My signup form button doesn't redirect to a different page. Instead, it says 'You are already subscribed.' I tried using an external URL for the redirect, but it still doesn't work
hi @RohanMagar-en2vh, yeah your form button will says "you're already subscribed" but there's also a way you can configure the button to redirect to a different page. I can help you
Bonjour, je n'ai donc pas compris comment lier les deux pages ? On est d'accord que la personne s'inscrit puis arrive sur la deuxième page pour télécharer son ebook (par exemple), mais comment lier les deux ? Merci
My signup form button doesn't redirect to a different page. Instead, it says 'You are already subscribed.' I tried using an external URL for the redirect, but it still doesn't work
hi @RohanMagar-en2vh, yeah your form button will says "you're already subscribed" but there's also a way you can configure the button to redirect to a different page. I can help you
Bonjour, je n'ai donc pas compris comment lier les deux pages ? On est d'accord que la personne s'inscrit puis arrive sur la deuxième page pour télécharer son ebook (par exemple), mais comment lier les deux ? Merci
Hey @LatelierPlumePapote, have you been able to resolve this? if not I'm willing to help. okay