Spa Francorchamps: The Definitive Circuit Guide

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @jarkin222
    @jarkin222 6 років тому +76

    As a sim racer this made me going 1sec faster times, thank you!

  • @wsgcuties2067
    @wsgcuties2067 5 років тому +58

    Glad they used such a consistent brake reference throughout the track. All you have to do is use the Nielsen sign each time! Easy and convenient!

  • @JifeLacket
    @JifeLacket 4 роки тому +17

    The speed you carry through some of the corners in the Radical is insane! That car must be a blast to drive. Thanks for sharing.

  • @marcp5099
    @marcp5099 3 роки тому +1

    finding this video 5 years on. Wonderful informed and insightful. Now its case of trying to apply in on track - !

  • @timmyzhou1
    @timmyzhou1 7 років тому +17

    I'm going to the public driving session in Spa for the first time next week.
    This is the bible to study this weekend.
    Thanks for sharing the knowledge!

    • @MegaFPVFlyer
      @MegaFPVFlyer 6 років тому +7

      Comment is nearly a year old now, but how'd it go? Sounds like fun.

  • @StanFinite
    @StanFinite 7 років тому +2

    Mr. Mansell .... now my passion for driving raised even more. My only opportunity actually is go and manipulate with 6,5 or 9 HP indoor kart. Eh. Thank you. You have to be great person. God bless you Scott, really.P.S.: 40:59 - 42:30 there is a gap with no sound.

  • @lauriehwrdlh
    @lauriehwrdlh 3 роки тому +2

    My favorite track in the world, especially for open wheel racing. I've never had the chance to drive it in real life but I do all the time on sims. F3 cars here are great fun and challenging enough to keep you awake. Once covid has died down a return to Spa will be on my list!

  • @svenjorgenson3224
    @svenjorgenson3224 3 роки тому +1

    Can't believe the time I've picked up as a result of this video.
    Can't wait to view the others in the series like Nurburgring. Awesome videos.

  • @Vick78s
    @Vick78s 10 місяців тому

    Having my first race at spa within a month, this was so usefull! Thanks🤩

  • @RaulAyanami
    @RaulAyanami 5 років тому +8

    i'm using this for sim racing, and my times got better for 1 sec xD thanks

  • @yaddagaming7561
    @yaddagaming7561 5 років тому +5

    Awesome video. As a sim racer (a 1:46.3 PB hotlap posted on my channel) it confirmed what I though I was doing right and more importantly where I knew I was going wrong. Thanks!

  • @mukulingle2690
    @mukulingle2690 7 років тому

    The best circuit guide I've seen on UA-cam. Cheers mate!

  • @Driver61
    @Driver61  4 роки тому +2

    Thanks for watching! Check out the Driver's Uni series including how to trail brake (
    Find out your driver level by taking our scorecard test:

  • @chillrobots
    @chillrobots 3 роки тому +1

    I am also using this for sim racing, Timeless content, thank you!

  • @D3Sshooter
    @D3Sshooter Рік тому

    Great video, and lots of good stuff and tips

  • @edmarsh5836
    @edmarsh5836 8 років тому +4

    Amazing amount of detail. The reference points alone were so helpful. Thank you! Definitely made me faster in my sim.

    • @Driver61
      @Driver61  7 років тому +2

      Hi Ed. Yes, it's all about be conscious of various reference points! If you enjoyed the video, please help us out and share it! Thanks, Scott.

  • @wonkybomb1865
    @wonkybomb1865 3 роки тому

    Excellent tutorial I always struggled with the final hairpin and this really helped thank you.

  • @chrisbradick667
    @chrisbradick667 8 років тому +2

    great vid, as always. such a great track ,in top 3 all time if not the GOAT.

  • @TheEllegaard
    @TheEllegaard 2 роки тому

    yeah yeah. Old youtube video... but omg, helped me alot. cutting seconds of my personal best in GT7. Good times, thanks. I use you when I need quicker lap times.

  • @victor46-199
    @victor46-199 6 років тому +1

    Genius video! Thanks a lot! Thanks so much! Its so important information, but almost impossible to find... I'm your fan))))))

  • @jelly.1899
    @jelly.1899 8 років тому +7

    this is brilliant! thank you very much for uploading! please do more and more and more and more of these things. anything driving related! :D subbed & enjoyed

    • @Driver61
      @Driver61  7 років тому

      Thanks very much, glad you enjoyed.

    • @jelly.1899
      @jelly.1899 7 років тому +1

      Driver61 I did check out your homepage and really enjoyed watching all of your Diver UNI episodes. great amount of detail and you have a very pleasant way of presenting and talking.
      don't stop producing! 😊

    • @Driver61
      @Driver61  7 років тому

      Thank you very much! New videos coming soon on Driver 61!

    • @gaycha6589
      @gaycha6589 7 років тому

      Driver61 - nice one Sir!

  • @Circuitsofthepast
    @Circuitsofthepast 7 років тому +11

    There is no top of Eau Rouge. Eau Rouge is only the left kink below. The name of the famous steep right-hand corner is Raidillon, which is also French for steep road.

    • @Driver61
      @Driver61  7 років тому +11

      Circuits of the past Yes, fair point, but most people refer to this section as Eau Rouge and it doesn't change how we approach the corner ;-)

    • @Karincl7
      @Karincl7 Рік тому

      ​@@Driver61most people are wrong

  • @PeteerStep
    @PeteerStep 7 років тому

    its just great please continue with others circuit

  • @VarietyLevel7
    @VarietyLevel7 4 роки тому

    Hello there. Amazing tutorial & thank You for it. Still absorbing the info given. Video idea: Coasting tutorial guide (Please please). See you next, Great Scott.

  • @sabercruiser.7053
    @sabercruiser.7053 5 років тому +3


  • @Scamdemic
    @Scamdemic 6 років тому +3

    Just subscribed, thanks for the video(s). Although I'd love to one day put my Corrado G60 on track I have to stick with being in a racing league on Project Cars 2! Currently have a record for Monza in the Merc 190E Cossie, but really struggling with Spa, hopefully I'll take a lot from the video, cheers!

  • @portofolio12323
    @portofolio12323 3 роки тому

    Scott is the man!

  • @jameswohler985
    @jameswohler985 6 років тому +2

    Quite interesting. Any chance you are going to do any US courses? Awesome for new drivers to see how far ahead to look the constant reminders throughout the guide helps to hammer it home. Thanks for doing these.

  • @AstroRamiEmad
    @AstroRamiEmad 4 роки тому +3

    25:23 What was that switch on the left? ... also AMAZING video ... I only used to play these circuits on TOCA2 and F1 PC games ... but OMG there are things that I had to learn by trial and error without understanding the science behind it and now you make it all so easy and logical for me ... the Aha moments are priceless.

  • @Waflarz
    @Waflarz 4 роки тому +1

    Thank You for that!

  • @DrPittenstein
    @DrPittenstein 9 років тому +2

    Terrific, a credit to UA-cam. This series will be very popular!
    But good grief that Radical brakes late (if at all on some corners!). Assuming Hamilton could somehow go even quicker, what out of interest would he be doing to find the extra time?

    • @k1k2k37
      @k1k2k37 2 роки тому

      Now that’s a great question!!

  • @MartinHoyer
    @MartinHoyer 6 років тому +3

    Hi Scott, thanks a lot for this! I'm curious what were you adjusting on the car just before Bruxelles. EDIT: Are there any notable updates on the track since two years ago?

  • @elstumposimracing7216
    @elstumposimracing7216 6 років тому

    Hi Scott, I'm racing in GTE on Project Cars 2 in the Porsche 911 RSR. I'm having trouble with gear ratios to maximize top speeds through Eau Rouge to Les Combes and through Blanchimont. What is the best approach? Taller low gears, 1-3, and shorter high gears 4-6, or a more balanced approach. I have a race there this weekend upcoming with some fog and light rain. I thought taller gears in 1-3 might help keep the car balanced when getting back on power in the slower corners, few as they may be, in wet conditions,. Thanks for this track guide, too, very helpful.

    • @waqidj
      @waqidj 6 років тому

      King Buk B trail breaking helps. They have vid on it. This is for exiting and entering corners and changing gears. Balance... is also work on the dampers . The aero helps a ton as well. But for accellerarion and deceleration look at the engine, Dramper and trans settinfso

  • @orenbarnea2841
    @orenbarnea2841 7 років тому +4

    Wonderful guide, thanks for posting this.
    I watched it immediately after watching the racing line guide, and I was a bit surprised by the line you take through La Source -- it looked very close to the geometric line and you seem to be hitting the apex at the middle of the hairpin. Given that the following section is a very long flat-out, I was expecting to see a very late apex.
    Why is this? Does the dip at La Source change the line through it? Does the fact the following straight is downhill make the exit speed less significant? Or did I simply get the wrong impression about your line?

  • @dimitri1986dtm
    @dimitri1986dtm 6 років тому

    on 4 november 2018 , i going to do a trackday with a clio rs 4 ( on good tires maybe on semi slicks if time give me a chance ) .
    I carefully listen and taking notes from your film would you have any more tips that you can share .
    thanks for sharing this wonderfull film.
    greetz dimitri

  • @32subscriberswithnovideos20
    @32subscriberswithnovideos20 5 років тому

    Nice whistle 15:48

  • @waqidj
    @waqidj 6 років тому +1

    That’s exactly how I drive it on project cars 2. I would love to do this IRL. Just my state of Texas doesn’t have much awesomeness like the Germans and euros

  • @Tv1Apple
    @Tv1Apple 7 років тому

    7:43 guys in orange just chilling there behind the barrier xD

  • @sdj9776
    @sdj9776 4 роки тому +1

    Excellent tutorial! Thanks!
    Though for the life of me I cannot figure out why anglophones (even the professionals) insist on calling le Raidillon “Thé top of Eau Rouge”. They’re two separate corners.

  • @nigelmay6870
    @nigelmay6870 8 років тому +2

    Nordschleife is pretty nice as well, difficult to master in a yellow bird.

  • @alexleong7041
    @alexleong7041 7 років тому +4

    I look forward to the Spa every year. Why can't we have 3 - 5 F1 races at the Spa to replace a few of those Monaco copy-cats ?

    • @epistte
      @epistte 6 років тому +3

      Monaco is an alcohol-soaked parade for rich people and fashionistas and not a race. Bring back Imola.

    • @Topper_Harley68
      @Topper_Harley68 5 років тому +3

      @@epistte Yes and the track itself is horrible, more like a big go kart track, can barely fit those big F1 cars.

  • @AstroRamiEmad
    @AstroRamiEmad 4 роки тому +1

    34:50 You are almost going blind to every left turn ... that Nelson logo is annoying!

  • @JayCrabill
    @JayCrabill 9 років тому +1

    Great video! Very imformative. I am a sim racer, racing mostly nascar and ovals. I have been branching out to road circuits on rFactor 2. I look forward to watching your videos and applying what I learn. How do you plan on doing your future tracks? Will this be limited to F1 tracks, or will you do some one offs like Road America or something?

    • @Driver61
      @Driver61  9 років тому +1

      +Jay Crabill Hi Jay, thanks for your positive feedback. We're currently focussing on European circuits, but there's a chance we'll get to work on US circuits soon. Thanks again, Scott.

    • @JayCrabill
      @JayCrabill 9 років тому +1

      +Driver61 Great I look forward to it! Just so you know, reddit brought me here.

    • @arnemax997
      @arnemax997 7 років тому

      outstanding, thank you

  • @bbogdanmircea
    @bbogdanmircea 4 роки тому +1

    This video is amazing, but if you could shorten it to 20 minutes with just the braking points it would get much more views, as it is impossible to watch in one go

    • @loko5516
      @loko5516 4 роки тому +1

      Braking points aren't enough, I like that he also explained lines and where to look.

    • @MikkoRantalainen
      @MikkoRantalainen 3 роки тому +1

      I think all the info included was good. A better software to draw over the video and faster movement from frame to frame during pause would shorten the video without sacrificing information.

  • @gfarnden56
    @gfarnden56 3 роки тому


  • @bboyjunyor
    @bboyjunyor 2 роки тому

    Look how young he looks! :D

  • @1DjFuzzion1
    @1DjFuzzion1 3 роки тому

    Came here for the last corner of Fagnes lol, still a mystery

  • @tomfoolery444
    @tomfoolery444 3 роки тому

    You should do track analysis for the F1 races this year and wat cars will have advantages / disadvantages/ etc !

  • @aracon9721
    @aracon9721 6 років тому

    12:12 which is not what you want.... let me note that...

  • @rockrl98
    @rockrl98 3 роки тому

    Fix audio levels please!

  • @yurimolotov5886
    @yurimolotov5886 6 років тому

    Think i know stuff. Watch video. Realise i know nothing.
    Thanks driver61

  • @rabidrabbittt
    @rabidrabbittt 6 років тому +2

    great video, cant stand this royalty free ukulele whistle shit though

  • @sharliegb
    @sharliegb 6 років тому


  • @oniakuma5429
    @oniakuma5429 2 роки тому

    waste time❗The cam angle is too low❗ just can’t see anything ❗ no meaningful things about spa track being learned by that angle of view❗

  • @piratas42
    @piratas42 2 роки тому


  • @liveuk
    @liveuk 3 роки тому

    "Without further a do" really..... Just be you don't try to be other you tubers.

  • @DoctorMeatDic
    @DoctorMeatDic 7 років тому +1

    Fucking hell, an hour? Forget it.

  • @thedevilwuster
    @thedevilwuster Рік тому

    Not that I could ever afford to do it but in case I'd sure like to know how I could drive there. I'm a former SCCA license holder but I doubt it would matter over there. I'm in the States. One of these days before I die I'd like to fly over, rent a car and do a track day if they have them there. Any suggestions or will anyone even see this comment since the video is so old?