Language is the physical representation of the evolution of our internal consciousness --- so once humanity has the consciousness the word will be created -- you can't uncreated the consciousness because it is our soul and it is eternal. So if our Govt was able to eliminate the world LOVE -- does that mean it could make people not feel it?? NOPE. I love how they never think to question their ideas on this level.
Found this video for sociology, stayed because of John Coltrane. Excellent video man.
Stories are the way we created words. Your life is simply a story you tell yourself.
We are not separate from "the animals". Clearly.
good effort
thanks for the simple explanation ^-^
Le epic style mode
Language is the physical representation of the evolution of our internal consciousness --- so once humanity has the consciousness the word will be created -- you can't uncreated the consciousness because it is our soul and it is eternal. So if our Govt was able to eliminate the world LOVE -- does that mean it could make people not feel it?? NOPE. I love how they never think to question their ideas on this level.
Awesome video, liguistic relativity 2'18
1984 brought me here.
we live in that world
I want to ask your permission to download your vid. for educational purposes only
What if someone is deaf and blind then?
Tactile Sign Language
Braille exists. Sign language. They still think. They still communicate.
What seperate "US" from "The OTHER"?? 👀