Purpose in the Eyes of a Psychiatrist.

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @jeffersonianideal
    @jeffersonianideal 6 місяців тому +9

    The delight of viewing the gift of skepticism indelibly expressed on Dr. Shermer's face?.....Precious!

  • @jeffersonianideal
    @jeffersonianideal 6 місяців тому +11

    How do, otherwise, intelligent people permit themselves to be hoodwinked by the irrational, illogical elements of religion? Identify an individual's personal trauma, and you'll most likely reveal the fear inducing impetus for their non-evidentiary, compulsive beliefs.

  • @jeffersonianideal
    @jeffersonianideal 6 місяців тому +11

    Dr. Wilkinson made multiple references to his "personal experiences" but failed to provide any specific details.

  • @jeffersonianideal
    @jeffersonianideal 6 місяців тому +14

    It is much easier to join a cult than to leave a cult.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 6 місяців тому

      materialism and atheism are cults too ....

    • @jeffersonianideal
      @jeffersonianideal 6 місяців тому +3

      How so?

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 6 місяців тому

      @@jeffersonianideal because they believe on something while knowing just a little part of what is around us. If you hear people like Dawkins or Hitchens or Harris or Dennett ...arent they sound exactly as cult people preaching ? They built their credo and they support it no matter what.

    • @jeffersonianideal
      @jeffersonianideal 6 місяців тому

      What is your definition of a cult?

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 6 місяців тому

      @@jeffersonianideal a veneration for a system of reasoning, usually religious. but for example "scientism" and "atheism" are to me two cults too. I would say is something that remove your free thinking forcing you to follow very precise boundaries placed by others.
      For example i consider myself 55% deist 20% religious and 25% agnostic ...those boundaries shift with time... who is 100% something is basically part of a cult.

  • @greenwayavenger
    @greenwayavenger 6 місяців тому +8

    Comments are being shadowbanned.

    • @60-second-HACKS
      @60-second-HACKS 6 місяців тому

      No mystery why. This guy is an embarrassment. Every response an intellectual desert.

  • @boydhooper4080
    @boydhooper4080 6 місяців тому +10

    Incoherent psychobabble. Shermer politely destroys this guy’s childish arguments.

  • @mayflowerlash11
    @mayflowerlash11 6 місяців тому +9

    Epicurus. Which is he?
    “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
    Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
    Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”
    There is no god. God is a man imagined concept. An illogical imagined concept.

    • @chuckleezodiac24
      @chuckleezodiac24 6 місяців тому

      that bro, Epicurus, believed in Gods. gods that didn't give a shit about humans.
      fear of The Gods prevents humans from attaining ataraxia. the Epicurean Paradox is an argument against Divine Intervention.
      the "Problem of Evil" was attributed to Epicurus by Lactantius... and later popularized by Hume and other skeptics to refute Monotheism.

  • @Bushpig22
    @Bushpig22 6 місяців тому +4

    I am not religious in any sense, nor do I have any disdain for it. But a religion that just comes along out of nowhere in 1839? You've got to be kidding me, people.

  • @ruthokelley5833
    @ruthokelley5833 6 місяців тому +3

    When I was part of the religious community, i ‘heard’ things through that particular teaching (i partook of several different religious denominations), after I became an atheist, I see things through the eyes of an atheist…I often have intuitive help…but all my experiences seem to manifest out of my particular talents and skills and where I have applied my attention …over my lifetime…wouldn’t this in the end…be my purpose?
    Religions may provide certain people that are rudderless…a purpose…but that may not be the only avenue to developing a purpose…our individual purpose? The thing with religion…if a person starts wondering outside that particular teaching, you will be brought back and rebranded back into that particular dogma. Studying the same scripture over and over, just makes the same groves in the brain deeper. I can’t see how any person can expand fully following the same script (one already prepared thousands of years ago) to live by our whole life long?

  • @JulianH-co7qg
    @JulianH-co7qg 6 місяців тому +1

    Once an atheist, always an atheist. I respect non-spiritual people who take the position that there is no God or higher power. They made their choice, and they will stick with it forever. If you believe you came from nothing, you will be nothing.

  • @michaelgorby
    @michaelgorby 6 місяців тому +2

    Tell me you don't understand Sam Harris' Free Will argument, without telling me you don't understand his Free Will argument.

  • @60-second-HACKS
    @60-second-HACKS 6 місяців тому +3

    What a disaster.
    If this is an indication of the man's cognitive abilities, I wouldn't want him messing around with my psychology.
    Every response an intellectual desert.

  • @billscannell93
    @billscannell93 6 місяців тому +1

    Eventually, as gay marriage becomes more accepted by everyone, God will send out a revelation condoning it. Strange how God is always 20 years or so behind the times.

  • @billscannell93
    @billscannell93 19 днів тому

    I find this episode particularly rewatchable and fascinating, perhaps because I live in Utah. Listening to guys like this, I always try to get into the spirit of accepting people's beliefs and all that. Honestly, though, I can't help but conclude that, if you are a Yale-educated, practicing psychologist, you have no business being a literal believer in something like Mormonism. You can't logically be both things. To try to be both just shows that you have failed to grasp your subject and do not even understand yourself. It is not only this guy and Mormonism I draw this conclusion about; Jordan Peterson is another example.

  • @merlepatterson
    @merlepatterson 6 місяців тому +6

    It should be society's and the state's driving goal (purpose) to keep families intact, not fractured.

    • @BigTimeRushFan2112
      @BigTimeRushFan2112 6 місяців тому +2

      keep yourself and your wish gov't out of my home and business pal.

    • @jps0117
      @jps0117 6 місяців тому

      I agree that should be one of the essential goals.

    • @merlepatterson
      @merlepatterson 6 місяців тому

      @@BigTimeRushFan2112 That's one way of success as well.

    • @merlepatterson
      @merlepatterson 6 місяців тому

      @@debbanation Tell the state that.

    • @emanuelsales7979
      @emanuelsales7979 6 місяців тому

      In capitalism , family is not important.

  • @angharadllewellyn2192
    @angharadllewellyn2192 6 місяців тому +1

    To the contrary, that family relations is an ultimate example of the better angels of our nature. Family relationships can be the ultimate example of devils of our nature. The amount of suffering and abuse within families is horrendous.

    • @TheWeirdSide1
      @TheWeirdSide1 6 місяців тому

      A human can have no arms(born without or lost). Does that mean 'humans don't have arms'? Nonsense logic. Where there is potential for great joy there is potential for great sadness sometimes. Just ask any one who got a divorce. Does that mean falling in love is really just sadness. Your argument makes no sense. And you missed the point of the line anyway. I haven't even listened to that part yet but it's very obvious that the line is referring to the fact that family members OFTEN have an unending love for each other. And if we treated all humans like family members the world might be a better place.

  • @stephenmcgrail7661
    @stephenmcgrail7661 6 місяців тому +14

    That was a whole lot of nothing... sorry but I wish I could get that time back and do something else

    • @roobookaroo
      @roobookaroo 6 місяців тому +2

      Yep. There was nothing to learn from this guest.

    • @emanuelsales7979
      @emanuelsales7979 6 місяців тому

      Why? Are you religious?

    • @Besseloff
      @Besseloff 6 місяців тому

      Agreed. I quit after 20 mins.

    • @60-second-HACKS
      @60-second-HACKS 6 місяців тому

      At least as I was out walking ... so it wasn't a complete waste of time.

  • @billscannell93
    @billscannell93 6 місяців тому +2

    1:09:59 That got a laugh out of me.
    Frankly, a Yale psychiatrist should do a little more thinking before diagnosing someone as a prophet, like this guy would Joseph Smith.

  • @homewall744
    @homewall744 6 місяців тому

    So there's only purpose for human life, but not all other life in the world that doesn't deal with moral questions of good vs bad.

  • @francesco5581
    @francesco5581 6 місяців тому +2

    Very interesting, Universe and reality are too "teachy" to be the product of chance.

    • @realbigugly
      @realbigugly 6 місяців тому +1

      Is that a fact?

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 6 місяців тому

      @@realbigugly Is the opposite a fact?

    • @realbigugly
      @realbigugly 6 місяців тому +1

      I didn't make any assertions.

  • @JulianH-co7qg
    @JulianH-co7qg 6 місяців тому

    There is no evidence of ape to human evolution.

    • @JulianH-co7qg
      @JulianH-co7qg 6 місяців тому

      Bobo found someone funny. Picka boo 🤗

    • @deang6317
      @deang6317 6 місяців тому

      Sadly the world abounds with examples of humans making monkeys of themselves however.

    • @Seekthetruth3000
      @Seekthetruth3000 6 місяців тому

      Do you believe in creationism?

    • @JulianH-co7qg
      @JulianH-co7qg 6 місяців тому

      Of course, I believe things were created.

    • @Seekthetruth3000
      @Seekthetruth3000 6 місяців тому

      Who is the Creator? Do you believe in Adam and Eve?@@JulianH-co7qg

  • @KickYouInTheThroat
    @KickYouInTheThroat 6 місяців тому +3

    Bro out here lookin like Douglas Murray's stuntman.

  • @mayflowerlash11
    @mayflowerlash11 6 місяців тому +4

    It is a peculiarly human question. This need by humans to find or have a meaning in their lives. I think this a consequence of consciousness and self awareness.
    Humans need to get over themselves and consider themselves lucky that evolution has resulted in them personally having the ability to contemplate sub-atomic particles and the cosmic background radiation.
    There is no need to imagine god or an afterlife. Make the best of the one life you are aware of now.
    For the record, I contemplated this as a teenager and I concluded that the best purpose I could find for my life was to have and raise my children to be happy and well adjusted adults.
    To spend your life looking for a higher purpose is to waste your life looking for the non-existent. I would love to spend time with Dawkins as he is a hero of mine. But circumstances deny.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 6 місяців тому +2

      what is the deal of raising kids if , in your philosophy, they will disappear relatively soon and forever ?

    • @JulianH-co7qg
      @JulianH-co7qg 6 місяців тому

      It's all about eternal natural selection, the God of evolution.

    • @JulianH-co7qg
      @JulianH-co7qg 6 місяців тому

      How lucky we are to be alive. As Darwim said in his letter to Joseph Hooker, life began in eternal darkness, the void of nothing but then, the oxygen, carbon, and other chemical elements dispersed out of the rocks to form the first gas clouds. From then, miraculously,..oxygen decided to mix with hydrogen and, from the union of the two, created water the source of all life. Water fell onto the warm rock, and eventually, over time, the first soup formed. Nature has decided to create the first amino acids, which then form into the first protein the molecular basis for life. Natural selection made it lucky for us to be here today 😌 and it is our duty now that we have evolved into rational beings...to procreate and spread our protein expressions from offspring and to their offspring forever and ever, amen.

    • @francesco5581
      @francesco5581 6 місяців тому

      @@JulianH-co7qg evolution that is here by chance right ? also evolution should not exist for a materialist ..is all determined by the first set of the universe (here by chance of course). If you remove an intelligence/consciousness at play then, due to determinism, the "evolution" was embedded in the first thing that was here. Even me and you talking right now. On a physical level, starting with one set of thing, always lead to one result.

    • @JulianH-co7qg
      @JulianH-co7qg 6 місяців тому +1

      Yes, natural selection? Well, you do bring up a good point. If the universe is determining, there is no selection per se. But I obviously don't believe that, I was joking 🙃 😅

  • @KrwiomoczBogurodzicy
    @KrwiomoczBogurodzicy 6 місяців тому +2

    _To procreate mindlessly_ is the purpose (or not even that).
    David Benatar - The Meaning of Life: