D&D Players, What was a moment so stupid it still hurts to think about? 🅿️2

  • Опубліковано 25 жов 2024


  • @francescogiacovelli8468
    @francescogiacovelli8468 4 місяці тому +22

    Recently my party had to go through a narrow mountain pass and their wagon got stuck cause it was too big.
    When one of my players said that he would like to cast enlarge/reduce (he meant to make the wagon smaller, if that wasn't obvious), another player who also knew enlarge/reduce wanted to show off and basically tried to copy him, stealing his idea... unfortunately he had no clue on what the other guy meant to do, cause he casted that on himself to become bigger, which was completely useless in that situation.
    As a DM I openly said to him "bro you just stole somebody's else right idea and still managed to somehow do it wrong" 😑

  • @pspspspspsps5326
    @pspspspspsps5326 4 місяці тому +25

    4:56 the tabaxi having no money is so in character for a Tabaxi

    • @Starfloofle
      @Starfloofle 4 місяці тому +9

      I like how the fucking cat was the only one with any sense to speak of in that group

  • @mischake
    @mischake 4 місяці тому +21

    I... had a goof the other day. Big time goof.
    So the king has send me and my party to investigate a crime spree happening in a town a couple of days from the capital. We travel there, get to the town, settle in, and next day we spread out to collect the talk about town. Well, there was a muder st the docks. So I head to the docks. I go to talk to guards, they ask me why i want to know about the murder, i tell em I'm investigating, he asks me "on who's authority?" I tell em "on the king's" and afterward i return to the party, tell em what i found out, one of em asks "and the guard just told you all that?"
    "Yeah no problem, told em we're here on the king's authority" and the guy rubs his temples. I am confused. Until he says "did you forget that we're supposed to be undercover?"
    Yes. Yes i did. 😂

  • @vesuviusartorias7784
    @vesuviusartorias7784 4 місяці тому +8

    The stupidest and smartest thing a rogue in my campaign did was sneak away from the group: during a time loop story where the village was trapped in the loop, and the party was coming in to save the village by stopping the loop.
    The party finally met the admiral of the local military and he tasked them with slaying a group of demons that was blocking an escape tunnel that would help the villagers avoid death during this loop. Well, after they departed, the rogue went invisible and returned to the admirals quarters to rummage through his stuff, and found sensitive documents painting the admiral as a doppelganger.
    He then proceeded to locate the admiral and pull off a nat 20 crit on him while he was surrounded by guards. Killing the admiral dispelled the time loop, but left him alone in a room full of demons who were disguised as guards. He did not survive, but the village WAS saved from the curse.
    The rest of the party had no idea what happened because once he ended the loop the area around them "caught up" with the present and everything decayed since the loop had been going for so long before the party ever came across it (it was kind of a local phenomenon that they investigated)
    All they recovered was his cloak that had aged several hundred years along with the rest of the village; a magic item memento of that character left to the party.

    • @AncientRylanor69
      @AncientRylanor69 20 днів тому +1

      His stupidity saved them all LOL!
      P.S. did the villagers survive?

  • @MitchT97
    @MitchT97 4 місяці тому +7

    Had a player join our CoS campaign about half way through. His first session his warlock joined us and in a temple we were exploring. The dm did a great job incorporating him overall story wise. Then the guy decided immediately he was invincible and grabbed the first magic item he saw, cursed. He challenged everything he saw, uneeded unprepared for combats for the party. finally he tried to, while alone, cast crown of thorns on a lich when he’d gone a few rooms ahead. The dm seeing the patterns immediately had the much power word kill him and, once we helped the lich with a quick task, he was brought back to life. It then only took him about three sessions to see my bladesinger and decide that’s the play style he wanted. His continued “boldness” and need to rework his character to try to copy and ‘improve’ upon mine using incorrect wordings and stretching the rules past all limit had me cringing many a time until the end of that campaign.

  • @Rathmun
    @Rathmun 4 місяці тому +8

    10:00 Having flashbacks to a school group I was in. Eight players, and between us we took half an hour per round. Seven for the rest of us, and then more than twenty damned minutes for Chucklenuts the Colon Clog. I can't even call him mentally deficient, because that would be an insult to those who _actually are._ He never wrote down what a single feat did, had feats from six different books, and had to look them all up again *EVERY TURN.* But of course he didn't have any of those books himself, so he couldn't just have bookmarks because he had to borrow them from the actual owners every round TOO. (And no, nobody trusted him with their books for longer than thirty seconds after he broke the second hardcover spine)
    Due to the rules of being a school club we couldn't just kick him out, but eventually the GM went ahead and implemented a new rule that was aimed squarely at Mr. Colon Clog. "When your turn starts, you have ten seconds to declare your action or you lose your turn. After that, you have two minutes to review rules, or you lose your turn." Of course, everyone else was already under those limits, so nothing changed for them.
    The living colon obstruction left the game after going six sessions without getting to take a single action. Everyone cheered.

  • @CzarBomba827
    @CzarBomba827 4 місяці тому +21

    My character held onto a quiver of special arrows despite there being a ranger in the party. It somehow never occurred to me that day that I was in fact, not the only person using ranged weapons. Not to mention my weapon was a crossbow, so the arrows wouldn’t even work for it.

    • @VidelxSpopovich
      @VidelxSpopovich 4 місяці тому

      I had this happen to me once. Our group’s wizard took some Gauntlets Of Ogre strength knowing full well they were useless to them, but would have worked perfectly with my monk who they had more magical items than anyways.

  • @VRvampire
    @VRvampire 4 місяці тому +35

    Ok, so they'd killed the leader of the yuan-ti temple and grabbed the ancient artifact that has the ability to dispell any undead within a certain radius, which was gifted to the village that they were trying to save by a God after a couple villagers helped him out a few 100 years ago "what would you like to do?" (Paladin): "I want to swallow it"

    • @someaccount5200
      @someaccount5200 4 місяці тому

      That feels like it could potentially break an oath if it was a gift from a God

    • @jonathanmarks3112
      @jonathanmarks3112 4 місяці тому

      Was the Paladin Undead?

    • @GinaRanChaosdiver
      @GinaRanChaosdiver 4 місяці тому +5

      that just dealt 3d6 psychic damage to me in real life

  • @OscarWildeBoi
    @OscarWildeBoi 4 місяці тому +6

    When my paladin jumped down a well in heavy armour because for some reason I was convinced it would be a portal to a different plane because of the way the DM described it. Right when I jumped down bad guys ran into the courtyard and I spent the entire combat encounter trying not to drown. Like a fucking moron.

  • @lexsamreeth8724
    @lexsamreeth8724 4 місяці тому +25

    TPK-inducing stupidity in my group is known as "punching the dragon". Our first GM had a tale of an encounter where the group was trying to retrieve a MacGuffin, and encountered an adult black dragon, fast asleep. The group's monk examines the layout of the room, and deduces that the party can easily get through by just not engaging him, as the dragon's horde is a small one that doesn't block the path. They're all sneaking along, except for the fighter.
    Fighter: "I punch the dragon!"
    After being asked if he was sure, the punch goes through, and the dragon wakes up, with predictable consequences. When all of the other players angrily ask him why he did that as the campaign ends with a TPK, the player said the classic munchkin line.
    "I wanted the XP!"

    • @anonomusperson
      @anonomusperson 2 місяці тому +3

      good lord... WHY NOT PLAN WITH THE PARTY!?!?!

  • @cylarith3542
    @cylarith3542 4 місяці тому +6

    I once had a player playing a male Dragonborn Bard walk up to the Guard Captain, who was leading an investigation into a murder and claim to be her.
    The party was supposed to assist the guards in solving the crime and were provided identification to give to the guards at the scene, but this genius thought he had a better way inside.
    He walks up to the Guard Captain, demands she step aside, and the when asked who he was answers with "How dare you question me? I am your commander, the Captain of this town guard, now step aside and let me in or I'll fire you on the spot."
    He then proceeds to roll a d20, says that he got a 26 for deception and couldn't figure out why I told him that his deception roll automatically failed.
    The player then stormed off in a rage claiming "my other DM would allow it."
    I don't know much about any other game the player might have been in, but I doubt many DM's would let a player get away with claiming to be the NPC their character is literally talking to.

  • @AJVulpes
    @AJVulpes 4 місяці тому +6

    Here's one for ya. I introduced some people at college to DnD 3.5 and invited them to join in a game I was in. One player makes a monk.
    We had just exited a tavern due to gang violence in the area and while we were in an alleyway, the two rival gangs had appeared at one end and began brawling. Monk player sees this and as a level one character attempts to stop the brawl by getting between the gangs and pleading with them to not fight. Her character is ignored by the gangs and subsequently gets stabbed nearly dropping her to 0 HP. Forgiving the stupidity of that as main character syndrome, why would anyone, especially gangs stop fighting because of one nobody's plea? doesn't work in reality, certainly wouldn't have worked there.
    Same player in another game decided to pursue sexually they obvious villain of of the arc. When they decided to meet said villain one on one, in the middle of the night, at a pier no one around, I and another player were berated for cock blocking her character due to being in the area investigating the villain. Crazy shit.

  • @TigerKirby215
    @TigerKirby215 4 місяці тому +5

    My party just did this:
    They're in a secret underground facility and have opted for the stealth route. For the most part they have done a good job using illusion / charming spells to discretely take out a few guards. Then they come across a room that's a little crowded but essentially pointless.
    The Druid decides in his infinite wisdom that this room needs a little more firepower to clear. What does he decide? Conjure Animals, summoning two Dire Wolves into the room.
    Yeah so the room was occupied by a bunch of CR 0 commoners and like one creature of midway decent CR. But it turns out sacking two giant wolves on a room full of people tends to cause a commotion, so we ended the session with the alarm going off. Now we're doing a Loud run, I guess.

  • @eesedesesesrdtsuperjoshuab7907
    @eesedesesesrdtsuperjoshuab7907 4 місяці тому +4

    I cannot count how many times my party attempts a “human totem pole” (everyone gets on each others shoulders to make a tower) to solve a problem and are surprised when it doesn’t work and are More surprised when they take fall damage from falling up to 20ft off the totem pole

  • @lordbiscuitthetossable5352
    @lordbiscuitthetossable5352 4 місяці тому +2

    I had a player once turn a plot critical Kyber Crystal (star wars) into concaine. I shit you not, they ground it up and snorted it so now that entire epic quest line is closed off from us, all because I said "we can't do this right now, we need to intercept this super weapon now." It summoned space wierds and wiped out a quarter of the fleet.... I was the only one who was completely irritated and it was probably the straw that broke the camel’s back.
    As the general I was forced to court marshal that character, and I think at that point made me *really* want to move onto something else that didn't involve the clone wars.

  • @SolaceHuntsman
    @SolaceHuntsman 4 місяці тому +4

    My players found hundreds of phase spider eggs. Their first thought was “let’s go sell these and make some money”
    Bear in mind… phase spider eggs… so they were the size of baseballs.
    They decide to try to sell these eggs at a local pet adoption shelter. The clerk lady was kind and sweet… until the eggs were pulled out of the bag of holding and she screamed in complete horror. The party left, and went to a weird curio shop to pawn them off, to which that merchant started foaming at the mouth and offered 1,000 klava (in game currency).
    A few weeks of in game time later, the merchant is revealed to be a time wizard that sped up the eggs incubation period, and hatched the spiders to adulthood, which imprinted on him, so he could take over the whole city.
    My players did not think twice about selling the eggs, up until after they had to fight a time wizard with an army of phase spiders.
    Was it a stupid moment to sell the eggs? Yes. Does it hurt to think about? No, but it’s fun to share. Did my players have fun? Yes, yes they did.

  • @DrewMolina
    @DrewMolina 4 місяці тому +1

    I joined a couple sessions into the campaign, we were in an arena against our will and find a way to escape that takes us through tunnels. Eventually we find the correct path and encounter a deep gnome, being a Warlock I'm ready to talk our way out of a possible fight but i look to the bard as we both have the same charisma score to see if she wants to do the talking. She pulls out a crossbow and freaking shoots at him. We had to fight our way out.
    Fast forward a few sessions, we find a town overran with zombies, bard goes first, dash action, gets swarmed as we ran up and tried to use ranged attacks to thin the herd. She got upset when she was surrounded blaming us when her (thunderwave) plan didn't work. A few sessions later being a Celestial Warlock i used my range heal to put the fighter slightly above half of their max HP only for the bard to run up and thunder wave two enemies doing more damage to the fighter than I just healed.

  • @LG-pt5kt
    @LG-pt5kt 4 місяці тому +3

    Oh I have so many of these. Some as myself as a player, some as myself as a DM, and so many others from the usual suspects.
    Dungeon World campaign: BBEG is a lich slowly devouring the world with his undead. Yes, as players, we woke him up. Yes, as a team, we bravely run away.
    So we run from town to town, trying to outrun the BBEG who goes where ever we go. After the 3rd town falls and we barely make it out, we decide to go on a quest for a special sword that can kill the lich. It's a chore, but we get it, then two party members tasked with keeping it safe go to a dark wizard's shop to buy magic items. They brag about it, so the wizard steals it and closes shop, and we cant find it again.
    So the DM pities us once more, sends us on a tougher quest to find a God slaying sword. We get it. We go to the lich's lair, and the night before the big battle two other members are tempted by demons into giving up the sword. The rest of us don't know it until we're face to face with the BBEG, but one of the party members thought he would "cleverly" bargain away the sword for safekeeping to this demon, the only one that remains to kill this lich, and only lets us know he has done this when we are staring down this badguy with no option left.

  • @marhteseval5340
    @marhteseval5340 3 місяці тому +1

    In one of my sessions I recreated the Skyrim puzzle with the food chain, the place was in the desert with several huge rocks, each one had a picture of an animal and a button and a rock that had the text: "Press the buttons in the correct order" ,
    The group consisted of a warrior/archer
    a magician/warrior and a magician&archer. The magician is read what is written on the explanation stone while he is standing on the bear's stone. Instead of looking at the remaining stones and taking a closer look at the rocks, the magician&archer decides, yolo, I'll just press the bear like that Button ,
    whereby he triggered the trap which now summoned a djinn on the explanatory rock and a sandstone golem on each of the other rocks

  • @enceladus3102
    @enceladus3102 4 місяці тому +2

    So, one of the pathfinder 1e campaigns I am running has turned into a pirate campaign. The players, consisting of a human ranger, a maenad dread, and their hobgoblin alchemist npc became pirates after making a deal with a villain for an airship. The ship is currently damaged and unable to fly but otherwise sails like normal. They stumbled across a tropical island, and they make landfall. After deciding to set up a permanent settlement here and fighting some rival pirates they ultimately recruit after killing their captain, the party starts exploring the island. They find out there are five temples on the island, with four acting as seals for the fifth. Each of these temples is themed around earth, fire, water, and air. They head to the water temple. After finding it in a lake, they craft a crude raft and sail across, barely escaping a reptilian seal creature called a lukwata. They start exploring the temple, and after some minor battles, come across a cavern with a large pool in it that was assimilated into the temple. The party was briefly joined by a paladin of some kind, and the ranger, the leader of the group, couldn't make the session and so was absent for part of the temple...and this specific incident which has gone down as just about the single dumbest thing anyone has ever done in one of my campaigns/adventures. Inside of the pool is a karkinoi, a troll sized crab man thing. It realizes the party is there and comes stomping out of the water after them. The party is level 4 and quickly realize this thing could destroy them. They bolt back the way they came, running back out of the cavern and circling around the bay the temple is constructed around. The karkinoi follows them, being simultaneously quite stupid and stupidly violent. The party runs back across the bridge dividing the two halves of this temple. The karkinoi jumps into the water and rockets after them, cutting across to the beach area where the party first made landfall just after the party arrives there. There are three pathways here. The first is a large walkway that the party just came through and big enough for the karkinoi to get through. The second is an actual stone doorway big enough for normal humanoids but too small for the karkinoi. The third is another open pathway which leads out to a dock. The solution to me was obvious; run into the normal sized doorway. The dread and paladin instead to decide to go to the dock. There is no way for them to escape the karkinoi once they run out there. The karkinoi proceeds to annihilate the party. The mental image in my head to this day once they tell me they're going to the dock is of myself as a dm tearfully saluting the party with the words 'Godspeed, you beautiful stupid bastards!' running through my mind. It's the only genuine TPK I've ever had.

  • @ronnymegamilk7828
    @ronnymegamilk7828 4 місяці тому +2

    My party (tabaxi barbarian(me) Loxodon Paladin, Elf druid and half-elf ranger(Not the smartest) was in a dark cave used as a secret entrance, the map is still not shown and the ranger decides to not only just go by himself walking in what the DM described as "A hall full of spider webs" He keeps going until encountering 2 giant venomous spiders, he went so far that we couldn't reach him because of difficult terrain and the webs, proceeds to get stuck in his first turn and was knocked out, poisoned, paralyzed and wrapped like a burrito for the whole fight.....He somehow survived and proceeded to do the EXACT SAME THING LITERAL MINUTES AFTER THAT HAPPENED

  • @BisonCork
    @BisonCork 4 місяці тому +4

    Three short stories from a DM:
    While persuing a criminal (like actually chasing after them), my players found his horse which had been injured by one of their arrows, dying. They then spent 2 hours debating on whether or not to put the horse down while the criminal got away.
    They once spent a whole session playing truth or dare with an insane war cleric while investigating a serial killer. The captain of the gaurd was murdered as a result.
    In the same arc, aside from the killer, they had a secondry antagonist in the leader of a small branch of a magical inquisition who would have totally killed them all for being mages. Rather than deal with her, the paladin asked her out on a date. I couldn't think of a reason for her to say no so I went along with it. 3 years later, they're still going steady and the paladin left the party and joined the inqusition.

    • @itap8880
      @itap8880 4 місяці тому +4

      In the last one, it sounds like the paladin knew what they were doing.

  • @funnyblog100
    @funnyblog100 4 місяці тому +2

    The stupidest moment I can think of is the red button. Well okay so my friend was the dm of a shadowrun game and he had a red button placed somewhere with arrows pointing to it and the word trap written on it. He just put it there as a joke. And the party collectively aside from me and one other player decided to mash the hell out of that button to see what it did. After talking amongst themselves and coming to the brilliant conclusion of my god I think this is a trap. THEY STILL DECIDED TO PRESS IT!

  • @BeaglzRok1
    @BeaglzRok1 4 місяці тому +2

    Mentioned my only good D&D example in the comments of P1 of this, so this one goes out to my Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay party.
    Magic isn't the controllable tool like it is in D&D 5e; once the spell is out it doesn't end until it ends. More powerful mages have their spells last longer. Wanting to avoid an encounter with a tree-man that would obviously kick our ass, Wizard turns herself into a tree. For three hours. In the middle of the woods. Thankfully, the only other random encounter we had beyond that was my character meeting a unicorn (which in Warhammer could easily go poorly if your PC has the morality of the average Warhammer character). The character is also just an absolute nutcase, regularly telling the party the most depraved plans that are immediately vetoed by my PC so we don't get tried as witches. Not even mentioning her regular deals with a Fey mage that clearly does not have any of our best interests at heart.
    The Dwarf is our front-line bruiser, which after proving fairly competent at his job has led to him wanting to prove his competence at any opportunity. He has gone 2/2 on accidentally breaking the contents of a locked treasure chest when trying to break the lid open, but with the second he decided that no, he's not going to let the mixing rat-men potion chemicals and broken glass go to waste, and drinks the stuff. He gained a mutation that lets him teleport in a random direction if he thinks hard enough, but if that random direction is at all inside a solid object, he dies. No save or damage, just dead, though maybe the GM can be convinced that just getting your foot stuck amputates it or something. He's also now gotten some sort of roid-rage addiction to aforementioned chemicals, having nearly killed my character the moment I merely suggested friendly sparring to get my melee weapon skill up.
    The other human would normally get a section about his eternal quest to pull a Grandad Robert Freeman and talk his way through things by offering people cheese, if not for the fact it works surprisingly often.
    Just to roast myself, had my Vagabond chase after a Dark Elf that had absconded with several Elf souls while everyone else present was either tending to their wounds or considered the job done, because it's the right thing to do. Dark Elf sent the last two Beastmen to completely body my PC, and she nearly got her soul sucked out before the first two characters came to her rescue, killing the Beastmen and being unable to stop the Dark Elf from fleeing. At least the normal Elves recognized her valor and granted her safe passage through their lands and one reasonable favor of assistance in the future.

  • @ReinaSaurus
    @ReinaSaurus 4 місяці тому +2

    oneshot with a party of four: fighter with longbow backseats in every fight, me the wizard being left as the tank in front, the cleric running for close combat with archers complete out of his range, and the rogue takes a detour, sneaks up on a single goblin, fails his sneak attack, then gets killed in return.
    while the fighter stacked an impressive killstreak, those remaining alive at the front had to pull themselves out of a pile of corpses and pull the rogues body with them. one for the memes.

  • @postapocalypticnewsradio
    @postapocalypticnewsradio 4 місяці тому +3

    PANR has tuned in.

  • @Comrade2261
    @Comrade2261 4 місяці тому +1

    One of the PC's in our party talked to Asmodeus, and tried to treat Him like a messenger boy... 🤦‍♂️

  • @CooperAATE
    @CooperAATE 4 місяці тому

    " Sometimes, players are stupid."
    That's the whole post.

  • @dannyleo5787
    @dannyleo5787 4 місяці тому +1

    I had for a purposeful blunder with my minotaur barbarian for the sake of lighting the mood for a friend who was going through loss with his mom so we did his underdark revenge Arc during our campaign, a manhunt for the tiefling side bbeg. The mood was tense, paliden just got his sun blade upgrade and.... we come across a damn abolith... warlock blows a whistle to send me in battle as I slam my anchor at the thing. We barely survive and our druid accidentally hit with a spell that didn't really sit well with my guy so with risk involved I hop in the abolish waters and um... made a lot of bulls#÷t. Our player characters reacted and then the dm... said that I just got surprise attacked.. 😮 soooo we ended up fighting two in the underdark before making shortwork on our warlocks bbeg😅

  • @Xecryo
    @Xecryo 4 місяці тому +2

    The party was stranded on a small continent and was searching for a particular tribe of people they were told could give them shelter. They knew the general direction but were not quite there yet. As a random encounter they come across a Pegasus who understands several languages including common but can't speak them. They manage to befriend it and I make very clear that it at least understands them by having it clomp twice for yes and once for no which it only does after being asked a yes or no question. Now these clowns these lovable idiots who are my players start to question whether two clomps is yes or no and ask it "Is two clomps yes?" the Pegasus clomps twice for yes but naturally that doesn't clear up the question. Not once did they stop and think to TELL the Pegasus (which again is clearly established as understanding them) to do twice for yes and once for no or vice versa.

  • @hedruzh2852
    @hedruzh2852 4 місяці тому

    This was a while ago, so I will attempt to re-tell this to the best of my knowledge. Before we get to the stupid part, a bit of backstory:
    This campaign was run by 2 DM's (both also had a playable character they would play when the other DM was running the session, but had rules about how much they could help) One of the DM's had a character that was essentially a princess for a lost kingdom which we had to find. She would have visions from time to time to assist us in finding the kingdom.
    During one vision it was shown that my character and her would have 2 dragons, somewhere far in the future (i was multiclassing rogue / ranger drakewarden and my drake was given through RP instead of it just magically appearing. During another vision she saw where the 2 dragons were to be found.
    When we eventually came across the exact cave she described in her visions we decided to investigate. Me and the Dm’s player character went in to find an ancient red dragon sleeping on a pile of gold, and decided to VERY stealthily peek around the corner into the cavern.
    At this point one of the well… less bright… party members decided to walk into the cave, use thaumathurgy and YELL “Good morning mr dragon!” at the sleeping dragon…
    As you can imagine this didn’t go well. The dragon woke up, looked at the character who just screamed at him and walked towards it, putting his face right in front of the player and growl loudly (This was likely the DM trying NOT to instantly kill her, and give her a chance to get out of this situation). Instead of getting the heck out of there, she decided to boop the snoot of the enormous dragon. One firebreath later and all that remained was a pile of ashes on the floor.
    The player later complained to the DM that he targeted her and she left the campaign…

  • @JacobL228
    @JacobL228 4 місяці тому

    I've actually read Dungeons & Doodles: Tales from the Tables. It's really good. They even have cameos from famous D&D UA-camrs like Drake from Den of the Drake and the Doge from D&D Doge. It's kind of crappy that he used pages from that comic to advertise something completely different just because the author is involved, though.

  • @joshuapohle6909
    @joshuapohle6909 4 місяці тому +1

    Someone picked up a cursed artifact powerful enough to corrupt the literal Cthulu, they then turned evil and tried to kill my character
    The artifact was a big boba straw

  • @Swaggyext
    @Swaggyext 3 місяці тому

    Went the wrong way even when the DM gave me a premonition, that if we went the wrong way, we would almost likely die. Luckily, we didn't, but i still feel stupid about it till this day

  • @tposingsnorlax
    @tposingsnorlax 4 місяці тому

    During a session with my friends, me (lvl 3 clockwork sorc) wanted to be do a big brain play, and thus I cast SLeep. On a full health giant. Obviously it failed, because the wording of the spell was dumb.

  • @Blueturtle79
    @Blueturtle79 4 місяці тому

    I was part of a co-op West March Discord server. DMs request to run games and the moderator approves or rejects if it the game is run. After waiting a full month for a decision (usually things get approved within a day or two) , Discord moderator will not let me run a random encounter table because it is "too complicated". The table was literally a 3x3 square chart of location, monster and alignment. However, he approves the fellow DM's story about everything on my random encounter table and more. So a full adventure is "simple" but a single fight is "complicated". WHAT?!? I still need to figure out what this guy is looking for in a D&D game, so I switch directions completely and create the entrance to a dungeon using a 1e module as reference. Its the simplest thing I can think of, just a puzzle room that is basically the D&D equivalent of a walk-in freezer. The Discord moderator asks if I am running a roguelite. What? Did he even read the submission I sent to him for the session? Sigh.. I told him no, that would be too complicated, I was running a single room escape room. He asks to remove me as DM in response to the new session draft, saying I am too immature and passive aggressive. I agree , as I am a newer DM and have had enough of this moderator's antics. And of course I was being a passive aggressive, everything this guy did made no sense to me. The simplest things are complicated, the hardest things are easy, using player lore was both forbidden and encouraged. Creating your own story is not allowed because your story was supposed to be based on reference guides that had not yet been created. Using modules was not allowed but only official D&D content could be used, meaning you couldn't make up your own module, but couldn't run any existing module either. Anyways, I decide it's good riddance to all these rules, I'll just enjoy my time as a player, playing through the modules and Ideas I wanted to run. At least somebody is running what I would like to do.
    Discord moderator then bans me the next morning after my session submission and resignation as DM. No explanation, just banned and blocked. Mind you, I was in the middle of playing 2 campaigns on the server. I passed up several invitations to join campaigns from friends and family just so I could be there for my players. I put 4 months of effort into the West March project, and its just stupid that a grudge match of such insignificant proportions wrecked it. It still hurts to think about because it logically makes no sense, even as I understand it was a decision of emotions; I feel it was a simple 'we don't like each other so I'll mess with you' kind of deal.

  • @HannahSiemer
    @HannahSiemer 4 місяці тому +1

    Can’t do have the right idea, did what I probably would’ve done with my party, which, with the exception of our cleric/Druid is a bunch of would be idiots. However, one is become part paladin, so we’ll see where that goes. There may just be Hope for us yet.

  • @Viper56365
    @Viper56365 4 місяці тому

    OK, so as we walk into a kingdom are bard boxing, it’s all fine. The queens snarky kid makes a reply on how she was SA by her father in the game. The bard flips, and starts to strangle him she rolls off 19. I roll a two to try and stop her I try it again I roll five and again in total I had a 2,5,7,3 The kid lived, but he was put in the hospital

  • @melliehaertel2404
    @melliehaertel2404 4 місяці тому

    we had a lord of the rings campaign and i played a very wild dwarf, we had a quest to search and talk with a woman that lives secluded in a house on a hill, so we come there on late afternoon and my friends set up Camp, naturally as im very unimpatient i go there and knock, nobody answers so i just punch the door constantly, still nobody answering, so i try to break the Door with my axe, it breaks, so i get even more annoyd and go and look through some windows, i see only black, then i had the idea to search for a back door, turns out, the House wasn't even a house anymore, half of it was down the cliff and there was only the Front wall and the door left standing, i was so embarassed i wasted time and my godamn axe on a not even house😢

  • @lennardchurch8483
    @lennardchurch8483 4 місяці тому +1

    10:30 I think that's a result of actual cognitive problems, maybe Autism along with something else. I know someone who has most of the same issues described, and I'm certain isn't the same person being referenced in the video.

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 2 місяці тому

    Blatantly Cheating Story: It doesn't matter if the rest of the Group are passive, the DM has the Right to throw him out for Blatant Cheating and simply refuse to allow him back into the Game...
    I would...
    In less that a Heartbeat the moment I watched him alter a character sheet and/or lie about a die roll (In every group I've ever played in, ALL Die Rolls, even the DM's MUST be made on the table in front of everyone...because of problem Cheaters ruining Games in the past)...

  • @Plasmawarrior
    @Plasmawarrior 4 місяці тому +1

    Anyone who names their character after a superhero. The main one of course would be Batman.
    No, just no.

  • @animetime6610
    @animetime6610 4 місяці тому


  • @dgffite9387
    @dgffite9387 4 місяці тому


  • @AncientRylanor69
    @AncientRylanor69 20 днів тому
