Hi Seamus it's a grate shame that you couldn't use a G5RV antenna from your balcony down to the trees and you probably would hammer out on all of the main HF bands I would ask your nabors if you could do that put some kind of wire antenna in the garden below and connect a run of coax up to your balcony in to your shack that's what I'd do but it's up to yourself what you want to do and what your happy with OK. Thanks and best 73's for now cheers. Stephen M3SNV 73's.
Hi Seamus it's a grate shame that you couldn't use a G5RV antenna from your balcony down to the trees and you probably would hammer out on all of the main HF bands I would ask your nabors if you could do that put some kind of wire antenna in the garden below and connect a run of coax up to your balcony in to your shack that's what I'd do but it's up to yourself what you want to do and what your happy with OK. Thanks and best 73's for now cheers. Stephen M3SNV 73's.
Nice setup Seamus, bands are good, so a decent resonant antenna will work.
A 49:1 unun, and 66ft wire sloping to the ground, you'll work the world 🌎
Great tips
Efhw to the trees. Wire would b almost invisible ✌️
Thank you for sharing
Quite brisk... ready for winter... 35°? Oh, that's definitely winter.
For us it's definitely cold! 😜