Lovely! Very respectfully, I would have much preferred the sound of the bikes exhaust to the "music". Possibly with an occasional voiceover of explanation. Thanks for sharing!
I rode that in the 80's when there was still a glacier. I think it was August. 85 degrees Fahrenheit below, 17 degrees at the top. We were warned that the 72kph winds were going to get up to 100kph with higher gusts and had to skedaddle. Sad to see it's just a pasture now. I remember my KZ1000A1 was really complaining about my not adjusting the carbs for the altitude.
Those machines are pretty common in Europe, specially in special spots of our geography. That one is placed in the top of the Edelweißspitze mountain (2572 m.), at the end of one of the branches of the Großglockner high alpine road (or "Glocknerstrasse") that connects the two Austrian provinces of Salzburg and Carinthia.
Lovely! Very respectfully, I would have much preferred the sound of the bikes exhaust to the "music". Possibly with an occasional voiceover of explanation. Thanks for sharing!
I rode that in the 80's when there was still a glacier. I think it was August. 85 degrees Fahrenheit below, 17 degrees at the top. We were warned that the 72kph winds were going to get up to 100kph with higher gusts and had to skedaddle. Sad to see it's just a pasture now. I remember my KZ1000A1 was really complaining about my not adjusting the carbs for the altitude.
Awesome trip!
Fun video would have worked better with music from Motörhead Lemmy rocked . Nice bikes . Good fun . Keep doing what you are doing .
Super vylet, dalsi tyzden ideme tiez na GG. Ako trasou ste sli?
Hi,please can you advise what that machine was about that stamped the coin, cannot find anything on Google
Those machines are pretty common in Europe, specially in special spots of our geography. That one is placed in the top of the Edelweißspitze mountain (2572 m.), at the end of one of the branches of the Großglockner high alpine road (or "Glocknerstrasse") that connects the two Austrian provinces of Salzburg and Carinthia.
@@cesar_onada Thanks so much for the information, I hope to ride that road some time not to far in the distance.
To neni soundtrack nahodou z Transport Tycoon ? :D
How many kilometers per day do you drive on such roads?
500-700 km/day is good record is 850km/day
When is this trip?
Jezdíte trošku na prasáka. Moc sympatizantů mezi řidiči aut asi nenajdete. Nelíbí se mi tenhle arogantní styl. A ano,sám jsem motorkář.