so, to get a good finish had to cut it 4 times then file it, a regular pipe cutter won't do, I used a metal saw (backwards). It's pathetic they don't just do them with both sides regular pipe jointing! .. I also 'squeezed' the brass inside the large nut so to facilitate its grip on the corrugation (that and the rubber olive is what'll hold together) .. Thanks to the regulation standards geniuses damn thing is so thick it touches the back of the oven so I had some handy metal net and wrapt it to protect it.
the best explanations in the inter net thankyou
Thanks, just what I needed
You can tell this guy is not a working engineer by his pretty well groomed hands and nails !
What hobs allow fitting this way ?
Hi there , dont you have to make the manufacturers gas inlet pipe gas safe ? .
so, to get a good finish had to cut it 4 times then file it, a regular pipe cutter won't do, I used a metal saw (backwards). It's pathetic they don't just do them with both sides regular pipe jointing! .. I also 'squeezed' the brass inside the large nut so to facilitate its grip on the corrugation (that and the rubber olive is what'll hold together) .. Thanks to the regulation standards geniuses damn thing is so thick it touches the back of the oven so I had some handy metal net and wrapt it to protect it.
is this allowed ?