Thank you for this lesson. I just started my RCIA, and went to my 1st Mass. I admit to feeling self conscious about it cause I didn’t know what to do, stand, sit, kneel, or what to say. But God doesn’t care. Because I was there for him and he knows I’m just learning. God Bless!
You will catch on in no time. Just watch others and watch the priest. I am a cradle Catholic and just recently I stayed standing while everyone else sat! 😂
I felt this exact same way at first when I began going to Mass. I felt very out of place and embarrassed if I did the wrong thing. Luckily, I went with someone who helped guide me through Mass at the time. Now, I go consistently every week (I now make it a mandatory thing to go every weekend). I went consistently for 2.5 years and have now began RCIA to become confirmed into Catholicism. I have found myself beginning to worship God more at Mass and He knows I will be ready to receive Him fully once I complete RCIA!
Thank you! Thank you! I try to tell my friends who leave the Catholic church about this because we might not have the most up beat, entertaining, feel good praise and worship music however I tell them that other faiths don't have JESUS ~ the Eucharist!!! We get to receive the Body and Blood of Christ! Thank you for being honest about how important it is to go to mass EVERY Sunday! Love this video:)
catholic_love - You should change your moniker as you are not Catholic. Salvation is not possible outside the Catholic Church, and to say otherwise is simply heresy. That is the protestant notion you follow. Read the words of Jesus of the early Church Fathers and of the Saints and you'll see I'm right.
"catholic_love is not Catholic like you and I. Notice how the catholic is in lower case. There are many who claim to be catholic in terms of being universal in the sense that you can modify it to fit your narrative. We are Catholic in terms that the Church is Universal meaning it is throughout the universe. I love her. She is a doll and the true Bride of Christ.
A Catholic Mom's Life I was raised baptist but after serving with three separate priest in Afghanistan I confessed that the Holy Catholic Church is the one true church. I think mass music is the most lifting of all Christian denominations, I’m sorry if you are tired of singing and praising with “the same old songs every week” but remember these songs are holy, ordained by God for the Echurast.
Ryan Moreland -- you will most likely be the Catholic who knows the Faith better than "Cradle Catholics" who only went to religion classes because their parents made them go, but they self-identify as "Catholic" and teach error because they didn't pay attention in class. Welcome home! Your fire reinvigorates the Church!
Honestly, you know what’s pretty cool? That even though the entire point of mass is to give worship to God, God doesn’t need out worship. God doesn’t need anything, he’s whole and perfect as he is. He wants us to worship him, because that’s actually good for US. He wants us to worship him, because that’s the only way our souls will be healthy and we will be fully alive. Because we’re wired for him, there’s no real happiness outside of him. So even the giving becomes a getting. It’s just so infused with his love, all around. It’s astonishing. It’s beautiful.
@@lem4100 Some people (like me) who never grew up with Latin find a certain beauty to it. I had two religious experiences earlier this year after which I was inspired to learn the Rosary in Latin. I've got only the prayer after the Litany of Our Lady left to learn and then I'm set. I'll move onto learning the prayers/responses of the Latin mass next. I can't explain it, I feel like Mary wants me to learn and pray the Latin rosary. I don't think it's for everyone though.
@@lem4100 The missal you were supposed to be using had one page in Latin and the opposite page in English. I wonder why you could not follow the mass and after a while you didn't even have to read the English part. I don't understand what the problem was.
@@josephcorrigan9160 so many punctuation mistakes, aggressive capitalisation, and heresies to boot, yet so little time. I will pray for you...God bless!
@@josephcorrigan9160 dear me...can you actually see what you are writing? Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Continuing to pray for you! God bless!
I recently came back to the church after being gone about 45 years. I had attended a lot of protestant churches with robust praise, and worship music, and a very different atmosphere from Mass. I, too, was feeling that I wasn’t getting anything out of Mass when I heard a message similar to Father Mike’s, and it made me stop and think about how I wasn’t showing up for Jesus. I wasn’t recognizing everything that He was already giving to us. I realized that the reason to attend Mass was to meet Jesus and sit at his feet, not be entertained. Father, Mike, the example of your mom‘s birthday gifts is a great analogy!
Kelvin M., What do you call the man who's married your mother/the man who sired you? 2. Why did God tell Abraham that I've made you the father of the nations? 3. Elisha cried out to Elijah 'My Father, My father' after he, (Elijah) was taken up in body. Okay, you might say that that is in the Old Testament. 4.. IN the new Testament, Stephen, who later becomes a martyr calls 'Our Father Abraham'. 5. Paul referred to Onesimus as 'his father'.; "I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I have become in my imprisonment" I'd like to hear your comment Mr. Kelvin M.
As an usher I can also say there are real benefits to coming early to mass and staying late after. Talking to people, having time to pray alone or with someone / for someone. Helping tidy up or some help in the setup or something on the grounds or by the doors. Some masses offer confession an hour just before Mass. When listen to the homily I always try to listen as if I'm going to be quized on it just after, that way I find I pay better attention. Thank you to Fr Mike and all at Ascension Presents.
Thomas Brand - In my opinion one should go to mass at least 30 minutes before it starts as you need some silent time to transition from our noise world into our mass that takes us to a different kind of world - another dimension so to speak. Unfortunately most people don't do that. Try it and you will see the difference. God bless you all.
After attending many different reformed church services over the years and praying to God for a deeper understanding of him, I have now returned to the Catholic Church with zeal and thanks.
I love going to church, I listen the mass everyday and do my prayers and for sure Sunday is a very spacial day to go to mass. Thank you Lord God for the Mass.
I do too. I go twice a week. I love receiving communion. I really like my Priest & Deacon too. They make a difference in how you feel at church. Makes you want to go back again.
It's because Jesus is so quiet.... :) I started doing adoration (daily if possible) a couple years ago, and I don't think I can get through my day without it now. The amazing literature and contemplations that come my way makes the Mass SO meaningful...but honestly speaking when my kids were little I think every hair was standing out from my head at the end of every Sunday Mass. Maybe there are different times and different experiences. Let us pray for that unity and meaningfulness for everyone whatever their status in life right now.
I just forwarded this to my teenage and adult children. The following is a response I received: "Great video! Thanks for sharing, Mumsi😘 I dont think I've ever thought of it that way. Very enlightening." So, thank you very much, Father Mike... you enlighten us daily, also through the Bible in a Year. And let us keep praying for our children, relatives and friends. God bless!
I used to feel I got nothing out of mass and was just doing what I thought was right. I realised some weeks I would feel like Jesus was sitting next to me and other weeks nothing. You can’t rely on emotions as you can go through so many in one day alone. All I know is I love Jesus with my heart, mind, body and soul and I would do anything for Jesus. Thanks Father Mike you help in more ways than you think. Peace be with you always 🙏🏻🕯
RX7FDfreak thank you for the time to reply. I love Latin mass but I also love the other mass. I learn a lot from the priests during their homilies and feel it’s focused on what parishioners need to hear. However I also like it when the priest hears what I have to say if I disagree or have any questions. Every day is a learning day. Have a blessed day 🙏🏻🕯❤️
I see comments from 6 years ago and I am just watching the video for the first time. These words by Father Mike are powerful and I am SO glad that these messages are being said. I have been lost for so many years and now, I count down the days until I can go to Church again. The most beautiful place in this whole entire World! I recently changed my work schedule to truly keep Sunday holy where my family and I can worship and rest. What a beautiful message by Father Mike.
I try to explain to my wife and kids this exact talk, they want a good feeling for going to church, I can’t convince them it’s not about that, then I get “🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻the look”. Pray for my family Fr Mike I’ll pray for you
Best explanation I’ve heard, “worship reality.” And sadly in today’s society we are so accustomed to being entertained everywhere we go that we just expect it. It’s just so nice to just go sit somewhere, take the moment in, and just listen, but many have forgotten how to even just do that.
Thank you Father Mike...with every viewing of your videos I come to a deeper understanding of that which God has done and is continuing to do, for, with, and through me. Again, thank you for all you do bring God closer to closer to God.
I was guilty of these exact feelings years ago. Once I fully acknowledged “holy moly, the Eucharist is really Jesus” the Mass changed. Now I am so very grateful and desire to worship. Sing loud...sing proud... kneel before the king...worship. Thank you sincerely for these videos. They help me keep my fire lit for God. 🔥
Father Mike this was wonderful. I will watch this a few more times. I stopped going to church a few yrs ago, I raised my children in the church. We went every Sunday. My priest who I care for very much came to know that my husband and I didn’t get married in the church. He asked me not to take communion. All my husband needs to do is have our marriage blessed but he will not. My heart just isn’t in it anymore. Now I watch videos
Garden lady. I'll pray for you. Offer up your suffering to our Lord and he'll soften his heart. Don't stop going to church. You can receive spiritual communion. Jesus will give the Eucharist to you in a spiritual context. He knows it is not your fault. You did a good job taking your children to Church. You are a faithful daughter of the Church. Please do not stop going to Church. Jesus is waiting for you on Sundays or Saturday evenings if you prefer. Don't give up. Go to confession and the priest advise at confession will help you survive in this crazy world of our. God bless you and I'll pray for you so do not be surprised when in the future he agrees to marry you in the Church. PADRE PIO advises us to 1. Pray 2. Hope and 3. Don't worry.
@@Tessinentdecken Jesus Christ during the institution of the Eucharist, or the "Last Supper", as many call it. He said the exact words that are used in the liturgy of the Eucharist, and he continues to say those words at each institution of the Eucharist, through priests "in persona christi" (in the person of Christ)
Thanks, Fr. Mike! :-) I've always known that the Mass is the highest form of worship and after watching your video, I feel guilty coz there are times I get distracted during mass. But now, knowing the whole point is worship, I'm praying I can focus more so I'll worship God better. Thanks again! :-)
SO TRUE and so right. God deserves our worship and our time. We could never give Him all the love that He deserves from us but weekly Mass and Mass on Holy Days are a great start. Keep up the GREAT videos Father Mike. We NEED to hear this often.
Father. You have no idea Just how much I needed to here this. Thank you so much for being active online and making these videos. Thank you for the Truth that is spoken through you by God. He is working wonders in you. God bless you and may the Blessed Mother be with You.
@@Tessinentdecken we call them father because they have a roll of fatherhood to lead their children to heaven A father must bring his children to jesus Christ and because the priest works for and through jesus we are to listen to the guidance of priests to lead us to heaven
"We do not worship an experience. We worship a Reality" This talk has changed the way how i see the Holy Mass.I always went for the Holy Mass to get something for myself. Thank you father .
Father Mike, you’re awesome! I grew up Catholic and baptized all 3 of my children Catholic but left the Church due to lack of children’s programs. I’m back and need you to know how invaluable you’ve been to explain in plain language the meaning of our faith. Thank you and may God bless you and keep you always.
"We don't worship an experience, we worship a Reality." thank you Father Mike I have a grounding now to speak to others with ! i have to add this to my Mass notebook!!! Wonderful !
When our favorite music was played on the radio or TV, we get very excited and happy even though we can play it in our phones. Same as the Word of God being read to the crowds of people, especially you have read it and knew what was being proclaimed. You will 100% love the holy mass after you read the Bible, it was like "Hey i know that music!" 🙏🏻📖
Well said indeed Fr. Mike! The point is to give through worship. The heart of all worship is sacrifice and the reality is we should worship for The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit.
Awesome message Father Mike love it brother keep it , I'm coming off of Acts Retreat this past weekend serving our Lord and 40 new brothers in Christ, just what I needed to hear to finish my week love you brother
CATHOLICS ARE BORN FOR COMBAT! I am a SOLDIER of CHRIST THE KING, under the command of ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, protected by the QUEEN OF HEAVEN. The SCAPULAR is my dog tag. The ROSARY is my sword. My shield?--GOD Himself!
BOOM!! Shakalac ... THANK YOU LORD, for Father Mike and all wonderful, amazing priests like him!!! Please bless and keep them , Lord ... and stir up a hunger in us all, that we may desire You fiercely with every aspect of our life, of our being, and of our existence. Everything would be completely pointless without You, our wonderful and awesome God. Thank You ... for You. And thank you, Father Mike, for saying 'Yes' to God and for sharing what He has given you, with us. May God bless you all the time and always.
Well said, Father. One way that I see it is that our relationship, our marriage with God is more important than any other relationship we will ever have. I think most people would agree that in a marriage, a spouse forgetting or refusing to acknowledge their anniversary is a pretty big deal. Each Sunday we're called to celebrate the anniversary of our marriage with God so to speak. The Resurrection is so big that we celebrate it every week. Going to mass is not only celebrating this anniversary but consummating this marriage with God. Jesus paid such a great price to prepare this meal and get this table ready for us. I wouldn't want to stand Him up.
7 minutes in - I want to add that not only do we give God our best, but we give Him ourselves TOTALLY (our best, our worst, our distraction, our complaints, our love, our joy, our kindness, etc). When I slowed down long enough to listen, to give myself to God, and to recognize the opened heavens during the Mass, I fell in love with the church. I stopped caring as much about the horizontal, and started focusing on the vertical. Stopped thinking about everyone else, and started focusing on God. Thanks #FrMikeSchmitz
Thank you Father! This is exactly how I feel about Mass! Now I can share with my family because you explain it so much better than I have. Sadly I cannot get to Mass, but my spiritual director and confessor comes to me when he can. God Bless him! Sometimes he cannot come for 3 weeks and boy is that a struggle! I hunger and thirst so much to receive Him, I would every day if I could 😊 Thank you again
My healing journey has lead me back to wanting to come back to God. I go both in person and online live (my work schedule fluctuates.). It's been absolutely renewing!
I just sent this to my three adult daughters. I pray this email inspired them to go to Mass. I hope they don't get mad at me. I hope they know I sent this email out of love.
BUT? it is NOT love to pass on LIES! Elizabeth! let's hope? and pray that one of your daughters is a real christian WHO CAN HELP YOU out of this dead religion?
Remember St. Monica, St. Augustine's mother. She gives me hope that my prayers will help restore my children to Jesus. It has broken my heart to watch as they walked away.
Dear Elizabeth, I just forwarded this to my adult children. One of them responded the following: "Great video! Thanks for sharing, Mumsi😘 I dont think I've ever thought of it that way. Very enlightening." So, there is hope... let's keep praying for our children!
@@barbarawilson8952 I used to have a prayer from St. Monica that is so beautiful and deals with that. If you have that prayer can you share with us. I'm sure many people will benefit from it. Thanks
Fr. Mike, you have no idea how much your videos have saved (and inspired!) my 8th grade religion class who are Confirmation bound in March. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Thank you Ft. Mike for sharing this! Until I participated in Bishop Barron's Eucharist study and Jeff Cavins Revelation study, I was "bored" too. It's Gods Amazing Grace that sheds the "scales" from our eyes!
This is a wonderful message! I have such issues with my students' parents failing to take them to Sunday Mass. I'm sharing this message with my students' parents. Thank you, Fr. Mike!
I am so grateful that you chose to do God's will in becoming a priest. You speak the truth and in a way that is understandable to all. The world needs to hear the word of God explained this way of yours. When I was a child it was not explained. I had so many questions and back then children were to be seen but not heard. Fortunately my dad loved me very much and understood my need to understand things. So did his parents. I come from very stoic people however they are also a little bit special in that they bent their ways enough to fit me in and help my childish desires to know God more. Children these days have the ability so easily to have everything explained so very well. Such a blessing indeed!
I know some people who change which mass they attend because of who the celebrant is. I simply attend the same mass each week and get a different view of God's word each time. It's good for you. I also have to get to mass very early to get a parking space, so sometimes I get to hear a second homily. I think this "double feature" is a good thing. And finally, if you are living alone as I do, attending mass is a gift to yourself from God for me, along with seeing my little friends and watching them grow up. They range from newborn to high school along with their parents who also help with my religious journey.
💖💖💖 Always so encouraging and uplifting, even if it is something not wanting to hear or that's convicting to us...Fr makes it easily received. God reward you Fr Mike for all you do for His greater honor and glory. +Amen
Recommended viewing > a video > (Co ops mondragon Thom Hartman interviews Richard Wolff) PHD. It's a good workplace system invented by a Catholic priest. 10 minutes 3 seconds.Thought it was worth mentioning.
Jesus is awesome. I need to celebrate holy mass soon. It’s been several months but I have a wonderful Catholic Church near my house. Our Lady of Sorrows, Lebanon, Ohio. God bless, one love!
This is exactly what I was looking for. A brief summary of the sacrifice of the Mass that I can show to my wife who recently decided to join me in my journey into the Catholic Church!
Thank you, I needed to hear this today. I struggle in attending mass, I’ve done it my whole life and really enjoy going but there have been times when being a house wife has been overwhelming and mass time was my only “ me time” and so i would grab a snack park my car and just sit. I wouldn’t go to mass. Now God has shown me that if i fight this temptation and I join Him at mass, then I am filled and strengthened for my children and I have better time with them because of it.
Recommended viewing > a video > (Co ops mondragon Thom Hartman interviews Richard Wolff) PHD. It's a good workplace system invented by a Catholic priest. 10 minutes 3 seconds. Thought it was worth mentioning.
The buzzword regarding health is inflammation. Centenarians have a lower level of inflamation. The best that we can do is stick to the well balanced whole foods diet Dr Bruce Ames PHD bio chemistry.
I wasn't raised Catholic, so I first stumbled into a I think protestant church idk but I love mass and all. It feels so much important to my walk of faith with the Lord. And the words of Jesus touched me. "This is your mother". I love it!
Very edifying talk Fr. Mike. For me the entire mass is important though but the most important part is having Union with him in Communion. Having His Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity. Such a Great God, becoming so humble just to be one with me.
Father, your videos help me get the point across to my 9th & 10th grade CCD class, so well. Thank you for your 'yes' to God in your vocation and your apostolate through UA-cam.
Sometimes, I really get that God is talking to me. Earlier, I was saying how I had no real motivation to pray this weekend. I was listless and uninspired. He is knocking on my forehead. Hard. Soften my heart, my Jesus. Pray for me and others struggle with this temptation to stay home or do other things that really don't matter at the end of the day. Thank you, Fr. Mike!
Fr Mike, Thanks for this excellent video! My little 4th grade RE students enjoy your videos. I like to share with them how little time God asks. We are to keep the whole day, but only 1 hour at mass. I remember doing the math a few years ago... 24 hrs a day 7 days a week that is 168 hours, God only demands for one. That is .059% of our week! Shared that with my kids! So little time but its so precious too! Of course we should do more, but if we do that, it will change everything! Thanks again!
You made a good point about attending Mass Fr. Mike. I primarily go to see what I can get out of the homilies. My purpose is to go and grow and share.. The Eucharist always is a special Blessing. I leave church with a upbeat mood. God Bless
Fr. Mike your sassiness here is perfectly okay (you did not lose your respectfulness and your charity anyway)! It's actually an indication of the tremendous weight and seriousness of the Eucharist! ❤️
Very interesting, Father. I've never thought of Mass in the way you're describing, but it makes sense. I'm struggling to get to Mass. I always do when I'm struggling mentally. I try to pray, but sometimes I can't drag myself out of the dark tunnel. I didn't realize it was a mortal sin to decide not to go to Mass. I knew it wasn't right, but I didn't think it was a hugely serious sin. I'm trying to read the Cathechism but it often confuses me. I will keep plodding on as best I can. I appreciate these videos. They do help in trying to stay on the right path. God Bless 🙏🏼
Fr. Mike - Your videos take what seems complex, and makes it completely understandable. You're like the apostles at Pentecost. Suddenly, everyone understands - hears the truth in their own language! As a long-time catechist, thank you for sharing the gifts you've received with all of us! ✝
I've just discovered your videos Fr Mike through the Catechism in a Year program and have begun watching some of your older ones. This was especially powerful and well done!
Thank you for this lesson. I just started my RCIA, and went to my 1st Mass. I admit to feeling self conscious about it cause I didn’t know what to do, stand, sit, kneel, or what to say. But God doesn’t care. Because I was there for him and he knows I’m just learning. God Bless!
You will catch on in no time. Just watch others and watch the priest. I am a cradle Catholic and just recently I stayed standing while everyone else sat! 😂
That's great! How are you doing now?
I felt this exact same way at first when I began going to Mass. I felt very out of place and embarrassed if I did the wrong thing. Luckily, I went with someone who helped guide me through Mass at the time. Now, I go consistently every week (I now make it a mandatory thing to go every weekend). I went consistently for 2.5 years and have now began RCIA to become confirmed into Catholicism. I have found myself beginning to worship God more at Mass and He knows I will be ready to receive Him fully once I complete RCIA!
I hope things have since become easier for you!
Thank you! Thank you! I try to tell my friends who leave the Catholic church about this because we might not have the most up beat, entertaining, feel good praise and worship music however I tell them that other faiths don't have JESUS ~ the Eucharist!!! We get to receive the Body and Blood of Christ! Thank you for being honest about how important it is to go to mass EVERY Sunday! Love this video:)
So true! When I was a Protestant I thought I was following God, but I wasn’t following Him the way He told us to follow Him!
catholic_love - You should change your moniker as you are not Catholic. Salvation is not possible outside the Catholic Church, and to say otherwise is simply heresy. That is the protestant notion you follow. Read the words of Jesus of the early Church Fathers and of the Saints and you'll see I'm right.
"catholic_love is not Catholic like you and I. Notice how the catholic is in lower case. There are many who claim to be catholic in terms of being universal in the sense that you can modify it to fit your narrative. We are Catholic in terms that the Church is Universal meaning it is throughout the universe. I love her. She is a doll and the true Bride of Christ.
A Catholic Mom's Life I was raised baptist but after serving with three separate priest in Afghanistan I confessed that the Holy Catholic Church is the one true church. I think mass music is the most lifting of all Christian denominations, I’m sorry if you are tired of singing and praising with “the same old songs every week” but remember these songs are holy, ordained by God for the Echurast.
Ryan Moreland -- you will most likely be the Catholic who knows the Faith better than "Cradle Catholics" who only went to religion classes because their parents made them go, but they self-identify as "Catholic" and teach error because they didn't pay attention in class. Welcome home! Your fire reinvigorates the Church!
Honestly, you know what’s pretty cool? That even though the entire point of mass is to give worship to God, God doesn’t need out worship. God doesn’t need anything, he’s whole and perfect as he is. He wants us to worship him, because that’s actually good for US. He wants us to worship him, because that’s the only way our souls will be healthy and we will be fully alive. Because we’re wired for him, there’s no real happiness outside of him. So even the giving becomes a getting. It’s just so infused with his love, all around. It’s astonishing. It’s beautiful.
Had this problem, then I discovered the Latin Mass. It’s amazing how it changed my life and my family’s toward God. I really recommend it! God bless.
Why? Do you understand Latin? I was happy when they started to do the mass in English because I knew what they were saying & doing.
@@lem4100 Some people (like me) who never grew up with Latin find a certain beauty to it. I had two religious experiences earlier this year after which I was inspired to learn the Rosary in Latin. I've got only the prayer after the Litany of Our Lady left to learn and then I'm set. I'll move onto learning the prayers/responses of the Latin mass next. I can't explain it, I feel like Mary wants me to learn and pray the Latin rosary. I don't think it's for everyone though.
@@lem4100 The missal you were supposed to be using had one page in Latin and the opposite page in English. I wonder why you could not follow the mass and after a while you didn't even have to read the English part. I don't understand what the problem was.
"The heart of all worship is sacrifice" - another gem from Father Mike! God bless you!
WRONG! Aileen Ruane? and the roman catholic eucharist WRONGLY referred to as mass! is NOT
a SACRIFICE! but a thanksgiving!
@@josephcorrigan9160 so many punctuation mistakes, aggressive capitalisation, and heresies to boot, yet so little time. I will pray for you...God bless!
BUT! WHY LIE?@@aileenruane6713and no punctuation mistakes! and there is NO aggressive
capitals! with no heresy! while you r c 's? are the heretics!
@@josephcorrigan9160 dear me...can you actually see what you are writing? Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Continuing to pray for you! God bless!
@@aileenruane6713 YES! I can see? lady???
"We do not worship an experience. We worship a Reality." Yeah... intense. Wow.
NO! you worship a HOST of bread! BUT! that is NOT reality!!!
I recently came back to the church after being gone about 45 years. I had attended a lot of protestant churches with robust praise, and worship music, and a very different atmosphere from Mass. I, too, was feeling that I wasn’t getting anything out of Mass when I heard a message similar to Father Mike’s, and it made me stop and think about how I wasn’t showing up for Jesus. I wasn’t recognizing everything that He was already giving to us. I realized that the reason to attend Mass was to meet Jesus and sit at his feet, not be entertained. Father, Mike, the example of your mom‘s birthday gifts is a great analogy!
Thank you, Father, that is an answer I've sought for 50 yrs.
Andrew Kiely wow.
call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.
Try to read the bible as a whole and instead of taking passages out of context. Be blessed.
Kelvin M.,
What do you call the man who's married your mother/the man who sired you?
2. Why did God tell Abraham that I've made you the father of the nations?
3. Elisha cried out to Elijah 'My Father, My father' after he, (Elijah) was taken up in body.
Okay, you might say that that is in the Old Testament.
4.. IN the new Testament, Stephen, who later becomes a martyr calls 'Our Father Abraham'.
5. Paul referred to Onesimus as 'his father'.; "I appeal to you for my child, Onesimus, whose father I have become in my imprisonment"
I'd like to hear your comment Mr. Kelvin M.
Just more biblical inconsistencies
Oh and the phrase "We dont worship an experience... we worship reality!" WOW!!!! Proud to be a Catholic
NO! you worship a HOST of bread! which is NOT reality! and isn't pride a sin for r c's?
@@josephcorrigan9160 HEY! are you GOOD bro!
@@josephcorrigan9160 are you calling Jesús a liar then? 🤔
please count me in ,l am proud
As an usher I can also say there are real benefits to coming early to mass and staying late after. Talking to people, having time to pray alone or with someone / for someone. Helping tidy up or some help in the setup or something on the grounds or by the doors. Some masses offer confession an hour just before Mass. When listen to the homily I always try to listen as if I'm going to be quized on it just after, that way I find I pay better attention. Thank you to Fr Mike and all at Ascension Presents.
nice, in the missal there are prayers for ahead and after mass also if you are interested to look at or mix in.
Thomas Brand - In my opinion one should go to mass at least 30 minutes before it starts as you need some silent time to transition from our noise world into our mass that takes us to a different kind of world - another dimension so to speak. Unfortunately most people don't do that. Try it and you will see the difference. God bless you all.
I can't wait to go back to Church. Thank you, Father Mike for bringing me closer to Jesus. These lectures are amazing.
After attending many different reformed church services over the years and praying to God for a deeper understanding of him, I have now returned to the Catholic Church with zeal and thanks.
One of the best explanations of why we go to Mass. I will definitely be sharing and watching again. Thanks Fr Mike and Ascension.
I love going to church, I listen the mass everyday and do my prayers and for sure Sunday is a very spacial day to go to mass. Thank you Lord God for the Mass.
I enjoy mass, i find it spiritually comforting and the opportunity to receive Holy communion is a grace in itself.
I do too. I go twice a week. I love receiving communion. I really like my Priest & Deacon too. They make a difference in how you feel at church. Makes you want to go back again.
Me too!
It's because Jesus is so quiet.... :) I started doing adoration (daily if possible) a couple years ago, and I don't think I can get through my day without it now. The amazing literature and contemplations that come my way makes the Mass SO meaningful...but honestly speaking when my kids were little I think every hair was standing out from my head at the end of every Sunday Mass. Maybe there are different times and different experiences. Let us pray for that unity and meaningfulness for everyone whatever their status in life right now.
I just forwarded this to my teenage and adult children. The following is a response I received: "Great video! Thanks for sharing, Mumsi😘 I dont think I've ever thought of it that way. Very enlightening." So, thank you very much, Father Mike... you enlighten us daily, also through the Bible in a Year. And let us keep praying for our children, relatives and friends. God bless!
I used to feel I got nothing out of mass and was just doing what I thought was right. I realised some weeks I would feel like Jesus was sitting next to me and other weeks nothing. You can’t rely on emotions as you can go through so many in one day alone. All I know is I love Jesus with my heart, mind, body and soul and I would do anything for Jesus. Thanks Father Mike you help in more ways than you think. Peace be with you always 🙏🏻🕯
Kate Wilson try the Latin Mass, it’s focused more on God and less on the priest. Cured my issue of not going to mass almost instantly
RX7FDfreak thank you for the time to reply. I love Latin mass but I also love the other mass. I learn a lot from the priests during their homilies and feel it’s focused on what parishioners need to hear. However I also like it when the priest hears what I have to say if I disagree or have any questions. Every day is a learning day. Have a blessed day 🙏🏻🕯❤️
then you need to become a CHRISTIAN! Kate Wilson!
@@RX7FDfreak nonsense!
Hi!@@RX7FDfreakand Kate you both need to be christians!
I see comments from 6 years ago and I am just watching the video for the first time. These words by Father Mike are powerful and I am SO glad that these messages are being said. I have been lost for so many years and now, I count down the days until I can go to Church again. The most beautiful place in this whole entire World! I recently changed my work schedule to truly keep Sunday holy where my family and I can worship and rest. What a beautiful message by Father Mike.
I pray for you everyday Prisci and Soph.
Thank you Father Schmitz for helping me better focus during mass. I catch my mind wandering from time to time.
Love the Mass. Find so much comfort, inner peace, love, tranquility, and strength to keep going.
Mass is an experience to some people.
Feeling clean after confession is a plus too.
Its awesome.
I didn't like mass until I went to my first Tridentine High I enjoy it
Thank you for this. It only took me 62 years to find someone to explain it so simply. 🙏🥰
Ho I did not know that it was a deadly sin i must find the hours and days our church is open for confession . Thank you for explaining
I think he meant, that he didnt know it was deadly sin, not sin generally, so it could be deadly sin :/
BUT! what is a deadly sin! Mason McDixon!
@@josephcorrigan9160 you good bro?
I try to explain to my wife and kids this exact talk, they want a good feeling for going to church, I can’t convince them it’s not about that, then I get “🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻the look”. Pray for my family Fr Mike I’ll pray for you
Best explanation I’ve heard, “worship reality.” And sadly in today’s society we are so accustomed to being entertained everywhere we go that we just expect it. It’s just so nice to just go sit somewhere, take the moment in, and just listen, but many have forgotten how to even just do that.
Thank you Father Mike...with every viewing of your videos I come to a deeper understanding of that which God has done and is continuing to do, for, with, and through me. Again, thank you for all you do bring God closer to closer to God.
I was guilty of these exact feelings years ago. Once I fully acknowledged “holy moly, the Eucharist is really Jesus” the Mass changed. Now I am so very grateful and desire to worship. Sing loud...sing proud... kneel before the king...worship. Thank you sincerely for these videos. They help me keep my fire lit for God. 🔥
Father Mike this was wonderful. I will watch this a few more times. I stopped going to church a few yrs ago, I raised my children in the church. We went every Sunday. My priest who I care for very much came to know that my husband and I didn’t get married in the church. He asked me not to take communion. All my husband needs to do is have our marriage blessed but he will not. My heart just isn’t in it anymore. Now I watch videos
Garden lady. I'll pray for you. Offer up your suffering to our Lord and he'll soften his heart. Don't stop going to church. You can receive spiritual communion. Jesus will give the Eucharist to you in a spiritual context. He knows it is not your fault. You did a good job taking your children to Church. You are a faithful daughter of the Church. Please do not stop going to Church. Jesus is waiting for you on Sundays or Saturday evenings if you prefer. Don't give up. Go to confession and the priest advise at confession will help you survive in this crazy world of our. God bless you and I'll pray for you so do not be surprised when in the future he agrees to marry you in the Church. PADRE PIO advises us to 1. Pray 2. Hope and 3. Don't worry.
@@Winston-op5de thank you Winston. Your words mean a lot.
After watch this video, I've chacked the mass schedule, and I am going right now ! Thank you father :)
Milena Pelegrino who invented the mass?
@@Tessinentdecken Jesus Christ during the institution of the Eucharist, or the "Last Supper", as many call it. He said the exact words that are used in the liturgy of the Eucharist, and he continues to say those words at each institution of the Eucharist, through priests "in persona christi" (in the person of Christ)
Ryan Hustedt which words exactly?
@@Tessinentdecken This IS my body... This IS my blood. And all the stuff that describes both of those in between those phrases. A direct quote.
Ryan Hustedt he also said to remember? True?
Thanks, Fr. Mike! :-) I've always known that the Mass is the highest form of worship and after watching your video, I feel guilty coz there are times I get distracted during mass. But now, knowing the whole point is worship, I'm praying I can focus more so I'll worship God better. Thanks again! :-)
SO TRUE and so right. God deserves our worship and our time. We could never give Him all the love that He deserves from us but weekly Mass and Mass on Holy Days are a great start. Keep up the GREAT videos Father Mike. We NEED to hear this often.
Father. You have no idea Just how much I needed to here this. Thank you so much for being active online and making these videos. Thank you for the Truth that is spoken through you by God. He is working wonders in you. God bless you and may the Blessed Mother be with You.
NONSENSE! Crystalina E Sanchez! he is a liar!!! and Mary is not blessed? OR your mother!
@@josephcorrigan9160 You wouldn't say that being made the mother of God is a blessing?
So beautiful! As God's family we should unselfishly give God what He has asked us to give.
Amazing. All of Father’s videos are done in one cut, completely raw, and heart felt video.
not all are done in one cut. Go watch "What defines you" =D
Well except for the jump cuts ;)
thorns SM why do you call this man Father?
@@Tessinentdecken we call them father because they have a roll of fatherhood to lead their children to heaven
A father must bring his children to jesus Christ and because the priest works for and through jesus we are to listen to the guidance of priests to lead us to heaven
Thank you Father. I needed to hear this.
Thanks Father Mike. This message was definitely for me. Thank you God for your mercy and grace.
me too
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. Greetings From the Philippines :)
Father, you are simply so inspiring.. Everytime I imagine Jesus talking to me.. I see Him talk just like you do! :)
"We do not worship an experience. We worship a Reality"
This talk has changed the way how i see the Holy Mass.I always went for the Holy Mass to get something for myself.
Thank you father .
Father Mike, you’re awesome! I grew up Catholic and baptized all 3 of my children Catholic but left the Church due to lack of children’s programs. I’m back and need you to know how invaluable you’ve been to explain in plain language the meaning of our faith. Thank you and may God bless you and keep you always.
"We don't worship an experience, we worship a Reality." thank you Father Mike I have a grounding now to speak to others with ! i have to add this to my Mass notebook!!! Wonderful !
Bendito y alabado sea nuestro en la Santa Eucaristía 🙏🙏🙏
When our favorite music was played on the radio or TV, we get very excited and happy even though we can play it in our phones.
Same as the Word of God being read to the crowds of people, especially you have read it and knew what was being proclaimed.
You will 100% love the holy mass after you read the Bible, it was like "Hey i know that music!"
Well said indeed Fr. Mike! The point is to give through worship. The heart of all worship is sacrifice and the reality is we should worship for The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit.
Father Mike that was beautiful every parish and every cathedral in the United States should show that to their congregation what great motivation.
GOLD!!! Thanks, Father Mike! We are so blessed by your love of the Mass!
Catholic Mass on Sunday morning is the best hour of my week
Awesome message Father Mike love it brother keep it , I'm coming off of Acts Retreat this past weekend serving our Lord and 40 new brothers in Christ, just what I needed to hear to finish my week love you brother
Keep it going*
I am a SOLDIER of
under the command of
ARCHANGEL MICHAEL, protected by the
The SCAPULAR is my dog tag.
The ROSARY is my sword.
My shield?--GOD Himself!
Nita Palacios he is such a good speaker and presenter!)
BOOM!! Shakalac ... THANK YOU LORD, for Father Mike and all wonderful, amazing priests like him!!! Please bless and keep them , Lord ... and stir up a hunger in us all, that we may desire You fiercely with every aspect of our life, of our being, and of our existence. Everything would be completely pointless without You, our wonderful and awesome God. Thank You ... for You. And thank you, Father Mike, for saying 'Yes' to God and for sharing what He has given you, with us. May God bless you all the time and always.
Well said, Father. One way that I see it is that our relationship, our marriage with God is more important than any other relationship we will ever have. I think most people would agree that in a marriage, a spouse forgetting or refusing to acknowledge their anniversary is a pretty big deal. Each Sunday we're called to celebrate the anniversary of our marriage with God so to speak. The Resurrection is so big that we celebrate it every week. Going to mass is not only celebrating this anniversary but consummating this marriage with God. Jesus paid such a great price to prepare this meal and get this table ready for us. I wouldn't want to stand Him up.
7 minutes in - I want to add that not only do we give God our best, but we give Him ourselves TOTALLY (our best, our worst, our distraction, our complaints, our love, our joy, our kindness, etc). When I slowed down long enough to listen, to give myself to God, and to recognize the opened heavens during the Mass, I fell in love with the church. I stopped caring as much about the horizontal, and started focusing on the vertical. Stopped thinking about everyone else, and started focusing on God. Thanks #FrMikeSchmitz
Thank you Father! This is exactly how I feel about Mass! Now I can share with my family because you explain it so much better than I have. Sadly I cannot get to Mass, but my spiritual director and confessor comes to me when he can. God Bless him! Sometimes he cannot come for 3 weeks and boy is that a struggle! I hunger and thirst so much to receive Him, I would every day if I could 😊 Thank you again
My healing journey has lead me back to wanting to come back to God. I go both in person and online live (my work schedule fluctuates.). It's been absolutely renewing!
Thank you, Father Mike! Thank you for all the videos that you make to spread God's word.
Thank-you Fr. Mike, I sent this video to some of my none Mass going Catholic friends I think it will help them out a lot.
I just sent this to my three adult daughters. I pray this email inspired them to go to Mass. I hope they don't get mad at me. I hope they know I sent this email out of love.
BUT? it is NOT love to pass on LIES! Elizabeth! let's hope? and pray that one of your daughters is a real
christian WHO CAN HELP YOU out of this dead religion?
Remember St. Monica, St. Augustine's mother. She gives me hope that my prayers will help restore my children to Jesus.
It has broken my heart to watch as they walked away.
Dear Elizabeth, I just forwarded this to my adult children. One of them responded the following: "Great video! Thanks for sharing, Mumsi😘 I dont think I've ever thought of it that way. Very enlightening." So, there is hope... let's keep praying for our children!
@@barbarawilson8952 I used to have a prayer from St. Monica that is so beautiful and deals with that. If you have that prayer can you share with us. I'm sure many people will benefit from it. Thanks
The heart of worship, love that ,thank you Father, what a beautiful message.
Thank you Fr. Mike Shmicz. This is an amazing message. Praise God.
Fr. Mike, you have no idea how much your videos have saved (and inspired!) my 8th grade religion class who are Confirmation bound in March. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Thank you Fr. Mike. Love your lesson to us. I'm so thankful to social media for us to learn more each day.
I love mass, it’s so beautiful, peaceful and deeply rooted in its beautiful tradition
Thank you Ft. Mike for sharing this! Until I participated in Bishop Barron's Eucharist study and Jeff Cavins Revelation study, I was "bored" too. It's Gods Amazing Grace that sheds the "scales" from our eyes!
This is a wonderful message! I have such issues with my students' parents failing to take them to Sunday Mass. I'm sharing this message with my students' parents. Thank you, Fr. Mike!
Fantastic! Way to break it down to the essence of Mass: worship! Giving to God! "We worship a Reality, not an experience!" Amen!
I am so grateful that you chose to do God's will in becoming a priest. You speak the truth and in a way that is understandable to all. The world needs to hear the word of God explained this way of yours. When I was a child it was not explained. I had so many questions and back then children were to be seen but not heard. Fortunately my dad loved me very much and understood my need to understand things. So did his parents. I come from very stoic people however they are also a little bit special in that they bent their ways enough to fit me in and help my childish desires to know God more. Children these days have the ability so easily to have everything explained so very well. Such a blessing indeed!
I love everything you teach ❣️
I know some people who change which mass they attend because of who the celebrant is. I simply attend the same mass each week and get a different view of God's word each time. It's good for you. I also have to get to mass very early to get a parking space, so sometimes I get to hear a second homily. I think this "double feature" is a good thing. And finally, if you are living alone as I do, attending mass is a gift to yourself from God for me, along with seeing my little friends and watching them grow up. They range from newborn to high school along with their parents who also help with my religious journey.
FATHER MIKE!! thank you and thank you god
Always so encouraging and uplifting, even if it is something not wanting to hear or that's convicting to us...Fr makes it easily received. God reward you Fr Mike for all you do for His greater honor and glory. +Amen
Recommended viewing > a video > (Co ops mondragon Thom Hartman interviews Richard Wolff) PHD. It's a good workplace system invented by a Catholic priest. 10 minutes 3 seconds.Thought it was worth mentioning.
Jesus is awesome. I need to celebrate holy mass soon. It’s been several months but I have a wonderful Catholic Church near my house. Our Lady of Sorrows, Lebanon, Ohio. God bless, one love!
Love this! Will definitely share, thank you!
Born and raised Catholic. This was the most clear cut explanation I've ever heard. God bless Fr. Mike.
This is exactly what I was looking for. A brief summary of the sacrifice of the Mass that I can show to my wife who recently decided to join me in my journey into the Catholic Church!
Thank you, I needed to hear this today. I struggle in attending mass, I’ve done it my whole life and really enjoy going but there have been times when being a house wife has been overwhelming and mass time was my only “ me time” and so i would grab a snack park my car and just sit. I wouldn’t go to mass. Now God has shown me that if i fight this temptation and I join Him at mass, then I am filled and strengthened for my children and I have better time with them because of it.
Recommended viewing > a video > (Co ops mondragon Thom Hartman interviews Richard Wolff) PHD. It's a good workplace system invented by a Catholic priest. 10 minutes 3 seconds. Thought it was worth mentioning.
The buzzword regarding health is inflammation. Centenarians have a lower level of inflamation. The best that we can do is stick to the well balanced whole foods diet Dr Bruce Ames PHD bio chemistry.
I wasn't raised Catholic, so I first stumbled into a I think protestant church idk but I love mass and all. It feels so much important to my walk of faith with the Lord. And the words of Jesus touched me. "This is your mother". I love it!
The analogy about the gift to your mother was great. You are such a gifted teacher.
Very edifying talk Fr. Mike. For me the entire mass is important though but the most important part is having Union with him in Communion. Having His Body, Blood, Soul & Divinity. Such a Great God, becoming so humble just to be one with me.
Father, your videos help me get the point across to my 9th & 10th grade CCD class, so well. Thank you for your 'yes' to God in your vocation and your apostolate through UA-cam.
This is incredibly good. What a wonderful priest!
Nailed it and made it crystal clear. Thank you!
Thank you father God bless you pray for my family 🙏🙏🙏
Knowing that Mass-celebration of the Eucharist is the greatest prayer that we can offer up to Heaven, it is my favorite form of prayer!
With Gods grace all of us Catholics can see this short and informative video, to remind us of the reasons we go to Mass on Sunday and Holy days.
Sometimes, I really get that God is talking to me. Earlier, I was saying how I had no real motivation to pray this weekend. I was listless and uninspired. He is knocking on my forehead. Hard. Soften my heart, my Jesus. Pray for me and others struggle with this temptation to stay home or do other things that really don't matter at the end of the day. Thank you, Fr. Mike!
Fr Mike, Thanks for this excellent video! My little 4th grade RE students enjoy your videos. I like to share with them how little time God asks. We are to keep the whole day, but only 1 hour at mass. I remember doing the math a few years ago... 24 hrs a day 7 days a week that is 168 hours, God only demands for one. That is .059% of our week! Shared that with my kids! So little time but its so precious too! Of course we should do more, but if we do that, it will change everything! Thanks again!
We worship in reality... thanks fr.Mike
You made a good point about attending Mass Fr. Mike. I primarily go to see what I can get out of the homilies. My purpose is to go and grow and share.. The Eucharist always is a special Blessing. I leave church with a upbeat mood. God Bless
Father Mike God bless you, I’ve learned so much from you already. May God continue to work through you to reach many! Especially the youth.
Fr. Mike your sassiness here is perfectly okay (you did not lose your respectfulness and your charity anyway)! It's actually an indication of the tremendous weight and seriousness of the Eucharist! ❤️
I love the Catholic Mass. Within 15 minutes, I'm going myself to mass again. Thanks father for your nice words and God bless you.
Very interesting, Father. I've never thought of Mass in the way you're describing, but it makes sense. I'm struggling to get to Mass. I always do when I'm struggling mentally. I try to pray, but sometimes I can't drag myself out of the dark tunnel. I didn't realize it was a mortal sin to decide not to go to Mass. I knew it wasn't right, but I didn't think it was a hugely serious sin. I'm trying to read the Cathechism but it often confuses me. I will keep plodding on as best I can. I appreciate these videos. They do help in trying to stay on the right path. God Bless 🙏🏼
My God! this is the best explanation of the mass. Thank you Father. I will look at the Mass differently from today. Thank you Father a million times.
Fr. Mike - Your videos take what seems complex, and makes it completely understandable. You're like the apostles at Pentecost. Suddenly, everyone understands - hears the truth in their own language! As a long-time catechist, thank you for sharing the gifts you've received with all of us! ✝
what a gift of counsel and wisdom!! Father Mike, we Thank God for the gifts He has blessed you with. Such conviction and courage. Praise be to God
I've just discovered your videos Fr Mike through the Catechism in a Year program and have begun watching some of your older ones. This was especially powerful and well done!