Deus Vult from Israel and specially the holy city jerusalem, my family roots go back as far as 1800 years that originated in Bethlehem, we are a few left of the original Christians of the land, pray for us, we need you brothers and sisters
You are not only Orthodox. The whole name is Catholic Apostolic Orthodox. And the "Catholics" are Catholic Apostolic Roman Christians. From the origin we were the same, one church but in the 11 siecle there was schism. Nowadays there are steps from both sides to be in conunion again.
Remember Jesus didn't like Religion as it is made by Man. Jesus believed and stated it is the Church. This is why we have so many different Christian Religions Today, not all to include Catholics, and their many many dissidents believe in Catholicism and not in the True Church. As Christians we Serve only One Master and that is Jesus Christ in all of his Glory. May the Templars Rise again to Shepherd the Sheep whom have lost their way again.
World Occidents Est Ouest de notre continent bien aimer Christianisme nos maria nos empire Occidentaux millards nos races races Humaines Whitesssssss esprit mâle femelle guerrier Guerriere Protect World Occidents nos nations millénaires nord et sud de notre continent Occidents Christianisme l'Amérique Nord Nationalisme Celtes Antarctique Christianisme le continent asiatique Christianisme Australie Nouvele Celtes des races Whites Celtes Britannia Galois Romain Germanique Allemand les nations des races Whites guerrier Guerriere Scandinavie Wisigot extrême nord de notre continent Occidents Christianisme Russe Poland Ukraine extrême nord de notre continent Occidents Allemand Britannique Britannia Celtes Bretagne
yessir but to do that we need to eliminate lgbt demons who are turning the christian world to tolerant feminism .... and of course form the biggest army of God ever seen in earth , this army has to include all christians and then go to war eliminate the muslim infidels...then retake Judea and govern it with mercy and teachings of Jesus Christ so that jews and palestinians will be together in peace
@@raphael7688 For now days in north India, a little bit yes. Hindu extremists are totally mad on convertion. Rarely there are attacks on believers and churches. But in South and East India, Christians live a peaceful life. (When considering the vast area and densely population, it's comparatively less)
Lo bueno de ser hispano, que casi entiendo todo sin necesidad de subtitulos. Gracias España por heredarnos tu sangre, tu cultura, tu idioma y tu amor por Cristo.
İnna lillahi raciun Son Hâk Din islâm dır. Yüce Allah Elçisi Muhammed Aleyhis selâmı Gönderdi. Yüce KUR'AN I GÖNDERMİŞTİR. Ben olsam hıristiyan olmaktan asla Gurur duymazdım .çünkü HZ isa peygambere hıristiyanların Dedeleri çok zülümler ettiler! Çarmığa gerdiler. Belki O değildi .ispiyoncu yahudi o anda Allah onu lanetlemiş ve sureti isa peygambere benzetilmiştir.Bu da Yüce Allahın bir muzicesidir. Lakin hıristiyanlığı bozdular tahrip ettiler. Mesela 3 leme diye bir garip konu var hıristiyanlıkta ? Tanrı meryem ve isâ Tanrının oğlu olarak gösteriliyor hıristiyanlıkta.Siz şaşırmışsınız Hiç Tanrının oğlumu olur?! O Tektir.Hem Tanrı nın Meryemle ilişkiye girdiği yönünde ahmakça yakıştırmalarınız Sanki Tanrının öyle bir ilişkiye ihtiyacı varmış gibi! Hem böyle bir saçmalık olamaz Ne yani siz Tanrı ya iftiramı atıyorsunuz ! ? zinâ yaptı mı demek istiyorsunuz? Tanrı Meryemle ? Çok yanlış bir teori .2.cisi Hıristiyanlar Kilise de Günah çıkartıyorlar. Bakın papaz bir aciz kuldur din adamı olabilir. Fakat ne yapıyorlar Günah çıkaranlara bir parça ekmek bir yudum veya bir kaç yudum şarap .Ulan kim soktu şarabı kiliseye Tanrının evine şarap sokarsanız he! Şarap hıristiyanlıkta haram ve Günah değil mi? Büyük Günah! Diyelimki papaz efendi kul ile Tanrı arasında Günah çıkarmaya yardım ediyor. Eee kiliseye şarap soktuğu buna izin verdiği için önce papazcık Günah çıkarmalı kendi günahkâr çünkü? Hem Günah çıkarıyoz diyorlar hem şarap içiyorlar.şarabın kilisede işi ne?! Hıristiyanlar Günahlarından arınmak istiyorsa Gider kiliseye Tek başına Tövbe eder Dua eder pişman oldum.Bir daha bu Günahları yapmıyacam der. Söz verir Allaha Allah dilerse Affeder Dilemezse Affetmez! Öyle kiliseye şarap sokmakla papazda olunmaz! Şarap içirmeklede hiç kimsenin Gunâhı affolunmaz aksine dahada Günâhkâr edersiniz insanları. Hem papaz kim oluyorda insanların Günahlarını çıkartıyor siliyor?! Bu düpe düz Allaha Tanrıya şirk koşmaktır! O papazın vayy haline ölünce.
I'm from Indonesia, we Christians here are fighting against the oppression of Muslims. the burning of churches, the killing of priests and so on, even though we are only a minority, we are afraid because we know that to be Christians we have to carry the cross. one day the templars will return
@@CatholicCrusader__30 if there are Muslim immigrants in your country, and being kind to the environment, that is just a lie, all their attitudes will be seen if they become the majority somewhere then they will show their original barbaric attitude
@@CatholicCrusader__30what do you think? Can a small Christian population defeat the biggest muslim country in the world??? And yes, there are some things the media WON'T TELL YOU.
@@CatholicCrusader__30 Theres no way he can say anything about the MUSLIMS over there in INDONESIA they'd slaughter him.And one lie like he burned the QUR'AN and you know what them rabid animals would do they have SHARIA LAW there as well..
We will, the last crusade will come ; it will come from Quebec (monarchist Flag catholic 4 flowers of lyly) the last great french monarch is coming from Montreal (Mount Royal). We will restaure all the earth to catholics trad monarchys ; no more liberalism, capitalism, marxist nor islam ideology; Christ King will give his holy mother Mary Queen of the world, the keys to rule the whole earth ; the millenium is coming 2033-3033. Our holy mother will crush the head of the dragon and his antichrist system of the beast. St Michael archangel will be there too ; " Quis ut deus ! " ... be prepared my brothers.
Yes . The main weakness of Christians is we aren't United. If all of us could unite under our Lord's Holy Cross, then we can make this world a Kingdom of Heaven. ♥️
Deus Vult from the Netherlands, my brothers and sisters in Christ!🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱 Small in numbers, but enormous in faith! Stay strong in the Lord and keep fighting the good fight! May the Lord choose us all as His strongest and best warriors! Amen!
@@frankytrevor7 I understand that, still the catholic Bible tell us to make place for the other religions, even if they are right or not, our duty is to defend and love our brothers, and as part of that faith, our hearts and hands should be united, we don't have to feel, think, or believe in the same, after all, God loves you all, even if you are right or wrong, God loves you all my brothers, be strong enough to be Brave, and be brave enough, to be kind, sweet love for you all my brothers ❤️🤝🤝
Deus Vult Brothers from USA! 🇺🇲 We must live our lives and be Thankful for each blessing, ignore the negative things, onward Soldier for Hosanna Meus! Fortuna, Fortuna, Equis 💯
Thank you Italy for Rome, Latin Alphabets, Latin, Roman Catholicism, Deus Vult, Western Civilisation with Greece, Western Christianity, Renaissance and great arts! Thank you so much Italy! Grazzi
@@urbaneray3342 I know Bro ;) God, Jesus, Mary. All of them are *LOVE* My grand-mother* who died 3 years ago was always telling me to pray Mary. When later in life* i met my wife... Her name : Maria de Lurdes. Nothing happens for nothing.
@@ВикторПокровский-р8е Тут из разных лент отрывки. Сериал: "Падение Ордена" (2017-2019), фильм: "Арн: Объединенное королевство" (2008). Может и еще какие-то...
I'm Christian to the best of my abilities . As a profession every year I look forward to fighting wild fires . That's my physical battlefield . Every year I enlist, and get called upon to ride into the blaze . Thank you Lord for this life of service .
@@NoahDaDudeBroMan when that day comes we will ride into battle together my brother in Christ. All around the world we will gather ready for battle in the name of mighty Jesus. God bless
Deus vult from philippines. May the sacred heart of jesus and the immaculate heart of mary be adored bless,praise,love,worshipp and glorified always and in all places AMEN.
Deus Vult from México Anima Christi, sanctifica me. Corpus Christi, salve me. Sanguis Christi, inebria me. Aqua lateris Christi, lava me. Passio Christi, conforta me. O bone Iesu, exaudi me. Intra tua vulnera absconde me. Ne permittas me separari a te. Ab hoste maligno defende me. In hora mortis meae voca me. Et iube me venire ad te, ut cum Sanctis tuis laudem te in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Que viva! Greetings from Poland and eternal respect for fighting masons left side government in 20' on Cristiada. Im afraid in Europe we will see replay of this story coming 10-20 years... Stay pray for us pls brothers.
@@knightfcnas690 sizler nasıl bir Günahın içindesiniz bilmiyorsunuz.çünkü İsa peygambere Allahın oğlu diyorsunuz.hiç Allahın oğlu olur mu ?O her dinde Tek tir !Hem Yüce Allahın zinaya ihtiyacı yoktur. Meryem ile Allahın oğlu oluyor. Allah'ın oğlu deyince az mantıklı olun .lütfen Ben bir müslüman olarak Hz İsa peygamberin elçi olduğunu biliyorum. Ve öyledirde.lakin sizin atalarınız Allahın elçisi isaya çok zülüm ettiler.Hem islâm dininde tüm peygamberin Allahın elçisi olduğunu kabul etmek var.Ama Allah ile meryem ve oğlu isa üçleme diyorsunuz bu Yüce Allaha bilmeyerek attığınız bir iftira olur. Bakın kimsenin inançlarını kötülemek değil maksadı müslümanlar Allahın elçilerine saygısızlık yapmayız.çünki çocuklarımıza İsa Musa Davut Yakup vs tüm peygamberlerin ismini veriyoruz.Ama hıristiyanlar sanırım diğer dinlere ve elçilerine pek saygısı yok çünkü defalarca Hz Muhammed peygambere hakaret ettiler. Yüce KUR'ANA yakmak gibi saçmalık ve küstahlık yaptılar tüm hıristiyanlar bunu yaptı demiyorum. O değil de siz hıristiyanlar hiç Muhammed peygamberin ismini koymadınız çocuklarınıza ?Oysa Hz Muhammed peygamber tüm insanlığa gelen bir kutlu elçidir.tek bir kâvme gelmemiştir.tüm insanlığa gelmiştir.Araştırın biz Müslümanlar gibi diğer peygamberlerede sevgi duyarsınız belki.
Viva Cristo Rey y la Virgen de Guadalupe!El martirio de los cristeros nunca serán olvidado,y no hay héroes anónimos ante Dios.Los rojos un día pagarán el precio de sangre,por todas las persecuciones a los católicos.Calles era un hijo de puta como cualquier rojo,y su putísimo aliado los EEUU era complice del diablo.Abajo el comunismo y el liberalismo.
@@frankytrevor7there is no such a thing like that in the bible it’s not about catholic,orthodox,Protestant… it’s about faith relationships and also brother (family) in Christ.if you think only about church then you are against Christ teachings,it doesn’t matter you are catholic,orthodox,Protestant all of us are family and brother and you have to know the true church is yourself not a building because God judge you by your heart
@@ginterka381996 Kiliseye şarap sokup sonra günah çıkarıyor diye papazın insanlara şarap içirmesi! ? Şarap hıristiyanlıkta Haram değil mi? Lan kim soktu kiliseye şarabı .birde Büyük niğmet olan ekmekle birlikte yediriyorlar.Daha da günahkâr ediyor sizin papazlar iñsanları !? Hem papaz kim oluyor ki ? Insanların Günâhlarını siliyor Affediyor? Bu düpe düz Tanrıya şirk koşmaktır! Birde 3 leme diye bir garip konu var hıristiyanlıkta. Siz şaşırmışsınız Tanrının hiç oğlu olur mu? O TEKTİR. NE yani Tanrı Meryem isâ .Siz Tanrı ve Meryeme iftira atmış oluyorsunuz. Tanrının zinâya ihtiyacımı var?! Çok ayıptır Günahtır.
Here's a white pill for you all. Canada is far from being the marxist utopia as our clown prime-minister makes it looks so. Its more like EU, a confederation composed of many little countries that wishes for independance.
In these dark moments of the history when evil is called good, and good is called evil... In these moments when the Antichist opens the Gates (no mistake) of Hell... We should stay in prayer and contemplation... And if God asks we should bring the swords and fight.... I think that we live the moments of the Revelation Book.... The whole World is in the dark period.... Jesus help us.
Deus Vult from Hungary!!!!!!!! For Christ and freedom we shall die a thousand times before we succumb and even then shall rise in the name of God for Victory and Justice!
Deus Vult! From Kerala, India 🔥 The Catholic Christians in Kerala region of India is one of the ancient Christian communities in world. We trace our origins back to before 10th century, to the early Jews who got converted to Christianity.
It's more serious then a common man releases. But everything changes in time and times have changed Social engineering requires sacrifice but at the cost of something that wont ever love the foreign land with different culture and religion but rather stays for economy and survival while trying to achieve power and control to make it the land of theirs and how they want it to be by the desire to reshape it in the hearts of the enemy inside of the foreign land . I was just recently promised to "Get a hole in my head" If someone will throne in the lands of Northmen and that cause I was just asking a young middle age Muslim Warrior perhaps you guys will take over one day? ;) The answer was predictable. Aggressive, hateful, disrespectful while others have I confronted have just said "We don't care about this country as you do" Honestly at least, while working here, I guess people are pissed off and blame on others of not achieving their dreams. Dreams often start from the attitude and how you personally are able integrate.
@@AemondTomahawk Week man indeed, Sir. That's why we all wait for the weekend. Drink ourselves away from the guilt, misery and the rest of the mambojambo.
@@AemondTomahawk The real friendship only works through acceptance but we as humans aren't there yet. Also the programs, the propagandas if those week men in power have manipulated the entire mankind for the satisfaction of power and the feel of belonging to the great" Great as in For the eyes of God or the Social status, then how come 90% blindly follow everything that they are taught to be real? I see as in Europe we have thing called identity crisis cause people feel misfits as it bothers them daily and the more unstable have hard time coping with it. Very well to be seen around migrants in foreign lands. It is truly difficult challenge to be away from your native home unless you share the same values and the culture with the locals. Home is where you feel like it, if u dont feel that feeling its never gonna get better.
The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, known as the Knights Templar, Order of the Temple (in French: Ordre du Temple or Templiers) or simply as Templars, was a military order of Cavalry. The organization existed for about two centuries in the Middle Ages (1118-1312), having been founded in the aftermath of the First Crusade of 1096, with the original purpose of protecting the Christians who returned to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem after their conquest. Independence of the Kingdom of Great Britain - declared 4 July 1776 (242 years) - recognized 3 September 1783 (235 years) - Current constitution June 21, 1788 Protestantism: 46.5% Without religion : 22.8% Roman Catholicism: 20.8% Other Christians: 3.3% Judaism: 1.9% Others: 4.7% *I think not LOL*
@@RafaelSousa-bn4mx Israël is from Israël and there came the templar knights where to protect Them Not to be the owner of Israël. And Israël is safe, cuz God wants to. The templars in our days are fighting in other places, but with peace
Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants all brothers in Christ . England is the great country. Richard the Lionheart is example of valor and honor for me. From Russia with love.
Los Protestantes no existían en las Cruzadas , solo los Cristianos Católicos A. Romanos. Por eso se dice Deus lo Vult usado por los ✝️🇻🇦 Viva Cristo Rey 👑✝️
@@mercy1459 protestantism is a continuation of the Catholic Church . Also You should unite with your brothers not fight against them . If you continue behaving this way towards your own brothers in Christ You be helping the enemies of Christ destroying Christiandom & we will suffer just like our brothers in Christ suffered in Muslim & communist countries .
Deus vult to all Christian brothers ! From France ✝️🇨🇵
Vive la patrie , vive notre seigneur Dieu. Deus Vult ✝️🇫🇷
Vive o Senhor Deus, let's burn the remaining bushings! From Brasil 🇧🇷✝️
on devrait défiler comme ça dans la rue ce serait mieux pour faire passer le message ^^ :)
Agora é só Amor!
DEUS VULT✝️❤️catholic from Lebanon 🇱🇧 GOD bless every single Christian in the world WE're fam in blood❤️💪
True believers are family
@@davidturner1641 deus vult from india
@@deusvolt1917 DV
DV brother!
We need the Knights Templar to be reconstituted to defend our People and churches.
One Universal Church-Mighty Lord Jesus Christ.Install the Kingdom of God on Earth
Amen ✝️⚔️🛡
If so, the knights, Templar, not the masonic group. This group is only out for one thing to unify under false premises.
Deus Vult, I'm from Brazil, always in defense of our Christian faith, ✝️🇧🇷⚔️, long live Christianity
God bless all 🕊️
From Indonesian 🇮🇩 Catholic ✝️
May Indonesian will be Christianity in God's will amen 🙏
@@marcjedricmigrino6520 Christianity is Ignorance. Islam is light for mankind. Thank God I am a muslim. May Europe will be an islamic state.
Deus Vult my south east Asian brother
Christian in Indonesia.. now that's rare.
Deus Vult from Israel and specially the holy city jerusalem, my family roots go back as far as 1800 years that originated in Bethlehem, we are a few left of the original Christians of the land, pray for us, we need you brothers and sisters
ܡܨܠܐ ܐ̱ܢܐ ܠܒܘܪܟܬܐ ܥܠ ܟܠܟܘܢ😇
Jerusalem belongs to Catholics
when are we going to take it?
Deus Vult from Scotland pal, god bless
مفيش لسه اى عربى شتمك .... غريبه 😅😅
Greeting from Egypt to all christians in the world
Deus Vult from Romania, hail thy Catholic brother from your Orthodox brothers, may we unite again under the one Christian religion
You are not only Orthodox. The whole name is Catholic Apostolic Orthodox. And the "Catholics" are Catholic Apostolic Roman Christians.
From the origin we were the same, one church but in the 11 siecle there was schism. Nowadays there are steps from both sides to be in conunion again.
The United Commanderies of the Knights Templar-would be a good start.
Remember Jesus didn't like Religion as it is made by Man. Jesus believed and stated it is the Church. This is why we have so many different Christian Religions Today, not all to include Catholics, and their many many dissidents believe in Catholicism and not in the True Church. As Christians we Serve only One Master and that is Jesus Christ in all of his Glory.
May the Templars Rise again to Shepherd the Sheep whom have lost their way again.
@@majorhawker4776 What do you smoke?
vatican shall be a museum
Jesus bless Lebanon, you are lucky to have Byblos City in your Country the City of the Holy Bible ✝
Always remember, you have brothers who loves you in the middle east, the old Christians pray for you and salut you, Deus Vult. Amen
Deus Vult brothers from Middle East. We pray for you. You are the true Templar nowadays. God Bless You !
Roman Catholic from asia i will pray for all my christian brothers in the Middle East. Deus Vult my brother!
DEUS VULT from Germany! Schutz unseren Brüdern und Schwestern. 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪
roman and prusian empire aeterna victrix!!!!!
Amen bruder, Heil Christus Der König
Deus Vult gesegent seit ihr im namen Jesus Christus. Grüsse aus der Schweiz✝️🇨🇭
Ich schließe mich an, wird Zeit das Gott richtet ❤@@noel6616
God bless you all, my Christian Brothers. From Portugal 🇵🇹
Nuno P salve meu irmão lusitano 🇧🇷
@@srguguts Abraço 🇵🇹
CHEGA 🇵🇹🇵🇹
@@afonsosilva2820 chega o que? Haha
@@srguguts ahahah Chega é um partido político em Portugal de direita, conservador e patriótico que está a crescer muito. Já aprendeste hoje.
God bless all Christians around the world. Deus Vult from Poland
Mehr denn je, ❤ wird Zeit
DEUS VULT brothers&sisters,
from Croatia! 🇭🇷💪🙏✝️✝️✝️🇻🇦
Pozdrav brate iz Argentine od Hrvat
Bog i hrvati!!
Deus Vult Hrvatica iz Australije ✝️🇦🇺✝️🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷🇭🇷❤️🔥✝️
Deus Vult iz Slavonije🇭🇷
Deus vult from Switzerland, Heil Crusaders around the world, stay Safe ❤️✝️
Hmm do you worship Allah as your God?
Greetings from Chile. deus vult!!!
in aeternum amen
atom jr you worship pegan stones
May the all mighty be with you
"The Kingdom of God must be defended like any other kingdom". -St. Thomas Beckett
"Those who stand against the Cross will meet the sword".
England has awesome saints and warriors did you see the videos on .... Catholic army IT
Никогда не станеш ими надо радится🦧😆
@泰米尔语 Yeah, ottoman can't even defeat Winged hussars of Polish-Lithunia Confederation
Awesome video Sir!
World Occidents Est Ouest de notre continent bien aimer Christianisme nos maria nos empire Occidentaux millards nos races races Humaines Whitesssssss esprit mâle femelle guerrier Guerriere Protect World Occidents nos nations millénaires nord et sud de notre continent Occidents Christianisme l'Amérique Nord Nationalisme Celtes Antarctique Christianisme le continent asiatique Christianisme Australie Nouvele Celtes des races Whites Celtes Britannia Galois Romain Germanique Allemand les nations des races Whites guerrier Guerriere Scandinavie Wisigot extrême nord de notre continent Occidents Christianisme Russe Poland Ukraine extrême nord de notre continent Occidents Allemand Britannique Britannia Celtes Bretagne
yessir but to do that we need to eliminate lgbt demons who are turning the christian world to tolerant feminism .... and of course form the biggest army of God ever seen in earth , this army has to include all christians and then go to war eliminate the muslim infidels...then retake Judea and govern it with mercy and teachings of Jesus Christ so that jews and palestinians will be together in peace
Germany becoming Islamic because of infidels
DEUS VULT!! I am Catholic from Protestant USA.
Stay strong, brother! Respect from Brazil.
Welcome Home Brother to the real Church of Jesus Christ 33A.D. GodBless
Protestant 💪
@@arminius504 prots 🤮
@@arminius504 🗿
Proud to be a Christian
Wish I could sacrifice my life defending our beloved people....
Deus Vult from INDIA 🇮🇳
Tell me friend is life harsh as a Christian in India ?
@@raphael7688 For now days in north India, a little bit yes. Hindu extremists are totally mad on convertion. Rarely there are attacks on believers and churches.
But in South and East India, Christians live a peaceful life.
(When considering the vast area and densely population, it's comparatively less)
@@fredymjose1540 i pray for your safety for those around you and to stop this madnesses may they see Christ one day, god bless you ❤️
Good bless you, my friends
@@raphael7688 Amen
God bless all Christians. God bless Poland 🇵🇱🎚
Thank U all for 1 thousand 👍 and all your comments.
Especially Poland, the last true fortress of Christianity! Greetings from Germany, brother.
God Bless Poland 🇵🇱 from Malaysia ❤
@@nicolbolas1092 The last? You consider the rest of the slavs submited to Islam? Think again!
@@evgenipenov3612 Evgeni, didn't want to imply that. But Poland is the loudest and most visible anti-islam nation in Europe.
Teraz i Na Wieki
Lo bueno de ser hispano, que casi entiendo todo sin necesidad de subtitulos.
Gracias España por heredarnos tu sangre, tu cultura, tu idioma y tu amor por Cristo.
Los hermanos hispanoamericanos sois el último gran bastión de la cristiandad.
Puedo decir el mismo, como brasileño.
Deus Vult hermanos hispanos.
Deus Vult from Armenia and the descendants of the Crusader kingdom of Cilicia! Still here, surrounded by enemies, still Christian, til the bitter end.
Deus Vult from Herzeg-Bosnia 🇭🇷 to our Armenian Brothers! Some day we shall bring destruction to the false god and his evil servants in turkey
Hold strong, brothers!
@@tomoglamuzina9045 hold up wait a minute
@@ozkang654 yes you are right they just exaggerate
@@tomoglamuzina9045 you will never we will islamized hercegovina.....
Deus Vult from Orthodox brothers from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus!
Не брат ти мені гнида московська !
Deus Vult from South East Asia. I love my Orthodox brothers in Christ!
@@Thomas-yo2zu wdym "still"
@@zloycommentator83 lmao you know what I mean.
Deus Vult from Portugal, the Templar Nation to all brothers and sisters in the Christendom!
Love from an Indian Christian brother
Viva a coroa portuguesa . Obrigado Portugal por trazer Cristo para o Brasil.
Deus Vult. Viva Cristo Rei!
Deus Vult from Croatia! ❤ ✟ 🇭🇷 ❤
Pozdrav brate od Hrvata iz Argentine
Živila hrvatska
Great country. Deus Vult from Brazil!
Ut benedicat tibi Dominus
uvijek i svagdje :)
Deus vult from the United States. Remember God and be strong in these difficult times.
He only ask one thing : Love. *DEUS VULT!*
God bless you
What is happening in USA rn? It says that u guys are having a riot in the White House
Romans 13 brothers
Indeed brother! God bless you!
Deus Vult Vere!
Deus Vult Crusaders Catholics , Greetings from Philippines 🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭 #INC33AD 🇻🇦
@@ГрустныйДобряк ❤️❤️❤️
@@lovelydee9951 Привет и Скажи мне Был Крестовый поход на Персию🇮🇷⚔🇪🇦✝️⚔☪️Иран🇮🇷⚔🇪🇦✝️⚔☪️🇮🇶⚔🇨🇵✝️⚔☪️🇪🇬⚔🇨🇵✝️
God bless you sister
From Indonesia 🇮🇩
Deus Vult my brothers, from an Indian Christian ✝️💪🏽
İnna lillahi raciun Son Hâk Din islâm dır. Yüce Allah Elçisi Muhammed Aleyhis selâmı Gönderdi. Yüce KUR'AN I GÖNDERMİŞTİR. Ben olsam hıristiyan olmaktan asla Gurur duymazdım .çünkü HZ isa peygambere hıristiyanların Dedeleri çok zülümler ettiler! Çarmığa gerdiler. Belki O değildi .ispiyoncu yahudi o anda Allah onu lanetlemiş ve sureti isa peygambere benzetilmiştir.Bu da Yüce Allahın bir muzicesidir. Lakin hıristiyanlığı bozdular tahrip ettiler. Mesela 3 leme diye bir garip konu var hıristiyanlıkta ? Tanrı meryem ve isâ Tanrının oğlu olarak gösteriliyor hıristiyanlıkta.Siz şaşırmışsınız Hiç Tanrının oğlumu olur?! O Tektir.Hem Tanrı nın Meryemle ilişkiye girdiği yönünde ahmakça yakıştırmalarınız Sanki Tanrının öyle bir ilişkiye ihtiyacı varmış gibi! Hem böyle bir saçmalık olamaz Ne yani siz Tanrı ya iftiramı atıyorsunuz ! ? zinâ yaptı mı demek istiyorsunuz? Tanrı Meryemle ? Çok yanlış bir teori .2.cisi Hıristiyanlar Kilise de Günah çıkartıyorlar. Bakın papaz bir aciz kuldur din adamı olabilir. Fakat ne yapıyorlar Günah çıkaranlara bir parça ekmek bir yudum veya bir kaç yudum şarap .Ulan kim soktu şarabı kiliseye Tanrının evine şarap sokarsanız he! Şarap hıristiyanlıkta haram ve Günah değil mi? Büyük Günah! Diyelimki papaz efendi kul ile Tanrı arasında Günah çıkarmaya yardım ediyor. Eee kiliseye şarap soktuğu buna izin verdiği için önce papazcık Günah çıkarmalı kendi günahkâr çünkü? Hem Günah çıkarıyoz diyorlar hem şarap içiyorlar.şarabın kilisede işi ne?! Hıristiyanlar Günahlarından arınmak istiyorsa Gider kiliseye Tek başına Tövbe eder Dua eder pişman oldum.Bir daha bu Günahları yapmıyacam der. Söz verir Allaha Allah dilerse Affeder Dilemezse Affetmez! Öyle kiliseye şarap sokmakla papazda olunmaz! Şarap içirmeklede hiç kimsenin Gunâhı affolunmaz aksine dahada Günâhkâr edersiniz insanları. Hem papaz kim oluyorda insanların Günahlarını çıkartıyor siliyor?! Bu düpe düz Allaha Tanrıya şirk koşmaktır! O papazın vayy haline ölünce.
Jesus our Lord and God, greetings from Croatia!
@@Rajko1978 right brother .... salutes brate my grandfather fought for croatia
@@mirdita rice ba!!
Stand fast warriors from India. There are many hungry souls in India. Spread our glad tidings.
Deus Vult from Croatia, Antemurale Christianitatis!
Non nobis Domine, sed nomini Tuo da Gloriam! 🇭🇷
Catholic Instrumental Core:
Tomo Glamucina : Hispaniarum Regno Christi parietem, salute Croatia 🇪🇸
@@jacoboVE_Cultura Salute mi hermano espanol desde Croatia 😁 #juntos 🇭🇷🇪🇸👑
@@tomoglamuzina9045 Gracias, saludo al noble y cristiano pueblo de Croacia, a tí hermano Tomo, saludos 🇪🇸♥️🇭🇷 fratres mei semper.
Deus vult from Slovakia!
Christians and Slavs strong together💪
Deus Vult from Malaysia 🇲🇾✝️❤️
Never forget brothers Orthodox Protestants or Catholics to defend Christ we all fight as one
All are brothers
@@creed3830 Amen
@@creed3830, yes, all of us are siblings, even those of other religions like The Quran or Buddhism, all of you are my brothers and sisters
I'm from Indonesia, we Christians here are fighting against the oppression of Muslims. the burning of churches, the killing of priests and so on, even though we are only a minority, we are afraid because we know that to be Christians we have to carry the cross. one day the templars will return
You will be victorious. I always condemn them everywhere I go. Why don't you protest wouldn't it work
@@CatholicCrusader__30 if there are Muslim immigrants in your country, and being kind to the environment, that is just a lie, all their attitudes will be seen if they become the majority somewhere then they will show their original barbaric attitude
@@CatholicCrusader__30what do you think? Can a small Christian population defeat the biggest muslim country in the world??? And yes, there are some things the media WON'T TELL YOU.
Que Dieu vous protège, avec Saint Michel Archange , que Dieu vous garde !
@@CatholicCrusader__30 Theres no way he can say anything about the MUSLIMS over there in INDONESIA they'd slaughter him.And one lie like he burned the QUR'AN and you know what them rabid animals would do they have SHARIA LAW there as well..
Deus vult from Christian Philippines!
God bless you, WulfGalactus777. Be strong in the armor of God.
@@Xmokko God Bless! From America.
Deus vult from the Kingom of England and the home of Richard the Lionheart
DEUS VULT kapatid! Keep the faith burning!
If we united the army of the west, the catholic army with the orthodox army of Byzantium and Russia I would conquer with the whole world
That is not exactly what Christianity is about, is it ?
We will, the last crusade will come ; it will come from Quebec (monarchist Flag catholic 4 flowers of lyly) the last great french monarch is coming from Montreal (Mount Royal). We will restaure all the earth to catholics trad monarchys ; no more liberalism, capitalism, marxist nor islam ideology; Christ King will give his holy mother Mary Queen of the world, the keys to rule the whole earth ; the millenium is coming 2033-3033. Our holy mother will crush the head of the dragon and his antichrist system of the beast. St Michael archangel will be there too ; " Quis ut deus ! " ... be prepared my brothers.
@@MrMusique1970 will you spare buddhism and hinduism?
I'm in
Yes . The main weakness of Christians is we aren't United. If all of us could unite under our Lord's Holy Cross, then we can make this world a Kingdom of Heaven. ♥️
Deus vult from india🇮🇳✝️✝️
May God bless you
Deus Vult from the Netherlands, my brothers and sisters in Christ!🇳🇱🇳🇱🇳🇱
Small in numbers, but enormous in faith!
Stay strong in the Lord and keep fighting the good fight!
May the Lord choose us all as His strongest and best warriors!
Er wird richten, daran halte ich fest ❤
DEUS VULT from Russia ✊✊✊
DEUS VULT from australia my brother ✊✊✊
Deus Vult from Brasil 🇧🇷
AVE MARIA, Deus Vult !!!
God bless you all my brothers and sisters from Ireland🇮🇪. Keep the faith, my fellow crusaders! Christ lives in us.
Deus Vult Greetings from Hispanic America Greetings to all my Catholic brothers!
Santiago y cierra. El imperio renacerá. DEUS VULT
@@tpv.dart.0170 asi es ¡el imperio sera forjado una vez mas!
Deo Gratias
@Mercy Sarango volveremos a ser imperio
Esperad al Gran Monarca Católico y al Papa Extraordinario, entónces la fe será restaurada.
Deus vult from Spain, one of the greatest homes of faith, you all are welcome here, because we're brothers under the same roof, Ave Maria et Deus vult
Deus Vult et Plus Ultra Hispania 💪❌🇪🇦❌💪.
@@frankytrevor7 I understand that, still the catholic Bible tell us to make place for the other religions, even if they are right or not, our duty is to defend and love our brothers, and as part of that faith, our hearts and hands should be united, we don't have to feel, think, or believe in the same, after all, God loves you all, even if you are right or wrong, God loves you all my brothers, be strong enough to be Brave, and be brave enough, to be kind, sweet love for you all my brothers ❤️🤝🤝
Deus Volt from Colombia 🇨🇴 ✝️ we are awaiting to help our Christian 🇦🇲 Armenian brothers
not this time, but once they called I'll come to
God bless Colombians. Greeting from Armenia.
Make the D of the word "Deus" Z and there you have Zeus. Just to get how the word was created. It's scary how everything traces back to Greece.
A child of God.
A man of faith.
A warrior of Christ
@@Lfsmash20 ✌️✌️
washed by the blood , cleand by the lamb stay save >Brother
Pride of great Europa. Dunno without this what Europe would have been? Keep the European flag flying high 🇪🇺
Deus Vult Brothers from USA! 🇺🇲
We must live our lives and be Thankful for each blessing, ignore the negative things, onward Soldier for Hosanna Meus! Fortuna, Fortuna, Equis 💯
DEUS VULT brother
@@iamanonymous7244 ✊
This song converges all the laments of the righteous into a powerful delivery of holy vengeance.
Deus vult from America!!! Onward to Europe!
Deus vult from Italy! Where all began 🇮🇹 🇻🇦
thanks for accept Jesus Christ into the world
Countrys brothers 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸
Deus vult
Thank you Italy for Rome, Latin Alphabets, Latin, Roman Catholicism, Deus Vult, Western Civilisation with Greece, Western Christianity, Renaissance and great arts! Thank you so much Italy! Grazzi
Deus Vult from Milan
Actually no Christianity started in Israel through literally Jesus himself.
DEUS VULT from Constantinople (İstanbul) ex-muslim now a christian. Thank you Jesus Christ
*LOVE* is the only important matter. Love is God.
Héritage Kébèk JESUS is also love
@@urbaneray3342 I know Bro ;) God, Jesus, Mary. All of them are *LOVE* My grand-mother* who died 3 years ago was always telling me to pray Mary. When later in life* i met my wife... Her name : Maria de Lurdes. Nothing happens for nothing.
@@urbaneray3342 Love you 🤍🤍🤍
@@urbaneray3342 In french we can play with the word Love :) Love is cool cause love "vole" (fly) :)
Fun Fact :
The Polish Winged Hussars would always scream 'Deus Vult' when charging at the Enemy. (Deus Vult means "God Wills it")
In Spain --> "Santiago y Cierra España" (Santiago and closes Spain) Santiago = Saint James the Moor-slayer. Deus Vult brother 💪✝️💪.
Deus Vult from Brazil✝️ Non nobis, domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam
İnna lillahi raciun Son Hâk Din islâm dır!
Deus Vult et Ave Christus Rex!!! Pela restauração Católica no Brasil e em todo o Mundo!
Deus Vult from Italy , ROMA ✝️🇮🇹🦅
@@ГрустныйДобряк 00000000ćzuzč
Epic. God save Poland🇵🇱
@SizajPL 1922 masz 100%. Ale bez Boga nie damy rady.
Amen for that! Left Sweden for Poland 🇵🇱
Glory to Poland!
Poland, Stay strong and united in pray and faith.
I went to Iraq as a soldier and pledged my life for country. I'd do the same for God, family and household.
Deus Vult. God wills it.
Deus vult France 🇫🇷. Christ is 👑 king
Deus Vult from Orthodox Russia!
Подскажи, как фильм называется?
@@ВикторПокровский-р8е Тут из разных лент отрывки. Сериал: "Падение Ордена" (2017-2019), фильм: "Арн: Объединенное королевство" (2008). Может и еще какие-то...
With vodka e blast in the opponent's face
Deus Vult from Argentina. «Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam»
Saludos Hermanos!!!
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto
Ave Maria!
Nemo patriam quia magna est amat, sed quia sua.
Deus Vult. Plus Ultra Hispania 😇🙏🇪🇦.
Deus Vult from Vietnam 🇻🇳
DEUS VULT from Brazil.
Ave maria
deus vult ave maria
Bog i hrvati!!
DEUS VULT from Italy 🇮🇹
Não a nós, Senhor, não a nós, mas dá Glória ao teu nome.
@Rincon Ovalle Luis Fernando amen hermano 🙏 desde sonora te devuelvo el saludo DIOS TE BENDIGA SIEMPRE 🙏
Nombre de la película hermanos?.. Por favor!... QUIEN COMO DIOS?
Traitor to the catholic Spain.
Njoy Zapata and anglicanism.
I'm Christian to the best of my abilities . As a profession every year I look forward to fighting wild fires . That's my physical battlefield . Every year I enlist, and get called upon to ride into the blaze . Thank you Lord for this life of service .
Someday, we shall fight along our savior during Armageddon.
@@NoahDaDudeBroMan when that day comes we will ride into battle together my brother in Christ. All around the world we will gather ready for battle in the name of mighty Jesus. God bless
Deus vult from philippines. May the sacred heart of jesus and the immaculate heart of mary be adored bless,praise,love,worshipp and glorified always and in all places AMEN.
Philippines state Christian forever from Spain
Amen! JMJ! Praise be Jesus Christ and Mary the mother of Christ!
O, Europa! It hurts my heart what has become of you.
Europe will once again be sanctified
Deus Vult (from Australia)
Same here! Deus Vult!
Deus Vult from México
Anima Christi, sanctifica me.
Corpus Christi, salve me.
Sanguis Christi, inebria me.
Aqua lateris Christi, lava me.
Passio Christi, conforta me.
O bone Iesu, exaudi me.
Intra tua vulnera absconde me.
Ne permittas me separari a te.
Ab hoste maligno defende me.
In hora mortis meae voca me.
Et iube me venire ad te,
ut cum Sanctis tuis laudem te
in saecula saeculorum.
Viva Cristo Rey! Viva Los Cristeros!
From the country of Huzilopochtil?!
@@Jaechhetai From Country Cristiada, zopenco.
@@DonatoTexano 👍👍
Ego ab america venio. Salve frater. Te venire salvum volup est.
Desde México:
VIVA CRISTO REY , " YO soy el camino la verdad y la vida..."
Los globalistas no nos van a reemplacar!!!! DEUS VULT!!! POR LA CHRISTIENDADAD!!!
Que viva cristo Rey nuestro soberano salvador.
Gloria a su padre dios todo poderoso.
Bendita sea la virgen maria.
Que viva! Greetings from Poland and eternal respect for fighting masons left side government in 20' on Cristiada. Im afraid in Europe we will see replay of this story coming 10-20 years... Stay pray for us pls brothers.
@@knightfcnas690 sizler nasıl bir Günahın içindesiniz bilmiyorsunuz.çünkü İsa peygambere Allahın oğlu diyorsunuz.hiç Allahın oğlu olur mu ?O her dinde Tek tir !Hem Yüce Allahın zinaya ihtiyacı yoktur. Meryem ile Allahın oğlu oluyor. Allah'ın oğlu deyince az mantıklı olun .lütfen Ben bir müslüman olarak Hz İsa peygamberin elçi olduğunu biliyorum. Ve öyledirde.lakin sizin atalarınız Allahın elçisi isaya çok zülüm ettiler.Hem islâm dininde tüm peygamberin Allahın elçisi olduğunu kabul etmek var.Ama Allah ile meryem ve oğlu isa üçleme diyorsunuz bu Yüce Allaha bilmeyerek attığınız bir iftira olur. Bakın kimsenin inançlarını kötülemek değil maksadı müslümanlar Allahın elçilerine saygısızlık yapmayız.çünki çocuklarımıza İsa Musa Davut Yakup vs tüm peygamberlerin ismini veriyoruz.Ama hıristiyanlar sanırım diğer dinlere ve elçilerine pek saygısı yok çünkü defalarca Hz Muhammed peygambere hakaret ettiler. Yüce KUR'ANA yakmak gibi saçmalık ve küstahlık yaptılar tüm hıristiyanlar bunu yaptı demiyorum. O değil de siz hıristiyanlar hiç Muhammed peygamberin ismini koymadınız çocuklarınıza ?Oysa Hz Muhammed peygamber tüm insanlığa gelen bir kutlu elçidir.tek bir kâvme gelmemiştir.tüm insanlığa gelmiştir.Araştırın biz Müslümanlar gibi diğer peygamberlerede sevgi duyarsınız belki.
Viva Cristo Rey y la Virgen de Guadalupe!El martirio de los cristeros nunca serán olvidado,y no hay héroes anónimos ante Dios.Los rojos un día pagarán el precio de sangre,por todas las persecuciones a los católicos.Calles era un hijo de puta como cualquier rojo,y su putísimo aliado los EEUU era complice del diablo.Abajo el comunismo y el liberalismo.
My soul just left my body... this music is celestial!!
@@frankytrevor7there is no such a thing like that in the bible it’s not about catholic,orthodox,Protestant… it’s about faith relationships and also brother (family) in Christ.if you think only about church then you are against Christ teachings,it doesn’t matter you are catholic,orthodox,Protestant all of us are family and brother and you have to know the true church is yourself not a building because God judge you by your heart
@@Coryphaeus. Mathew 16 18 ; Catholic Church is Christ's church!
1 John 2:19-27 whoever is not inside it, is not one of us, that we belong to Christ
Thanks for having the guts to say it@@frankytrevor7
@@shutupplease777 true to that!
Länge leva Kristus kungen
Deus Vult av Sverige💪🏻🇸🇪🤝🏻✝️
Long live Catholic Sweden! Saint Olaf, saint Brigitte of Sweden and other swedish saints pray for this nation. 🙏
@@ginterka381996 Kiliseye şarap sokup sonra günah çıkarıyor diye papazın insanlara şarap içirmesi! ? Şarap hıristiyanlıkta Haram değil mi? Lan kim soktu kiliseye şarabı .birde Büyük niğmet olan ekmekle birlikte yediriyorlar.Daha da günahkâr ediyor sizin papazlar iñsanları !? Hem papaz kim oluyor ki ? Insanların Günâhlarını siliyor Affediyor? Bu düpe düz Tanrıya şirk koşmaktır! Birde 3 leme diye bir garip konu var hıristiyanlıkta. Siz şaşırmışsınız Tanrının hiç oğlu olur mu? O TEKTİR. NE yani Tanrı Meryem isâ .Siz Tanrı ve Meryeme iftira atmış oluyorsunuz. Tanrının zinâya ihtiyacımı var?! Çok ayıptır Günahtır.
Deus Vult from catolic Brasil! 🇧🇷 🕆
Brasil 🇧🇷
Deus vult, vamos defender a santa igreja até o fim dos tempos!
Ave Deus , Ave Maria , Ave Christus , Deus Vult!!
@Attila Islam? Estamos em todos os lugares inclusive na Turquia com os nossos irmãos Cristãos Turcos.
@Attila Que bom pra você amigo mas seus antepassados escolheram adorar o Deus único de Abraão.
Deus Vult from a french canadian from Quebec, ready to go and prevail against the tide. Je me souviens/ I remember
Stay Christian, Oh Canada, revolt against evil leftists that are destroying your beautiful country.
Here's a white pill for you all. Canada is far from being the marxist utopia as our clown prime-minister makes it looks so. Its more like EU, a confederation composed of many little countries that wishes for independance.
Deus Vult! from the Catholic living in Ukraine
Deus Vult
Deus Vult from Russian Empire
Какая ты нахер украинка после этого???
@@aconsiderableamountofnuggets, Я не понял. Вам что, понравилось как немцы-крестоносцев резали вас??? Или как православных-Византийцев????
@@втвоввововоцгунцнцнц6гцгрпми В данный момент у нас один враг у всех. Муслимы
In these dark moments of the history when evil is called good, and good is called evil... In these moments when the Antichist opens the Gates (no mistake) of Hell... We should stay in prayer and contemplation... And if God asks we should bring the swords and fight....
I think that we live the moments of the Revelation Book.... The whole World is in the dark period....
Jesus help us.
It's not the swords... But Shields ;) Keep the Faith ;)
@@metal_fusion Both your shields and swords will be shattered!
2:24 that shot is so majestic and stunning it's giving me goosebumps
Same I often rewind to that exact part the charge is breathtaking her voice is soul empowering
Deus Vult ✝️✝️✝️
from BRAZIL!!
Deus vult.. Brasil
Bog i hrvati!!
Deus Vult from Hungary!!!!!!!! For Christ and freedom we shall die a thousand times before we succumb and even then shall rise in the name of God for Victory and Justice!
@@osmantaydas8387 ok arap 🇸🇦
Deus Vult from Hispania all my christian brothers from around the world
Deus Vult From Brazil 🇧🇷
Deus Vult from Brasil ✝️ 🇧🇷
Deus Vult Brasil 🇧🇷✝️
DEUS VULT 🇧🇷🇧🇷✝️✝️
Devs Vvlt ✝️🇧🇷
DEUS VULT from Ethiopia 🇪🇹
Thanks Prester John
To Europa durniu a nie afryka.
Deus Vult!
Keepers of the Ark
Deus Vult! From Kerala, India 🔥
The Catholic Christians in Kerala region of India is one of the ancient Christian communities in world. We trace our origins back to before 10th century, to the early Jews who got converted to Christianity.
Deus Vult from Greece🇬🇷
Να σου θυμίσω ότι οι σταυροφόροι έκαναν στάχτη την Κωνσταντινούπολη
@@ΚόκκινοςΠειρατής grigoris you are right dude
@@ΚόκκινοςΠειρατής Exactly 😀
Alexander legrand suprematie et Hermann arminus lecherusk
Et le bon grand roi Alfred européen chretient
The templars turn in their Graves if they see what's happening now
Your 1000% correct......
It's more serious then a common man releases. But everything changes in time and times have changed Social engineering requires sacrifice but at the cost of something that wont ever love the foreign land with different culture and religion but rather stays for economy and survival while trying to achieve power and control to make it the land of theirs and how they want it to be by the desire to reshape it in the hearts of the enemy inside of the foreign land . I was just recently promised to "Get a hole in my head" If someone will throne in the lands of Northmen and that cause I was just asking a young middle age Muslim Warrior perhaps you guys will take over one day? ;) The answer was predictable. Aggressive, hateful, disrespectful while others have I confronted have just said "We don't care about this country as you do" Honestly at least, while working here, I guess people are pissed off and blame on others of not achieving their dreams. Dreams often start from the attitude and how you personally are able integrate.
Weak men have created hard times in Europe .
@@AemondTomahawk Week man indeed, Sir. That's why we all wait for the weekend. Drink ourselves away from the guilt, misery and the rest of the mambojambo.
@@AemondTomahawk The real friendship only works through acceptance but we as humans aren't there yet. Also the programs, the propagandas if those week men in power have manipulated the entire mankind for the satisfaction of power and the feel of belonging to the great" Great as in For the eyes of God or the Social status, then how come 90% blindly follow everything that they are taught to be real? I see as in Europe we have thing called identity crisis cause people feel misfits as it bothers them daily and the more unstable have hard time coping with it. Very well to be seen around migrants in foreign lands. It is truly difficult challenge to be away from your native home unless you share the same values and the culture with the locals. Home is where you feel like it, if u dont feel that feeling its never gonna get better.
DEUS VULT FROM U.S.A.!!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 Christian will never disappear.
The Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon, known as the Knights Templar, Order of the Temple (in French: Ordre du Temple or Templiers) or simply as Templars, was a military order of Cavalry. The organization existed for about two centuries in the Middle Ages (1118-1312), having been founded in the aftermath of the First Crusade of 1096, with the original purpose of protecting the Christians who returned to make the pilgrimage to Jerusalem after their conquest.
Independence of the Kingdom of Great Britain
- declared 4 July 1776 (242 years)
- recognized 3 September 1783 (235 years)
- Current constitution June 21, 1788
Protestantism: 46.5%
Without religion : 22.8%
Roman Catholicism: 20.8%
Other Christians: 3.3%
Judaism: 1.9%
Others: 4.7%
*I think not LOL*
@@RafaelSousa-bn4mx he was talking about USA not Britain you fu***ng genius
God bless the USA, land of free people! Respect for Russia
@@RafaelSousa-bn4mx Israël is from Israël and there came the templar knights where to protect Them Not to be the owner of Israël. And Israël is safe, cuz God wants to. The templars in our days are fighting in other places, but with peace
@Keirnon Grainger
Deus vult! 🤚🇬🇪 from georgia
Deus Vult from Malta - “Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini tuo da gloriam” - KNIGHTS OF MALTA
from korea
express all my respect to a bastillon against army of saracens,turks and nazis
Knights Hospitaller of Malta. Wonderful history. Big respect from Brazil.
Ut benedicat tibi Dominus
Deus vult from Vietnam
Deus Vult from Argentina
Ave Maria from Brasil 🇧🇷🕆
@@AttilioPasimovich que bom que esta ocupada por Israel e não por Iranianos
@SizajPL 1922 excuse me wath the fuq
Deus Vult Colombia.
We may have lost the war. But we did not lose God🇻🇦✝️
I feel a great affinity with the Knights Templars and could listen to this forever 🇬🇧🏴🇬🇧
En UK son Protestantes .
Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants all brothers in Christ . England is the great country. Richard the Lionheart is example of valor and honor for me. From Russia with love.
@@konstantin5003 don't worry it will soon be englandistan
@@konstantin5003 and will fight others in the in the name of Alla
From Indonesian Roman Catholic 🇮🇩
Hello Indonesian.
Roman Catholic is not real christian
@@esseyessey5266 Well, aren´t you the smart one essey.
Deus vult from jogja
Deus Vult from Brazil 🇧🇷
God bless everybody and my wish is that God protects the Holy Land
Deus Vult from a Albanian Protestant ✝️❤️🇦🇱
God bless from Christian Protestant in Croatia
Los Protestantes no existían en las Cruzadas , solo los Cristianos Católicos A. Romanos.
Por eso se dice Deus lo Vult usado por los ✝️🇻🇦
Viva Cristo Rey 👑✝️
@@mercy1459 Bien dicho, Viva Cristo Rey y su Santa Iglesia Católica !!!
Albania soon to return to her Catholic roots ✝️ Deus Vult ✝️
@@mercy1459 protestantism is a continuation of the Catholic Church . Also You should unite with your brothers not fight against them . If you continue behaving this way towards your own brothers in Christ You be helping the enemies of Christ destroying Christiandom & we will suffer just like our brothers in Christ suffered in Muslim & communist countries .
Deus Vul✝ from Paraguay 🇵🇾❤
Deus vult Brasil
Deus Vult Russia
Is this vulgar latin or classical latin?
Temos um grupo de cruzados no Brasil você participa @@edsondearaujooficial
Our warrior is the Crusaders. Greeting from Indonesian woman. Deus Vult!
Greetings from Greece byzantians Crusaders may god protect everyone 🇬🇷
God Bless you sister, i hope you all well
from Toraja
-Love from Indonesian muslim -
@@ΒασιληςΠαναγιωτιδης-ξ7π crusaders destroyed the Eastern Rome Empire (byzantine empire)
@@dreibeinigerelefantmitgroe7140 there was byzantine crusades as well brother
@Socke der Boss Deus vult and greetings from Philippines
Deo Gratias,Deus Vult from Indonesia Chatholic brother
Deus Vult from Philippines.. Shall we sally the men for the Crusade?
@@justxavier7584 yes
Deus vult!!!! Desde Argentina Cordillera Andina Sur Patagonia Bendiciones
make France Frankish again
@SizajPL 1922 :O VIVA!
Make Constantinople Byzantine again.
That is your fault. Pray for you.
@@angloguardian8273 Make europe Islam again. Ottoman Emripe is coming back. Soon, very soon..
@@muratsahin2246 Ottomans couldn't even beat Austria lol and if not France and Britain Istanbul would be Russian right now 😂
Save Roma .