There are several houses close to the threshold of the RW 26. It's my favourite in ARN cause when flying from HEL it's rather direct approach. About the conditions. Yesterday on of your company's A320's had slipery times at OUL. The flight ended up in Hannover instead of Munich.
@@wilco737 Yeah they had some freezing rain that came out of nowhere. It made the taxiways really slipery. Plane did stop on the taxiway but it was sideways so it was towed back to stand. Glad that no one was hurt :)
@@matseriksson3916 don't worry, we ask ATC if it's OK to vacate at the end. If someone is close behind us, we vacate the first possible taxiway. And on that day, the next traffic was 10+ NM away. So no problem at all.
Great video, great views!
Thank you very much. Glad you like it.
Very nice Phil! Welcome to Stockholm!
Tak så mycket.
The video is already few weeks old. But we had a nice stay at ARN.
Schöner Anflug mit toller Scenerie!
Danke dir.
Ist wirklich schön da ohne. Ob Sommer oder Winter, immer ein Besuch wert.
Wow man! Great video ❤
Thank you very much ☺️
A beautiful video , Phil ;)
Thank you very much, Max.
Vallentuna fly by, love it!
0:49 - I live in the house right at the nose
That's cool. Perfect location 😁💪🏻
There are several houses close to the threshold of the RW 26. It's my favourite in ARN cause when flying from HEL it's rather direct approach. About the conditions. Yesterday on of your company's A320's had slipery times at OUL. The flight ended up in Hannover instead of Munich.
Perfect spotting location for sure ☺️
Never been to OUL, but can imagine it can be slippery there.
@@wilco737 Yeah they had some freezing rain that came out of nowhere. It made the taxiways really slipery. Plane did stop on the taxiway but it was sideways so it was towed back to stand. Glad that no one was hurt :)
Oh that sounds really lucky. Freezing rain can be really nasty. Glad nothing serious happened.
Do icy taxiways cause a lot of delays?
No, not at all. Just taxiing slower than usual, but it doesn't cause delays.
Nice video, but always vacate the runway as soon as possible! Your "shortened taxi time" might cause a go around for the guy 2,5 nm behind you.
@@matseriksson3916 don't worry, we ask ATC if it's OK to vacate at the end. If someone is close behind us, we vacate the first possible taxiway. And on that day, the next traffic was 10+ NM away. So no problem at all.
@@wilco737 Good to hear! 😊 Keep flying and posting videos!
@matseriksson3916 thank you. ☺️👍🏻