Just no way to make a logging site look pretty whether its 35% leave trees or selective cutting of one species... the pretty cannot be appreciated until many years later... I did a job at Lake Como Bitterroot Valley Montana USA in 1992 and now many years later it looks really nice with lots of large Ponderosa Pine leave trees and open areas for wildlife. BUT company land is a totally different story some is damaged pretty bad with excessive erosion and thick stunted regrowth or regen.
Never seen cats being moved that way before...Pretty cool!
Looks like a good show, guys should've topped that lift tree.
Awesome video guys! Have been a timber faller all my life, and have never seen anything like this! Thanks for posting!
That's why FORKS is the logging capital of the world!~
If you could'nt drive the cats in how did you get the yarder up there?
I finally borrowed a high speed connection, and watched the whole thing! My questions have been answered! Great stuff!
Listen to the skyline singing.
That's what ya call over the hill and over the woods to grandmothers home it goes! lol
Very very cool. Wish I was there myself guys.
Terry Breedlove
Yes the yarders a beast but how bout the ol tailhold tree….to trust it with a brand new machine takes some balls and knowin yer wood…
Oh, I didn't get the title on the first view. Wasn't the Berger Mk.6 the biggest yarder ever built?
Yes it was!
Keep on keeping On !
wow that line must be strong as hell
great video have you any more thanks
Oh flying CATS, oh yea gotcha.
That's some yarder! A Berger? What did you use for a tailhold? Great stuff!
very cool!
Where was this at? Great video.
LMOFL! great vid, thumbs up.
damm good olboy on the dragger nice and smooth stay safe get
at 8:19 i thought it just slid a bit in the mud, then it kept going and i was thinking WTF?? then i realized what was going on...haha
How long was that pull and how far were they pulling out of the woods? And where was this? thanks
I am so upset! I didn't see one airborn kitty!!!!!
Wow! What size cable did/do you use?
top stuff .
Where was this filmed? What city I'd closest ti it?
Forks Wa
Set phasers to stun.
keep up the good work boys, and if ur from forks tell ringer to get a real job.
@WestcoastLogger19 That awsome
man, i don't envy your riggin slinger...
Just no way to make a logging site look pretty whether its 35% leave trees or selective cutting of one species... the pretty cannot be appreciated until many years later... I did a job at Lake Como Bitterroot Valley Montana USA in 1992 and now many years later it looks really nice with lots of large Ponderosa Pine leave trees and open areas for wildlife. BUT company land is a totally different story some is damaged pretty bad with excessive erosion and thick stunted regrowth or regen.
i meant 7:00
what the fuck, I came here for flying cats, not wire-transfering Caterpillars.
@J3WMACHIN3 Me too.
where's the cats?
Im sorry..but..dude...where's the flying cat?? D:
maybe should put the word MACHINE in the title so cat lovers won't waste their time watching this video looking for an actual act. OO
@danratsnapnames And the illegal immigrants are trashing the border areas like you wouldn't believe. We're not allowed to criticiize them, though.
Bruh. Wtf is this?
Work buddy
@tjttzcspplt they are nothing compaired to our own people man.. truelly horrible in the forrests now.
Sorry man, not that super impressed. Just looks like regular old work to me
that was really dumb....why's it on youtube...