+Overwatch Central 3. Not prioritizing supports *everyone on team plays Generic 76* Well... Shit 1.Forgetting to play objectively Pretty much the reason why I switch from Asia server to Americas server We got too much of unskilled koreans only focusing on kills instead of going for the objective.. Singaporeans are good Malaysians gawd awful to play with and are so toxic Indonesians same as Malaysians Thailand same as Malaysians and Indonesians Philippines same as Singaporeans good thing the toxic ones we know from Dota 2 aren't playing this game Chinese = mixed 50-50 some are good some are awful The rest = Decent
+The Dinkster No. The reason this video was made was to help overwatch's new player base by sharing gameplay and useful information so there aren't an abundance of dumbasses on launch. This video has great tips. And he's right, no one pays enough attention to support unless the team is collectively taking a point. Tanks, please be kind to your support so I don't have to go Lucio or generic 76 because I'm tired of healing then dying. :/
+TFAegislash 57 Partition your hard drive. You can get a cheap Windows seven license on Amazon for 50 bucks and install it on the partition. If you don't know how to do this look it up UA-cam, super easy and safe :).
+YukitoOnline how can you even tell which country they are from. I play on Asia and I have only heard someone use mic ONCE in the whole time i played the open beta. I kept getting matched with koreans/chinese who only speak their language and everyone else is just silent
+Kuro Literally happened to me yesterday. We're seconds away from enemy's payload reaching the destination and a Bastion is just sitting 10 meters from the point, firing away aimlessly. Fortunately another teammate got back with a moment left and took it into Overtime.
+VRTX Raptor Something that annoyed me during the Open Beta was people "chasing kills" often allowing the enemies (even AI bots) to get to the objective unmolested more often then not either only yours truly or no one (if I was dead/running back) defending allowing the opposition to essentially "ninja cap" the control point or the payload.
+VRTX Raptor Agreed. My all time favorite moment in the game was when I was playing Reaper, the enemy team was about to cap the point and win, I didn't have ult but I went in anyways and managed to quickly pick off their mercy. I immediately switched to my wraith form and danced around the point trying to keep them off. This just barely bought my team enough time to show up, clear the point and win the game. Best part of all: I didn't die XD.
I feel a primary reason why people aren't switching is they don't know what to switch to. It's not ignorance or stubbornness, they just don't know what will help, so they stick with what they have.
You can't say "playing objectively". Objectively =/= objective. It's called "playing the objective". 'Objectively' is an adverb, 'objective' is a noun/adjective; they're two completely different words.
***** No it isn't, to view something 'objectively' means to view it from a logical and universal point of view, i.e. no personal feelings or opinions, just the cold hard facts.
One time, we had the perfect team comp, and guess what happened! Our defence heroes started pushing up to get kills, our mercy stopped healing and started shooting, and our lucio broke off from the team to flank.
I only play a few number of people and I DONT ever play support. I wanna be in the action. So, I always try to bounce shots round corner as junk rat, take as much as a beating as Reindhart with his shield, rush in with road hog, find a good place to melt enemies with bastion and play sneakily with reaper and just play the game with soldier 76
Geez the game isn't officially out yet, and already there are experts who knows everything about everything about Overwatch. If gamers are this annoyed by "New players", then this is going to be the semi-version of League of Legends...
+Uncanny Aura we don't claim to know everything, we're still learning the game too! These are just things we spotted with playing with our friends who recently got into the beta, we're just relaying our opinions :)
+Uncanny Aura To be honest the tips apply to any video-game that is competitive and has champions/heroes. If you've played anything at all similar, these tips will be second nature to you from game to game.
Uncanny Aura Elitism is a natural effect of competition so it'll pop up pretty quick. As someone who has played, I'll say the attitude in-game as far as elitism is concerned is very relaxed so there's not much to worry about in that regard. My 12 year old sister was playing and doing fairly well, and most teams were pretty relaxed and I saw very little flaming. All that said, things can change as a game ages; however these kinds of videos help branch the gap between the "elite" and the "casual" player. Knowledge is power.
I think they should have mentioned that these are opinions based solely upon the Beta, not the finished product. So there are things that can/will change to better balance characters and not leave some of the combinations too OP
it kinda depends if you are just waiting for it to finish charging or if its something that won't make a lot of difference then no but otherwise go for it
I cannot tell you how many times i've been asked to switch to a Mercy and then no one bothers to protect and keep me alive me. Meanwhile i'm being bombarded by nasty messages from players complaining about not being healed because i'm dead. Kinda reminds me of the days when I used to play WOW as a priest, everyone just blames the priest when there is a total party wipe, not realizing that 90% of the time its their fault for not protecting the healer.
players saying "we need a a healer!" While not switching to one themselves, or picking a character, and then seeing two players pick that very same one. Mostly seeing hanzos, tracers, reapers and of course Bastions with the second example
thanks for saying that Mercy can't do the impossoble. I've had people yelling at me because they are across the map behind several buildings and i can't feasibly get to them before they die
+Jayden Harvey Yeah, that's my biggest issue. I played mercy far more than any other heroin the beta, but the games that were easy to win were when our team stuck together so I could heal them all (unless they clumped up together so I couldn't pick the right one to heal/buff)
yeah exactly but that goes for the other healers as well not just mercy. lucio and Zenyatta have a even harder time flying across the battlefield since they can't fly. i often use Zenyatta, i really like him bug can't travel to players fast so
I have a fun match on my channel, with 6 vs 6 lucio (at least first 5 minutes), that was basically my most favourite match of the day. If you're planning to watch it, video quality may not be as good, lots of stuttering. I really need to find good balance on my recording software (it's OBS).
+Nate Deuce my quickest was about 1:40 and we were all just a mix, but we had me (average player) and my level 50 something friend who plays overwatch way too much
Don't choose a sniper at all unless you're really good at sniping and are prepared to work hard for the team, especially taking out turrets. I fuckin' hate playing alongside narcissist Widow players who hang out at the back of the map and stay in zoom mode, hoping to get the occasional kill. It's like playing with only four teammates.
For the payload maps playing objective is sometimes a noobtrap. You can leave 1-2 people on the payload and have the rest of the team at the enemy spawn to prevent a payload contest and guarantee a very quick section cap. The advice is still solid though, but I think it's important to highlight for new players that you can play the objective without being on the objective.
+Zetaha Ye, I know exactly what you mean. As long as the payload keeps moving, the team can just fight in the vicinity of it and still be fine. It's just that most of the time you'll have a few heroes in your side that benefit more from being away from the payload and will gravitate towards that naturally. Thanks for watching!
+Overwatch Central I often run bastion or tracer of escort, tracer I rarely play obj I focus on a slayer playstyle and deal with enemies and bastion you can just stay on the payload eitherway your teammates need to do something more 90% of times so tactics dont work.
+Blazeoffury49er yea I'm with you on the tracer part I often flank around the enemy team and try to take out key characters or just be an annoyance because if the don't shoot at me when I'm a tracer I'm going to get closer to get better accuracy and damage with her pistols and if the do shot at me my teammates will be fireing at them so its a lose lose for their team
+Shadow Stalker i play an almost Support Tracer with the in and out style, chipping away at tanks near the objective to make them easier to kill, chasing down weakened foes etc. while also trying to control flanks and find healers.
I'd argue that telling people to change if they are doing poorly is a really bad mentality for new players. For people who are stepping into overwatch for the first time or are new to FPS games in general, it will always be better in the long run for them to lose a game with their current hero rather than them getting confused and putting down the game when the rest of the team asks them to play a really complicated hero that they've never touched before, and likely don't have the skills to use. It's better for new players to get comfortable, or to change heroes at their own pace rather than swapping heroes whenever they're not doing good. They shouldn't be expected to change heroes every time the game is going poorly, because it is likely going to tax what little skill they have and they may just put down the game in disgust.
Actually they are absolutely right about changing heroes. Like TF2, Overwatch has a "rock, paper, scissors" thing going. If bastion is camping around a corner waiting and you run in there with someone like mcree or 76 trying to outgun him then you're dead. That's where you change to a nimble character like gengi. Also a sniper works well to poke your head out and pick him off (mei is my personal choice since you can ice wall then flank around). But changing characters is important to overcome whoever your obstacle might be and will help the new players find other heroes then enjoy playing. That's the way I see it at least
+landons reality That's precisely my point. People need to learn that changing heroes is a good idea, but it should not be expected of them early on in the game's lifespan. People should be allowed to get comfortable, or switch at their own pace instead of their teammates pressuring them into someone they won't have fun with or don't know how to play. It may lose them that match, but in the long run, it's far more enjoyable for both them and everyone else playing.
+Adeptus Forge players need to learn to tell the difference between wanting to switch characters because they're bad/inexperienced with them and needing to change characters, because no matter how good you are, the enemy is playing the character that's the best counter to yours
+Shanna Scarlet the former is bad mentality like you said. If you kind of suck, you shouldn't quit. But if you're good with a Genji for example but keep getting killed by a Symmetra, you should switch to counter her better
I agree. Right now my main is Tracer. The first couple of days I got told to change heroes a lot, so I did, and just kept getting frustrated because, since I was having to use entirely different skills, my personal skill with the game overall wasn't improving. So I started just sticking with Tracer no matter what was happening, and now I like to think I play her quite fluently. So I'll just take each hero one by one and play with them until I feel I understand them enough to switch freely.
ummmmmm if your ultimate is at 70% you let that fucking thing charge, and use it before you switch. bruh come on. You lose your ultimate charge when you switch anyways, you're wasting your time if you switch too early.
+LimitedSpartan I disagree. Ultimates are good, but direct hero counters are usually just as good if not better. Obviously it's not ideal to change if you've got a lot of ult charge, but don't wait with changing just because it's an ult.
+Madao I use winston or hog to get in on those two, though reinhardt is a better choice to counter their offenses and make them a much easier target for your team.
magus1d14 A counter, my good sir, is nothing so soft as a shield that doesnt deal with the problem. For instance, a Reaper counters tank heroes because of his EXTREME close range damage, and McCree counters the Reaper because of his stun grenade and FAST damage of his mouse2 revolver. Tell me how a Winston counters a widowmaker, or how a roadhog counters a widowmaker. Or how a winston or roadhog counters a mei. >_>
If you are after 1v1 face bashing or ambush then you are looking for the wrong "counter". The only "counter" kill you would get for sniping is counter sniping, so just out snip you opponent with a hanzo or widow. It's easy to get to a widow parked in a vantage position with winston or hook her from the blind side when she's scooping with hog, she won't be able to deal reliable dmg to winston up close and one shotgun to the face with a melee is more than enough to kill her. You can also bait her to waste a full charge and move in if both of you are in the open, but if she's sniping in the open then I really don't think she's going to be a problem for long. Mei is even easier to deal with, she relies on kiting with left click and finishing you with the right. You can just over run her by kiting her around you shield with winston and her cryogenic or wall are pure defensive skills that are no real threat to you unless you are really after her blood. It's harder to over kite her with hog but hog's shotgun has much higher dmg output and spread, she won't be able to finish you off even after freezing if you are not under 500hp and if she panic and cryo close to you then it's free chain.
So frustrating when you 99 - 0 up and you team stop playing the objective, probably to get kills. You are the only one contesting the objective but your efforts are simply not enough and in the end you loose.
+Morné Rademeyer (EnterSandman21) I get that a lot in Destiny. I have so many medals of "On the bright side". Even two people that play the mission isn't enough when the enemy team is.
I rarely hero swapped because I enjoyed playing Mercy and because of this I was often forced into the support role. Then once I wanted to try other characters nobody played support. So GG gonna spend the rest of my life playing support I don't know how you guys get the footage playing as damage dealers.
+Trevor M I think the general rule is that this is mostly a problem with lower-ranked players. As you contribute to your team/win games and increase your mmr (hidden statistic and different from level), you'll start being matched with better players who are willing to play whatever hero is needed. Then all the people who just want to run around as offense characters can play together and you can move on to better teams. I did mostly support during beta too and this is what I noticed.
Yeah, I queued up with my level 4 friend about 2 days ago. Not doing that again. While it was fun getting like 30-40 elims, it was a huge pain never having a healer or anything resembling coordination in my team. It was pretty funny to see people just stand around in a daze though like "what am I doing here? What's that over there?"
Will add one. People who go way to offensive as defenders at the start of the match. almost every game, half my team is split up all the way in the front at the door and die's immediately when the enemy team is charging out.
+Ryan Jewell - Lol, his deflect only lasts 2 seconds and has a long cooldown. He's my fave and I play him as an anti-Bastion often (mostly with hard AI, lol), but when I just pressed E then Bastion happened to be reloading, it is at that point when I realize...I screwed up.
2 things I admit when I started out I didn't now. 1) The payload heals u. 2) certain characters are absolutely lethal to certain characters(this one is easy to figure out). I found on Facebook Oerwatch posted an album of pictures showing each hero stats, and who they combo with as well as who are they strong against
+Santeri64 Nope. This is team-based game, and while you should be having fun, if you're not playing to win then you should just go play Call of Duty or something else.
LwSvnInJaz You don't seem to understand Blizzard games. They have emphasis on team-based gameplay which is why eliminations are credited to everyone who participates in it, and the reason that there is no deathmatch gamemode. You think because I want to win, I take games too seriously? Pftt, okay mate.
Lol i dont think you understand. Ill play who I want to and have fun doing so. I dont give a shit about winning. Plus this game is really damn fun to play casually :D
Charged Ultimate is a great reason to not switch yet, but when I want to switch I basically change my style of play in order to get rid if my ultimate ad quickly ad possible without wasting it.
One thing I've noticed is that SO many players pick either Bastion or Torbjorn on both attack and defense. It annoys me to no end especially when your loosing. However I do agree Bastion even for those of us who know how to fight him is extremely overpowered at the moment. I play Symmetra, Lucio, Reaper and Torbjorn (yea I know) mostly and trying to get people to coordinate who don't use mics or read chat is impossible. Also I've seen a huge influx of players who just stand in the spawn room and expect to be carried and level. I think Blizzard needs to have a "Report" button or something. Good Tips Guys keep up the good work!
+Art Wood (Grave Intent) There is a report button actually. Right click a players name in chat and click report. If you can't see their name in chat then I believe you can type /team or /match to get a list of all the players.
+Wynn Ames Even then though, Junkrat, Symmetra, Pharah, Roadhog, Hanzo and Widowmaker(to name a few) all handle him pretty well. People are just impatient and wanna run right into his line of sight all the time, he's really not hard to deal with.
A well placed Bastion can just pick you off at extreme range and not have to worry about you retaliating. His damage output is insane. No one except for a few defensive heroes and tanks can take hits from Bastion. 200hp heroes or less get destroyed! I personally think his damage is way too high for his high rate or fire. If Torbjorn's turrets had the same RoF he'd be op as well. But because his turrets are more "squishy" and fire a bit slower he seems easier to deal with, plus killing Torb is easier as well. If you watch the competitive videos with Seagul you'll see what I mean.
Art Wood I watch a lot of competitive overwatch actually, I watch seagulls team try to double bastion cloud9 and get completely squashed because the widowmaker absolutely destroyed him. I mean barely anyone picks him in competitive, if he was really that OP don't you think they would? But anyway, that's all besides the point, if you wanna believe he's OP then be my guest, I'm just telling you there are a lot of ways to deal with him. I'm actually happy when I see a Bastion because it means free ult charge when I'm playing widowmaker.
Thank you very much for showing me some new tips and tricks. This game is definitely going places and I am glad I can support you from day 1 :) Keep it up!
i absolutely hate chaining deaths, i always tell em to stop going on by one and just grp up first there is always that one cancer attacker who starts this and everyone else follows suit
Catch me in that situation i'm switching to Junkrat or Pharah quick. I hate it when team doesn't listen like that, but if they aren't going to might as well give them a chance to live with some bombardment support from a safe(smart) distance.
As a Reinhardt main, I've grown used to protecting my team's supports. And, with my brother being a Mercy main, he can read the enemy Mercys pretty well, giving me tips on how to get rid of them (mainly just charging and swinging my hammer).
"Picking a main" should be number one, If you refuse to switch off reaper or widowmaker, consider uninstalling and looking into the hitman or zone games, respectively
You should add: Be aware of maps. Some maps do very well with some heroes but limit others. Open maps with bigger zones go good with assault types that can cover large distances fast or spray bullets everywhere when there is little cover. Smaller zones are more adept for assassin types who have high mobility and can take advantage of numerou rooftops. I'm being blunt here with the details, but the idea is to know which map plays well for which character to maximize traversal
I like Junkrat on all the Lijiang maps. So many enemies enclosing on one place...you can stand back and slam it with grenades, while using your traps and concussion mines to guard at least one flank.
For that last point, I remember my whole team died as I was playing Widowmaker on last point of Temple of Anubis, and i started jumping around the point and using my grapple to zoom to the other side of the point. It bought just enough time for my team to come out and clean up. That was one of my greatest memories of the beta.
in the beta i had teams with no sense i had to pick always a suppirt or a tank( i love mercy do it was ok) but their gamestyle... god they were bad im not an expert but i have a very good ecperience on this tipe of games
One time I was playing and there was 3 tracers and I kept on yelling at them to change and one guy said no we need more, and the whole team was tracers while I was actually trying to play. And also I couldn't leave because I have a 75% quit penalty for being afk 👏😒
Great video. I can relate to all these points, but especially #3. I end up playing Mercy a lot since most of the teams I end up on refuse to go support and it's crazy how many will not look out for the healer. A team with a well protected healer is usually going to have a huge advantage over a team that doesn't.
This also applies to competitive play as well. So many people don't change it up and pick bad choices in the beginning and don't want to go support or tank. So frustrating.
These are pretty broad tips for a variety of games, really, especially number 1. I find it's generally exposure: How good are you at a character in order to actually counter what another might do to you. Sometimes it is just skill counter, but the majority of the time it's map knowledge and character/class knowledge. This goes with every game I have ever played.
From my experience, when I am playing someone like Pharah and I am constantly dying, even when if I have my ult as soon as I start it I would get killed anyway. If you are in a scenario where even your ult is basically useless than there is no reason to stay on that hero.
I think it would depend on the ult. If you have the Junkrat or Hanzo ult then for sure use it, but if it's like Mcree's ult and you're constantly getting sniped it's probably not worth it.
Number 3 is too true. I main Mercy and I find some teams are a pain in the ass to support as people never EVER protect me. Thank god I at least have my shift to get away.
Once real matchmaking starts and you get your Mmr to the point of playing with people that know what they are doing a bit better not having peel shouldn't be a problem
Another good rule of thumb. If you are playing on Attack, you literally never need a defense hero and if you're playing on Defense you literally never need an offense hero. Stop picking Widowmaker or Hanzo when on Attack, and stop picking Genji and Reaper on defense for god's sake! Learn a hero in each role, and switch when your team requires it. There are some situations where that rule isn't true, but if you're playing with randoms it is a very safe rule to play by if you actually want to win and not piss your team off. Trust me, you are not a good enough sniper to make up for the fact that your on Attack, we need people actually in the point or on the payload.
thats actually not true, if your on attack and a Tjorborn is setting turrets up, its kinda useful to have a widowmaker or hanzo taking them out since they will trivialize them since they can just side step back and forth and kill it without getting hit, also widowmaker is kinda offensive with her non-scoped attack (though i only play her in a blue moon). point is if you are good with a character from a diff role, you can potentially do better at another role then someone thats on your team currently playing that role (looking at S:76 and Symmetra in this situation).
Not totally true. I mostly play Tracer currently, and usually being able to flank the enemy and take out their healer, or their tank if my ult is up, often helps push the enemy away from the objective. Or distracts them enough to slow them, leaving them open for our snipers.
When I started playing I carried with genji most games until about level 30, hes a good pick for noobs if they can handle him since the enemy team most likely won't know how to handle him that well (my personal experience so don't take it that seriously) now a flex player, but was a genji main and still one of my picks for some situations
Omg, yes! n° 1 is so true and frustrating. I can't even count the times I lost whilst running to the point trying to get there in time, just to see your Widowmaker/ Hanzo standing there sniping the enemy of the point, but not stopping them capping it.
When i was playing number 3 situation came up and i thought of Gandalf's quote "Not at the towers ! Kill the trolls ! Kill the trolls !" Priorities people !
Number 1 is so relevant. I once had a match where four of my teammates were gathered around the point while I was respawning and the other team were at like 98% capture and they just STOOD THERE.
Yep. Ever play destiny? It's a mess. The once a month tournament (iron banner) is usually a capture and control game type where you capture the point and they get you more kills. But about only 1/6 people ever play the objective. So we lose on points from capturing and bonus points from captured zones... It's ridiculous...
+Potato I have made top scorer by over 1k points and have had the fewest kills before, purely because I take points and not just run and gun. I even play meat shield when I know an ally is almost dead and they are running (if able, I let them keep the kill, sometimes I end up kill stealing... sort of). And then there are the bitches with shotguns...
+OmniscientWarrior Get too close and boom. Dead... Snipers. No matter where you are, boom. Dead. And no one really uses fusion rifles or sidearms for some reason.
Potato I mix them up. Sidearms are crap. But I enjoy snipes in open levels, but closed off, I use fusion. And shottys are a bitches weapon. (And in Ironbanner, if I am way low on light level, I use fusion rifles.) However I prefer Scout Rifles and Hand Cannons. And machine guns.
Common mistakes, dealing damage to the enemy no longer charges their ultimate. They replaced it with a charge per second mechanic. Just wanted to say this.
+Colin Brown Can you elaborate on this a little? I played the entire open Beta but I haven't heard anything about changing the way that ultimates get charged.
+Crosby4hyg Before, ultimates used to charge when you took damage like X Rays in Mortal Kombat. Now they charge by a per second mechanic or when you deal damage.
Kevin George I'm fairly sure that they implemented the change you speak of prior to the end of the open Beta. What you described is how I remember the ultimate recharge functioning anyway.
+Overwatch Central another thing would be adaptation to the rest of your team. Like, if my whole team is going offensive characters or something like that, and it says on the left "no defence heroes" I'm going to go with roadhog. What I did is familiarized myself with one hero from each category so that I could adapt to what my team needs.
I Like sticking to the same hero per map. Not due to abilities or anything like that. Cause when i pick that hero I Want To play said Hero. I play it for the fun. And you aren't having fun if you don't play the way you want to play. Of course I realize it isn't fun for others if I play something that doesn't really fit into the current team-combo. Cause Everyone seems to care too much about winning, (which is of course nice from time to time.) Which is what gets me to the "other" reason I pick heroes and stick with them. It is to practice said hero. When you know how to play a hero, even though it doesn't fit the current team meta, you can still make a difference cause you are good with said hero.
Thanks for the tips I almost always pay attention to whats happening around me but somehow even though i'm always on the payload i didn't know it healed me. Thank you for the info now ill be far less worried standing on top of a moving target.
That chain of deaths thing happens so much in Warzone in H5, any thanks for the vid, I plan on getting overwatch for my Xbone and it's nice to know a few things before I get in to it.
I cant help but laugh, you said to shoot the healer, not the player being healed. Then in the very next clip you try to focus down a bastion that's just been wedged and has mercy firmly lodged in his back pocket.
5. Thinking you can outdo mcree w/ flash bang in close quarters. 4. Standing next to a map edge when fighting Lucio 3. Thinking hanzo's bow doesn't have a hit box the size of a semi truck 2. Thinking Tracer's ult is worth 2 shits. 1. Thinking all characters can sprint after playing soldier 76 for the first few hours exclusively.
had a fucking amazing game last night. our mei used her ult, froze all 5 and then followed by our zayras ult, finished off with me using pharahs ult. seriously wish i had that on record
The point about not changing heroes is definitely spot on, particularly the advice about "trying to hold out until you get your ultimate". For many characters, their ultimate acts as an extension to their toolset, so if they're not able to accomplish much against the enemy team, their ultimate probably won't either. There are rare exceptions but in pretty much every situation I've seen where someone tries to "hold out for ultimate" it's gone badly. It might also be worth noting that being overly conservative with your ultimate can also be a mistake. Many players will try to hold their ultimates for what they perceive to be a "perfect time", which may either not come at all or they may wait so long that they could have built up another half an ultimate by the time they finally use it. Of course, knowing when to use ultimates is probably one of the most nuanced parts of the game, but being super conservative with them is rarely a good idea.
+Terotrous I disagree with the argument that not being comfortable on another hero is not a reason to stick to one character. I think if you are new, then you should stick with one hero. Learn to play that hero in different situations on different maps. If you switch all the time you'll delay your progress because you'll waste concentration on thinking about your hero's abilities every time you switch while also learning about the maps and tactics at the same time. Master one hero, learn about tactics with him and then learn to play another hero when you know more about the game. I'm thinking: "If I can't contribute much to the game with a hero I'm comfortable with, what in the world am I supposed to do with a hero that I don't even know how to play. I'll contribute even less than before."
I totally agree with Number 1. I always see someone who is right there in front of the point and they just either run away or don't make a move to contest the point. Even if you did get killed, it could have actually given others on the team a chance to get closer to the point and may even turn the odds.
Great vid! I only wish you had added a p.s. about handling Bastions. I see a lot of people complaining about him, and I used to find him very frustrating to play against myself until I got better at the game.
+Ryan Parke There's no PS needed... The first part of the video shows Genji destroying Bastion multiple times. How to deal with Bastion - Step 1: Pick Genji. Step 2: Find Bastion. Step 3: Get as close to him as safely possible. Step 4: Press E
The reason I said I think it would be in there is because a lot of new players have trouble dealing with him, Genji is a solid counter, but Roadhog, Reinhardt, Pharah, Junkrat even soldier 76 have ways of dealing with him if played properly.
That junkrat gameplay was lit AF
I was thinking the same thing did you see that jump kill on pharaoh I think
+kraziekidonly d.va
+TheLegendaryLemon oh..thanks
Thanks for watching! You can check out our guides here: ua-cam.com/play/PLrfgw3GXHaHlD93nftqYbL8bQYHfVBOhh.html
+Overwatch Central
3. Not prioritizing supports
*everyone on team plays Generic 76*
Well... Shit
1.Forgetting to play objectively
Pretty much the reason why I switch from Asia server to Americas server
We got too much of unskilled koreans only focusing on kills instead of going for the objective..
Singaporeans are good
Malaysians gawd awful to play with and are so toxic
Indonesians same as Malaysians
Thailand same as Malaysians and Indonesians
Philippines same as Singaporeans good thing the toxic ones we know from Dota 2 aren't playing this game
Chinese = mixed 50-50 some are good some are awful
The rest = Decent
+Overwatch Central Or maybe playing the way you want to?
+The Dinkster No. The reason this video was made was to help overwatch's new player base by sharing gameplay and useful information so there aren't an abundance of dumbasses on launch. This video has great tips. And he's right, no one pays enough attention to support unless the team is collectively taking a point. Tanks, please be kind to your support so I don't have to go Lucio or generic 76 because I'm tired of healing then dying. :/
+TFAegislash 57 Partition your hard drive. You can get a cheap Windows seven license on Amazon for 50 bucks and install it on the partition. If you don't know how to do this look it up UA-cam, super easy and safe :).
+YukitoOnline how can you even tell which country they are from. I play on Asia and I have only heard someone use mic ONCE in the whole time i played the open beta. I kept getting matched with koreans/chinese who only speak their language and everyone else is just silent
No.1 annoys me so much, I see people standing next to it and just let them win.
*cough* bad Bastions *cough*
+Kuro Literally happened to me yesterday. We're seconds away from enemy's payload reaching the destination and a Bastion is just sitting 10 meters from the point, firing away aimlessly. Fortunately another teammate got back with a moment left and took it into Overtime.
Damn tracer teammate not taking the objective -_-
+VRTX Raptor Something that annoyed me during the Open Beta was people "chasing kills" often allowing the enemies (even AI bots) to get to the objective unmolested more often then not either only yours truly or no one (if I was dead/running back) defending allowing the opposition to essentially "ninja cap" the control point or the payload.
+VRTX Raptor Agreed. My all time favorite moment in the game was when I was playing Reaper, the enemy team was about to cap the point and win, I didn't have ult but I went in anyways and managed to quickly pick off their mercy. I immediately switched to my wraith form and danced around the point trying to keep them off. This just barely bought my team enough time to show up, clear the point and win the game. Best part of all: I didn't die XD.
Damn junkrat
+Andreas Rasmussen junkfart
+Kondio Ten hahahahahahaha LMAO
+Emil Diesen Soleim got me :O
I can't believe I never noticed the payload healing me o.0
same, i usually play support, so im healed anyway, but thats an amazing tip for when im playing anyone else.
***** yesssss i feellll
I feel a primary reason why people aren't switching is they don't know what to switch to. It's not ignorance or stubbornness, they just don't know what will help, so they stick with what they have.
for me i just dont like playing other heros, but i have enough skill to carry myself so i personally dont care what others think in game
+Linkophere "Note to self: don't play with this guy."
Tell that to the Hanzos.
Not knowing is the definition of ignorance...
Yeah I was about to say that this guy just did a hardcore contradiction but I understand the point he was making.
You can't say "playing objectively". Objectively =/= objective. It's called "playing the objective". 'Objectively' is an adverb, 'objective' is a noun/adjective; they're two completely different words.
+Marc Nielsen He was running quickly. She was playing objectively. I was wrecking grammatically.
***** No it isn't, to view something 'objectively' means to view it from a logical and universal point of view, i.e. no personal feelings or opinions, just the cold hard facts.
One time, we had the perfect team comp, and guess what happened!
Our defence heroes started pushing up to get kills, our mercy stopped healing and started shooting, and our lucio broke off from the team to flank.
+TheCrafterPrince lololol Mercy started shooting? Kill me now and bring the lucio with me
I only play a few number of people and I DONT ever play support. I wanna be in the action. So, I always try to bounce shots round corner as junk rat, take as much as a beating as Reindhart with his shield, rush in with road hog, find a good place to melt enemies with bastion and play sneakily with reaper and just play the game with soldier 76
+The Assassin Spy so it'd be better if he ran (or skated) up to his enemies guns blazing?
5:30 dat Junkrat trap shoot on D.Va. Awesome.
Geez the game isn't officially out yet, and already there are experts who knows everything about everything about Overwatch.
If gamers are this annoyed by "New players", then this is going to be the semi-version of League of Legends...
+Uncanny Aura we don't claim to know everything, we're still learning the game too! These are just things we spotted with playing with our friends who recently got into the beta, we're just relaying our opinions :)
Overwatch Central Ah gotcha! In that case, nothing wrong with that lol
+Uncanny Aura To be honest the tips apply to any video-game that is competitive and has champions/heroes. If you've played anything at all similar, these tips will be second nature to you from game to game.
K O's Yeah, I know. I just found it funny that a game that isn't even officially released yet already has people being all "Elitist" mode and whatnot.
Uncanny Aura
Elitism is a natural effect of competition so it'll pop up pretty quick. As someone who has played, I'll say the attitude in-game as far as elitism is concerned is very relaxed so there's not much to worry about in that regard. My 12 year old sister was playing and doing fairly well, and most teams were pretty relaxed and I saw very little flaming.
All that said, things can change as a game ages; however these kinds of videos help branch the gap between the "elite" and the "casual" player. Knowledge is power.
the game isnt even out yet and there are experts already geez
+Natalia Bree Some of us got to play a ton of the Beta so there are some that feel as if they know more than others. Its just the nature of the beast
+SmoothStylz hmm that is true
I think they should have mentioned that these are opinions based solely upon the Beta, not the finished product. So there are things that can/will change to better balance characters and not leave some of the combinations too OP
Nope, no experts. Just people who think they're better than everyone else because they got to play the game before us.
+Natalia Bree These guys aint really experts these where very basic tips given which anyone could have given you after 15 minutes of playing the game
Definitely use your ult before switching
Otherwise totally agree
it kinda depends if you are just waiting for it to finish charging or if its something that won't make a lot of difference then no but otherwise go for it
just yesterday I was playing mercy and I healed 50% of team damage but I still got only 1 vote! why doesn't anybody have respect for your healers?
CiCiDiaries it doesn't matter, votes mean nothing
ExplodedGEORGE I know, but if someone plays really well then it is nice if they vote for them to show their appreciation
Probably just that particular team.....
I cannot tell you how many times i've been asked to switch to a Mercy and then no one bothers to protect and keep me alive me. Meanwhile i'm being bombarded by nasty messages from players complaining about not being healed because i'm dead. Kinda reminds me of the days when I used to play WOW as a priest, everyone just blames the priest when there is a total party wipe, not realizing that 90% of the time its their fault for not protecting the healer.
players saying "we need a a healer!" While not switching to one themselves, or picking a character, and then seeing two players pick that very same one. Mostly seeing hanzos, tracers, reapers and of course Bastions with the second example
That Junkrat gameplay was crazy!
did u srsly change the title to overwatch 2...
that junkrat shot though
thanks for saying that Mercy can't do the impossoble. I've had people yelling at me because they are across the map behind several buildings and i can't feasibly get to them before they die
+Jayden Harvey Yeah, that's my biggest issue. I played mercy far more than any other heroin the beta, but the games that were easy to win were when our team stuck together so I could heal them all (unless they clumped up together so I couldn't pick the right one to heal/buff)
+Garret m (Terregator) exactly
"I'm not a miracle worker, you know? Well, not most of the time."
-A mercy voice line.
yeah exactly but that goes for the other healers as well not just mercy. lucio and Zenyatta have a even harder time flying across the battlefield since they can't fly. i often use Zenyatta, i really like him bug can't travel to players fast so
My team ignored all of this and ran out as 6 junkrats. It was good fun though.
oh god yeah. Always have those silly games that are just for fun :) it's about finding the balance
Overwatch Central omg you responded on such an old video. Thanks for your comments and dedication to your fans :D
One of my favorite and quickest matches was 5 torbys and a tracer defending on numbani. They didn't touch the point once lol
I have a fun match on my channel, with 6 vs 6 lucio (at least first 5 minutes), that was basically my most favourite match of the day.
If you're planning to watch it, video quality may not be as good, lots of stuttering.
I really need to find good balance on my recording software (it's OBS).
+Nate Deuce my quickest was about 1:40 and we were all just a mix, but we had me (average player) and my level 50 something friend who plays overwatch way too much
That Ryan dude needs to stop talking with his nose shut
+Kevin Flores Unplug those earplugs compadre.
He shouldn't be making a video if he's sick. I understood half of what he said.
It's not hard to understand him. At all. He just sounds stuffed up and congested. No big problem there.
he said fuck you very much for watching
You missed one. Don't choose 4 snipers. More so 4 hanzos...
This. A team with less than FIVE Hanzos will always fail.
+Rakanadyo Please. no... just. no...
Hanzo is lov, Hanzo is laif
Also, don't choose all close combat fighters. lol. It's a mess.
Don't choose a sniper at all unless you're really good at sniping and are prepared to work hard for the team, especially taking out turrets. I fuckin' hate playing alongside narcissist Widow players who hang out at the back of the map and stay in zoom mode, hoping to get the occasional kill. It's like playing with only four teammates.
me: *gets battleborn ad while trying to watch an Overwatch video*
You hear that? That's the sound of nobody caring.
+Santiago Medina you obviously cared enough to comment, so...checkmate
The Hybrid Ninjas If you think replying is hard you should really finish middle school English.
+Santiago Medina You hear that? That's the sound of nobody caring about the sound that nobody cares.
+Brandon Ly You hear that? That's the sound of text in a UA-cam reply...
For the payload maps playing objective is sometimes a noobtrap. You can leave 1-2 people on the payload and have the rest of the team at the enemy spawn to prevent a payload contest and guarantee a very quick section cap.
The advice is still solid though, but I think it's important to highlight for new players that you can play the objective without being on the objective.
+Zetaha Ye, I know exactly what you mean. As long as the payload keeps moving, the team can just fight in the vicinity of it and still be fine. It's just that most of the time you'll have a few heroes in your side that benefit more from being away from the payload and will gravitate towards that naturally.
Thanks for watching!
+Overwatch Central I often run bastion or tracer of escort, tracer I rarely play obj I focus on a slayer playstyle and deal with enemies and bastion you can just stay on the payload eitherway your teammates need to do something more 90% of times so tactics dont work.
+Blazeoffury49er yea I'm with you on the tracer part I often flank around the enemy team and try to take out key characters or just be an annoyance because if the don't shoot at me when I'm a tracer I'm going to get closer to get better accuracy and damage with her pistols and if the do shot at me my teammates will be fireing at them so its a lose lose for their team
+Shadow Stalker
i play an almost Support Tracer with the in and out style, chipping away at tanks near the objective to make them easier to kill, chasing down weakened foes etc. while also trying to control flanks and find healers.
I'd argue that telling people to change if they are doing poorly is a really bad mentality for new players. For people who are stepping into overwatch for the first time or are new to FPS games in general, it will always be better in the long run for them to lose a game with their current hero rather than them getting confused and putting down the game when the rest of the team asks them to play a really complicated hero that they've never touched before, and likely don't have the skills to use.
It's better for new players to get comfortable, or to change heroes at their own pace rather than swapping heroes whenever they're not doing good. They shouldn't be expected to change heroes every time the game is going poorly, because it is likely going to tax what little skill they have and they may just put down the game in disgust.
Actually they are absolutely right about changing heroes. Like TF2, Overwatch has a "rock, paper, scissors" thing going. If bastion is camping around a corner waiting and you run in there with someone like mcree or 76 trying to outgun him then you're dead. That's where you change to a nimble character like gengi. Also a sniper works well to poke your head out and pick him off (mei is my personal choice since you can ice wall then flank around). But changing characters is important to overcome whoever your obstacle might be and will help the new players find other heroes then enjoy playing. That's the way I see it at least
+landons reality That's precisely my point. People need to learn that changing heroes is a good idea, but it should not be expected of them early on in the game's lifespan. People should be allowed to get comfortable, or switch at their own pace instead of their teammates pressuring them into someone they won't have fun with or don't know how to play. It may lose them that match, but in the long run, it's far more enjoyable for both them and everyone else playing.
+Adeptus Forge players need to learn to tell the difference between wanting to switch characters because they're bad/inexperienced with them and needing to change characters, because no matter how good you are, the enemy is playing the character that's the best counter to yours
+Shanna Scarlet the former is bad mentality like you said. If you kind of suck, you shouldn't quit. But if you're good with a Genji for example but keep getting killed by a Symmetra, you should switch to counter her better
I agree. Right now my main is Tracer. The first couple of days I got told to change heroes a lot, so I did, and just kept getting frustrated because, since I was having to use entirely different skills, my personal skill with the game overall wasn't improving. So I started just sticking with Tracer no matter what was happening, and now I like to think I play her quite fluently. So I'll just take each hero one by one and play with them until I feel I understand them enough to switch freely.
That mid-air D.Va kill was beautiful :')
And they said Pharah was a counter xD
ummmmmm if your ultimate is at 70% you let that fucking thing charge, and use it before you switch. bruh come on. You lose your ultimate charge when you switch anyways, you're wasting your time if you switch too early.
+LimitedSpartan I disagree. Ultimates are good, but direct hero counters are usually just as good if not better. Obviously it's not ideal to change if you've got a lot of ult charge, but don't wait with changing just because it's an ult.
+Overwatch Central Riddle me this, what heroes counter the Widowmaker and Mei?
'cus i have yet to see any heroes being strong against those two....
+Madao I use winston or hog to get in on those two, though reinhardt is a better choice to counter their offenses and make them a much easier target for your team.
magus1d14 A counter, my good sir, is nothing so soft as a shield that doesnt deal with the problem.
For instance, a Reaper counters tank heroes because of his EXTREME close range damage, and McCree counters the Reaper because of his stun grenade and FAST damage of his mouse2 revolver.
Tell me how a Winston counters a widowmaker, or how a roadhog counters a widowmaker.
Or how a winston or roadhog counters a mei. >_>
If you are after 1v1 face bashing or ambush then you are looking for the wrong "counter". The only "counter" kill you would get for sniping is counter sniping, so just out snip you opponent with a hanzo or widow.
It's easy to get to a widow parked in a vantage position with winston or hook her from the blind side when she's scooping with hog, she won't be able to deal reliable dmg to winston up close and one shotgun to the face with a melee is more than enough to kill her. You can also bait her to waste a full charge and move in if both of you are in the open, but if she's sniping in the open then I really don't think she's going to be a problem for long.
Mei is even easier to deal with, she relies on kiting with left click and finishing you with the right. You can just over run her by kiting her around you shield with winston and her cryogenic or wall are pure defensive skills that are no real threat to you unless you are really after her blood. It's harder to over kite her with hog but hog's shotgun has much higher dmg output and spread, she won't be able to finish you off even after freezing if you are not under 500hp and if she panic and cryo close to you then it's free chain.
people not playing objectives makes me so mad. this isnt cod.
+Glace077 same it makes me want to snap my keyboard in half i play phara when possible
You have to play the objective in cod tooo, people always want to bring cod up out of nowhere 😑
+xKingKillax24 no you doooon't, just about everyone on that lousy game is playing TDM
+vixx.xxiv what about when you play an objective based game, hm?
I know, right?
So frustrating when you 99 - 0 up and you team stop playing the objective, probably to get kills. You are the only one contesting the objective but your efforts are simply not enough and in the end you loose.
+Morné Rademeyer (EnterSandman21)
I get that a lot in Destiny. I have so many medals of "On the bright side". Even two people that play the mission isn't enough when the enemy team is.
This entire list is exactly what I've been screaming at my tv to my team mates.
+XBloodyBaneX did they ignore u too? XD join the club
I rarely hero swapped because I enjoyed playing Mercy and because of this I was often forced into the support role. Then once I wanted to try other characters nobody played support. So GG gonna spend the rest of my life playing support I don't know how you guys get the footage playing as damage dealers.
+Trevor M I think the general rule is that this is mostly a problem with lower-ranked players. As you contribute to your team/win games and increase your mmr (hidden statistic and different from level), you'll start being matched with better players who are willing to play whatever hero is needed. Then all the people who just want to run around as offense characters can play together and you can move on to better teams.
I did mostly support during beta too and this is what I noticed.
Yeah, I queued up with my level 4 friend about 2 days ago. Not doing that again. While it was fun getting like 30-40 elims, it was a huge pain never having a healer or anything resembling coordination in my team. It was pretty funny to see people just stand around in a daze though like "what am I doing here? What's that over there?"
Will add one. People who go way to offensive as defenders at the start of the match. almost every game, half my team is split up all the way in the front at the door and die's immediately when the enemy team is charging out.
I couldn't focus on tip #1 the play at 5:12 got my attention
+jrkev1 same happened to me. that was some sick shit!
+jrkev1 yeah that airshot was sick
Yeah same
It was pretty disgusting.
Number 6: shooting genji as bastion/mcree when he deflects
real no.6: Shooting Genji
+Ryan Jewell - Lol, his deflect only lasts 2 seconds and has a long cooldown. He's my fave and I play him as an anti-Bastion often (mostly with hard AI, lol), but when I just pressed E then Bastion happened to be reloading, it is at that point when I realize...I screwed up.
+Literary Landslide
I swear I be so salty
2 things I admit when I started out I didn't now. 1) The payload heals u. 2) certain characters are absolutely lethal to certain characters(this one is easy to figure out). I found on Facebook Oerwatch posted an album of pictures showing each hero stats, and who they combo with as well as who are they strong against
Hell, I didn't know the Payload heals u until just now.
Or just play with ur favorite hero and hav fun
+Santeri64 yuup
+Santeri64 Nope. This is team-based game, and while you should be having fun, if you're not playing to win then you should just go play Call of Duty or something else.
GorgeousRandyFlamethrower hahah nope we can play however we like. You take games way too seriously :D
LwSvnInJaz You don't seem to understand Blizzard games. They have emphasis on team-based gameplay which is why eliminations are credited to everyone who participates in it, and the reason that there is no deathmatch gamemode. You think because I want to win, I take games too seriously? Pftt, okay mate.
Lol i dont think you understand. Ill play who I want to and have fun doing so. I dont give a shit about winning. Plus this game is really damn fun to play casually :D
Charged Ultimate is a great reason to not switch yet, but when I want to switch I basically change my style of play in order to get rid if my ultimate ad quickly ad possible without wasting it.
Any tip on how to understand what Ryan is saying?
I Know a little about english, but my knowledge is low, very low.
make him take the marbles outta his mouth.
jonathan jacobs
Thanks ^^
1. Don't be an American. Uniquely on the planet, Americans can't understand anyone who isn't from their own country.
One thing I've noticed is that SO many players pick either Bastion or Torbjorn on both attack and defense. It annoys me to no end especially when your loosing. However I do agree Bastion even for those of us who know how to fight him is extremely overpowered at the moment. I play Symmetra, Lucio, Reaper and Torbjorn (yea I know) mostly and trying to get people to coordinate who don't use mics or read chat is impossible. Also I've seen a huge influx of players who just stand in the spawn room and expect to be carried and level. I think Blizzard needs to have a "Report" button or something. Good Tips Guys keep up the good work!
Bastion is not overpowered; one Genji deflect and he melts like butta
+Art Wood (Grave Intent) There is a report button actually. Right click a players name in chat and click report. If you can't see their name in chat then I believe you can type /team or /match to get a list of all the players.
+Wynn Ames Even then though, Junkrat, Symmetra, Pharah, Roadhog, Hanzo and Widowmaker(to name a few) all handle him pretty well. People are just impatient and wanna run right into his line of sight all the time, he's really not hard to deal with.
A well placed Bastion can just pick you off at extreme range and not have to worry about you retaliating. His damage output is insane. No one except for a few defensive heroes and tanks can take hits from Bastion. 200hp heroes or less get destroyed! I personally think his damage is way too high for his high rate or fire. If Torbjorn's turrets had the same RoF he'd be op as well. But because his turrets are more "squishy" and fire a bit slower he seems easier to deal with, plus killing Torb is easier as well. If you watch the competitive videos with Seagul you'll see what I mean.
Art Wood I watch a lot of competitive overwatch actually, I watch seagulls team try to double bastion cloud9 and get completely squashed because the widowmaker absolutely destroyed him. I mean barely anyone picks him in competitive, if he was really that OP don't you think they would?
But anyway, that's all besides the point, if you wanna believe he's OP then be my guest, I'm just telling you there are a lot of ways to deal with him. I'm actually happy when I see a Bastion because it means free ult charge when I'm playing widowmaker.
Thank you very much for showing me some new tips and tricks. This game is definitely going places and I am glad I can support you from day 1 :)
Keep it up!
+Michael Long Thanks, glad the video was helpful!
"Not prioritising your supports"
Me a Mercy player: *hisses*
I didn't know the payload heals you...
+Matej Vesel I thought it was only our team's lucio healing us. Guess not
Me: Group up with me !
Team: runs in one by one when the whole enemy team is on the point and it's almost taken
During the beta I got so pissed of other players forgetting about the objective and just go around rekting or getting rekt.
+Aracania Gaming I lost count of the amount of times I typed "Defend ON the POINT not outside shooting in."
i absolutely hate chaining deaths, i always tell em to stop going on by one and just grp up first
there is always that one cancer attacker who starts this and everyone else follows suit
Catch me in that situation i'm switching to Junkrat or Pharah quick. I hate it when team doesn't listen like that, but if they aren't going to might as well give them a chance to live with some bombardment support from a safe(smart) distance.
mistakes made while playing overwatch: *starts off video by playing as genji*
me: oh boy
the joke is genji is not a great choice
Josh The Scrub He is a good choice if you know how to play him well
a joke
As a Reinhardt main, I've grown used to protecting my team's supports. And, with my brother being a Mercy main, he can read the enemy Mercys pretty well, giving me tips on how to get rid of them (mainly just charging and swinging my hammer).
"Picking a main" should be number one, If you refuse to switch off reaper or widowmaker, consider uninstalling and looking into the hitman or zone games, respectively
Bought the game a few hours ago and I'm terribly guilty of playing only widow maker ._.
+Galaxie if you just play Widowmaker at least get into the control zone or touch the payload in Overtime
Trust me man, number 3 is the story of my fucking life. Every. Single. Game.
I've played with genji for 4 hrs and I have only played the game for 4 hours xddddd
You can have a main, just switch off if the team needs it
A guide like this for each map would be awesome...
You should add: Be aware of maps. Some maps do very well with some heroes but limit others. Open maps with bigger zones go good with assault types that can cover large distances fast or spray bullets everywhere when there is little cover. Smaller zones are more adept for assassin types who have high mobility and can take advantage of numerou rooftops. I'm being blunt here with the details, but the idea is to know which map plays well for which character to maximize traversal
Yeah, I find Junkrat to be awesome on Route 66 but less so on Lijiang Tower, same goes for all the others
I like Junkrat on all the Lijiang maps. So many enemies enclosing on one place...you can stand back and slam it with grenades, while using your traps and concussion mines to guard at least one flank.
For that last point, I remember my whole team died as I was playing Widowmaker on last point of Temple of Anubis, and i started jumping around the point and using my grapple to zoom to the other side of the point. It bought just enough time for my team to come out and clean up. That was one of my greatest memories of the beta.
I use "group up" often. Nobody ever actually listens.
Three years later and people still forget the payload
This video should be called 'stuff you'd know if you played tf2'
Well not everyone has shit taste in games
Welp, I have 2k hours of TF2 and yet loved Overwatch.
Note: I still play TF2.
So that means I have a shit taste for games?
Love the tip about knowing where your Mercy is. So tired of Reinharts dashing 1/2 way across the field thinking I'll go save them 2v6
Love this game. But so many people do suck at it. They dont know team work
in the beta i had teams with no sense i had to pick always a suppirt or a tank( i love mercy do it was ok) but their gamestyle... god they were bad im not an expert but i have a very good ecperience on this tipe of games
+ja f yes i do as well!! Hey what platform will you be playing on???
+ItzCrazeee ps4 my pc wont stand overwatch :/ i have LoL in the pc tho
I wish I can do teamwork but seeing that I'm deaf so it's difficult for me. However so far, I never see any teamwork done by others.
One time I was playing and there was 3 tracers and I kept on yelling at them to change and one guy said no we need more, and the whole team was tracers while I was actually trying to play. And also I couldn't leave because I have a 75% quit penalty for being afk 👏😒
Great video. I can relate to all these points, but especially #3. I end up playing Mercy a lot since most of the teams I end up on refuse to go support and it's crazy how many will not look out for the healer. A team with a well protected healer is usually going to have a huge advantage over a team that doesn't.
The thing I most hate it's definetly the chaining deaths.
+OctavioJS well I'm a new player and I don't stop dying ... any tips please? xD
+OctavioJS Counterpicked players chaining deaths without playing for the objective and refusing to switch heroes. Those are the worst.
This also applies to competitive play as well. So many people don't change it up and pick bad choices in the beginning and don't want to go support or tank. So frustrating.
Another mistake: Not using the melee button
These are pretty broad tips for a variety of games, really, especially number 1. I find it's generally exposure: How good are you at a character in order to actually counter what another might do to you. Sometimes it is just skill counter, but the majority of the time it's map knowledge and character/class knowledge. This goes with every game I have ever played.
"Changing heros when your ult is ready makes sense"
yea really if it was like tracer yea i see that but nah id us it real quick
From my experience, when I am playing someone like Pharah and I am constantly dying, even when if I have my ult as soon as I start it I would get killed anyway. If you are in a scenario where even your ult is basically useless than there is no reason to stay on that hero.
I think it would depend on the ult. If you have the Junkrat or Hanzo ult then for sure use it, but if it's like Mcree's ult and you're constantly getting sniped it's probably not worth it.
+AgainAndAgain true.
I don't think objectively means what you think it means.
Number 3 is too true. I main Mercy and I find some teams are a pain in the ass to support as people never EVER protect me. Thank god I at least have my shift to get away.
Once real matchmaking starts and you get your Mmr to the point of playing with people that know what they are doing a bit better not having peel shouldn't be a problem
Another good rule of thumb. If you are playing on Attack, you literally never need a defense hero and if you're playing on Defense you literally never need an offense hero. Stop picking Widowmaker or Hanzo when on Attack, and stop picking Genji and Reaper on defense for god's sake! Learn a hero in each role, and switch when your team requires it.
There are some situations where that rule isn't true, but if you're playing with randoms it is a very safe rule to play by if you actually want to win and not piss your team off. Trust me, you are not a good enough sniper to make up for the fact that your on Attack, we need people actually in the point or on the payload.
thats actually not true, if your on attack and a Tjorborn is setting turrets up, its kinda useful to have a widowmaker or hanzo taking them out since they will trivialize them since they can just side step back and forth and kill it without getting hit, also widowmaker is kinda offensive with her non-scoped attack (though i only play her in a blue moon).
point is if you are good with a character from a diff role, you can potentially do better at another role then someone thats on your team currently playing that role (looking at S:76 and Symmetra in this situation).
Not totally true. I mostly play Tracer currently, and usually being able to flank the enemy and take out their healer, or their tank if my ult is up, often helps push the enemy away from the objective. Or distracts them enough to slow them, leaving them open for our snipers.
totally wrong
1. Playing Genji
2. Playing Genji
3. Playing Genji
4. Playing Genji
5. Playing Genji
Connor Slasher So So So So, TRUE!!
When I started playing I carried with genji most games until about level 30, hes a good pick for noobs if they can handle him since the enemy team most likely won't know how to handle him that well (my personal experience so don't take it that seriously) now a flex player, but was a genji main and still one of my picks for some situations
Connor Slasher zaraya
Connor Slasher Genji is a difficult character to pick up and use, unlike a few other characters, genji takes time to learn and master
6. Thinking Genjis Ult Will Deflect Hanzos Ult
Good list, especially the last one. I had no idea the payload healed you, or that the objective gain capped at 3 players. Thanks for the info, guys.
Am I the only one who plays this game for fun ?
Yes. The rest of us do it as part of 200 hours community service.
KingKaitain wow I feel sorry for you :)
It's not so bad. Only 150 hours to go.
KingKaitain 4-3 days huh ?
Yes, everyone that isn't you plays this game because they don't find it fun
Omg, yes! n° 1 is so true and frustrating. I can't even count the times I lost whilst running to the point trying to get there in time, just to see your Widowmaker/ Hanzo standing there sniping the enemy of the point, but not stopping them capping it.
When i was playing number 3 situation came up and i thought of Gandalf's quote "Not at the towers ! Kill the trolls ! Kill the trolls !"
Priorities people !
Number 1 is so relevant. I once had a match where four of my teammates were gathered around the point while I was respawning and the other team were at like 98% capture and they just STOOD THERE.
Did a match last night with all six players as tracer... it was bonkers.
fucking rekt
I did the same with Winston and soldier 76
6 pharas . Oo
+NostalgiaFactor torbjorn is amazing btw
Greatly produced, high-quality video guys!! Keep up the great work.
Tbh I think this whole mistakes guide should be "Games" and not "Overwatch" ..
Yep. Ever play destiny? It's a mess. The once a month tournament (iron banner) is usually a capture and control game type where you capture the point and they get you more kills. But about only 1/6 people ever play the objective. So we lose on points from capturing and bonus points from captured zones... It's ridiculous...
+dor sade Right? Like, the majority of these tips apply to literally every multiplayer online game.
+Potato I have made top scorer by over 1k points and have had the fewest kills before, purely because I take points and not just run and gun. I even play meat shield when I know an ally is almost dead and they are running (if able, I let them keep the kill, sometimes I end up kill stealing... sort of).
And then there are the bitches with shotguns...
+OmniscientWarrior Get too close and boom. Dead... Snipers. No matter where you are, boom. Dead. And no one really uses fusion rifles or sidearms for some reason.
I mix them up. Sidearms are crap. But I enjoy snipes in open levels, but closed off, I use fusion. And shottys are a bitches weapon. (And in Ironbanner, if I am way low on light level, I use fusion rifles.) However I prefer Scout Rifles and Hand Cannons. And machine guns.
Great vid. Pisses me off so much when teammates don't focus on killing enemy supports.
Common mistakes, dealing damage to the enemy no longer charges their ultimate. They replaced it with a charge per second mechanic. Just wanted to say this.
+Colin Brown Can you elaborate on this a little? I played the entire open Beta but I haven't heard anything about changing the way that ultimates get charged.
+Crosby4hyg Before, ultimates used to charge when you took damage like X Rays in Mortal Kombat. Now they charge by a per second mechanic or when you deal damage.
Kevin George
I'm fairly sure that they implemented the change you speak of prior to the end of the open Beta. What you described is how I remember the ultimate recharge functioning anyway.
I've just started playing overwatch cuz I never gave it a chance before and I can say that you and many other channels have been very helpful
No. 1: Pick Bastion
Genji loves some Bastion booty
back to the wall, and gun fully loaded, spin on a swivel and nothing will take you down... well, except for those damn WidowMakers -_- lol
The Titan List And Genji...and Hanzo...and Pharah...and Reaper...and Tracer
+EU 〉 NA 4Head and Reinhardt
Matt Cobalt and Junkrat
great vid guys, thanks for taking the time!
ryan are you okay it sounds like you are sick
+Tictactom and co Ye Ryan's been a bit ill since the start of open beta. Hopefully he'll feel better soon!
thx thought so
may you please be honest is it still fun on console
+Overwatch Central another thing would be adaptation to the rest of your team. Like, if my whole team is going offensive characters or something like that, and it says on the left "no defence heroes" I'm going to go with roadhog. What I did is familiarized myself with one hero from each category so that I could adapt to what my team needs.
+Tictactom and co He sounds like the fat friend from Shaun of the dead. :)
I Like sticking to the same hero per map. Not due to abilities or anything like that.
Cause when i pick that hero I Want To play said Hero.
I play it for the fun. And you aren't having fun if you don't play the way you want to play.
Of course I realize it isn't fun for others if I play something that doesn't really fit into the current team-combo. Cause Everyone seems to care too much about winning, (which is of course nice from time to time.)
Which is what gets me to the "other" reason I pick heroes and stick with them.
It is to practice said hero.
When you know how to play a hero, even though it doesn't fit the current team meta, you can still make a difference cause you are good with said hero.
Gen Tip # 1 Play a support once in a while
+Nathan K Or all the time. Like Mercy.
+Nathan K Or don't. I'll just play Mercy since it can be fun as hell.
Thanks for the tips I almost always pay attention to whats happening around me but somehow even though i'm always on the payload i didn't know it healed me. Thank you for the info now ill be far less worried standing on top of a moving target.
"forget" ? most just dont fucking care, they only care about stats
+Darkburrow well thats one reason i love how this game doesn't show a k:d ratio
+Cameron Weatherspoon (The1.0) you can still calculate it, it keeps track of your kills and deaths
Anyone else just absolutely mesmerized by the air shot at 5:30 and are just watching it over and over again in all its glory?
in my first match I only played bastion I got a 25player kill streak
it's because you played as that op asswipe bastion.
+ProGamerAaron 06 yeah but I didn't know he is so good
+Jake Wareing Bastion isn't that good, just really overpowered. You basically don't need skill to play as Bastion.
+assapagan yeah basically
+Jake Wareing I myself had the highest kill streak with Reaper, 18 kills.
That chain of deaths thing happens so much in Warzone in H5, any thanks for the vid, I plan on getting overwatch for my Xbone and it's nice to know a few things before I get in to it.
5:30 pls mlg montage
That junkrat play at the end.... just so beautiful
I cant help but laugh, you said to shoot the healer, not the player being healed. Then in the very next clip you try to focus down a bastion that's just been wedged and has mercy firmly lodged in his back pocket.
5. Thinking you can outdo mcree w/ flash bang in close quarters.
4. Standing next to a map edge when fighting Lucio
3. Thinking hanzo's bow doesn't have a hit box the size of a semi truck
2. Thinking Tracer's ult is worth 2 shits.
1. Thinking all characters can sprint after playing soldier 76 for the first few hours exclusively.
I disagree. If you already Have a charged up ultimate that's a very good reason to stay with them for one more life before switching.
I've been playing Overwatch the last two days and i love it!
had a fucking amazing game last night. our mei used her ult, froze all 5 and then followed by our zayras ult, finished off with me using pharahs ult. seriously wish i had that on record
Feel you bro
The point about not changing heroes is definitely spot on, particularly the advice about "trying to hold out until you get your ultimate". For many characters, their ultimate acts as an extension to their toolset, so if they're not able to accomplish much against the enemy team, their ultimate probably won't either. There are rare exceptions but in pretty much every situation I've seen where someone tries to "hold out for ultimate" it's gone badly.
It might also be worth noting that being overly conservative with your ultimate can also be a mistake. Many players will try to hold their ultimates for what they perceive to be a "perfect time", which may either not come at all or they may wait so long that they could have built up another half an ultimate by the time they finally use it. Of course, knowing when to use ultimates is probably one of the most nuanced parts of the game, but being super conservative with them is rarely a good idea.
+Terotrous I disagree with the argument that not being comfortable on another hero is not a reason to stick to one character. I think if you are new, then you should stick with one hero. Learn to play that hero in different situations on different maps.
If you switch all the time you'll delay your progress because you'll waste concentration on thinking about your hero's abilities every time you switch while also learning about the maps and tactics at the same time. Master one hero, learn about tactics with him and then learn to play another hero when you know more about the game.
I'm thinking: "If I can't contribute much to the game with a hero I'm comfortable with, what in the world am I supposed to do with a hero that I don't even know how to play. I'll contribute even less than before."
a tip for junkrat: set down trap and place mine bomb on it. it will say "triggered" when someone steps on it, then you can just blow it up ;3
I totally agree with Number 1. I always see someone who is right there in front of the point and they just either run away or don't make a move to contest the point. Even if you did get killed, it could have actually given others on the team a chance to get closer to the point and may even turn the odds.
sick ass Junkrat gameplay
That Junkrat kill at 5:30 was a beauty
#1 Play the objective.
Objectively means something different 😜
Great vid! I only wish you had added a p.s. about handling Bastions. I see a lot of people complaining about him, and I used to find him very frustrating to play against myself until I got better at the game.
+Ryan Parke There's no PS needed... The first part of the video shows Genji destroying Bastion multiple times. How to deal with Bastion - Step 1: Pick Genji. Step 2: Find Bastion. Step 3: Get as close to him as safely possible. Step 4: Press E
+Tye Yamagata I've played Bastion against Genji. You can easily see his deflect animation. When you see it stop shooting. Once it's done mow him down.
The reason I said I think it would be in there is because a lot of new players have trouble dealing with him, Genji is a solid counter, but Roadhog, Reinhardt, Pharah, Junkrat even soldier 76 have ways of dealing with him if played properly.