Just random growls don't make a heavy album. I felt a bit sleepy listening to those tracks, as soon as i knew that it's just all about heavyness. So a quite boring record for me. Best song is Slaughterhouse 2, rest falls flat from that one.
@@sgefrascz8123 I don't think anyone considers Knocked Loose heavy just because of "random growls"... You must have an extremely short attention span if you feel sleepy listening to Knocked Loose.
while that's true, he also has a large audience. Him praising the record may lead to some of his fans, who might be apprehensive about heavy music, approaching it with a more open mind. Who knows, maybe a few of them will become part of the metal/ metalcore scene.
@@monti0120 I like that point, it's fair. It's just something about him man. He spazzed on the A7X album in a way that felt personal and not logical. I just don't want people thinking he's got the voice of god for all things music
@@Chief_Ten_Bears Yeah totally agree. You should watch him to find gems, that aren't on your radar/ outside your usual genre preferences, not to have your own taste in music validated.
I didn't like Bryan's vocals until I heard the chorus on "Don't reach for me." After that, his vocal style made complete sense to me and now I love it. Why? No idea.
The difference with Bryan and other heavy vocalists is that he is a bit of a one-trick-pony in terms of sound range but I don’t think anyone comes even close to how unhinged he sounds. He screams and you believe he’s pissed and then some.
I think most people go through that journey with his vocals. You hate it until you hear that one song when you're in the right mood and it just "clicks". He sounds so raw and pissed, and i can't imagine anyone else singing their songs at this point.
The one thing I've realised watching Fantano over the years: he likes shit that "pushes the envelope" of any genre. He appreciates people really trying to evolve the artform. He's very lukewarm on artists doing the same stuff that's already been done before without elevating on it. And he REALLY doesn't like artists who are - in his opinion - half-assing a project. I often don't agree with his takes because I judge music based on how much I will enjoy listening to it in the future, but I feel that's a completely different metric.
For everyone’s information, Fantano has ALWAYS glazed knocked loose and other bands like Nails, Kublai Khan, Code Orange, and even Bring me the Horizon in the past, giving Post Human an 8. Fantano usually has fantastic takes and is an amazing critic, even when I disagree with him I see where he’s coming from.
He is a huge fan of "OG" Metalcore from the 90's/2000's. He mentioned it in some older videos. I guess he is not the biggest fan of "modern" and "melodic" Metalcore. That's probably why he doesn't review many modern Metalcore Bands. And if he does, the reviews are (mostly) bad.
Going to be honest here. I love how Knocked Loose is not only insanely heavy, but actually have meaningful well thought out lyrics, that don’t have to resort to being incelcore lyrics.
As a vocalist I find Bryans lyrics ey, I wish I could get into KL cause I'm so sick of getting roasted for not liking them, I honestly don't know what it is, I just feel like his lyrics don't relate to me I guess
Jokes aside, if Fantano fucks with a metal record, I know I gotta check it out. Found so many of my favourite bands from him, Imperial Triumphant, Nails, Civerous etc
Problem is he does it way too rarely. You're better off finding someone who actually reviews metal than getting a recommendation from Fantano every four months.
It’s so funny seeing Ronnie Radke fans get so upset over the glazing Knocked Loose is getting over this album after fantano RIGHTFULLY put Ronnie Radke and Alex Terrible in their place.
@@frankmendez8599 Ronnie is on his first stadium headlining tour, and his music videos beat ice spice in views. Ronnie Radke is going to go down as one of the biggest rockstars of this generation. How is he losing?
It’s funny to me that you’re so surprised Fantano would like a metalcore band or have a legit take. I saw him at a Converge show 10-12 years ago. He also used to play HOAX on his NPR show back in 2011, and they aren’t a band you know about if you’re not about that life
Yeah, it's weird seeing so many people assume Fantano doesnt like metal when he has been consistently reviewing metal, including a huge amount of underground metal, positively for over a decade. I'm not a huge fan of his but it seems like most of his detractors are making stuff up to fit their pre-conceived image of him.
@@ericpeterson9110 Mostly because his more popular reviews are hip hop and pop records and that's what most people go to him for. Though if you do become an avid watcher of Fantano you'd see he has a much more varied palette than most people give him credit for.
I like that they had the ominous sound play transitioning songs if there wasn’t an immediate jump in to the next song. Similar to Vildjharta newest record almost like is it an album ? or one cohesive experience? This band is just that an experience . ❤
Before streaming, when records/CDs were played in their entirety, most albums had that. It’s only in the last decade that bands have started doing hard cuts between tracks.
I kinda understood some of the negative points on Slaughterhouse 2, but I now appreciate it as an independent song from the OG slaughterhouse, it's got such a unique sound and rhythm that is its own experience
I thought they were from Florida..... I swear I played a show with them. The biggest local band at the time. I wonder who it actually was 😂 wtf I've been remembering my life wrong
I don't know know if there's anyone who loves his vocals on the first listen. I hated it when i first heard it. Then, i don't know, i heard a knocked loose song when i was in the right mood one day and i was hooked after that. I can't imagine knocked loose any other way now. He sounds so raw and pissed.
that ambiental/blackened part on slaughterhouse is so underrated, the drumbs doing the black metal beat, the guitars all eerie and the amazing vocals from bryan all mixes up so well and ends up being my favorite moment from all the album, i think people dislike slaughterhouse 2 bc they thought it was going to be like miw slaughterhouse but i think the knocked loose version is way superior
Loved the album. When he was talking about the sound of the songs, the opening to Blinding Faith just hits. My fellow northerners, does it not sound like trying to cold crank your car in the dead of winter with the battery dying? Shit slaps
I prefer the grooves of the previous albums overall but I still loved the new record and I'm a fan of them trying new stuff. Don't Reach for Me is probably my favorite song they have released so it all balances out. Lyrics aren't something I typically get into but that song just hit right at this point in my life lol. Love KL.
I think the 2nd song has one of the best riffs on the record... plus it has the GOOOOOO towards the end. straight banger. my least favorite songs on this album are ironically the singles. overall this album is still fantastic and is my AOTY so far.
It is weird in a way because of how it sounds more different to what you'd imagine a heavy vocalist to sound like in your head even if I love the band I can see why people don't like the vocals.... At this point it is just preference.
Fantano loves heavy music but there's definitely a hipster/indie leaning side there, and I think KL really brings the hipster hardcore and modern metalcore fans together in a cool way. I say that as someone who also loves that indie stuff! It really comes down to taste and the aesthetic sensibilities of these bands.
This night be the first time I've agreed with anything Fantano has had to say about metal. Kinda refreshing tbh.the guy is obviously a huge music need and intelligent, it's nice to agree with him for a change.
i don't kno if a lot of people outside of his community kno how huge a 9 is from melon, the dude is deeply committed to the entire scale mattering and anything over a 6 or 7 is incredibly high praise. KL deserve it too, this record is a massive achievement
Knocked loose are really at there peak, live there just brutal and every song there bringing out is just 🔥. I don't think the new album quite tops there tear in the fabric of life Ep, but it hasnt had as long with me either so that could change
I love the new album and tear in the fabric of life, but man a different shade of blue has been underrated lately, to me theyve beem unstoppable since that album
@@Ninjamanhammer my personal opinion, laugh tracks was really good, but so many people have been only mentioning the new album and last ep, I feel personally different shade of blue is as good as those ones, and laugh tracks after that
Fix your compressor please. Lots of volume shifts happening. First it's getting smashed down and then its letting off at the end. Normally your audio isn't irritating.
I'm gonna be honest, when I first listened to this album I found it a little underwhelming. But, as I gave it more and more listens, it's becoming one of my favourite releases of the year. I still think A Different Shade of Blue is their best album, but for me this is a very close second.
his vocal tonality is the only thing that makes them really stand out... instrumentally, they good but theres not much new going on there. its his vocals that make knocked loose shine brighter than the rest
I think he just doesn't bother to review albums he thinks are just okay, unless it's an artist a lot of his fans want him to talk about, which probably isn't much metal.
Im with Nik. I expected heavier. Some songs did feel repetitive. I also feel they gotta do more with the other band members who scream. It adds sooooo much to the song when the other guys just pop up
Unpopular opinion but I understand where Fantano is coming from in regards to Sleep Token. Its a cool sound at first, but the more you listen the more I really dislike it. Its like one of those songs/sounds that becomes annoying after a while.
Honestly, outside of the ST fanbase his opinion isn’t even that unpopular. Before the review I could have told you that Fantano, a guy who prefers gritty production and riffs in metal wouldn’t like them. The Imagine Dragons comparison is very apt.
Ya his vocals are why I listen to knocked loose. Now the music is fucking brutal and I love it but with a low deathcore growl poo mouth singer I call it it would just sound like every other band in the genre
I’ve mentioned this before but I can never listen to more than 4 knocked Loose songs before I have to turn it off as vocals are like nails down a chalk board for my ears. I’ve heard so many times from so many different people that “they’ll grow on me” but I’ve tried so many times and if anything they get worse. Way too screechy
Fantano has bands he likes and will usually give decent grades to them and has bands he dislikes and no matter what they do will never get decent grades.
Not really. He gave Cudi and Ye a 10 for Kids See Ghosts after Cudi got a zero for Speedin Bullet and his other works got mid at best reviews. Same with Ye’s stuff at the time. He also gave Daughters’ third album a 10 even though he thought their first two albums were mid. Those are just off the top of my head but I know there are other examples out there.
*Arf Arf*
Just random growls don't make a heavy album. I felt a bit sleepy listening to those tracks, as soon as i knew that it's just all about heavyness. So a quite boring record for me. Best song is Slaughterhouse 2, rest falls flat from that one.
I'm waiting for the metal gods to start commenting that it's not metalcore and Fantano shouldn't even comment bc u kno,he called it metalcore😂..
@@sgefrascz8123 I don't think anyone considers Knocked Loose heavy just because of "random growls"... You must have an extremely short attention span if you feel sleepy listening to Knocked Loose.
Shout out to the guy in twitch chat that said "Fantanos approval means, the approval of that guy."
while that's true, he also has a large audience. Him praising the record may lead to some of his fans, who might be apprehensive about heavy music, approaching it with a more open mind. Who knows, maybe a few of them will become part of the metal/ metalcore scene.
@@monti0120They're in no way apprehensive.
@@monti0120 I like that point, it's fair. It's just something about him man. He spazzed on the A7X album in a way that felt personal and not logical. I just don't want people thinking he's got the voice of god for all things music
@@HTJason_S12 many aren't, but a good chunk of his viewers are hip hop heads.
@@Chief_Ten_Bears Yeah totally agree. You should watch him to find gems, that aren't on your radar/ outside your usual genre preferences, not to have your own taste in music validated.
It’s clear that Melon likes his Knocks Loose and his Tokens wide awake
I love Woke Token.
Caillou just has crazy takes
fantano actually digs poppy. he's ranked most of her stuff quite high.
He's actually only rated the one album an 8, everything else ranges from mid to decent, but never anything worse than disinterest
Melon was up Knockin' his Loose
😂 lmfao
Til he arf arf
If he were reviewing an album by To Knock a Looseterfly he would've given it a 10
Haha. I see (TPAB)
For reference, idk if anyone said anything but when he uses the yellow plaid flannel he likes it
And the red one is war 😂
I didn't like Bryan's vocals until I heard the chorus on "Don't reach for me." After that, his vocal style made complete sense to me and now I love it. Why? No idea.
I hate it with everything in me, I'll try one more time. Thanks
Happened to me bro, I hated his vocals and I heard Belleville and i was hooked
The difference with Bryan and other heavy vocalists is that he is a bit of a one-trick-pony in terms of sound range but I don’t think anyone comes even close to how unhinged he sounds. He screams and you believe he’s pissed and then some.
I just can’t get with his vocals I’ve tried it’s just one pitch.. can’t do it
I think most people go through that journey with his vocals. You hate it until you hear that one song when you're in the right mood and it just "clicks". He sounds so raw and pissed, and i can't imagine anyone else singing their songs at this point.
its so funny how so many people take fantano's opinions to heart. If he dislikes their album, they will get so upset and offended
Its no conspiracy to think that after his dumbass video on Sleep Token came out, suddenly the Sleep Token hate train got to chuggin
He's annoying cause he's more of a whiny propagandist than a reviewer at this point. Everything is just politics he's being paid to push
@creepydinky5671 source?
@@creepydinky5671 where is this coming from lmao
im still mad for the last title fight review
The one thing I've realised watching Fantano over the years: he likes shit that "pushes the envelope" of any genre. He appreciates people really trying to evolve the artform. He's very lukewarm on artists doing the same stuff that's already been done before without elevating on it. And he REALLY doesn't like artists who are - in his opinion - half-assing a project. I often don't agree with his takes because I judge music based on how much I will enjoy listening to it in the future, but I feel that's a completely different metric.
For everyone’s information, Fantano has ALWAYS glazed knocked loose and other bands like Nails, Kublai Khan, Code Orange, and even Bring me the Horizon in the past, giving Post Human an 8.
Fantano usually has fantastic takes and is an amazing critic, even when I disagree with him I see where he’s coming from.
agreed! disagree with his opinion on sleep token, but I can definitely see where he's coming from.
He is a huge fan of "OG" Metalcore from the 90's/2000's. He mentioned it in some older videos. I guess he is not the biggest fan of "modern" and "melodic" Metalcore. That's probably why he doesn't review many modern Metalcore Bands. And if he does, the reviews are (mostly) bad.
“Fantastic takes” ☠️☠️☠️
@@ALCHEMYST14 just because he flamed a mid album you like don't mean he ain't a great reviewer lmao
Post human is absolutely an 8
Going to be honest here. I love how Knocked Loose is not only insanely heavy, but actually have meaningful well thought out lyrics, that don’t have to resort to being incelcore lyrics.
(white chapel looks around awkwardly)
@@mrseaweed88whitechapel is twice the band they are lmao, one of the few deathcore bands that isn't just wall of sound/breakdown and animal noises
@@mrseaweed88 how are whitechapels lyrics even remotely incel-core
As a vocalist I find Bryans lyrics ey, I wish I could get into KL cause I'm so sick of getting roasted for not liking them, I honestly don't know what it is, I just feel like his lyrics don't relate to me I guess
@@JBzucc lyrics suck, he's off pitch, terrible vocalist period and that's enough to kill a band- see current day motley crue
Jokes aside, if Fantano fucks with a metal record, I know I gotta check it out. Found so many of my favourite bands from him, Imperial Triumphant, Nails, Civerous etc
Civerous was lit
Alphaville was my favorite album of 2020, never would have listened to it if he hadn't recommended Vile Luxury two years before
Problem is he does it way too rarely. You're better off finding someone who actually reviews metal than getting a recommendation from Fantano every four months.
His metal reviews are embarrassing tbh, only go to him for indie or hip hop
Imperial Triumphant is fucking phenomenal!! So underrated!
Is this inception ? A reactor reacting, to a reactor reacting, this is reactculous
Go play in a sandpool
I'm reacturabating to that. One sec.
Oh people have literally reacted to reactors reacting to reactors. So ya 😂
It’s so funny seeing Ronnie Radke fans get so upset over the glazing Knocked Loose is getting over this album after fantano RIGHTFULLY put Ronnie Radke and Alex Terrible in their place.
I wanna like Alex because he seems like a genuinely nice guy aside from the yikes opinions on lgbtq+, but Ronnie I feel no sympathy for. Fuck that guy
Which was based af lmao.
@@UndyingHatred_Fantano is extremely based. Ronnie is completely ignorant and Alex is an idiot.
Crony Sadke keeps taking L's the world is healing
@@frankmendez8599 Ronnie is on his first stadium headlining tour, and his music videos beat ice spice in views. Ronnie Radke is going to go down as one of the biggest rockstars of this generation. How is he losing?
A tear in the fabric of life is still the best KL work
maybe forever.
Fantano is a massive fan of Poppy
And don't understand why
@@the_seer_0421Because she’s a great singer. Shame a seer can’t see that.
It’s funny to me that you’re so surprised Fantano would like a metalcore band or have a legit take. I saw him at a Converge show 10-12 years ago. He also used to play HOAX on his NPR show back in 2011, and they aren’t a band you know about if you’re not about that life
Yeah, it's weird seeing so many people assume Fantano doesnt like metal when he has been consistently reviewing metal, including a huge amount of underground metal, positively for over a decade. I'm not a huge fan of his but it seems like most of his detractors are making stuff up to fit their pre-conceived image of him.
@@ericpeterson9110 Mostly because his more popular reviews are hip hop and pop records and that's what most people go to him for. Though if you do become an avid watcher of Fantano you'd see he has a much more varied palette than most people give him credit for.
I like that they had the ominous sound play transitioning songs if there wasn’t an immediate jump in to the next song. Similar to Vildjharta newest record almost like is it an album ? or one cohesive experience? This band is just that an experience . ❤
Before streaming, when records/CDs were played in their entirety, most albums had that. It’s only in the last decade that bands have started doing hard cuts between tracks.
@@jacksonconstantine5740 take me back lol
@@rottenamiigo9443 fr
I kinda understood some of the negative points on Slaughterhouse 2, but I now appreciate it as an independent song from the OG slaughterhouse, it's got such a unique sound and rhythm that is its own experience
People don’t realize that Melon grew up in the New England hardcore scene. Dude knows his hardcore for real
I’ve seen him at a Converge show rocking out on the side of the pit before this kid even knew metalcore existed lol
I think without the vocals as they are, Knocked Loose would be missing something essential to their sound. I love it.
Oldham county, KY. Louisville isn’t really even close
Yeah don't mix us with Louisville we're different in the OC
I thought they were from Florida..... I swear I played a show with them. The biggest local band at the time. I wonder who it actually was 😂 wtf I've been remembering my life wrong
I've just found knocked loose. I find Brian's vocals/screams intriguing,different and interesting.
He’s definitely got a unique style. You know it’s him, which is massively a good thing
You'll love it one day... soon
I don't know know if there's anyone who loves his vocals on the first listen. I hated it when i first heard it. Then, i don't know, i heard a knocked loose song when i was in the right mood one day and i was hooked after that. I can't imagine knocked loose any other way now. He sounds so raw and pissed.
reminds me of my teens. Like , its raw in your face and i could see myself in a random house jamming the fuck out
that ambiental/blackened part on slaughterhouse is so underrated, the drumbs doing the black metal beat, the guitars all eerie and the amazing vocals from bryan all mixes up so well and ends up being my favorite moment from all the album, i think people dislike slaughterhouse 2 bc they thought it was going to be like miw slaughterhouse but i think the knocked loose version is way superior
Loved the album. When he was talking about the sound of the songs, the opening to Blinding Faith just hits. My fellow northerners, does it not sound like trying to cold crank your car in the dead of winter with the battery dying? Shit slaps
They cut out the best part, where Fantano screams "The pain, I swallowed, has been stuck in my throat".
I prefer the grooves of the previous albums overall but I still loved the new record and I'm a fan of them trying new stuff. Don't Reach for Me is probably my favorite song they have released so it all balances out. Lyrics aren't something I typically get into but that song just hit right at this point in my life lol. Love KL.
I think the 2nd song has one of the best riffs on the record... plus it has the GOOOOOO towards the end. straight banger. my least favorite songs on this album are ironically the singles. overall this album is still fantastic and is my AOTY so far.
I absolutely love Piece By Piece 🤘🤘🤘🤘
Melon knows his stuff when it comes to metal. He was just excited as we were soon as it came out!!!
Does Nik not know what Fantano wearing the Yellow Flannel means?
I thought he watches and likes Fantano.
What does it mean
Bryan’s vocals made Knocked Loose in the beginning. Now they have all risen to the occasion and are unstoppable.
Real ones saw the yellow flannel & knew exactly what he thought of it
Reaction to a reaction. What have we come to? Worst of it all is that I’m here for it
The vocals sound very punk to me, just harsher. I dunno why people think they are weird.
It is usually fine and unique but with Poppy it really does sound like a brother and sister screaming at their parents. context I guess?
It is weird in a way because of how it sounds more different to what you'd imagine a heavy vocalist to sound like in your head even if I love the band I can see why people don't like the vocals.... At this point it is just preference.
the toad vocals are awesome
I just watched a review of a review. I like Nik Noc too much lol
Fantano loves heavy music but there's definitely a hipster/indie leaning side there, and I think KL really brings the hipster hardcore and modern metalcore fans together in a cool way. I say that as someone who also loves that indie stuff! It really comes down to taste and the aesthetic sensibilities of these bands.
Dont Reach For Me & Suffocate - 1 & 2 best tracks
Agony Fartano
That's so fucking good
Well well looks like here we have another rockbaldMba
you should have made his flannel red in the thumbnail
I am not surprised he liked this record.
Sleep Token is produced to hell but this one feels like it has some stubble to it.
The guitars probably have some OTT shit going on and the master channel has 4 OTTs on top.
This is my favorite Knocked Loose album so far tbh
I think Brian's vocals are perfect for their songs.
This night be the first time I've agreed with anything Fantano has had to say about metal. Kinda refreshing tbh.the guy is obviously a huge music need and intelligent, it's nice to agree with him for a change.
i don't kno if a lot of people outside of his community kno how huge a 9 is from melon, the dude is deeply committed to the entire scale mattering and anything over a 6 or 7 is incredibly high praise. KL deserve it too, this record is a massive achievement
Knocked loose are really at there peak, live there just brutal and every song there bringing out is just 🔥. I don't think the new album quite tops there tear in the fabric of life Ep, but it hasnt had as long with me either so that could change
The single where they featured with poppy made me think "This a sign their probably one of the really decent metal bands"
The production certainly enhances what is already there. I gotta say though without it they would sound like any other metalcore band
For future reference: Yellow Flannel means it's gonna be 🔥
Fantano surprisingly IS a fan of poppy, he loved everything other then her latest album
Seems Melon loves Knocked Loose but hates Sleep Token
Very different appeals. I'm a huge Sleep Token fan, but they're certainly not going to be for everyone.
i hate melon content but will watch for Nik content
I love the new album and tear in the fabric of life, but man a different shade of blue has been underrated lately, to me theyve beem unstoppable since that album
We sleeping on laugh tracks now?
@@Ninjamanhammer my personal opinion, laugh tracks was really good, but so many people have been only mentioning the new album and last ep, I feel personally different shade of blue is as good as those ones, and laugh tracks after that
Melon digs angry mickey mouse.
Me: "Ugh. This guy is so pretentious"
Also me: *agrees with everything he says*
Fix your compressor please. Lots of volume shifts happening. First it's getting smashed down and then its letting off at the end. Normally your audio isn't irritating.
9 is incredible, wtf
Did Fantano roast Knocked Loose?
No, he didn't.
Did Nik Nocturnal clickbait me into watching his 2017-youtube-voice-trope-ass video?
Please ignore anything Fantano
arf arf😎
What is he talking about at 2:25?
Kurt Ballou, the guitarist for Converge.
I'm gonna be honest, when I first listened to this album I found it a little underwhelming. But, as I gave it more and more listens, it's becoming one of my favourite releases of the year. I still think A Different Shade of Blue is their best album, but for me this is a very close second.
his vocal tonality is the only thing that makes them really stand out... instrumentally, they good but theres not much new going on there. its his vocals that make knocked loose shine brighter than the rest
No just no
I mean that's tough.
yellow flannel, good start
I like Bryan’s screams more then Chris motionless
Melon either seems to love a metal album or despise it. There's no in-between
I think he just doesn't bother to review albums he thinks are just okay, unless it's an artist a lot of his fans want him to talk about, which probably isn't much metal.
Bro is literally wearing a yellow shirt, the outcome of this couldn't be more clear Nik, please educate yourself on the Melon etiquette.
Yeah I like how Nik keeps saying "he loves Fantano" and yet doesn't actually seem to know anything about him lmao.
Nex gen reaction when...
2:28 Kurt blue production?
Kurt Ballou of Converge
Fantano haters are nuts. The guy just tells you what he thinks about an album and they get so fucking mad.
People hate him because he’s a pretentious dickhead lol
Im with Nik. I expected heavier. Some songs did feel repetitive. I also feel they gotta do more with the other band members who scream. It adds sooooo much to the song when the other guys just pop up
The rise of popularity of Knocked Loose are clear times the apocalypse is upon us. The singer is just too much for my ears to handle.
Has Nik ever made the comment that he thinks Bryan Garris and Poppy sound like they're brother and sister? Not sure he's made that remark before.
in his reaction to suffocate he mentions it a bit
He is being sarcastic, because Nick has repeated this opinion multiple times 😂@@MasteroftheLollipops
You could, he knocked them loose.
Unpopular opinion but I understand where Fantano is coming from in regards to Sleep Token. Its a cool sound at first, but the more you listen the more I really dislike it. Its like one of those songs/sounds that becomes annoying after a while.
Honestly, outside of the ST fanbase his opinion isn’t even that unpopular. Before the review I could have told you that Fantano, a guy who prefers gritty production and riffs in metal wouldn’t like them.
The Imagine Dragons comparison is very apt.
Spoiler in thumbnail: Yellow shirt means the opposite of a roast
"Dog shit" is my review of this review about a review.
AOTY hands down. I don't know how anyone will top it.
nik x fantano two-sided interview when?.??
Ya his vocals are why I listen to knocked loose. Now the music is fucking brutal and I love it but with a low deathcore growl poo mouth singer I call it it would just sound like every other band in the genre
Did I roast Fatano? I would never
A cover !!!! With WILL 😮!!!!!!!
Don't like flannel melon man, but I'll watch to support Nik
I think Fantano gave “I disagree” an 8, so he at least likes metal poppy.
I’ve mentioned this before but I can never listen to more than 4 knocked Loose songs before I have to turn it off as vocals are like nails down a chalk board for my ears. I’ve heard so many times from so many different people that “they’ll grow on me” but I’ve tried so many times and if anything they get worse. Way too screechy
Always like his takes, except for Deftones lol
I'm still not forgiving him for the LOATHE 6 and Sleep Token 2
It's a good record but a tear was better IMO.
Anthony actually likes some good metal. You on the other hand….have a great personality
Fantano has bands he likes and will usually give decent grades to them and has bands he dislikes and no matter what they do will never get decent grades.
Not really. He gave Cudi and Ye a 10 for Kids See Ghosts after Cudi got a zero for Speedin Bullet and his other works got mid at best reviews. Same with Ye’s stuff at the time. He also gave Daughters’ third album a 10 even though he thought their first two albums were mid. Those are just off the top of my head but I know there are other examples out there.
@@jacksonconstantine5740 Yeah, look at his Twenty One Pilots reviews for example lmao.
@@lucasgoncalves7774 they’re just ass lol
that just isnt true
I only listen to my OWN music. Yea????...... So........
Time two turnips in heat boys!!!!
aaaaa Knocked Loose is the hipsters band then LOL
Answer: no.
New knocked loose album: Make everything sound like it is clipping all the time, but don't actually let it clip! Not a bad thing, but man is it alot!