Doubt and Confidence: A Discussion with John Lennox

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • A discussion with Prof Lennox (Pretoria, May 2013). Hosted by Dialoog.


  • @Roy-ol3qx
    @Roy-ol3qx 3 роки тому +15

    I love this guy! I used to be an atheist but not anymore.

  • @fdakis
    @fdakis 9 років тому +52

    I'm not sure if there is a God, but John makes me want to believe there is one. Just a great example of a true Christian.

    • @fdakis
      @fdakis 9 років тому

      ***** Thanks, Kevin. After being a committed Christian for 20 years (serving in leadership roles for many years), I decided to do my own research that's lead me to this conclusion. It's a journey that's lasted over 3 years and I'm at peace with my decision to leave religion entirely. While I don't agree with everything Dawkin's, Hitchen's and Harris' say in their debates, the evidence and argument against the existence of God is too strong to ignore. I'm no longer content with using "faith" or "it's just God's will" to the questions science hasn't been able to answer (yet) or horrific events that occurred that was carried/commanded by God (namely the new testament). There's too much to discuss on a forum such as UA-cam, but I'm certainly open to have discussions in a private conversation on IM.
      I'll summarize my views this way: 1) I can coast through life in mediocrity with the hope of an afterlife that's supposed to bring me eternal happiness or 2) Try to follow (many of them unrealistic) God's commandments with the threat of hell if I'm not obedient or 3) Embrace the fact I have one life to live, so I'm going to make the best with the time that I have.

    • @LordSunrunner
      @LordSunrunner 9 років тому +3

      +Francis Dakis Jesus described several different ways, His sovereignty over His flock.
      John 6: 38 -"For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.39"This is the will of Him who sent Me, that of all that He has given Me I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day."
      Jesus knows His flock, and not one will perish. So either one can be a Christian & lose his faith, or one was never a true believer to begin with. Scripture states that Jesus gives eternal life to all those believe and NOT one will perish. If one honestly looks, one will discover the vast amount of evidence for a Creator within contemporary literature + online (via the philosophical, biological, mathematical, and physical disciplines.)
      I would earnestly point you towards men like Stephen C. Meyer, Ravi Zacharias, & Tim Keller in your search for truth. I pray that you do not cease to seek Francis, & that you honestly petition Him with all your heart. He will not & cannot disappoint!

    • @fdakis
      @fdakis 9 років тому +2

      +LordSunrunner Thanks for your input. The journey's ongoing so I'll definitely look into the people you mentioned.
      It's been fascinating to watch all these videos of apologists (ie. Lennox, Craig, R Williams) vs atheists (ie. Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris). While I'm not as sophisticated as these guys or some the atheists who comment (most of them negative) here, I feel that I come away with a little something each time. The interesting (if not sad) thing are the hateful, angry and judgmental responses by many atheists. It's almost comical how they (not all of course) engage in these long debates with other theists that inevitably lead to no where. The biggest failure on their part is being oblivious to the fact that their reputation precedes themselves when they come off condemning and angry, which is kind of funny because they become the very thing they despise (judgmental theists). I'm not so biased that I disagree with some of their points, but the message is often lost with their delivery.

    • @LordSunrunner
      @LordSunrunner 9 років тому +1

      +Francis Dakis Your statement is well received and your review of the atheists' temperament is inherent & evident. Psalm 14: 1 "The fool has said in his heart, there is no God." I sense the genuineness in your inquiring, of which I'm confident will lead you to Him if your heart desires truth. Matthew 7:8 "For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened." Tim Keller's sermons have been of great help to me, especially when he says there are 3 levels for which a seeker must address to resolve one's trust in Christ - The intellectual, the personal (emotional) & social. The personal was (and is) my most difficult! I will pray for you Francis that you choose to trust in Jesus as Lord, for He is the Way, the Truth, & the Life.

    • @fdakis
      @fdakis 9 років тому +1

      LordSunrunner Good call on Stephen C. Meyer. I've been watching a few of his videos and I'm surprised he hasn't debated the likes of Harris, Dawkins or Hitchens. There was a small piece on Strobel's channel where he engages Shermer for about 10 min but nothing signficant in the way of the Lennox debates with the top atheists.

  • @aneldavanschoor5021
    @aneldavanschoor5021 5 років тому +10

    I love John Lennox. He has enriched my life and teaches wisdom, the most noble thing, and his humility is something to admire and emulate, God will not forsake him. May he be blessed in abundance. I praise God for blessing us with this teaching

  • @seanf698
    @seanf698 Рік тому +3

    Love proffessor Lennox , a man of great intelligence and faith 👍

  • @travissmallwood8657
    @travissmallwood8657 5 років тому +9

    Binge watching all JL debates and lectures

  • @chazirwin1949
    @chazirwin1949 3 роки тому +2

    John Lennox (imo) is a saint! I would love to know the number of people who have become believers or began their search for truth because of this man! God puts us on this earth to seek the truth and use that knowledge to help save others’ souls! John Lennox you are fulfilling the core reason of why God put us in this wonderful world ! Keep saving souls and God Bless!

    • @GeoCoppens
      @GeoCoppens 2 роки тому

      Lennox is the true FOOL!

  • @jaylinn416
    @jaylinn416 9 років тому +12

    What a great interview! Big cheers for Prof John Lennox!

    • @wernermay5749
      @wernermay5749 9 років тому

      well, I would like to see him in a discussion with prominent catholic representatives and other religions.

    • @dw6503
      @dw6503 5 років тому

      +Werner May You miss the point! He's never out here to fight religious battles who is right or wrong, John is here to fight for God's existence from atheists who claim God doesn't exist!

  • @bryanpepperell
    @bryanpepperell 10 років тому +15

    Very refreshing to have John Lennox speaking in the public square.
    Shalom John Lennox.

  • @lucysalmo150
    @lucysalmo150 10 років тому +12

    Thank you for uploading this! Very enlightening!!!

  • @taj7210
    @taj7210 5 років тому +6

    He is a man of God, blessed with spiritual enlightenment scientist

  • @curiousgeorge555
    @curiousgeorge555 2 роки тому +2

    Acceptance through Christ at the beginning is a profound concept. How can you enjoy God and be at peace if you think you may be damned because of your performance?

  • @ryanchandler5538
    @ryanchandler5538 9 років тому +11

    Jesus will JUDGE!!!!!
    "when we (eventually) SEE what God has done with the innocent and their suffering.....we will have no more questions".........
    Such a profound statement!!!
    It truly is a HUGE help to remind ourselves that this life is temporary and simply a means for Gods end goals. And that God's ultimate plan is a glorious one!!!
    "We are children of God, heirs with Christ. Therefore, the sufferings of this present earth are not worthy to be compared with the future glory (in our real home). Rom 8:15-26
    Everyone sometimes losses sight of the glorious FUTURE to come!!
    May God richly Bless you........ Professor Lennox!!!

  • @MrKC23
    @MrKC23 7 років тому +3

    "I find Christians knowledge of their work far exceeds their knowledge of the Bible" Very good

  • @lindawarner7496
    @lindawarner7496 Рік тому +2

    Love John Lennox

  • @yottoo.5037
    @yottoo.5037 9 років тому +7

    I love him!

  • @donaldramroop662
    @donaldramroop662 4 роки тому +3

    A very wise man

  • @ianbetts4266
    @ianbetts4266 3 роки тому +2

    God is very quiet sometimes for years. In any relationship its hard to keep it going if the other person never answers your calls.

    • @caroline4801
      @caroline4801 3 роки тому +1

      There’s a opportunity for your faith to grow. We all go through that sometimes, the key is to keep going. I know in Whom I trust.
      “Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.
      But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.”
      ‭‭James‬ ‭1:2-4, 6-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    • @wilhelmlorenz5852
      @wilhelmlorenz5852 2 роки тому +1

      👉🙏🏻❤️🤔🎧🔆✨💥🤔 Your absolutely Right ☺️👈🏼👉☺️ If John LENNOX ✨🔆 isn't a Christian then I don't know who is a Christian 😀🙏🏻👈🏼❤️👉 But I Still 🤔🌍❣️ don't believe in the Trinity!!! 👈🏼✨👉I can't understand how or why He Does?!?!👈🏼❣️🌍🤔👉GOD BLESS ALL OF US LISTENING 🎧 LEARNING FROM HIM 🙏🏻👈🏼💭👉IN JESUS CHRIST HOLY NAME I HUMBLY PRAY FOR US ALL 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻👈🏼💭✨🙏🏻👉❤️ AMEN ❤️👈🏽

  • @regi1948
    @regi1948 Рік тому +1

    Listening ... yes , Science is easily the Word for the enlightenment of the Truth of the Religions and Religiosities. Histories would cease and so would the Timelines and Ages . With the Advent of the End time prophecies of the great Unbelief 👍 Vanity Vanity and everything else is Vanity ! Jesus alone in exclusion is the only Truth and perhaps the sole Way of the Hope. Blessed 🙌 are the ones all believed 🙏 who do not see yet believe in the Unseen ❤ .

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    John who made you and your mind obviously your answere is God you cant deny that your mind made by someone that power is called God

  • @willielee5253
    @willielee5253 7 місяців тому

    John still compliments South Africa's good food.

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    if you have fear about God you will never disobey God

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    any calrification Dr Johan please give justification if any

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    Fear has meaning meanings depends fear how fesr comes in minds one is fear regarding God that fear is best

  • @jimroca1983
    @jimroca1983 10 років тому +6

    Very smart :)

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    for Layman astonishing amazing

  • @bretloomis8881
    @bretloomis8881 Рік тому


  • @GeoCoppens
    @GeoCoppens 6 років тому +1

    Get a load of this, Lennox:
    ‘I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forego their use.’ Galileo Galilei

    • @stevedl3150
      @stevedl3150 6 років тому +1

      Professor of Mathematics, John Lennox, worries me when he seems to intimate that he doesn`t understand Quantum Mechanics, since this is the very object I aspire to understand in my pursuit of maths. Nonetheless, in all likelihood he has a far better understanding of QM than I do.
      How well are you doing in the pursuit of maths ?

    • @tajayatomlinson5298
      @tajayatomlinson5298 5 років тому +1

      You do know, that's still affirming that he believes in God but Galielo is saying that he doesn't believe that the same God who gave us sense,reason and intellect didn't want us to not use sense,reason or intellect He gave us.
      I'm sorry I may not have known your initial purpose for posting this, and I may have misread it in a negative light. If I have then I deeply apologize.

    • @tommarshall7247
      @tommarshall7247 2 роки тому +1

      Yes. That's exactly what Lennox so often says: God wants us to be rational, use our minds and our reason.

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    on Darwin theory please

  • @ronniebuchanan6575
    @ronniebuchanan6575 2 роки тому

    I have no doubt the victims of the holocaust are in paradise with God.

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому


  • @apostaat9217
    @apostaat9217 8 років тому +1

    21:15 - Nobody quoted Galileo. The reference was to the influence his trial had on the way people thought about the world. Galileo's religious faith or lack thereof is irrelevant here.

    • @AntWoord_YT
      @AntWoord_YT  8 років тому +3

      Yes, Galileo was mentioned, not quoted. Touché. But Galileo’s faith is extremely relevant whenever people try to use science (like Galileo’s observations) as a reason to oppose theology - which is precisely the context of the reference to Galileo (20:00 - 20:17). As Lennox explains, at the time the dominant worldview of the academy, following Aristotelian philosophy and not theology as such, was against Galileo’s observations. The fact that some of the intellectuals of the day were theologians who wanted to add weight to this Aristotelian thinking by referencing scripture in inappropriate ways, does nothing to show that science and belief in God are in any real sense opposed to each other. Galileo’s own faith is testimony to that and therefore very relevant, wouldn’t you say?

    • @apostaat9217
      @apostaat9217 8 років тому

      No. I already said that I think it's irrelevant. Theology changed in response to Galileo's scientific work, just as it changes in response to any major scientific breakthrough. The way people "understand" God depends, in part, on how - or to what extent - they understand the world. The religious faith of the people who make discoveries is irrelevant as long as their methods of inquiry are valid.

    • @davidplummer2473
      @davidplummer2473 7 років тому +2

      Theology didn't change at all. Theologians long before Galileo knew that the earth was very small relative to the rest of the universe. As CS Lewis explains in an essay called "Religion and Science", in the form of a conversation between him and a learned skeptic friend:
      'You see, the real objection goes far deeper. The whole picture of the universe which science has given us makes it such rot to believe that the Power at the back of it all could be interested in us tiny little creatures crawling about on an unimportant planet! It was all so obviously invented by people who believed in a flat earth with the stars only a mile or two away'
      'When did people believe that?'
      'Why, all those old Christian chaps you're always telling about did. I mean Boethius and Augustine and Thomas Aquinas and Dante.'
      'Sorry,' said I, 'but this is one of the few subjects I know something about.'
      I reached out my hand to a bookshelf. 'You see this book', I said, 'Ptolemy's Almagest? Do you know what it is?'
      'Yes,' said he. 'It's the standard astronomical handbook used throughout the Middle Ages.'
      'Well, just read that', I said, pointing out Book I, Chapter 5.
      'The earth,' read out my friend, hesitating a bit as he translated the Latin, 'the earth, in relation to the distance of the fixed stars, has no appreciable size and must be treated as a mathematical point!'
      There was a moment's silence.
      'Did they really know that then?' said my friend. 'But -- but none of the histories of science -- none of the modern encyclopedias ever mention the fact.'
      'Exactly', said I. 'I'll leave you to think out the reason. It almost looks as if someone was anxious to hush it up, doesn't it? I wonder why.'
      There was another short silence.
      'At any rate, said I, 'we can now state the problem accurately. People usually think the problem is how to reconcile what we now know about the size of the universe with our traditional ideas about religion. That turns out not to be the problem at all. The real problem is this. The enormous size of the universe and the insignificance of the earth were known for centuries, and no-one ever dreamed that they had any bearing on the religious question. Then less than a hundred years ago they are trotted out as an argument against Christianity. And the people who trot them out carefully hush up the fact that they were known long ago.'
      In other essays Lewis points out -- what should be obvioius -- that differences in size do not necessarily equate to differences in levels of importance. He gives examples of how a man 5'6" is not slightly more important than a man 5'3", nor a leg more important than a brain. Or a truckload of coal more important than a diamond.
      People would point out to him that we're not talking about such fairly small size differences but millions of light years. But Lewis points out that if vast differences in size automatically equate to vast differences in degree of significance, than wouldn't it follow that slight differences in size would equate to slight differences in importance.

  • @fastteddyb
    @fastteddyb 6 років тому +1

    Miracles are a violation of the laws of nature - that's why they are miracles. The question is can God violate His own laws. I would imagine so.

    • @AntWoord_YT
      @AntWoord_YT  6 років тому +3

      A better definition is that a miracle is that which is beyond the causal capacity of nature to produce. There need not be any "violation" of nature if there are external factors to consider. In other words, if God exists with the causal powers to act on what would occur naturally, then it simply means that an additional factor accounts for a particular event. It's like dropping a ball to the ground, it will land on the ground according to the law of gravity UNLESS an external factor (someone catching it) intervenes. In such a case the law of gravity wasn't broken or violated, it was interrupted or superseded by an external factor.

    • @deebonash4487
      @deebonash4487 2 роки тому

      His own laws. You mean his being? Jesus of the Bible is God according to his word. If he is Holy can he go against his nature? ABSOLUTELY NOT
      Bc Then he wouldn’t be Holy and it would definitely be a contradiction

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    i am surprised that Scientists are non belivers about its creator God

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому


  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому


  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    it is height of something that people doubt about existance of God that too Scientists are Atheists anyhow Atheists exists no issue Atheists is a religion

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    no question for thise who have no knowledge about God

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    if you believe that God is nit avaikabke doesnt exists that is dangerous

  • @zainulabideen6812
    @zainulabideen6812 9 місяців тому

    stable mind never believe that i made myself impossible therfore mist unfortunate are Atheists

  • @overcamehim
    @overcamehim 5 років тому +1

    There are far too many "isms".