- Опубліковано 25 лис 2024
- We are a Married Thai-Canadian Couple reacting to everything Poland has to offer!
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Historia polskiej muzyki rozrywkowej w piosenkach - część 1 (1960-1989) : • Historia polskiej muzy...
Historia polskiej muzyki rozrywkowej w piosenkach - część 2 (1990-2019) : • Historia polskiej muzy...
Which singer/song is your favorite?
O.N.A. - Wszystko to co ja / Niekochana , Illusion - Nóż Woodstock , Nocny Kochanek- Zdrajca Metalu Woodstock , WitcherCon | Marcin Przybyłowicz & Percival feat. Monika Kuczera | Wolven Storm , Jamal - Peron , Paktofonika - Chwile ulotne
Budka Suflera, Lady Pank, Marek Grechuta, Myslovitz, Oddział Zamknięty.. And many many more, it's just hard to choose. There was a lot of brillant Polish music between 1970 and 2000 let me say. Greetings from Poland
Breckout i Dżem. Blues in my heart.
3:35 Piosenka Krzysztofa Klenczona i Czerwonych Gitar pod tytułem " Biały Krzyż". Dziwię się, że nikt z komentujących nie wyjaśnił, ze nie chodzi o kobietę i nieszczęśliwą miłość. Ta piosenka jest związana z tragiczną historią Polski.
"Biały krzyż - wielki przebój Czerwonych Gitar - był jednym z niewielu utworów, których muzycy zespołu nigdy nie wykonywali na bis. Także podczas pamiętnego VII Krajowego Festiwalu Polskiej Piosenki w Opolu, kiedy to za tę piosenkę zespół otrzymał nagrodę Ministra Kultury i Sztuki (1969).
Utwór powstał w 1968 r. podczas pobytu członków zespołu w Zakopanem, gdy na jednym ze szlaków górskich Krzysztof Klenczon i Janusz Kondratowicz natknęli się na zniszczony krzyż. To właśnie wówczas Krzysztof Klenczon postanowił napisać piosenkę dedykowaną swemu ojcu, która upamiętniałaby jego towarzyszy broni, poległych żołnierzy Armii Krajowej. Ojciec kompozytora był żołnierzem AK i działaczem antykomunistycznego podziemia, zmuszonym spędzić powojenne lata z uwagi na swą aktywność polityczną z dala od rodziny. Spowodowana względami bezpieczeństwa długa nieobecność ojca w domu w pierwszych latach życia Klenczona miała ogromny wpływ na jego losy.
Piosenka - wbrew wcześniej żywionym przez muzyków obawom - pomyślnie przeszła przez cenzurę, wpisując się w przywracany do łask pod koniec lat 60. nurt utworów podejmujących tematykę partyzancko-żołnierską. Do przepełnionej nostalgią muzyki Klenczona Kondratowicz stworzył uniwersalny tekst opowiadający o zapomnianych żołnierzach, którzy oddali życie w obronie ojczyzny. Jedynym pozostałym po nich śladem są brzozowe krzyże znaczące anonimowe mogiły przy polnych drogach, będące nieodłącznym elementem powojennego polskiego krajobrazu."
@@nickeywilson7883 znakomita analiza! Dodam że niestety komuniści zmusili zespół do dodania na końcu utworu nuconej melodii z komunistycznej partyzanckiej pieśni. Cenzura puściła bo tekst był uniwersalny - w zestawieniu z określeniem "wyklęci " ow samotny biały krzyż nabiera dodatkowego znaczenia.
Przecież rozmawiają dyletanci ! Niemen - Bema pamięci rapsod..... Budka -Samotny dom , SBB- Odlot/wizje , Budka -Noc nad Norwidem , Klenczon - Nie przejdziemy do historii , Breakout - Wielki ogień... Prońko - Modlitwa o miłosć prawdziwą , Gintrowski,Kaczmarski,Łapiński ... Ta zabawna para nie ma zielonego pojęcia - typowe dla tępawych Anglosasów , u których teksty są na poziomie pierwszoklasity... Ale - co pozostaje z tej audycji - to "Biały Krzyż"...
9:38 Budka suflera jolka jolka Felicjan Andrzejczak 16 May 1948 18 September 2024 [*]
Hi guys :) 17:55 - there were'nt two different people singing, only one person (a man) Artur Rojek from Myslovitz 😉
and he is man not the woman XD
Dobrze że jest tłumaczone na język polski 😊 super
The "flooding" scenes were from 1997, the song was made as a charity project, something like "We are the world". Unfortunately there are terrible floods in Poland exactly right now. A few cities are completely under water.
And a new version of that song.
@@mareknowak8051 Yes, I was actually thinking of recommending it :)
Fajnie bylo sobie przypomnieć że mamy tyle wspaniałych kawałków
Myslovitz-może się wydawać, że śpiewają dwie osoby, ale to tylko wokalista Artur Rojek ze swoim pięknym głosem. Zespół grał koncerty na całym świecie.
Szkoda, że nie znacie słów tych piosenek. Większość to świetne teksty o bardzo ważnych sprawach.
Ok there is 10 Best of Czesław Niemen
1.Dziwny jest ten świat
2.Sen o Warszawie
3.Pod Papugami
4.Wspomnienie (Mimozami…)
5.Płonąca stodoła
6.Gdzie To Jest
7.Jednego serca
8.Czy mnie jeszcze pamiętasz
9.Czas jak rzeka
10.Hymn o miłości
11.Domek bez adresu
12. Ptaki śpiewają kocham
13.Przyjdź w taką noc
14. Jeszcze sen
15. Wiem, że nie wrócisz :)
16. Pamiętam ten dzień
17. Jaki kolor wybrać chcesz
18. Taka jak Ty
19. Wloczega (Бродяга)
no i
20. Bema pamięci żałobny rapsod:)
Moja i twoja nadzieja-“mine and your hope” it was first recorded in 1993 for Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (“The great Orchestra of Christmas help”)
in 1997 this song was recorded again by polish artists, who joined together to help people across the country during one of the biggest flood in Poland 1997. That year was unforgettable and this song is symbolic for that year.
In this compilation the presented song is from year’97
For sure this compilation is better but still lucky of accuracy in dates and details.
I think it is a better compilation too.
About two songs.
5.20 - "Zegarmistrz światła" by Tadeusz Woźniak is a song about... dying or living as a struggle before the inevitable.
The song is outstanding and for example was used very well in "Legendy Polskie - Twardowsky", which is a series of two videos which use XVIth century legend about Pan Twardowski and his deal with the Devil, but setting it in sf setting.
I think they are worth watching. First is a bit shortish and acts as a prologue for more interesting second part..
Both are here on UA-cam on the official channel of the Allegro which is la bit like Poland's Amazon.
17.23 - "Długość dźwięku samotności" by Myslovitz. Artur Rojek is definetly a man and is singing the whole song.
There is a strong tradition in Poland with so called 'sung poetry'. Polish is a very poetic language, it even has a concept of a wieszcz who is kinda spiritual-cultural leader and serves as a guide in troubled times. To this day there is strong influence of this genre.
You might want to read "How Sung Poetry Became an Integral Part of Polish Musical Culture" on Culture.pl - there are many names you will recognise and it will explain a lot for future videos.
When it comes to the music which you have not reacted to yet, sooner or later you will have to deal with Męskie Granie - an annual project sponsored by Żywiec. The project involves several artists and some of their songs are actually quite brilliant.
For example this from 2018. The video was recorded live.
Notice it has 150 000 000 views...
Take care!
5:56 it's a song about transience and death, that's why it gave you goosebumps
In the 1999 song - it’s actually one person singing it XD Myslovitz does not have a female vocalist XD
"Zegarmistrz światał purpurowy" ((1973) - to znakomity tekstowo song o pogodzeniu się ze śmiercią. Wykonawca umarł niedawno...
Dość nieudolny przekład pierwszych fraz (bo tu trzeba być poetą...)
And when he will come also for me
The Purple Clockmaker of the Light,
to mix the blue in my head
And I will be bright and ready.
The days will flow down through me
Floors and airs will go off
I will take a look at everything one more time
And I will go - I don't know where - forever.
"Jolka Jolka pamietasz" version 2014 live
Jesteście fantastyczną parą, a wasze psinki są przeurocze, wasze reakcje są cudowne. Nie wiem kto zrobił tą listę muzyczną, na którą teraz reagowaliście, ale miał bardzo dobry gust. Jestem Polakiem, więc wiadomo, że bym się zaraz doczepił tego i owego, ale generalnie fajna lista, dobra robota.
A Wam wszystkiego najlepszego, niech Was nic nie zaleje, bądźcie bezpieczni i szczęśliwi.
The girl has amazing instincts. Even though she doesn't understand the words and context of the song, she inexplicably hit the point on several occasions regarding individual songs.
Please review separately "Zegarmistrz Światła" by Tadeusz Woźniak. This is the one you mentioned as giving you goose bumps.
"Zegarmistrz światła..." Piękny utwór... Mój rocznik... 👍👍💕
Bardzo lubię was oglądać 😃👋 ❤🇵🇱🙏
Artur Rojek, Muniek Staszczyk, Robert Gawliński, Anita lipnicka, Kasia stankiewicz, Grzegorz Skawiński, Czesław Niemen, Marek Grechuta, Dawid Podsiadło, Ania dąbrowska, Ewelina Flinta, Sylwia Grzeszczak, Sanah, Monika Brodka and Zdechły Osa Old days Agnieszka Chylińska...
14:10 - this guy is Czesław Niemen
14:15 that song is from 1993, but the version that's linked is from 1997. That year, terrible flood happened in Poland and this song became the hymn of solidarity with those who lost their homes, families, previous lives they had. In this version: some of most popular and impactful vocalists of that decade united to sing a song( this and few more version were releaed on 1 cd, all income from that sale went for helping people affected by flood)
Obecnie znów mamy powódź. Pozdrowienia z Polski. We are currently flooding again. Greetings from Poland.
14.02 to cover ale ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤. Przy powodzi ,dla pomocy
. Piękny utwór w orginale
14.02 to cover ale ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤. Przy powodzi ,'dla pomocy
. Piękny utwór w orginale
Piosenka Biały Krzyż czerwonych gitar nie jest piosenką romantyczną tylko dotyczy II wojny światowej radzę zapoznać się z tekstem. Ale fakt jest to jedna z piękniejszych ballad czerwonych gitar. A można ją również zakwalifikować do pieśni patriotycznych.
Poland rocks.
If you could only hear lyrics of those songs in way you understand it would make listening to them much much better.
Thanks for showing our Polish culture, us Poles we love that and love you guys.
1982 Jolka Jola...one of the GREATEST
Jolka, Jolka, do you remember that summer of dreams
When you kept writing: “I feel so bad
Come to me even right now, do something with me
Don’t leave me here alone, oh no."
Still begging for petrol, I raced through the night
The engine groaned with the last of its strength
To be in you again, to laugh and to swear
Everything was so simple those days
A child slept behind the wall, watchful as a bird
May God sweeten his dreams!
You told me that never, never before
Have your tears been as sweet as blood
In the morning I emigrated away from your arms
The day drove me out, at night I returned once again
The eclipse of the sun was destined for us
The next one will happen, maybe in a hundred years
The nuns walked along the beach, and the sun going down
It kept falling, unable to fall
Your husband out in the world saved up every pound
For a Toyota, so beautiful, it's sad
Your husband loved order and a full glass
He once had a fiancée like a dream
She betrayed him with a bus full of Arabs
He was never himself again, oh no
In the morning I emigrated away from your arms
The day drove me out, at night I returned once again
The eclipse of the sun was destined for us
The next one will happen, maybe in a hundred years
We lived in a big bathtub and so rarely
We crawled out onto the dry land
The Fairy Booze Godmother danced within us
Shooting gallery* was two steps away
I still don't know why it started like that
Why it faded - no one knows either
There are still many around me, I don't wake up alone
But nothing is simple these days
*zależnie od interpretacji, w znaczeniu jako miejsce zakupu nielegalnego alkoholu: "shooting gallery", w znaczeniu jako finisz: "the finish line".
Tekst pochodzi z www.tekstowo.pl/piosenka,budka_suflera,jolka__jolka_pamietasz_.html
song about dramatic love ua-cam.com/video/fYKfvvwsoAY/v-deo.html
03.50. "Biały krzyż" White cross - it's a song about war time, a kind of tribute to the generation that took part in it.
Najlepiej wpiszcie"Polski Rock" i będà same hity
10:09 Two weeks ago Felicjan Andrzejczak died. Vocalist of Budka Suflera. RIP
Sujy, if you like songs full of emotion then I highly recommend the Polish artist Jann and his songs: ‘Need a break’, ‘The Letter’, ‘Promise’, ‘Eren’. Jann sings in English, so you will understand everything.
8.18 i to jest smutek 🎉
18.00 to facet, piosenkarz, bardzo dobry.... ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Dżem, to kultowy zespół, 30 lipca była trzydziestka rocznica śmierci lidera, Ryśka Riedla😢
Pijanego znosili że sceny, ale co miał zaśpiewać, wyśpię wał do końca.
It's funny to see reactions on Your faces.Keep up Guys.
Ojej kolejna❤
11.12... ogień ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Another Must have from Czesław Niemen song:
- Płonąca Stodoła
- Sen o Warszawie
- Pod papugami
Finally great list!, and there is more : )
Base of Niemen would be :
"Dziwny Jest ten Świat"
"Sen o warszawie"
"Jednego serca"
"Pod Papugami"
We have great HH in the 90`s! Podium of all times is: Paktofonika, Kaliber 44, Liroy, Wzgórze Yapa-3, Molesta - legends, really good. U might be suprised.
Get the Rock compilation is also good.
Zegarmistrz światła is a song about Death
6.04 Anna Jantar, mama Natalii ❤❤❤❤❤. Tyle słońca 🎉
Czesiek Niemen ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ooo! jajebęto, bez śmiechu 😢
The music video for "Kryzysowa narzeczona" by Lady Punk is very funny, because a woman with a shopping cart walks between store shelves filled with products. The song is from 1983, and at that time martial law had ended in Poland, and there was no food in the stores at all. Everything was rationed. In the music video, they probably had to make fake products on the shelves.😅
@@ArletkaKus and what is funny? I remember those times.
@@Derayes I also remember those times. And the funny thing is that there was a crisis in the country, empty shelves, and they were shooting a music video in a store full of products that didn't exist in Poland at that time.
@@ArletkaKus funny for video clip's sake but I still do not find it funny as such
@@Derayes not everyone has to have the same sense of humor. From the perspective of current times and how Poland looks now, artificial products on store shelves are quite a funny idea for me.
Mama i córka jak 2 krople.❤❤❤
13.40 ....ciekawe bo z piosenki wynika że nie jest piękna. JEST WYJĄDKOWA ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
GLORY!!!'m favoured, $140K every 3weeks! And I am retired i can now give back to the locals in my community and also support God's work and the church. God bless America🇺🇸❤️
Hello, how do you achieve such biweekly returns? As a single parent i haven't been able to get my own house due to financial struggles, but my faith in God remains strong.
Excuse me for real?,how is that
possible I have struggling
financially, how was that possible?
Thanks to my co-worker whom God used to give a great opportunity of crossing paths with 'Mrs ELIZABETH ANN LARSON'.
YES!!! That's exactly her name (Elizabeth Ann Larson) so many people have recommended highly about her and am just starting with her 😊 from Brisbane Australia🇦🇺
I have heard a lot of wonderful things about Elizabeth Ann on the news but didn't believe it until now. I'm definitely trying her out
Czesław Niemen was a national treasure. Even Marlena Dietrich wanted to record with him. Tadeusz Woźniak „zegarmistrz światła purpurowy” is poetical analogy to death.
For Sujy - if you love dramatic music, in Poland was style called "actor's song" - it has even own festivals.
2 very talented & great female singers :
1. Ewa Demarczyk - "Karuzela z madonnami"
2. Edyta Gepert:
13.28___JEDWAB ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 10/10
Facet jest naprawdę świetny: rozpoznał Niemena po latach i Górniakową po Eurowizji.Nie trafił z "Białym krzyżem",ale z oceną muzyki lat 70-ych i 80-ych i owszem...No,i dzięki niemu uświadomiłem sobie, że zwrotka "Ale wkoło jest wesoło" faktycznie jest reaggowa...Że Lady Pank było polskim The Police,to tak-ale Perfect i reggae?!!!...Daab to to nie był,he he...Poza tym gościo spoko!
Lzy -lzy szczescia
Happy sad - lydka
Pidzama porno - pryszcze, one love,
STRACHY NA LACHY - Dzień dobry, kocham Cię, Twoje oczy lubią mnie
Daab - w moim ogrodzie, serce mam jak ogien
Houk - woman, zyje w tym miescie
Akurat - lubię mówić z tobą, droga dluga jest.
Lady Pank - To co mam, Sujy will like it
yup we had a lot of flooding in recent weeks Huge demages some litlle towns got completaly destroyed.
You r right the song was made becouse of huge flood that year that people still remember as some of the worst floods we ever had. It was sung by many famous Polish singers.
Zegarmistrz światła purpurowy 5:40 it's son about death, and the lyrics is insane good + music either. If he would made this in free Europe, probably it would be great hit
12.16....DŻEM zawsze ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤, 10/10
BUDKA SUFLERA is legendary 😊
Niemen - Sen o Warszawie, Jednego serca, Wspomnienie, Pod Papugami.
Breakout Karate is based on english song Led Zeppelin Moby Dick
Reagge: Daab - W moim ogrodzie.
Dżem - List do M. live
Szybki Bill ❤
9.40 to klasyk
this guy from 1993 (flood vid) was the king. Czesław Niemen.
Autostop ❤
You should check out "Pieśń Wojów" from Czesław Niemen
These compilations are extremely subjective. They do not show a cross-section of Polish music over the years. The popularity of certain songs may be incomprehensible to people from abroad. Without the surrounding context, it is impossible to understand why the song was popular. A song you thought was a romantic ballad was, for example, a song about a soldier's grave.
Yes, ofc you are correct about that.
Przynajmniej się dowiedziałam ze lubimy reggae oraz folk rocka który jest zabawny.
Wpisz Polish music:
Sanah - Największe przeboje
Dawid Podsiadło - Największe przeboje
Kaśka Sochacka - Największe przeboje
Sylwia Grzeszczak - Największe przeboje
Warszawska Orkiestra Sentymentalna -Największe przeboje
Daria Zawiałow - Największe przeboje
Miłego słuchania ;).
Najlepiej włączyć sobie polskie napisy, będzie Wam łatwiej zrozumieć.
Budka Suflera HAS NEVER HAD A SUBSTANCE ABUSE - Jolka is about a hurting love and broken heart.
Myslovitz - they didn't switch - it is a man singing 😊
About flooding - that song was recorded to raise money to help people in 1997. Actually this year there was a big flood in Poland again - and the singers recorded this song once again.
I have a little problem with Polish music reactions - polish music is almost always about the words😅
Biały krzyż (1969) is not very romantic - its song about the white cross beside the road somewhere in the countryside, the sign of unnamed grave of some insurgent, this song is also about memory of people who served their lives for independence of Poland.
1972 - Karate - one of songs of very important band - Breakout - Mira Kubasińska, Tadeusz Nalepa - they were protoplasts of polish blues/rock music.
1973 - Zegarmistrz Światła - its really dramatic - guy singing about prepairing for someone's visit - hard to translate - the purple watchmaker of light - it's metaphore of coming deathm but author saying he will be ready when it will come.
1975 - Wyspa dzieci, i really like this song, its very funny - they singing about the island of babies, telling story about babies growing on the trees like fruits, and where adult people coming and choosing children for themselves.
1977 - Hop Szklankę Piwa - Marek Grechuta - also Korowód in 60ths and 1979 Bardzo smutna piosenka retro - in those times in Kraków some bands started to performing special kind of music - we call it sung poetry, and i.e. Grechuta with his Anawa band could sing as well Mickiewicz's or Witkiewicz's poems to simple but elegance music, and it was very popular in Poland.
1980 - Maanam - also important, vocalist Kora was kind of rebel, and i.e. when delegation from USSR came to Poland the goverment planned to take them to Maanam concert, but she refused to singing for soviets so later they had serious problems during 80ths.
1985 - Dżem - Czerwony jak cegła. Well, these guys had no great live - i suppose to watch the movie "Skaznany na bluesa" its exactly about the life of this guy, very tragic because Rysiek Riedel couldnt find his way in soviet Poland, finally got into drugs and died on the beginning of 90ths.
1989 - Wehikuł czasu - Metallica played it last year at the concert in Poland. ;))
And again - 1990 - Poland is finally free and change in music is very visible.
1993 - Moja i twoja nadzieja - i'm not sure about the year - song is maybe from this year, but this adaptation is from 1996/97 after huge flood. Artists were singing togheter and collecting the cash for victims, and you recognized correctly - there were many stars from earlier years.
1998 - Kazik singing about parents who sending their children to vacations and had also a vacation from parenthood...
1999 - Myslovitz, well - its a guy who singing, not woman.
Fog ❤❤❤
Guy from 14:05 is... Czesław Niemen, guy with mushroom hair :D
1993 song "Moja i Twoja Nadzieja" by rock band "Hey" was covered in 1997 by a huge gathering of artist to raise money for flooding relief. The artists included Czesław Niemen (one of his last performances).
Witam pozdrawiam z Polski 🇵🇱🙏. Anna Jantar zginęła w katastrofie lotniczej 😢 jej córka Natalia Kukulska jest piosenkarką 😊
17.03 KAZIK ❤❤❤❤
3:43 You need to know the lyrics to understand this song properly.
5:18 At that time, musicians from behind the Iron Curtain often played illegally reworked songs by Western musicians.
6:18 Yes, she died in a plane crash. Her husband is a composer and he also wrote for her. Her daughter, on the other hand, started her singing career in the late 90s. Today she is a star. And she looks a lot like her mother. It's Natalia Kukulska. She was also in the video for "orkiestra on line".
7:17 They won't reach the highest level until about 10 years later. And they'll make the second part of their great career at the turn of the century.
7:51 3 years later, they'll completely change their repertoire. They'll start playing rock. It was their song that Andrzej Sztaba used to create "orkiestra on line".
Ahhhh the 80s. The golden era of Polish rock. Dozens of hits. Lots of bands: Manam, Bajm, Lombard, Perfeckt, Budka Suflera, Turbo, Wanda i Banda, Kombi, Lady Punk, these are just the most famous ones.
14:13 Yes, he was there before. This is Czesław Niemen. And he sings as a guest (others too) with the band Hey.
16:10 Yes, this is the one who won 2nd place at Eurovision.
17:41 This is a man singing, not a woman.
Unfortunately, the Empress of Polish music, Zdzisława Sośnicka, is missing here.
Better list.
If you want to listen to more Czesław Niemen i recommend: Czesław Niemen - Wspomnienie, Czesław Niemen - Sen o Warszawie and Czesław Niemen - Bema Pamięci Rapsod Żałobny
Zróbcie reakcję na legendy polskie allegro ua-cam.com/video/hRdYz8cnOW4/v-deo.html
Zwłaszcza "Jaga"🌹
Chylińska- Królowa łez, O.N.A. , Piotr Szczepanik - Kormorany, Spal żółte kalendarze Bajm - Biała armia, Budka suflera
goń się z tym zasranym spamem
ua-cam.com/video/nBPEZnusT-M/v-deo.html Czesław Niemen i Alibabki "Jednego serca"
Czerwone Gitary is a band - and by the way - they have never copied the Beatles - they were first XD
16.43 ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Imho my best polish band is Pathfinder, but they play symphonic metal
17:49 actualy there is 1 singer in that song and its him
Powódź z 1997 r. To utwór Hey, teraz jest nowy teledysk i ciut nowa wersja tej piosenki do obecnej u nas powodzi... Jest wiele ciekawych i lepszych zespołów, które nie wymieniono. Ale wiadomo nie da się wszystkiego przedstawić.
To fakt. nie da się wszystkiego.
Utwór z 1997 roku był swoistym coverem utworu z 1993 roku, z gościnnym udziałem kilku innych znanych polskich muzyków i w kontekście powodzi. Jednak oryginalnie ten kawałek powstał kilka lat przed powodzią.
Tadeusz Woźniak with the female group Alibabki. 👍
Here's one of my favorite songs from 90's.
"Niepokonani" by Perfect.
Rock song with both hard and ballad parts with anazing lyrics full of metaphores. Specialy for you, version with english subtitles ( although imperfect, fan made and with some grammar errors, still probably best translation that can be found on YT):