Arkhangelsk, 1944 - Pls, Someone Shoot Me... [War Thunder]

  • Опубліковано 3 лют 2025


  • @h.a8681
    @h.a8681 Місяць тому +55

    the 15 inch British guns have 3x the dispersion they had irl, its such a joke

    • @charliezw3287
      @charliezw3287 Місяць тому +5

      Fr feels like wows sometimes

    • @calebhaynes1535
      @calebhaynes1535 Місяць тому +1

      Yeah same for US ships it’s just depressing

  • @doughnut3508
    @doughnut3508 Місяць тому +21

    10:26 That motor torpedo boat is an absolute chad

  • @MiG21fanboy
    @MiG21fanboy Місяць тому +26

    I think there is also a bug currently that makes shells do barley any damage

  • @dav3y001
    @dav3y001 Місяць тому +11

    Hmm yes gaijin let's take the British 15 inch a gun renowned for being highly accurate and make it the least accurate large calibre in the game

  • @questionmark05
    @questionmark05 Місяць тому +11

    A British battleship with decent AA, and it's not British! Shells feel weak, keep getting taken out by Alaskas but full broadside 15" into their magazines nothing, one 12" in return and I'm on fire, constantly! Yeah I have that secondaries issue aswell.

  • @Halalaka
    @Halalaka Місяць тому +11

    "all of a sudden the US 14in BBs with their 40 second reload seem more manageable"
    Its insane how true this is. I gave up grinding the US TT due to how insufferable the 14 inch guns were compared to everyone elses, but I went back to them out of sure frustration with how the Rodney and all the other UK 15 inch gun BBs are performing, and I never thought I would as so glad to to use the US BBs again, the difference between them is night and day.
    When you shoot the US 14 inch guns, they actually hit things rather dispersing themselves everywhere but what you are aiming, unlike the British 15/16.
    When your 14inch shells hit the ship, they actually damage modules instead of phasing out of existance or suffering Jutland fuzing, unlike the British 15/16.
    On top of all that, the British also seem to have it the worst when it comes to the naval aiming bug where the range and lead start having an epileptic fit. I played some games with the German, Soviet, Japanese and US BBs, came across it but wasnt too badly affected. UK BBs? Holy shit, every 3rd or 4th salvo seems to be affected by it.
    Put all of this together and was I watch my full Rodneys broadside go OVER and UNDER a Kronstadt's barbette that was 4km away.

  • @irfanhafizhbuntoro3772
    @irfanhafizhbuntoro3772 Місяць тому +15

    12:57 Naval maps main problem is the lack of cover, but when given a cover, everyone hide in it and it's not fun. So how is that?

    • @PerciusLive
      @PerciusLive Місяць тому +1

      The issue of flushing someone out from cover can take longer than a match length. Like everything else, balance of open and cover is needed. Plus being clustered in one spot, in the open, when spawning doesn't help

    • @klipsfilmsmelbourne
      @klipsfilmsmelbourne Місяць тому

      I hate getting shot over cover they can spam over without physical aiming or seeing

    • @solidtoto
      @solidtoto Місяць тому +2

      Honestly at this point they should just copy World Of Warship's concealment system. Just keep it "realistic" by justifying it with the Earth's horizon or something... With that at least everywhere is a cover sort of and it allows more dynamic plays, on top of buffing smaller ships.

  • @Fuzzyhead16
    @Fuzzyhead16 Місяць тому +8

    the biggest problem of british 15" is that most ships are spawning in the invulnerability zone for those guns. invulnerability zone is a zone where the gun will not penetrate the Citadelle in acertain distance, ships have multiple of those Zones, for Pummeling an Broaddside engagements, in WT u spawn aroundd roughty 11Km apart in most maps, some maps even just 8km.
    For instance a Scharnhorst can withstand dirrect fire under 12km distance except for 16" guns. but beyond 12km suddenly lots of guns starting to be far more ffective against the turtleback amor, meanmwhile All or Nothing shemes are mostly stronger at longe distances, like the American standarts do good between 12 and 14 km
    its sad that we basicly get spawned in Knifefights with no ability to maneuver and or Doge shells. Navel just need Far more Love and actuel just one Proper map weher all ships can shine

    • @ThatZenoGuy
      @ThatZenoGuy 27 днів тому +1

      Lmao what? No ship at 10km had an immunity zone to the 15 inch. Not even Yamato.

    • @CapaUno1322
      @CapaUno1322 24 дні тому

      There must be a Gaijin shill in here somewhere, the info in the comments is way to good....

  • @aserkill6096
    @aserkill6096 Місяць тому +3

    gaijin have already decoupled air BR from ground and naval so just decompress the shit and raise the BR for bringing planes to naval so they don't have to worry about cold war jets zooming in and napalming boats from 8km away and can go to br 8-9 for boats

  • @ErichVonKraut
    @ErichVonKraut Місяць тому +7

    I just spent 45 minutes playing three battles as HMS York. I got 30,000 RP to put into Colossus and had to quit for the day. It was *not* fun! Why do we even do this to ourselves???

  • @lennyvega7076
    @lennyvega7076 Місяць тому +23

    The BR compression is the thing gatekeeping the fun for me. WHY is my Kongo/Haruna/Kirishima the same BR of Scharn? Kron? Amagi? Or Lets stay only in IJN. Why is Ise and Hyuga the same BR? One is the old version and the other the modern version? Its only for shorter waiting times.... Because NOONE can tell me that my Kongo with 8x356mm is the samepowerlevel as Fuso with 12x356mm .... Or a Amagi with 10x410mm ... Game rly feels like "Play Kron , Amagi , Mutsu , Scharnhorst or Rodney. Or you dont have any fun at all." And this ruins everything for me. But I feel like a hostage to see the day Yamato/Musashi arrives. Or a USN Battleship with a reload lower than 35sec .... And im rly scared of the day we get Bismarck/Tirpitz. Its basicly Scharnhorst just worse. And even more people will play them than Scharn atm. Its a rly rly dark future ahead of us...

    • @scharnhorstenjoyer1936
      @scharnhorstenjoyer1936 Місяць тому +2

      I 100% agree. Your comparison of the Amagi and the Kongo already made it clear.
      Bigger guns, more guns, more armor, FASTER reload but same BR. Its ridiculous.
      A BR change update could save sooo many ships and make so many things more fun and playable. Im just really hoping that some fixes will come soon, as i have heard this year will be big for naval.

    • @konstantinriumin2657
      @konstantinriumin2657 Місяць тому

      Japanese 410 is kinda bad though... No SAP, terrible HE, APCBC with marginally more pen than 356 mm. Fast reload is like only saving grace. Overall Mutsu is worse than Japanese 12x356 ships (which are still great IMO)

    • @KC-nn5wc
      @KC-nn5wc Місяць тому

      Sound like a moron German ships irl were much more resilient
      . The issue isn't the German ships read up a bit

    • @karldergrosse-333
      @karldergrosse-333 Місяць тому +1

      Tirpitz and Bismarck will be unsinkable comparing Scharnhörst is already neigh-unsinkable.

    • @scharnhorstenjoyer1936
      @scharnhorstenjoyer1936 Місяць тому

      @@konstantinriumin2657 I wouldn’t really say the Japanese 410’s are bad, even the opposite. The HE is arguable, as it has less yield than some smaller guns, but its still decent. And with the APCBC i overall have a very great time. The 12x 356mm battleships are great, don’t get me wrong. But i do feel like the Mutsu and especially the Amagi are pretty good ships and if played right can be better than the 12x 356mm ships (or at least the Amagi). The lack of SAP sucks, totally there with you, perhaps when fighting cruisers the 12x 356mm are the better choice. Really depends on the scenario.

  • @lordwintertown8284
    @lordwintertown8284 Місяць тому +2

    G'day Napalmratte,
    Honestly this Revenge class Super Dreadnought Battleship still looks more fun than the Ciclone class Torpedo Boat added this update...

  • @dercoon292
    @dercoon292 Місяць тому +1

    Happy new year 🎉🥳🥳

    • @dercoon292
      @dercoon292 Місяць тому

      I know I'm a bit late 😅

  • @russell33313
    @russell33313 Місяць тому +1

    2025 is here : Napalmratte Im so Done

  • @lizardo667
    @lizardo667 29 днів тому +1

    I've been using it for about 6 days now and I've been really happy with it. I use console which might have a different performance than PC users but it's a sniper ship, not a very close confrontation ship. And if you have a sharn on your team people tend to go after that more than you because it's a pest in every battle you have. It may not have a good turn time no or reload. But It's def a British Nevada and the best the Russian have gotten IMO. If you're saying this is not worth it, It's def worth it. I've been playing soviet naval since before it was split between bluewater and coastal and I haven't been this happy with bluewater since the kronsh was the best in the game.

  • @DocFriday94
    @DocFriday94 Місяць тому +4

    Naval as a gamemode is overall in a bad spot rn. Like the 41cm form Mutsu do barely any damage. Not to forget the repair bug that only is in some games.

    • @matteoperuzzi184
      @matteoperuzzi184 Місяць тому +1

      If you mean that repair remains active, i get that every single time

    • @DocFriday94
      @DocFriday94 Місяць тому

      @ i dont have it every game, thats the annoying part.

  • @dercoon292
    @dercoon292 Місяць тому +1

    I think Naval needs alot changes not only 6.3 till7.0 i think it stats already around 5.7 . Good luck fighting with a cruiser against Derrflinger....

  • @matteoperuzzi184
    @matteoperuzzi184 Місяць тому +1

    I can’t play naval rn thanks to two bugs, the first blocks all the fire controls activated without possibility to shut off so i simply explode because i couldn’t put out a simple fire. The second bug however is a classic, servers that decide casually to shut down giving me 999 ping and 99% pl, expelling me from the game without possibility to rejoin…

  • @Jadefox32
    @Jadefox32 29 днів тому

    If you use single fire shell dispersion is less of an issue.

  • @mit4c
    @mit4c Місяць тому +7

    i have scharn for 2 years now and i dont even like to play it because its so op :D i only use it for revenge when i spawn in lubeck :D and 7.0 ships focus fire on me :D then i use it for revenge :D but otherwise i use bayern and sachen :D

    • @mit4c
      @mit4c Місяць тому +3

      it bafflees me that after all these years i have like 3k hours in air RB but nowdays i only play naval,. despite being the most despised game mode by snail

    • @scharnhorstenjoyer1936
      @scharnhorstenjoyer1936 Місяць тому +2

      I love playing the Scharnhorst, as it makes you feel hella mighty when ramming into the enemy fleet, but i totally agree that it needs a nerf or at least worthy opponents. When playing other battleships it just always gets so frustrating when you find yourself in a fight against a Scharnhorst. As theres little you can really do. :/

  • @Omega_Mark
    @Omega_Mark Місяць тому +1

    Happy New Year, Napalm. Could you checkout out the current aim boondongle in a few matches in Arcade and give your opinion about it? In my opinion it's probably not a bug, but income nerf. Now you are more likely to miss, so you expand more shells and get less kills (income). Please do it for destroyers (especially US ones) as well. From what I see, in different matches, the shells do less damage (you mentioned this), then some matches later, I can do more damage and get more kills. Even the aim director often sucks and screws up the aim lead. The oval green circle has a mind of its own and it rubberbands all over the place. The aiming director circle goes up and down every refresh (sometimes more than 1 inch difference, even though the ship did not change course). The game is very inconsistent and I'm really getting tired of this. There were so many times they have made changes to the aim mechanics and every time I have to relearn it while throwing everything I have learned out the window. I play Naval as main at this point, but this messed up aim is the last straw for me. Skewed matches and constant uptiers are not fun.

    • @Napalmratte
      @Napalmratte  Місяць тому +2

      Idk why but tue system gets less ans less stable

  • @olafrohwer3482
    @olafrohwer3482 Місяць тому +3

    British Mains seing the soviets get the first Revenge Class Battleship: 😢

  • @jebediahkerman3826
    @jebediahkerman3826 Місяць тому +1

    I feel like shells in general either just started doing less damage or there is some sort of insane randomness to how well your shells are going to perform.
    It's just stupid how I can play 2 battles in a Sharnhorst, on the same map, on the same spawn, fighting the same ships (sometimes literally the same players), making the same shots with similar lead and from the similar distances, killing 6 enemies in one battle and killing noone in the other.
    I understand that there are "lucky days" and days when you just eat shit, it just happens. But realistically over many battles this should distribute more or less equally.
    Shooting the same 10 salvos at a ship in 10 different experiments should on average lead to the same results. But it just doesn't. It can swing from battle to battle harder than I want to swing a bat at a naval game designer.
    This sort of shit discourages me from playing naval despite how much I actually like the game mode. Dispersion is already random and it's hilarious how bad it fucking is for large caliber guns. We're going to get to a point where naval battles will just be a dice rolling minigame and rewards are going to be given according ho how big your number is.

  • @WT_Player_2003
    @WT_Player_2003 Місяць тому

    hello nepal did you notice ammo racking is hard after storm update

  • @TheNicestPig
    @TheNicestPig Місяць тому +1

    Idgaf ROYAL OAK NOW!!!!!!

  • @Caktusdud.
    @Caktusdud. Місяць тому

    Ok, a couple things. 1: we need a video which just talks about the Battleship situation as a whole becuase, Im not gonna lie Im confused.
    Though its clear that Gaijin has made about as much of a shitshow for top tier naval as their precious Russian Navy 🤣🤣🤣 I know some people were mad about this ship being added but I just found it cute. Why Gaijin insists that Scharnhorst and the other two are superior is just brain rotting.
    Oh and before anyone says it, I do play naval, I am part of Cmdr. Tyrael's server and squadron with over 80 bluewater ships. Granted no battleships, Im not interested. Anyways.
    Speaking of Cmdr. Tyrael, I'm gonna need to rewatch part of your video. I was distracted by the pure steel balls that is nERA in his PT boat. How is boat is still afloat by the sheer wieght of his balls is a mystery. Im gonna show Tyrael that becuase that was good. Don't worry you'll get credit since its from your video. Im not evil.

  • @manolomanoki9915
    @manolomanoki9915 7 днів тому

    Play anything above 6.0 = 7.0 lobbies...
    Play 5.7 constant downtiers...
    Surely its going to be great for the players with 4.7s...

  • @front2760
    @front2760 Місяць тому

    Happy new year.Come back to GF lots of new stuff there.

  • @gwalchavad6855
    @gwalchavad6855 Місяць тому

    It's supposed to be naval warefare. But ships in the vid seem all stationary. Why the * did naval warefare doctrines focus so much abiut speed and maneuvers?

    • @ThatZenoGuy
      @ThatZenoGuy 27 днів тому

      Because moving makes you less accurate. Ingame I mean. IRL it did not.

    • @gwalchavad6855
      @gwalchavad6855 27 днів тому

      @ThatZenoGuy OK, thanks, wasn't aware I'd do less damage being in move. Will try the stationary artillery game style then and see. It just feels awkward.

  • @Elue-mtb
    @Elue-mtb Місяць тому

    Once I thought the russians got a good ship.....

  • @Kroha_Kevin
    @Kroha_Kevin Місяць тому

    Hi! Can someone please tell me is the IJN Kirishima worth to buy for GE and put a Talisman on it? I have the IJN Myoko but I can't grind rank VI with it.

  • @nyccoyax3831
    @nyccoyax3831 Місяць тому +1

    and imagine ppl do events in this top tier ships and get 700 score for 20 mins game rofl.. I get into my Helena and get 5k score in that same time even in full uptier with minimal effort.

    • @Napalmratte
      @Napalmratte  Місяць тому

      @@nyccoyax3831 yeah mid tier ist fun/effective/more rewarding

    • @nyccoyax3831
      @nyccoyax3831 Місяць тому

      @@Napalmratte anyway, love your content, wish more ppl knew and watched your stuff

  • @nyccoyax3831
    @nyccoyax3831 Місяць тому

    Dont wanna be mean or nothing, but you finally realized what I realized 2 years ago. top tier naval is boring as fuck and waste of time

    • @Napalmratte
      @Napalmratte  29 днів тому

      It wasn't the case for me 2 years ago

  • @hectoraccented5312
    @hectoraccented5312 Місяць тому

    Sad to hear it sucks, I was intermittently researching it (waiting for fast research after 28 days from launch) and I thought it looked acceptably good on paper...well back to the long in the tooth Kron/Impera duo in the russian branch

  • @frantavomacka2882
    @frantavomacka2882 Місяць тому

    Gaijin is a russian company. Maybe this is the reason why are BBs (and naval) so bad. Russia is the only country, which lost naval battle with inland state! Today russia lost battle for Black Sea with country without navy. Greatest russians naval battle was Tsushima and the best russians BBs were British and exItalian...

  • @pavleh4602
    @pavleh4602 Місяць тому

    What battelships Soviets can get?

    • @Sceptreshot
      @Sceptreshot Місяць тому +3

      Kronshtadt class with her historical 38cm guns (however 80 second reload on those due to lack of power assisted loading), Stalingrad class which is a worse Kronshtadt and then Sovetsky Soyuz which is a Russian wunderwaffe dream ship that could never have been built but is ludicrously powerful on paper (like Yamato crossed with Iowa).

    • @scharnhorstenjoyer1936
      @scharnhorstenjoyer1936 Місяць тому +1

      @@Sceptreshotdid they have a that long reload? According to my knowledge the kronshadt originally should’ve gotten the 38mm sk 34C guns (the Bismarck main gun) which (on the Bismarck at least) have a reload time of approximately ~25sec

    • @konstantinriumin2657
      @konstantinriumin2657 Місяць тому +2

      @@Sceptreshot Sovetsky Soyuz even on paper is not that strong. It's like Iowa basically (maybe slower and more armored a bit). Nothing like Yamato (counting only game-important stats).
      Also Stalingrad has better guns than Kron and its armor is generally worse but they tried to armor magazines better, and magazines are like Kron's weakest spot.

  • @PvtPartzz
    @PvtPartzz Місяць тому

    I just hate War Thunder’s aiming mechanics for naval and until they change I can’t be bothered. Watching these videos is as close as I’ll get.
    It may be sacrilegious to say but what I really wanted out of WT naval was WoWs without the disappearing ships and hit points.

  • @TheCephalus
    @TheCephalus Місяць тому

    but does BR even matter? From my experience above 6.0 everyone is playing against everyone anyway,