It's almost a crime, that someone with such an awesome voice, is primarily devoted to the visual arts. Dude could bring life to so many awesome fictional characters.
Hey guys, Just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY, and enjoy the following link on that -
You know guys ... The pathetic and totally fake and useless christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
Fujac, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion :-)
Hey guys, Just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY, and enjoy the following link on that -
You know guys ... The pathetic and totally fake and useless christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
Phillip, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion :-)
You know guys ... The pathetic and totally fake and useless christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
Sbk, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion !
I always interpreted Tool's use of the art as appreciation and a way of showing us there are others out there with different methods and language that see things in a similar way.
Hey guys, Just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY, and enjoy the following link on that -
For me the visuals of Alex Grey for Tool play an immense role. I dare to say that Alex boosts the "spiritualityness" of Tool's music very very much. They have found each other again by karmic attraction. ))
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go. And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !! Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ? Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide. Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings ! "The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !). The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas. The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning. " Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer." Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical. The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR. "Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe "With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman " Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels: 1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age." 2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life." 3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth. Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach. But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live." Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !! "Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness." Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE. So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within- And so does Mother Ayahuasca- "You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca :-)
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
I was lucky enough to meet Alex and Allyson at one of their PDX shows. I gave them some of my #KarbonKast art. I made their COSM logo in a metal process that looks as if it was frozen in carbonate. Alex & Allyson are super nice people I hope our paths cross again someday.
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go. And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !! Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ? Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide. Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings ! "The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !). The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas. The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning. " Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer." Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical. The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR. "Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe "With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman " Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels: 1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age." 2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life." 3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth. Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach. But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live." Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !! "Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness." Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE. So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within- And so does Mother Ayahuasca- "You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
Alex Greys artwork is so f'n beautiful!! You get lost in it, it speaks to you. His work and Tools music together =bliss. Stunning. I love his laugh 😂😂😂
I came across this website and artwork not realizing your art has inspired me as an artist when I first saw it on the album art for one of my favorite bands. I should have made the connection earlier.
@@FraterZeroToInfinity you still consume and kills life forms on a regular basis. You can't live karma free, its impossible. Are you vegan because you think its better for the environment or are you vegan because you believe all lives are equal?
@@devonscope6222 It takes 16 pounds of plant life to make one pound of flesh. Eating a vegan diet kills less life than a flesh eaters diet. Animals do not eat air. Being vegan is not about causing zero harm; it is about eliminating the harm we CAN eliminate. Are you one of those people who say they will not do anything because they cannot do everything?
@@devonscope6222 You do not have to consider anybody equal to you to decide that they do not deserve to experience extreme torture, distress, and murder, all for 15 minutes of pleasure.
Ryan, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion :-)
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go. And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !! Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ? Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide. Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings ! "The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !). The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas. The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning. " Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer." Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical. The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR. "Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe "With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman " Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels: 1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age." 2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life." 3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth. Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach. But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live." Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !! "Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness." Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE. So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within- And so does Mother Ayahuasca- "You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca :-)
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
I'm sorry if I've been slacking in my Toolheadery. I've been workin my ass off lately. I was wondering what the blue dots signify in the new art? Also, why eyes everywhere but where they normally are?? I CANNOT find out this info and I don't have much time to spend looking for it. Could someone help??
Beard, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion :-)
Jon ... We are telling the truth. Infinite truths. And btw Jon , Just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY, and enjoy the following link on that -
You know Jon my friend ... The pathetic and totally fake and useless christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
The 911 event was about suppressing knowledge of your 7-chakra system, the middle of this doc clearly shows that - . All religions on the planet reference the 7 chakras since the first religion the Rig veda of India as all religions come from entheogen plants (Shamanism). And it"s all well documented. Activating all seven chakras along the spine via Entheogen plants is the only way to Spiritual Ascension. Entheogens like Ayahuasca activate and align all 7 chakras and it's scientifically proven through numerous studies. That is why the illuminati government has 33 degrees to their organization, because there are 33 vertebrae to your spine. They use truth symbols that are within you and use them AGAINST you, so that religious fools think it's "evil". When in reality their symbols are what you're supposed to activate within you for Spiritual Ascension. For example, christians for the most part believe the Pyramid is an evil symbol, when in reality the pyramids are what you're supposed to activate within you. ;-)
I have always been curious about the re-occuring eyes in his art. Has Alex ever spoke of their meaning? Or do you have a guess yourself? I have seen them myself but I am none the wiser for that.
Each eye represents consciousness observing, similar to the concept of Atman in Hinduism. You should look into CoSM (a church this couple created based on their psychedelic experiences). All of his work has layers upon layers of deep profound meaning to him
Daniel Waterman and Casey Hardison published a truly excellent in depth study of entheogens in 2013. Entheogens, Society & Law:Towards a Politics of Consciousness, Autonomy & Responsibility. Here is Hoffman's review - This is the best book on entheogens in a long time, containing much-needed critique of discourse -- the prejudiced, loaded, and biased. language used to discuss psychedelics and to suppress their history of central use in all religions, as I have written about in terms of "entheogen diminishment fallacies". Lately I have been condemning drug-free meditation as fake religion which is just the same as fake Christianity which suppresses the mushroom tradition of the Eucharist and covertly replaces that transformative original core, source practice with an insidious inert placebo substitute which prevents mental model transformation, enlightment, and salvation. By preventing the encounter with divine wrath, the whitewashing and sanitization of religion -- every bit as much in fake Eastern religion as in fake Western religion -- prevents mental model transformation and preserves delusion. Academics and meditation/"contemplation" advocates need to immediately dis-invest and wash their hands of their compliant complicity in the thoroughly fraudulent predatory sham of Prohibition-for-Profit, and avoid any diminishment of the core source of our own religion. This book is an excellent product of the internet-era alternative academic community of all the entheogen scholars. This position elaborated by the Philosophical Alchemist Hardison and the lock smith key-holder Waterman, in collaboration with the entire entheogen scholarly community, is guaranteed inevitably to be the destined future of discussion of religion and its origin in entheogens throughout our Western and Eastern religions. It is an understatement to rate this book as top in its field and across fields and as "mandatory reading". Critique of discourse, critical discourse analysis, is key, is the missing link to moving forward in combating the entheogen diminishment fallacies which are asserted by Eastern meditation advocates who are complicit with Prohibition and Nixon's evil War on Drugs, which is truly a War on Enlightenment, Freedom, and Satori. This book will give people this key missing link skill at critical discourse analysis, in order to legalize actual religion, actual religious experiencing, and to make a loud strong call for academics to end academic external censorship and self-censorship, so that academics can do what they are supposed to have been doing: analyze cognitive science in the altered state, and analyze religion which is based in the altered state, and stop avoiding an authentic engagement with their subject matter.. Academics, scholars and investigators of religious experiencing, which side are you on: the side that is inevitably bound to lose -- the old Ptolemaic cosmology mandated by the Establishment which has been in power in this passing age, or the modern, scientific enlightenment, and honest, unprejudiced following of the truth where it leads, following the evidence (gathered together, not suppressed any longer), and critical reason that can stand up to critical discourse analysis presented by Hardison and Waterman and the entire entheogen research community in this book. -- Michael Hoffman, the theorist of ego death and mapping religious mythology to self-control cybernetics in the traditional altered state .
I came to a love of Tool through Alex Grey and specifically the Perennial Philosphy... Enrichment is your responsibility Worldwide Visionary Art Movement
You know Richy Rich. .. The totally pathetic and fake christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust".. -
You can ALWAYS and Forever Trust Artists who have had many sessions with Entheogens (Divine Power Plants), like Alex and his wife and many fantastic Artists have. Simply go to Google images, and type in - 'What do Entheogens do ', in the search box, click the "images" tab above on the page, and then click on the first photo with the Shaman holding his hands in the form of a pyramid, and read it fully. And there you go. Namaste ! .. Nature is my church, and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music is my religion :-)
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go. And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !! Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ? Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide. Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings ! "The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !). The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas. The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning. " Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer." Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical. The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR. "Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe "With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman " Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels: 1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age." 2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life." 3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth. Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach. But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live." Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !! "Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness." Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE. So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within- And so does Mother Ayahuasca- "You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
Repeat the words ' HIT - STEEL - PLANE - MUST " with your Christian president on the morning of 911, at this Link- and with the children as the Planes Hit the Steel buildings. You totally dumb and stupid, and 100% brainwashed useless brainwashed robot, and complete Zombie asshole.
I hope Alex and Alice realize how important t they've been to the rock scene over the last 25 years and will be instrumental in further generations music for eons
Alex is special.....hand picked by the one and only creator Himself! He did it with Da Vinci and then with a couple of others which includes Mr.Grey! ⚡
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go. And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !! Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ? Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide. Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings ! "The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !). The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas. The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning. " Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer." Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical. The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR. "Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe "With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman " Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels: 1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age." 2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life." 3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth. Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach. But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live." Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !! "Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness." Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE. So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within- And so does Mother Ayahuasca- "You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca :-)
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
Wow, Alex really had a hard time holding his shit when the dude asked if he had worked on new stuff for Tool. He cackled, then the next question was if he never does anything for them before they ask and he said no. BTW, up here 2 months in the future, the artwork for the new album is so good.
The new album is the most basic artwork we have see from Tool since Undertow.. but perhaps im not looking at it from an artistic standpoint. I see Undertow as a leech or virus or bacteria of sorts... some sort of life sucking virus..which is what the album concepts, no? Sobriety. 10,000 Days and Lateralus appear real simple til i you feel the multi layered aspect of it that Alex Grey mentions.. Fear Inoculum? I see carbon fiber.. vein like structure.. the future of humanity is integrated with our own technological innovations..the next step in evolution. Hmm.... Lol 3:34 anyway did Alex Grey do the artwork on Fear Inoculum? Cant believe im asking this.
@@mgonzalez8880It has grown on me, but while the cover of Fear Inoculum may not be spectacular (it's all eyes, btw), the rest of the physical package, including the large booklet and video that plays on a 4" LCD screen withing the package are stunning. It's very well done.
@@thousandpound1994 Glad i have the physical copy the artwork is amazing. An artist named Sean Cheetham did the portraits of the 4 members in the booklet. Yeah i only opened this thing once i ought to check it out again when i get to it.. also, those are eyes on the cover?! 😯
My interpretation is that the eyes mean there is consciousness everywhere, or perhaps spirits always present. When it comes to the new art work, or even that of 10,000 days it seems to be part of his "net of being" idea. That our souls are not local to this planet, but originate from else where in an interconnected sense
Great on Alex Grey's part to capitalize on his early success with tool back in 2001 with this 2019 interview. No, really Alex Grey has a beautiful mind.. anyway, can we get a Lustmord interview? Hes the new Tool collaborator on 'Fear Inouculum' as far as music goes, to my knowledge. Ill look into this person some more.. listen to some of their music..
I have a feeling Alex is WELL acquainted with phsycadelics.... Which there's nothing wrong with of course. I've seen many, many patterns like his artwork before, and more. But not once was I 'of a sober mind' Edit- 6:45 case in point haha. Hahaa.
You know Justin ....... The totally pathetic and fake christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
Sometimes I wonder at Maynard for his friendship with Joe Rogan. Then I think of Alex and wonder what Alex would think of it. And then I remember that Alex would only think of his friend as a human who he loves and connects with. Then I feel a little better.
Koragh, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion !!!
It's almost a crime, that someone with such an awesome voice, is primarily devoted to the visual arts. Dude could bring life to so many awesome fictional characters.
Yeah for sure. I think most artists aren't only good in 1 medium. Their ideas or creativity usually transcends to other areas
omg his laugh caught me off guard hahaha
@@america091397 Ha haaa!! holy crap dude, I thought it was the woman next to him at first.
Now we understand why. He asked him if he could talk about the album art, which we now know was a huge secret to keep.
Now that I have the album in my hand, that laugh says “if you ONLY FUCKING KNEW”
Makes me think of floki on Vikings.
David Hogg is a white supremacist Fuck off troll
Alex’s art made the Lateralus tour so special.
Alex is sounding more and more like Terrence McKenna
Psychedelic enlightenment will do that to you.
Linda Doucett
I’ve always thought the two sound exactly the same
I cant unhear this
and David Lynch
that painting over his right shoulder clearly shows nascent psilocybe carpophores growing out of a finger... so, yeah...
This dude eats dmt for breakfast
I'm glad he does, his art is amazing.
Eating it will do nothing but I get what ya saying
BobbyH Team HAAM with maoi’s*
and lunch, dinner, supper, and snacks.
I don't really think so. But he certainly has had more than me
the excitement in that laugh told all!
That's a acid tripp laugh, the one where you are in on a joke with the universe and no one knows it yet
@@monsterrage2483 so true haha
@@monsterrage2483 dude, you put that perfectly. 😂
Hey guys, Just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY, and enjoy the following link on that -
You know guys ... The pathetic and totally fake and useless christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
nice one.... the lateralus artwork is pretty damn special
Fujac, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion :-)
It's ALL about the Shamans ;-) -
Hey guys, Just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY, and enjoy the following link on that -
You know guys ... The pathetic and totally fake and useless christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
Lateralus album cover is just pure awesomeness. There is nothing like it.
Phillip, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion :-)
You know guys ... The pathetic and totally fake and useless christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
His description the of TOOL'S music is so accurate, great video thanks
Sbk, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion !
I always interpreted Tool's use of the art as appreciation and a way of showing us there are others out there with different methods and language that see things in a similar way.
Love the way you worded that.
Bill Hader needs to do an episode of documentary now where he plays a version of Alex Grey from one of the documentaries about him lol
Fred Armison could play Maynard as just a litteral troll. Contradicting every single thing he says after each sentence lol
@@jondeem6838 lol
Fuck now that it's been said I can't un-hear it Hahahaha. God damn it 😂😂😂
Hey guys, Just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY, and enjoy the following link on that -
I love the 10,000 Days artwork. So majestical and timeless.
The sweetest nicest couple you'll ever meet....and yes Bill Hader would do a great impression !
For me the visuals of Alex Grey for Tool play an immense role. I dare to say that Alex boosts the "spiritualityness" of Tool's music very very much. They have found each other again by karmic attraction. ))
Alex Grey seems like such a chill and friendly person to be around
i could listen to these 2 talk allllll day
I remember looking at tool's albums thinking to myself, "my god the art work is awesome".... so this is the guy :) cool
Gonna make that laugh my ringtone.
Loving the Ram Dass painting behind them.
Great artists on that collabo like this makes me wanna cry. Tool and Alex are that super collabo. It's too much beauty and art.
i need a 5 hours interview.. I think that couple has a lot to tell us
Episode 262 of Duncan Trussell Family Hour will give you about 90 minutes of wisdom.
Well Andrea.. You'd be wise to start with this -
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go.
And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !!
Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ?
Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide.
Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings !
"The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !).
The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas.
The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic
Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning.
" Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer."
Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical.
The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR.
"Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe
"With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman
" Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman
The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels:
1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age."
2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life."
3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth.
Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach.
But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live."
Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !!
"Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness."
Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE.
So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within-
And so does Mother Ayahuasca-
"You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca :-)
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
@@robertdemeter5793 a bit preachy no?..............
What an inspirational artist and person.
That's it I'm going to CoSm soon. Alex Grey is so awesome.
I was lucky enough to meet Alex and Allyson at one of their PDX shows. I gave them some of my #KarbonKast art. I made their COSM logo in a metal process that looks as if it was frozen in carbonate. Alex & Allyson are super nice people I hope our paths cross again someday.
the way Allyson looks at him 😌
I can't wait to see what's coming for the next album artwork!
Well Sebastian.. You'd be wise to start with this -
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go.
And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !!
Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ?
Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide.
Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings !
"The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !).
The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas.
The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic
Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning.
" Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer."
Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical.
The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR.
"Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe
"With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman
" Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman
The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels:
1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age."
2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life."
3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth.
Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach.
But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live."
Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !!
"Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness."
Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE.
So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within-
And so does Mother Ayahuasca-
"You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
@@robertdemeter5793 Youre a fucking moron and the type that gives bad light to psychedelics.
I’m one of those tattooed fans - Alex’s work is so enjoyable.
I have that eye on my left forearm. I'll be getting more of bits and pieces of his paintings in the future
6:27 when your astral body suddenly tries to leave your physical form.
More like when u try to tap into it and leave where u are lol n fall to do so lmao happens to me e cry day cuz I suck at it n need to take shrooms lol
He was suppressing his reptilian shape-shift...
"...if i can keep down arby's, i can keep down you"
you have no idea what lsd does with you lol for the better but its also overwelming if you have to keep a daily routine
Koragh ain’t that the truth
Alex Greys artwork is so f'n beautiful!! You get lost in it, it speaks to you. His work and Tools music together =bliss. Stunning. I love his laugh 😂😂😂
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies ;-) -
I came across this website and artwork not realizing your art has inspired me as an artist when I first saw it on the album art for one of my favorite bands. I should have made the connection earlier.
Alex Grey is my hero. I urge you to get into art and visionary practices.
I urge you to go and stay vegan.
@@FraterZeroToInfinity you still consume and kills life forms on a regular basis. You can't live karma free, its impossible.
Are you vegan because you think its better for the environment or are you vegan because you believe all lives are equal?
@@devonscope6222 It takes 16 pounds of plant life to make one pound of flesh. Eating a vegan diet kills less life than a flesh eaters diet. Animals do not eat air. Being vegan is not about causing zero harm; it is about eliminating the harm we CAN eliminate. Are you one of those people who say they will not do anything because they cannot do everything?
@@devonscope6222 You do not have to consider anybody equal to you to decide that they do not deserve to experience extreme torture, distress, and murder, all for 15 minutes of pleasure.
This guys on a different wavelength than most of us
Lateralus felt more out of body than 10k Days
agreed.. but Fear Inoculum has some serious out of body.. that album touches my being
Yeszsz bless this immunity
This man is a cosmic visionary. He has been given the sight and is nice enough to share with the world.
Ryan , Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies ;-) -
It's ALL about the Shamans ;-) -
Thank you kind sir. Keep spreading the love.
Ryan, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion :-)
Alex grey outer worldly beam of light! Love his art
Awesomeness amazing. Tool please put out album before i pass away.
Death is total illusion. There is no such thing as death ;-)
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go.
And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !!
Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ?
Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide.
Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings !
"The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !).
The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas.
The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic
Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning.
" Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer."
Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical.
The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR.
"Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe
"With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman
" Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman
The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels:
1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age."
2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life."
3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth.
Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach.
But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live."
Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !!
"Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness."
Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE.
So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within-
And so does Mother Ayahuasca-
"You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca :-)
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
You good bruh? It's out and it's Legendary
Alex's face at the end is priceless
That Ram Das piece in the background is fucking amazing and hilarious.
This was awesome. Thank you
Unbelievable interview! ✌✌✌✌✌👀
I'm sorry if I've been slacking in my Toolheadery. I've been workin my ass off lately. I was wondering what the blue dots signify in the new art? Also, why eyes everywhere but where they normally are?? I CANNOT find out this info and I don't have much time to spend looking for it. Could someone help??
That laugh means the new Tool Album is going to be another collaborative artwork effort with Adam Jones and its going to be incredible.
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies ;-) -
It's ALL about the Shamans ;-) -
@@robertdemeter5793 Bro shut the fuck up
This wasn’t the Alex grey I meant when googled Alex grey but this is dope too
You stumbled across a good find my friend.
Now you know...
Cool.....I want to go see the sacred mirrors I just heard about for the first time.
It is a pretty cool place in the Catskill mountains of NY. Mr. Grey is a really nice guy and extremely gifted.
Beard, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion :-)
Greatest collaboration in the universe.
This interviewer looks just like my best friend. Like JUST LIKE HIM it’s crazy. I’m going to show him this video lol
His voice reminds me of Terrence Meckenna (forgive the spelling)
20 ayahuasca ceremonies is all you need for infinite freedom and JOY :-) -
@@robertdemeter5793 Ty for sharing, that was a very interesting read 😊
Jon ... We are telling the truth. Infinite truths. And btw Jon , Just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY, and enjoy the following link on that -
You know Jon my friend ... The pathetic and totally fake and useless christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
The 911 event was about suppressing knowledge of your 7-chakra system, the middle of this doc clearly shows that - . All religions on the planet reference the 7 chakras since the first religion the Rig veda of India as all religions come from entheogen plants (Shamanism). And it"s all well documented. Activating all seven chakras along the spine via Entheogen plants is the only way to Spiritual Ascension. Entheogens like Ayahuasca activate and align all 7 chakras and it's scientifically proven through numerous studies.
That is why the illuminati government has 33 degrees to their organization, because there are 33 vertebrae to your spine. They use truth symbols that are within you and use them AGAINST you, so that religious fools think it's "evil". When in reality their symbols are what you're supposed to activate within you for Spiritual Ascension.
For example, christians for the most part believe the Pyramid is an evil symbol, when in reality the pyramids are what you're supposed to activate within you. ;-)
Alex looks like me if I live that long.
I love Tool and Alex and Allyson Grey
I have always been curious about the re-occuring eyes in his art. Has Alex ever spoke of their meaning? Or do you have a guess yourself? I have seen them myself but I am none the wiser for that.
Each eye represents consciousness observing, similar to the concept of Atman in Hinduism. You should look into CoSM (a church this couple created based on their psychedelic experiences). All of his work has layers upon layers of deep profound meaning to him
Daniel Waterman and Casey Hardison published a truly excellent in depth study of entheogens in 2013. Entheogens, Society & Law:Towards a Politics of Consciousness, Autonomy & Responsibility. Here is Hoffman's review - This is the best book on entheogens in a long time, containing much-needed critique of discourse -- the prejudiced, loaded, and biased. language used to discuss psychedelics and to suppress their history of central use in all religions, as I have written about in terms of "entheogen diminishment fallacies".
Lately I have been condemning drug-free meditation as fake religion which is just the same as fake Christianity which suppresses the mushroom tradition of the Eucharist and covertly replaces that transformative original core, source practice with an insidious inert placebo substitute which prevents mental model transformation, enlightment, and salvation.
By preventing the encounter with divine wrath, the whitewashing and sanitization of religion -- every bit as much in fake Eastern religion as in fake Western religion -- prevents mental model transformation and preserves delusion.
Academics and meditation/"contemplation" advocates need to immediately dis-invest and wash their hands of their compliant complicity in the thoroughly fraudulent predatory sham of Prohibition-for-Profit, and avoid any diminishment of the core source of our own religion.
This book is an excellent product of the internet-era alternative academic community of all the entheogen scholars.
This position elaborated by the Philosophical Alchemist Hardison and the lock smith key-holder Waterman, in collaboration with the entire entheogen scholarly community, is guaranteed inevitably to be the
destined future of discussion of religion and its origin in entheogens throughout our Western and Eastern religions.
It is an understatement to rate this book as top in its field and across fields and as "mandatory reading".
Critique of discourse, critical discourse analysis, is key, is the missing link to moving forward in combating the entheogen diminishment fallacies which are asserted by Eastern meditation advocates who are complicit with Prohibition and Nixon's evil War on Drugs, which is truly a War on Enlightenment, Freedom, and Satori.
This book will give people this key missing link skill at critical discourse analysis, in order to legalize actual religion, actual religious experiencing, and to make a loud strong call for academics to end academic external censorship and self-censorship, so that academics
can do what they are supposed to have been doing: analyze cognitive science in the altered state, and analyze religion which is based in the altered state, and stop avoiding an authentic engagement with their
subject matter..
Academics, scholars and investigators of religious experiencing, which side are you on: the side that is inevitably bound to lose -- the old Ptolemaic cosmology mandated by the Establishment which has been in
power in this passing age, or the modern, scientific enlightenment, and honest, unprejudiced following of the truth where it leads, following the evidence (gathered together, not suppressed any longer), and critical reason that can stand up to critical discourse analysis
presented by Hardison and Waterman and the entire entheogen research community in this book.
-- Michael Hoffman, the theorist of ego death and mapping religious mythology to self-control cybernetics in the traditional altered state .
When I go to my psychiatrist ....he recommends Alex Grey's anthropomorphic embodiment oil.
I came to a love of Tool through Alex Grey and specifically the Perennial Philosphy... Enrichment is your responsibility
Worldwide Visionary Art Movement
Rich ... just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY -
You know Richy Rich. .. The totally pathetic and fake christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust".. -
I just want to hear him say "Wowwww"
You can ALWAYS and Forever Trust Artists who have had many sessions with Entheogens (Divine Power Plants), like Alex and his wife and many fantastic Artists have. Simply go to Google images, and type in - 'What do Entheogens do ', in the search box, click the "images" tab above on the page, and then click on the first photo with the Shaman holding his hands in the form of a pyramid, and read it fully. And there you go. Namaste ! .. Nature is my church, and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music is my religion :-)
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go.
And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !!
Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ?
Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide.
Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings !
"The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !).
The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas.
The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic
Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning.
" Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer."
Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical.
The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR.
"Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe
"With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman
" Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman
The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels:
1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age."
2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life."
3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth.
Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach.
But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live."
Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !!
"Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness."
Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE.
So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within-
And so does Mother Ayahuasca-
"You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
Guess how I know you’re extremely anti-Trump (gay)
Repeat the words ' HIT - STEEL - PLANE - MUST " with your Christian president on the morning of 911, at this Link- and with the children as the Planes Hit the Steel buildings. You totally dumb and stupid, and 100% brainwashed useless brainwashed robot, and complete Zombie asshole.
Totally useless control-driven and dividing demonic cowards like Daniel are firmly entrenched on the Left -
I hope Alex and Alice realize how important t they've been to the rock scene over the last 25 years and will be instrumental in further generations music for eons
I want to know about that Hanuman ji's art in the back. has he talked about it in any video? can anybody share?
What is the necklace Alex Grey and his wife is wearing
COSM logo
Alex is special.....hand picked by the one and only creator Himself! He did it with Da Vinci and then with a couple of others which includes Mr.Grey! ⚡
This is really interesting thanks for posting
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies -
It's ALL about the Shamans ;-) -
beautiful interview thank you! i wish i could create art like that, would i need dmt for that? lol
You'd be wise to start with this - .. A minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies for you :-)
Commit to a minimum of 20 Ayahuasca ceremonies, fully SURRENDER, shut up, and DIE !! - Try to explain what is the point of Religion unless it's CONQUERING Death by DIRECT EXPERIENCE !? Exactly, your beliefs and religion are POINTLESS !! Your beliefs are useless and meaningless, as you have no reference points to compare anything. But eye have infinite reference points of infinite worlds of infinite beings, and Christians and radical religious people are BY far the most cowardly, the darkest, and most unconscious group in the infinite Universe. Pathetic Religion teaches you to HATE the Earth and your life is meaningless here, imprisoning you in the illusion of time, therefore hating infinite truths that are right under your nose that you're totally blind to. Your absolutely pathetic fear of death is so hilarious. Shut up and drink Ayahuasca, and fully surrender, and DIE!!.. Because ONLY then will you find that there will be nothing left to blame, there will be no point in asking what's the game, no point in asking what it is , no point in asking who's to go.
And only then will you fully understand how Christianity and religion is total bullshit and is totally USELESS and Worthless. ... Yes, eye said it !! Does it "OFFEND" you? As only darkness can ever be offended. As christians and religious control-driven assholes are ALWAYS offended by everything, hence why they hate everything, anything, and everyone that does not worship your totally fake religion full of lies. you're actually stupid enough to believe that Light seeks to be worshiped. LOL !!
Because eye have news for you, with Ayahuasca you're going to be marching towards your death. Are you scared you religious and Christian coward and total liar ! hmm ?
Because, When death kissed you, it didn't kill, because it wasn't meant to be the kiss of death.. It was meant to resurrect you, from a slumber, and select you for its highest teachings. Man cannot teach it, the spirits won't speak of it.. if I preached to you, a hundred years, you wouldn't know it is as a fountain of power and infinite beauty. You would only know it as grief, you wouldn't see it as a teacher, you would only see it as a thief that has come to steal your life, then run and hide.
Death came to teach you happiness, but only after you knew the tooth of the jaguar, then watched your life dart away from you, with falcon wings !
"The fearful seek to serve themselves by mastering the world and other people (which is ego), but the fearless seek to serve the world and other people by mastering themselves ( which is Spirit !).
The funniest thing is, all religions tell us about conquering death in the scriptures by dying before you die to meet the Soul in the 5th dimension of Consciousness, yet there isn't a single western church that ever teaches these facts. And every religion speaks of facing your darkest darkness within you, and to face all your deepest fears is the ONLY way to the Light. Yet again, no western church ever speaks of these facts. As Truth is ALWAYS Paradoxical in our perfect enchanted multi-dimensional Universe of infinite beauty. All churches are total liars and deny Direct Spiritual experiences with their endless dogmas.
The secret trick to life is to die before you die, Only then can you ever start to learn infinite Spiritual teachings, that is far far beyond intellect and far beyond logic
Don’t be fearful of death because this fear you feel is only an illusion. Death is an important element of your existence for it is necessary for incarnation and your Spiritual growth. You are eternal for there is no such thing as death. Don’t allow world culture and all it’s illusions to fragment your psyche and Soul. Once you take Ayahuasca you will fully realize all this. People of this world cannot teach you what Ayahuasca will teach you, it’s an entirely different school from what you’ve known in your present consciousness and conditioning.
" Life and death are not opposites. Ego and life are opposites. Ego is against both death and life. The ego is afraid to live, and the ego is afraid to die. It is afraid to live because each effort, each step towards life, brings death closer."
Fear of death really means fear of life and fear of receiving and giving love. Truth is Always paradoxical.
The ego mind seeks "control" through silly beliefs because it lives in FEAR.
"Your reality is limited for the reason that your own understanding about the Universe is limited and incomplete. People are not afraid of the unknown as much as they are afraid to lose the old false identity illusion beliefs they have created for themselves & everything behind it. That are all lies of ego-attachments. The stupidity of your fear of death and your attachment to life and time causes all your greed, separations, selfishness, delusions, prejudices, ignorance, blindness to Nature, and self-hatred."- The infinite Universe
"With Ayahuasca it will be difficult because you are faced with the most fearful & frightening thing that exists, you are faced with Your-Self. And most people don't want this, thats why we keep ourselves so busy with distractions outside ourselves: we read, follow gossip media, watch tv, movies, go to church, follow fashion, follow jobs (money), follow groups, follow politics, follow sports, we have phones, we travel, look for hobbies, we twitter, follow the crowd etc, because we don't want to be facing ourselves, that would be terrible. So with Ayahuasca this is what you have to deal with, which is your-Self at that point"~ Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Ayahuasca Shaman
" Ayahuasca will almost never give you what you want (that is your ego-based mind) ..What Ayahuasca always Always gives you is what you Need, which comes from the infinite intelligence of Nature and the Universe, for your Soul" - Fabian Piorkowsky, Master Shaman
The aspirations of different people can be divided into the following three generalized levels:
1) The fearful, protective, limited 3D physical ego low energy = The ego says "Live healthily and happily to a ripe old age."
2) The illusions of separation and a prisoner to 3rd Dimension linear time = The ego says "Go to heaven in the next life."
3) Spiritual Warrior. Dissolving ego and Going deep within and activating all 7 divine chakras within, the Spirit channel of Light to meet the Soul, and Dissolving ego/separations, to become Spirit in 5th and 7th dimensional vibrations/frequencies of existence = Attain the greatest, highest achievement, described variously as attaining Enlightenment, achieving Buddhahood, returning to God within, union with Shiva, Mohommad, Allah, Lakshmi, Isis, Ganesh, Krishna and all the ascended masters. Union with countless Angels. Total unity with the Universe/Cosmos/Nature, becoming the Universe, Becoming ONE with the word of Universal "OM" of infinite sound, Timelessness, Eternal NOW, becoming the embodiment of unconditional Love for all beings- all life, becoming one with Brahman, seeing ultimate reality, finding and becoming Absolute Truth.
Meet your Soul, and you meet "Source Energy" that is everywhere and within all things (what people commonly refer to as 'God") . Meet your Soul and you meet the infinite enchanted multi-dimensional Universe and the infinite Magic and wonders of Nature all WITHIN YOU ! Just as every religion promises in the scriptures when they state that the Kingdom is WITHIN You ..,, But of course, churches never teach.
But the sacred divine Plant Entheogens do teach, and teach by Direct EXPERIENCES. As Ayahuasca takes you into yourself like a Rocketship far beyond the blind thinking mind of (ego). Because, "Fear of Self means you never live."
Death is infinite liberation and re-integration with the infinite Oneness of infinite magic and endless beauty and joy !!
"Spirituality has absolutely nothing to do with what you believe in, and has everything to do with your state of consciousness."
Every religion on the Planet says the only way is going deep Within and fully facing yourself. 'If God were to hide, God would hide inside of man, because that would be the last place man would look for God'- Hindu proverb. "The kingdom of heaven is Within you, and whoever shall know himself shall find it"- Egyptian proverb. " I searched for myself and only found God- Sufi proverb. The book of I-ching of Asia says the same thing, so does Buddhism.. And the bible- "The Kingdom of God is WITHIN you" - in the bible. ALL religions say the same thing, as all is ONE.
So explain why are people wasting their time with religion that divides us all when they all say the same thing. !!? LOL at beliefs as all beliefs of the ego-mind are lies !! Your beliefs are exactly what your demons are. Again, YOUR BELIEFS ARE what Your DEMONS ARE !!! As All religions tell you to go deep within-
And so does Mother Ayahuasca-
"You are not just a meaningless fragment in an alien universe, briefly suspended between life & death, allowed a few short-lived pleasures followed by pain & ultimate annihilation. Underneath your outer form, you are connected with something so vast, so beautiful, so immeasurable, and so sacred, that it cannot be spoken of - yet I am speaking of IT now. I am speaking of IT now not to give you something to believe in but to show you how you can know IT for yourself." - Mother Ayahuasca :-)
"You can develop a strong relationship with higher dimensional Worlds, and commune with Angels, Nature Spirit, Devas, Star beings, and Ascended Masters" - .. Do you have any questions ?!
Couldn't hurt.
Yup. Jk
Anybody notice the picture in the back left corner of the room is from the fear inoculum artwork
Yeah and a lot of the artwork is influenced by Groot.
Wow, Alex really had a hard time holding his shit when the dude asked if he had worked on new stuff for Tool. He cackled, then the next question was if he never does anything for them before they ask and he said no. BTW, up here 2 months in the future, the artwork for the new album is so good.
The new album is the most basic artwork we have see from Tool since Undertow.. but perhaps im not looking at it from an artistic standpoint. I see Undertow as a leech or virus or bacteria of sorts... some sort of life sucking virus..which is what the album concepts, no? Sobriety. 10,000 Days and Lateralus appear real simple til i you feel the multi layered aspect of it that Alex Grey mentions.. Fear Inoculum? I see carbon fiber.. vein like structure.. the future of humanity is integrated with our own technological innovations..the next step in evolution. Hmm....
Lol 3:34 anyway did Alex Grey do the artwork on Fear Inoculum? Cant believe im asking this.
@@mgonzalez8880 I believe he did the artwork that comes with the physical copy of fear inoculum. There are unboxing videos that you can check out...
@@mgonzalez8880It has grown on me, but while the cover of Fear Inoculum may not be spectacular (it's all eyes, btw), the rest of the physical package, including the large booklet and video that plays on a 4" LCD screen withing the package are stunning. It's very well done.
@@thousandpound1994 Glad i have the physical copy the artwork is amazing. An artist named Sean Cheetham did the portraits of the 4 members in the booklet. Yeah i only opened this thing once i ought to check it out again when i get to it.. also, those are eyes on the cover?! 😯
Well done sir!
I could listen to this cat all day long...
Today’s breakfast: DMT with ACID
20 Ayahuasca ceremonies is all you need :-) -
Breakfast of Champions 💪
Anyone knows the song in the Outro of the video?
Does anyone know what the emblem is on Alex's necklace?
Cosm (chapel of sacred mirror)
@@ayushbhati3060 thanks!
Is it just me, or does the guy on the right look massive compared to Alex and Allyson?
What Meshuggah art did alex do? Those crazy cool vinyl releases?
He did the cover art for the Selfcaged EP
@@zazenboy ive never really listened to meshuggah past a handful of songs. Is selfcaged any good? The album art is sick
Why are there so many eyes in his art with TOOL? What's the meaning of all these eyes? They're even on the cover of the new album Fear Inoculum.
My interpretation is that the eyes mean there is consciousness everywhere, or perhaps spirits always present. When it comes to the new art work, or even that of 10,000 days it seems to be part of his "net of being" idea. That our souls are not local to this planet, but originate from else where in an interconnected sense
The flaming eye is consciousness in a nutshell, from the words of Mr. Grey.
When you take a high dose of shrooms you tend to see eyes everywhere. Alot of his art is recreating what he seen and experienced on psychedelics.
His laugh 😁🤭
Haha I know his laugh really caught me off guard lol
It was dubbed
Mescalin + COSM = Mind blown
that interviewer is like a giant compared to them
Great on Alex Grey's part to capitalize on his early success with tool back in 2001 with this 2019 interview. No, really Alex Grey has a beautiful mind.. anyway, can we get a Lustmord interview? Hes the new Tool collaborator on 'Fear Inouculum' as far as music goes, to my knowledge. Ill look into this person some more.. listen to some of their music..
M Gonzalez Lustmord has been a Tool collaborator for a while. He provided sound on 10000 Days and has remixes on both the Schism and Parabaola DVDs.
very cool !
I have a feeling Alex is WELL acquainted with phsycadelics.... Which there's nothing wrong with of course.
I've seen many, many patterns like his artwork before, and more. But not once was I 'of a sober mind'
Edit- 6:45 case in point haha.
Is it me or does Alex sound kinda like the guy with the deformed face from Hannibal ?
And Justin... just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY -
You know Justin ....... The totally pathetic and fake christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
Mason verger
Sometimes I wonder at Maynard for his friendship with Joe Rogan. Then I think of Alex and wonder what Alex would think of it. And then I remember that Alex would only think of his friend as a human who he loves and connects with. Then I feel a little better.
Tremendous, is the interviewer a giant or are Alex & his wife tiny people?
I'm fairly certain that Alex Grey is indeed quite short.
@@ganginfr4923 cheers : )
I wish i could listen to this guy talk
Well you are listening. Here, listen deeper -
His art is really cool
What is on Alex necklace
Looks like the all seeing eye
Its COSM's logo. It does represent the all seeing eye. I live a few miles from him and he has a huge sign of this at the entrance of his driveway!
Find yourself someone that looks at you like Allyson looks at Alex
All this beautiful human art by Grey then the dirty sock at 0:53.
Baz ... just don't forget to Spend that totally useless and fake christian american money WISELY -
You know Baz.. The totally pathetic and fake christian american money that says...... "In God We Trust"... -
He should teach Divinations at hogwarts or something....also a proud owner of Net of Being tapestry
I'll sign up for that shit
His laugh is so cute
Fuck yeah tool! and alex grey too
Metal injection check out my youtube acc? im a metal musician too
3:27 😬
I astral projected 3 times during this video
20 Ayahuasca ceremonies is all you need :-) -
DMT is a hell of a drug
this dude is from a different place dont understimate his coinciousness and art invision
It's ALL about the Shamans ;-) -
Koragh, You are infinite and Eternal Spiritual being of Divine Magic and Endless Wonders, infinite Light without boundaries, Majestic indescribable Beauty far beyond the limits of space and time. You are Abundance Overflowing, Alchemy Miracles, Divine Light of Nature Spirit, Timeless Formlessness, You are Sacred and Divine Manifestation, Creativity in Creativeness Joy, and infinite Cosmic Multi-dimensional Consciousness with no end !! Namaste ! Aho ! OM to you my beautiful magical friend of Light !! .. Thank you Mother Ayahuasca.. Infinite Endless Eternal GRATITUDE ! < 3 .. Nature is my church - , and Rock N' Roll and Heavy Metal music ( and a touch of psychedelic trance) is my religion !!!
His laugh😂
Looks like Proto Molecules.
Wow not many know really
I never knew smeagal could paint lol