Biggest tip I've found is using the flight sim thing in New Atlantis to level up your pilot score rather than trying to find random ships out in space to fight.
That's actually useful for me thank you, when I finish this second tier ill go back to the vanguard specifically to use this strat to get my B and C perks
@@bartholemeowthefirst When you go to New Atlantis you'll overhear them talking about UC Vanguard recruiting, you follow that quest line to a flight sim thingy
Directly related to dealing with stolen goods - contraband. You can sell it at a Trade Authority, but you need to be able to get to the vendor without having your ship scanned, which happens when you enter many systems. There's a system called "Wolf" near Alpha Centauri (just a bit up and to the right from the default map orientation), with a space station called "The Den", where you can reach a Trade Authority vendor without being scanned.
Just make sure you don't have a UC bounty on your head as they still have guards on the station. Though you can also go to the Crimson Fleet to sell your contraband.
Just get a shielded cargo hold installed from crimson fleet and a frequence jammer. After that U can simply pass scans, allowing u to take on smuggling missions.
ive been to loads of planets with stolen stuff in my pockets n not been caught by the scanner? is it only if its in your cargo bay? if so just grab anything stolen b4 you land being heavy for 3 feet will be less effort than flying to a specific system
Pro tips: you can also just double tap the pins on the cuttable walls with normal guns. Also when you're using your scanner, the cutter is auto-selected as your weapon and you can use it, then when you close the scanner you go back to equipping the gun you were using before opening the scanner
In regards to the first tip; you can also pick up dead bodies and move them around. If you pick someone up and hold them in the air and then go into photo mode, make your character do the wave pose and it looks like you’re lifting them up with the force. I have several loading screens of this now lol
If you want something from your ship's inventory while in a city, you can sell it from the ship's inventory to a local shop, and then buy it back at no additional cost. The item will then be in your player inventory without having to go all the way back to where you parked the ship.
Pro tip for anyone doing an important persuasion check: most of the time the game lets you exit the conversation (B on Xbox controller or Tab on M&K) right before you persuade someone, giving you the perfect opportunity to get into your best gear for boosting your odds.
This reminds me of the Cyberpunk 2077 strat of always having some level up points in reserve, because if you encounter a check during a conversation you don't have a high score for, you can go into your menu and do a cheeky level up in the middle of the conversation.
Another useful thing: if you're next to one of planetary trait spots, any fauna that spawns next to it will have significantly better loot than it normally would (typically some mix of less common resources). Always something.
for getting contraband past the scanners and to the trade authority you want shielded cargo and a scan jammer, both of which can be purchased at the red mile
While decorating your outpost/player home, open your scanner and select build/decorate. From there, you can pick up any dropped items and then place them like furniture. This prevents items from being knocked over, a feature Fallout 4 desperately needed.
One note with decorating the ship is that anytime you alter your ship, all free items are sent into your ship's cargo bay. It's why the cargo bay is most likely always full with random loot.
Be aware this also does happen with your armor and weapons in the armory. I've had more than one heart attack where my weapons have gone missing, only to be in a cargo hold.
There is a trick so your junk won’t disappear when you change or edit the ship. Drop junk on floor. Exit ship. Enter ship immediately. As soon as you get back on load the autosave from just entering the ship. Now click on each object to move it holding the action button. Now when you edit the ship or change them your decorative junk will still be there.
@@the-other-guy8991 I believe there may be a bug with mannequins on ships. I lost 2 spacesuits permanently after altering my ship. They disappeared from the mannequins inventory and weren't in the cargo hold.
@@the-other-guy8991 This honestly makes the armory completely useless, more than a trophy room is already useless anyways. Having your stuff constantly getting yanked off the trophy racks every time you tweak your ship totally defeats the purpose of the room, the need to fix this issue.
I actually like using the cutter from time to time. If you focus the lense with the aim button/trigger, I believe it does more damage and it can be really good for mitigating ammo usage on easy or staggerable targets.
Best tips I have are for ship building. Double clicking your ship in builder mode will select all parts and Ctrl-Left Clicking (I don't know the Xbox control) will select multiple parts, this is very handy for painting your ship rather than painting each part individually. Also if you hover over a connection point on you ship and press Add Part then it will filter all the parts that can fit there and save you scrolling time.
Ooo! I can help here! Hit the left bumper! It selects the entire ship. And your press right bumper to select it a piece at a time as long as you hover a piece of the ship first.
And if you pick up an error in the build screen about a module being unattached (because you replaced or removed a joining piece) then use the Select All to highlight all attached parts-- the unattached one will then stand out.
Lack of Tutorial : There is a mission to disable a ship's engines instead of bowing it up so you can board it and rescue someone. Pain in the butt Starfield neglects to tell you that you need a Tech skill to target the engines beforehand.
I always end up blowing ships up lol I assumed that's what the em weapons where for. But there is a mission after the tutorial (that I accidentally skipped by putting a point into grav right at the start of it btw) I had to shoot it and no matter where I shot it it's engines went down and I could board. I think it was a vanguard mission. Could be mistaken but I remember it vividly because of the engine thing.
If you pull out your scanner, you can enter Photo mode by pressing your right stick. Taking pictures that way will result in those pictures appearing in loading screens. You can do some funny stuff with the photo mode it actually makes loading screens a lot more bearable.
And I'll be flipping it back. Yes, it's more convenient when hung forward. But it's also easier for mischievous felines to unroll that way. And quality TP is only getting more expensive.
@@GaurdianPrime LOL one of my cats is also obsessed with unrolling toilet paper... She makes a bed out of it, then proceeds to sleep on the bathroom floor 😹🧻
A not insignificant number of people not realizing you can cut those walls, despite at least 5 parts of the wall screaming to do as such, is one of the most adorable gaming community moments this year.
I haven't seen one of these doors in my playthrough yet, but I imagine it wouldn't be hard to write them off as one of those "doors" that can't actually be interacted with. Wouldn't be the first nor last time something like it is in a game.
When you're at an outpost of yours, instead of going to the beacon or holding X/square/E on a building, you can enter the settlement mode by going into your scanner and clicking your button that youd press to set up a outpost beacon. Instead of pulling out a beacon itll put you into build mode.
A very important tip is that when you are in the ship builder, you can actually scroll down in the menus and zoom in and out. Took me half the game to find out. Also if you get arrested and have stuff confiscated, than you can just go to a nearby chest in the building and steal it back
I’ve read a couple of tips so far, but I haven’t seen this one which helps me so much with the speed of getting to one place to another. - When wanting to go from one planet to another, you can do so at any point by opening your map (so long as you’re not inside a building), going into the new planet and selecting the location you want to land on, assuming you’ve already been there already, this will fast travel you from your current point to your landing spot which skips so many loading screens that you would have to go through otherwise.
9:00 I gotta say, be careful about this, some carryable things like, for some reason, are somehow marked as owned, so if the owner sees you lifting it up, even though it’s not added to your inventory, they’ll act like you stole something. If you pick it up out of their sight though, no problem.
@@Goku-hw7bq I think it's only the non-hostile ships that land randomly on planets. The crimson fleet dropships release some enemies then leave when you kill them.
@@AmyDentataif you ignore the enemies and go straight for the ship, you can sometimes get inside, kill the 3 or 4 enemies inside, and steal the ship. I'm pretty sure I've stolen at least 3 crimson fleet ships so far. The game not letting you steal a large ship because you're not authorized is probably something to do with reactor class and not having a high enough pilot skill, but there are some ships that you just can't steal.
@@AmyDentatanah, sometimes even crimson fleet ships don’t work either. I think it’s a bug. Most of the time, you can steal any ship your piloting skill is high enough for, though.
I stole a crimson fleet ship last night. I’m so used to them running away when I kill their ground troops. This time I ran straight for the ship. They still took off and I killed everyone in space and took it.
If you hover one of the blue slot thingies on any of your current parts and press G, it'll give you a build list with only items that fit to that particular slot ;)
The longer you Hold the X button when holding an object the harder you throw it useful for throwing explosive/corrosive/freezing barrels etc as a make shift bomb.
Yeah there actually are some of us who don't hoard junk. I never pick it up in the first place; the only time i have to deal with it is when I modify a ship and all the auto-generated junk winds up in the hold. I just wish I could get it to stop auto-generating junk. Oh and mining asteroids causes an asteroid to follow you wherever you go...
Just remember; it's perfectly acceptable to hang bathroom tissue under IF you own a pet cat/dog that enjoys unraveling it when it's in its proper position.
One thing I felt needed to share was that all major story followers absolutely hate piracy. However all named crew you can pick up at bars are totally fine with it
For the second tip, you don’t even have to open your scanner. Just look at whatever marker or waypoint and (on Xbox) press A and you’ll jump to wherever it is you where pointing at
@@12345....... The subtle details are actually really nice. Like.. The Edmontonian, is a bunch of perogis, and Edmonton has a lot of Ukrainian people in it haha
You can open the Toilet Seat, you just need to use some other item to pry it open (Yey Physics!), and the best part... there is sometimes loot in there.
The proper toilet paper placement of over hang is done by big toilet paper to get you to waste the roll quicker. By pulling down, the roll will spin a little extra and burn through your paper quicker. Put it back ways so when you pull from underneath, it will be less likely to spin, preserving the roll for longer use.
You can get favorable persuasion option depending on what you say in conversations, its not always the same options so be mindful how you talk to people.
Remember to hold the aim button to home in the cutter before you start firing cos it’ll instantly blast whatever resource you’re trying to get without having to wait 5 seconds
You missed the "best" one - You don't need weapons, just simply spec into laser and use the laser cutter as a weapon using the "focus" fire mode. It only really have one major weakness which is range - however it scales up very well and you can literally complete the game with it no problem - though a single long range "sniper" would be a nice addition. Try it out - it just works!
Since your cutter is your default weapon in scanning mode you don’t have to take up a favorites slot with it. Which, imo, there were barely enough of already when it was just guns and heal items and grenades but when you factor in powers… You need every favorite slot you’ve got. 4 more would have been nice…
If you bind the alternate jump button on PC and use that instead to boost, you move significantly faster. You can store items in your ship's cargo as long as you're within 250m of it by going to the ship menu (bottom left quadrant in the main menu) and pressing the cargo hold button.
I figured out the cuttable walls, but I didn't use the cutter, I just shot at it with my gun. I do keep my cutter with me though at all times, though I probably don't need to. Only use it when I occasionally mine things
You can access and transfer items to your ship cargo any time, anywhere: open the Start menu and select the Ship menu, and then press X to open the cargo hold. You can then move stuff in and out of your inventory.
Holy shit I feel dumb now lol it took me several hours just to find the cargo hold location on the ship. Had to activate the mission in the activities mission tab before I found out. Now you tell me I can do it from the menu?! Damn this game gives you so many ways to do just about everything. I guess there will be no need to pawn anything off on companions anymore.
@@BeaBea-54 apparently, there is a range of 250m at which you have to be within your ship to do this method. I've been spreading the word since yesterday and there are still a lot of people that don't know.
What? I used the cutter as my main weapon for the vast majority of 3 whole faction quests and whatever in between. "Oh, don't have to worry about ammo and it blinds them?b that'll do"
I hope there's an equivalent video for Baldurs Gate 3. Putting out a fire with Ray of Frost, shooting a lever to activate it, Talking to Animals potion/buff, equipping a salami as an offhand weapon, etc
So the red emergency doors not only can you use your tool to cut them. You can also just shoot the pins with a gun as well I used a old earth gun and it works just the same as your tool
Well, after about 125 hours of plain Starfield, and thinking I’d pretty much figured out everything knew how to hide my helmet and all that fun stuff. Yeah I had no idea I can hide my space suit, so thank you very much for informing me of that I enjoy learning new things every day, and as always great Contant keep it up and now to infinity and beyond.
Tip: The cutter is quite effective against mechanical enemies i.e robots. laser turrets, people. A great option in close quarter combat playing peek a boo. Holding the LB will overcharge it, and deal more damage when pressing RB at the same time.
There are times when ships are landing with crew to attack you. Throw a grenade in as soon as the door begins opening and you can knock them out with barely a shot fired.
You can buy an easter egg gun fromthe dealer in the key. Its ak style like in nuka world and has the same perks as the splattercannon. Increase damage with each hit.
I learned these two tricks while pirating for the crimson fleet, but the first one is this if you're target is a lone ship you can convince them to just hand over their goods without getting into a battle useful if you dont feel like being a particularly bloodthirsty space pirate, the second is that if you initiate conversation and select attack your constellation buddies won't get on your case about it, like they would if you just blasting the poor ship you want to loot.
Getting into ship inventory to move your material to it or vice-versa doesn't require actually going to the ship's cargo panel. Anywhere inside the ship you can open your own inventory, tap whatever you use to swap between buy/sell with vendors (Q on PC), and it will jump you to ship inventory. Tap it again and you're back in your own, and now you can dump all your black market organs right into your shielded cargo pods.
Had to watch a video on lockpicking cuz i skipped the tutorial not realizing it was a new puzzle where you gotta manage what pin-sets you use and what order and not skyrim lockpicking again
@@kgoodfarms Actually learned something new from another video. I only noticed the outermost ring changing color, but the inner rings will turn blue as well if the pick can fit in them.
Took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that you can select whichever digipick you want just by clicking on it rather than having to cycle through all of them using the previous/next buttons. A real time saver.
RE: throwing held items by pressing the reload button (X on Xbox controller, R key on keyboard)... if you long press the button, it charges the throw, throwing it farther.
First tip should be familiar for Bethesda fans however one unique aspect to Starfield I don’t see anyone else doing is with so many flammable tanks around you can set traps for your enemies by picking them up and moving/throwing them. I like using them more as ambush traps (place a few at a door way where you know enemies are, draw the in and when the get to the tanks shoot one) then “grenades” but both options are viable. And there are also sorts of different tanks that do all sorts of different types of damage. Explosive, poison/corrosive, fire, etc.
I literally noticed the "Cut Pins" words on the wall and it didn't occur to me to try because there was a generic tool on the ground so I thought it was decoration
You can drop all but 1 round of ammo faster than rolling the counter all the way back in a followers inventory. Then give the 1 round and pick up your entire Marine Corps worth of ammunition.
If you press up against a wall corner or wrist high wall aiming your gun will make you pop out of cover to shoot around or over it letting go of aim or reload you will pop back into cover Time Crisis style.
When you go to Akila City for the first time, there's a general store on your left, and a hostage situation on your right. Ignore the latter, and walk up to the general store... get down on your knees, and take some time to admire your reflection in the puddle just outside. You can't actually see your reflection, but much like the infamous Dawnstar chest in Skyrim, you will eventually see the vendor's inventory. And you can loot it all free and clear, and then sell it back to them. However, watch the resources, there are a lot of rocks in there weighing hundreds of pounds... might wanna dump that off at your ship before dealing with the hostage situation. Chest is always available in this way, too. I spent 24k on ammo, went outside, and took all my credits back. Bethesda will likely not fix this. There are 3-4 chests in Skyrim like this, and these chests were fixed fairly early on by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. When Bethesda made the Special Edition for the Xbox One, and the Switch edition of the game, they did not include these fixes. So, they knew about the easily accessible vendor chests, they had the code to fix them right there in the open, and they made the decision to not fix them. So it is highly likely that they will leave these alone, too. There are more - this is just the easy one to get.
Perfect timing as my plan for today was working out how to get all the decorations out of my cargo hold and back into the newly upgraded living spaces. Hooray!
There is only one way to hang toilet paper until you find a spider has decided to chill on the underhang and then there is only one way to hang toilet paper. Trust me
You don’t actually have to use your mining laser on the cut away doors. You can use any weapon in your inventory. You can even use bash to break the pins (at least on the top two pins, for some reason bashing didn’t work on the bottom pins for me).
Spent over an hour dropping plants and desk ornaments and picking them up at different angles, crouching, adjusting and dropping them…tip one here will either save me time or cause me to spend more time decorating
Nice! Let me add: - The locks on these "cuttable" doors can also be destroyed with any other gun, explosive or melee weapon. - The toggle option for hiding the suit will also hide the helmet automatically.
Many hours in and only just realised that fully scanned things on planets appear green on your scanner where as they are blue if you still need to scan them
I got busted with stolen property and couldn’t remember stealing anything. When the notification popped up apparently I was hauling around a stolen container of stew 🍲. 😅
Biggest tip I've found is using the flight sim thing in New Atlantis to level up your pilot score rather than trying to find random ships out in space to fight.
Dang. That would have been nice to know. To late now
That's actually useful for me thank you, when I finish this second tier ill go back to the vanguard specifically to use this strat to get my B and C perks
You can even cheat at the sim by exiting the seat after round 1 and going to the terminal in the back to activate buffs
Theres a flight sim... where?
@@bartholemeowthefirst When you go to New Atlantis you'll overhear them talking about UC Vanguard recruiting, you follow that quest line to a flight sim thingy
Directly related to dealing with stolen goods - contraband. You can sell it at a Trade Authority, but you need to be able to get to the vendor without having your ship scanned, which happens when you enter many systems. There's a system called "Wolf" near Alpha Centauri (just a bit up and to the right from the default map orientation), with a space station called "The Den", where you can reach a Trade Authority vendor without being scanned.
Just make sure you don't have a UC bounty on your head as they still have guards on the station.
Though you can also go to the Crimson Fleet to sell your contraband.
gigabased comment
Just get a shielded cargo hold installed from crimson fleet and a frequence jammer. After that U can simply pass scans, allowing u to take on smuggling missions.
ive been to loads of planets with stolen stuff in my pockets n not been caught by the scanner? is it only if its in your cargo bay? if so just grab anything stolen b4 you land being heavy for 3 feet will be less effort than flying to a specific system
@@dbfzato-1327 stolen does not mean contraband
Pro tips: you can also just double tap the pins on the cuttable walls with normal guns. Also when you're using your scanner, the cutter is auto-selected as your weapon and you can use it, then when you close the scanner you go back to equipping the gun you were using before opening the scanner
That's my favorite feature.
You can also punch or use a melee weapon, but they take much more attacks to do so.
omg im stupid! i saw a cuttable wall but never occurred to me to try cut it with the cutter 🤦great tip!
Yep the scanner auto equipping the cutter is great so you don’t have to use a favorite slot on the cutter
i love how some people talk about "pro tips" for a Bethesda game. lmao
In regards to the first tip; you can also pick up dead bodies and move them around. If you pick someone up and hold them in the air and then go into photo mode, make your character do the wave pose and it looks like you’re lifting them up with the force. I have several loading screens of this now lol
If you want something from your ship's inventory while in a city, you can sell it from the ship's inventory to a local shop, and then buy it back at no additional cost. The item will then be in your player inventory without having to go all the way back to where you parked the ship.
Pro tip for anyone doing an important persuasion check: most of the time the game lets you exit the conversation (B on Xbox controller or Tab on M&K) right before you persuade someone, giving you the perfect opportunity to get into your best gear for boosting your odds.
gimme a second to change into my more convincing clothes
@@lefthandrule638 Don't forget to take the speaking drugs as well!
I’d also drop a cheeky save as well… just in case… (i’m not proud of this , by the way.)
@@CassidyCopethat's what I'm going to call liquor now.
This reminds me of the Cyberpunk 2077 strat of always having some level up points in reserve, because if you encounter a check during a conversation you don't have a high score for, you can go into your menu and do a cheeky level up in the middle of the conversation.
I spent a whole hour organising the plushie collection on my ship yesterday... If only I had known about the rotate
Organizing? By hand? I just built a display in my apartment. Lol. One for plushies and one for coffee cups.
Don't modify your ship now 😂
My sibling in plushie collections!
Another useful thing: if you're next to one of planetary trait spots, any fauna that spawns next to it will have significantly better loot than it normally would (typically some mix of less common resources). Always something.
Also dung piles contain unexpectedly good loot.
and rock piles have rarer resaources also
@@synchronos1 Indeed. Amusingly, often containing Aromatic resource...
8:48 I thought this was gonna be a Skyrim Easter Egg where you put a bucket over a vendor's head so they can't see you stealing. 😁
That Buyback trick is a REAL good one, gonna be making use of that.
for getting contraband past the scanners and to the trade authority you want shielded cargo and a scan jammer, both of which can be purchased at the red mile
or you just go to the Wolf system => the Den spacestation and sell it there, no scans in that system
Just bypass the scan for Mars by landing at the Launchpad near Cydonia before they finish scanning. It's like a two min walk to Cydonia from there
While decorating your outpost/player home, open your scanner and select build/decorate.
From there, you can pick up any dropped items and then place them like furniture.
This prevents items from being knocked over, a feature Fallout 4 desperately needed.
One note with decorating the ship is that anytime you alter your ship, all free items are sent into your ship's cargo bay. It's why the cargo bay is most likely always full with random loot.
Be aware this also does happen with your armor and weapons in the armory. I've had more than one heart attack where my weapons have gone missing, only to be in a cargo hold.
There is a trick so your junk won’t disappear when you change or edit the ship.
Drop junk on floor. Exit ship. Enter ship immediately. As soon as you get back on load the autosave from just entering the ship. Now click on each object to move it holding the action button.
Now when you edit the ship or change them your decorative junk will still be there.
@@the-other-guy8991 I believe there may be a bug with mannequins on ships. I lost 2 spacesuits permanently after altering my ship. They disappeared from the mannequins inventory and weren't in the cargo hold.
@@the-other-guy8991 This honestly makes the armory completely useless, more than a trophy room is already useless anyways. Having your stuff constantly getting yanked off the trophy racks every time you tweak your ship totally defeats the purpose of the room, the need to fix this issue.
its also how to get your ship back when it disappears.
I actually like using the cutter from time to time. If you focus the lense with the aim button/trigger, I believe it does more damage and it can be really good for mitigating ammo usage on easy or staggerable targets.
Aiming also performs the mining much quicker.
Useful on stuff that requires more "effort" like the mineral resource surrounding the artifact.
Best tips I have are for ship building. Double clicking your ship in builder mode will select all parts and Ctrl-Left Clicking (I don't know the Xbox control) will select multiple parts, this is very handy for painting your ship rather than painting each part individually. Also if you hover over a connection point on you ship and press Add Part then it will filter all the parts that can fit there and save you scrolling time.
Thank you! I knew there had to be a way to change the color of all the parts at once instead of doing it one at a time lol
Exactly what I came to post! (I don't know the Xbox control either)
Ooo! I can help here! Hit the left bumper! It selects the entire ship. And your press right bumper to select it a piece at a time as long as you hover a piece of the ship first.
And if you pick up an error in the build screen about a module being unattached (because you replaced or removed a joining piece) then use the Select All to highlight all attached parts-- the unattached one will then stand out.
Started the game as a miner, finished it as an adult.
Give him a big hand, he's British!
Children play mine craft a lot
**Ba-DUM Chi!**
Wooooooooooooooow 🙄
Lack of Tutorial : There is a mission to disable a ship's engines instead of bowing it up so you can board it and rescue someone. Pain in the butt Starfield neglects to tell you that you need a Tech skill to target the engines beforehand.
I always end up blowing ships up lol I assumed that's what the em weapons where for. But there is a mission after the tutorial (that I accidentally skipped by putting a point into grav right at the start of it btw) I had to shoot it and no matter where I shot it it's engines went down and I could board. I think it was a vanguard mission. Could be mistaken but I remember it vividly because of the engine thing.
I have played starfield a tonne, way too many hours to even admit and I used to go through the menu to unequip and equip 😢 6:46 is all I needed
If you pull out your scanner, you can enter Photo mode by pressing your right stick. Taking pictures that way will result in those pictures appearing in loading screens. You can do some funny stuff with the photo mode it actually makes loading screens a lot more bearable.
thank you!!!
Wait, I can flip the toilet paper?! YES! My life is complete! That bugged me so hard the first time I saw it xD
Why? Toilet paper is circular. You can use it either way.
And I'll be flipping it back. Yes, it's more convenient when hung forward. But it's also easier for mischievous felines to unroll that way. And quality TP is only getting more expensive.
@@GaurdianPrimeor, and this is just a suggestion mind you, you can just close the door behind you when you leave the lavatory.
@@valiroime my cats have taught each other to open ANY unlocked door
@@GaurdianPrime LOL one of my cats is also obsessed with unrolling toilet paper... She makes a bed out of it, then proceeds to sleep on the bathroom floor 😹🧻
A not insignificant number of people not realizing you can cut those walls, despite at least 5 parts of the wall screaming to do as such, is one of the most adorable gaming community moments this year.
we talking about bethesda fans.....Of course they can't even distinguish a scam from a video game...Oh wait, you're one of them....
Pyramid my man, you just listen to whatever the “smart” UA-cam game reviews say, don’t you…
@@OBEYTHEPYRAMIDa "scam" that's literally free on gamepass😂
I haven't seen one of these doors in my playthrough yet, but I imagine it wouldn't be hard to write them off as one of those "doors" that can't actually be interacted with. Wouldn't be the first nor last time something like it is in a game.
I knew a few of these but this video explained them *much* better than other places. Especially the bit with decorating. Thanks!
When you're at an outpost of yours, instead of going to the beacon or holding X/square/E on a building, you can enter the settlement mode by going into your scanner and clicking your button that youd press to set up a outpost beacon. Instead of pulling out a beacon itll put you into build mode.
A very important tip is that when you are in the ship builder, you can actually scroll down in the menus and zoom in and out. Took me half the game to find out.
Also if you get arrested and have stuff confiscated, than you can just go to a nearby chest in the building and steal it back
I’ve read a couple of tips so far, but I haven’t seen this one which helps me so much with the speed of getting to one place to another.
- When wanting to go from one planet to another, you can do so at any point by opening your map (so long as you’re not inside a building), going into the new planet and selecting the location you want to land on, assuming you’ve already been there already, this will fast travel you from your current point to your landing spot which skips so many loading screens that you would have to go through otherwise.
9:00 I gotta say, be careful about this, some carryable things like, for some reason, are somehow marked as owned, so if the owner sees you lifting it up, even though it’s not added to your inventory, they’ll act like you stole something.
If you pick it up out of their sight though, no problem.
Thanks! Outstanding info!
Another tip: if you are trying to stealth, take off the space suit and helmet. The game uses equip weight when doing sound and stealth checks
Side note, for those walls most weapons will do but the Cutter do has the bonus that it has unlimited Ammunition.
Heller's cutter ftw.
You can just take ships that have landed and I think that's neat
I tried taking a bounty hunters ship cause it was huge but it said im not authorized. Perhaps i need to upgrade my pilot skill
@@Goku-hw7bq I think it's only the non-hostile ships that land randomly on planets. The crimson fleet dropships release some enemies then leave when you kill them.
@@AmyDentataif you ignore the enemies and go straight for the ship, you can sometimes get inside, kill the 3 or 4 enemies inside, and steal the ship. I'm pretty sure I've stolen at least 3 crimson fleet ships so far. The game not letting you steal a large ship because you're not authorized is probably something to do with reactor class and not having a high enough pilot skill, but there are some ships that you just can't steal.
@@AmyDentatanah, sometimes even crimson fleet ships don’t work either. I think it’s a bug. Most of the time, you can steal any ship your piloting skill is high enough for, though.
I stole a crimson fleet ship last night. I’m so used to them running away when I kill their ground troops. This time I ran straight for the ship. They still took off and I killed everyone in space and took it.
If you hover one of the blue slot thingies on any of your current parts and press G, it'll give you a build list with only items that fit to that particular slot ;)
Ok but what is it for xbox?
The longer you Hold the X button when holding an object the harder you throw it useful for throwing explosive/corrosive/freezing barrels etc as a make shift bomb.
Yeah there actually are some of us who don't hoard junk. I never pick it up in the first place; the only time i have to deal with it is when I modify a ship and all the auto-generated junk winds up in the hold. I just wish I could get it to stop auto-generating junk. Oh and mining asteroids causes an asteroid to follow you wherever you go...
Flipping the TP is the best feature since petting all the dogs/cats! Bless Todd.
I legit didnt know about the scanner button in ship thing. Saved me some time with that.
Just remember; it's perfectly acceptable to hang bathroom tissue under IF you own a pet cat/dog that enjoys unraveling it when it's in its proper position.
this can also apply to young children...
Had no idea about the "laundering" method - thanks!
One thing I felt needed to share was that all major story followers absolutely hate piracy. However all named crew you can pick up at bars are totally fine with it
For the second tip, you don’t even have to open your scanner. Just look at whatever marker or waypoint and (on Xbox) press A and you’ll jump to wherever it is you where pointing at
I'm dozens of hours in and still finding new Canadian themed food, so.. I'm happy.
I wish the US knew about poutine. My local bar had it because of the winter visitors, but stopped serving it.
@@12345....... The subtle details are actually really nice.
Like.. The Edmontonian, is a bunch of perogis, and Edmonton has a lot of Ukrainian people in it haha
You can open the Toilet Seat, you just need to use some other item to pry it open (Yey Physics!), and the best part... there is sometimes loot in there.
Our Dark Goddess Jane gets an extra cool points for referencing Event Horizon.
The proper toilet paper placement of over hang is done by big toilet paper to get you to waste the roll quicker. By pulling down, the roll will spin a little extra and burn through your paper quicker. Put it back ways so when you pull from underneath, it will be less likely to spin, preserving the roll for longer use.
Something I found useful is the navigation table you can use it to travel to planets and not have to watch the cutscene evey time
You can get favorable persuasion option depending on what you say in conversations, its not always the same options so be mindful how you talk to people.
Remember to hold the aim button to home in the cutter before you start firing cos it’ll instantly blast whatever resource you’re trying to get without having to wait 5 seconds
Jane this video is worth my Patreon sub for that trick to rotate items in the other axis ALONE.
That scanner trick with the planets is the coolest tip ever
You missed the "best" one - You don't need weapons, just simply spec into laser and use the laser cutter as a weapon using the "focus" fire mode. It only really have one major weakness which is range - however it scales up very well and you can literally complete the game with it no problem - though a single long range "sniper" would be a nice addition. Try it out - it just works!
"I might need this later you don't know." Love it
Since your cutter is your default weapon in scanning mode you don’t have to take up a favorites slot with it. Which, imo, there were barely enough of already when it was just guns and heal items and grenades but when you factor in powers… You need every favorite slot you’ve got. 4 more would have been nice…
3:06 you can also press A on xbox if the mission is the only thing on screen
That fast travel scanner trick is a life saver.
If you bind the alternate jump button on PC and use that instead to boost, you move significantly faster.
You can store items in your ship's cargo as long as you're within 250m of it by going to the ship menu (bottom left quadrant in the main menu) and pressing the cargo hold button.
I can't believe they added the exact same adoring fan from Oblivion, what a series
Being able to grab sarahs hair when onboard your vessel is the most random feature I noticed,hair physics are decent tbf though
I figured out the cuttable walls, but I didn't use the cutter, I just shot at it with my gun. I do keep my cutter with me though at all times, though I probably don't need to. Only use it when I occasionally mine things
jane casually shooting adoring fan in the face just hit too hard😃😃🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I feel attacked. But also seen. But mostly attacked.
I also feel like maybe it was safer for me that Jane skipped PAX East this last time 😰🔫
You can access and transfer items to your ship cargo any time, anywhere: open the Start menu and select the Ship menu, and then press X to open the cargo hold. You can then move stuff in and out of your inventory.
oh my fucking god 🤦🏼 this would have saved me so much running back and forth
Holy shit I feel dumb now lol it took me several hours just to find the cargo hold location on the ship. Had to activate the mission in the activities mission tab before I found out. Now you tell me I can do it from the menu?! Damn this game gives you so many ways to do just about everything. I guess there will be no need to pawn anything off on companions anymore.
@@Afroman_Gaming i can seemingly only take stuff out at the moment which is helpful but not the most helpful
@@BeaBea-54 apparently, there is a range of 250m at which you have to be within your ship to do this method. I've been spreading the word since yesterday and there are still a lot of people that don't know.
What? I used the cutter as my main weapon for the vast majority of 3 whole faction quests and whatever in between.
"Oh, don't have to worry about ammo and it blinds them?b that'll do"
it also sets them on fire at laser rank 4
I hope there's an equivalent video for Baldurs Gate 3. Putting out a fire with Ray of Frost, shooting a lever to activate it, Talking to Animals potion/buff, equipping a salami as an offhand weapon, etc
Shooting the hinge on a chandelier to drop it Hitman style
So the red emergency doors not only can you use your tool to cut them. You can also just shoot the pins with a gun as well I used a old earth gun and it works just the same as your tool
You can also put trash cans or bins on NPC so they can't see you when your stealing
Well, after about 125 hours of plain Starfield, and thinking I’d pretty much figured out everything knew how to hide my helmet and all that fun stuff. Yeah I had no idea I can hide my space suit, so thank you very much for informing me of that I enjoy learning new things every day, and as always great Contant keep it up and now to infinity and beyond.
Tip: The cutter is quite effective against mechanical enemies i.e robots. laser turrets, people. A great option in close quarter combat playing peek a boo. Holding the LB will overcharge it, and deal more damage when pressing RB at the same time.
A better tip for the cutter is to aim with it, when the reticules line up you cut so much faster and do more damage with it
There are times when ships are landing with crew to attack you. Throw a grenade in as soon as the door begins opening and you can knock them out with barely a shot fired.
Try wearing the monster costume the first time you board the ship in First Contact for some unique dialog.
You can buy an easter egg gun fromthe dealer in the key. Its ak style like in nuka world and has the same perks as the splattercannon. Increase damage with each hit.
I learned these two tricks while pirating for the crimson fleet, but the first one is this if you're target is a lone ship you can convince them to just hand over their goods without getting into a battle useful if you dont feel like being a particularly bloodthirsty space pirate, the second is that if you initiate conversation and select attack your constellation buddies won't get on your case about it, like they would if you just blasting the poor ship you want to loot.
Okay, I did NOT know you could cut open those doors. I thought they were just fancy set design like everything else.
there are also breakable rocks etc, often leading to an alternate path or access to differnt rooms
Well I know what wins my vote for "comment that damned with faint praise of the year". Glorious.
It just occurred to me that all the free standing decorations would be scattered everwhere whenever you get in to a space battle
Getting into ship inventory to move your material to it or vice-versa doesn't require actually going to the ship's cargo panel. Anywhere inside the ship you can open your own inventory, tap whatever you use to swap between buy/sell with vendors (Q on PC), and it will jump you to ship inventory. Tap it again and you're back in your own, and now you can dump all your black market organs right into your shielded cargo pods.
While alot of people havent noticed that you can change DIGIPICKs during the picklocking system
Had to watch a video on lockpicking cuz i skipped the tutorial not realizing it was a new puzzle where you gotta manage what pin-sets you use and what order and not skyrim lockpicking again
Also, if the outer ring turns blue the pick will FIT somewhere on that level. It doesn’t necessarily go there to complete the puzzle though.
Yes! i burned through a bunch before realizing that
@@kgoodfarms Actually learned something new from another video. I only noticed the outermost ring changing color, but the inner rings will turn blue as well if the pick can fit in them.
Took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize that you can select whichever digipick you want just by clicking on it rather than having to cycle through all of them using the previous/next buttons. A real time saver.
RE: throwing held items by pressing the reload button (X on Xbox controller, R key on keyboard)... if you long press the button, it charges the throw, throwing it farther.
ooh more on stolen goods: modifying them at a suit or weapon bench removes the stolen tag as well!
First tip should be familiar for Bethesda fans however one unique aspect to Starfield I don’t see anyone else doing is with so many flammable tanks around you can set traps for your enemies by picking them up and moving/throwing them. I like using them more as ambush traps (place a few at a door way where you know enemies are, draw the in and when the get to the tanks shoot one) then “grenades” but both options are viable. And there are also sorts of different tanks that do all sorts of different types of damage. Explosive, poison/corrosive, fire, etc.
There are magazines in the game much like fallout 3s books, one is in the lodge on the podium next to the collection of artifacts.
8:50 so I guess that's Starfield version of putting a bucket on top of NPC head in Skyrim then, neat 😂
I literally noticed the "Cut Pins" words on the wall and it didn't occur to me to try because there was a generic tool on the ground so I thought it was decoration
You can drop all but 1 round of ammo faster than rolling the counter all the way back in a followers inventory.
Then give the 1 round and pick up your entire Marine Corps worth of ammunition.
0:10 that roast! I am gonna need a salve for that.
Fun fact It is far easier to buy resources from general or mining stores in the biggest planets than it is going out and mining for them
Damnit! Now I'm going to have to make sure all the toilet paper in the galaxy is facing the right way!
Me, I've just been romancing the heck out of Elias Toufexis' character. Because he sure purty. ;)
70+ hours in and there were still things here I didn't know, very useful!
If you press up against a wall corner or wrist high wall aiming your gun will make you pop out of cover to shoot around or over it letting go of aim or reload you will pop back into cover Time Crisis style.
Overhang is the objectively correct way. Thanks oxbox for being sane!
When you go to Akila City for the first time, there's a general store on your left, and a hostage situation on your right. Ignore the latter, and walk up to the general store... get down on your knees, and take some time to admire your reflection in the puddle just outside. You can't actually see your reflection, but much like the infamous Dawnstar chest in Skyrim, you will eventually see the vendor's inventory. And you can loot it all free and clear, and then sell it back to them. However, watch the resources, there are a lot of rocks in there weighing hundreds of pounds... might wanna dump that off at your ship before dealing with the hostage situation. Chest is always available in this way, too. I spent 24k on ammo, went outside, and took all my credits back.
Bethesda will likely not fix this. There are 3-4 chests in Skyrim like this, and these chests were fixed fairly early on by the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. When Bethesda made the Special Edition for the Xbox One, and the Switch edition of the game, they did not include these fixes. So, they knew about the easily accessible vendor chests, they had the code to fix them right there in the open, and they made the decision to not fix them. So it is highly likely that they will leave these alone, too. There are more - this is just the easy one to get.
ok shifting axis of items held was a great tip i didn't know but flipping the toilet paper?!! i bow before your knowledge 🙃
Sprinting in zero-g will do a forward boost wish we could do it all the time.
Perfect timing as my plan for today was working out how to get all the decorations out of my cargo hold and back into the newly upgraded living spaces. Hooray!
There is only one way to hang toilet paper until you find a spider has decided to chill on the underhang and then there is only one way to hang toilet paper. Trust me
I didn’t know about being able to hide your space gear and I’m glad I saw this because I probably would have never noticed the button prompts 😂
I love that you brought up Total recall. The first time I went and sedonia and looked out through the windows Total recall popped in my head lol.
You don’t actually have to use your mining laser on the cut away doors. You can use any weapon in your inventory. You can even use bash to break the pins (at least on the top two pins, for some reason bashing didn’t work on the bottom pins for me).
Spent over an hour dropping plants and desk ornaments and picking them up at different angles, crouching, adjusting and dropping them…tip one here will either save me time or cause me to spend more time decorating
Nice! Let me add:
- The locks on these "cuttable" doors can also be destroyed with any other gun, explosive or melee weapon.
- The toggle option for hiding the suit will also hide the helmet automatically.
Many hours in and only just realised that fully scanned things on planets appear green on your scanner where as they are blue if you still need to scan them
I got busted with stolen property and couldn’t remember stealing anything. When the notification popped up apparently I was hauling around a stolen container of stew 🍲. 😅
I don't play starfield, I doubt I'll pick it up anytime soon. I still watched this video all the may through and I still enjoyed it. No idea why tho.