I made wire for years. My hat is off to you. Not knowing the tempiture of your screw or head. I'm amazed you didn't blow the head off it. And how you maintian a constent O.D. is beyond me!
I'm a portuguese born and i Salute all Pakistani people who still work on factories like that cause even working on machines with almost 150 years old you people work faster than 95% of the Portuguese people (including all Portuguese Politicians). Since the year 1995 that Portuguese Internal Production (for Exportation) never went along 4 or 4,5% / year.
@@nurseryskunk0223 But do you think that THE TRUE PORTUGUESE people like myself, and not those who sold themselves to Spain (the so-called "Portuguese discoveries") that we CARE about any place in Índia ? Do you really think that Portugal's First King, D.Afonso Henriques, woulded be UNDER Spain influence just like these nowadays GARBAGE Portuguese Governments who are sold outs like wh*res to the European Union ? The TRUE Glory of Portugal's History died with Portugal's First King and as i use to say and i'm criticized by say that, Portugal died 800 years ago ! I wasn't even born and Portugal was ruled by wh*res , till now, who still think they are "very important"🤣
@@nurseryskunk0223 I was at high school and someday, on History class, the teacher told about Portugal and Spain being "united" by the same King, Philip I of Portugal and the II for Spain and i said "If the Portuguese kings such as João I and Manuel I were that smart just like D.Afonso Henriques was they never woulded an "aliance" to Spain". Due to that comment i was invited to leave the classroom with a "Red Card", almost like on a football match. 97% of the portuguese people always were COWARDS and that's the main reason Portugal is still the WORST country in Europe, otherwise neither Portugal woulded be N.A.T.O. or E.U. member. The difference between a cat and those 97% portuguese people is the cat attacks if it feels UNDER a threat and those 97% of people are Submissives and Masochists.
@@paulofranco7099 I didn't meant to disrespect sir, I know Portugese inventions and discoveries that is dire in our day to day lives. I've this pent up anger against Portugese because of st.Xavier who disrespected the native religion and desecrated many Hindu temples. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I take back my comments.
Yo no puedo creer la falta de elementos de protección,para realizar este tipo de trabajo,yo trabaje 15 años fabricando este producto,pero en mejores condiciones y sobretodo con la herramienta,y elementos de seguridad, conozco este trabajo,están trabajando en condiciones de alta riesgo,ojalá mejoren su forma de trabajar,felicitaciones,muchos éxitos.
Have to commend these workers in the conditions and with the equipment they produce products the rest of the world needs. There is no other way that most of these items could be produced in the states due to codes and regulations.
@@jackbarrie6007 ya what do you think is made in the states wire with plastic on it. Wire is wire nothing different about it only thing is in the states they pay some dumbass to say ya its wire coated in plastic
It's easy to be a snob in a country (I presume) where manual work like this is fully automated, and it's citizens have no idea how to make things manually, even things like basic foods. You also have to remember a lot of these countries are crippled by sanctions, etc, imposed by more developed countries because those countries do not want the less developed countries becoming developed.
@@tonyeezi7315 I don't think this have something with "snob" to do. It's a matter of fact, a machine can produce faster and cheaper. END OF STORY! No need to see more in it as it actually is.
@@tonyeezi7315 hahahaha, you are entirely wrong. Industry that is labor-intensive is moving offshore of developed countries and into the developing world benefiting everyone.
Temperature control? What is that? The current temperature? I don't know, I do it by feel. Quality control? Yes, a few years ago the boss took a look at the machines. I'm amazed every time how the most diverse things are made with the simplest of means.
thats what i thought about, too. its not a fry, its electric cable which can lead to fire or electro cutation when isolation is not that tough as it should be. do i see right, or at the end of the manual spooling when the worker stopped the coil, the isolation slided over the copper wire and got a bulging? the question is. better a house without an electric installation or better one with such cables?
Well temperature isn't that big of a problem. The kind of polymer they most likely used has a working delta of 50-70°C also visual quality control shouldn't be underrated. You can see it when a polymere is degrageting due to the change of colour.
Most places would have overhead chain hoists, temperature and pressure and flow gauges, insulation testers, and more quality control devices. Apparently good enough is good enough for them there.
Should your exactly right , but obviously not in that country . In European countries this place would be stopped from producing such poor quality product especially without the staff having zero safety apparel .
To be honest , PERSONALLY , I would not use such a very poorly made wire such as this most definitely not the insulated layer is of very poor quality .
Is there anyone out there who has the money to help give these men the proper modern equipment and tools they might need to make their job a little easier. I can’t believe they manage to work and produce the products on this worn out and old fashioned equipment. Respect to all those that work hard at this place. I bet they only get paid pennies as well.
لطفا"دین وپروردگارو پیامبرو جانشینش راعلمی به علم ابجد ریاضی قرآن باسه کلمه ثابت نمائید دین64الله محمدعلی64عترت رسول الله64جانشین محمدعلی 64اصل مذهب جهان شیعه 64مذهب حق اسلام شیعه64 اصل اسلام امامت شیعه64اصل دین اسلام41+23مهدی=64دین 64+64الله محمدعلی64+64 سردار دین مذهب اسلام=128 کلیددین128حسین اصل اسلام253در سردره مسجد النبی اسامی 12امام موجود میباشد اسامی12امام هم253اصل اسلام 253=علی حسن حسين علي محمدجعفرموسى علی محمدعلي حسن محمد=253اصل اسلام253 پیامبرفرمودجانشینان من12نفر میباشند 253 +132اسلام=385شیعه 385نام شیعه12باردرقرآن آمده وَ إِنَّ مِنْ شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْراهِيمَ إِذْجاءَ رَبَّهُ بقلب سلیم وقتی در قرآن آیه مباهله آیه اهل بیت وجود دارد چرا این وهابی ها ی جاهل بازبقرآن کفر میورزندو قرآن را مورد استحضاء قرار میدهند اینم آیه قرآن إنمايريدالله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا آیه شامل اهل بیت پیامبروآیه مباهله میباشد قرآن میفرمایدالأعراب اشد کفرا"ونفاقا عربهادر شدیدترین نقطه کفرونفاق قرار دارندکینه شتری عرب جاهلی بت پرست که همه پدران و برادرآنشان به دست با کفایت امام علی علیه السلام به درک اسفل سافلین سرنگون شدند ناحق ها دوسال نشده سرنگون میشوندقاتلان امام حسین دوسال نشده توسط مختاربه درک اسفل سافلین ابوبکردوسال خلافت نکرده ازدنیارفت وآرزوی خلافت را با خودبه گور بورداگر همه دانشمندان عرب و دنیا جمع شوند نمیتوانند یک مقاله به علم ابجد ریاضی قرآن بنویسند پیامبر فرمودعلم ابجدعلم ریاضی قرآن را یاد بگیرید که همه آن شگفتی میباشد وای بر عالم دانایی که علم ابجد نداند لااله الاالله45+58محمدرسول الله=103 محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین 103 دین64الله محمدعلی64+39حق ولایت=103 لااله الاالله45+58محمدرسول الله=103محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین103 دین الله34+69مذهب الله امام علی=103دین الله34+46نماینده الله=80+23مهدی=103 إنما يريدالله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت و يطهركم تطهيرا دین64الله محمدعلی64جانشین محمدعلی64افضل خلفاء دین64+64الله محمدعلی=128 کلیددین128حسین128 کتاب الله و عترتی75+53علی فاطمه=128 دین الله34+18الله+20محمد+ 26علی=98+30حق الله=128 اصل اسلام محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین128حاکم جهان128 کلیددین128حسین128 عاشق رسول الله خیلی از اهل سنت عاشق رسول الله ودشمن اهل بیتش میباشندپیامبر فرمود دوچیزرا نزدشما به یادگار میگذارم یکی(کتاب الله و عترتی) 75+103لااله الاالله محمدرسول الله103محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین103+75کتاب الله وعترتی =178 ولایت محمدرسول الله85+93 ولایت علی ولی الله=178+117 مذهب الله=295نام مقدس295 +90اصل امامت علی ابن ابی طالب=385شیعه اگر دین حاکمان کامل شود 155دین کامل155+196دین اسلام=351قرآن اجازه برادرکشی نمیدهد نقشه راه الله43+45قانون اساسی الله=88اول مذهب88اول دین101+88اول مذهب=189 اول دین اول مذهب189+196 دین اسلام=385شیعه وقتی در قرآن آیه مباهله آیه اهل بیت وجود دارد چرا این وهابی ها ی جاهل چرا بقرآن کفر میورزندو قرآن را مورد استحضاء قرارمیدهند اینم آیه قرآن إنمايريدالله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا آیه شامل اهل بیت پیامبر و آیه مباهله میباشد به ذات الله در زمان رسول الله قوم فاسق و فاسد بت پرست مثل وهابی هاطالبان با نامردی تمام قصب خلافت نمود والله از بت پرستان چه انتظاری داریدقرآن میفرماید الاعراب اشد کفرا"و نفاقا کینه شتری عرب جاهلی بت پرست که همه پدران وبرادرانشان به دست با کفایت امام علی به درک اسفل سافلین سرنگون شدند امام دین خود را تنها گذاشتند هر قومی که امام خود را تنها رها کند وامام زمان خود را نشناسد گرفتارهمه بلاها زمین لرزه برف یخ و تگرگ جنگ خواهد شدناحق ها دوسال نشده سرنگون میشوند قاتلان امام حسین دو سال نشده توسط مختار به درک اسفل سافلین ابوبکردوسال خلافت نکرده ازدنیارفت وآرزوی خلافت را با خودبه گور بورد باریدن تگرگ برف و زلزله دروسط تابستان درقوم شیطان22عمر22ابابکر22عمر22شیطان22مقصر22منکر22خریت22بدبختی22شیطان22دشمن اسلام22عمر22ابابکر22منکر22 مقصر22 لعنت22 با دشمنی با59امام دین مذهب الله59مغزدین مذهب الله59من القرآن العظیم59اصل دین اسلام41+18الله=59مهدی59 این آیه قرآن59حروف دارد مهدی59ونریدان من علی الذین استضعفوا فی الارض ونجعلهم ائمه ونجعلهم الوارثین59مهدی 59من القرآن العظیم59مهدی59 اصل دین مذهب الله59اصل دین اسلام41+18الله=59مهدی59 مذهب الله33+34دین الله=67 +25اصل اسلام،شیعه=92 محمد92+18الله=110ولی دین110علی110دین الهی 110یمین110سوره مدثرآیه38-39کل نفسن بما کسب رهینه الااصحاب الیمین روز قیامت همه گرفتارنامه اعمالشان هستند الااصحاب110مذهب مهدی110 اصل دین مذهب الله62+66الله= 128کلیددین128حسین128 اصل دین اسلام41+18الله=59 مهدی59 نام شیعه بقرآن12کلمه امام 12الله قرآن شیعه12الله محمد شیعه12نام شیعه بقرآن12 بارآمده یاسین آیه12وکل شیی احصیناه في امام مبین امام به امرخداوندبه تمام علوم عالم مسلط است وازجانب الله انتخاب میشود پیامبرفرمودفقط یکفرقه اهل نجات است به ابجدفرقه25 شیعه25اصل اسلام25کعبه25آل الله25شیعه25اصل اسلام25با آل قرآن25 آل الله25ارباب جهان 25شاه مردان25شجره آدم25نام آدم هم25باردرقرآن آمده آدم باش و حق رابپذیر25اصل حق25اصل اسلام25شیعه25با آل قرآن25 ارباب جهان25زنده باد25بسیجی 25دلاور25شیعه25دین آدم25 نام آدم هم25باردرقرآن آمده آدم باش و حق رابپذیر25اصل حق25اصل اسلام25شیعه25شیعه لااله الاالله45+58محمدرسول الله=103محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین103+66الله=169یاالله محمد169یاعلی مدد169لااله الا الله45+58محمدرسول الله علی ولی الله=169+14معصوم=183 مذهب اسلام183+202محمد علی=385شیعه لااله الاالله45+72اشهدان محمدا" رسول الله79اشهدان علی ولی الله=196دین اسلام196 کلیداسلام196مومنین196 علی110+92محمد+132اسلام=334+51مذهب=385شیعه اشهدان لااله الاالله58+59 محمدا"رسول الله+66علی ولی الله=183مذهب اسلام183+202 محمدعلی=385شیعه اشهدان لااله الاالله58+59مهدی =117مذهب الله117+268الله محمدعلی=385شیعه لااله الاالله45+58محمدرسول الله =103محمد علی فاطمه حسنحسین103+66الله=169+14 معصوم=183مذهب اسلام183 +202محمدعلی=385شیعه لااله الاالله45محمدرسول الله58 علی ولی الله66=169یاالله محمد 169یاعلی مدد169+84الله= 253 اصل اسلام253علی حسن حسين علي محمدجعفرموسى علی محمد علي حسن محمد=253اصل اسلام 253+132اسلام=385شیعه اصل اسلام253+132اسلام،حکم دین=شیعه نقشه راه الله43+45قانون اساسی الله=88اول مذهب88اول دین101+88اول مذهب=189 اول دین اول مذهب189+196 دین اسلام=385شیعه
Nice job. I hope that you get well paid for all that work. Very few people on the planet manage to do that 👍
تحياتي اخي الكريم من قناة ta3aloumsat
Wonder full 😄😄 dachu dheeru youtub channel
I made wire for years. My hat is off to you. Not knowing the tempiture of your screw or head. I'm amazed you didn't blow the head off it. And how you maintian a constent O.D. is beyond me!
Old fashioned craftsmanship is always should be appreciated 🙌🏼🔥❤️
❤️ From Chittagong Bangladesh 🇧🇩
Amazing skill
Fascinating, thanks for sharing
Greatest Electrical cable manufacturing in Pakistan
I'm a portuguese born
and i Salute all Pakistani people who still work on factories like that cause even working on machines with almost 150 years old you people work faster than 95% of the Portuguese people (including all Portuguese Politicians).
Since the year 1995 that Portuguese Internal Production (for Exportation) never went along 4 or 4,5% / year.
Haha ofc you guys can't bounce back cuz you lost Goa to us 😛😛😛
But do you think that THE TRUE PORTUGUESE people like myself, and not those who sold themselves to Spain (the so-called "Portuguese discoveries") that we CARE about any place in Índia ?
Do you really think that Portugal's First King, D.Afonso Henriques, woulded be UNDER Spain influence just like these nowadays GARBAGE Portuguese Governments who are sold outs like wh*res to the European Union ?
The TRUE Glory of Portugal's History died with Portugal's First King and as i use to say and i'm criticized by say that, Portugal died 800 years ago !
I wasn't even born and Portugal was ruled by wh*res , till now, who still think they are "very important"🤣
I was at high school and someday, on History class, the teacher told about Portugal and Spain being "united" by the same King, Philip I of Portugal and the II for Spain and i said "If the Portuguese kings such as João I and Manuel I were that smart just like D.Afonso Henriques was they never woulded an "aliance" to Spain".
Due to that comment i was invited to leave the classroom with a "Red Card", almost like on a football match.
97% of the portuguese people always were COWARDS and that's the main reason Portugal is still the WORST country in Europe, otherwise neither Portugal woulded be N.A.T.O. or E.U. member.
The difference between a cat and those 97% portuguese people is the cat attacks if it feels UNDER a threat and those 97% of people are Submissives and Masochists.
@@paulofranco7099 I didn't meant to disrespect sir, I know Portugese inventions and discoveries that is dire in our day to day lives. I've this pent up anger against Portugese because of st.Xavier who disrespected the native religion and desecrated many Hindu temples. I'm sorry if I hurt you. I take back my comments.
Very traditional cable manufacturing..🙂
wow, nice video
I know a really good optician if you need one .
I like that hand towel to stop the plastic extrusion machine from burning his hands
Cumanız mübarek olsun
Yo no puedo creer la falta de elementos de protección,para realizar este tipo de trabajo,yo trabaje 15 años fabricando este producto,pero en mejores condiciones y sobretodo con la herramienta,y elementos de seguridad, conozco este trabajo,están trabajando en condiciones de alta riesgo,ojalá mejoren su forma de trabajar,felicitaciones,muchos éxitos.
Que es lo primero que hacen cuando meten el pvc a un tambor?
Great 👍👍👍👍 Pakistan
Жилы не скручены, толщина изоляции будет разная скорее всего.
Fake engineer what did you do yourself other than complaining?
Wow, My best friend, Wonderful video dear. I enjoyed watching. Hope to see you soon...
Supar Bhai very nice work 👍
باكستاني مافي خوف من دنيا 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Trabalhei em uma indústria a mais de 40anos onde fazia esse mesmo serviço e era mais desenvolvida que os indianos, como era a 40anos atrás para eles.
Anh quay video đưa lên cho mọi người cùng xem cho vui ?
Well it's a Pakistani factory.
First time to see these FROM BONGLOVERS CHANNEL yt
Great job 👍😊👍
Good job 💝💝💝
Very good
Well done. Shabash
ভাই ধন্যবাদ
Bây giờ tôi mới thấy *kỹ thuật làm giây điện hay quá luôn (ok) ***
Bhai jaan upar konsi pvc h ?...
Fantastic job, great workers.
Masaallah Kardaslar....
Jazak Allah khair
Amazing work bro
Have to commend these workers in the conditions and with the equipment they produce products the rest of the world needs. There is no other way that most of these items could be produced in the states due to codes and regulations.
At least we know that it has a rating of quality In the states just wire coated in plastic is what they are making quality rating o_ they don't check
@@jackbarrie6007 ya what do you think is made in the states wire with plastic on it. Wire is wire nothing different about it only thing is in the states they pay some dumbass to say ya its wire coated in plastic
@@jackbarrie6007 qqqqq
। ।
May God bless them🙏🏻
But above all, may God protect them.
Sir hmare pas PVC natural crush munasib rate pr dastyab h
Si me ponen a hacer ese trabajo hago un desastre!!
Kira panjang ke Kira kilo selalu dijual Dalam pasaran gayezzzz 🤔 good job good luck and good life but safety first 👍☺️🥳😍
2:10 This is me the morning after I eat a Maraschino-Cherry pie!
Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up for support
Very cool, thank you.
Contact number
kon sa city
Nothing is changed only the worker's.. since frm the British rule age the machine or technology is same as 200yrs ago....
But why something need to be changed?
@@greenhat7742 What a stupid question, sir.
@@cenecuc answer it if u know if not stay silent
Dealership available hai kya
bhaiya ap kaha ye compani lagaye h
Nice yar
Very useful information
Untwisted wire will not carry the same voltage as twisted wire.
Don't you mean current?
What is the first thing they do to PVC when they attach it to a drum?😊
چگونه میشود با شما در مورد خرید سیم تجارت و معامله کرد؟
So much of dedication weldone gys God bless
This is some pretty high end wire. How
اجمل لايكك👍👍👍
Good 😊
Wow, I had no idea there was so much manual labour involved! I would have thought the whole process would be highly mechanized and automated by now.
Here in America they are. well at least way beyond what we see here.
ehm, you didn't cach up the title, do you? It called how elektric wire are manufactured not how elektric wire are produced in industry settings.
It's easy to be a snob in a country (I presume) where manual work like this is fully automated, and it's citizens have no idea how to make things manually, even things like basic foods. You also have to remember a lot of these countries are crippled by sanctions, etc, imposed by more developed countries because those countries do not want the less developed countries becoming developed.
@@tonyeezi7315 I don't think this have something with "snob" to do. It's a matter of fact, a machine can produce faster and cheaper. END OF STORY!
No need to see more in it as it actually is.
@@tonyeezi7315 hahahaha, you are entirely wrong. Industry that is labor-intensive is moving offshore of developed countries and into the developing world benefiting everyone.
Great Talent 👍 👌
Удивительное производство проводов для космических шатлов !
very nice im happy make everything in pakestan factory all machine is very old but everyone have experience .
Temperature control? What is that? The current temperature? I don't know, I do it by feel.
Quality control? Yes, a few years ago the boss took a look at the machines.
I'm amazed every time how the most diverse things are made with the simplest of means.
thats what i thought about, too. its not a fry, its electric cable which can lead to fire or electro cutation when isolation is not that tough as it should be. do i see right, or at the end of the manual spooling when the worker stopped the coil, the isolation slided over the copper wire and got a bulging? the question is. better a house without an electric installation or better one with such cables?
Well temperature isn't that big of a problem. The kind of polymer they most likely used has a working delta of 50-70°C also visual quality control shouldn't be underrated. You can see it when a polymere is degrageting due to the change of colour.
This factory is very handmade
Bạn làm rất tốt thật tuyệt vời
Most places would have overhead chain hoists, temperature and pressure and flow gauges, insulation testers, and more quality control devices. Apparently good enough is good enough for them there.
Sir yeh factory Kaha hai
Which place this ji
They are still using so much old machines while there are so many automatic ones are available
Hay Maşaallah.
A machine kaha milaga. Price k...?
Vav Pakistan automatic jamaneme kahnhai aap please aapdete karo please
When the industry struggles with Max hours power cuts one can imagine how to implement modernization when the income is meager.
Here I got to know that Pakistanis are very talented 👌
This channel is monitiez or not?
Ų mi ki mo mo. 😅😅😅
Workers need to wear personal protective equipment
Yes of course. But have you seen the environment and the machinery?
@@gattosilvestro9740 not really, but from the little I watch in the video, workers had no PPEs.
Should your exactly right , but obviously not in that country . In European countries this place would be stopped from producing such poor quality product especially without the staff having zero safety apparel .
Медяха ууу круто!
Kis jaga par ya faktree
thank you so much
I love these savety shoes
Please hw do I get this machine?
Ye video kaha ki ha
Hello 👋 Bhai ap kdr sey hain ap ka contact wegra koe
thx for video
What country is this from?
How to do business with you regarding the purchase of wire
To be honest , PERSONALLY , I would not use such a very poorly made wire such as this most definitely not the insulated layer is of very poor quality .
O difícil é acreditar que tem trabalho ainda em escravidão sem paramentos de segurança nem um e difícil viu
Молодцы ПАКИСТАН 🇵🇰🇵🇰
Bhai koi address hai factory ka ..Delhi mai ya bahar kahi
Task 14 done
Halo sir Khan par hai aapki cup/ p /
amazing bro how much 1 roal
Wair name
How can I contact you?
Salute 👌
Yaar meine b apby kam ki video bnwani hy
How to contact quickly you?
Is there anyone out there who has the money to help give these men the proper modern equipment and tools they might need to make their job a little easier. I can’t believe they manage to work and produce the products on this worn out and old fashioned equipment. Respect to all those that work hard at this place. I bet they only get paid pennies as well.
It's their Indian bosses who don't give them the right tools and safe footwear (and much more).
لطفا"دین وپروردگارو پیامبرو جانشینش راعلمی به علم ابجد ریاضی قرآن باسه کلمه ثابت نمائید
دین64الله محمدعلی64عترت رسول الله64جانشین محمدعلی 64اصل مذهب جهان شیعه 64مذهب حق اسلام شیعه64 اصل اسلام امامت شیعه64اصل دین اسلام41+23مهدی=64دین 64+64الله محمدعلی64+64
سردار دین مذهب اسلام=128 کلیددین128حسین
اصل اسلام253در سردره مسجد النبی اسامی 12امام موجود میباشد
اسامی12امام هم253اصل اسلام 253=علی حسن حسين علي محمدجعفرموسى علی محمدعلي حسن محمد=253اصل اسلام253
پیامبرفرمودجانشینان من12نفر میباشند
253 +132اسلام=385شیعه 385نام شیعه12باردرقرآن آمده وَ إِنَّ مِنْ شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْراهِيمَ إِذْجاءَ رَبَّهُ بقلب سلیم
وقتی در قرآن آیه مباهله آیه اهل بیت وجود دارد چرا این وهابی ها ی جاهل بازبقرآن کفر میورزندو قرآن را مورد استحضاء قرار میدهند اینم آیه قرآن إنمايريدالله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا آیه شامل اهل بیت پیامبروآیه مباهله میباشد
قرآن میفرمایدالأعراب اشد کفرا"ونفاقا عربهادر شدیدترین نقطه کفرونفاق قرار دارندکینه شتری عرب جاهلی بت پرست که همه پدران و برادرآنشان به دست با کفایت امام علی علیه السلام به درک اسفل سافلین سرنگون شدند ناحق ها دوسال نشده سرنگون میشوندقاتلان امام حسین دوسال نشده توسط مختاربه درک اسفل سافلین ابوبکردوسال خلافت نکرده ازدنیارفت وآرزوی خلافت را با خودبه گور بورداگر همه دانشمندان عرب و دنیا جمع شوند نمیتوانند یک مقاله به علم ابجد ریاضی قرآن بنویسند پیامبر فرمودعلم ابجدعلم ریاضی قرآن را یاد بگیرید که همه آن شگفتی میباشد وای بر عالم دانایی که علم ابجد نداند
لااله الاالله45+58محمدرسول الله=103
محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین 103
دین64الله محمدعلی64+39حق ولایت=103
لااله الاالله45+58محمدرسول الله=103محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین103
دین الله34+69مذهب الله امام علی=103دین الله34+46نماینده الله=80+23مهدی=103
إنما يريدالله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت و يطهركم تطهيرا
دین64الله محمدعلی64جانشین محمدعلی64افضل خلفاء دین64+64الله محمدعلی=128 کلیددین128حسین128
کتاب الله و عترتی75+53علی فاطمه=128
دین الله34+18الله+20محمد+ 26علی=98+30حق الله=128 اصل اسلام محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین128حاکم جهان128 کلیددین128حسین128
عاشق رسول الله خیلی از اهل سنت عاشق رسول الله ودشمن اهل بیتش میباشندپیامبر فرمود دوچیزرا نزدشما به یادگار میگذارم یکی(کتاب الله و عترتی) 75+103لااله الاالله محمدرسول الله103محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین103+75کتاب الله وعترتی =178
ولایت محمدرسول الله85+93 ولایت علی ولی الله=178+117 مذهب الله=295نام مقدس295 +90اصل امامت علی ابن ابی طالب=385شیعه
اگر دین حاکمان کامل شود
155دین کامل155+196دین اسلام=351قرآن اجازه برادرکشی نمیدهد
نقشه راه الله43+45قانون اساسی الله=88اول مذهب88اول دین101+88اول مذهب=189 اول دین اول مذهب189+196 دین اسلام=385شیعه
وقتی در قرآن آیه مباهله آیه اهل بیت وجود دارد چرا این وهابی ها ی جاهل چرا بقرآن کفر میورزندو قرآن را مورد استحضاء قرارمیدهند اینم آیه قرآن إنمايريدالله ليذهب عنكم الرجس أهل البيت ويطهركم تطهيرا آیه شامل اهل بیت پیامبر و آیه مباهله میباشد
به ذات الله در زمان رسول الله قوم فاسق و فاسد بت پرست مثل وهابی هاطالبان با نامردی تمام قصب خلافت نمود والله از بت پرستان چه انتظاری داریدقرآن میفرماید الاعراب اشد کفرا"و نفاقا کینه شتری عرب جاهلی بت پرست که همه پدران وبرادرانشان به دست با کفایت امام علی به درک اسفل سافلین سرنگون شدند امام دین خود را تنها گذاشتند هر قومی که امام خود را تنها رها کند وامام زمان خود را نشناسد گرفتارهمه بلاها زمین لرزه برف یخ و تگرگ جنگ خواهد شدناحق ها دوسال نشده سرنگون میشوند قاتلان امام حسین دو سال نشده توسط مختار به درک اسفل سافلین ابوبکردوسال خلافت نکرده ازدنیارفت وآرزوی خلافت را با خودبه گور بورد باریدن تگرگ برف و زلزله دروسط تابستان درقوم شیطان22عمر22ابابکر22عمر22شیطان22مقصر22منکر22خریت22بدبختی22شیطان22دشمن اسلام22عمر22ابابکر22منکر22
مقصر22 لعنت22
با دشمنی با59امام دین مذهب الله59مغزدین مذهب الله59من القرآن العظیم59اصل دین اسلام41+18الله=59مهدی59 این آیه قرآن59حروف دارد مهدی59ونریدان من علی الذین استضعفوا فی الارض ونجعلهم ائمه ونجعلهم الوارثین59مهدی
59من القرآن العظیم59مهدی59
اصل دین مذهب الله59اصل دین اسلام41+18الله=59مهدی59
مذهب الله33+34دین الله=67 +25اصل اسلام،شیعه=92 محمد92+18الله=110ولی دین110علی110دین الهی 110یمین110سوره مدثرآیه38-39کل نفسن بما کسب رهینه الااصحاب الیمین روز قیامت همه گرفتارنامه اعمالشان هستند الااصحاب110مذهب مهدی110
اصل دین مذهب الله62+66الله= 128کلیددین128حسین128
اصل دین اسلام41+18الله=59 مهدی59
نام شیعه بقرآن12کلمه امام 12الله قرآن شیعه12الله محمد شیعه12نام شیعه بقرآن12 بارآمده یاسین آیه12وکل شیی احصیناه في امام مبین امام به امرخداوندبه تمام علوم عالم مسلط است وازجانب الله انتخاب میشود پیامبرفرمودفقط یکفرقه اهل نجات است به ابجدفرقه25 شیعه25اصل اسلام25کعبه25آل الله25شیعه25اصل اسلام25با آل قرآن25 آل الله25ارباب جهان 25شاه مردان25شجره آدم25نام آدم هم25باردرقرآن آمده آدم باش و حق رابپذیر25اصل حق25اصل اسلام25شیعه25با آل قرآن25 ارباب جهان25زنده باد25بسیجی 25دلاور25شیعه25دین آدم25 نام آدم هم25باردرقرآن آمده آدم باش و حق رابپذیر25اصل حق25اصل اسلام25شیعه25شیعه
لااله الاالله45+58محمدرسول الله=103محمدعلی فاطمه حسن حسین103+66الله=169یاالله محمد169یاعلی مدد169لااله الا الله45+58محمدرسول الله علی ولی الله=169+14معصوم=183 مذهب اسلام183+202محمد علی=385شیعه
لااله الاالله45+72اشهدان محمدا" رسول الله79اشهدان علی ولی الله=196دین اسلام196 کلیداسلام196مومنین196 علی110+92محمد+132اسلام=334+51مذهب=385شیعه
اشهدان لااله الاالله58+59 محمدا"رسول الله+66علی ولی الله=183مذهب اسلام183+202 محمدعلی=385شیعه
اشهدان لااله الاالله58+59مهدی =117مذهب الله117+268الله محمدعلی=385شیعه
لااله الاالله45+58محمدرسول الله =103محمد علی فاطمه حسنحسین103+66الله=169+14 معصوم=183مذهب اسلام183 +202محمدعلی=385شیعه
لااله الاالله45محمدرسول الله58 علی ولی الله66=169یاالله محمد 169یاعلی مدد169+84الله= 253
اصل اسلام253علی حسن حسين علي محمدجعفرموسى علی محمد علي حسن محمد=253اصل اسلام 253+132اسلام=385شیعه
اصل اسلام253+132اسلام،حکم دین=شیعه
نقشه راه الله43+45قانون اساسی الله=88اول مذهب88اول دین101+88اول مذهب=189 اول دین اول مذهب189+196 دین اسلام=385شیعه
MashaAllah 🌹🌹🌹