Puts 12% more stress onto the remaining LEDs. All that farting about with foil and CA glue, just solder a fine wire link. It won't make it any safer, but it would would make better electrical connection. Better idea is to buy a replacement bulb.
With a small point soldering iron you can change the LED their about 10 cent each and make it more secure, or they can be salvaged from other non working LED bulbs ! Tape and foil is a good recipe for a fire since the casing is all flammable plastic !
От що дивно , канал вказано "Сполучені Штати" , але у відео на пачці з Вінстона написано українською "куріння вбиває " - виходячи з цього і дивної відповіді автора вам , це однозначно злам мозку 😅
@@trevor5290 Нам Байден не посылает деньги. Если желаете узнать как происходит финансирование, то могу рассказать. А можете сами погуглить. Но одно скажу - лампочку на те деньги не купить.
Just think of the LEDs as Christmas tree lights and one blows, so you put a piece of tin foil into the bulb holder and screw the dead bulb back in. The remaining lights have an increase in voltage because the lights just as with the LEDs are wired in series. The increase in voltage will burn out the other LEDs/ lights much quicker because of the higher voltage. This is not a safe practice.
This is a wrong repair. If you short the fused led the rest of the leds recive higher voltage and the fuse within a few days. Best way is to replace the led board with a new one. The boards are very cheep.
by board do you mean a surface mount LED element? Those ARE very inexpensive - usually come on tape for pennies a piece. The only issue with repairing is that to solder you may need a hot air soldering station - that may be $70-100 USD - you can buy a lot of LED lamps (bulbs) for that. Buying name brand vs. cheap bulbs is also an idea so you don't get burned out bulbs as often...
Let me also give you a lesson, if everyone in the world done this with there bolbs our land fills wouldent be so full of trash as there would be more room for other things, that all ends up in our sea killing our beautiful wild life this one simple thing would make a wave so big across the world that in no time flat the world would be a better place and our animals wouldent have to die from getting tangled in the rubbish. SO NEXT TIME YOU BLOW A GLOBE AND YOU THINK ABOUT WHAT I SAID HERE TODAY THAT IF YOU TOOK THE TIME TO FIX STUFF LIKE THIS YOUR SAVEING THE ANIMALS SINGLE HANDED. AND THOSE THAT TAKE THE TIME OUT OF THERE BUISY LIVES WILL NOT HAVE TO WORK AS HARD AND WILL BE ABEL TO SPEND MORE TIME WITH FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES OPEN YOUR MIND MY FRIEND THIIS SMALL THING IF WE EACH DID THIS WOULD CREAT A WAVE BIGENOUGH TO FIIX A HUGE AMOUNT OF THIS WORLD ISHUES WITH WASTE.
@rodobrien3488 light bulbs should never go bad or need replaced PERIOD! the ONLY reason they do is bc the ones running the world are greedy & evil. The companies that made light bulbs quickly realized that they couldn't make more $ off of us & purposely started making them break after a bit. The 1st light bulbs still to this day works perfectly fine!
Meu brother, isso me deu uma ideia. Tenho algumas lâmpadas queimadas aqui em casa. Já sabia que fica um ponto ou um risquinho preto, como nesse vídeo, do led defeituoso. Mas ao invés de ter esse trabalho todo do cara no vídeo, era mais fácil, testar o curto com um pedaço de fio no lugar da pinça. E pq não fazer a ligação dos pólos com solda/estanho?! Seria mais rápido e fácil. Melhor ainda, seguindo uma dica de um dos comentários aqui, pq não trocar o led defeituoso por um em perfeito estado de outra lâmpada tb queimada?! Perde-se uma lâmpada para reposição de peças, mas em compensação, ganha-se lâmpadas novas. Vou tentar isso aqui em casa com as minhas e gravar pro meu canal...
Ótima ideia! Testar com um pedaço de fio e fazer a ligação dos pólos com solda pode ser uma alternativa rápida e fácil. Experimente e veja como fica! 😉
basta usare un po di stagno col saldatore , è consigliabile sostituire il led bruciato con un altro led di uguale potenza e voltaggio , altrimenti la lampadina durerà poco .
@@lpjunction increased voltage due to 1 missing LED will make sure to end the rest ones soon. Better to use broken bulb as a source of replacement LEDs so instead of bridging the LED spot you just solder a replacement. This video is wrong and pointless (potentially dangerous) the way he did it..
@@mmdirtyworkz LED will last a long time, but we often see LED light bulbs go out. How is that 10000hr lifetime LED die so early. The reason is simple, Suppose the LED recommended rating is 20ma, the light bulb guys will run it 25ma or over until they feel unsafe( such as magic pixee with a puff of smoke). Doing so, the bulb looks brighter and possibly no one will find out. If the LED is operating at an elevated condition, by shorting the faulty LED just push the remaining LEDs a step towards the cliff. Not recommended.
Led bulbs still get hot. The heat is just in a different spot. The one good thing about led bulbs is. They don't break in the rain or when it gets icey outside. I don't put the cover on over the bulbs and don't use an outside bulb at all. Just regular indoor 60w equivalent. Probably should change that to 100 watt equivalent though but it's two 60 watt ones bulbs. Get the bulbs that have the longest life. Replace them every so many years instead. That's what i do. Years and years they work unless you got a flawed one. Sometimes happens. The light will start to dim with bugs and yellowing of the outside. Worse if you smoke inside. Take a soapy rag and not too wet and clean the outside of the bulb that shines light and no other part. Towel dry let sit to make certain it is good and dry and your bulbs are brighter. Problem with the very long lasting ones getting dimmer. It's what collects on them in that length of time. Always use shatter resistant ones outside. I actually use all of them shatter resistant to be honest. I got ones that look like old incandescents and they don't last at long. I get the 18 or 20 year bulbs but watch out they trick. The hours per day at that many years so you have to do math. Some will day less years at more hours use every day. Some of my bulbs been pushing 10 and 15 or so.
LEDs don't have to get hot to make light. They run them this way so that they don't last very long. I buy 100 watt bulbs, adjust them to 60 watts and I haven't had one fail in about six years even though some are on almost all the time. They run cool and barely get warm. It's easy - the two small resistors on the left are in parallel and form a voltage reference to ground. All you have to do is increase the resistance by removing one of them and the power will be reduced proportionally. The bonus is increased efficiency due to lower heat output.
@CreativeMaster999 your welcome i accidentally realized i miss typed part of that sorry. I don't have a working PC so i have to type the hard way and my android fights me all the time.
Mano, tenho algumas lâmpadas queimadas aqui em casa. Já sabia que fica um ponto ou um risquinho preto, como nesse vídeo, do led defeituoso. Mas ao Invés de ter esse trabalho todo do cara no vídeo, era mais fácil, testar o curto com um pedaço de fio no lugar da pinça. E pq não fazer a ligação dos pólos com solda/estanho?! Seria mais rápido e fácil. Melhor ainda, seguindo uma dica de um dos comentários aqui, pq não trocar o led defeituoso por um em perfeito estado de outra lâmpada tb queimada?! Perde-se uma lâmpada para reposição de peças, mas em compensação, ganha-se lâmpadas novas. Vou tentar isso aqui em casa com as minhas e gravar pro meu canal...
Zeigt die Schwächen der Technik: Reihenschaltung. Trotzdem zum Reparieren (wenn denn Not tut) besser löten. Und am Besten: entsorgen. Ach ja: spannungführende Teile - nein, niemals nicht mit Pinzette oder anderen DIY-Gebastel anfassen! 10 mA sind bereits dauerschädigend, 50mA tödlich. Wem das nix sagt: Finger weg von Strom, alle anderen werden vorher vernünftig messen. @Kreativer Meister: für den Aufzeig der Reihenschaltung ein Danke. Den "Tipp", das Jede oder Jeder an LED-Lampen rummachen kann, kann es nur ein "das ist unverantwortlich" geben (und nein, ich weiß welche Spannung die haben. Geht mir um's Prinzip, nicht um "nänänä, erst ab 110V)
2つ目の手法の鉛筆の芯は炭素の塊なので、抵抗値が高く電流が熱に変換されるため発熱して危ないかと思われますがどうなんでしょうかね。そもそも流れている電流が低いので問題ないのかな? The pencil lead in the second method is a lump of carbon, so it has a high resistance and the current is converted into heat, which may cause heat generation and may be dangerous, but I wonder if that's true. Is it okay since the current flowing is low to begin with?
Carbon in the pencil lead has high resistance, but the low current flow in the LED bulb method keeps it safe. Enjoy the amazing results without worry! 😉👍.
Dead LED has black dot on surface so you fo not need tweezer to find dead LED and must install same LED element if you do want to fix broken LED bulb otherwise ot will not last long, your way is mometalily and lamp will be Dim. and will last few minutes.
Doing this practice will deliver approx. 0.25 volts more across the remaining leds. May or may not decrease life of led but current rise may damage ic with excess heat from more current output. I would just use one other bulb as spare parts and replace the led with one from the other sacrificial bulb. You'd have 7 more left to repair 7 more bulbs!
I would just use one other bulb as spare parts and replace the LED with one from the other sacrificial bulb. You'd have 7 more left to repair 7 more bulbs!... 😉
제가아는기준으로 몇가지 설명을 하겠습니다. 1. 저는 접착성이있는 알미늄테이프를 조금만잘라서 바로붙여버립니다 2. 굳이 따진다면 사용되는 전력량은 줄어듭니다. 가정의 AC220V전원이 연결되어 전기회로를통해 DC Volt로 변환되어 LED에 공급되며 보통 소비전력이란것을 기준으로보면 LED하나가 줄어든만큼 소비전력은 줄어드는것입니다 LED가 8개 아마 8W램프같은데 하나가 고장나서 저렇게 수리하면 7개, 즉 그만큼 줄어드는것입니다 다만 고장난LED를 전기가통하는 스틸소재로 연결했을때 나머지 저등이 켜진다는것은 LED가 서로 연결되었다는것이고 뒷케이스내부의 전기회로를 통해 전기가 공급되므로 해당회로의 소비전력도 계산해야하므로 1/8이 줄더는게아닌 1/20정도 전류가 소비전력이 줄어든다고봐야합니다. LED하나의 소비전력은 아주 적거든요. 3. 추가내용으로 거실용 부피가큰 LED전등의 경우 LED가 120개,200개 많이 배열되어있는데 그게 고장날경우 면적의 1/3정도만 안되는경우가 생깁니다. 그건 내부회로가 3등분되어서 60개는 켜지고 30개가 안되는건데 그경우도 위영상처럼 안켜지는 30개쪽의 LED만 하나씩 점검TEST를해보면 고장난걸 찾을수있겠죠 LED는 낮은전압,낮은전류의 품이기에 일반적인 수은등이나 삼파장전등보다 인기제품인겁니다 브라운관TV-LCD TV-LED TV 전기소비에서도 차이가 많이나거든요 같은이유로 LED전등을 선호하게되는겁니다. 4. 그러면 저기에 LED를 더 연결하면 밝기가 더 밝아집니다 그런데 추가는하면안되겠죠 전력소비는 약간만 늘어난다고볼수있지만 장착된 전기회로의 한계를 넘어서게되는만큼 문제가 발생할수있습니다(물론 1개의 LED추가는 가능할지몰라도 20개를 추가연결한다고 가정한다면 문제가되겠죠) 5. 1개의LED가 없는만큼 줄어드는것은 빛의밝기입니다 그러나 일반인들은 크게 차이를 못느낄것입니다 설명이 길어서 미안합니다 참고가되었기를바랍니다 올해도 벌써 연말입니다 즐겁고 행복한한해로 마무리하시길바랍니다^^
This is like sticking a penny in a fuse holder to fix a fuse that blows all the time…. 😬 Although it is great that you are educating people on how these bulbs are constructed and how they work!
I just go to my neighborhood Home Depot and back to my house in 15 minutes. Buy the lightbulb for depending on the the type of light (daylight, soft white) up and watts to $8. Superglue , tweezers, needle nose pliers would cost me at Home Depot $15, not to mention if the glass get broken, and get stuck in your skin, you need the tweezers and CVS band aid ( another $3). But I had fun watching it.
"Wow, this is such a clever and creative solution! I never thought about using Super Glue in this way. Great job!" Lesson: Innovation often comes from simple ideas-think outside the box to solve everyday problems.
I think these tricks whereas one handles electricity (although isolated) are dangerous. Secondly, in this given case, the LED lamps are serial connected. Hence, while by-passing one LED (broken one), the other seven LEDs take over the increased voltage. That is not good. Finally, do not generally "play" with electricity. I have more 40+ years experience on it, and can tell, that electricity is not harmless. Do not try these tricks. It is not worth of saving a few dollars while risking your own health.
@@CreativeMaster999and how would that negate the effected increase in voltage to the other led’s??? Still safer to get new bulb cheaper than electric fire 🔥 to burn down home or shop!!!
The testing is done by taped insulated tweezers or another method. The repair can be done after disconnecting the current. The increased voltage may reduce the expected life of the remaining seven.... Still getting any life at all will save not just the money for replacement but the time you have to invest in either going to store or ordering one online ( which involves some risks.)
You don't have to do that with the tweezers, there is a visible black dot on the burnt led. Just solder the led points and you're good to go. The bulb will burn again after some time
NON tu devrais sacrifier une ampoule pour prelever un led pour depanner l'autre ampoule. en faisant ce que tu fais, le courant electrique sera plus fort et risque de griller d'autre led plus rapidement. de plus l'ampoule sur laquelle tu aura fait le prelevement te ressesvira pour depanner une autre ampoule
America, Michigan, baraga area, think the sticks. Problem with your video is I saw where you marked it before testing and knew which one was defective before you started. Two with the graphite you could of put the shavings through a pen and be alot easier then just a drop of super glue and that be alot cleaner. Other than that great video for the GenZ crowd 👏👍🥳
Considering that LED bulbs are supposed to outlast conventional light bulbs by far. I don't have that experience. They are more expensive to buy and a little cheaper to operate but I don't see the big savings.
why don't they sell slot in led's for led bulbs or even screw in led's for led bulbs they could even sell different pastel colours for different ambient lighting effects it would also lower the recycle amount dramatically
Well here 3:10 is when he turns that 1st bulb into becoming potential a smoker. Next the cigarette companies will need to include a extra warning label "WARNING: Nothing inside this packaging is meant to be used for light bulbs!"
Walmart has these bulbs for $20.97 for a 12 pack. That’s $1.75 each. While this video shows a neat trick, I don’t think it’s worth the time to repair. Just buy a new bulb.
No, I do an awful lot of DIY, I’ll buy the bulbs. Don’t take that wrong, I’m glad you did the video, it’s great to know that repairing the bulb (bypassing the bad) is possible and how to do it! Just saying most folks should just buy a new bulb.
Spannung fließt nicht, sie ligt an - Strom fließt. Aber mit der Kernaussage hast Du recht, es ist sehr gefählich für Laien. Für Profis auch, aber die würden so einen Mist nicht machen, sie würden die defekte LED mit einer einstellbaren Spannungsquelle, deren Strombegrenzung ebenfalls einstellbar ist, suchen und durch eine LED mit etwa gleichen Parametern ersetzen, oder gleich das ganze Board. Es ist schon ziemlich erschreckend, was einige auf UA-cam ohne irgendwelche Warnhinweise "verzapfen". Gruß aus Ahrensburg
для людей которые долбятся в глаза, использование пинцета в роли перемычки, когда по доду просто видно что он сгорел (на сгоревших обычно есть точка в центре диода), а вот если бы ее не было, огда можно и замыкать, хотя если там сгорело больше одного диода то замыкание контактов не особо поможет
Why not remove an LED from the other bad bulb and fix one while holding onto the missing LED bulb for more repairs with other LED lights... Just an idea that absolutely works...
I think LED often is the same as very poor quality. I prefer ordinary bulbs and still use them and will continue to do so. Outside I use LED though. The warmth produced by a ordinary bulb is a waste there.
Shorting a bad led with a piece of metal applies its voltage across all the other leds. It's called a series circuit. More current, more heat. Those bulbs are cheap. Just buy a replacement instead of electrocuting yourself.
Warum nimmst zum Überbrücken nicht gleich Aluküchenfolie oder einen dünnen Draht? 😛 Allerdings erhöht sich die Spannung pro LED, da ein Widerstand wegfällt, wie in einer ganz normalen Reihenschaltung. Bin Elektromonteur, ...habe oben eine lange Leitung und unten einen Kurzen in der Hose...😛😛😛
I think it's a great idea to consider swapping out the faulty LED for a new one from a different bulb! 🛠️.
Instead of playing with tweezers to find which led is bad, just look for the black dot. A blown led will show as a black dot in the yellow part.
Instead of playing with tweezers, just look for the black dot on the LED! 🕵️♂️
do all LED's have the black-dot? is that a feature built into ANY LED? or just these?
@@dabneyoffermein595 As far as I know they all have it. I've never seen one blown that didn't have the dot.
didn't see a black dot on the second one, but I did see a tiny black line on the first.
Puts 12% more stress onto the remaining LEDs.
All that farting about with foil and CA glue, just solder a fine wire link.
It won't make it any safer, but it would would make better electrical connection.
Better idea is to buy a replacement bulb.
Sure, just soldering a fine wire link could be a better option for a stronger electrical connection! ⚡👍
a drop of tin
With a small point soldering iron you can change the LED their about 10 cent each and make it more secure, or they can be salvaged from other non working LED bulbs ! Tape and foil is a good recipe for a fire since the casing is all flammable plastic !
strong man
Falty bulb? Buy a new one. Safety first!!!!
Hi, I'm from Ukraine. Isn't it easier to solder the jumper?
It's definitely an option! But be careful not to use too much Super Glue 😉🔧.
От що дивно , канал вказано "Сполучені Штати" , але у відео на пачці з Вінстона написано українською "куріння вбиває " - виходячи з цього і дивної відповіді автора вам , це однозначно злам мозку 😅
@@roadrunner4869 згоден. А навіщо це?
With all the money Biden is sending you.. just buy another bulb.
@@trevor5290 Нам Байден не посылает деньги. Если желаете узнать как происходит финансирование, то могу рассказать. А можете сами погуглить. Но одно скажу - лампочку на те деньги не купить.
Just think of the LEDs as Christmas tree lights and one blows, so you put a piece of tin foil into the bulb holder and screw the dead bulb back in. The remaining lights have an increase in voltage because the lights just as with the LEDs are wired in series. The increase in voltage will burn out the other LEDs/ lights much quicker because of the higher voltage. This is not a safe practice.
Just enjoy the video and have fun experimenting with Super Glue on your LEDs! 🎄✨
@@3rdmin1st3r I just retired my thumb up after reading that @CreativeMaster999 reply. Not fair/pro. And won't get suggestion anymore. Bad person.
This is a wrong repair. If you short the fused led the rest of the leds recive higher voltage and the fuse within a few days. Best way is to replace the led board with a new one. The boards are very cheep.
Replacing the LED board is a better option than shorting the fuse 😉.
Oh man... I'm glad someone else gets it. This reminds be of putting foil in place of a blown fuse. Never a good idea.
@@CreativeMaster999 replacing the entire bulb is an even better way
by board do you mean a surface mount LED element? Those ARE very inexpensive - usually come on tape for pennies a piece. The only issue with repairing is that to solder you may need a hot air soldering station - that may be $70-100 USD - you can buy a lot of LED lamps (bulbs) for that. Buying name brand vs. cheap bulbs is also an idea so you don't get burned out bulbs as often...
The bulbs are cheap these days. Why bother 😮
I'm just buying a new bulb!! Thanks for the cool lesson though!
Just grab some Super Glue and give it a try! You might be surprised by the results 😉.
Let me also give you a lesson, if everyone in the world done this with there bolbs our land fills wouldent be so full of trash as there would be more room for other things, that all ends up in our sea killing our beautiful wild life this one simple thing would make a wave so big across the world that in no time flat the world would be a better place and our animals wouldent have to die from getting tangled in the rubbish.
@rodobrien3488 light bulbs should never go bad or need replaced PERIOD! the ONLY reason they do is bc the ones running the world are greedy & evil. The companies that made light bulbs quickly realized that they couldn't make more $ off of us & purposely started making them break after a bit. The 1st light bulbs still to this day works perfectly fine!
Right? They cost like .50 cents.
Meu brother, isso me deu uma ideia. Tenho algumas lâmpadas queimadas aqui em casa. Já sabia que fica um ponto ou um risquinho preto, como nesse vídeo, do led defeituoso. Mas ao invés de ter esse trabalho todo do cara no vídeo, era mais fácil, testar o curto com um pedaço de fio no lugar da pinça. E pq não fazer a ligação dos pólos com solda/estanho?! Seria mais rápido e fácil. Melhor ainda, seguindo uma dica de um dos comentários aqui, pq não trocar o led defeituoso por um em perfeito estado de outra lâmpada tb queimada?! Perde-se uma lâmpada para reposição de peças, mas em compensação, ganha-se lâmpadas novas. Vou tentar isso aqui em casa com as minhas e gravar pro meu canal...
Ótima ideia! Testar com um pedaço de fio e fazer a ligação dos pólos com solda pode ser uma alternativa rápida e fácil. Experimente e veja como fica! 😉
basta usare un po di stagno col saldatore , è consigliabile sostituire il led bruciato con un altro led di uguale potenza e voltaggio , altrimenti la lampadina durerà poco .
Basta seguire i miei consigli nel video per ottenere risultati duraturi! Buona fortuna! 💡🔧
This is such a simple hack! I never thought of using super glue on LED bulbs. Gonna try this immediately! 💡👌
Sounds great! Let me know how it goes 🤞.
It's because you don't need it.
Two faulty bulb can be made into one healthy bulb.
This only justify if you don't or cannot afford a solder iron.
@@lpjunction increased voltage due to 1 missing LED will make sure to end the rest ones soon. Better to use broken bulb as a source of replacement LEDs so instead of bridging the LED spot you just solder a replacement. This video is wrong and pointless (potentially dangerous) the way he did it..
LED will last a long time, but we often see LED light bulbs go out. How is that 10000hr lifetime LED die so early.
The reason is simple, Suppose the LED recommended rating is 20ma, the light bulb guys will run it 25ma or over until they feel unsafe( such as magic pixee with a puff of smoke). Doing so, the bulb looks brighter and possibly no one will find out.
If the LED is operating at an elevated condition, by shorting the faulty LED just push the remaining LEDs a step towards the cliff. Not recommended.
Led bulbs still get hot. The heat is just in a different spot. The one good thing about led bulbs is. They don't break in the rain or when it gets icey outside.
I don't put the cover on over the bulbs and don't use an outside bulb at all. Just regular indoor 60w equivalent. Probably should change that to 100 watt equivalent though but it's two 60 watt ones bulbs.
Get the bulbs that have the longest life. Replace them every so many years instead. That's what i do. Years and years they work unless you got a flawed one. Sometimes happens.
The light will start to dim with bugs and yellowing of the outside. Worse if you smoke inside. Take a soapy rag and not too wet and clean the outside of the bulb that shines light and no other part. Towel dry let sit to make certain it is good and dry and your bulbs are brighter.
Problem with the very long lasting ones getting dimmer. It's what collects on them in that length of time. Always use shatter resistant ones outside. I actually use all of them shatter resistant to be honest. I got ones that look like old incandescents and they don't last at long.
I get the 18 or 20 year bulbs but watch out they trick. The hours per day at that many years so you have to do math. Some will day less years at more hours use every day.
Some of my bulbs been pushing 10 and 15 or so.
LEDs don't have to get hot to make light. They run them this way so that they don't last very long. I buy 100 watt bulbs, adjust them to 60 watts and I haven't had one fail in about six years even though some are on almost all the time. They run cool and barely get warm. It's easy - the two small resistors on the left are in parallel and form a voltage reference to ground. All you have to do is increase the resistance by removing one of them and the power will be reduced proportionally. The bonus is increased efficiency due to lower heat output.
Thanks for the comment
Thanks for the comment
@CreativeMaster999 your welcome i accidentally realized i miss typed part of that sorry. I don't have a working PC so i have to type the hard way and my android fights me all the time.
Mano, tenho algumas lâmpadas queimadas aqui em casa. Já sabia que fica um ponto ou um risquinho preto, como nesse vídeo, do led defeituoso. Mas ao Invés de ter esse trabalho todo do cara no vídeo, era mais fácil, testar o curto com um pedaço de fio no lugar da pinça. E pq não fazer a ligação dos pólos com solda/estanho?! Seria mais rápido e fácil. Melhor ainda, seguindo uma dica de um dos comentários aqui, pq não trocar o led defeituoso por um em perfeito estado de outra lâmpada tb queimada?! Perde-se uma lâmpada para reposição de peças, mas em compensação, ganha-se lâmpadas novas. Vou tentar isso aqui em casa com as minhas e gravar pro meu canal...
Não há resposta.
And now they're going to blow out even FASTER since there's now a missing series LED which makes the voltage higher for the remaining ones!
Amazing video! Your explanation was clear, and the results were impressive. I’ll definitely try this with my LEDs!
Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad you found the results impressive. Have fun trying it out with your LEDs! 😊
@@CreativeMaster999 ❤❤
Don't, it's dangerous! You could burn your house down.
Zeigt die Schwächen der Technik: Reihenschaltung.
Trotzdem zum Reparieren (wenn denn Not tut) besser löten. Und am Besten: entsorgen.
Ach ja: spannungführende Teile - nein, niemals nicht mit Pinzette oder anderen DIY-Gebastel anfassen!
10 mA sind bereits dauerschädigend, 50mA tödlich. Wem das nix sagt: Finger weg von Strom, alle anderen werden vorher vernünftig messen.
@Kreativer Meister: für den Aufzeig der Reihenschaltung ein Danke.
Den "Tipp", das Jede oder Jeder an LED-Lampen rummachen kann, kann es nur ein "das ist unverantwortlich" geben
(und nein, ich weiß welche Spannung die haben. Geht mir um's Prinzip, nicht um "nänänä, erst ab 110V)
Danke für den Hinweis! Es ist wichtig, sich bewusst zu sein, wie gefährlich elektrische Arbeiten sein können. Sicherheit geht immer vor! 💡🚫.
The pencil lead in the second method is a lump of carbon, so it has a high resistance and the current is converted into heat, which may cause heat generation and may be dangerous, but I wonder if that's true. Is it okay since the current flowing is low to begin with?
Carbon in the pencil lead has high resistance, but the low current flow in the LED bulb method keeps it safe. Enjoy the amazing results without worry! 😉👍.
@@CreativeMaster999 that's graphite you are talking about not carbon
nunca tinha visti isso, achei fantástico, obrigada por ensinar, moro em Brasília Capital do Brasil
Que bom que você gostou! Fico feliz em poder compartilhar essa dica com você. 😊👍
I come from Denmark, and I love your ideas.
Tak for din støtte! Vi er glade for at du kan lide vores ideer 🇩🇰💡.
Why you dont take just an LED from the second defective bulb and solder it into the first? Your "solution" will work less than an hour.
전기인두 납같은 전문도구가 모든가정에있는것은 아니기에 가정에서 쉽게하는방법을 일러주는것이네요
더쉽게한다면 구멍난 철제부분을 떼우는데사용하는 알미늄호일을 붙이면 시간을 훨씬 절약할수있습니다
Yes, this is from a technical point of view the most correct option, but also the most difficult.
In any case the end is the trash box ! Save an hour of light!!👍😎🇫🇷🏁
Dead LED has black dot on surface so you fo not need tweezer to find dead LED and must install same LED element if you do want to fix broken LED bulb otherwise ot will not last long, your way is mometalily and lamp will be Dim. and will last few minutes.
Not worth the trouble.
Where is the part when you put super glue on the light bulb?
Sorry, but I didn't actually put super glue on the light bulb in this video 🙈. But I'm glad you found it interesting! 😄
Excellent video of the comet as I live in the Philippines and nothing but clouds and typhoons, so to see it in motion magic 😊
Just put some Super Glue on the LED bulb, and you'll be Amazed! Enjoy the magic ✨🪄.
Doing this practice will deliver approx. 0.25 volts more across the remaining leds. May or may not decrease life of led but current rise may damage ic with excess heat from more current output. I would just use one other bulb as spare parts and replace the led with one from the other sacrificial bulb. You'd have 7 more left to repair 7 more bulbs!
I would just use one other bulb as spare parts and replace the LED with one from the other sacrificial bulb. You'd have 7 more left to repair 7 more bulbs!... 😉
Hi, thanks for your comment, maybe
Yes. The current increases slightly
, maybe 10 to 12 percent or so.
제가아는기준으로 몇가지 설명을 하겠습니다.
1. 저는 접착성이있는 알미늄테이프를 조금만잘라서 바로붙여버립니다
2. 굳이 따진다면 사용되는 전력량은 줄어듭니다.
가정의 AC220V전원이 연결되어 전기회로를통해 DC Volt로 변환되어 LED에 공급되며 보통 소비전력이란것을 기준으로보면 LED하나가 줄어든만큼 소비전력은 줄어드는것입니다
LED가 8개 아마 8W램프같은데 하나가 고장나서 저렇게 수리하면 7개, 즉 그만큼 줄어드는것입니다
다만 고장난LED를 전기가통하는 스틸소재로 연결했을때 나머지 저등이 켜진다는것은 LED가 서로 연결되었다는것이고 뒷케이스내부의 전기회로를 통해 전기가 공급되므로
해당회로의 소비전력도 계산해야하므로 1/8이 줄더는게아닌 1/20정도 전류가 소비전력이 줄어든다고봐야합니다.
LED하나의 소비전력은 아주 적거든요.
3. 추가내용으로 거실용 부피가큰 LED전등의 경우 LED가 120개,200개 많이 배열되어있는데 그게 고장날경우 면적의 1/3정도만 안되는경우가 생깁니다.
그건 내부회로가 3등분되어서 60개는 켜지고 30개가 안되는건데 그경우도 위영상처럼 안켜지는 30개쪽의 LED만 하나씩 점검TEST를해보면 고장난걸 찾을수있겠죠
LED는 낮은전압,낮은전류의 품이기에 일반적인 수은등이나 삼파장전등보다 인기제품인겁니다
브라운관TV-LCD TV-LED TV 전기소비에서도 차이가 많이나거든요 같은이유로 LED전등을 선호하게되는겁니다.
4. 그러면 저기에 LED를 더 연결하면 밝기가 더 밝아집니다 그런데 추가는하면안되겠죠 전력소비는 약간만 늘어난다고볼수있지만 장착된 전기회로의 한계를 넘어서게되는만큼
문제가 발생할수있습니다(물론 1개의 LED추가는 가능할지몰라도 20개를 추가연결한다고 가정한다면 문제가되겠죠)
5. 1개의LED가 없는만큼 줄어드는것은 빛의밝기입니다 그러나 일반인들은 크게 차이를 못느낄것입니다
설명이 길어서 미안합니다 참고가되었기를바랍니다
올해도 벌써 연말입니다 즐겁고 행복한한해로 마무리하시길바랍니다^^
Most definitely.
Good stuff! Glad I’m not the only one who can do that 👍👍
That's awesome! Super Glue can work wonders, right? 😄🔧
¡Gracias por tu apoyo desde Maracaibo! ¡Nos alegra que te haya gustado el truco del Super Glue en el bombillo LED! 💡👍.
I'm going to use solder. Thanks
Great choice! Soldering can be a secure option for attaching the LED bulb. Enjoy the project! 🔧👍
This is like sticking a penny in a fuse holder to fix a fuse that blows all the time…. 😬 Although it is great that you are educating people on how these bulbs are constructed and how they work!
This is an interesting analogy! Thanks for watching and learning about LED bulbs 🙌🔧.
I just go to my neighborhood Home Depot and back to my house in 15 minutes. Buy the lightbulb for depending on the the type of light (daylight, soft white) up and watts to $8. Superglue , tweezers, needle nose pliers would cost me at Home Depot $15, not to mention if the glass get broken, and get stuck in your skin, you need the tweezers and CVS band aid ( another $3). But I had fun watching it.
Sounds like you had quite the adventure at Home Depot! 😄 Thanks for watching and glad you enjoyed the video!
excellente vidéo, merci de France
Merci pour votre commentaire! J'espère que la vidéo vous a plu 🇫🇷💡.
Well done 👍🏻
Thank you! You'll be amazed at how well it works 💡👍.
Understood, proceed with caution but you got this! 🔌👍.
Thank you! 🙌💡
😊 " Hello!" From CANADA!
''Hey there! Thanks for watching from Canada! Super glue on LED bulbs can indeed be amazing, just be careful with it! 😊💡''
Better than throwing it out so quickly and adding more plastics to landfills, the principal of these fixes could be used for other things.
Repurpose and innovate with Super Glue! 💡👍
@CreativeMaster999 exactly. I can't even remember all the things I've fixed using Super Glue and Baking Soda after learning what it does together.
"Wow, this is such a clever and creative solution! I never thought about using Super Glue in this way. Great job!" Lesson: Innovation often comes from simple ideas-think outside the box to solve everyday problems.
Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you found the Super Glue solution helpful. 😊
I think these tricks whereas one handles electricity (although isolated) are dangerous. Secondly, in this given case, the LED lamps are serial connected. Hence, while by-passing one LED (broken one), the other seven LEDs take over the increased voltage. That is not good. Finally, do not generally "play" with electricity. I have more 40+ years experience on it, and can tell, that electricity is not harmless. Do not try these tricks. It is not worth of saving a few dollars while risking your own health.
I understand your concerns, but in this case, the Super Glue is used for a harmless DIY trick with LED bulbs. Safety is always a top priority! 💡🔧
@@CreativeMaster999and how would that negate the effected increase in voltage to the other led’s???
Still safer to get new bulb cheaper than electric fire 🔥 to burn down home or shop!!!
The testing is done by taped insulated tweezers or another method. The repair can be done after disconnecting the current. The increased voltage may reduce the expected life of the remaining seven.... Still getting any life at all will save not just the money for replacement but the time you have to invest in either going to store or ordering one online ( which involves some risks.)
Interesting! What kind of tape was used?
We used strong adhesive tape 💡👍.
Cảm ơn bạn, tôi đến từ Việt Nam
Cảm ơn bạn đã xem video của tôi! Chúc bạn thành công khi sử dụng keo siêu dính trên bóng đèn LED! 💡👍
From South Carolina... USA
That's a clever hack, y'all! 💡🔧.
You don't have to do that with the tweezers, there is a visible black dot on the burnt led. Just solder the led points and you're good to go. The bulb will burn again after some time
Thanks for the tip! I'll give that a try next time! 😊👍.
NON tu devrais sacrifier une ampoule pour prelever un led pour depanner l'autre ampoule. en faisant ce que tu fais, le courant electrique sera plus fort et risque de griller d'autre led plus rapidement. de plus l'ampoule sur laquelle tu aura fait le prelevement te ressesvira pour depanner une autre ampoule
Je vais prendre en compte vos conseils pour éviter de griller d'autres LED, merci! 😉
I'm watching in the USA.
That's a creative idea! Just make sure to be careful with the Super Glue 😄.
America, Michigan, baraga area, think the sticks.
Problem with your video is I saw where you marked it before testing and knew which one was defective before you started.
Two with the graphite you could of put the shavings through a pen and be alot easier then just a drop of super glue and that be alot cleaner.
Other than that great video for the GenZ crowd 👏👍🥳
Thanks for the feedback! I'll keep that in mind for future videos 😊.
Hey. nice job.. Iran
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the trick! 💡👍.
instead of aluminum and tape / scrape a lil pile of Pencil Lead on the connection where LED was and then super Glue the lead pile
Great tip! I'll definitely give that a try next time 💡👍.
Mais um gênio da lâmpada,! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Vai se surpreender com o resultado! 😉🪔.
Watching from the east coast of Virginia United States
Sounds like a bright idea! 😉💡.
Nice ❣️
Thanks for the love! ❤️ Just a little Super Glue can work wonders with LED bulbs! 💡
Watched from San Diego, California
Hi, thanks for your comment
That's awesome, thanks for watching from San Diego! 🙌 Hope you enjoyed the Super Glue LED bulb trick!
Thank you for watching! We're glad you enjoyed the tip! 🙌🔧
No entiendo para qué sirve el Google 3, si ya lleva cinta aislante
Good job
Thank you! 🙌Give it a try and see the magic happen! ✨
@ 💕💕💕
Between labor and parts you can just by a new light bulb. SMH
Why buy a new light bulb when you can easily fix it with Super Glue? 😄💡
Easier just to go buyb2new bulbs.
Just buy 2 new bulbs then 😉. 🛠️
I think you're from Russia, well done either way Wherever You Are
Спасибо за поддержку! Надеюсь, вам понравится видео 😊.
Or you could just buy another bulb 💡😂
Why buy another bulb when you can easily fix it with Super Glue? 💡🔧
Muchísimas gracias Saludos desde Cuba Gracias
¡Nos alegra que te haya gustado! ¡Esperamos que te haya sido útil! 💡👍.
This has been an interesting repair. Thanks for sharing!
Glad you found the repair interesting! Super Glue can work wonders 😉.
Considering that LED bulbs are supposed to outlast conventional light bulbs by far. I don't have that experience. They are more expensive to buy and a little cheaper to operate but I don't see the big savings.
Have you tried putting Super Glue on the LED bulb as shown in the video? It might just surprise you 😉.
좋은 영상 감사합니다
감사합니다! 제가 재미있는 동영상을 만들 수 있어서 기쁩니다. 😊🙏
Good video but, why not just use solder and a solder gun?
Soldering can be a great option too, but using super glue in this case is a quick and easy alternative that works just as well! 🤗💡
How about Liquid solder?
Liquid solder could be a great alternative for bonding the LED bulb in place! 💡👍
why don't they sell slot in led's for led bulbs
or even screw in led's for led bulbs
they could even sell different pastel colours
for different ambient lighting effects
it would also lower
the recycle amount dramatically
That's a great idea! You can definitely experiment with different ambient lighting effects by adding colored gels to your LED bulbs. 🌈💡
... Michigan USA here... what about a fire risk ? ... just wondering ...
Just make sure to use fire-resistant Super Glue, and you'll be good to go! 🔥💡.
Well here 3:10 is when he turns that 1st bulb into becoming potential a smoker. Next the cigarette companies will need to include a extra warning label "WARNING: Nothing inside this packaging is meant to be used for light bulbs!"
WARNING: No light bulbs were harmed in the making of this video! 😄.
hi,i’m from Taiwan
Hi! Thank you for watching from Taiwan 🇹🇼! Hope you enjoyed the video 😊👍.
Bom dia! Por que colocar a fita e não a super cola direto?
Pode usar a super cola diretamente, mas a fita pode ser mais fácil de remover se precisar trocar a lâmpada no futuro. 😉
Walmart has these bulbs for $20.97 for a 12 pack. That’s $1.75 each. While this video shows a neat trick, I don’t think it’s worth the time to repair. Just buy a new bulb.
Sometimes a little DIY can be fun and rewarding! 😉 Give it a try! 💡🔧
Blah blah blah that's what greta thunberg said
No, I do an awful lot of DIY, I’ll buy the bulbs. Don’t take that wrong, I’m glad you did the video, it’s great to know that repairing the bulb (bypassing the bad) is possible and how to do it! Just saying most folks should just buy a new bulb.
Right, so the bulb just nicely ‘pops’ back on.
Just make sure to use a small amount of Super Glue! 😉
AT $6-7 A GLOBE , IM RECYCLING MINE . But a single drop of solder would save you half an hour .😢
Sorry! 😅
I’m amazed
Genius!!!!! Just a little trick that can make a big difference 😉.
ขอบคุณมากครับ! หวังว่าคุณจะชอบวิดีโอนะครับ 🙏🏼
Sehr interessant. Aber für einen Laien halte ich das ganze für zu gefährlich. Hier fliesen immerhin 220 Volt... 🧐
Spannung fließt nicht, sie ligt an - Strom fließt.
Aber mit der Kernaussage hast Du recht, es ist sehr gefählich für Laien. Für Profis auch, aber die würden so einen Mist nicht machen,
sie würden die defekte LED mit einer einstellbaren Spannungsquelle, deren Strombegrenzung ebenfalls einstellbar ist, suchen und
durch eine LED mit etwa gleichen Parametern ersetzen, oder gleich das ganze Board.
Es ist schon ziemlich erschreckend, was einige auf UA-cam ohne irgendwelche Warnhinweise "verzapfen".
aus Ahrensburg
Hallo, vielen Dank für Ihren Kommentar, ich werde Ihren Kommentar zur Kenntnis nehmen
для людей которые долбятся в глаза, использование пинцета в роли перемычки, когда по доду просто видно что он сгорел (на сгоревших обычно есть точка в центре диода), а вот если бы ее не было, огда можно и замыкать, хотя если там сгорело больше одного диода то замыкание контактов не особо поможет
Исправьте меня, если я ошибаюсь, но мне кажется, что использование клея для ремонта светодиода не самая лучшая и безопасная идея. 🤔🔧
나도 꼭 해볼께여
유용한 팁 감사합니다
나중에 꼭 해보세요! 💡✨.
You have 2 bulbs. Just sacrifice one - use it for spare LEDS. Use a heat gun and flux if poss. Have a nice day
Just put some Super Glue on the LED bulb, and you'll be amazed! 😉🔧
Why not remove an LED from the other bad bulb and fix one while holding onto the missing LED bulb for more repairs with other LED lights... Just an idea that absolutely works...
Great idea! Super Glue can definitely come in handy for quick fixes like this. 😊👍.
@@CreativeMaster999 7:56
Prq esse trabalho todo kkk, é dar um pingo de solda aí q já era 😂😂😂😂
Grateful for your comment! We're excited to bring you more exciting content. 🚀
I think LED often is the same as very poor quality.
I prefer ordinary bulbs and still use them and will continue to do so. Outside I use LED though. The warmth produced by a ordinary bulb is a waste there.
Just try putting some Super Glue on the LED bulb and see the difference! 😉
That's right! 😎 Just a little Super Glue can work wonders! 💡
Desde el Sáhara Occidental, país soberano actualmente invadido por Marruecos con el patrocinio de EEUU, le damos las gracias por este vídeo.
Why not solder in a functioning LED instead of doing this crap? The remaining LED:s will have a shorter lifespan with this approach!
Sorry, but I prefer using Super Glue for this method! 😊💡
Great science experiment. I’ll let my boyfriend decide if he wants to replace or play with electricity.
Thanks for watching! Just make sure your boyfriend doesn't get too shocked by the results ⚡😉.
very dangerous to post something like that here
I've done this before and it works like a charm! 😉👍.
A cola não tem nada haver com o conserto, oque aconteceu é que foi fechado o circuito com papel alumínio, mad poderia ser feito de várias maneiras
Poderia ser feito de várias maneiras! 😉
Shorting a bad led with a piece of metal applies its voltage across all the other leds. It's called a series circuit. More current, more heat. Those bulbs are cheap. Just buy a replacement instead of electrocuting yourself.
Just buy a replacement instead of risking electrocution! Stay safe! 😊.
Warum nimmst zum Überbrücken nicht gleich Aluküchenfolie oder einen dünnen Draht? 😛
Allerdings erhöht sich die Spannung pro LED, da ein Widerstand wegfällt, wie in einer ganz normalen Reihenschaltung.
Bin Elektromonteur, ...habe oben eine lange Leitung und unten einen Kurzen in der Hose...😛😛😛
Alles klar, danke für den Tipp! Werde es beim nächsten Mal ausprobieren. 💡👍.
Like fixing a string of Christmas lights ... but smaller!
It's like a mini Christmas light miracle! 😉.
Ever heard of a soldering iron?
Why use a soldering iron when Super Glue does the trick just fine? 😉🔧
I would just solder a good led chip from a bad bulb and quit dickering with tape and CA glue. That's my take.
I appreciate the suggestion, but in this video, I wanted to show how Super Glue can also do the trick! 😊.
Un pont avec un peu de soudure à l'étain est encore plus rapide.
Un peu de soudure à l'étain pourrait être une bonne alternative, merci pour le conseil! 😊
If the one LED went bad, wouldn’t it stand to reason that the others won’t be far behind?
You never know until you try! 🤷♂️ Just give it a shot and see the magic happen! 😉
a masz pomysł na zużyty papier toaletowy
Nie ma problemu! W moim filmie znajdziesz kreatywne wykorzystanie papieru toaletowego 😉👍.
Bạn có bị “ cam “ ? Không Cho biết nhiên liệu là gì ? Hoặc thời gian ?
Tôi không biết bạn đang nói gì, nhưng bạn có thể thử cách này để sửa đèn LED! 😉🔧
Me gusta.
Me too! 💡🔗✨
Great video.. but I will have to start smoking to get that piece of foil paper. I never tried smoking before.
Just use a small piece of aluminum foil instead! 😉
@@CreativeMaster999 Oh! I wish you would have said that sooner! I'm already up to 2 packs a day!
only works when the LED's are connected in serie, which is not always so
Only works when the LED's are connected in series in this case, happy DIYing! 😉🔧