Law of Moses: Sin and Death - Law of Christ: Freedom and Life / Kingdom School - Lesson 5

  • Опубліковано 3 лют 2025


  • @beckyd3546
    @beckyd3546 6 днів тому +1

    Very clarifying teaching. I always understood the 'law written on the heart' and now I can see it fully, in the desert with the Israelites. In the rainbow. In the promise to Abraham.

  • @francesco32AD
    @francesco32AD 9 днів тому +2

    You know what kind of FREEDOM this teaching gave to me!! I love you brother❤
    May God bless you and your well-built family in the name of JESUS! 🔥❤️🙌🏼

  • @roseolson2680
    @roseolson2680 6 днів тому +1


  • @peterdeghi3109
    @peterdeghi3109 12 днів тому +8

    Living by grace empowers us to live by the fruit of the Holy Spirit. That's freedom. That's amazing. With that in mind, we can live holy and free from sin.

    • @BenChung78
      @BenChung78 11 днів тому

      I dont expect you to be able to truly understand the answer to the question I am about to ask you but I will ask anyway: Did Moses, Elijah, and old testament people also have the same holy spirit available to them as new testament people who believe in Jesus? If so not then did even the faithful israelites in old testament times live in sin with no way to live by grace? Or because GOD is same yesterday today forever was the same grace of GOD available to people in old testament times before Jesus ever was sent to earth as a man to live and die on a cross to "set his people free" from sin? If not then that means everyone before Jesus had no way to live by grace so was always under law so was always suspect to sin with no way out.

    • @danielbu2611
      @danielbu2611 11 днів тому

      How? I'd love to live out of the Fruits of the Spirit, but I often lack love and patience and others (though I ask for them) and thank God for giving me everything I need for life and godliness.

    • @JesusIsESSENTIAL
      @JesusIsESSENTIAL 4 дні тому

      @@BenChung78they had the same Holy Spirit but Jesus makes it clear that after His death, it’s different because now He will live within us.
      ““If you love Me, you will keep My commandments. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. You know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.” John‬ ‭14‬:‭15‬-‭17‬ ‭
      Old Testament saints were filled outwardly with the Holy Spirit but not inwardly. He would come upon them but not within them. They did not have the blood of Christ to cleanse them inwardly for Him to dwell there.

    • @ProGlassWR
      @ProGlassWR День тому

      Amen! So awesome

  • @zachboihem6987
    @zachboihem6987 5 днів тому +1

    Great teaching! Thank you brother Torben.

  • @micheleallen1402
    @micheleallen1402 11 днів тому +4

    Wow so cool. I never put the 3,000 death in OT and the 3,000 life in NT together. So amazing!!

  • @edenononye6504
    @edenononye6504 12 днів тому +4

    You are confirming what our Lord Jesus Christ is saying to His Bride.
    I am speak the gracious TRUTH(no.5 of lesson 5,signifying grace)
    (2 CHRONICLES 20:20b)

  • @Zazquatch1
    @Zazquatch1 3 дні тому +1

    "Keep My Laws and you will be a Treasured possession, a Kingdom of Priests, a Holy Nation.
    Read the Epistle of Peter 1&2 and see what he says it is to be "Holy" and living Called Out.

  • @belovedofgod3572
    @belovedofgod3572 11 днів тому +2

    Being the pure bride is about being aaved by his grace obedient to his commandments because of love and the power of the holy spirit. His word is inside the true bride. He is the same yesterday today and forever.

  • @danielbu2611
    @danielbu2611 11 днів тому +2

    The flood and baptism is a beautiful picture. The "baptism that saves us" as Peter says is likened to the flood because just as the earth was baptized and all the unrighteousness was washed away, "in Christ" our unrighteousness is washed away.
    Also, just as the ark carried Noah and his family through judgment, "in Christ" we will be carried safely through the coming judgment by fire.

  • @andrewvidler6693
    @andrewvidler6693 11 днів тому +1

    Thanks Torben, this teaching is AMAZING. It is very eye-opening and practical. It should set A LOT of people free! I will share this with many to also help and encourage them. God bless you!!!

  • @TAdler-ex8px
    @TAdler-ex8px 11 днів тому +1

    Wonderful, I appreciate demonstrations about purity and holiness. The pure heart, free vain pursuits is the one that is compelled by the Love of Christ. Love issues from a good conscience, a pure heart, and a sincere faith.

  • @daleenduplessis6794
    @daleenduplessis6794 10 днів тому

    Excellent teaching brother Torben - straight from God.
    Mat3:11 leads to
    1Cor12:13 on faith in the Gospel and Heb12:8 to the testing of that faith.

  • @timomarieshely
    @timomarieshely 9 днів тому +3

    Jesus never came to abolish the law; as He said in Matthew 5:17-18, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” He actually obeyed and walked in every commandment of His Father given to Moses, perfectly fulfilling the law in both spirit and action and showing us the exemple to follow.
    John tells us in his first epistle, “Everyone who sins breaks the law, sin is the transgression of the law” (1 John 3:4). Paul also emphasizes the purpose of the law when he says, “I would not have known what sin was had it not been for the law” (Romans 7:7). Since Jesus was without sin (Hebrews 4:15), He could not transgress the law; instead, He lived in perfect obedience to it. At the same time, Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for their hypocrisy, not because they kept the law, but because they nullified God’s commandments by their traditions (Mark 7:6-9).
    When the Bible speaks of writing the law on our hearts, the word translated as “law” refers to the Hebrew term Torah, meaning God’s instruction or teaching. This is fulfilled through the work of the Holy Spirit, as promised in Jeremiah 31:33: “I will put my « Torah » within them, and I will write it on their hearts.” Jesus came to redeem us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:13) which is the penalty for breaking it not to enable us to transgress it further, but to empower us to live in alignment with it through His Holy Spirit.
    This is why, in the prophetic writings, we see that when Jesus returns, His commandments, feasts, and Shabbat will be kept. For example, Isaiah 66:22-23 says, “From one New Moon to another and from one Sabbath to another, all mankind will come and bow down before me,” says the Lord. Similarly, Zechariah 14:16-19 describes the nations coming to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
    Peter also warns us about the danger of misinterpreting Paul’s writings: “There are some things in them that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction” (2 Peter 3:16). This warning was relevant 2,000 years ago and remains equally true today.

    • @TheLastReformation
      @TheLastReformation  9 днів тому +2

      Yes. He did not. The law is still there. But we in Christ are dead to the law

    • @timomarieshely
      @timomarieshely 9 днів тому +1

      @ so does it mean we can now transgress it ? Certainly not

    • @9wheelfreerangers
      @9wheelfreerangers 8 днів тому

      @@TheLastReformation so we are dead to God’s Commandments such as in Deuteronony 6:5 or Leviticus 19:18? 🤔

    • @ric_bc
      @ric_bc День тому

      @@9wheelfreerangers We have died to the law of Moses. Now we are under the law of Christ. It is written on our hearts and it contains these two commandments.

  • @AA-bk8yb
    @AA-bk8yb 12 днів тому +3

    ALSO Christ is saving the best for last: the wine of the Holy Spirit in the last days! Just like the groom in wedding which the guest stated: John 2:10 “A host always serves the best wine first,” he said. “Then, when everyone has had a lot to drink, he brings out the less expensive wine. But you have kept the best until now!”

  • @vincenzafiaccadori5468
    @vincenzafiaccadori5468 11 днів тому

    Conhratulations Torben!❤

  • @AshlynCullen-o2g
    @AshlynCullen-o2g 11 днів тому

    Mr Torben im so happy your daughter found a mexican boy Blessings ,I love to see you cry, most men would not be so emotional or dare cry on youtube as much as you do but i admire you for not caring about how it looks.❤I personally am drawn to your sweet side Thank You for being you

  • @CarolienHartman-tv5kf
    @CarolienHartman-tv5kf 11 днів тому

    Amen amen hallelujah!

  • @roseolson2680
    @roseolson2680 6 днів тому

    If the road you are turning into is a one way, here in Canada you can turn left on a red light.

  • @daleenduplessis6794
    @daleenduplessis6794 10 днів тому

    My words are Spirit and life

  • @davidwalorski5755
    @davidwalorski5755 12 днів тому +1


  • @Rose-pi9hr
    @Rose-pi9hr 11 днів тому +1

    God is Good
    Requesting prayer for healing in nerves and musvles, need heeling from covid long haulers, request prayer for family.
    God Continue to Bless TLR🙌🙏✝️🕊💯

  • @belovedofgod3572
    @belovedofgod3572 11 днів тому +3

    The issue Jesus and Paul had with the religion of the jews was that they were keeping commandments and traditions of men instead of the commandments of God

  • @daleenduplessis6794
    @daleenduplessis6794 10 днів тому

    God's loving discipline replaced death - the curse of the law.

  • @Zazquatch1
    @Zazquatch1 3 дні тому

    Will you teach about Israel, how God divorces them after their unfaithfulness to the Covenant made on Mount Sinai and how the death and resurrection of Jesus was the only way back for them to a New Covenant with YHVH?

  • @daleenduplessis6794
    @daleenduplessis6794 10 днів тому

    We forget that new believers are ignorant of many truths - they must first learn more and the be tested 1Cor3:1-4; 11:31,32 and 2Cor7:9-11
    And then from little children in Christ to legitimate children, by submitting to Christ's discipline Heb12.
    The follows 1Jhn2:12-14.
    We are all growing still.

  • @TiJoSv
    @TiJoSv 9 днів тому

    What is the biblical answer to that Romans passage that people often quote 7:18 to 7:20?

    • @LevendoordeGeest
      @LevendoordeGeest 9 днів тому

      Paul their speaks about the law of sin and death, which is a totally different law then the law of God, given to Moses:)

  • @daleenduplessis6794
    @daleenduplessis6794 10 днів тому +2

    Heb4.... we have entered into the Eternal Sabbath.... EVERY DAY IS SABBATH TO US 😊

  • @daniellebabin6777
    @daniellebabin6777 12 днів тому

    Soyez bénis mon frère Torben
    Gloire à Dieu pour votre libération héros de la foi. La traduction en Français des messages nous manque pensez y. Soyez bénis 🎉❤

    • @ric_bc
      @ric_bc 5 днів тому

      Il est possible de générer des sous-titres français. Pour ce faire, vous devez d’abord aller dans les paramètres, cliquer sur « Traduction » et « Anglais (généré automatiquement) ». Revenez ensuite dans les paramètres, cliquez sur « Traduction », cliquez sur « traduction automatique » et sélectionnez « Français ». La traduction n’est pas parfaite, mais elle peut être suffisante.

  • @Zazquatch1
    @Zazquatch1 3 дні тому

    Exo 31:13 "You are to speak to the Israelis: 'You are to surely observe my Sabbaths because it's a sign between me and you from generation to generation, so you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you.
    From GENERATION to GENERATION..... Only "ISRAEL", really?
    How about all those (Sojourners) who came out of Egypt who was NOT of the Nation of Israel, but followed them and Gods instructions? They were to do the same?

  • @CarolienHartman-tv5kf
    @CarolienHartman-tv5kf 11 днів тому

    Torben when do you receive the law of jesus on your heart? When you repent? Or repent and get baptized and receive the holy spirit

    • @JesusIsESSENTIAL
      @JesusIsESSENTIAL 4 дні тому

      When you are born again. We are given a new heart and the Holy Spirit causes us to walk according to the Lord’s ways.
      “And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes and be careful to obey My rules.” Ezekiel‬ ‭36‬:‭26‬-‭27‬ ‭

  • @mcw3560
    @mcw3560 11 днів тому

    This is a wonderful teaching. It really challenged me. I also appreciate the preparation that you take in these teachings. In the past, I thought that you did a lot extemperaneously, and I found myself having some objections to/questions about some of your teachings (probably because you did not explain enough). Here, you are very thorough. Thank you.
    I have a few questions. You say to follow the Spirit, but what about the possibility of some people thinking that they are led by the Spirit but actually being deceived? Also, I have always thought that we do not need to obey the Mosaic Law except for laws of morality. You think otherwise, right? Can the moral laws given by Moses be helpful that they show us what is wrong/sin or do they only entice through Satan?

  • @mikaeldahlbergkvist9183
    @mikaeldahlbergkvist9183 11 днів тому

    Question about righteousness in the gospel of Luke 1:6 ...?

  • @daleenduplessis6794
    @daleenduplessis6794 10 днів тому

    The New Law 1 Jhn3:23,24 coz we are under New Priesthood Heb7:12 therefore New law.

  • @jasonwhite646
    @jasonwhite646 11 днів тому +4

    Dear brother. So Acts 15 does not prove that we are not under the Torah. In that same chapter
    James said, Moses has his disciples in synagogues all around the known world! Gentile prostelytes were common in Judaism.
    Of course, believers live by the Spirit.. But the Spirit is not anti-Law! There is no VS! The gospel is not anti-law. It's anti sin amd the flesh that weaponizes the Torah. How are you going to teach about details on what Yehovah disapproves on sexual immorality from ACTS 15, if you'd don't teach Leviticus 18?
    That is the problem. Gentiles don't know how to teach Torah, because they have a mistaken theological hangup that the gospel is against the Torah. No wonder the protestants are falling for abominations!
    They can't define sins anymore!

    • @yllatusmuna
      @yllatusmuna 11 днів тому +2

      Dear brother,
      I recommend that you listen to this video, from start to end, at least 10 times. Try to listen, not argue. That helps. You get all your questiones answered. Be blessed!

  • @BenChung78
    @BenChung78 11 днів тому

    was the holy spirit grace available in old testament times to people like Elijah and Moses ? Or was the grace of GOD only available to mankind after Jesus came lived died resurrected? If the same grace of GOD was available even before Jesus ever was sent to this world then why is it necessary to believe in Jesus ? Could we not simply then believe in Elijah and still get to heaven? Elijah was taken up to heaven before Jesus was ever sent to this world. So it was not necessary for Elijah to see Jesus death resurrection to get to heaven. Then why is Jesus absolutely necessary to get to heaven?

  • @jasonwhite646
    @jasonwhite646 11 днів тому +3

    Then how are you going to explain the Jerusalem 's council to the gentiles? Even about sexual immorality?
    Leviticus 18. That's how.
    That's Torah.
    It's for the Gentiles also to learn the Torah. There is more than the 10 commandments
    Nope. Even those aliens that lived in Israel were to live by the SAME Law.
    I need to contact you dear brother.
    The full revelation is in Yeshua for sure. But Yeshua did not make a new religion.
    Torah is not in opposition to Messiah. Messiah fulfills it in us. This is not legalism or Judeizing.
    It's about sanctification not justification.

    • @TheLastReformation
      @TheLastReformation  11 днів тому +3

      Yes, we should not live in sexual sin. That is clear for both Jews and Gentiles. However, it doesn’t mean that Gentiles are under the Mosaic Law. Acts 15 proves that. If the gentiles were under the law, they would not have needed to find a way for the Gentiles to live closely with the Jews as we see in acts 15.
      And again. You don’t follow the Torah yourself.

  • @lucidlagomorph5809
    @lucidlagomorph5809 11 днів тому +2

    How is the law of Moses sin and death? The New Testament is superior to the old which was a foreshadowing of the new. We still follow the 10 Commmandments to this day and the New Testament is evolved from this. It was good enough to Mother Mary before Jesus was born. The law of Moses was followed by Jesus who forefilled the whole of the law which brought life and the right to bear a new convenant in which now we live from. He has been given all authority he took from hell which was sin and death. We are saved by grace both practiced and recieved this what brings freedom and protects us from all hypocricy. This revelation seems like heracy to me to be honest be careful pride destroys many pasteurs. in Truth sin is really an absence of love and absence of trust in God. I believe we all become justified by the Law of Moses by furthering are moral code like in Galatians 5. This is what Jesus wants for all of us. We cant live by the fruit of the spirit with out the 10 Commandments which laws are extended even greater even further still by the fruit of the spirit
    Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things. so this is what takes us further than Galatians 5 as it forces us to stay away from worldy entertainment although some Movies are admirable lovely pure right noble true and praiseworthy but they are very rare. Its interesting that alot of pasteurs do not get questioned after a while. I have defended you from Chris Lasala opinions. We cant all believe the same thing I am willing to be wrong. However it feels like your just trying to be clever tbh but I respect your ministry and your life and what you have done for God perhaps you will be able to put me in my place as a laymen to the Gospel without authority but just someone that has understood things the way I have .

    • @danielbu2611
      @danielbu2611 9 днів тому

      Rom 8: 2 "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death."
      Paul wrote it. Is he a heretic?
      No person can keep the law, that's why for US, it was a law of sin and death.

  • @jasonwhite646
    @jasonwhite646 11 днів тому +1

    My comment was deleted. To bad.

    • @danielbu2611
      @danielbu2611 11 днів тому

      By whom? I often get auto censored by YT.

  • @TodorkaNikolova
    @TodorkaNikolova 9 днів тому

    Моля включете БЪЛГАРСКИ надписи

  • @LevendoordeGeest
    @LevendoordeGeest 10 днів тому +3

    The law of moses is NOT the law of sin and death.....Very wrong this...
    The law, which is btw the law of God given to Moses, is good and holy by itself....
    How can you then state that the law of Moses = the law of sin and death....?
    Jesus did not abolish the law but fullfilled it:)
    The law is not the problem, sin is the problem.
    The law of sin and death is where every human being is born under in the flesh and blood.
    The law of Moses shows us sin but its not itself the law of sin and death. Those are 2 different things:)

    • @TheLastReformation
      @TheLastReformation  10 днів тому

      Try see the whole lesson and the next one. They are not the same but very interconnected

    • @TheLastReformation
      @TheLastReformation  10 днів тому

      1Co 15:56 The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law.

    • @LevendoordeGeest
      @LevendoordeGeest 10 днів тому +1

      Yep, the power of sin is the law but the power of the law is NOT sin:)
      Jesus fulfilled the law but why did he fulfill the law if the law is the problem....?
      IF the law was the problem, he would have abolished the law, right:)
      If i murder someone, is the law that does says: ''You shall not murder'' the problem?
      No, the murderer is the problem, The law shows that i am a murderer but the law does not disappear because i murder:)

    • @danielbu2611
      @danielbu2611 9 днів тому

      Rom 8: 2 - "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death."

    • @LevendoordeGeest
      @LevendoordeGeest 9 днів тому

      @@danielbu2611 Absolutely! But that is not the point....The point is that the law of Moses (it is not his law btw but God's law given to Moses) is not the same as the law of sin and death.
      Look at Romans 7 where paul describes the law of sin and death as something different then the law itself....

  • @belovedofgod3572
    @belovedofgod3572 11 днів тому

    Repentance is to turn away from sin. Sin is lawlesness according to 1 john 3:4 you are right it is a heart issue. That is what Jesus message was. You are contradicting yourself. You say the law is a curse but then say we need to be holy. His torah which the word is instructions not law. It literally means what comes from the man that was nailed to the cross in the ancient hebrew