I came to the US when I was a teenager and have been living for almost 20 years. I didn’t know any English and was struggling for the first couple of year but I was also in an environment that forced me to learn. I was very lucky that I somehow picked up the language and I speak generally proper English with proper grammar now but I still like to watch videos in my native language regularly to strength it whenever possible. I did come to realize that the learning part is always sooooooo hard. I didn’t learn English the way you teach so I must say you kind of lost me within the first 3 minutes of the video. Kudos to those who are dedicated and pay a great deal of attention to learn from you! I remember when I was in Asia, all I was taught in school was “yes, I do”, “no, he doesn’t” and “yes, we are”. No one explained what a noun, adjective, adverb or verb was.
Thanks a lot! The applications & functions are briskly and clearly delivered. Examples and counter-examples are used to illustrate the precision in choice of relative pronouns. Comprehensive and lively presentation! Well done!
老师,我觉得你可以再补充些知识给粉丝们:(1)关于where和which。where可以用in which, at which或者on which来代替!还是你上课的例子the park where i had a picnic is nice,其实可以改成the park in which i had a picnic is nice或者the park which i had a picnic in is nice.所以用which和where除了你说的那样去判断以外,我觉得还可以看后面修饰的成分是不是一个完整的句子。例如the park which i had a picnic in is nice,这个which的后面带出的修饰成分就不是一个完整的句子,因为in后面差了一个地点名词所以用which。如果我把in去掉,那么就不能用which了,只能用where或者in which,因为where后面是一个完整的句子
I have downloaded an app to check my grammar which always tells me wrong when I use relative clause. Thank you so much! 😁😁😁😁 (I hope my grammar is correct haha)
Hello Finnies teacher I have a question ? Your example " The computer which I bought is cheap ." Can I say , I bought the computer which is cheap . The relative clause" which " modify the object " the computer . This is my first question ? And second question is clause , your example the "I " ( is subject ) and the bought ( is finite verb )past tense ,.and the " is cheap " is object . your example , bought and is have two verb in a clause ? Thanks
第二條問題,the computer which I bought is cheap 呢一句唔係有一個clause,二係有兩個clause,which I bought 可以當成一個clause;the computer is cheap可以當一個clause,所以呢度唔係一個clause兩個verb,如果你搞唔清楚咩係clause,你可以留意下我成人英語再起步課程網上版,個度有詳細教學,你可以喺我地description box搵預售表格。 clause呢個concept好緊要呀,一定要搞清楚。
‘’There is a box in which I have put a lot of letters.‘’="I have put a lot of letters inside the box". The point of difference between both sentences is what we emphasize. We stress the "the box" in the former sentence whereas we simply write a statement to describe my action in the latter one.
(2)不能省略的which。老师你说什么情况不能省略which,还有一种情况是不能省略,就是我们大陆这边叫非限制性定语从句。例如the computer, which i bought, is cheap.这里加了逗号的which不能省略,而且不能用that代替;(3)可省略的that, which或者who. 还是你上课的例句,the girl who invited me is nice.这个who可以省略,但是要把invited改成inviting,即the girl inviting me is nice.还有很多很多例子就不提了😂😂当然,很少人会这么表达,加who会比较多
Hi Finnie, Just wanna ask a question. You said a clause should contain a subject and noun. Yet, the example "A girl who invited me to the party is nice" does not have any subject in the relative clause. Grammar-wise, why will this work? Is the girl was omitted before the "invited me"? Still little confused sry~~~thx so much!!!!!!!!
Hey cts3218 “who invited me” contains a subject because “who” is a relative pronoun. As a noun, it could act as a subject! :) so in this case, “who invited me” is still a clause, which means the sentence “the girl who invited me to the party is nice” contains a clause Within a clause. Two clauses in one sentence! Hope I’ve made it quite clear with this explanation! Cheers!
00:15 Relative Clause是甚麼?
01:54 Relative Clause的本質是甚麼?
02:20 運用Relative Clause
02:47 為甚麼需要Relative Clause?
04:54 甚麼時候用Who vs. Whom?
05:39 咁Whose又點用呢?
06:13 How可以組成Relative Clause?
07:50 究竟甚麼時候可以省略Wh-word?
09:14 哪一種Wh-word可以省略?哪一種不可以被省略?
09:56 Who, Whom怎樣分辨?
It is a very boring lesson about relative clause but Tiffany explained all the concepts clearly and patiently.
Fennie is an English teacher?
謝謝您, 講解得很清楚❤
I came to the US when I was a teenager and have been living for almost 20 years. I didn’t know any English and was struggling for the first couple of year but I was also in an environment that forced me to learn. I was very lucky that I somehow picked up the language and I speak generally proper English with proper grammar now but I still like to watch videos in my native language regularly to strength it whenever possible. I did come to realize that the learning part is always sooooooo hard. I didn’t learn English the way you teach so I must say you kind of lost me within the first 3 minutes of the video. Kudos to those who are dedicated and pay a great deal of attention to learn from you! I remember when I was in Asia, all I was taught in school was “yes, I do”, “no, he doesn’t” and “yes, we are”. No one explained what a noun, adjective, adverb or verb was.
Thanks for teaching
It's so helpful for evey English learner I think. Thank you for your hard work. 😊
Thanks a lot! The applications & functions are briskly and clearly delivered. Examples and counter-examples are used to illustrate the precision in choice of relative pronouns. Comprehensive and lively presentation! Well done!
thanks so much 多啲出grammar教學呀!!!
Thanks Tiffany!! I like the way you explain about the relative clause which I was not sure how to use before.
教得好好 謝謝
好實用,簡單易明 !
教得好清楚thank you!
It is clear and concise!! And cover everything. Great work!
You're a very brilliant teacher.
老师,我觉得你可以再补充些知识给粉丝们:(1)关于where和which。where可以用in which, at which或者on which来代替!还是你上课的例子the park where i had a picnic is nice,其实可以改成the park in which i had a picnic is nice或者the park which i had a picnic in is nice.所以用which和where除了你说的那样去判断以外,我觉得还可以看后面修饰的成分是不是一个完整的句子。例如the park which i had a picnic in is nice,这个which的后面带出的修饰成分就不是一个完整的句子,因为in后面差了一个地点名词所以用which。如果我把in去掉,那么就不能用which了,只能用where或者in which,因为where后面是一个完整的句子
好可惜咁遲先留意到你channel 即刻subscribe 左你 你教得好清楚易明!💕
見到可/不可取代that 同可/不可omission 度見到其實有些relative pronounce重複左,咁我可不可以理解為指人/事的,e.g. who, which 日常生活中較為常見而且比較tangible, 因此能夠省略,但when, where, why, how 則是比較抽象的則不能省卻?
Good job 👏
受教了 謝謝老師
好需要,感謝!!! thanks i sub to u
Computer is cheap or was cheap ? The park where I had a picnic is beautiful. is beautiful or was beautiful? Thanks!
Love thisss!!!! Thank you so much Finnie!!!
呢样野就系除左tense之外学英文最难点之一既地方 点样可以好好地咁避免用中文既思维去翻译去讲出英文既思维
想請教Tiffany一下:關於 of which, in which, at which, to which.. 呢類係咪同relative clause使用同一個理解同運用方法?盼請回覆 謝謝啊!
想請教一下:”I saw Mr. Smith was talking to John, who/whom is my friend” - 句子想形容 John 是我的朋友,謝謝。
問一下可以怎樣分defining 和non defining 有甚麽方法嗎
想問問老師 to vs for 的分别. It is too far “for” me and. Nothing is too far “to” me. May I know which sentence is correct?
"Any one of us", 剛開始時都係諗起呢首歌😂
I have downloaded an app to check my grammar which always tells me wrong when I use relative clause.
Thank you so much! 😁😁😁😁
(I hope my grammar is correct haha)
Which app is it?
與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts Grammarly! (but it's my problem, not them. I have learnt a lot after I watched your video.)
Hello Finnies teacher
I have a question ?
Your example " The computer which I bought is cheap ."
Can I say , I bought the computer which is cheap .
The relative clause" which " modify the object " the computer .
This is my first question ?
And second question is clause , your example the "I " ( is subject ) and the bought ( is finite verb )past tense ,.and the " is cheap " is object .
your example , bought and is have two verb in a clause ?
Tang Kin Wah 第一個問題,可以,不過意思就會變成「我買了便宜的電腦」;而不是「我買了那部電腦很便宜」
第二條問題,the computer which I bought is cheap 呢一句唔係有一個clause,二係有兩個clause,which I bought 可以當成一個clause;the computer is cheap可以當一個clause,所以呢度唔係一個clause兩個verb,如果你搞唔清楚咩係clause,你可以留意下我成人英語再起步課程網上版,個度有詳細教學,你可以喺我地description box搵預售表格。
can i take an ask clause need two idea?
What does your question mean?
與芬尼學英語 two idea in one sentence?
與芬尼學英語 two idea in one sentence?
招政希 of course you can put two ideas in one sentence!
It’s very useful
我想問什麼時候relative clause 要加逗號,係咪必要的?我分不清到底幾時加幾時唔駛加。謝謝
請問為什麼有時需要在relative clause前後加comma,有時又不需要?
咁請問in which 又係點樣應用?
‘’There is a box in which I have put a lot of letters.‘’="I have put a lot of letters inside the box". The point of difference between both sentences is what we emphasize. We stress the "the box" in the former sentence whereas we simply write a statement to describe my action in the latter one.
Hi, could i have the exercise? =)
(2)不能省略的which。老师你说什么情况不能省略which,还有一种情况是不能省略,就是我们大陆这边叫非限制性定语从句。例如the computer, which i bought, is cheap.这里加了逗号的which不能省略,而且不能用that代替;(3)可省略的that, which或者who. 还是你上课的例句,the girl who invited me is nice.这个who可以省略,但是要把invited改成inviting,即the girl inviting me is nice.还有很多很多例子就不提了😂😂当然,很少人会这么表达,加who会比较多
這個video沒有處理非限定(non-defining) 的relative clause噢,因為太多東西大家很難吸收,也會令video很長但你說得很對,感謝你的補充。
與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts 乜野打击啊?😂😂我觉得香港学生英文水平会比大陆好好多,应该会听得明🤣
與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts 老师你见我两条咁长咖comments就知我系想有机会被你贴堂🤣
Johnny Lai 我想講大家* 打錯字了 感謝你提醒喔!
與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts 甘有无机会贴堂先😹😹
Hi Finnie,
Just wanna ask a question.
You said a clause should contain a subject and noun. Yet, the example "A girl who invited me to the party is nice" does not have any subject in the relative clause.
Grammar-wise, why will this work? Is the girl was omitted before the "invited me"?
Still little confused sry~~~thx so much!!!!!!!!
Hey cts3218 “who invited me” contains a subject because “who” is a relative pronoun. As a noun, it could act as a subject! :) so in this case, “who invited me” is still a clause, which means the sentence “the girl who invited me to the party is nice” contains a clause Within a clause. Two clauses in one sentence! Hope I’ve made it quite clear with this explanation! Cheers!
你好 芬尼
只是想比小小意見 無惡意的
一開始你話想一個 video 教識晒大家 咩叫relative clauses 但應該要兩個 video 先得啦
因為這個video 主要都係講 defining relatives clauses 而只有 6:00 這句才是 non-defining relative clauses
另外 想在以下三個情況提供多少少資料
第一 5 : 22 which, who, whom 除了你提供的原因外 還要句子是 defining relative clauses 才可以用 that 取代他們 相反 如果句子是 non-defining relative clauses 他們就不能被 that 取代
第二 8:22 'The computer which i bought is cheap.' 'which' 是 relative pronoun 代表 the computer 因此 which 在這句就是object pronoun, 同時 這句是 defining relative clauses 所以要在這兩個情況下 which 才可以被省略
第三 8:42 'The girl who invited me is nice.' 'who' 是 relative pronoun 代表 the girl 因此 who 在這句就是 subject pronoun 所以 who 不可以被省略
此外 如果句子是 non-defining relative clauses, relative pronoun 就不能被省略了
題外話 想講名人英語系列 幾好睇 特別係林嘉欣 佢講英文太好聽了 另外 香香公主全程帶著笑容接受訪問 然而袁偉豪頭上卻帶著很多個問號無奈地坐著發呆 兩人相映成趣
加油 🖐
絕對明白你嘅意思,不過坦白講,大部分需要識嘅都教曬啦 ~
of which等等唔係咁多人需要的;逗號冇逗號係講嘢亦唔太需要知道。
明白當中有好多商業上既考慮 特別係香港市場太細 競爭對手又唔少 要突圍都唔咁容易 而家生意算唔算開始上軌道 ?
而家你重有冇開live ?
我已sign up下載資源,但收唔到Relative Clause Exercise。
你ig dm我們😊
Which 好似萬能key?
八兩金 唔係呀!你要study清楚~~~
與芬尼學英語 Finnie's Language Arts ok,thx😂
我鐘意用The process of how......is unclear.
I downloaded another file from you in others videos so I can't download now in here 🙈😂😭😭
update 咗條 link,你再試下~ - 助手E
哇, 講得好亂呀!不過我都學到一D嘢。 who, which, that 後面跟 object 則可以省略。
relative clause本身就好亂(~_~;)
English咁麻烦。又which 又 that. 中文就最好了。 简单直接明瞭
Bo Huang 各有各難學的地方
whom whom whom :) not sub. for u , u bad bad