Does Deuteronomy 22:5 Apply to Christians? | Episode 112

  • Опубліковано 22 жов 2024


  • @Dallendh
    @Dallendh Рік тому +13

    Appreciate him going over this and all. Too bad though there are many preachers who will Condemn a soul to hell for woman wearing pants, or man wearing a beard. Look through history even our own and youll see many men wear certain garments that to them werw masculine but to us now a days we wouldnt dare wear. Its all about distinction in how we dress and those garments between sexes not a specific garment itself. Again I appreciate him addressing this subject and even understand why some believe like they do. But there are many preachers that will condemn a woman for wearing a pair of pants even when you can tell the difference.

    • @philipharned2794
      @philipharned2794 Рік тому

      Commonsense. Is God happy with
      Butch women and Effeminate men?
      Is God happy when a drag queen
      preaching in the Church?
      When it says long hair is a glory for
      a woman & prostitutes use to have
      shaved heads. What's holy? When
      Shameless is Proud of nakedness, whatever happened to Humility &
      When preachers hook up with
      Hookers in marriage, is God
      praised? Whatever happened to
      upholding the Standard? Is
      Submission to Holiness ever lose
      out with the favor of God? Jesus
      had a beard & they plucked it at
      His crucifixion.The fear of God is
      the beginning of wisdom. People
      ought to obey God and not worldly

  • @kevinwhelan8126
    @kevinwhelan8126 4 місяці тому +1

    Why a believer would want to conduct themselves in a manner that is abominable to God is quite frankly beyond me. Well explained brother, thanks for sharing.

  • @chrisforchrist355
    @chrisforchrist355 Рік тому +10

    As an Apostolic, it's interesting to see how the UPC seems to take snapshot of America in lthe early 1900's and base their identity around that standard. I wonder sometimes why they set that time period as THE period of time that best defines God's will

    • @alanbortree
      @alanbortree Рік тому +2

      What are you basing the idea that they "seem to be taking a snapshot of America in the early 1900's"? He made no reference whatsoever to any time period in American history.

    • @chrisforchrist355
      @chrisforchrist355 Рік тому +4

      @@alanbortree because I'm not referring to him or this video specifically. Just a general observation of the UPCI as a whole.

    • @randylundgren8421
      @randylundgren8421 Рік тому +1

      @@chrisforchrist355 I agree, but I don't believe it's intentional. Most of this I believe is more cultural than biblical. But that is just my opinion. Any other opinions welcome. GOD BLESS.

    • @FTW171
      @FTW171 8 місяців тому

      I agree with your observation. I really believe that the distinction is the God-given facial hair on men that is required to be shaving off daily.😅
      After all, I don’t see Deuteronomy 22:5 that was addressed to the Israelites being transferred into the New Testament for the Gentiles! I just can’t find it. Maybe I’m missing something! Been wearing skirts for 35yrs & and I just don’t see it!
      But I’ll tell you one thing if you were to take Jesus and all the disciples and drop them in one of our churches today they’d all think they were all wearing skirts!😅
      And then they ban them from being on the platform because they hadn’t shaved!😅 🪒

    • @TheTruthAndTheCross
      @TheTruthAndTheCross 5 місяців тому

      Where is the requirement for men to shave addressed in the Holy Scriptures?

  • @jacobcherie
    @jacobcherie Рік тому +4

    Thank you for this insightful video, which highlights the biblical doctrine of gender distinction in dress. Especially in light of the transgender movement gaining more ground, it's imperative that the church be consistent and continue to teach these principles to our members and embody these truths in society.

    • @FTW171
      @FTW171 8 місяців тому

      The most distinctive God-given distinction between a man and a woman is the beard that grows on the face every morning that is required to be shaving before being up on the platform!😢

  • @randylundgren8421
    @randylundgren8421 Рік тому +7

    Well said. The distinction is the thing. The real question behind this teaching is can a woman wear pants. A woman's pants are distinct from men's pants. Women should be able to wear women's pants as long as they are modest. I agree with brother Bernard as long as we're not specifically talking about pants.

    • @sandracorbin4694
      @sandracorbin4694 Рік тому

      How are pants modest? They reveal every part of a women. Men are visual that's how God made them. So really you are allowing that man to see every part which can lead to sin. The bible says even the thought is a sin. I'm thankful for Gods word because it is for our protection. The only one who should see a womens body is her husband. No matter what pants are not modest.

    • @randylundgren8421
      @randylundgren8421 Рік тому +5

      When God gave this commandment neither gender wore pants. Men and women wore similar attire so it is reasonable to understand that men shouldn't wear womens clothes and that women shouldn't wear mens clothes. Men and women both wear shirts but there are womens shirts and there are mens shirts. The same with hats, shoes, etc. including pants. Men wear mens clothes and women wear womens clothes. This is how I see it. It is my understanding that "pertaineth to a man" was in reference to armor and such. I humbly submit this for your consideration. Another thing to consider is that if this teaching is determined by who wore it first then who wore button up shirts first or who wore boots first etc.. As to your point about modesty there are womens pant styles are very immodest .But not all, loose fitting jeans do not tempt me nor do most kulots or riding skirts the latter are even difficult to distinguish from a normal skirt. What makes them immodest to me is if they are seductive. This the way I see it, I hope that I've not offended you. Any friendly response or thoughts are welcome. Thank You for your response. Please don't think too harshly of me if you disagree. God Bless You.

    • @Dallendh
      @Dallendh Рік тому +6

      @@sandracorbin4694 there are many skirts and dresses that reveal just as much if not more than pants.
      Also what about men in skinny jeans? That can reveal alot also and cause a woman to lust.
      It is about modesty and gender distinction but woman wearing pants is not wrong as long as there is still that distinction. If they try to look like a man and act like it then yes thats wrong

    • @Repent-j3m
      @Repent-j3m Рік тому +1

      @@randylundgren8421Skirts didn’t exist in ancient times yet it’s not ok for men to wear skirts so then how can it be ok for women to wear trousers?

    • @Repent-j3m
      @Repent-j3m Рік тому +1

      @@randylundgren8421the concept of pants on women comes from the feminism movement.

  • @jackiet5334
    @jackiet5334 Рік тому +4

    In most cases, men want to look masculine, and women want to look feminine. However, growing up in a very RC city, I witnessed how women were influenced by the nuns in convents, who made vows to God, to appear unattractive and modest, and cut their hair short under veils, and purposely dressed unprovocatively, hiding arms legs with oppressive clothing.
    I know UPC women who might look down on women from these influences, who cut their hair short, and dress in pants; social dressing trends are a very hard thing to break from and many Catholic women have never heard of biblical teaching on dressing propriety for women. I believe God knows every heart and does we should not judge those who have never known anything different.
    If our God says so, then we should obey, but each culture may have a different take on what constitutes female/male dress.

  • @timemeddlertardis5343
    @timemeddlertardis5343 3 місяці тому

    kilts, sulu's, thobes, nightshirts, sarongs, I'd agree it's about overall appearance more than specific garments. I was fascinated by the idea that it is just an example of basic gender binaries.

  • @leshaneedwards3848
    @leshaneedwards3848 Рік тому +5

    There should be a clear distinction and God's People his Saints are to be distinct from the world.

    • @leshaneedwards3848
      @leshaneedwards3848 Рік тому

      God created man to serve and obey Him, so He that created us can tell us how ,when what, where and why we should do and don't do. He bought us with His blood therefore He can tell us how to look and dress and how to live.
      1 Corinthians 6:19-20
      What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? [20] For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.

    • @leshaneedwards3848
      @leshaneedwards3848 Рік тому

      The law was not useful in changing men’s hearts, but Jesus has put God’s law into our hearts and has restored our relationship with God. Our sins are forever forgiven under this New Covenant. GOD is the Order setter, we just have to be willing and obedient even if you don't understand. If you don't learn history you will repeat it.
      Have a blessed night in Jesus name
      Romans 15:4 For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope.

  • @tundegarla8854
    @tundegarla8854 Рік тому

    Thanks sir,am always blessed by your teachings sir & sir pls i would like to know if it's right as a believer to ask for help financially for medical purpose or not & is this not trusting in the arm of flesh? Thanks sir as i hope to hear from you sir.thank you

  • @melissabarnard5645
    @melissabarnard5645 Рік тому +1

    Please answer the question of, Why shouldn't males wear short pants? Thanks 😊

    • @mt9567
      @mt9567 Рік тому +1

      SHEEEESH!....Isn't it obvious?....To protect the tiny, miniscule percentage of people who may have an ankle, calve, or knee fetish. But what about those who have a hand fetish? Don't they deserve a 'hedge of protection' too?...... WE MUST DEMAND EVERYONE NOW WEAR GLOVES!...... (or risk Hell fire!) I suggest the white ones like piano players and museum caretakers use..... cuz they look holy like our suits and shaved faces. Hey....why don't we all wear tuxedos? Then we'll be super-duper holy!!! 😇

    • @hayleyclements1737
      @hayleyclements1737 8 місяців тому +1

      As a woman, for me to see a mans legs would be a stumbling block. It’s also why men should wear shirts up to their neck; to cover their chest hair. Now in your own home, I think you should get to wear whatever you like, but when around brothers and sisters, it’s best to be modest to avoid being a stumbling block to those who may be tempted by what they see.

    • @debihester7284
      @debihester7284 5 місяців тому

      I’m not at all turned on by a man in shorts

  • @donaldgreathouse6611
    @donaldgreathouse6611 Рік тому +1

    Thank you brothers for this largely misunderstood teaching. God's blessing in Jesus name.

  • @leewhite675
    @leewhite675 Рік тому

    When will you talk about more than one upc church in every city. In every state??????

  • @mckevahearn2213
    @mckevahearn2213 8 місяців тому +1

    Still nowhere in this verse is talking about dresses or pants. That wasn’t even the attire back then so how is this even compared to pants and dresses? And why are you not giving scriptural references for your belief I still haven’t found on verse that backs up your belief. There is a distinction between woman’s pants and man’s pants just like there were distinctions in the tunics they wore. Apparently you wouldn’t wear a pair of pants with flowers on them because that’s feminine. Make it make sense and give Bible.

  • @hongshetkonyakashet199
    @hongshetkonyakashet199 Рік тому +1

    Thank you sir for clear explanation about dressed it is necessary, specially Christians community...

  • @PeterCampbell1
    @PeterCampbell1 Місяць тому

    Unfortunately this is from a western clothing perspective. Ancient Hebrews didn’t wear pants, so you can’t twist this verse to say pants are male. In fact the style of clothing came from female fashion in some cultures.
    If this is a long term command of God, then it has to be understood in a culturally neutral way. If we base it on the current culturally accepted clothing norms, these will change.

  • @ahler3973
    @ahler3973 Рік тому

    Gbu Dr

  • @Mitchell_Coburn
    @Mitchell_Coburn Рік тому

    I can tell it wasn’t read all the way brother. Love ya I wish you would have read it through . I really thought you would have.

  • @pugnaciousnoobeginnings8997

    At some point, I would love to hear some of the leadership's thoughts on this Pauline sect of "Christianity" that says that Paul's epistles are the only ones we should be using. I put quotes on Christianity because they do not seem Christian to me, but Paulinian.
    It's so sad to hear people arguing it as Paul's word over God's Word.

    • @pugnaciousnoobeginnings8997
      @pugnaciousnoobeginnings8997 Рік тому

      @leapedrosa4475 yet, there are things Jesus said that people still struggle with.
      He pointed to the Father as the One True God (John 17:1-3); said God was a spirit and that we must worship Him in spirit and truth (John 4:22-24); said we must be born again of water & spirit (John 3:1-8); made it plain that we should receive the Holy Ghost/Spirit(John 7:37-39); and again made it plain what the plan and promise of salvation, or being born again was (Luke 24:47-49;Matthew 28:19-20;Acts 1:4-8).
      His disciples preached the same message(Acts 2), Paul experienced the same salvation(Acts9:17-18); and stated what the Gospel was that he also received(1 Corinthians 15:1-4)
      People still don't see all of what Jesus said because they are blinded, and they try to use Paul's epistles, yet as you have quoted that are sometimes hard to understand. They make claims that Paul's epistles are the only part of scripture we should live by. That was my original post's point.

  • @dreamarichards4972
    @dreamarichards4972 Рік тому +1

    I agree! Amen! Thank you Brother Bernard for another great true explanation of God’s Word. God bless! 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @leewhite675
    @leewhite675 Рік тому +1

    It's every upc pastors greatest fear that another upc church will come to their city.

  • @sacramentotoday
    @sacramentotoday Рік тому +5

    In this video he asks if it would be o.k. for a preacher to wear a dress behind the pulpit when he preaches. The apostles all wore "dresses" when they preached and Jesus wore a "dress" when he preached. This was because pants hadn't been invented yet. So if Deuteronomy 22:5 is commanding men to wear pants, how would that have been possible if pants didn't exist? If it was wrong to preach wearing anything that was not pants, how was the preaching of the apostles and Jesus o.k. considering they didn't wear pants?

    • @chesterkebasen1260
      @chesterkebasen1260 Рік тому +5

      The dress he mentioned in that part pertains to dresses that belong to the opposite sex. He did mention that even Middle Eastern robes for both men and women are distinct from each other. Lord bless.

    • @kentpaulhamus2158
      @kentpaulhamus2158 Рік тому

      No, De. 1:3 tells us that this is God's commandments for Israel and the inheritance of the tribes of Israel.

    • @timemeddlertardis5343
      @timemeddlertardis5343 3 місяці тому

      I'm guessing he's reffering to "girly dresses" like a crossdresser might wear, unlike plainer t shirt types similar to what is common in places like nigeria.

  • @davidderitis9068
    @davidderitis9068 Рік тому +1

    Well taught, amen!

  • @leewhite675
    @leewhite675 Рік тому

    With only one upc church per city Most women won't be able to read or hear about it .

  • @realmccoy124
    @realmccoy124 Рік тому +3

    It seems to me the verse is addressing transvestism… And men should wear beards to be distinctively men - as the Church has long regarded as masculine, whereas being clean shaven was the slippery slope towards transvestism. And yet, the UPCI has an unspoken ‘thou shalt not have a beard, else you will be sidelined from ministry… and marginalized in the local assembly because thou walkest in the spirit of rebellion’ rule. It may not be written down. But. It exists…
    Orthodox Priests generally wear cassocks, long black robes. They are clearly identifiable as priests. All readers and those in the diaconate also wear long black robes - clearly identifying them as ministry, called out from the laity to serve. The men who serve as acolytes wear tunic robes, clearly identifying them as the priest’s agents who are in service to the people.
    Both male and female widowers tend to wear all black for at least a year after their spouse enters their repose for one year, clearly identifying them as widowers reminding the people of their sorrow and to pray and comfort them.
    My point, Christian society isn’t Western. And there are Christian distinctions in dress AND conduct.
    The power suit with white shirts hadn’t been invented way back when in the Bible day… and technically, neither had dresses and skirts as we have it modernity.
    In my observation of Orthodoxy, women generally wear modest skirts and dresses with their head covered whilst inside the temple… and covers her head in her prayer life. Men, generally will be wearing pants and long sleeves whilst in the temple. And if they were to enter a monastery - both must be completely modest - generally with dark colors and the women must wear a head covering. At no times should a man wear a hat inside the temple.
    It seems Dr Bernard fails to see Christianity outside of his restrictive view derived from the Fractured West. Oneness Pentecostals love to make their distinction from others whom they view as ‘worldly people’. Notice how this podcast started off…. Rather inviting to those folks deemed ‘worldly’.
    An Orthodox Christian makes this distinction in almost every prayer: “Christ God came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief”. It is part of what is said before one partakes the precious Blood and Body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
    So, even when we are dealing with those ‘worldly’ people … some having compassion, making a difference… perhaps we should consider our approach towards our fellow humans. If our faith in Christ lacks compassion towards others…. Then maybe we should see if Christ is at all part of our of our expression, or do we just walk about with an *ianity* …
    Love the souls that Christ God leads us to love… act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly before God. We can be kind, meek, and gentle whilst still defending the faith.
    Oh. Lastly. Some men in Orthodoxy may have unkempt hair as part of their submission to God…. But that’s a covenant between them and God.

    • @FTW171
      @FTW171 8 місяців тому

      I couldn’t agree more with the beard stance!
      I’ve raised five boys in this organization, and I used to not be vocal, but I’m very vocal about it now!
      Beards are the natural distinction yet our organization requires it to be shaved off every day! Unbelievable!!!
      I do worry, I think there’s a lot of harsh judgment and non-enough of the NEW commandment!❤

  • @gamecrusher2024
    @gamecrusher2024 11 місяців тому

    I often explain Deuteronomy 22:5, in the same manner. I try to explain that it is an abomination unto God. Whereas, a lot of the other things, that God tells us to abstain from, is not. And that is a difference.

    • @gamecrusher2024
      @gamecrusher2024 10 місяців тому

      @izapsense2323 The difference between a Sin, and an Abomination is: If I steal a piece of Gum, that is a Sin. However, if I steal a Car, that is an Abomination. Can you see the difference? Stealing a piece of Gum, is not as "severe", as stealing a Car. I hope this helps!

    • @-shinebrightlikeadiamond
      @-shinebrightlikeadiamond 9 місяців тому

      bro im a tomboy

    • @bobmaynard5806
      @bobmaynard5806 7 місяців тому

      ⁠@@gamecrusher2024 sin is sin regardless of man’s phony interpretations regarding severity. Whether or not you are a liar or a murderer, if you are unrepentant, your sin is seen the same way by the ultimate truth, our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • @richardsickler2177
    @richardsickler2177 Рік тому +4

    He speaks to history. Historically pants have been for men and dresses for woman. Also, it speaks to modesty. Pants unnecessarily highlights a woman’s shape and brings attention to that area.
    Job 38:3 (KJV)
    Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.
    They would take their robe and bring the bottom back side and bring up the middle and fasten it so that it would resemble pants. It is mentioned 6 times to men. Never once is a woman told to gird up her loins. No. Rather it is meant for a woman to wear modest unrevealing clothes. That hide that area of her body.
    Their may be other ways to be modest and fulfill scripture other than wear dresses, but the UPCI chooses that as their standard, so that it brings, normalcy, uniformity and order. Nothing wrong with having women wear dresses. What’s the big deal. If it fulfills scripture why give us a hard time. On the flip side it’s possible to wear an immodest dress. But, dresses are recognizably feminine.

    • @leahjames6870
      @leahjames6870 Рік тому

      Historically, men and women have worn both🙂

    • @richardsickler2177
      @richardsickler2177 Рік тому

      Do your research. Historically women were dresses and skirts up until WWI when they wore them for work purposes and then again in the 60’s with the women’s lib movement. In 1850’s they had bloomers which was pants under a dress or skirt. Other than that, women did not wear pants

    • @randylundgren8421
      @randylundgren8421 Рік тому

      I personally don't have a problem with a standard of dress. The problem for me is that many churches indicate that not following this standard will cause you to lose your salvation.

    • @DrinkYourNailPolish
      @DrinkYourNailPolish 10 місяців тому

      Jesus didn't wear pants tho

    • @richardsickler2177
      @richardsickler2177 9 місяців тому

      @@DrinkYourNailPolish He did gird up His loins like a man though and that would’ve been an ancient way of wearing pants

  • @germanwulf40
    @germanwulf40 Рік тому

    I'm glad that Brother Bernard addressed this, but who made it necessary that he do so?!?

  • @marlonbantug8038
    @marlonbantug8038 Рік тому +2

    Thanks for that explaination. Amen its very clear as mud! GOD bless this podcast, Dr. DKB as well your ministry and family.

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 Рік тому +2

      Clear as mud? So it’s not clear?

    • @marlonbantug8038
      @marlonbantug8038 Рік тому

      No its very clear. Sorry, its only an expression.

    • @TheRossMadness
      @TheRossMadness Рік тому +3

      “Clear as mud” is an idiom that means it isn’t clear because…well…mud isn’t clear.

    • @mikef6063
      @mikef6063 Рік тому +1

      @@marlonbantug8038 You are misusing this expression. It means the opposite of what you are saying. "Clear as mud" means "difficult to understand." Think about it. Mud is the most UNclear thing you can imagine.

  • @dianacastillo498
    @dianacastillo498 Рік тому +1

    So good!

  • @janelchristy3204
    @janelchristy3204 Рік тому

    Also Romans 15 vs 4 says "ALL" that was written aforetime.... is for our INSTRUCTION.

  • @stephenmaynard8260
    @stephenmaynard8260 Рік тому

    Great teaching

  • @vincentoostendorp4786
    @vincentoostendorp4786 Рік тому +2

    Do you have to be circumcised? Nope.
    Mouthful of JESUS no CHRIST in understanding.
    HOLY ghost filled where the Spirit of the LORD is there is freedom from cultured traditions even holy traditions "circumcision"

  • @spencerbrown4158
    @spencerbrown4158 Рік тому +2

    Good stuff. Also Beards are apart of that gender distinction

    • @spencerbrown4158
      @spencerbrown4158 Рік тому +1

      @leapedrosa4475 it's true though yet most upc churches make you shave to be involed...smh

    • @tweekthaklown5713
      @tweekthaklown5713 Рік тому +1

      True, I don't see many women with beards.

    • @21685_
      @21685_ Рік тому

      @@spencerbrown4158not true, thousands of UPC churches with those who have unshaven beards

    • @randylundgren8421
      @randylundgren8421 Рік тому

      @@21685_ This may be true. Brother Bernard has a teaching on beards and says that the UPCI has no doctrine on the matter. It is left up to the local pastors.

    • @21685_
      @21685_ 11 місяців тому

      @@randylundgren8421 yes. My UPC church has no issues. Just get it clean lol

  • @barnabasmumba1169
    @barnabasmumba1169 Рік тому +1

    I love it amen

  • @Post-Trib
    @Post-Trib Рік тому

    Really good episode

    • @Post-Trib
      @Post-Trib Рік тому

      @@leapedrosa4475 I don't take pagan doctrine for truth. Unitarian

  • @leshaneedwards3848
    @leshaneedwards3848 Рік тому


  • @DrinkYourNailPolish
    @DrinkYourNailPolish 10 місяців тому

    Jesus never wore pants.

  • @charlestaylor3861
    @charlestaylor3861 Рік тому

    Clear, precise teaching from a God called man!!

    • @charlestaylor3861
      @charlestaylor3861 Рік тому

      @@leapedrosa4475 true but what are you saying

    • @charlestaylor3861
      @charlestaylor3861 Рік тому

      @@leapedrosa4475 i’m trying to follow what you’re saying, but I don’t think you understood everything that was taught for a man to wear that which pertains to a woman is an abomination toGod and always Shall be and if a woman wears that which pertains to a man is an abomination, and it always shall be end of story he’s not talking about salvation, and who the Lord is.

    • @charlestaylor3861
      @charlestaylor3861 Рік тому

      @@leapedrosa4475 Lea, what is an abomination to God always has and always will be. He made male and female distinct one from the other. The subject matter is this, man should wear what pertains to a man and a women what pertains to a women. The Old Testament is the New Testament concealed and the New Testament is the Old Testament revealed. For instance, Old Testament circumcision has its fulfillment in the New Testament and that old testament circumcision is New Testament water baptism.

  • @leeguesman4778
    @leeguesman4778 Рік тому +1

    The real question is do you require following this law to obtain salvation? Yes you do. In violation of practically every letter Paul written. As soon as you point to the law for an obtaining of any righteousness you have fallen from Grace and will be judged by the full law. Want to "fulfill" the law? Love God and your neighbor and you will fulfill the royal law. Sadly this particular podcast was full of swelling words of mans wisdom.

    • @grot777
      @grot777 Рік тому +1

      He addressed all your points. See what I did there? A-dress-ed??? Huh??? 😅 oh I crack me up. Anyway. So by your point we dont have to follow the 10 commandments! In fact we will be judged by the whole law if we do!! Cool! You got any good stuff in your garage? Asking for a friend. Just love God and your neighbors! So if your wife hates something will you do it anyway? Do you love God? Do you do what he hates cause you have some excuse you strain at from that verse you quote? If you love your neighbors and God will you tell people (your neighbors) that it is okay to do things the God their creator hates? Just curious. Also curious if since you are so bent on new testament rules only, have you been baptized in Jesus name? Jesus also said ge that believeth and is baptized shall be saved. Acts 2:38 and everywhere you see a church started (Paul was writing to the churches, not to people who hadn't been converted) they were baptized in the name of Jesus or in the name of the Lord (which is Jesus). Paul also said men should keep their hair short and that women shouldn't cut theirs, how do you feel about that one? Sadly your comment was full of swelling words of man's wisdom. 😞

    • @PeterFollower
      @PeterFollower Рік тому

      John 1:1 we are not to do the Bair minimum. to Love God is to obey him.

    • @FTW171
      @FTW171 8 місяців тому +1

      He’s a good man and his intentions are good, however, I have to say that being a minister‘s wife in this organization, I’ve seen too much emphasis on a scripture for Jews, under the law that did not get transferred to gentiles in the New Testament. We have a new commandment, and I really hope and pray that our churches will see that the new Commandment needs to be fulfilled!❤
      There seems to be so much contentiousness and not enough love!

  • @MikePorlucas
    @MikePorlucas Рік тому


  • @marlonbantug8038
    @marlonbantug8038 Рік тому +1

    No its clear. Its only an expression, sorry.

  • @tracyhunt8658
    @tracyhunt8658 Рік тому +2

    I shared this verse and a person that’s a worldly person told me that there not convicted and until God does they would continue to wear pants

    • @leshaneedwards3848
      @leshaneedwards3848 Рік тому

      Sweetie all you can do is pray this scripture
      Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me

    • @sandracorbin4694
      @sandracorbin4694 Рік тому +1

      it is true that a person has to receive a confirmation from God.If someone has a desire to please God he will reveal holiness to them. This revelation is the beginning of holiness. God is pure and Holy. He says be Holy as I am Holy. Set apart. God is not the author of confusion. He wants women to look like women and men to look like men. ❤

  • @tn_mateo5974
    @tn_mateo5974 Рік тому

    So God is Gender-Fluid?

  • @J_a_s_o_n
    @J_a_s_o_n Рік тому +1

    No it doesn't! But we are ALL to dress MODESTLY as per Apostle Paul's wisdom !!

    • @tmanwheeler8270
      @tmanwheeler8270 Рік тому +5

      Do you make up your own rules with everything you do or just the Bible?

    • @pugnaciousnoobeginnings8997
      @pugnaciousnoobeginnings8997 Рік тому +1

      I must have misread your YT handle, I thought it was DiscipleofChristJesus, not DiscipleofApostlePaul.