight.
That’s so true. It has no depth.
Palpatine dying was such a big moment in the 6th episode and star wars in general, his death was the result of Darth Vader becoming Anakin and the light winning over the dark. It was the beginning of a new era and simply bringing him back seemed lazy.
It's just dumb fan-service like the rest of the film.
With the resurrection of Palpatine, both the Original Trilogy AND the Prequel Trilogy were utterly destroyed. That's why the Sequel Trilogy CAN NOT be Canon.
Well, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren felt like the dawn of a new era too. Unfortunately Star Wars isn't the place for that stuff any more.
Did you expect them to actually come up with new ideas.
@@unsweetenedfruit the genuinely amazing bit to me is that people act as though this isn't par for the course with Abrams. The man's franchise career is based on remixing films he likes.
When people ask me what my favorite star wars qoute is, which happens all the time i assure you multiple times a day, I always say "Somehow Palpatine has returned" so great. Not only did it tell us NOTHING, it also proved that even the characters in this universe also knew NOTHING. Love to see it, its filmmaking at its very best.
It was pretty considerate for the filmmakers to let us know so early in the film that it was a lazy hack job.
See also:
My favourite line of writing in all of literature is,
I feel like it was the screenwriter throwing up their hands and just waiting for the fandom to come up with an explanation.
@@help4343 10 sec in - ok this is gonna suck worse than the Last Jedi..
Disney has spent so much time trying to explain this through other Star Wars media. The books said he’s a clone… and then he cloned himself again (I guess?) because Rey’s dad was a clone too. Despite the actor playing her dad having supermodel good looks… no shade to Ian McDiarmid, but he’s didn’t look like Rey’s dad (his theoretical clone son). His face has more character, and he’s already played a younger Palpatine in the prequels. Also, the tv shows (Mandalorian, ObiWan series) have tried explaining things on the side. There’s a scene in Mando where he sees what looks like baby Snokes lmao. And ObiWan stumbles upon something similar, but with former Jedi stuck in some kind of stasis. Disney keeps trying to write in clues, like they’ve had this plan all along. But we all know, “somehow Palpatine has returned” was a last minute edit. JJ himself said he wasn’t sure if it was going to be Palpatine or ObiWan as her dad.
"This film is just a weird checklist of things that are meant to satisfy star wars fans..." Is exactly how I felt about the The Force Awakens and why I did not watch the other two. I couldn't see them coming back around from the parade of obvious references thrown in your face in the bluntest way possible. It felt insulting.
Same. Watched them years later just out of curiosity and opportunity. First one was obvious social justice messaging mixed with plot line regurgitation or even cloning. Second felt like it was building... Something. Lotta plot holes but I tried to stow any logic as best I could after all, this is star wars where gravity is exactly the same everywhere there is no such thing as air pressure and all air is breathable. And space wizard knights with laser swords that aren't lasers clash. Anyways!
But then I saw the third movie, and it took me by the hand and gave me an immersive experience into what psychosis feels like.
Han Dying was absolutely Harrison Ford’s checklist🤣
i literally had to refrain from bursting out laughing in the theater because when palpatine shoots lightning into the sky it sounds exactly like one of those bass boosted meme edits
i laughed way too loud when rey just ACCIDENTLY zapped that ship and i felt like such a dickhead 😂😂😭 but it was just THAT shockingly bad to me
@@damien678 Shoot I did the same in Taiwan which have very different movie culture (make absolutely no sound)
Good thing is there’s not much people there to see that fuking movie.
the ancient meme came to pass
I was crying laughing in the theater by the end of this movie. It was my last movie theater experience before covid and I had a blast.
Congratulations everyone! By watching this video you have thought about the Rise of Skywalker script approximately 1 hour longer than the scriptwriters for the Rise of Skywalker...
I love Finns Forced abilities. In one instance he can't tell what shuttle Chewie was actually on, but then later he knows exactly which star destroyer has the fleet beacon/satellite thingamabob. Bravo, Disney and Abrams. Bravo.
Well sadly they didn't try to apply any logic to any of the sequels, and instead do whatever they think sounds cool.
@@dpangia123 Disney in a nutshell
wow, thats about the most character development finn got in the entire trilogy
This is an honest question cause I'm sure there are tons of fans who'll know the answer better than me, but...is there any indication that the Force allows you to sense machinery? Like, would using your Force powers to locate a non-sentient beacon actually be a thing? I know there have been Force-sensitive droids in Legends powered by sentient crystals, and that there's a new Jedi droid coming in the newer expanded universe, but that feels like something different entirely.
@@kieranhair7892 If you're aware of something, then the Force can guide you to it or it to you because the force is in all living things and binds all things together (as Yoda told Luke in Empire Strikes Back). Don't know if that helps, but that's all I've got on the subject.
The main theme of this film was JJ Abrams Didn't Like The Last Jedi
Or the studio demanded he answer criticisms to the last Jedi from annoying internet haters who were never worth listening to but gaslit a multi-billion dollar company into thinking they represented the majority of the fanbase, and the multi billion dollar company who has the box office numbers for the Last Jedi easily within reach were stupid enough to fall for it
Jenny 1 week ago: This pitch is unnecessary and stupid. I sure hope this isn't actually the plot
Jenny now: oh no
I swear on everything I was so excited when hux FINALLY GOT SOME CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT but there was a gay couple behind me that just straight up lost it. But when was literally killed ten seconds after, dying the most boring way, the two guys behind me literally said "well that's it" AND THEN THEY GOT UP AND LEFT THEY JUST LEFT THE THEATER WITHOUT LOOKING BACK AT THE SCREEN and boy I was THAT close to joining them.
Same! As soon as Hux died, I mentally checked out of the film. Probably the best decision I made that night.
Evil Clever Dog about when rey “kills” chewie then the very next scene they show chewie all fine and dandy was when my brain checked out as a defense mechanism.
After they screwed his character in TLJ, i consider this a mercy killing.
Hux was set up to be Snoke's top General (at least there is no indication otherwise) but even if not, he was not a buffoon in TFA. Over the top? Sure. In TLJ he was made to be a buffoon and it just didn't fit with how he was in TFA.
They couldn't have redeemed Kylo earlier and have him hanging awkwardly off tbe edges of their group bc that would be too similar to Zuko's arc and they can't be seen anywhere near actual good writing
They used the whole "I'm all the Avatars" thing though.
This video made me want Jenny's version of RoS. Or any good fan-created version, really.
@@gnocchidokey there's a lot on the web, and in pretty much all flavours. Kylo as the villain, Hux as big bad, resurrected Snoke, take your pick. Just be ready to filter aggressively if you're not looking for Reylo stuff (though I can also point you to a fic or two there).
Hey, kylo here! -awkward wave-
@@LilyMaidenLove 😄 lol