Anatomy of an Implosion (2 of 3)

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • Pastor Wolfmueller talks with Rev. Dr. Gregory Schulz about Woke Marxism, and its dangers toward Lutheran Higher Education.
    Anatomy of an Implosion is available internationally in both digital and print formats at the various Amazon.coms worldwide, as well as Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, etc.
    · The print version is on sale at Christian News: www.christiann...
    · Both print and digital formats are available at Here is a link to the digital format:
    Dr Schulz's teaching platform, LUTHERAN PHILOSOPHER is at lutheranphilos...
    Membership is currently free. Among many other resources (all easily searchable via our AI Chatbox), his popular Live Not By Lies narrated studies are accessible there, as are links to Pr Paul Arndt's timely study of the Formula of Concord, With Intrepid Hearts. Pr Arndt is one of the confessional Lutheran pastors on the Lutheran Philosopher Team.
    Lutheran Philosopher is here to help you with "Clear, Crucial, and CHRISTian Thinking"!


  • @akcrystal
    @akcrystal 7 місяців тому +3

    Thank you for continuing this conversation!

  • @brucejs
    @brucejs 7 місяців тому +3

    What a spectacular conversation - Thanks!

  • @run4cmt
    @run4cmt 7 місяців тому +3

    Excellent discussion.

  • @wijim1948
    @wijim1948 7 місяців тому +6

    There is no justice in an unjust and fallen world. Fallen man does not need or want justice. Fallen man needs forgiveness and justification. All of the pain that we have inflicted upon each other and upon ourselves has been transferred to Jesus and we receive not justice, but mercy! Satan doesn't want us to accept forgiveness, justification and mercy. He wants the entire world to demand justice when we are each and all guilty.

  • @wijim1948
    @wijim1948 7 місяців тому +6

    Since your first conversation I have purchased the book and I'm now well into it. Thank you for writing such an important book. Thank you for your bravery in standing in the face of fearsome enemies to our faith.

  • @roypanwitz9166
    @roypanwitz9166 7 місяців тому +3

    Thank you, Professor Schulz. I have bought your book and it arrives in about a week. When I am done reading it, I will give it to my Pastor. I am not sure that he knows this is going on. I have learned a lot about philosophy from Peter Kreeft on Audible, but I eventually had to quit him because he uses his philosophy to depart from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He promotes the cult of the saints, the store of merits, and Mary worship. It saddens me to have to say this.
    But then I found you, a Lutheran philosopher so determined to focus people on Christ that you have "Schulz...isms" to do it. This has great value because Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God. He is the answer to life’s greatest questions. Even our little children can be told the answer ahead of time, so when they are confronted with one of these questions, they already know the answer is Jesus. We can even baptize little children into this divine answer.

  • @krbohn101
    @krbohn101 7 місяців тому +7

    Thank you for continuing this conversation.

  • @verasweet3563
    @verasweet3563 7 місяців тому +5

    I want to know this and I don't want to know this. Lord have mercy!

  • @roberthoffman7559
    @roberthoffman7559 7 місяців тому +4

    Excellent session! Making the connection of woke Marxism with society, the church, and education is very helpful. God be praised, the Logos, and His everlasting promises!

  • @srice6231
    @srice6231 7 місяців тому +4

    What an excellent thoughtful conversation! I look forward to the next time!

  • @CafeSola
    @CafeSola 7 місяців тому +2

    Right before you said “I need to go take a nap” I was thinking about how wonderfully dense these discussions are and how I have been pausing them to take time to ponder and absorb the content. I have even enjoyed listening again and perhaps again. Thanks and blessings!

  • @roypanwitz9166
    @roypanwitz9166 7 місяців тому +2

    Q: How do you make a philosopher laugh?
    A: Tell him everything you know.

  • @mathete9968
    @mathete9968 7 місяців тому +3

    Please give the citation fir your Luther quote
    "Anything apart from the Word is the very devil himself"
    Martin Luther

    • @tullytwp
      @tullytwp 7 місяців тому

      Smalcald Articles III, art viii, 10

    • @mathete9968
      @mathete9968 7 місяців тому

      @@tullytwp "God does not want to deal with us in any other way than through the spoken Word ...
      Whatever is ... Without the Word ... Is the devil himself"
      Smalcald Articles , Part 3, Article 8, Paragraphs 10, 11

  • @caa793
    @caa793 7 місяців тому +1

    Loved it! Watched it a few times & sent it along times 3.❤

  • @carole3680
    @carole3680 4 місяці тому

    This episode is the last to show up on my feed. I have read of this happening to subscribers of diverse channels and only today have I realized how dull mind had become to ignore not seeing your posts. The devil is so busy in these days of woke, self identifying, economic blather and so on. The Sunday sermons with scripture readings have continued although I prefer the entire service; I miss the music. Not sure what it is that brought about my lack of interaction except that Dr. Schultz is not reluctant to speak the truth in the broad picture, as are you, Pastor Wolfmueller.

  • @RomanZeNine
    @RomanZeNine 4 місяці тому

    You can be excommunicated without the ability to defend yourself as of right now on false pretenses. You can be targeted for being "far right", a nebulous term if I ever heard one. We are already there. 25:50

  • @johndoh795
    @johndoh795 7 місяців тому +1

    Satan inverts. Justice is inverted in social justice.

  • @jordantsak7683
    @jordantsak7683 7 місяців тому +1

    In greek, λόγος (speech, word, thought, reason), λογική (logic, rationality), λόγια (words), λόγιος (scholar), λέ(γ)ω (say, talk), λογίζομαι (think, I am considered to be) are all derived from the same root and they are mutually dependent.

  • @mwdiers
    @mwdiers 7 місяців тому +1

    As someone who came from a theo-cultural background that denigrated philosophy, I am a late bloomer in contending with the philosophical thought of Heraclitus, Plato, Aristotle, and Aquinas. But now I have come to the conclusion that metaphysics is an essential part of theology, because the Logos Himself demands a particular metaphysical stance. As with Christ, so with the Scriptures. Scripture has a particular metaphysical stance. It is not metaphysically neutral. When the Logos became flesh and dwelt among us, His very presence was a hammer blow shattering all forms of subjective "truth," and casting out the "has God really said?" epistemology of Satan. Every modern philosophy thereafter, whether nominalism, modernism, empiricism, post-modernism, critical thought, or the existentialism that infects not only the radical Lutherans outside the LCMS, but is even now entrenched in her seminaries and infecting the minds of her graduates, must finally contend with the eternal Logos-made-flesh in Whom alone man is justified. All this rebellious world will finally be subjected to the eternal reality that is Christ. In Him all things consist, live, move, have their being. He Himself is all wisdom. His eternal Word itself defines reality not in some arbitrary sovereign manner, but by virtue of His very eternal nature. What then are "theories" of ontology? What then is truth? The eternal Logos Himself IS reality, IS truth.

  • @br.m
    @br.m 7 місяців тому +1

    It's a hobby of mine to try to listen to peoples angle and then come at the topic from a different angle. When Dr. Schulz is talking about language and the devil want's to destroy language... And the Dr. insists language is important. The different angle given to me is what about Babel. What about the last time humans had a common language and understood each other?
    It wasn't the devil who destroyed that and reset the world, it was God. Now... Why? I'm not asking for an answer I'm asking anyone unfortunate enough to read this. Why would we think the devil wants to destroy language? Are we just American? The only ones to use nuclear bombs but yet think we deserve to be the world police and the only ones with nukes. I'm not convinced but I will keep an open mind.
    I think God does not care for language. I think the devil does. God cares about sparrows and they don't write dictionaries. The devil is always using language. To trick Eve, to tempt Jesus, to bring humans together and unite them in building towers to enslave God.

    • @gideonpullmann1252
      @gideonpullmann1252 7 місяців тому +1

      God did not destroy language at Babel, He created more language so that man would not be able to understand one another. This was to stop the evil they were doing, and it is a check against man working together to produce more and greater evils. While it was a punishment, it was also for the sake of the people, showing mercy to those trying to be faithful, and putting a stop to those leading others astray.
      The devil does not care about language, which is why he was so willing to twist and distort it in order to trick Eve, tempt Jesus, and continue leading others astray. Just because someone uses language does not mean they care about it. It is about how they use it. God uses language to create, literally using the Word to create the universe, and using His Word to pronounce forgiveness and preach the Gospel. The devil uses language to destroy, to tear Man away from God through sin and to lead people down the path of evil into death. God does care about the sparrows, but the point of that parable is that God cares for humanity more, for you are of more value than they. And God gave language to Man as a greater gift than what He has given to the sparrows.

    • @br.m
      @br.m 7 місяців тому

      @@gideonpullmann1252 Interesting theory thanks for sharing your opinion.
      I still like my theory a bit better. After all, talking to a snake is what started this whole mess in the first place.
      Talking to a snake caused death. In contrast, when Moses lifted the bronze snake. People just had to look at the snake, not talk to it.
      That's what Jesus points us towards. Like Moses lifted the snake for people to look at. We look at Jesus to be saved, to undo the curse brought on by the language, by talking to the snake.

    • @gideonpullmann1252
      @gideonpullmann1252 7 місяців тому +1

      @@br.m I wasn't presenting a theory or my opinion but the Biblical truth.
      And talking to the snake did not bring death, breaking God's command did. God did not forbid Adam and Eve from talking, but from eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And if you remember, the people took the bronze snake and made an idol out of it, so even just looking can lead to sin.
      And Jesus does not command us to just look at him, but to believe in him. The Father even speaks from heaven and tells us to listen to Jesus. All of this requires language. If language itself were the problem then why are you typing comments on UA-cam? Or why even read the Bible?Language is not inherently sinful, but people and devils can, and do, use language for sin.

    • @br.m
      @br.m 7 місяців тому

      @@gideonpullmann1252 Friend you ask me why. Then why build an Ark of the Covenant with cherubim on it if they are not supposed to make idols.
      If Eve had only looked at the snake instead of making conversation.
      I wasn't trying to suggest what Jesus commanded. Just that he likened himself to the bronze snake.
      Looking at the bronze snake is not worship. They worshiped the bronze snake later, its totally different than looking at it.
      In fact, what they did later to worship the snake, just makes me think of Eve worshiping the snake.
      With all due respect I think you and I have mostly exchanged opinions rather than facts.

    • @br.m
      @br.m 7 місяців тому +1

      @@gideonpullmann1252 Friend. I have a fact for you. People will worship in Spirit and in Truth. Peace.

  • @meganotofthisworld
    @meganotofthisworld 7 місяців тому

    The first interview was good. This second one is designed, it😮seems, to kill the listeners by boring them to death. The moment the guest goes into his "professor mode", his boring language and attitude become deadly.

  • @jordantsak7683
    @jordantsak7683 7 місяців тому +1

    Permit me to say that ''woke'' is not marxist or it is not marxist only. It is a product of liberalism, democracy and capitalism. If we do not realize this, then, our attitude against it will be wrong. We have to understand that liberalism, democracy as it is perceived nowadays, i.e. based on individualism and individual will and wishes, and capitalism as perceived today, i.e. the force that promote wokeness in order to promote products to different segments of the population, are responsible for this catastrophic ideology/religion and much less marxism. Marxist parties are anti-woke because in many aspects they are puritanical, moralistic and conservative.

    • @run4cmt
      @run4cmt 7 місяців тому

      Capitalism is not the problem. You describe the marketing of products. That is not the essence of Capitalism. Capitalism is the right to live one's economic life without interference from the government. The government is currently engaged in public and private partnerships. Those are used to quash speech and push policies. That is fascism.

    • @br.m
      @br.m 7 місяців тому

      That doesn't sound right to me. Isn't woke just a trend? People who are anti-woke are worse than the so-called woke. As twisted as the woke are, I kind of like the woke better than the unwoke. The unwoke think they are smart and think they have things figured out. They are kind of like that Jordan Peterson character and he is terrible. I'd rather eat and drink with the woke.

    • @janettelewis6681
      @janettelewis6681 7 місяців тому

      I am very interested in the roots of this perspective. How did you arrive at the conclusion that woke ideology is a product of individualism and capitalism?

    • @jordantsak7683
      @jordantsak7683 7 місяців тому

      @@janettelewis6681 , studying political philosophies 20 years now. All political philosophies are cosmic religions, gnosticism in action, anti-gospel per se. All political philosophies are individualistic. They only differ how they perceive the individual. Fascism/corporatism perceives it a a whole race, where each one of the members of the race is a cell doing specific job inside the racial body. Inside this racial body, every individual is really free. Socialism/Communism perceives as individual the proletariat. It declares war against all other classes. Only inside the proletariat can the individual to be really free. In liberalism/capitalism the individual is perceives as an atom (in the ancient greek sense). It is the essence of the everything, of the social order, of the existence of the state and of power. Liberalism/capitalism sees humanity as a chaotic sum of individuals in need of freedom and products and give them what they need. Margaret Thatcher used to say, as a vivid expression of this mentality, ''there is no society''. She meant ''no common interests''. She was ''socially conservative''. But the natural end of liberalism/capitalism is the atom, every man perceived as an island. His will and wishes are law. Individualism is the real root of the woke movement. We can find aspects in it of all the three political ideologies. But, above all, of liberalism/capitalism who is based on each person's will and wishes. In the once upon a time communist world, personal will and wishes were considered an enemy of the society, a product of liberalism/capitalism, a decadence. We have to be careful when we study these ideas and very specific when we try to find the root of evil in them. Here, in Greece, the Communist Party is opposed to wokeness and the reason is simple. Communists want Revolution and Revolution can be done with strong men, not women, not gays, not trans. The Communist Party votes against same sex marriages.

    • @janettelewis6681
      @janettelewis6681 7 місяців тому +2

      @@jordantsak7683 Thank you. This was helpful in diagnosing the disconnect between our analysis of what’s going on. It looks like we have very different definitions about what woke ideology is. It looks like you have sexual immorality as an issue representing wokeness on one side and a Marxist, maybe a Russian communist on the other, giving their disapproval to it, therefore Marxism doesn’t lead to wokeism.
      In my analysis, It’s not that an economic Marxist would approve or disapprove of this sin, but that the issue is being used in the same way as the proletariat/bourgeoise divide was to stir up animosity between groups of people. One side is labeled the oppressed. The other is labeled the oppressor. The same with so many other branches of this wicked ideology: CRT, intersectionality, queer theory, radical feminism. It mutates and takes on all sorts of expressions. The group members on one side are viewed as helpless victims who can do no wrong, the others as evil oppressors whose every action is tainted with evil intent. There is also the post-modern, anti-rational destruction of language going on. What is a woman? What is a marriage? It was defined one way for all of human history. Then a few years back the Supreme Court changed the definition. Now Jack Philips the perceived oppressor must bake the cake to celebrate the wedding or fight endless court battles not to lose his business. I believe the neo-Marxist oppressed/oppressor framing, combined with the post-modern language deconstruction makes this demonic ideology one that leads to communo-fascism.
      Another stark example. “Believe all women”. Men were seen as the oppressors. If they were accused, they were guilty. No evidence needed, in some cases just regret by women after consensual encounter. In the southern Baptist world, there is a well known case where one adult woman had a consensual, adulterous affair over many years with a married man. She is routinely described not as an adulterer who also needs to repent, but as a victim. Why? She is immune to accusation of sin by those who have taken on this “woke” worldview, because she is in the helpless, innocent, oppressed woman group in the women vs men neo-Marxist grouping. The supposed, Gnostic power imbalance exonerates her of all culpability. On the flip-side, look at all the feminist women supporting Hamas in spite of their actions on Oct 7. If Palestinians are seen as the oppressed, there is no wicked deed that the same feminists won’t justify against their perceived oppressors, including brutal SA.
      “If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?”
      Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956
      All of this revolutionary stirring up animosity between groups of people is deceptively sold as empathy for the oppressed. But it all ends the same. Does the historical record show that the Russian Marxists really cared about the poor? The millions who died in the Gulag and in the Holodomor would dispute this. How many died in China? It will end the same here. For example, Do those in this cult really care about women? They are empowered to murder their own children in the name of equality and justice. They are also now forced to compete against men in sports and have men in their locker rooms. I’m not even going to go down the road of what’s happening to children.
      “In fighting those who serve devils one always has this on one's side; their masters hate them as much as they hate us. The moment we disable the human pawns enough to make them useless to Hell, their own masters finish the work for us. They break their tools." C.S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength.
      I do agree with you that it is very important to diagnose the roots of this movement correctly to fight it.