23:24 That laugh was the most natural and amazing I've heard in a long time in your videos. It was a prime example of how much fun you were having driving the T95. Makes me happy I'm only 5k exp away from it. Thanks for the tips Jingles!
Thats really all you can do with the beast. You park it, and let the enemy come to you, because you aren't going to catch anyone. Best bet is what Vlakvark stated already. Park it and wait.....
Ken S See, I have never been penned with any regularity by anyone not using premium rounds. This includes arty coming right down on me, and only hitting me with splash damage, and that's if I don't bounce them outright.
I had an idea for a tactic using the T95 and two other tanks, both with turrets. Let’s call them Tank 2 and Tank 3. The T95 leads the way, the other two stay in formation behind him. Tank 2 gets behind the T95 and pushes him. Tank 2’s gun covers the frontal arc and flanks, firing over the T95. Tank 3 turns around and drives backwards, pushing Tank 2. His gun covers the rear arc and flanks. Together, you have three guns that can quickly cover any angle, and no exposed rear armor. The T95’s low speed keeps everybody bunched up so Tank 3 doesn’t get left behind. Top speed should be ~16-17kph, so Tank 3 needs a reverse speed faster than 17kph.
It's like the Americans took the Tog 2 and said "the man who designed that tank... that is a smart man. Let's make something even slower and bolt the biggest gun we can find onto the front of it. Brilliant!"
"One of three things will happen: You get there too late and your team is dead and your next You get there too late and your team kill everything before you can fire the gun Or you kill everything" So its like tier 9 at-2 or tog?
I call the T95 crawling death. If this fucker is parked at a bottle neck i just turn around and find another fight. Is it possible to take this tank on from the front? Yes. Is it smart to take it on from the front? Hell fucking no!
The Armor of the T-95 is really good. I've seen a few games on youtube where these things just shrug off shot after shot after shot. It's capable of giving a F#@$ once in a blue moon sometimes...
The only truly easy shot I have seen is a rear corner shot from a bat chat 155-58, if you land right, 1000-1500 damage. Hit it in the front, maybe 250, maybe bounce. I've killed one head to head in a waffle, but I died about 20 seconds later.
I had a 1on1 fight with it with my M103. 2penetrations on its lower plate, then 2 penetrations at the cupola= T95 dead. In another game I shot 4 times at it, and my only penetration was a blind shot.
If the enemy team has a T95, you'll be glad to say "at least it's slower than snail snot in January". Could you imagine if this thing had a powerful engine with a 30kph top speed? It already has depleted uranium for armor and a beast of a gun.
Great video you really understand the damage output of the tanks. I think you're extremely strategic and fight battles you can easily win. The way you pick and choose your battles is great. T95 packs serious punch at the cost of speed
i'm a terrible matilda driver, i'm the only person whose matilda has butter armor. when I enter a match in my matilda the moment my team notices me they start saying we lose
Back when I was in the US Army in the mid-80s, I was stationed at Ft. Knox. Naturally I visited the Patton Museum. This monstee was parked out front and it was MASSIVE! The first thought that occurred to me when I saw it was what a pain in the ass it would be to change tge track.
The T28/95 was designated as Gun, motor Carriage. I was a heavy breakthrough vehicle intended for use against fortifications of the Siegfried line. Although it would be effective against Tanks, it is not strictly a Tank Destroyer. The vehicle this rendering is based on was never taken past the prototype stage, there being only two vehicles built. One was destroyed by fire (though some believe that the "fire" was encountered during the Nuclear tests in the American South West. The remaining vehicle is part of the collection of the Armor Museum now located at Ft. Benning Ga. I understand that this is a game, but neither of the actual T-28/95 machines ever saw deployment, much less action.
wargaming loves vehicles that never saw service, a lot of the tanks in world of tanks never made it past prototype stage, some never even got that far. that's not necessarily a bad thing but it IS the way things are.
ironmike35911 I agree that its fun to see something at work that never really got the chance, but how would they accurately program it since there is no real data to govern its handling, or speed, It would never have been able to do some of the things in the game To see the T28/95 up close is quite awesome.
Matthew Clemons Actually the T28 is just the T95 with its travel tracks removed, the T95 was designed to breach the siegfried line, and was built in two full scale prototypes, both working. This tank was far, far too heavy to even be considered to take to japan, as it couldn't cross conventional bridges and was a massive hassle to transport.
AwesomePerryMe XD I would ran as fast as my AMX ELC bis can run at top speed with 105 octane and just find a ship able to holed my tank and sail for a different island away from the wall of T95s so I don't have to worry of not breaking through armor
***** the gun mantil is 350mm the front cheaks next too the mantil are 270mm and the whole front is 240-250 and even the side witch is jusr 180mm can bownce Tier 10 meds and heavy tanks the front and the side are 150mm the side has 30mm of spaced armor the rear if the turret is 94 on paper but in tank inspector is 100mm while the rear is 70mm but only the ass not the sloped parts in the rear only the part whear the fuel tanks at the back are. Edit: i have bownced HEAT form obj268's with that thing's turret.
Great, except a Churchill Gun Carrier loading APCR ammo can penetrate it in the 240mm parts, if I load regular AP I still have 214mm of penetration, enough to penetrate all of the sides of the turret AND the hull ;) The wallet would still win, no matter the tank you have.
***** that was just raw thiknes not too menton the angle fron is inpregneble even by a Jgpz E100 with gold the turret is like a egg soo good luck penetrateing that.
Remember when you where in a tier 6 vehicle and you saw the t28 and your just like, OH MY GOD!!!!! And then you got a tier 7 and you see a T95 and your just like OMGWTFHAXUNOPLAYLEGITBBQ and then you see a T28 again and your just like, awwww your so cute! ^>^
Yes finally! The almighty doom turtle review! Word of advice: platoon with t95 and t30 if you get malinovka, with no arty, go straight across the field with t95 in front being used as hull down cover for t30. It's awesome!
Fun tip: If you can get a shot in behind the gun mantle, like from the side or the top back, the area behind it only has 136-208mm of armor, mostly around 136-178mm. Basically aim for the area between the mantle and the front of the hull.
If you've got a shot at that, you've got a shot at the bigger, less armored side of the tank. That said, penning the inside of their gun mantlet sounds quite rage inducing :D
Jingles and community, what do you think about Wargaming making ALL the cupola of every tank in the game a no damage hitbox. Ive been herring this a lot lately and it makes sense. My ideal situation would be to make them no damage zones but if you penetrate it, it kills your commander. I personally like the idea but think it would bring a lot of unbalancing to some tanks, like the british TDs R2D2s.
I know that the british tier 6-8 tds have weak spots that guns with 150-170 pen can get through from the front, although some are pretty small. You can pen an AT-8 from the front with a Churchill 3 if you know where to shoot. But yeah, if the cupolas were made no-hit zones, it'd be harder for quite a few tankers who don't know vehicle weak-spots. Example: I don't know how many new players know the weak spots of the Tiger P besides the cupola . . .
I really wish they did this. Realistically, well, it's not. The T28 was designed for smashing through defenses. If commander's hatches were weak spots in real life they would have flattened them. It is really unfair that some tanks have hatches and some don't. WG could have done better. It is understandable if high-explosive penetrates the hatches because the explosion would be "inside" the tank, but not with armor piercing ammo.
I agree, your idea would be worth testing. It is just annoying that some tanks are well armored, but have this weakspot on top, which forces you to wiggle around like a drunken sailor. Furthermore in reality most hatches were heavily armored and definitely not a weakspot. Smart move WG, just like the whole transmission-engine fire crap...
Hey Jingles if you still read your old notifications I just decided to go back and watch some of the classics like this is Gem. Love your videos bro o7
This is one of my favorite Tank Destroyers in the game. The other one is a T30. But, if I am correct, does anyone remember the Megatron model from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen? I think his vehicle was a chrome, futuristic version of the T95. I could be wrong, but I could swear I thought it was. Oh well. Good job out there, Jingles. Keep up your glorious service to the game.
Theoretically, the best loadout for the T95 would be to load 26 AP ammo and 4 APCR ammo. Then go with a spall liner for soaking up damage, a gun rammer because the aim time doesn't even matter when you can only shoot 3 times per minute, and use vents since it will help you decide what your last equipment should be. For consumables use large repair kit AND a small repair kit since the spall liner should prevent a lot of crew deaths now after 8.8, and get a manual fire extinguisher rather than automatic to cut costs since you'll have plenty of time in this slow tank anyway. Finally, for crew skills the first two to pick would be repairs and perhaps brothers in arms (to boost up the repair speed with the vents you installed). For third crew skills, definitely go with either jack of all trades on your commander, to save anyone that does actually die after getting hit, or go with mentor to speed up experience gathering with the spall liner protected crew members. Edit: Oh and smooth ride or clutch braking would be good on the driver as well to keep enemies from shooting at your weak spots. Hope you liked my advice.
A couple of months ago the Armor restore group at Benning moved the T95 on a low boy and while rounding a sharp downhill curve the chains broke and the YES the T95 actually flew!!! It ended up in a ditch beside the road with some broken track components.
23:04 the little hill of rubble right next to us was your friend jingles! (IMO>) The best way to play that spot is to hug your lower hull to the hill to protect that weak spot, and then between shots wiggle like hell (plus a combination of back and forth motions while turning) and trying to fire back when the strongest enemy are reloading.
So good to see you going solo again Jingles, much better reviews when you don't have your "bodyguards" (quicky etc) sweaping the way clear and covering your arse lol. as always, keep up the great job :)
Did exactly the same on the same map with my first ever shot from my nice new SU-144-44 using standard ammo against an IS3. He spent the rest of the game ranting & raging at me, calling me a hacker, gold noob etc. even his own team mates told him to STFU. I've never managed the same feat again but, I live in hope. Great vid as usual Jingles. I just hope the second time I meet you you're on my team, unlike the first time ;~)
The "T-95" can not yet be viewed at Fort Benning as it is still building the Cav /Armor museum. The "T-28" will restored and displayed when it and the museum are finished. Once they are you will have to look for theT-28 to see the T-95 because in 1946 theT-95 was reclassified as the T-95 gun carrier and a couple of years later to the T-28 according to the cav section of the Ft. Benning Infantry museum web site.
The tank started out as the T28 Super Heavy Tank, then was reclassified to the T95 Tank Destroyer, then back to the T28 Super Heavy Tank. If you want to be correct; it's the T28.
The Conqueror is just a Canaervon with the turret of the FV215b, the stock Conqueror IS for all purposes the Canaervon. For completeness the FV215b is the Conqueror with a rear mounted turret.
One advantage of the T95 vs the T30 (and most other tier 9 TDs) is the low-mounted gun. It negates a lot of the sloping on the targets' lower front hulls and makes them easier to penetrate. This is especially true for T95s engaging other T95s.
Me and my dad went to the George S Patton Museum when it was there. So freaking cool, right now the museum is going through remodeling though, and there aren't many tanks there right now. As to whether it's coming back after the remodel, and restoration of the tanks, I don't know.
I really enjoy using this tank, its one of those tanks where you can just drive straight through the map and smash almost everything in your path. Note almost.
I just bought the T110E3 about a week ago and it's a major upgrade from the T95. The freedom of 30 kp/h maxspeed is great. The role you have in a game is the same as in the T95, soak up shots and score big hits on enemy tanks. I've been taking on average about 15-30 shots per game for the team so that obivously helps the team alot. But, the issue with the T110E5 is - just as with the T95 - that you need your flanks protected by other tanks since your sidearmor is weak and traverse is horrible.
I use a gun rammer, improved vents, since you're not gonna be sniping in a t95 and I use a repair toolbox as third item, so you can get moving asap again, together with the big repair kit it will really speed up the repairs and gets you moving again, your heavy spall liner won't help much when you're sitting still tracked.
I like gun rammer, vents, and tool box with repairs and large repair kit. My tracks go down for only a couple seconds and it scares the shit out of the enemy. It's fun to turn and fire before they can reload. Only auto loaders can keep me perma tracked and they usually go for the hatch on the second shot so I nail them hard. And now I can start training that new track repair skill. I also do this same thing in my T110E3.
I went with the Super heavy spall liner instead of the enhanced suspension, since you're so slow, it's easier for arty to hit you while you're moving, plus you're a wide target.
I luv my T95, it has never let me down. I trained my driver in clutch braking and other tanks crap themselver when i turn fast then they can get behind me.
Used your methods was 5 tanks down on xbox 360 had a mate behind me did over 5k damage and won thanks for the help and showing us how to use this tank good
Superheavy Spall Liner also halves crew deaths since 8.8, which is good, as your driver sits in the most obvious weakspot- the front cupola- and you will want some insurance against troll RNG that makes your glacially slow brick even more sluggish.
23:24 That laugh was the most natural and amazing I've heard in a long time in your videos. It was a prime example of how much fun you were having driving the T95. Makes me happy I'm only 5k exp away from it. Thanks for the tips Jingles!
Just plop a T95 down at a high-traffic choke point, and all of the sudden it's Thermopylae with 20th century tanks.
untill they pen ure com hatch
Thats really all you can do with the beast. You park it, and let the enemy come to you, because you aren't going to catch anyone. Best bet is what Vlakvark stated already. Park it and wait.....
Ken S See, I have never been penned with any regularity by anyone not using premium rounds. This includes arty coming right down on me, and only hitting me with splash damage, and that's if I don't bounce them outright.
Vlakvark you can also pen the lower plate hull, its been done to me and you don't need gold.
Until artillery finishes aiming at you...
"Waggling, keep waggling this thing, if they can take shots at your weak spots, they will ta -"
*slight pause*
Jingles needs to calm down lol
Who else misses the Jingles tank reviews? :(
Me. I've been playing for a year and it is hard to find low tier tank reviews and mid tier ones are super old.
CDDGR yep, and because these are outdated most like the Hellcat which has been patched there not to useful
I always come back for some relaxing Jingles reviews lol
i wish he would redo all the tank reviews because soo much has changed in the game
We all do really.
I love how you can escape it in a Maus.
Hell you can escape it in a TOG
You can escape it on a bike.
Ethan D. You can escape it on foot. Potato sack race style.
a baby crawling on the ground could have gotten away from it
I had an idea for a tactic using the T95 and two other tanks, both with turrets. Let’s call them Tank 2 and Tank 3.
The T95 leads the way, the other two stay in formation behind him.
Tank 2 gets behind the T95 and pushes him. Tank 2’s gun covers the frontal arc and flanks, firing over the T95.
Tank 3 turns around and drives backwards, pushing Tank 2. His gun covers the rear arc and flanks.
Together, you have three guns that can quickly cover any angle, and no exposed rear armor. The T95’s low speed keeps everybody bunched up so Tank 3 doesn’t get left behind.
Top speed should be ~16-17kph, so Tank 3 needs a reverse speed faster than 17kph.
It's like the Americans took the Tog 2 and said "the man who designed that tank... that is a smart man. Let's make something even slower and bolt the biggest gun we can find onto the front of it. Brilliant!"
Aldo strap a fuck ton of armor on
"One of three things will happen:
You get there too late and your team is dead and your next
You get there too late and your team kill everything before you can fire the gun
Or you kill everything"
So its like tier 9 at-2 or tog?
Watching further into the review, this is basically a tank destroyer version of the tog II.
No the tog is a shitty tank this is no shitty tank.
The tog 2 has shit armour and the t95 has anything but shit armour
Raiden Carlson Hates Halo and Hates this Guy for saying TOG Sucks... >:(
Brandon LaPere the Electroman054 good for you that doesn't make the tog II a better tank
Lol it's just because you suck at playing... I have seen TOGs get great games
I call the T95 crawling death. If this fucker is parked at a bottle neck i just turn around and find another fight. Is it possible to take this tank on from the front? Yes. Is it smart to take it on from the front? Hell fucking no!
The Armor of the T-95 is really good. I've seen a few games on youtube where these things just shrug off shot after shot after shot.
It's capable of giving a F#@$ once in a blue moon sometimes...
The only truly easy shot I have seen is a rear corner shot from a bat chat 155-58, if you land right, 1000-1500 damage. Hit it in the front, maybe 250, maybe bounce. I've killed one head to head in a waffle, but I died about 20 seconds later.
Charles Lloyd Sounds right.
I had a 1on1 fight with it with my M103. 2penetrations on its lower plate, then 2 penetrations at the cupola= T95 dead. In another game I shot 4 times at it, and my only penetration was a blind shot.
imagine what it would be like for the enemy team if you parked a T95 on the corner of fail on the arctic map
No speedhack could boost this tank speed.
OR it could travel slower than this tank. It does what it fricking wants to.
If the enemy team has a T95, you'll be glad to say "at least it's slower than snail snot in January". Could you imagine if this thing had a powerful engine with a 30kph top speed? It already has depleted uranium for armor and a beast of a gun.
8 year old video, I remember when WoT looked like this, so much nostalgia
I cant believe this was 10 years ago...
Great video you really understand the damage output of the tanks. I think you're extremely strategic and fight battles you can easily win. The way you pick and choose your battles is great. T95 packs serious punch at the cost of speed
manages to lose 90 ton tank that struggles to break over 5 mph for 27 years.... murica!
It was driving all that time, they probably just thought it was UFO sounds or some shit :P
Helen Keller couldn’t have missed it
100 ton
this is why i push any T-95 i see on my team
Ty for doing that,
oh that could be usefull
Jeramey Manuel Unless the tank you're using is heavier than the T95, you're helping no one whatsoever.
was reffering to my e100.
That t95 ass you like to push that ass
Is-3+tiger 2+obj.704 pushing t95=15 km/h
everybody that has played through to the t110e3 has my full respect. praise you.
I feel sad when I watch classic Jingles :'(
i miss him....
As a former T95 driver on blitz, I approve of this video.
NefariousDeviant Just wait till you encounter Centurion 7/1s with the 105mm.
Sam Harradence I saw that once. The t95 just backed it up against a wall and the centurion could only bounce shells off the slope of the engine deck.
It's kinda weird to think I probably watched this when it came out...
This is so crazy and extraordinaire that it should be buffed to 400+ armor and 18km/h and put to tier 10 :)
don't add 18kph, make its top speed 18, it would be a really OP td on certain maps
The Matilda has that top speed but I get pushed by team mates and they use me as a meat shield
i'm a terrible matilda driver, i'm the only person whose matilda has butter armor. when I enter a match in my matilda the moment my team notices me they start saying we lose
BoZoiD57 just angle your matilda even tho matilda has a good armor they will at the lower glacis plate
Back when I was in the US Army in the mid-80s, I was stationed at Ft. Knox. Naturally I visited the Patton Museum. This monstee was parked out front and it was MASSIVE!
The first thought that occurred to me when I saw it was what a pain in the ass it would be to change tge track.
The T28/95 was designated as Gun, motor Carriage. I was a heavy breakthrough vehicle intended for use against fortifications of the Siegfried line. Although it would be effective against Tanks, it is not strictly a Tank Destroyer. The vehicle this rendering is based on was never taken past the prototype stage, there being only two vehicles built. One was destroyed by fire (though some believe that the "fire" was encountered during the Nuclear tests in the American South West. The remaining vehicle is part of the collection of the Armor Museum now located at Ft. Benning Ga.
I understand that this is a game, but neither of the actual T-28/95 machines ever saw deployment, much less action.
wargaming loves vehicles that never saw service, a lot of the tanks in world of tanks never made it past prototype stage, some never even got that far. that's not necessarily a bad thing but it IS the way things are.
I agree that its fun to see something at work that never really got the chance, but how would they accurately program it since there is no real data to govern its handling, or speed, It would never have been able to do some of the things in the game To see the T28/95 up close is quite awesome.
beardo52 The t28 was designed to breach the Siegfried line the t95 was designed to attack japan both never saw service for intended use.
beardo52 well they had the blueprints so they could accurately guess weakpoints and their speed and its firepower
Matthew Clemons
Actually the T28 is just the T95 with its travel tracks removed, the T95 was designed to breach the siegfried line, and was built in two full scale prototypes, both working. This tank was far, far too heavy to even be considered to take to japan, as it couldn't cross conventional bridges and was a massive hassle to transport.
That ammo rack against that IS-3. Well done, Jingles. Beautiful shot.
imagine an entire company of these things.... provided there is no arty in the game form up line abreast and just roll
they already did that it was hilarious
well with each one weighing 86 tons...multiply that by 7 or more and you have a fairly solid wall
..TOG Wheelie!!!!!
+Draftsman17 If enemy players see that they have two options, one is flee as much as your tracks can, or two to surrender and let them take you.
AwesomePerryMe XD I would ran as fast as my AMX ELC bis can run at top speed with 105 octane and just find a ship able to holed my tank and sail for a different island away from the wall of T95s so I don't have to worry of not breaking through armor
While it was in Kentucky I sat in it when I was 10. It was a badass experience to know that you're sitting in the only one that exists
All of these older heavy armored tanks are now obsolete in WoT. Why?
Gold spam.
Wallet warriors.
The IS7's turret is imune too evry gun in the game.
00008HANK How much mm is it?
I know how sloped it is, just too lazy to look it up xD
***** the gun mantil is 350mm the front cheaks next too the mantil are 270mm and the whole front is 240-250 and even the side witch is jusr 180mm can bownce Tier 10 meds and heavy tanks the front and the side are 150mm the side has 30mm of spaced armor the rear if the turret is 94 on paper but in tank inspector is 100mm while the rear is 70mm but only the ass not the sloped parts in the rear only the part whear the fuel tanks at the back are. Edit: i have bownced HEAT form obj268's with that thing's turret.
Great, except a Churchill Gun Carrier loading APCR ammo can penetrate it in the 240mm parts, if I load regular AP I still have 214mm of penetration, enough to penetrate all of the sides of the turret AND the hull ;)
The wallet would still win, no matter the tank you have.
***** that was just raw thiknes not too menton the angle fron is inpregneble even by a Jgpz E100 with gold the turret is like a egg soo good luck penetrateing that.
this video is ridiculously good mate. As if I'm 5 years late to this party...
Remember when you where in a tier 6 vehicle and you saw the t28 and your just like, OH MY GOD!!!!! And then you got a tier 7 and you see a T95 and your just like OMGWTFHAXUNOPLAYLEGITBBQ and then you see a T28 again and your just like, awwww your so cute! ^>^
Yes finally! The almighty doom turtle review! Word of advice: platoon with t95 and t30 if you get malinovka, with no arty, go straight across the field with t95 in front being used as hull down cover for t30. It's awesome!
i dont want to drive that thing with a dead driver and a damaged engine
I wonder what its like with a dead driver, a damaged engine driving uphill on swampy terrain :)
Gary Zhang You made me cringe man XD XP TwT
KravenTheKnight Dead driver+damaged engine+damage fuel tank =slower than the TOGII* and maus at all.
THOMAS weber X_X that made it even worse...
THOMAS weber Fuel tanks makes no differance to your speed
I was always fascinated by the T95, it takes so much patience to play it. I don't know if I could do it. Once again, great video!
you should watch t95 mega scout its amazing and shows what this thing can realy do
Fun tip: If you can get a shot in behind the gun mantle, like from the side or the top back, the area behind it only has 136-208mm of armor, mostly around 136-178mm. Basically aim for the area between the mantle and the front of the hull.
If you've got a shot at that, you've got a shot at the bigger, less armored side of the tank. That said, penning the inside of their gun mantlet sounds quite rage inducing :D
Watching this a year later :D
T95 is an amazingly tough tank for it's speed and does massive damage as demonstrated here.
Jingles, could you do a video on the tanks in your garage?
7 year old video, still one of my favorites.
Jingles and community, what do you think about Wargaming making ALL the cupola of every tank in the game a no damage hitbox. Ive been herring this a lot lately and it makes sense. My ideal situation would be to make them no damage zones but if you penetrate it, it kills your commander. I personally like the idea but think it would bring a lot of unbalancing to some tanks, like the british TDs R2D2s.
I know that the british tier 6-8 tds have weak spots that guns with 150-170 pen can get through from the front, although some are pretty small. You can pen an AT-8 from the front with a Churchill 3 if you know where to shoot. But yeah, if the cupolas were made no-hit zones, it'd be harder for quite a few tankers who don't know vehicle weak-spots. Example: I don't know how many new players know the weak spots of the Tiger P besides the cupola . . .
I really wish they did this. Realistically, well, it's not. The T28 was designed for smashing through defenses. If commander's hatches were weak spots in real life they would have flattened them. It is really unfair that some tanks have hatches and some don't. WG could have done better. It is understandable if
high-explosive penetrates the hatches because the explosion would be "inside" the tank, but not with armor piercing ammo.
I agree, your idea would be worth testing. It is just annoying that some tanks are well armored, but have this weakspot on top, which forces you to wiggle around like a drunken sailor. Furthermore in reality most hatches were heavily armored and definitely not a weakspot.
Smart move WG, just like the whole transmission-engine fire crap...
you can pen a at 8 from the front with any thing itll ever meet it has a large 70 mm box on its right side
Hey Jingles if you still read your old notifications I just decided to go back and watch some of the classics like this is Gem. Love your videos bro
I love how eager for DESTRUCTION this tank makes people. xD
Jingles may not be the most skilled player but he sure makes up for it with his storytelling and great commentary.
why isn't t95 a tier 10?
yep im with you
Becuz it's as slow as fuck
I'd love the T95 to just have a buffed version at tier ten. Just faster in speed and ROF.
t110e3 is pretty much an upgraded tier 10 t95, not any faster though...
t95 kinda got more armor than t110e3
I like it when you give us a bit of history about the tank too. Good work. Subscribed :)
4:24 I see what you did there, Jingles :P
This video turns 8 years old tommorow man I miss classic jingles and classic wot.
wait 13 kph top speed even the tog is faster.
Everything is faster
Ethan D. Except for an archer driving forwards (which is technically backwards)
what happens when a t95 will move at 72 kph and has a treverse speed of 60???
Well when that never happens I will stop playing
Raiden Carlson It could be a april fools... :/
if every tank in the game ran at 100 kmh for april fools I would take out my maus. RAMMING SPEED
Great Idea
Raiden Carlson I wish i was good enough to reach tier 10, im going to sit at tier 6 for quite a while :(
Have u seen this video? xDD
World Of Tanks - Tanks drifting with car sounds! xDD
So many feels... and also stop posting it. >:(
it is 3 months ago -_-
This is one of my favorite Tank Destroyers in the game. The other one is a T30. But, if I am correct, does anyone remember the Megatron model from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen? I think his vehicle was a chrome, futuristic version of the T95. I could be wrong, but I could swear I thought it was. Oh well. Good job out there, Jingles. Keep up your glorious service to the game.
hahahaha i just got this and 10 kills in the frist game
and thats why its called the doom turtle
Dun dun dunnn
Theoretically, the best loadout for the T95 would be to load 26 AP ammo and 4 APCR ammo. Then go with a spall liner for soaking up damage, a gun rammer because the aim time doesn't even matter when you can only shoot 3 times per minute, and use vents since it will help you decide what your last equipment should be. For consumables use large repair kit AND a small repair kit since the spall liner should prevent a lot of crew deaths now after 8.8, and get a manual fire extinguisher rather than automatic to cut costs since you'll have plenty of time in this slow tank anyway. Finally, for crew skills the first two to pick would be repairs and perhaps brothers in arms (to boost up the repair speed with the vents you installed). For third crew skills, definitely go with either jack of all trades on your commander, to save anyone that does actually die after getting hit, or go with mentor to speed up experience gathering with the spall liner protected crew members.
Edit: Oh and smooth ride or clutch braking would be good on the driver as well to keep enemies from shooting at your weak spots.
Hope you liked my advice.
1667th comment. My deed is done
A couple of months ago the Armor restore group at Benning moved the T95 on a low boy and while rounding a sharp downhill curve the chains broke and the YES the T95 actually flew!!! It ended up in a ditch beside the road with some broken track components.
One of my best friends has been waiting your entire youtube career to see this.
23:04 the little hill of rubble right next to us was your friend jingles! (IMO>) The best way to play that spot is to hug your lower hull to the hill to protect that weak spot, and then between shots wiggle like hell (plus a combination of back and forth motions while turning) and trying to fire back when the strongest enemy are reloading.
I'm working my way towards this tank....I'm so glad they increased the speed😊😊
I grinded my way to E3 and E4 through these tanks... It was absolute fun.
So this is less a tank destroyer, and more a fully-enclosed, direct-fire tracked artillery piece.
I like it.
So good to see you going solo again Jingles, much better reviews when you don't have your "bodyguards" (quicky etc) sweaping the way clear and covering your arse lol.
as always, keep up the great job :)
I like how you give your opts recognition a lot of yourubers dont
Almost got the T95 myself!! After watching this, I cannot wait!!!
I could go see this tank! I live on Fort Benning and never knew that TD was there! How cool!
I found that one of the best places to hit this tank, with arty, is shooting under it. The shots do nearly full dmg and will ruin their day. GL
I love the design of this tank... it's just so awesome and unique
Did exactly the same on the same map with my first ever shot from my nice new SU-144-44 using standard ammo against an IS3. He spent the rest of the game ranting & raging at me, calling me a hacker, gold noob etc. even his own team mates told him to STFU. I've never managed the same feat again but, I live in hope. Great vid as usual Jingles. I just hope the second time I meet you you're on my team, unlike the first time ;~)
The "T-95" can not yet be viewed at Fort Benning as it is still building the Cav /Armor museum. The "T-28" will restored and displayed when it and the museum are finished. Once they are you will have to look for theT-28 to see the T-95 because in 1946 theT-95 was reclassified as the T-95 gun carrier and a couple of years later to the T-28 according to the cav section of the Ft. Benning Infantry museum web site.
The tank started out as the T28 Super Heavy Tank, then was reclassified to the T95 Tank Destroyer, then back to the T28 Super Heavy Tank. If you want to be correct; it's the T28.
Jingles, you're great! Enjoyed the video, especially liked the "1st World problems. Only ... damage" :D
The Conqueror is just a Canaervon with the turret of the FV215b, the stock Conqueror IS for all purposes the Canaervon. For completeness the FV215b is the Conqueror with a rear mounted turret.
In 1947 one of the T28s/T95 was heavily damaged by an engine fire during trials at Yuma Proving Grounds and was broken up and sold for scrap.
1500 damage on that one shot at 23:25!
This thing is just a monster with its main gun!
One advantage of the T95 vs the T30 (and most other tier 9 TDs) is the low-mounted gun. It negates a lot of the sloping on the targets' lower front hulls and makes them easier to penetrate. This is especially true for T95s engaging other T95s.
Me and my dad went to the George S Patton Museum when it was there. So freaking cool, right now the museum is going through remodeling though, and there aren't many tanks there right now. As to whether it's coming back after the remodel, and restoration of the tanks, I don't know.
I really enjoy using this tank, its one of those tanks where you can just drive straight through the map and smash almost everything in your path. Note almost.
I should add I still have my t95, have had it since their release and its still my favourite tank
Jingles, the 'Death Star' is the Jpz E100! Even the bloody wiki says so. the FV 183 is the Star Destroyer
Jingles! You mentioned in your isu-152,video you liked the programme "the world at war " and, it's starting again so there will be happy jingles
I just bought the T110E3 about a week ago and it's a major upgrade from the T95. The freedom of 30 kp/h maxspeed is great. The role you have in a game is the same as in the T95, soak up shots and score big hits on enemy tanks. I've been taking on average about 15-30 shots per game for the team so that obivously helps the team alot. But, the issue with the T110E5 is - just as with the T95 - that you need your flanks protected by other tanks since your sidearmor is weak and traverse is horrible.
Thank you for making great videos you are one of the reasons i began playing this game! :D
I use a gun rammer, improved vents, since you're not gonna be sniping in a t95 and I use a repair toolbox as third item, so you can get moving asap again, together with the big repair kit it will really speed up the repairs and gets you moving again, your heavy spall liner won't help much when you're sitting still tracked.
Thank you greatly for telling me about the T95's weakspots!
I always become happy if i hear you laugh so sudden, dont know why...
If you ever get a chance, at FT Bennington there is the new Infantry museum. Great place to spend a day.
got my t95 not to long ago, it is now my favorite tank.
As always thanks for the vid, the Thunder Cats fortress can be such a leasurly drive.
Never gets old when Jingles is talking very seriously only to ammo rack something and go right into a giggling fit.
I like gun rammer, vents, and tool box with repairs and large repair kit. My tracks go down for only a couple seconds and it scares the shit out of the enemy. It's fun to turn and fire before they can reload. Only auto loaders can keep me perma tracked and they usually go for the hatch on the second shot so I nail them hard. And now I can start training that new track repair skill. I also do this same thing in my T110E3.
Yeah. Hitting a drivers hatch on the front of the hull makes sense, but a small hatch on top of the tank? Maybe if shooting from above?
Doom turtle video, just what everyone has been waiting for
man the T29, T34,T32, and T30's turret armor is awesome
I went with the Super heavy spall liner instead of the enhanced suspension, since you're so slow, it's easier for arty to hit you while you're moving, plus you're a wide target.
I luv my T95, it has never let me down. I trained my driver in clutch braking and other tanks crap themselver when i turn fast then they can get behind me.
Used your methods was 5 tanks down on xbox 360 had a mate behind me did over 5k damage and won thanks for the help and showing us how to use this tank good
dude that ammo rack was awesome
Superheavy Spall Liner also halves crew deaths since 8.8, which is good, as your driver sits in the most obvious weakspot- the front cupola- and you will want some insurance against troll RNG that makes your glacially slow brick even more sluggish.
rly wanted to see the potential dmg taken from the first game with the 2 shots from the 183. Good vid though jingles, as always :)
I love your commentary. 10/10
They say it's a hybrid of a destroyer and a super heavy tank