  • Опубліковано 19 лип 2024


  • @AhmetKaan
    @AhmetKaan  Рік тому +4

    *You can book a 1-1 call with me to talk about your self improvement journey:* :)

  • @DemetriPanici
    @DemetriPanici 2 роки тому +48

    *"Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there." - Bo Jackson*

  • @AhmetKaan
    @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +113

    *I am gonna be honest, I put in a lot of work for this video to make it really really valuable. Take your pen and paper and take notes while watching it.* 📒🖊

    • @rahafhamdi7214
      @rahafhamdi7214 2 роки тому +4

      Sure will

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +4

      @@james_naing you are welcome :)

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +4

      @@rahafhamdi7214 💯💯

    • @berelaxandcalm378
      @berelaxandcalm378 2 роки тому +3

      Thank you so much

    • @kubranaz
      @kubranaz 2 роки тому +4

      this is exactly what i do when i'm watching your videos. thank you Ahmet, really really valuable video as always :)

  • @adee202
    @adee202 2 роки тому +14

    I have been Jornaling since I was 12yrs, It wasn't that great but yeah when I sat down to read I literally have goosebumps as if I have gone so far. Alhamdulillah.

  • @wafaww7055
    @wafaww7055 2 роки тому +23

    " Do not tell me you don't have 10 minutes to journal , i will show you your screen time " by amazing Ahmet
    This is so real !! 👍🏻

  • @james_naing
    @james_naing 2 роки тому +34

    This is my 4th day of Journaling 📒, started this habit on January 1st 💪🏼. I’ve also built a habit of Shower & Meditation over 500 days! 😌

    • @eigrontopediax
      @eigrontopediax 2 роки тому +4

      How do you do it?

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +5

      Let's go bro!

    • @james_naing
      @james_naing 2 роки тому +5

      @@eigrontopediax These're my 3 secret recipes for successfully building any habits : (Slight Edge + Compound Effect + Grit)

    • @eigrontopediax
      @eigrontopediax 2 роки тому +3

      @@james_naing thanks but I didn't understand any of the terms 😢

    • @james_naing
      @james_naing 2 роки тому +10

      @@eigrontopediax These three keys, has individual books dedicated on a specific key. (The Slight Edge) written by (Jeff Olson), (The Compound Effect) written by (Darren Hardy), (Grit) written by (Angela Duckworth).

  • @filmsbynix
    @filmsbynix 2 роки тому +16

    I started journaling at age 7 when my great grandmother gifted me a diary, I'm 24 and been journaling on and off through my teens and adulthood its amazing looking back and seeing how much ive grown

  • @colinriesselmann1714
    @colinriesselmann1714 2 роки тому +26

    Journaling doesn’t only improve your mental health, but it also improves your language an articulation 👍

  • @itsmellomax
    @itsmellomax 2 роки тому +13

    Journal writing, when it becomes a ritual for transformation, is not only life-changing but life-expanding.” - Jen Williamson.

  • @sebastianshine4262
    @sebastianshine4262 2 роки тому +5

    its now 9 years that i journal regularly (not every single day though) and i gotta say its absolutely life changeing. thanks for making the video, i can truly confirm what you said.
    especially the biggest benefit is that you get your mind straight, clear of fog, clear of fear, clear of uncertainty, just straight.
    Knowing what you want in life, WHY you do what you do, what is actually worth your time pursuing and what may be from outside influences and you just applied it without ever thinking about it..
    or putting, again, fears into perspective. also the gratitude is very big. but for me personally it didnt work to do daily. after a few weeks i always began just writing stuff down for the sake of doing it rather than actuall FEELING it.
    What i rather can advise is to write down at least ONE positive thing that happened to you today. May it just be a very small one. A thought maybe. Or the smile of a stranger in the bus. Whatever it is. Or just an absolutely random moment. Whatever. Just one thing that you think was more positive than negative and thank life for it.
    because then you a) have every day content without getting into the habit of just remembering the same things over and over until you dont *feel* the gratitude anymore. then its just dead repititions. and b) you can see over time how many nice and randomly beautiful things life threw at you. Things, you never considered to count before. but now you counted them and you see that life has some very cool things in it even in times when you consciously focus on problems or time-pressure for a project and your brain is just so out of touch when it comes to gratitude. its very a helpful thing.
    i particularly am inspired by the "brain dump" as you described it.
    that you define it as "writing down what you are stressed about currently" just as a list rather than a long text is pretty new to me. I mean i write down things that bother me. But i never thought about just writing down 6 sentences. that brings me to the idea to just write down bullet points of things that currently hold me back mentally with fear for the next action in what is set goals in.
    For example i do fitness. but i struggle with eating more calories. it is 100% a mind things than anything else, i know that. so just writing down what in that present moment i *believe* is holding me back from eating more, is just absolutely nice i think. thanks for that inspiration!
    i think we always fall for our excuses, because we dont see the accumulation. we only see ONE. but this thought you inspired in me would make it possible for me to accumulate all those excuses every single day. not for justification purposes. but just as a means of gathering them. daily. always only one. the biggest one holding me back.
    and soon i will probably see that its holding me back for sooo many days. and its just one simple thing like "i dont want to do mealpreps because it costs me 1 hour to mealprep for 3 days" or something like that. this is currently freestyled and absolutely true for me right now.
    probably seeing how many days this exact same excuse cost me might put in perspective how little it actually costs to implement it, rather than doing 10hours of damn hard to the limits-pushing sports per week every single week and then not seeing the results you desire.
    so yeah, in short: you inspired me to wanting to keep track of my excuse for the day. And to get an idea how many days it cost me. so i will see the weight of it and see need to change something about it.
    I do brain dumps too. That is my main reason for journaling. thats how it started back then when i was messy in my head, had absolutely no organization in life and my mind just went berzerk at night, not letting me sleep. So then i begin writing down my first thought. Just at those small square papers one at a time, sometimes i took another cause it didnt fill in one piece and sometimes i filled 10 just to get down my thought. after that, i could always sleep deeply and *freely* in mind. as if a weight was put down.
    then i began writing on bigger pieces of paper and at one point i noticed the papers from all those weeks gathered so much that they fell to the ground from my desk which was messy still to a point i couldnt even work on it. at that point i bought my first journal to write thoughts down there. this was long before writing down goals or asking myself bigger questions in it. it was mainly a brain dump and i do it till today.
    i also ask myself questions there that maybe people would attempt to ask other people and i found out that you usually can answer your own questions about life. so most problems come not from not knowing but from lack of clarity. which journaling helps absolutely with and i'd argue even better than any "professional" or other people that sadly depressed people often are lead to talk to.
    just asking questions critically and answering them with brutal and absolute honesty... thats the way to go.
    a few tips for beginners:
    -ALWAYS have 2 unused journals on the side (you will find out that sometimes you have different ideas and want to start a new journal and not having one there at that moment is enough to discourage you to never do it. Also, the same applies once you finish your main-journal. you probably get out of the habit for a long time only because of the fact that there is no empty journal to pick when you attempt to write again).
    -ALWAYS have a bunch of pens in storage somewhere (same reason)
    -Just do brain dumps first. Write down whatever bothers you. Dont aim for anything. Just write down a few sentences. You will begin to have a conversation or debate or simply a list of thoughts that you NEVER connected like that before. Which will either make you conscious about new things and basically teach yourself something. Or it will just get rid of some thoughts that else will cross your mind and circle around it all day long because you didnt have anyone to talk about it and didnt have the chance to get that thought straight. it sounds trashy and as if its just for "those" people whatever you wanna label me right now. but i can assure you that whoever you are, this sh*t is better than drugs, girls, money, recognition, fame, knowledge, gaming, whatever you can name. maybe not better than traveling. but thats up for debate haha
    Its not necessarily to get rid of the others. But if you do it for a year, your life will change its trajectory significantly and for the better. You wont notice it until you are right in it. And when you look back and ask yourself how it started, you wont know. You will just strangely see correlation with this journal again and again and again. and again you cant believe that something so simple can have such a big effect on your life. something so inexpensive and absolutely underhyped. something so uncool. how in the world..?
    But the more you do it, the more you will then feel and see how it affects your life, now that you do it consistently and *pay attention* to what it does and how it works.
    thanks for the video again. i asked myself once what possibly might have had the biggest impact on my life. Independently of this video or any other influence.
    the answer was: journaling.
    if you filter out the things that werent in my control (like who my parents would be in this life) and those that were under my control and asked only about the stuff i had under control, what would have had the biggest impact on my life? -> Absolutely, journaling.

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +4

      Shit, that's a long ass comment. Oh man, I don't think anybody has what it takes to write a comment like this in this day and age. Trylu exceptional

  • @aspiretoinspire9679
    @aspiretoinspire9679 2 роки тому +23

    Journaling is an incredibly powerful tool to gain clarity and insight. Writing about your emotions helps you become self-aware. It lets you process what you're going through and work past high emotions to look at situations more objectively.🥰🥰🥰✌✌✌

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +2

      I agree

    • @wafaww7055
      @wafaww7055 2 роки тому


  • @JoseFlores-kl6jm
    @JoseFlores-kl6jm 2 роки тому +5

    I'm glad that I started journaling back in 2019. It has really changed my life especially for when I'm having a rough day.

  • @muskanglowup5123
    @muskanglowup5123 2 роки тому +1

    I started jounaling when i was 8 AND i absolutely thank myself for that💗

  • @SnowflakeMCPE
    @SnowflakeMCPE 2 роки тому +1

    Wow, I can’t believe you are 18. You are so successful, and are helping so many! People should strive to be like you :)

  • @itzmesusri_2252
    @itzmesusri_2252 2 роки тому +4


  • @shinihahaha4142
    @shinihahaha4142 2 роки тому +5

    I completely agree with the fact that journaling can really impact our life positively.. I started doing it seriously like around year ago when I was 14 and I have absolutely have no regret that it has become a strong habit of mine.. Especially the gratitude Journalling, it really very very helpful, like it has the power to shift my mood from totally depressed to totally happy.
    This video was really really helpful, now I'll start doing it in a more organized way.

  • @EntirelyHonest
    @EntirelyHonest 2 роки тому +9

    Good on ya for starting early dude. I didn't start my self-improvement journey till I was 23. Can't imagine how much better my life would be if I started early at 16 like you did. Take care and keep it up.

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +1

      Thanks buddy! I appreciate it

  • @adyannn2879
    @adyannn2879 2 роки тому +1


  • @nupurbarua4636
    @nupurbarua4636 2 роки тому +3

    Today was my third day of journaling and I do the same process that you have shared in this video. Journaling is the very first thing I do in my morning routine. Especially the Brain Dump is really helping me.
    I can't thank you enough.

  • @CharissaexplainsitallXD
    @CharissaexplainsitallXD Рік тому

    Oh wow. I am 31 years old and you are an absolute GEM! I am going to apply your tips in journaling! My problem was keeping so many different journals for so many different things, I became overwhelmed. I never thought of combining all of these ideas together! THANK YOU!

  • @yagmurcamd
    @yagmurcamd 2 роки тому +3

    "Making progress is better than being a perfectionist."

  • @adiraali3847
    @adiraali3847 2 роки тому +4

    i have been journaling for a month now. it has been great, but i wasn't to clear on what to do so just wrote. but now as you gave me this guide i will implement it in my journaling session now :) thank you:)

  • @adyannn2879
    @adyannn2879 2 роки тому +4

    gerçekten çok yardımcı olur kardeşim, sadece bugün izleyip başlardım

  • @Jornanfuentes
    @Jornanfuentes 2 роки тому +2

    Mñn I think It would be a good idea, do the: "Brain Dump" and "Gratetude" on the evening and on the morning you do the "One thing" and "Succes List" journaling.

  • @nanjeebasdiaries5784
    @nanjeebasdiaries5784 2 роки тому +3

    This guy is showering us with some quality content. 2022 is going to be the best year!

  • @stef9907
    @stef9907 2 роки тому +5

    This video deserves a lot of views. I took notes down and right after I finished watching your video, i made my routines now that school is coming up in a few weeks. And I will start practicing waking up at 6 so that I will be consistent and ready for when school begins. Thank you for this video!🙏 It was honestly life changing for me😊 Keep up the good work Ahmet

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +3

      I really appreciate that

  • @Raeed619
    @Raeed619 2 роки тому +3

    Ive been trying to consistently journal for a while, but i cant. And i think this video will help a lot

  • 2 роки тому +1

    I just did it! Found a notebook, grabbed a pen and wrote a gratitude list (3 things) and a success list (3 MITs). Took me literally 2 minutes. Let’s go!

  • @user-bg6mu3ls9w
    @user-bg6mu3ls9w 2 роки тому +3

    hello bro been watching your videos for almost a month and they've helped me a lot really respect the effort you put in these videos hope to be a youtuber like you one day!
    request/suggestion : maybe upload more videos about you like the things you love or you're good at

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +1

      I appreciate the suggestion brother :)

  • @nishirr8378
    @nishirr8378 2 роки тому +2

    I used to journal...but not continuously ...I jot Down the thoughts which I u said brain dump..I used this when need to complete something...from today...I will do it consistently ,Ahmet for sure... ❤️

  • @kunjankhore4256
    @kunjankhore4256 2 роки тому +3

    Thanks a lot!! ✨✨ For this video. I'm 15 years old Indian student. From now I'll make journaling my habit.

  • @bouchranourelhouda2415
    @bouchranourelhouda2415 2 роки тому +1

    this made me journal how to journal, Phantastic!!
    disclaimer: copying what worked for others is the short way to success
    true this is exactly what "learning" means, thank you, Ahmet
    I read something similar in Eat That Frog! by Brian Tracy.
    thank you Ahmet you are changing the life of this humble 20 Yo future great pediatric doctor :)))))))

  • @topievan190
    @topievan190 2 роки тому +5

    Can't wait for itttt!!!!!!

  • @fireheart4819
    @fireheart4819 2 роки тому +4

    Wow .I wanted to journal but dont know.Thank you for helping.

  • @OA2605
    @OA2605 2 роки тому

    Hey, Ahmet! Thanks very much for this video seriously. This was very much needed

  • @vaibhavichopade4682
    @vaibhavichopade4682 2 роки тому +1

    Woahh all points are covered in this video for Journaling...due to your channel I have started Journaling but haven't been consistent...but I am damn sure now by listening these points I will be consistent for it ...thanks alot

  • @carol1582
    @carol1582 2 роки тому +2

    your videos have really motivated me and would love to see a room/house tour! Keep up the good work:)

  • @Carries_Self-Improvement
    @Carries_Self-Improvement 2 роки тому +2

    Recently, I got inspired to start journaling because of you! Based on one of your previous videos about journaling being one of the things people should do daily, I've been implementing the techniques you shared in this video. I started on January 1st, and I can tell it helps clear my mind before I get started into the day (since I do it in the morning). Thank you for making this into detail as I know it'll help me throughout my journey and others as well! :)

  • @emilyjoansmith
    @emilyjoansmith 2 роки тому +2

    Such a great video!!!
    Everyone has time to journal!
    Happy New Year Ahmet!!

  • @DexterSMejos
    @DexterSMejos 2 роки тому

    I love you ahmet. Thank you from that great wisdom from yours. Road to 100k this year 💪.

  • @virtusyt1089
    @virtusyt1089 2 роки тому +3

    Implementing this as soon as he posts
    Best thing is he’s posting this at an early time for me
    Thanks Ahmet

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +1

      Absolutely! That's the way to go man

  • @tgtutorialsvlogs4906
    @tgtutorialsvlogs4906 2 роки тому +1

    I will start journaling from today thanks to this video. Awesome work keep it up 🙌

  • @zayd5031
    @zayd5031 2 роки тому +3

    By this new year 2022 i also started journaling... It's really effective now, I'm having all my progress, mistake, time tracked 🤩

  • @emergencyfood1367
    @emergencyfood1367 2 роки тому +1

    you never fail to motivate me. The other channels make it feel like that I am a loser if I don't do the right thing but you do it perfectly man.

  • @nikhat.parveen001
    @nikhat.parveen001 2 роки тому +3

    I have been following the exact same pattern for journalling as you listed here. I started my first diary in 6th grade and I also refer to it as 'that stupid diary' which was my go to thing for dumping all my frustrations, excitements and anxieties at that time! But I soon abandoned it, ignorant of the benefits! However, after watching you, I have once again picked up this habit and I must proudly say, I haven't missed a single day of journalling since the past month 👍

  • @031ayshamk8
    @031ayshamk8 2 роки тому +1

    Kudos to you broski for this great video and keeping us crushing !!!!

  • @PracticalInspiration
    @PracticalInspiration 2 роки тому +3

    Great share Ahmet, excellent share on journaling

  • @mokshanilramananddarshanla5607
    @mokshanilramananddarshanla5607 2 роки тому +6

    Journaling, reading, question answering your problems to yourself, working out, meditating and time planning
    These are the things that everyone should practice.
    Each of it will take around 15 minutes aside from work out which will take 60 minutes
    So, around 2 hours

  • @uncagedmindset
    @uncagedmindset 2 роки тому +1

    Success List is so important! Thanks Ahmet! ✨🙏🏽💫

  • @janabsaniya4988
    @janabsaniya4988 2 роки тому +1

    I was waiting for this video from so long.
    Great work Ahmet!

  • @louisvantreeck4774
    @louisvantreeck4774 2 роки тому

    You should already have 100k subs you really deserve it! Great work keep on going 👍

  • @easankiru9292
    @easankiru9292 2 роки тому +1

    Ahmet you're changing my life, wish I was like you at 18 now I'm 24 working to get better. Thank you for what you're doing

  • @faisalsaed7841
    @faisalsaed7841 2 роки тому

    Wow amazing video broo ❤️❤️ I am very gratitude for knowing your channel ♥️

  • @blissmint
    @blissmint 2 роки тому +5

    Looking forward to this video! ☕️ 🗒🖋

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому


    • @blissmint
      @blissmint 2 роки тому

      Now I’m excited to get my very first journal~I agree that it should be done either in our morning or evening routines and I shall stick to your suggestion! It’s so inspiring to see someone your age with such discipline and determination. I also believe that you’ll achieve great things in life👍Great video!

  • @elifkocabas_
    @elifkocabas_ 2 роки тому +1

    I can surely tell that every sec of your videos are worth it, most of the youtubers generally explain something throughout all the video, they repeat stuff they already did, they tell the same things in different words. I do love your channel and i do hope youll make reputation among people like us, if become a famous singer who has achieved her goals in the future, ill recommend you anywhere, anyone. If the famous part is not included, well, i will recommend anyway :) -man it is hard to go seperate ways when youre in one of the most successful high schools in your country, anyways wish me luck!

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +2

      This means a lot to me Elif 🙏

  • @Liqo315
    @Liqo315 2 роки тому +7

    I was Journaling last night about some deep things and what I want to do in the future I write down my goals dreams sometimes I write about how may day was in school or walking around the city or my feelings and emotions a lot of times I write about how school was if it was good or not but some times we're all gonna have ups and downs so for anybody that still goes through that you're not alone💜💪🏿 and other times I relax watching anime while writing in my Journal📚👁💫💪🏿

  • @chadken6005
    @chadken6005 2 роки тому +2

    I watched this video for the second time because I am ready to duplicate this journaling method in my life.

  • @Katrica670
    @Katrica670 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you soooo much for this golden nugget! 💛

  • @pumpkinspice3295
    @pumpkinspice3295 2 роки тому +2

    Your motivation is incredible. At your age I was already dead on the inside.

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому

      No you are not, it's all gonna change

  • @grenadegentlemen837
    @grenadegentlemen837 2 роки тому +4

    I was waiting for this video but after watching this I realized that I am already doing 3 out of 4 exercise,I am going to add that brain dump also.
    I was also doing one mistake that is writing journal in anytime of the day but from now I am going to do that part in my morning schedule.
    We can even learn by mistakes of others.
    Thankyou Ahmet...

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому

      Amazing! I am glad this helped

  • @Sazad101
    @Sazad101 2 роки тому +2

    Great video man!

  • @sadafghoni2487
    @sadafghoni2487 2 роки тому +2

    We actually needed this video from a long Time thanks a lot🙂

  • @alwinvillamor3483
    @alwinvillamor3483 2 роки тому +5

    This is my 5th night of journaling.

  • @User-rz7de
    @User-rz7de 2 роки тому +1

    You inspired me to start journalling!!

  • @BrainLoft
    @BrainLoft 2 роки тому +2

    Loved the video Ahmet ! ( Myself brain loft ) the best video I watched today 😀

  • @AhmetKaan
    @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +7

    I have been working on writing two E-Books for you guys. Let me gift them to you. 😉
    *1) How to Build Your Perfect Daily Routine* 🕥
    *2) Young Person's Full Guide to Self Improvement* 📚
    You can get both of them for free from this link:
    *Enter your name and e-mail and I will be sending them to your e-mail :)*

  • @stacielivinthedream8510
    @stacielivinthedream8510 2 роки тому

    300th Like here! 😊 I love and appreciate your content! Thank you!

  • @bettydealman
    @bettydealman 2 роки тому +1

    I'm starting journaling right now!!! 💪🍀

  • @fathimaaysha4794
    @fathimaaysha4794 2 роки тому +2

    Oh! thanks for this video.
    It's going to change my life 🤗

  • @sinethw
    @sinethw 2 роки тому +3

    Your videos are super helpful!

  • @radheyshyamyadav3384
    @radheyshyamyadav3384 2 роки тому +3

    It's really a great topic. From many days i was confused in which format do i write journal , you cleared my confusion. Thankyou so much .
    You'll reach 100 k soon.🙏😊

  • @businessisboomin7252
    @businessisboomin7252 2 роки тому +2

    Can you make this video appear in your home page of the channel? Cuz It might be the most important video of yours and you also said that you put so much work and effort into making it so it deserves to be displayed for everyone to see whenever they enter the channel

  • @chadani4768
    @chadani4768 2 роки тому +2

    It is a great thing for someone 18 years old to be so intelligent. You have inspired me a lot. Your habit, work with determination for your future Your habit, work for your future determination shows that your future is very bright, It seems to me from within that you are going to be a great UA-camr one day. You are my inspiration
    Remember my words
    Lots of love from nepal😇

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому

      I appreciate you my friend

  • @zayd5031
    @zayd5031 2 роки тому +2

    I was waiting for this 💜

  • @szymondudzinski6661
    @szymondudzinski6661 2 роки тому +2

    This is it. I'm starting the "essecntially counter". Nothing personal, it's just funny how many times you say this word

  • @liamneslind4182
    @liamneslind4182 2 роки тому

    Tbh the diary style journaling in my opinion is the most powerful.
    It allows you to view yourself as someone who isn't you. Like your a character in a movie.
    A brain dump can be down in the notes in your phone, and gratitude journaling is good. Calendar is good.
    But when it comes to full on journal pages I think the most powerful is just writing about your life day to day, your thoughts and experiences.
    Most people would think it's cringy because they can't take their life seriously enough in the moment, it's almost impossible.
    But the diary breaks that mental constraint.
    It allows you to physically change how you appear to yourself in a way nothing else can.
    At the end of the day, at least for me, reading gratitude entries and similar things makes me feel nothing. Just words really. I mean theyre nice. But they don't change how I feel all that much.
    But my experiences, thoughts, people I talked to and things I did. You relive that and feel the nostalgia. And it makes you feel important. Like the heroes Journey.

    • @AhmetKaan
      @AhmetKaan  2 роки тому +1

      I know exactly what you mean. Some truth here

  • @ijm6176
    @ijm6176 2 роки тому +1

    Amazing video bro, i respect u 👊, just got yourself a new subscriber

  • @v1channel918
    @v1channel918 Рік тому +1

    Bro you are my inspiration now! Love from India ❤

  • @ashleyguevara4025
    @ashleyguevara4025 2 роки тому +1

    Can’t wait!!

  • @aysams2
    @aysams2 Рік тому +1

    This one is definitely your best video so far

  • @zezyzhujikop
    @zezyzhujikop 2 роки тому +1

    This is a great idea I'll try journaling sounds fun

  • @krishnas525
    @krishnas525 2 роки тому +2

    Thanks for this video🙏🙏❤️

  • @curiouscat7031
    @curiouscat7031 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for this video!

  • @aleynaa330
    @aleynaa330 2 роки тому +2

    Cant waitt

  • @estelleandrieux9165
    @estelleandrieux9165 2 роки тому +2

    Lot of value ✨🌟🌍

  • @lonewolfnergiganos4000
    @lonewolfnergiganos4000 2 роки тому +4

    I'm thinking that I should use journaling as one of my hobbies.

  • @aungkokokyaw1735
    @aungkokokyaw1735 Рік тому

    you are helping me a lot thank u

  • @alpha6478
    @alpha6478 2 роки тому +2

    Hey totally loving your channel!Wanted to ask what camera do you use?

  • @damianperez5484
    @damianperez5484 Рік тому +1

    just starter jurnoling at 11 to day is my birthday thank you

  • @Arty863
    @Arty863 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the video brother :)

  • @Alexis_Marcelo
    @Alexis_Marcelo 2 роки тому +2

    It's hard to start but once you do it, there is no coming back.

  • @yanasazalli1694
    @yanasazalli1694 2 роки тому +1

    Truly amazing..thank you!!! From malaysia...#drivenpeople

  • @leo-xt8cv
    @leo-xt8cv Рік тому +1

    great video!

  • @user-rc9ys1qd9p
    @user-rc9ys1qd9p 2 роки тому +2

    Keeping, it's great

  • @nupurbarua4636
    @nupurbarua4636 2 роки тому +2

    There's nothing else to say but Thank you 🙇

  • @independentarrow908
    @independentarrow908 2 роки тому +2

    *‘‘If you wanna watch a dream, sleep
    If you wanna chase a dream, hustle’’*

  • @ImprovementGang
    @ImprovementGang 2 роки тому +2

    Journaling really does get you to think about life a little more. Sometimes while you are journaling, you get massive ideas that improve different aspect of your life. It is very useful; it gets you to use your brain a little more.
    Tip: Have a 5 min timer when beginning to build a habit. It is only 5 minutes, so you will be more willing to do it. 1 is better tnan0.

  • @firdevsyalcnkaya9211
    @firdevsyalcnkaya9211 2 роки тому +1

    thanks for this video

  • @wafaww7055
    @wafaww7055 2 роки тому +1

    Journaling is the best habit u can establish it in 2022 guys. Don't be lazy and try it out .
    This will definitely change your lives ♥️

  • @unveil2728
    @unveil2728 2 роки тому +1

    I was waiting for this video 😄May Allah grant you successful beautiful life in this world and hereafter ( life after death)