Big Brother 2 || SuperCut Compilation

  • Опубліковано 22 лип 2020
  • Big Brother 2 is the only true iconic season of Big Brother.
    Every other season is just an attempt for all of us (including Julie Chen) to relive the adrenaline of seeing Dr. Will adapt & evolve to the game - and emerge as the winner. What I'm trying to say is ... BB2 is the like that first hit of heroin. Every other season is just chasing that first high. It's no coincidence every season after Big Brother 2 references it, or directly references Dr. Will, or just has Dr. Will make a straight-up cameo.
    In many ways it's the first season of the show to really figure out HOW TO PLAY THE GAME - it involves lying, cheating, sociopathy [to climb your way to the top], while still maintaining pseudo-rapport within your community ... so when it does come time for your community of peers to judge you (like in a court), they will be in your favor despite all the negative things done to that community.
    This season (and game) is interesting because I find it to be a metaphoric dream-like America: psychopathy is rewarded with large sums of money; the gamification of surveillance capitalism (thus rendering its threat as null & playful); the show as a psychological artifact of a racist empire.
    Unlike Survivor, this is a game of pure domestic psychological operations (PSYOPS).
    In fact, overt expressions of brute power are highly discouraged, as shown in the early iconic sequence of (later-forgotten) contestant, Justin - who physically intimidated the other contestants, and eventually was booted off the show in an emergency late-night producer-intervention, after Justin ("jokingly") placed a knife to the throat of one of the other female contestants, and asked how she would feel if he "killed her." There's so much good shit in this season.
    I've been mind-numbingly watching all the other seasons, possibly for the same reason why everybody else does... To relive that high of Season 02.
    And let's not forget, most iconic of all... This is the season that experienced September 11, 2001. The terrorist attack that changed the world, for most people on the planet, was experienced live on television early that morning. But for the contestants of Big Brother, they were cut off from the outside world. As they often mention in the opening credits, they're not allowed to watch television, use the Internet, nor read. So the awkward presentation of 9/11 to the contestants, by the producers, over the "video diary" contraption is... well... quite a spectacle.
    Very unique early 2000's vaporwave vibes.
    Anyway, since I couldn't find a decent super cut compilation of Big Brother 2 (besides that one with all the clips of Dr Will) I decided to make one right-quick, featuring all of my favorite / weird / strange / hilarious / vibe-y / Machiavellian scenes.
    This is not made to illustrate every plot point / eviction / etc. But it does tell the sweep of the entire season, if you look closely. More a spiritual story than one of metrics. I hope you enjoy :)
    And like our universal-transcendental-goddess Julie Chen often states,