Commando's best one liner was "I lied!" right after reminding Sully of when he said he would kill him last... Then proceeding to drop him 400 feet to his death.
Benjamin Elkins Hey you lighthead! Yeah you Christmas tree!!!! Follow me lightbulb. That one was pretty bad too. "What happened to fireball?" "He was a hothead"
In my opinion The best one from commando was when Arny tells one of the bad guys, "your funny that's why I'm gonna kill you last", but he ends up being one of the first he catches and is dangling him from a cliff by his ankle. He says to the guy, "remember I said I'd kill you last". The guy cries and screams, "yes you did". Arny replies, "I LIED". Then let's go of his ankle, plummeting our bad guy down to he demise. Right after that he meets up with a girl who askes him what he did to the guy. He simply says, "I let him go". Lol classic.
DIE HARD john: terrorists have seized Nactaoma(spelling) plaza and have hostages operator: sir, this line is for emergencies only john: no f**king shit lady! does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza
***** Watch army of darkness for some of the best one liners ever, like when Bruce Campbell said the following "Good, Bad i'm the guy with the gun", "Groovy", "Hail to the king baby", "Yo she bitch...Let's go", "You ain't leading but two things right now, jack and shit....jack left town", "Ash....housewares", "Come get some", "You wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me...blow", "Gimme some sugar baby". Bruce Campbell is the king of the action movie one liners, his comedic timing and Machismo is more than Will Smith's Michael Bay action star wannabe ass will ever attain. That's why i passionately fucking hate the 90's, action stars went from Carl Weathers and Sylvester Stallone to Will Smith and Keanu Reeves. Campbell would be bigger than Arnie if his action career started a decade earlier.
In that Shinning Jack Nicholson wasn't the hero but "Torrance" but still a GREAT one-liner ( btw so silly to put top tens everywhere ,who is what , remember kindergarten ) liking movies is something personnal , i also hate Rotten Tomatoes and Imdb ,since when can they say things what to like or dislike? It is like your stupid TV magazine who rate a certain movie ....well sigh ... nowadays and of course all Eighties movies or more all movies before 21 century are bad with nonsense and the habitual blabla ... Tired with fake reviewers or fanboys , can we have sincere people who know about movies back ( their Technics , way of how making a movie, there were so many great shows , sadly missed) i would rather watch that,than stupid FAKE reality BORING shows !!!
My favorite line from any movie to date is from "I Come in Peace" starring Dolph Lundgren. He battles an alien assassin whose only line through out the flick is, you guessed it....I come in peace. When the two face off in the final showdown, and Dolph has the blond giant alien on the ropes from the epic battle, the alien mutters his titular phrase, "I come in peace." Dolph takes dead aim and responds "and you go in pieces." The most satisfying ending ever.
You hit the nail right on top the head!!! fucked up on the name of the movie...Dark Angel really? better do they're homework a little better next time, just saying!!!
Uuughh that would have been so good:L But no i actually love that movie! I think it showed how he'd matured as an actual human being instead of just remaining a twenty year old Indiana Jones you know? It was realistic
Joshua Martin Okay, that part was nice. It's always interesting to see a character age. Now for the not-so-great parts: Shia Labeouf. Aliens. Magnetic quartz and gold. "You shall have a queen! Not dark but beautiful!" Same actress as in that scene in Lord of the Rings. It didn't really work there, and it didn't work in this either. That obnoxious double-dealing backstabbing weasel of a secondary character. He wasn't even much fun to hate.
Total Recall had some funny ones like "I'm gonna DRILL you, SUCKA" in the mine driller scene and "SCRREEEWWW YOOOOUUU" as best reply to said one liner LOL! Arnie's ridiculous rage voice makes it even more hilarious!
+ncshuriken Yes!!! you could make a list of top ten total recall lines alone. i would have to go with "see you at the party richter" but "you think this is the real quaid? is!" is a very close second
IMHO the most hilarious one-liner in movies is Dolph Lundgrens in Dark Angel: Alien: "I come in peace." Dolph says: "And you go in pieces." and blows the poor alien in smithereens.
I remember there's a sequence in which Ruther's character is driving and an irate edriver yells at him, "Are you blind?!" To which Rutger replies, "Yeah. What's your excuse?"
I understand this is not a hero's line but still, one of the funniest shit i've ever heard. " Lets kick some...... ice. " - Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr Freeze in Batman and Robin
I'm generally surprised none of the Terminator One-Liners were in this. I can't tell you the million times I've heard "I'll be back" in my life... (sigh)
Yeah, you could tell they wanted to sprinkle it around so it wouldn't all be Arnold but we all know that Arnold is the 1980 and 90's King of Action movie oneliners. He gets all 10. There's seriously like 5 in Predator alone.
Will Smith from Wild Wild West, when he fought a karate guy. Karate guy: I learn that from a china man. *Will knock him with a pipe* Will: I made that up.
Seriously... Jamie Lee Curtis' line "I married Rambo" from True Lies should have been on this list. I mean damn, they referenced a Stallone movie in an Arnie flick, that's gotta count for something. And how is "Yippie-Kai-Yay" not on here...? Or for that matter practically anything from the first Die Hard... "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs", "Now I know what a TV dinner feels like", etc.... C'mon WatchMojo, you're slippin'! lol.
Actually, "I'll be back" was also hilarious, so I guess that didn't use this one and "Yippie-Kai-Yay MF" because they already have the top spots on "biggest one liners".
Nicholas Scarpinato I think "Yippie-Kai-Yay" is considered a catchphrase since it's from multiple movies. Same with "I'll be back" and "martini, shaken, not stirred." This list seems to be going for single entries.
"Remember Sully when I promised I would kill you last? That's right you did! I lied!" ::Drops Sully off of a cliff:: You could do a top 20 on Arnold himself.
You didn't mention: _"Hey, you wanna be a farmer? Here are a couple of achers"_ _"Iced that guy. Cone of Phrase"_ _"To be, or not to be? Not to be"_ EXPLOSION!
Nah, I dunno about this list. But more hilarious scene of Commando of course is this one (Its not exactly one liner so..) : "Sully, Do you remember I told that I would kill you last? - Yes, You did you did! - I lied."
sergeantassassin3 Apocalipse now is a war movie and Kilgore is not an action hero. The title of this clip is "Top 10 Hilarious Action Hero One-Liners" Should they have a "Top 10 Hilarious War Movie One-Liners" then they will surely put it in the list. Also it wasn't a one liner Kilgore: I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end...
Commando's best one liner was "I lied!" right after reminding Sully of when he said he would kill him last... Then proceeding to drop him 400 feet to his death.
yeah. and "I eat Green Berets for breakfast. And right now, I'm very hungry! "as a close second.
agreed. that was one of the best lines ever!
Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I lied
T.R TOM Where is Sully? "I let him go"
shithead2415 lol dead tired. good one!
The Punisher (1989)
Jake: What the fuck do you call 125 murders in 5 years?
The Punisher: *Work in progress.*
In "The Running Man" After Arnold Schwarzenegger cuts Buzzsaw into half: Girl: What Happened to Buzzsaw? Schwarzenegger: "He had to split." HILARIOUS!
Killain! I'll be back
Only in a re run.
Lol I liked the one in the beginning of the video from Total Recall, "Consider that a divorce."
Thor Odinson That line always makes me laugh. It's so corny.
Benjamin Elkins Hey you lighthead! Yeah you Christmas tree!!!! Follow me lightbulb. That one was pretty bad too. "What happened to fireball?" "He was a hothead"
from Commando, "Please don't disturb my friend he's dead tired". that should have been number one.
“Fuck you asshole” (fires gun, out of bullets)
“Fuck you asshole” (beats the shit out of Cooke)
Is another.
This line is criminally underrated, I agree with you
Arnold could have had all 10 for himself.
Datruthshines agree
amen to that
That's why you "stick around."
Datruthshines uzi 9mm
Datruthshines Agreed!
Terminator 2 "I told you no killing" shoots guard in knee caps.
"He'll live"
"Chew bubble gum and kick ass. And I'm all out of bubble gum" -A total classic.
Faheem Wyne thought that's was from duke... it isn't
I'm here to chew ass and kick gum... and I'm all out of ass
They Live
I just love how they were all calm until he mentions the lack of gum and suddenly they're like "we're truly fucked now boys"
"Hasta la Vista baby" Arnold Schwarzenegger
+Chris Lancour perhaps they're saying it wasn't funny enough.
Yes he is Austrian
This list is for hilarious one liners. That one liner was just awesome
Or talk to the hand
Chris Lancour you're terminated.
"If he dies - he dies."
Ivan Drago
“Go for it”
Rocky Balboa
“I must break you.”
the one from predator they didnt list but only used in the intro is actually my favorite i think
"i aint got time to bleed"
+erbgorre Ain't got time to bleed LOL, I'm already 5 mins late for work!
You got time to duck.
In my opinion The best one from commando was when Arny tells one of the bad guys, "your funny that's why I'm gonna kill you last", but he ends up being one of the first he catches and is dangling him from a cliff by his ankle. He says to the guy, "remember I said I'd kill you last". The guy cries and screams, "yes you did". Arny replies, "I LIED". Then let's go of his ankle, plummeting our bad guy down to he demise. Right after that he meets up with a girl who askes him what he did to the guy. He simply says, "I let him go". Lol classic.
I agree with you. that I lied is one of if not the best one.
yes I loved that one
"I let him go"
From Die Hard "Yipee Kay Ye Moth********"
+Gillroy Rodrigues When I think of one liners that's where my mind heads.
yes they forgot that then again they put it in quite a few other lists
Moth******? Mothbreeder?
no yippie ki yay mother f***ers
Mother fathers?
"I'm getting to old for this shit"
Love that Line.
"I come in peace!"
"But you go in pieces!"
How that never made it is beyond me!
It's at the very end of this vid...
"Time to face destiny"
Bond: "Time to face gravity"
That one is cold as ice
"Ha ha ha you think this is the real Quaid? IT IS!" *gun fire*
the best
"you want to be a farmer? here's a couple of acres." following with a kick in the nuts. xD
best mindfuck yet😂😂😂😂
I always liked Arnie's, "You're fired", from True Lies.
He says that one a lot these days
Burning straps of $1000 bills in to heat a cave in Cliffhanger, Sly Stallone says "It costs a fortune to heat this place"
That should've been number 1.
john: terrorists have seized Nactaoma(spelling) plaza and have hostages
operator: sir, this line is for emergencies only
john: no f**king shit lady! does it sound like I'm ordering a pizza
My favourite (even if not speaken out) : "Now I have a machine gun, ho,ho,ho"
"Come out to the cost, we'll get together, have a few laughs..."
wrong guess, hans
"Nine million terrorists in the world and I have to kill one with feet smaller than my sister's!"
@@TotallyNotAFox It's even funnier when Alan reads it. Same when he steals John's line.
Clint Eastwood as Dirty Harry and Kurt Russel as Snake Plisken have much better one liners than "Welcome to Earth".
***** Watch army of darkness for some of the best one liners ever, like when Bruce Campbell said the following "Good, Bad i'm the guy with the gun", "Groovy", "Hail to the king baby", "Yo she bitch...Let's go", "You ain't leading but two things right now, jack and shit....jack left town", "Ash....housewares", "Come get some", "You wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me...blow", "Gimme some sugar baby". Bruce Campbell is the king of the action movie one liners, his comedic timing and Machismo is more than Will Smith's Michael Bay action star wannabe ass will ever attain. That's why i passionately fucking hate the 90's, action stars went from Carl Weathers and Sylvester Stallone to Will Smith and Keanu Reeves. Campbell would be bigger than Arnie if his action career started a decade earlier.
+AirbendingEagle Given how terrible Inderpendence Day was, I'll give that one to him.
they forgot i,ll be back and hasta la vista, baby from the terminator movies
+Dingo D. Manhunter
Bruce Campbell is hilariously amazing in Army of Darkness, I fully agree with you, he is a legend.
plus he wasn't really an action hero
Very underrated actor Carl Weathers , in all movies he was in he played greatly !
- Rocky
- Force 10 from Navaronne
- Action Jackson
- Predator
Btw ,where is 'Here is Johnny' The Shinning?
Its Hero one-liners xD... Jack Nicholson wasn't a hero...
defiraphi This is action hero, not horror.
Oh sorry but Horror to me is action to something that thrills into body
In that Shinning Jack Nicholson wasn't the hero but "Torrance" but still a GREAT one-liner ( btw so silly to put top tens everywhere ,who is what , remember kindergarten ) liking movies is something personnal , i also hate Rotten Tomatoes and Imdb ,since when can they say things what to like or dislike? It is like your stupid TV magazine who rate a certain movie ....well sigh ... nowadays and of course all Eighties movies or more all movies before 21 century are bad with nonsense and the habitual blabla ... Tired with fake reviewers or fanboys , can we have sincere people who know about movies back ( their Technics , way of how making a movie, there were so many great shows , sadly missed) i would rather watch that,than stupid FAKE reality BORING shows !!!
That's not even the best one liner from Commando!
"Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last?"
That's right Matrix, you did!
"I lied."
Good, but his follow-up line was better:
Rae: "What happened to Sully?"
Matrix: "I let him go."
Bill C
Haha :-)
Yea that one exactly! is why I came here :D
This guy speaks the truth.
"I LIED." Is by far the best.
The best line from commando has got to be when schwarz drops sully of the cliff
"Where's sully?"
"I let him go"
Dr No. Bond electrocutes a henchman in the bath. He utters the legend: "Shocking, totally shocking".
Actually, I think that was Thunderball.
You may be right. I stand corrected.
Yep, it was Godfinger. I guess I was thinking only of the girl covered in gold paint. I knew it wasn't Dr. No, I've seen that one many times.
Fair play. Like I said, I stand corrected.
Roger Haywood Actually, I am amazed that there is not a top 10 Bond One-liners.
My favorite line from any movie to date is from "I Come in Peace" starring Dolph Lundgren. He battles an alien assassin whose only line through out the flick is, you guessed it....I come in peace. When the two face off in the final showdown, and Dolph has the blond giant alien on the ropes from the epic battle, the alien mutters his titular phrase, "I come in peace." Dolph takes dead aim and responds "and you go in pieces." The most satisfying ending ever.
It's at the end of this video, Dark Angel.
I remember it. Best part of the whole movie.
too long didn't read XD
You hit the nail right on top the head!!! fucked up on the name of the movie...Dark Angel really? better do they're homework a little better next time, just saying!!!
I like Red Scorpion.
Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (Yes it was awful, but it did have a good line.)
"You're a teacher?!?!"
"Part time."
:O That movie was the bomb!
Joshua Martin I do hope you're making a joke about the fridge scene.
Uuughh that would have been so good:L But no i actually love that movie! I think it showed how he'd matured as an actual human being instead of just remaining a twenty year old Indiana Jones you know? It was realistic
Joshua Martin Okay, that part was nice. It's always interesting to see a character age. Now for the not-so-great parts:
Shia Labeouf.
Magnetic quartz and gold.
"You shall have a queen! Not dark but beautiful!" Same actress as in that scene in Lord of the Rings. It didn't really work there, and it didn't work in this either.
That obnoxious double-dealing backstabbing weasel of a secondary character. He wasn't even much fun to hate.
Steve James in American Ninja 3: "Youre breathing my air."
Total Recall had some funny ones like "I'm gonna DRILL you, SUCKA" in the mine driller scene and "SCRREEEWWW YOOOOUUU" as best reply to said one liner LOL! Arnie's ridiculous rage voice makes it even more hilarious!
+ncshuriken i think all arnold movies have a great one liner at some point haha
+ncshuriken See you at the party, Richter!
+ncshuriken Yes!!! you could make a list of top ten total recall lines alone. i would have to go with "see you at the party richter" but "you think this is the real quaid? is!" is a very close second
+ncshuriken so great!
+Rafael Villaça that one is by far my favorite. Right before he reverses the lift and send richter tumbling down minus his arms
The Running Man:
"Drop dead!"
"I don't do requests..."
Arnie is the one liner king and should've been at number one regardless of the movie/quote.
Commando could have filled this entire list.
Arnie is the king of one-liners :D
"Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I lied."
"What happened to Sully anyway?"
(after dropping him off a cliff)
Arnold: "I had to let him go."
Why does Arnold always have the best action one liners? lol..
"I'll be back"
because he is the termonetor silly
Arnold in "The Running Man". "Here is sub-zero... naow... PLAIN zero!"
Meh, that one was aight but I like "I don't do requests" and "Well that hit the spot" better.
I'm glad Ribs made the list. One of the great forgotten one-liners of action cinema.
Haven't even finished watching the video yet, but the fact that Army of Darkness is only number 10 has kicked my nerd rage level over 9000!
This entire list should be Arnold quotes.
"He chose...poorly." - Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Subtle and yet sums up the entire previous sequence so eloquently.
RIP "Rowdy" Roddy Piper.
Will forever be missed
+ReserviorBasterds We all miss him... But it was his time to go... Heaven was running low on Bad Guys and Roddy was happy to fill in.
+ReserviorBasterds WHAAAAT??
“I have come here to kick ass and chew bubblegum...and I’m all out of bubblegum”
never chew bubble gum without payin tribute xD
IMHO the most hilarious one-liner in movies is Dolph Lundgrens in Dark Angel:
Alien: "I come in peace." Dolph says: "And you go in pieces." and blows the poor alien in smithereens.
"Good...Bad...Either way, I'm the guy with the gun." -Bruce Campbell.
"Hey by the way, where is Nitty?"
(after shoving him off a building to land through the roof of a parked convertible)
"He's in the car."
My favorite action hero line is, "you got a friend in me."
So true!
Agree with it all except number one. Also nice to see "Blind Fury" get a mention. That movie's underrated.
Definitely an action gem.
I remember there's a sequence in which Ruther's character is driving and an irate edriver yells at him, "Are you blind?!"
To which Rutger replies, "Yeah. What's your excuse?"
"Don't disturb my friend, he's dead tired" from Commando should've got an Honorable Mention at least.
Classic action movies that features classic catchphrases and fantastic one liners
I like Bruce Campbells "Jack and shit and Jack left town."
+johnnybgoode1950 Evil Dead 1 & 2, a library of stupid/witty/funny/cheesy/badass one liners! Tongue in cheek classix.
Why wasn't there any James Bond in any of this? Dude had some awesome one-liners especially after taking out some boss!
"You remember Sally,I promised to kill you last"
"Yes Matrix you did"
"I lied"
Demolition Man by John Spartian "You'll regret that for the rest of your life... both seconds of it!"
*Tosses severed arms*
Segal "nobody beats me in the kitchen". I cant remember the movie title, i just remember laughing and laughing.
Under Siege 2
Rambo III? Who are you? "You're worst nightmare."
Trautman: "What do we do?"
Rambo: "Well, surrounding them's out..."
Lady " we are married"
Arnold 🔫🔫"Consider that a divorce"
First you wanna kill me, now you wanna kiss me? Blow!!
"Did you ever want to be a farmer? Here's a couple of acres." *Kick in the nuts* Arnold Schwarzenegger - Last Action Hero
I understand this is not a hero's line but still, one of the funniest shit i've ever heard.
" Lets kick some...... ice. " - Arnold Schwarzenegger as Mr Freeze in Batman and Robin
McClane driving thru Central Park... Zeus asks "Are you aiming for these people?" and McClane says "No. Maybe that mime!"
"Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last?"
"That's right, Matrix! You did!"
"I lied."
I'm generally surprised none of the Terminator One-Liners were in this. I can't tell you the million times I've heard "I'll be back" in my life... (sigh)
There's plenty in other similar lists, don't worry...
I agree. While Arnie could provide his own top 20 one-liner list, "I'll be back" has become almost iconic and should be on the list.
"I'll be back" isn't anything close to hilarious, though.
Yeah, "Ill Be Back" from every Arnie gives it in should be #1.
What about "hasta la vista Baby " or " i'll be back" ?
Christian Rowbotham what about thats fucking stupid and shut the fuck up.
I thought "hasta la vista baby" was going to be number one 😯
David Rice Obviously number one rightfully belongs to "put that cookie down".
Christian Rowbotham Remember that this is HILARIOUS one-liners. "Hasta la vista baby" wasn't funny but it was definitely the best line Terminator 2.
Top 10 Hilarious Action HERO One-Liners
Bruce Campbell really needs his own Top 10. So many great ones.
This should be just Arnold
+deg1studios all 10 of them
+deg1studios I hope they leave enough room on that list for my fist!
Yeah, you could tell they wanted to sprinkle it around so it wouldn't all be Arnold but we all know that Arnold is the 1980 and 90's King of Action movie oneliners. He gets all 10. There's seriously like 5 in Predator alone.
Yes jest Arnold please he’s the best
Captain America: "We need a plan to attack!"
Iron Man: "I have a plan. Attack!"
that's technically not a one-liner
GamerStoner96 Hmm, true...
"Hulk smash"
stlchucko Not hilarious.
When Captain America said it?
I'm partial to the, "screw you!" Arnold delivered from Total Recall.
Total Recall: "Hahaha, you think this is the real Quaid? It is." & "See you at the party Richter."
"This is my boomstick! There are many like it, but this one is mine"
Whose motorcycle is this?
It's a chopper baby.
Whose chopper is this?
It's Zed's.
Who's Zed?
Zed's dead baby,
Zed's dead.
Pulp Fiction
Ragnar Who's Zed? Zed's dead...
That's two; said by two different people. It's not even a good phrase of dialogue.
+RENOVATIO seven-liners don't count
Clint Eastwood: "Go ahead, make my day".
Even after so many years, people who never saw the movie know this one-liner.
Running Man: "Here's Sub-Zero! Now, plain Zero" Gets me every time
I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick butt... And I'm all out of bubble gum.
Will Smith from Wild Wild West, when he fought a karate guy.
Karate guy: I learn that from a china man.
*Will knock him with a pipe*
Will: I made that up.
Hey, you preemptively stole my idea!
Three days before and 4 days later doesn't count , LOL.
UnrealAnimation3D Oooh, How convenient!!! I was just about to look for unreal engine tutorials.
Edit: Awww, not what I was looking for...
UnrealAnimation3D mE NO uHNDuhStand CoMp-reX Santa-AntS. You hELp Me uHnDuhStand!!
So much THIS!! XD
"Blood Bank" DEFINITELY deserves to be number 1! 😂😂
Seriously... Jamie Lee Curtis' line "I married Rambo" from True Lies should have been on this list. I mean damn, they referenced a Stallone movie in an Arnie flick, that's gotta count for something.
And how is "Yippie-Kai-Yay" not on here...? Or for that matter practically anything from the first Die Hard... "Come out to the coast, we'll get together, have a few laughs", "Now I know what a TV dinner feels like", etc.... C'mon WatchMojo, you're slippin'! lol.
Actually, "I'll be back" was also hilarious, so I guess that didn't use this one and "Yippie-Kai-Yay MF" because they already have the top spots on "biggest one liners".
Nicholas Scarpinato I do dig the TV dinner line.
Nicholas Scarpinato I think "Yippie-Kai-Yay" is considered a catchphrase since it's from multiple movies. Same with "I'll be back" and "martini, shaken, not stirred." This list seems to be going for single entries.
Normally not a big fan of one liners here but that bloodbank one at the end made me laugh though.
Yes, out loud.
Leto85 Im sorry.
Sean Morgan For what exactly? Seems like I've missed something here.
Though it isn't a action hero, TF2: Demoman "Oh, they'll have to glue you back together, IN HELL
Thank you so much for this comment!!
Peter Griffin's greatest one liners: "It's just been revoked!" and "I'll have what she's having!"
Chris: "Haha movie references."
"I'm a lead farmer motherfucker!"
Way better then the Steven Segal One,
lol yea .. a potato has more emotion than steven segal haha
christianmetalpwns yep.
Come on!
Arnold deserves his own video! He's the king.
All those feathers and he still couldn't fly
“I come in peace”.... “you go in pieces asshole”
Always loved that movie line.
"Remember Sully when I promised I would kill you last?
That's right you did!
I lied!"
::Drops Sully off of a cliff::
You could do a top 20 on Arnold himself.
Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun...
"I'm fire proof. Your not." - Hellboy
You didn't mention:
_"Hey, you wanna be a farmer? Here are a couple of achers"_
_"Iced that guy. Cone of Phrase"_
_"To be, or not to be? Not to be"_ EXPLOSION!
I'm sorry, but the most hillarious one-liner is in Blade:
"Some Motherfuckas are always tryin to ice skate uphill."
I mean...
Lol. Yeah That Was A Funny One.
Sit your 5 dollar ass down before I make change.
Thats not even Wesley's best One liner.
"Sit your $5 ass down before i make change." - New Jack City.
The harshest one liner, Always bet on black! - Passenger 57
Nah, I dunno about this list. But more hilarious scene of Commando of course is this one (Its not exactly one liner so..) : "Sully, Do you remember I told that I would kill you last? - Yes, You did you did! - I lied."
commando has the best lines ever... i have to say the "wrong" i funnier than the steam line
I have just learned SO MUCH from this video. It was VERY entertaining, thank you!
"You're fired." -Arnold S. in True Lies
there should be blu-ray DVD released only with arnie's one-liners
what about aliens "Game over man, game over!"
that wasnt hilarious
Lol yeah it was
Alex Rubin It's still hilarious.
Alex Rubin Yes it was.
"I'm a cop you idiot!!" Love when Arnold says that.
Only two one liners are from Arnold, and it doesn't do justice. His lines should stack overflow this list.
Exaclty why there's only two. Gotta be fair to others..
***** ya no what GET TO THE CHOPPAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oso Gantner I'm pretty sure they meant "After killl oneliners" here.
All of the one liners in Expendables
Fry n die!
Expendables 2 where everyone shoots that one guy left and Stalone says "rest in pieces" was just too perfect xD
arek scarr Oh hell yeah! That was the best
Hell yeah! But most of them come from the 80s movies they played in.
Kurt Russell's "Fuck you too!!!!" from 1982 The Thing was also epic
Dolph Lundgren in The Punisher. "Hey, have a nice day." Best one liner EVER
How is "I love the smell of napalm in the morning." NOT on this list?
War movie, not action movie...
You're an idiot, aren't you?
Apocalipse now is a war movie and Kilgore is not an action hero.
The title of this clip is "Top 10 Hilarious Action Hero One-Liners"
Should they have a "Top 10 Hilarious War Movie One-Liners" then they will surely put it in the list.
Also it wasn't a one liner
I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed, for 12 hours. When it was all over, I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory. Someday this war's gonna end...
War = Action.
I don't have to say anything else.
Even accepting that it's not a one liner.
Predator should have really had I don't have time to bleed
ahahaahah, true!
Dude, that one-liner was epic and serious business. Calling it hilarious is blasphemy!
Bleeding? Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
If it bleeds we can kill it.
Blade: "Some mother Fuckers always try to ice skate up hill"
"what's that on your face" *Ash starts shoveling dirt into his face*