"I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." *Albert Einstein*
@@gnarlydewd Man created the God of the Bible, Allah, Zeus, Satan, Bible, Quran, heaven, hell, angles, Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve, sin, savior, sacrifice, resurrection, salvation, Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy, etc.
@@AtamMardes Also you all confuse Einstein being atheist with being a Jew. Jews don't like Jesus as their messiah cause they are dumb. But YHVH is in fact everything Einstein was looking for. ( and found)
In other statements, Einstein made it clear he did not believe in a personal God, did not believe in a God who sits in judgment and rewards or punishes people, and did not believe in an afterlife.
@@scrappycoco6282 Einstein was closer to an a atheist than to a theist. He was closer to an atheist than to a Christian, religious Jew, Muslim, or Hindu. He did not believe in any of the gods of any of the world's major religions. Whatever "god" he might have believed in (pantheist at best), it wasn't what people who use the word "God" mean.
@@TonyTigerTonyTiger Yes, he just think the universe must have a ultimate rule, which creating and operating it. He call that rule is GOD, its not a personal god in any religion. So the truth of physic is his god, likely.
Poor Carl, I really enjoyed his books, but without faith in a higher power, a creator, you are left with a pointless and meaningless existence. Even explaining what scientist have discovered really has no point. Those that believe in the creator, are really not taking a large leap. You see a coffee mug and have no doubt it was created. How much more so everything including the person whom fashioned the mug.
We have numerous quotes from Einstein showing he did not believe in any god of any major world religion. He explicitly stated he did not believe in a personal god, or a god who sits in judgment, or in an afterlife. And since he didn't believe in an afterlife, we can safely assume he didn't believe in a heaven or a hell. Other statements he made indicate he did not believe in a god with intelligence, feeling, or will. Also, Einstein lived to be 76 years old. A lot of people change their religious views across their lifetime, such as being religious when young (because young people are told to believe things and they have no acquired the intellectual ability to truly analyze evidence and reach their own conclusion) and then not being religious when they mature. Einstein's views on religious changed over his life. We know from his writings that he ended up as near to an atheist as possible, and that before that he rejected the idea of God in any sense most of us would mean by that word. At best, he believed in Spinoza's god, which isn't a God like YHWH, Jesus, Allah, Vishnu, Ahura Mazda, Woden, Ptah, Marduk, etc, nor is it even a Deistic God.
There is a serious mistake in the text. At 3:42 it is written "and a causal world would be lawless and godless". What should be written is "an acausal world...". "Acausal" means "without a cause", which is the exact contrary of "a causal world". Einstein meant there must be a cause, because "an acausal world (and not "and a causal world") would be lawless and godless".
One of the oldest scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
Perhaps that is the ultimate reality that you said to be the oldest scam. If there is a Creator behind this beautiful creation which otherwise wouldn't have existed...then we all are accountable to that Suprem Creator. We better think carefully before our lives end here on earth.
@@AtamMardes Sacrificed? According to the fable in the bible, Jesus did not remain ded, so he didn't sacrifice anything but 3 days. And that doesn't count as a sacrifice, because after those 3 days he got the biggest promotion conceivable, being magically transformed from a mere human (who could be unalived by a few men with nails and a piece of wood) to being ruler of the Universe. We would all gladly be inconvenienced for a mere 3 days to get such a promotion! Sacrifice? No, not even according to the bible. PS: I know you don't believe the resurrection - that is more aimed at others.
From the book, “Ideas and Opinions” … author … Albert Einstein.
Nobody, certainly, will deny that the idea of the existence of an omnipotent, just and omnibeneficient personal God is able to accord man solace, help, and guidance; also, by virtue of its simplicity it is accessible to the most undeveloped mind. But, on the other hand, there are decisive weaknesses attached to this idea in itself, which have been painfully felt since the beginning of history. That is, if this being is omnipotent, then every occurrence, including every thought, and every human aspiration is also His work; how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty being? In giving out punishment and rewards He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him?
@@GARYWERSLEY I agree. All religion is foolhardy nonsense. Within the silly theology ... if the god booted Lucifer "down to hell" ... then it follows that sin first started in heaven ... not on earth. So who, in their right mind would "want" to go to heaven ... just in case the heavenly father is in another of those foul moods and has an urge to boot even more sinful souls down to eternal hell and suffering? I'm embarrassed to admit that I was 70 years of age when I finally turned my back on all religion as being nothin other than ridiculous man-created myths. But at least I am thankful that I was able to do what a lot of people have never done and ... will never do before they die.
@jesusbermudez6775 I acknowledge the fact that the Big Bang happened 13.8 billion years ago and there's no proof that a god exists and as a result I don't believe in the existence of one. I don't claim that the big bang theory is perfect by no means and there might be mistakes in it but it's the best way to describe how the universe started based on the data available at the time. Religion is faith, science is facts and the Big Bang theory is based on facts.
One of the oldest scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
Very good and Informal full of information video! Time index 4:27 Through time index 4:44 Replay it several times in reread it reread listen to it listen to it!
"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly." Albert Einstein, letter to an atheist (1954), quoted in "Albert Einstein: The Human Side," edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffman. "The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this." Letter to philosopher Eric Gutkind, January 3, 1954. "It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. I also cannot imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere.... Science has been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." Albert Einstein, "Religion and Science," New York Times Magazine, November 9, 1930. "Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people. For this reason, a research scientist will hardly be inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, i.e. by a wish addressed to a Supernatural Being." Albert Einstein, 1936, responding to a child who wrote and asked if scientists pray; quoted in: "Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffmann.
"A God who rewards and punishes is inconceivable for the simple reason that a man's actions are determined by necessity, external and internal; so that in God's eyes he cannot be responsible for the motions it goes through. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear and punishment and hope of reward after death. An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. I cannot conceive of a god who rewards and punishes his creatures." -Albert Einstein
One of the oldest scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
@@AtamMardes The logic stumbles from its onset. How are human souls supposed to process pain and pleasure responses after death without a functioning brain?
In his own words, "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein: The Human Side Tags: einstein, religion Like Likes: 107 "
Unfortunately you're not saying anything intelligent by thinking properly & honestly. You're only parroting what you've been indoctrinated with - obviously without the benefit of your intellect.
What is science and evidence and how it denies the existence of God? Science is discovering things that exists and find how they works, so just finding and explaining things doesn't prove there is no creator (God), science can't made a single planet in universe while there are trillions of galaxies floating there before science Even invented that there are other planets in the universe, and science and human mind at the end feel helpless When they no more find anything beyond observed universe they making theories which are based on " belief" and with no evidence so.
No, Einstein is a good example to the contrary. For several decades you had to trust his math and imagination. Only in the last 60 year has empirical work validated his much of his ideas.
No it will not, it will convince you with mere beliefs, like religion for example. Knowledge will lead you to truth, but that's not science, that's Nature. Einstein asked "what time does Oxford reach this train?" Oxford never reaches the train, the train reaches Oxford. :-y why have a train if Oxford reaches you, no matter where you are? (/°•°)\
@@Wolf-hh4rvNo Science is not about trust or believe. Science is a method to explain the world and to learn by mistakes. No real Scientist would ever say, that he knows the "truth". He will always say, that he has a model in mind, which explains the world as best as it can, but only as long until someone can find an error in the model and then will improve it.
We know from Einstein’s writings that as far as his belief in God is concerned, he ended up closer to an atheist than to a theist (like a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, or a Hindu). For example, in 1954, he wrote, “The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses … For me [all religions are] an incarnation of the most childish superstitions”, as well as having written the same year, “If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
see we humans are limited imagination that we always think that there will be a beginning and end. as we have a beginning and end. but we cant able to imagine that there are somethings which doesnt need a beginning... that is y we are asking these silly questions that from where god came? GOD IS ETERNAL WITH NO BEGINING AND NO END.....FROM ETERNAL TO ETERNAL...........ALMIGHTY GOD.......LOVES YOU
We have numerous quotes from Einstein showing he did not believe in a god that a Christian, Jew, or Muslim would recognize as a God. He did not believe in any god of any major world religion. Not YWHW, or Jesus Christ, or Allah (and not Vishnu or Shiva, etc.) Einstein explicitly stated he did not believe in any of the following: a. a personal god b. a god who sits in judgment c. a god that gives us ethics or morality d. an afterlife. Einstein explicitly said he believed in Spinoza’s “god”. But Spinoza’s “god” is not a God that a Christian, a Jew, or a Muslim would recognize. Spinoza’s “god”: e. is not a being f. does not have a will g. does not have intelligence h. does not have feelings i. does not act with purpose And since Einstein didn't believe in an afterlife, or in a god who sits in judgment, we can safely conclude he also didn't believe in j. heaven k. hell. When “regular” religious people use the word God, they don’t mean what Einstein believed in … which in the religious people’s view, isn’t God. To recap - Einstein did not believe in a God in any sense that most people would mean by that word: He did not believe in any God at all, when that word is used as it is in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, etc.
Nobody knows what the afterlife is if anything at all! We won't know until we die. I know 6 people including me that have died and been brought back and never saw anything
Oh really? You have actually died, and been brought Back, and you didn't see anything at all while you were Dead? Were you even aware at all that you were Dead?
@@nabryankeene2549 yes I've flatlined after a car wreck once and no I didn't see anything and I wasn't aware that I was dead. It was just like sleeping. I don't ever remember my dreams
@Westhelockpicker yeah that was basically my point the way you described it. I was going to ask you was it just like sleeping, and waking up from being asleep. Yes I know the only difference with sleep though is that we sometimes do have Dreams, and sometimes we can actually remember what we dreamed about though.
Einstein definitely didn't believe in the God of the Bible. "The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." -- Albert Einstein
From what I read the size of the Universe is beyond our comprehension. How is that 'God' has the Earth as a main focal point , among the Thounsds of Billion Billion of Planets out there which may have intelligent life??
At best for religious people, Einstein believed in Spinoza's “god”. But Spinoza’s “god” isn't anything like YHWH, Jesus, or Allah (or Vishnu, or even Ahura Mazda, Woden, Baal, Ptah, or Marduk), nor is it even a Deistic God, such as the god Thomas Paine believed in.
Not only is Spinoza’s “god” not a personal god or a god who sits in judgments, it’s not even a being, and does not have a will, or intelligence, or feelings, and does not act with purpose, nor does it provide us with any morality or ethics. It would be dishonest for a Christian, a Jew, or a Muslim to quote Einstein speaking of “God”, and pretend he believed in a God like theirs. Einstein didn’t believe in any of their Gods, no matter how much some Christians, Jews, and Muslims like to pretend he did.
He believes everything is deterministic, determined by supreme power...The supreme power also some Thing that put everything in perfect order ... that's God 😊
I keep coming to the problem of great disasters like WW1 and WW2. If god is all powerful then why didn't he stop the massive slaughters of these wars ?
We are self-destructing! How can our Creator not care about that? We reward our children when they do good, and somehow punish them when they purposely choose to do wrong. So how would GOD's actions be any different than ours?
What's science? a kind of religion with its own laws and conclusions which are a result of observations, investigations. But what is faith? It's also a kind of religion not only based on the visible création but also the unseen creation which only the eye of faith can see as a reality.
In Theoretical Kabbalah ( G-d and Nature) are one and the same thing and G-d is the Existence in which all possible creations and existences resides in and are composed of G-d, which is the only infinite and eternal substance having infinite attributes Which means, that Everything is composed of G-d in a nondualistic Theogony, which coincide with the Astronomical Theology of the Ancient Egyptians Atum or Tem, is the synthesis of all the mathematical laws of Nature and the Multivers in a single manifestation or function All the Neteru are Atum and is based on the formation of the Universe from darkness, Eternity, Infinity and chaotic waters In the Sumerian, Akkadian, Chaldean, Babylonian and Egyptian Cosmogony narratives, creation was water based and this water is modern Cosmogony is SpaceTime, and it's Quantum Field, which acts like an Electromagnetic Field, Ocean and Waves Ancient Egyptian Astronomical Theology is number based meaning that mathematics is the foundation of Nature and Creation and if you can't see this beyond the Anthropomorphic language of the narratives then, your missing a big picture G-d is a word, a title for anything that has the power or authority to govern over human beings or Creation itself You will never see, or experience a personal or impersonal G-d since such a G-d is a fabrication of human beings because we have no control and live in fear We are quick to blame G-d for all our troubles and sufferings, are we going to blame Mother Nature for all our sufferings or perhaps, the Universe? Grow up, regardless what G-d is, is not a person or a being but the place in which all possible creations and existences resides in regardless if you have one Universe or an infinity sets of Multivers forming a tapestry of a watery foam "The Pyramid Text of Heru Djet: The Evolutions of Nebertcher Lord of the Limitless Regions "
The concept of GOD is actually not a single endity as mostly percepted...It is to be considered as a form of energy which is spread in whole universe. It can not see,meassure,or even sense in any way. We all living and non-living are interactive with it by our every physical and intellectual activities and recieve consequently...good for good and bad for bad. There is no saints, spritual persons or anybody like such... It is simply ENERGY which existing everywhere in any form...inside us as willpower, confidence..etc. This idea is only my personal observation. If you agree with me just hit a like to my comment.
Baryons... ordinary matter which makes up everything, is strangely attracted to itself. Once in proximity to other baryons it remains entangled. Our understandings of everything fails to fill the void of information we are to incompetent to understand. In ignorant disbelief we proclaim "GOD DID It"
Maybe not everyone calls our Creator God. We call our mythological uppers gods. How do we know there is no Creator? We don't, but what we don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Does it matter if Einstein believed or not? If he did, then you're implying everyone should because of his genius, my advice,,,, stop trying to shove your rigion on others, we don't want or need it
And those laws are continually being challenged. Quantum theory being a good example. Laws of science are actually our interpretation which is changed with each new discovery.@@hjs6102
Ok to me if you're gonna do science vs God. You wont have all the right answers but ny thought has been God is The Creator down to the last itty bitty atom, then he Is God while being a Scientist. He is the one who brings it all together. Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology , and all the other sciehces. Just ny opinion.
@@AtamMardes I don’t know if he actually said that. But I haven’t even read the Bible. ‘Twas written by men. Adding their own interpretations. Wasn’t written by a supreme Devine so I’m in the “I don’t know” camp of folks.😊 EDIT: I can see how it’s childish. Even a fairytale. But I have faith. Despite all that doubts 😎
Happy holidays everyone! PS: Jesus is long dead; he became worm food. The only lives Jesus saved were those of a few worms that feasted on his rotting corpse.
Einstein One Of The Greatest Genius The World Had Ever Had. But My Concept About God Is All About Culture. That Have Been Developed By Our Ancestors.(Hunters, New Stone Age) Ancient Civilization.
Seriously.....in this day and age......Who "cares" whether Einstein believed or not.....‼️‼️We give these ancient characters more attention than they really deserve‼️‼️‼️🤨
Of course he did. He even spoke about God at times. When speaking of his lensing theory, he said "it must be correct, or I feel sorry for the dear Lord".
Albert Einstein on january 03rd 1954 in a letter to the Jewish, German-American philosopher of religion Erich Gutkind: "The word God is for me nothing but expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of venerable but still richly primitive legends. No interpretation, however subtle, can (for me) change anything about it." "For me, the unadulterated Jewish religion, like all other religions, is an incarnation of primitive superstition. And the Jewish people, to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I am deeply attached, has for me yet no originality different from all other peoples. As far as my experience reaches, it is also by nothing better than other human groups if it is also secured by lack of power against the worst excesses. Thus I can perceive nothing 'chosen' about it." In another letter a few weeks later: "I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have stated it clearly. If there is anything in me that could be called religious, it is an unbounded admiration of the structure of the world as far as our science can reveal it."
@@TonyTigerTonyTiger Yes, even very intelligent people can be brainwashed on this point. I know a scientist who fights all idiotic superstitions, such as horoscopes, divining rods, aliens among us, flat earth, homeopathy, etc., but then still believes in the biblical god, although the same arguments with which he successfully dismantles the other superstitions also apply 1:1 to his Christian faith.
Why Einstein refused undergo surgery? and he said "I want to go when I want to go. It is tasteless to prolong life artificially . I have done my share; it is time to go. Go where?
God is infinite the problem is we want to capture Him with our finite minds . But if we humble ourselves before Him .God will reveal Himself to us through amazing and incredible ways.He is Holy and totally different from all creation we know.He is the Creator.The science and order of the universe itself speaks of this Intelligent Super Being behind.And i personally don't need astrology, science or any one to tell me about God .I have many personal experience with God.John 4 vs 24 God is Spirit : what it means he is out of 3 D and he cannot be understood by trying to fathom Him through our limitted minds or trying to put Him in a test tube.He is bigger than we think and he can be only known according to His terms .
No. He he never did. Whenever he referred god, he meant the nature, and the nature of things, the way nature works. The man made idea of the Christian/Muslim god was found, simply, childish by Einstein. And quite rightly so.
Most scientists are people who believe in the proven an not made up nonsense about talking snakes, a 950 year old boat builder and preachers that come back from the dead.
If you don’t know the answer to how the universe was formed, then the answer is still “we don’t know”. It doesn’t become “god did it”. If you’re convinced a God exists, you’re convinced without warrant.
There is some "explanations" for all of these creations... ....Definitely it's not made by a single entity ( religious people call it god) ...... And obviously it doesn't look like "human" atleast .... It's a human nature to imagine a far more "superior being" as a human like body shape 😅 ..and our limitation is " we are only 3 dimensional creature and time dimension is inaccessible for us "
XD in this video, it says how "if Earth were closer or further from the Sun" life would not exist. But it says it as if someone put it there. It just happen to be there, and therefore life evolved. Not the other way around. XD
@@gnarlydewd You are contradicting yourself. "not always" needs time to make sense. Time and space are inseparable. No space means no time, and so no change. Your thinking mistake is that you imagine the universe in a time frame, but that is wrong, just as there is no north of the North Pole, there is no timeframe of the universe. The universe is eternal. Many people misunderstand this, because they think, the Big Bang would be the beginning of the universe, but this is as false as to say that the North Pol is the beginning of the Earth.
That "perfect distance of the earth to the sun," meme is bullshit, that is easily debunked. However, its orbit is not perfectly circular; it's slightly elliptical, or oval-shaped. This means Earth's distance from the sun can range from about 91.4 million to 94.5 million miles (147.1 million to 152.1 million km), NASA says.
John 1:1-3 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
Einstein definitely didn't believe in the God of the Bible. "The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." Albert Einstein
"I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." *Albert Einstein*
now look up what YHVH is...
Man created the God of the Bible, Allah, Zeus, Satan, Bible, Quran, heaven, hell, angles, Garden of Eden, Adam & Eve, sin, savior, sacrifice, resurrection, salvation, Santa Clause, Tooth Fairy, etc.
@@AtamMardes YHVH is math study harder it's a physics lesson.......
@@AtamMardes and the reason I use this avatar...
@@AtamMardes Also you all confuse Einstein being atheist with being a Jew. Jews don't like Jesus as their messiah cause they are dumb. But YHVH is in fact everything Einstein was looking for. ( and found)
In other statements, Einstein made it clear he did not believe in a personal God, did not believe in a God who sits in judgment and rewards or punishes people, and did not believe in an afterlife.
He also said he is not an Atheist
@@scrappycoco6282 Einstein was closer to an a atheist than to a theist. He was closer to an atheist than to a Christian, religious Jew, Muslim, or Hindu. He did not believe in any of the gods of any of the world's major religions. Whatever "god" he might have believed in (pantheist at best), it wasn't what people who use the word "God" mean.
@@TonyTigerTonyTiger Yes, he just think the universe must have a ultimate rule, which creating and operating it. He call that rule is GOD, its not a personal god in any religion. So the truth of physic is his god, likely.
At least he realize there is a creator which called god,,, which god it is depend on our believe, and our believe either it is true or false
@@mohdfatykamalahmadafandi7474 not likely! he is seeking for the truth, not a god who create the universe/
Better to have questions that can’t be answered, than answers that can’t be questioned.
Carl Sagan.
Poor Carl, I really enjoyed his books, but without faith in a higher power, a creator, you are left with a pointless and meaningless existence. Even explaining what scientist have discovered really has no point. Those that believe in the creator, are really not taking a large leap. You see a coffee mug and have no doubt it was created. How much more so everything including the person whom fashioned the mug.
@@Baruch-Hashem So you've never heard of science?
Since when has anything not been questioned
And everthing has a answer
The biggest sin and scam is to tell people there's a better life after this life and ask them to make a donation.
When asked what question he would ask God…..He responded “how?” then quickly changed his mind and said “why?”
We have numerous quotes from Einstein showing he did not believe in any god of any major world religion. He explicitly stated he did not believe in a personal god, or a god who sits in judgment, or in an afterlife. And since he didn't believe in an afterlife, we can safely assume he didn't believe in a heaven or a hell. Other statements he made indicate he did not believe in a god with intelligence, feeling, or will.
Also, Einstein lived to be 76 years old. A lot of people change their religious views across their lifetime, such as being religious when young (because young people are told to believe things and they have no acquired the intellectual ability to truly analyze evidence and reach their own conclusion) and then not being religious when they mature. Einstein's views on religious changed over his life. We know from his writings that he ended up as near to an atheist as possible, and that before that he rejected the idea of God in any sense most of us would mean by that word. At best, he believed in Spinoza's god, which isn't a God like YHWH, Jesus, Allah, Vishnu, Ahura Mazda, Woden, Ptah, Marduk, etc, nor is it even a Deistic God.
True. Facts.
There is a serious mistake in the text. At 3:42 it is written "and a causal world would be lawless and godless". What should be written is "an acausal world...". "Acausal" means "without a cause", which is the exact contrary of "a causal world". Einstein meant there must be a cause, because "an acausal world (and not "and a causal world") would be lawless and godless".
perfect.,,,, thx brother
One of the oldest scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
Perhaps that is the ultimate reality that you said to be the oldest scam.
If there is a Creator behind this beautiful creation which otherwise wouldn't have existed...then we all are accountable to that Suprem Creator.
We better think carefully before our lives end here on earth.
@@AtamMardes Sacrificed? According to the fable in the bible, Jesus did not remain ded, so he didn't sacrifice anything but 3 days. And that doesn't count as a sacrifice, because after those 3 days he got the biggest promotion conceivable, being magically transformed from a mere human (who could be unalived by a few men with nails and a piece of wood) to being ruler of the Universe. We would all gladly be inconvenienced for a mere 3 days to get such a promotion! Sacrifice? No, not even according to the bible.
PS: I know you don't believe the resurrection - that is more aimed at others.
You're only parroting the bs you've been indoctrinated with - obviously without the benefit of your intellect. No offense.
From the book, “Ideas and Opinions” … author … Albert Einstein.
Nobody, certainly, will deny that the idea of the existence of an omnipotent, just and omnibeneficient personal God is able to accord man solace, help, and guidance; also, by virtue of its simplicity it is accessible to the most undeveloped mind. But, on the other hand, there are decisive weaknesses attached to this idea in itself, which have been painfully felt since the beginning of history. That is, if this being is omnipotent, then every occurrence, including every thought, and every human aspiration is also His work; how is it possible to think of holding men responsible for their deeds and thoughts before such an almighty being? In giving out punishment and rewards He would to a certain extent be passing judgment on Himself. How can this be combined with the goodness and righteousness ascribed to Him?
June.. what kind of God would create such a place as Hell? surely such a god would be no better than a Satan, indeed, would be a Satan?
All religion is foolhardy nonsense.
Within the silly theology ... if the god booted Lucifer "down to hell" ... then it follows that sin first started in heaven ... not on earth. So who, in their right mind would "want" to go to heaven ... just in case the heavenly father is in another of those foul moods and has an urge to boot even more sinful souls down to eternal hell and suffering?
I'm embarrassed to admit that I was 70 years of age when I finally turned my back on all religion as being nothin other than ridiculous man-created myths.
But at least I am thankful that I was able to do what a lot of people have never done and ... will never do before they die.
I don't believe in science, I acknowledge it
@jesusbermudez6775 I acknowledge the fact that the Big Bang happened 13.8 billion years ago and there's no proof that a god exists and as a result I don't believe in the existence of one. I don't claim that the big bang theory is perfect by no means and there might be mistakes in it but it's the best way to describe how the universe started based on the data available at the time. Religion is faith, science is facts and the Big Bang theory is based on facts.
Conjecture is worthless in favor of truth. The islamic hoiy book quran 100% agrees with all proven facts of science. You can study once if you want.
One of the oldest scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
@@verxcy69 Modern science predates that figure now at 23 to 24 Billion years into the past.
I do my best to understand science.
Very good and Informal full of information video! Time index 4:27 Through time index 4:44 Replay it several times in reread it reread listen to it listen to it!
"It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly." Albert Einstein, letter to an atheist (1954), quoted in "Albert Einstein: The Human Side," edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffman.
"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this."
Letter to philosopher Eric Gutkind, January 3, 1954.
"It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. I also cannot imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere.... Science has been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." Albert Einstein, "Religion and Science," New York Times Magazine, November 9, 1930.
"Scientific research is based on the idea that everything that takes place is determined by laws of nature, and therefore this holds for the action of people. For this reason, a research scientist will hardly be inclined to believe that events could be influenced by a prayer, i.e. by a wish addressed to a Supernatural Being."
Albert Einstein, 1936, responding to a child who wrote and asked if scientists pray; quoted in: "Albert Einstein: The Human Side, edited by Helen Dukas & Banesh Hoffmann.
Something must have created all of this but not necessarily anything we are aware of.
"A God who rewards and punishes is inconceivable for the simple reason that a man's actions are determined by necessity, external and internal; so that in God's eyes he cannot be responsible for the motions it goes through. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear and punishment and hope of reward after death. An individual who should survive his physical death is also beyond my comprehension; such notions are for the fears or absurd egoism of feeble souls. I cannot conceive of a god who rewards and punishes his creatures."
-Albert Einstein
One of the oldest scam is to tell people that they're born in sin and there's a better place after death, but to be saved a spot they must repent and believe the story that someone was sacrificed 2000 years ago to forgive their sins.
@@AtamMardes The logic stumbles from its onset. How are human souls supposed to process pain and pleasure responses after death without a functioning brain?
That image is of Ernst Mach not Michell Besso 1:01
When you believes in science and believe in god, surely you must asking scientifically where did god come from in the first place?
In his own words, "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it.
Albert Einstein, Albert Einstein: The Human Side
Tags: einstein, religion
Likes: 107
There is nothing complicated about our existence and the answer is certainly not evolution,but God created everything,what a generation of unbelievers
Nothing wrong with unbelieving, since the logic for religion appears AWOL.
Unfortunately you're not saying anything intelligent by thinking properly & honestly. You're only parroting what you've been indoctrinated with - obviously without the benefit of your intellect.
It provides many information. And the video express is better than the old videos.
Much of his belief validates Romans chapter 1, verse 18 and following.
No you don't have to believe in science. Science will convince you with evidence.
What is science and evidence and how it denies the existence of God? Science is discovering things that exists and find how they works, so just finding and explaining things doesn't prove there is no creator (God), science can't made a single planet in universe while there are trillions of galaxies floating there before science Even invented that there are other planets in the universe, and science and human mind at the end feel helpless When they no more find anything beyond observed universe they making theories which are based on " belief" and with no evidence so.
No, Einstein is a good example to the contrary. For several decades you had to trust his math and imagination. Only in the last 60 year has empirical work validated his much of his ideas.
No it will not, it will convince you with mere beliefs, like religion for example. Knowledge will lead you to truth, but that's not science, that's Nature. Einstein asked "what time does Oxford reach this train?" Oxford never reaches the train, the train reaches Oxford. :-y why have a train if Oxford reaches you, no matter where you are? (/°•°)\
@@Wolf-hh4rv YHVH IS MATH
@@Wolf-hh4rvNo Science is not about trust or believe. Science is a method to explain the world and to learn by mistakes. No real Scientist would ever say, that he knows the "truth". He will always say, that he has a model in mind, which explains the world as best as it can, but only as long until someone can find an error in the model and then will improve it.
Thanks for sharing this massage
Einstein was a total atheist it's sad when someone tries to change Einsteins thinking to further their own agendas
😊 this video is very good
We know from Einstein’s writings that as far as his belief in God is concerned, he ended up closer to an atheist than to a theist (like a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, or a Hindu). For example, in 1954, he wrote, “The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses … For me [all religions are] an incarnation of the most childish superstitions”, as well as having written the same year, “If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it."
He spent the second half of his life trying to find the causality that holds the universe together and was unable to find this elusive “glue”.
He never did
When he said God…he always meant nature.
When the ship was said to have manifested on its own, it was very difficult to think maybe, lie or a joke was the predominant thought
In a letter from 1954, Einstein explicitly stated, "I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly."
Personal God ? God is everything, everywhere to us all.
Go to the top of mount Everest or into the middle of the Australian desert and see how the environment on earth is perfectly made for mankind!
Science believers also believe in many scientific theories and things that have not been proven but are currently the best guesses.
god wants to know if science can find out where he came from..he has no idea why he is alone.
😂.. Interesting ✨
see we humans are limited imagination that we always think that there will be a beginning and end. as we have a beginning and end. but we cant able to imagine that there are somethings which doesnt need a beginning... that is y we are asking these silly questions that from where god came? GOD IS ETERNAL WITH NO BEGINING AND NO END.....FROM ETERNAL TO ETERNAL...........ALMIGHTY GOD.......LOVES YOU
"The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." *Albert Einstein*
John 1:1: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the rhe Earth" (Which really means the whole universe)
Sigh !!
He believed, in”wonderment”an exact quote!
i believe in one God I believe in Alaah
We have numerous quotes from Einstein showing he did not believe in a god that a Christian, Jew, or Muslim would recognize as a God.
He did not believe in any god of any major world religion. Not YWHW, or Jesus Christ, or Allah (and not Vishnu or Shiva, etc.)
Einstein explicitly stated he did not believe in any of the following:
a. a personal god
b. a god who sits in judgment
c. a god that gives us ethics or morality
d. an afterlife.
Einstein explicitly said he believed in Spinoza’s “god”. But Spinoza’s “god” is not a God that a Christian, a Jew, or a Muslim would recognize. Spinoza’s “god”:
e. is not a being
f. does not have a will
g. does not have intelligence
h. does not have feelings
i. does not act with purpose
And since Einstein didn't believe in an afterlife, or in a god who sits in judgment, we can safely conclude he also didn't believe in
j. heaven
k. hell.
When “regular” religious people use the word God, they don’t mean what Einstein believed in … which in the religious people’s view, isn’t God.
To recap - Einstein did not believe in a God in any sense that most people would mean by that word: He did not believe in any God at all, when that word is used as it is in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, etc.
Nobody knows what the afterlife is if anything at all! We won't know until we die. I know 6 people including me that have died and been brought back and never saw anything
Oh really? You have actually died, and been brought Back, and you didn't see anything at all while you were Dead? Were you even aware at all that you were Dead?
@@nabryankeene2549 yes I've flatlined after a car wreck once and no I didn't see anything and I wasn't aware that I was dead. It was just like sleeping. I don't ever remember my dreams
@Westhelockpicker yeah that was basically my point the way you described it. I was going to ask you was it just like sleeping, and waking up from being asleep. Yes I know the only difference with sleep though is that we sometimes do have Dreams, and sometimes we can actually remember what we dreamed about though.
But it doesn't mean Einstein believe in
Biblical personal god exist.
Nor cosmic intelligence cannot be discovered or revealed by scientific research
Einstein definitely didn't believe in the God of the Bible.
"The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." -- Albert Einstein
People like Einstein think they are bigger than God they think they are about any other humans.
From what I read the size of the Universe is beyond our comprehension. How is that 'God' has the Earth as a main focal point , among the Thounsds of Billion Billion of Planets out there which may have intelligent life??
This video shows no understanding of Einstein or Spinoza.
That is 💯 correct.
If God breathed to the His people FAITH, why do we need RC 1:10 Priests, Revs, Raba, Imam...???
At best for religious people, Einstein believed in Spinoza's “god”. But Spinoza’s “god” isn't anything like YHWH, Jesus, or Allah (or Vishnu, or even Ahura Mazda, Woden, Baal, Ptah, or Marduk), nor is it even a Deistic God, such as the god Thomas Paine believed in.
Not only is Spinoza’s “god” not a personal god or a god who sits in judgments, it’s not even a being, and does not have a will, or intelligence, or feelings, and does not act with purpose, nor does it provide us with any morality or ethics.
It would be dishonest for a Christian, a Jew, or a Muslim to quote Einstein speaking of “God”, and pretend he believed in a God like theirs. Einstein didn’t believe in any of their Gods, no matter how much some Christians, Jews, and Muslims like to pretend he did.
He believes everything is deterministic, determined by supreme power...The supreme power also some Thing that put everything in perfect order ... that's God 😊
Now define such a deity.
I keep coming to the problem of great disasters like WW1 and WW2. If god is all powerful then why didn't he stop the massive slaughters of these wars ?
We are self-destructing! How can our Creator not care about that? We reward our children when they do good, and somehow punish them when they purposely choose to do wrong. So how would GOD's actions be any different than ours?
Show me any accident unaided by intelligence that doesnt destroy!!!!
Einstein is amazing. The theory of quantum mechanics was created by many scholars. However, the theory of relativity was created by Einstein alone.
"Yes, I believe in God."
- Albert Einstein
Letter to Neils Bohr, August 12, 1936
What's science? a kind of religion with its own laws and conclusions which are a result of observations, investigations. But what is faith? It's also a kind of religion not only based on the visible création but also the unseen creation which only the eye of faith can see as a reality.
Short answer, no.
Einstein reminds me of Job's story
In Theoretical Kabbalah ( G-d and Nature) are one and the same thing and G-d is the Existence in which all possible creations and existences resides in and are composed of G-d, which is the only infinite and eternal substance having infinite attributes
Which means, that Everything is composed of G-d in a nondualistic Theogony, which coincide with the Astronomical Theology of the Ancient Egyptians
Atum or Tem, is the synthesis of all the mathematical laws of Nature and the Multivers in a single manifestation or function
All the Neteru are Atum and is based on the formation of the Universe from darkness, Eternity, Infinity and chaotic waters
In the Sumerian, Akkadian, Chaldean, Babylonian and Egyptian Cosmogony narratives, creation was water based and this water is modern Cosmogony is SpaceTime, and it's Quantum Field, which acts like an Electromagnetic Field, Ocean and Waves
Ancient Egyptian Astronomical Theology is number based meaning that mathematics is the foundation of Nature and Creation and if you can't see this beyond the Anthropomorphic language of the narratives then, your missing a big picture
G-d is a word, a title for anything that has the power or authority to govern over human beings or Creation itself
You will never see, or experience a personal or impersonal G-d since such a G-d is a fabrication of human beings because we have no control and live in fear
We are quick to blame G-d for all our troubles and sufferings, are we going to blame Mother Nature for all our sufferings or perhaps, the Universe?
Grow up, regardless what G-d is, is not a person or a being but the place in which all possible creations and existences resides in regardless if you have one Universe or an infinity sets of Multivers forming a tapestry of a watery foam
"The Pyramid Text of Heru Djet: The Evolutions of Nebertcher Lord of the Limitless Regions "
In an infinite universe , our Earth we live in is inevitable. That doesn’t negate God. That is unknowable.
Goodwill of guru?
The concept of GOD is actually not a single endity as mostly percepted...It is to be considered as a form of energy which is spread in whole universe. It can not see,meassure,or even sense in any way. We all living and non-living are interactive with it by our every physical and intellectual activities and recieve consequently...good for good and bad for bad. There is no saints, spritual persons or anybody like such... It is simply ENERGY which existing everywhere in any form...inside us as willpower, confidence..etc. This idea is only my personal observation. If you agree with me just hit a like to my comment.
He did believe in God but forgot that God is Love🙏🏾
Einstein is more of a buddhist than an abrahamist.
Baryons... ordinary matter which makes up everything, is strangely attracted to itself. Once in proximity to other baryons it remains entangled. Our understandings of everything fails to fill the void of information we are to incompetent to understand. In ignorant disbelief we proclaim "GOD DID It"
Maybe not everyone calls our Creator God. We call our mythological uppers gods. How do we know there is no Creator? We don't, but what we don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Bub…..not only did Albert believe in god….but he also believed in santy klaus, the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy,………..
There seems to be an intelligence in all things..but things like a tree changes and grow for oxygen..things changes to live..
Does it matter if Einstein believed or not? If he did, then you're implying everyone should because of his genius, my advice,,,, stop trying to shove your rigion on others, we don't want or need it
He believed in a creative energy not a fundamentalist God figure. The universe was too well ordered to be a cosmic accident.
The universe is ordered, because there are the laws of science.
And those laws are continually being challenged. Quantum theory being a good example. Laws of science are actually our interpretation which is changed with each new discovery.@@hjs6102
@@hjs6102 YHVH IS science
@@gnarlydewd Science is a method, so you say, your god is a method?
@@hjs6102 Uh YHVH is math yes its sub atomic code....
Believe or not there is superpower beyond our control until unless we control our own-self…
Power beyond power of control …🌺🙏🐚🧘🏻♂️
"The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." *Albert Einstein*
No , just maintain formality as a religion.
Ok to me if you're gonna do science vs God. You wont have all the right answers but ny thought has been God is The Creator down to the last itty bitty atom, then he Is God while being a Scientist. He is the one who brings it all together. Astronomy, Chemistry, Biology , and all the other sciehces. Just ny opinion.
Einstein religion is science and atheist. But, it says in proverbs about wisdom...
Einstein basically said there is a GOD. Because we are so dang precious to them and they want nothing but the best for humanity 😊
"The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." *Albert Einstein*
@@AtamMardes I don’t know if he actually said that. But I haven’t even read the Bible. ‘Twas written by men. Adding their own interpretations. Wasn’t written by a supreme Devine so I’m in the “I don’t know” camp of folks.😊
EDIT: I can see how it’s childish. Even a fairytale. But I have faith. Despite all that doubts 😎
Religion helped to create regions like countries and nations
Happy holidays everyone!
PS: Jesus is long dead; he became worm food. The only lives Jesus saved were those of a few worms that feasted on his rotting corpse.
This is like the puddle claiming that the pothole it was in was perfectly created for it.
Well if he didnt believe in God thats to bad but God made this perfect world and universe and you dont have to be a rocket scientist to know that
Einstein One Of The Greatest Genius The World Had Ever Had.
But My Concept About God Is All About Culture.
That Have Been Developed By Our Ancestors.(Hunters, New Stone Age)
Ancient Civilization.
I really believe jesus and i love science and god is the only god and he create everything.
"The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." -- Albert Einstein
Seriously.....in this day and age......Who "cares" whether Einstein believed or not.....‼️‼️We give these ancient characters more attention than they really deserve‼️‼️‼️🤨
Some scientists do believe in God, some don't
yes i do belive in god
"The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." *Albert Einstein*
God not only faith, it's true, god is realization, I am filming
Of course he did. He even spoke about God at times. When speaking of his lensing theory, he said "it must be correct, or I feel sorry for the dear Lord".
Absolutely bro he believes in God ❤
Einstein also says that"Reality is an illusion albeit a persistent one."
Albert Einstein on january 03rd 1954 in a letter to the Jewish, German-American philosopher of religion Erich Gutkind:
"The word God is for me nothing but expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of venerable but still richly primitive legends. No interpretation, however subtle, can (for me) change anything about it."
"For me, the unadulterated Jewish religion, like all other religions, is an incarnation of primitive superstition. And the Jewish people, to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I am deeply attached, has for me yet no originality different from all other peoples. As far as my experience reaches, it is also by nothing better than other human groups if it is also secured by lack of power against the worst excesses. Thus I can perceive nothing 'chosen' about it."
In another letter a few weeks later:
"I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have stated it clearly. If there is anything in me that could be called religious, it is an unbounded admiration of the structure of the world as far as our science can reveal it."
@@hjs6102 Shhhh, you are destroying their incorrect beliefs, which even if true, would be the logical fallacy of appeal to (illegitimate) authority.
@@TonyTigerTonyTiger Yes, even very intelligent people can be brainwashed on this point. I know a scientist who fights all idiotic superstitions, such as horoscopes, divining rods, aliens among us, flat earth, homeopathy, etc., but then still believes in the biblical god, although the same arguments with which he successfully dismantles the other superstitions also apply 1:1 to his Christian faith.
Why Einstein refused undergo surgery? and he said "I want to go when I want to go. It is
tasteless to prolong life artificially . I have done
my share; it is time to go.
Go where?
Do you really believe that God is one bit worried about that?
Do you really believe that The Supreme Council of Magical Invisible Flying Polka-Dotted Werewolf-Mermaid-Zombies is one bit worried about that?
God is infinite the problem is we want to capture Him with our finite minds . But if we humble ourselves before Him .God will reveal Himself to us through amazing and incredible ways.He is Holy and totally different from all creation we know.He is the Creator.The science and order of the universe itself speaks of this Intelligent Super Being behind.And i personally don't need astrology, science or any one to tell me about God .I have many personal experience with God.John 4 vs 24 God is Spirit : what it means he is out of 3 D and
he cannot be understood by trying to fathom Him through our limitted minds or trying to put Him in a test tube.He is bigger than we think and he can be only known according to His terms .
Next time I see him, I will ask him.
He he never did.
Whenever he referred god, he meant the nature, and the nature of things, the way nature works.
The man made idea of the Christian/Muslim god was found, simply, childish by Einstein. And quite rightly so.
Most scientists are people who believe in the proven an not made up nonsense about talking snakes, a 950 year old boat builder and preachers that come back from the dead.
My neurons broadened😂❤
If you don’t know the answer to how the universe was formed, then the answer is still “we don’t know”.
It doesn’t become “god did it”.
If you’re convinced a God exists, you’re convinced without warrant.
There is some "explanations" for all of these creations...
....Definitely it's not made by a single entity ( religious people call it god) ......
And obviously it doesn't look like "human" atleast
.... It's a human nature to imagine a far more "superior being" as a human like body shape 😅
..and our limitation is " we are only 3 dimensional creature and time dimension is inaccessible for us "
The Bible says we are made in his image.
I've seen quotes on both sides.
Albert was not dumb enough to believe in religious god.
Until mankind can definitely say how the universe came into existence no theory is "dumb". A creator God is just as valid as the Big Bang.
XD in this video, it says how "if Earth were closer or further from the Sun" life would not exist. But it says it as if someone put it there. It just happen to be there, and therefore life evolved. Not the other way around. XD
Just remember that there is no such thing as magic. It's really really simple.
Just remember the universe is NOT infinite and it did NOT create itself...
Just remember, claims presented without evidence can be dismissed without evidence...
@@gnarlydewd There is no creation. Creation needs time, but time is part of the universe, not the other way round.
@@hjs6102 Time is a part of the fabric of space... Space was not always there...
@@gnarlydewd You are contradicting yourself. "not always" needs time to make sense. Time and space are inseparable. No space means no time, and so no change.
Your thinking mistake is that you imagine the universe in a time frame, but that is wrong, just as there is no north of the North Pole, there is no timeframe of the universe. The universe is eternal. Many people misunderstand this, because they think, the Big Bang would be the beginning of the universe, but this is as false as to say that the North Pol is the beginning of the Earth.
That "perfect distance of the earth to the sun," meme is bullshit, that is easily debunked. However, its orbit is not perfectly circular; it's slightly elliptical, or oval-shaped. This means Earth's distance from the sun can range from about 91.4 million to 94.5 million miles (147.1 million to 152.1 million km), NASA says.
John 1:1-3
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
Thanks Jesus, for making Ebola and malaria and the bubonic plague, which killed millions of innocent children.
Einstein definitely didn't believe in the God of the Bible.
"The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." Albert Einstein