If you are in UK, then you will know the property market is actually hot. I have been to Manchester, Telford, Nottingham, New Castle, London, Oxford and Bristol viewing houses so I can confirm it’s true.
Congratulations, Stevo and Faye. Your sharing is so useful. I got a similar experience with the Property Agent in HK while I sold my little apartment. Hope things will go well...
Congratulation! So which area did you move if you don't mind sharing? Will you have the new house tour coming up soon?! Haha~ Love your channel and hope you two enjoy the time in your new home!
Thanks for the heads up tips , very useful information! The chain is really a big problem on real estate market and seems the agents in UK are not efficient enough ! Maybe HKers can try opening one using the diligence niche ! 😜😜😜 I totally agree with you 2 , either 2 bathrooms is a must , and a covered garage with automatic gates for 2 cars should be nice coz that way the cars won’t be stolen so easily!
Integral double garage plus off street parking is a must while double sink is classy but less essential, the latter does not add up too much to the house price as it can be retrofittable.
Most of the property agents in England are unethical because they are not licensed and regulated. In the US, all real estate agents have to study a course followed by passing an examination before they are granted the license to practice. Their conduct is governed by a lot of laws. Regarding the conveyancing, most work is done by the assistant solicitor (solicitor trainee) or the legal executive, not by the administrative staff, if I am not mistaken.
Only exception when agents might charge sellers for taking pictures of their properties is when the seller terminates the contract with the agent within the agreed specified time frame. Agents usually ask for 8 to 12 weeks to be allowed time to sell and if this is terminated by the seller then all costs for marketing will be borne by seller.
謝謝分享!恭喜新居入伙!同你哋差不多同一時段响英國南部一個小城市買咗屋,經歷好相似,除咗我冇屋賣,所以Break 咗個chain ! 不過英國人真係好厲害,我上面條chain 三家人都係exactly 响交易當日搬,一個搬出去另一個即刻搬入,夾好晒啲時間⋯我因為好想盡快離開租住單位,都等左兩三日搵人清潔吓間屋先至搬入去⋯佢哋就會搬咗入去至慢慢整理間屋⋯⋯另外好認同一定要同買/賣家直接聯絡,好多文件佢都直接比我,兩家律師係完全互相推卸責任⋯ 同埋可以問返上手各樣maintenance 嘅Service Provider, 我個賣家仲同我預先通知咗D鄰居大家嘅狀況、工作等等⋯非常重要👍🏻
係原本優秀“舊”香港人嘅,去外國做返個Lady & Gentleman,尊重自己他人先會受他人尊重,共勉。
Congrat for a new home. 可唔可以講吓交易經費,如賣家佣金,律師費,及其它費用,thanks
有用既分享,多謝你地😄, 好開心你地成功買and 賣樓
三至六個月買賣成功算快 12個月都唔算嚟 應該感恩🏡♥️🌈 有安樂日子
依家係美國買樓bidding war係好普遍,閒閒地有10幾20個offer, 好多時要比多20%同waive contingencies先有機會可能買到。
Bravo! A double covered garage is gent’s standard features and a double basin vanity counter as well as dream kitchen.
其實你地chain free買樓已經少左好多壓力。我地chain同一日成交,中間12點交鎖匙之後銀行未過到錢未拎到新屋鎖匙,一日你都無屋企。等銀行過數果幾個鐘真係長過一千年。見過有人因為咁,遲左一日成交,果晚要搵地方瞓真係好慘。
我黎左半年都唔買住, 諗住慢慢睇.
個個都係做緊地產相關生意, 所以日日吹 !!!
If you are in UK, then you will know the property market is actually hot. I have been to Manchester, Telford, Nottingham, New Castle, London, Oxford and Bristol viewing houses so I can confirm it’s true.
steve 很親切好態度
Thank you for your genuine sharing!
South Manchester 附近平均5日賣出, 搶到癲, 叫高20000鎊先BID到
我有間屋用一間agent 放咗4個月都租唔出,唔係無客就啲客成日no show
對我來說,這條片太有用,只可惜來得太遲了!你倆了解當地文化,流利語言溝通,也叫苦連天。相對不大了解英國文化,有語言溝通障礙的香港人來說,被estate agents 及律師樓耍的痛苦,可想而知!巳被耍七個月多,仍未脱苦海!😭😭😭😭😭
同賣家(seller)有 direct contact 真係好緊要!身同感受!😅
點都好,一切都過去啦☺️,咁樣 會更珍惜新屋帶來的溫暖。🏡🥂
未睇已先like👏 恭喜恭喜你們終於在新屋出片🎉祝繼續生活愉快,幸福滿滿🥳🌈
Congratulations, Stevo and Faye. Your sharing is so useful. I got a similar experience with the Property Agent in HK while I sold my little apartment. Hope things will go well...
去年好在我賣左生意covid -19 , half price sold then I look for big city more comfortable , for my son work drive 15 mintues
真心多謝你們的分享, 繼續帶多啲有用資訊給大家,支持 👍
未睇先like 💖Cindy入嚟支持你哋睇晒啲廣告🙌
期待新屋house tour
Thanks all
Thanks for sharing!! 祝你們新屋生活更美好!
Thank you for sharing. 你哋嘅搞笑理由其實都好合理😄👍🏻 我都好鍾意double sink。 Double garage 喺加拿大嘅冬天真係大派用場😅 (唔使掃雪,雖然都要鏟driveway雪)。
有苦、有甜啦。我地只係用左45日完成交易(just before stamp duty holiday)...住左兩個月,而家準備裝修添。想順利D一定要對人有禮及眞誠。
Thanks so much for all the sincere sharing.
其實大家都有點羊群心理, 都係因為個STAMP DUTY而去趕緊買賣房屋, 價格當然會有虛火, 個人相信STAMP DUTY HOLIDAY 過後, 英國房價應該會有回調, 因為總有一D人因為一時衝動而跟大隊, 熱潮過後又有機會因為經濟實力未如之前估計而將房屋拋售
@@licheong 以我所了解,stamp duty holidays 去到 30 June. BC 就可以豁免!如果係non-resident (香港人),就要俾 2% non-resident tax!過咗30 June,所有人都要俾stamp duty ,如果non-resident就要俾stamp duty + non-resident tax. 有錯請指正。
好鍾意你哋有孝順心,choose住近Stevo 嘅父母附近,方便照顧呀😍😍
Stevo 剪髮後好精神🥰 唔再好似 "生意失敗 look" 🤗
可唔可以分享一下點解你哋唔揀apartments? 可以講下你哋覺得喺英國住House同apartment 嘅好處壞處?謝謝
Congratulation! So which area did you move if you don't mind sharing? Will you have the new house tour coming up soon?! Haha~ Love your channel and hope you two enjoy the time in your new home!
Thanks for the heads up tips , very useful information!
The chain is really a big problem on real estate market and seems the agents in UK are not efficient enough ! Maybe HKers can try opening one using the diligence niche ! 😜😜😜
I totally agree with you 2 , either 2 bathrooms is a must , and a covered garage with automatic gates for 2 cars should be nice coz that way the cars won’t be stolen so easily!
Integral double garage plus off street parking is a must while double sink is classy but less essential, the latter does not add up too much to the house price as it can be retrofittable.
聽落去真系幾痛苦的經驗, 😅😅 希望你地在新屋住得開開心心.
Congratulations 👏
會唔會有home tour 呢?
多謝分享!幾時有New House Tour 😄😄
We live in California, and its pretty standard to have 2 sinks in the bathroom. We indeed have a 3 car garage house :)
double sinks double garage 記得我哋一定記得😆😆😆😆😆
Very useful sharing 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thank you for sharing your experience. Finally you guys got a great nice new home. Look forward to see your new house tour soon.
Very real & informative video! Can’t agree more how ineffective the general B work attitude are! 同感!
我由10/3accept offer開始,買賣家都有keep住聯絡進度push solicitor最終01/06 complete 左😊
但有個問題,Stamp duty holiday唔係只係for First time buyer咩?你地有物業點會有優惠?賣果間屋唔係你地既?
Moving home 一樣可享受stamp duty holiday. 你可試試Right move任何屋盤,有一個stamp duty holiday calculator, 輸入屋價,一清二楚
Most of the property agents in England are unethical because they are not licensed and regulated. In the US, all real estate agents have to study a course followed by passing an examination before they are granted the license to practice. Their conduct is governed by a lot of laws.
Regarding the conveyancing, most work is done by the assistant solicitor (solicitor trainee) or the legal executive, not by the administrative staff, if I am not mistaken.
Hmm 🤔, strange , I thought you need to get a real estate agent license in order to be one , no wonder !
會唔會安排new house tour ? 可唔可以知道買左邊區呢?
🎊Congratulations on your successful selling house!!
Thanks so much for your sharing😘
Thank you for sharing. Happy living in your new place!
您好,我今年7月到步,多多指教,有一問題想請教,我在攪一間new build現樓的買賣(上手買家撻單,所以我地睇樓時已完全起好),contract of sale未簽,10%deposit 話23/10比,27/10成交比尾數,現時律師問我攞資金來源證明文件,但我需要時間等香港銀行print返比我同寄比我,担心23/10文件未齊,未過到律師嗰關,請問現階段我可唔可以同律師講將deposit 同成交日延遲,比時間我整理supporting document? 宜咖成件事好無助。Thanks
Congratulations moving socks keep moving forward finding your ways place ha anyway when you both getting married and have a family god bless you both
"吓,accept 咗啦,成件事真係開始...成件事開始Become real 咗嘞!" 呢段說話,感覺好似少咗一堆港式助語詞
你們的買賣房屋所遇到的經驗對新來的人有很太幫助,但可惜在過程中一定要很好的英語溝通能力,這方面並不是每個家庭可辦得到。所以最後還是未必解決問題,更大鑊就是遇到香港來英的香港地產佬,果香港地產佬好多衰到不得了,唔識扮識,唔知扮知,無做就話有做,明知又唔講等…佢地知到英國本地地產佬做野 求戀期 的話佢地一定有樣學樣咁做坤香港來英新移民…一定會,信我。
Congratulations, enjoy your new home🎊💐🏡
Only exception when agents might charge sellers for taking pictures of their properties is when the seller terminates the contract with the agent within the agreed specified time frame. Agents usually ask for 8 to 12 weeks to be allowed time to sell and if this is terminated by the seller then all costs for marketing will be borne by seller.
Sometimes the small print in the contract will highlight this. Just be careful when signing any legal documents.
7個chain真係人都癲. 香港係會賣咗樓先買樓, 中間租住先
恭喜你們新屋入伙 ! 幾時house tour ?
恭喜哂新屋入伙, Steveo 搬左屋瘦左
Show us your new house
Opportunities for hk ppl work there as estate agents in better conduct??
Happy for you guys!All settled now. 而家舒舒服服坐喺新屋呢度傾計,之前果d unhappy experience 當係人生一個笑話喇! 希望你地住呢度開開心心,吾洗再玩呢個 buy sell game
Congrats on the new home 🏡🎉🎊🍾
你們的財力真利害,果然是兩位尊業人士,收入有保障!咁可否分享嗄,你們的新屋區分是否是你們喜歡的St Albans區? 另外介唔介意你們的新屋是否是detach house?
佢哋之前間屋應該已經無mortgage, 咪無影響囉
Congrats! I believe most of us would like to have your new house tour viewing pretty soon. Can’t wait to see your “love at first sight” dream house!
@@abcdabcd7859 所以都係嗰句,尊業人士生活在英有保障!看來做IT業不錯!
以前美國買賣屋都係有contingency 即好似你地嘅chain 咁,願意等買家賣咗間屋嘅錢搞掂先買你間屋。後來競爭激烈咗,開始出現no contingency 同有銀行貸款證明嘅offer 先會成功。不過我唔希望見到英國變成咁,因為個價會高咗同local 嘅人因為冇能力買唔到而憎恨人。
any tour at Stevo n Faye New house?
Congratulations for your new home. Very nice advise to us
你們2位的Dream Home 要求都好正常,Me too!
u r lucky if you can buy in full price (no over price), market move fast, much faster than what you expect....
Congrats and thanks for sharing. Sharing is caring