It's crazy to watch this documentary while lying in a super comfortable bed with air conditioning, with a phone that does a thousand things, with a refrigerator full of food and fresh meat... it's, at the very least, very moving.
Oh , my , you must be a kid from those gays, the Anu people from Nibiru, the anunaki. We are still monkeys here, but I found this phone in the forest. we're a plain just crushed.
Thanks to every single one of our ancestors. Without you we would not exist. Without your pain, suffering, courage we would have never known this creation. Thankyou from bottom of my heart.
كيف تفكر هكذا نحن ليس أجدادنا حيوان القرد نحنو ديننا الله الذي أرسل اكثر من نبي الأجل أن نعرف الحقيقه والذي لا يعرف الحقيقيه سوف يحاسب على كل شي لان لم يبحث عن الحقيقه وصدق المصادر وانا مستعد أن اناقشك بهذا التفكير...هل انت قادر ان تثبت لي انك كنت قرد ?
@@AtomicDog-v2d what are these untruths? obviously it's not entirely historically and biologically accurate, but the general storyline of the documentary is an intelligent species made discoveries which made them even more intelligent, which led them to make even more discoveries, and so on. It's an amazing documentary which slightly dramatises the evolution of humanity to help the viewer understand it. I don't see the issue
@jaguarpaw4632 most of our ancestors advanced, but after this last election I see that many of our maga ancestors remained apes, controlled by a great fat orangutan and his group of chimps.
@AluminumLampost this was originally on “Curiosity Stream.” My guess is Curiosity Stream either released their rights to it, or this video might be taken down when they find out it’s on UA-cam. I originally watched this on Curiosity Stream like seven years ago, and it made such an impact on me that I think about it almost every month. I decided to find it on the Internet and watch it again today. Thankfully it’s on here, for now!
Это не документальный фильм . И не гипотеза . Это пропаганда политика которая ввести человечества в заблуждение. Теорию ( гипотезу ) Дарвина давным давно уже опровергли учёные .
There is a lot of evidence, but man does not want to see the truth. Do you believe that everything in the heavens and earth came by chance? Is this mastery in the universe and precise craftsmanship all a coincidence? The creation of a male and a female, and the creation of animals from a male and a female, is that a coincidence? And your body, this strange, strange mastery, all of this came by chance?? Unfortunately, Darwin's myth affected poor people in the West and Europe, but did not deceive Muslims, so my advice to you is to watch the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and contemplate the creation of God Almighty and the accuracy in creation, and ask yourself: Is all of this a coincidence?? (That is Allah, your one Lord)
Ewolucyjni "naukowcy" są doskonali! Oni nawet z jednego zęba dzikiej świni potrafili zrekonstruować wielu ogniw pośrednich człowieka. A ile super ogniw zrobili, gdy umiejętnie pomieszali szczątki małpy i człowieka!
I am speechless to see such a phenomenal documentary that brought every history book I've read into a meaningful form. Thank you all! This is the most fascinating documentary I have ever seen in my entire life.
9:41 I love this part in particular, we’ve all had that feeling of falling and grasping while laying in a flat bed. Scientists believe this is where it came from. Fantastic small detail linking us to the creatures in this scene.
a few years ago, I was desperately trying to access this documentary, because it was only available in curiosity stream, but it was not in my country, Awesome that they finally published it on youtube.
There is a lot of evidence, but man does not want to see the truth. Do you believe that everything in the heavens and earth came by chance? Is this mastery in the universe and precise craftsmanship all a coincidence? The creation of a male and a female, and the creation of animals from a male and a female, is that a coincidence? And your body, this strange, strange mastery, all of this came by chance?? Unfortunately, Darwin's myth affected poor people in the West and Europe, but did not deceive Muslims, so my advice to you is to watch the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and contemplate the creation of God Almighty and the accuracy in creation, and ask yourself: Is all of this a coincidence?? (That is Allah, your one Lord)
I nie wiem jak sobie nasi (PRAWDZIWI!!!) przodkowie radzili bez głodu, chorób, podatków, pozwoleń, zanieczyszczeń, itd. itp. I pewnie dlatego dawniejsze czasy są nazywane Rajem, a obecne piekłem - Choć w propagandzie jest oczywiście odwrotnie.
Man the number of religious people offended by this in the comment section is funny. And the thing is you can still believe in God and evolution. The only issue can be with the religious interpretation.
Мы не верим в эволюцию по одной причине,она глупа и абсолютно бессмысленна,Дарвин так и не нашел связующее звено между обезьяной и человеком,ее нет и не было,животные отдельные творения,человек отдельное,и никогда животное не сможет стать разумным,ни через миллион ни через миллиард лет,в них нет разума,и духа от Бога. Эволюция абсолютная ложь и бред,хотя в ней есть много полезного и интересного в общем. Виды мутируют но не так радикально, До сих пор эволюция не может найти объяснения кембрийскому взрыву, Когда неожиданно появились сложнейшие виды. Мы особые существа,сотворенные Богом как и демоны и ангелы,и обезьяна тут не причем. Мы имеем выбор,мы должны жить духовно,а материалисты загоняют нас в темную пещеру атеизма и материи,лишая смысла жизни,по их словам смысл лишь есть,испражняться и умереть , Нет,нет и нет.
@@Тимур-с9ш1цwhy it is stupid? There is tons of evidence for it. Yes macroevolution can happen and it was even observed. I am not sure about Cambrian explosion, I didn't really research that but I am sure there is some kind of explanation. I've heard that organims that preclude it couldn't be fossilized that easy but even if there isn't an explanation that doesn't mean thate evolution is false. And like I said evolution is not opposed to God.
@@bilal535 look Mr. if you have a little logic in you just answer why hasn't another so called Apes or monkeys changed into humans? or why do we still have those animals?
@@bilal535If you give me an answer, I will become an atheist. Why did animals remain and did not evolve? Only humans evolved and became intelligent. Why have we not evolved more in 2024 years? Why are humans different in all parts of the world? Forms and times. Why do monkeys not evolve?😂
I looked up "are there any movies about primative humans" - and was given absolute shyte results. I come to youtube and find this masterpiece, and it couldnt be more of EXACTLY what i wanted to watch and learn about. This was so eloquently done... thank you.
@@jvdheyde Thanks for the recommendation! I definitely saw this on the list when I was googling for a movie. However, being born in 1988, I find it difficult to watch pretty much any movie dated prior to 1990.
It is just a movie, and this movie is false, because a human being was created from the clay of God who created us. The film will not talk about the creation of the first human being, saying, “We were apes,” so how come the apes we see today do not turn into humans? Answer me. And the first human being was created by God from clay and was in the sky, and the female was created from the rib of Adam, peace be upon him, in order to keep Adam company. When God warned them not to approach the tree, Satan tempted them and they ate from it, and God Almighty became angry with them. However, Adam asked for God’s forgiveness, and God accepted his repentance, even if God sent them down to Adam and his wife Eve. Earth, and their descendants have increased, and God promised us that we would all die in this world, and the Hour will come, which is the promised day, and God has informed us of minor signs. Major signs will occur, and a few of them have actually occurred, and you will see, and after that, God will revive us once again and He will see our deeds. The righteous will be in Paradise and the unbelievers will be in Hell, each according to his deeds. God knows best, and we have more evidence and stories and traces that indicate that if you want to read the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet (Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace). And you will see wonders, and I advise you, brother or sister, because one day you will remember my words. Read and you will not regret it. May God guide you and guide us to the straight path. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.
Fun fact : Our great grand ancestors didn’t have moustache despite having hair all over their body. It implies moustache evolved itself with evolution . Now I understand why it is a symbol of pride 😂😂
Глупый ты не было никакой эволюции, миллионы лет назад люди были подобны богам, а сейчас деградируют, люди владели телепатией, умели читать мысли других, обладали величайшей энергией, что могли многотонные блоки поднимать на высоту, и многое другое, так что делай выводы.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22 WE CAME FROM GOD NOT SOME RANDOM MUD POND that pop out some random cell evolving into to everything and monkeys. FCKING BULLSHIET !!!! DNA IS INFORMATION that information came from GOD !!! Evolution theory cannot explain DNA !!!! Darwin didn t even fcking know about DNA.
Thank you for this beautiful documentary. I have always been searching for details about the history of human beings. I can’t believe I watched a cinematic documentary with such a great story for free. I really enjoyed it.
@@alirezaebrahimi9183 yea this realized through a platform years ago but the took it down of off yt. I think I saw this in 2021 and wanted to show my peers but couldn't recover it. people should watch this to open their minds for sure!!
Remarkable documentary. It reminds us how we came to this modern world. Though millions years later our descendents will research how we had lived in this world 🌍❤️
@@MrArnab92 Cómo es posible que creas esto nosotros no venimos del mono nunca hemos evolucionado siempre hemos sido humanos hombre y mujer.. Este documental es la opinión del que lo está narrando del que lo está haciendo O también se deja llevar por la creencia de la ciencia.
@@rubiocasanova2283 MrArnab92 believes this because - like so many other rational people - he accepts the scientific evidence for it (which is overwhelming) and rejects the nonsensical God-beliefs which were invented by proto-humans and which you still dully and rather hubristically cling on to.
@@Iloveyourmom8888 everything is still evolving. Species go extinct, new species are still being created. Macro-evolution takes a significant amount of time, and it is not uncommon for species to take tens of thousands of years between major anatomical changes. And some species have hardly changed from their ancestors millions of years ago, but they still evolved to their current forms at some point
@@vanwan7610 But I think that this world was created by a creator, not God. The creator, for example, how did the animals in the world come into being?.
@@Iloveyourmom8888 Seems like you’re interested in the origin of life? Scientists theorize that lightning struck a pool containing the correct combination of molecules that formed amino acids and nucleotides which created simple life which over time evolved to be more and more complex. There’s an experiment from the mid-late 1900’s that proved electricity could at least form amino acids under the right conditions, and if it happens enough times (millions/billions of years to keep trying day after day) then eventually simple life could form and replicate. This is the most common/accepted theory, but we’ll probably never know the true origin of life unless we figure out how to time travel
@jean-marccaster1917 oui et bien ce documentaire non image les découvertes scientifiques , le fruit des recherche sur le passé et le début de l humanité ? Je n ai pas bien saisi le sens de ton commentaire
@@mitman1607 Il n'y a jamais eu d'évolution. Il y a eu création par des scientifiques venus d'une autre planète. Et ils nous le disent et nous l'expliquent. Faut juste s'informer.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22 WE CAME FROM GOD NOT SOME RANDOM MUD POND that pop out some random cell evolving into to everything and monkeys. FCKING BULLSHIET !!!! DNA IS INFORMATION that information came from GOD !!! Evolution theory cannot explain DNA !!!! Darwin didn t even fcking know about DNA.
Si freedom est ta religion alors enlève ta photo de profil. l'UE est une dictature qui te prive de liberté petit à petit ouvre les yeux le réveil va être terrible
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22 WE CAME FROM GOD NOT SOME RANDOM MUD POND that pop out some random cell evolving into to everything and monkeys. FCKING BULLSHIET !!!! DNA IS INFORMATION that information came from GOD !!! Evolution theory cannot explain DNA !!!! Darwin didn t even fcking know about DNA.
beautiful....It's beautiful to see how far we have come ...our journey of millions of years...our story made me feel that I am not just a person ,behind me lies the history of mankind...
@@ovidiudanutmanciu9331I will not say it's 100% true , but this is based on the research of several years with advanced technologies like carbon dating to tell the exact age , and has some solid archeological proofs , denying that is same as saying that “space isn't real” or “moon landings were fake”
@@nishant1409 Do you even believe in truth? Does truth exist? Because if you think it does, that would make for a great foundation for a worthwhile and fruitful discussion.
44:15 I'm a 22 year old South African native with keen interest in evolution and genetics in general. Kudos to the gene-accurate depiction of the Austrolopithecus Sediba's facial features. Our oldest ancestors in South Africa are the Khoe-Xam, often bastardized as "Khoi Khoi" or "Khoi San"(I absolutely loathe this mistake) and they look very similar to this CGI. Of course we are a mixture of both the Khwe-Xam and the Bantu who migrated South from East Africa. However we still have those with predominantly if not completely Khwe-Xam genes and if you saw them in real life you'd be impressed by the striking resemblance. The skin tone too. A majority of South African natives are darkskin of course but we have the highest percentage of lightskin Africans due to our early ancestors the Khwe-Xam who were more light brown. We get the dark skin from the Bantu. Also, "Sediba" means "the well" in my language, Sesotho, and also Sepedi (not sure about Setswana) since all 3 are sisters languages the way Italian is to Spanish. I'll forgive the pronounciation. Every syllable is pronounced with no omission on the vowel. While the narrator pronounces it as "sed'ba" without stressing the "i," he should. Its "sē - dí - bah" or "se - dee - bah" Wonderful documentary and wonderful CGI.
Beautifully done. The only thing is that this documentary still presumes the superiority of humans and our ancestors. Love, empathy and companionship is seen in so many species of animal. It's not exclusive to humans or our ancestors.
Très belle production. Toutefois, je m'interroge sur les sources qui permettent d'être aussi affirmatif sur les comportements sociaux, culturels et affectifs de si lointains ancêtres... Il y a, je suppose, une grande part d'interprétation. Disons de la taille d'un fémur de Toumaï...
Pour ça, il suffit de regarder les comportements communs aux autres primates et, en sachant depuis combien d’années l’espèce existe, on peut déterminer ou du moins supposer (parce que la science ce n’est que des théories qu’on cherche à valider ou infirmer) que les comportements adoptés datent d’un ancêtre commun => eux
Ya eu des savant a chaque époque de l'humanité je pense tout simplement qu'un singe savant à compris de part sa propre expérience qu'ont pouvais aller plus loin et à pris de son expérience pour la transmettre à d'autres et ainsi de suite comme le simple fait de passer des arbres à la terre
All I'm thinking about is how it is the 21st century and there are still selfish frightened children like you running around, who are so *incredibly insecure* and *shallow* that they can for all that is screwed down not handle a natural fact... Because you are so intensely self centered that every time you have to type humility, you have to look it up. THAT is what I am thinking about.
Superbe film et belle façon de raconter l'histoire de l'humanité. J'ai juste eu très peur de voir apparaître au détour d'une scène, une paire de fesse ou de tétons, dieu merci, vous avez pensé à protéger ma pudeur en pensant à flouter vos personnages, y compris les poilus du début... merci encore! alain 77 ans
نظرية التطور لا تقول إن البشر "جاءوا" من القردة الموجودة حاليًا، بل إن البشر والقردة الحالية (كالشمبانزي والغوريلا) تطوروا من سلف مشترك عاش قبل ملايين السنين. هذا السلف المشترك لم يعد موجودًا، لكنه انقسم إلى فروع تطورية، بعضها أدى إلى البشر، وبعضها إلى القردة الحالية.
When you see how many millions of years these people suffered to preserve their lineage and safety until humanity reached this stage, you realize the extent of their suffering... The stage is very, very long compared to the age of our civilization now !?
@@алексневский-е6уthere is evidence to back this stuff up evidence you could research yourself if you wanted to. It's religious doctrine that is complete fiction
@halocraze9839 What are you going on about? There is a ton of supposition here. There are many things portrayed here as factual that have zero evidence. This film is more of a person's imagining of how the first humans lived rather than based on evidence and provable science.
@@かりんとう-m2g8y Kardeşim İslam dinine mensup olan bir birey buna inanabilirmi yada sana şöyle söyleyeyim hak dine inanan bir insan atasının bir haşa maymun olduğunu düşünebilirmi yani Hz.Adem'in. bu dünyanın bir düzeni var ve bu düzene göre hareket ediyor sen bunu anlamayıp sadece bir dünyalık olarak yani sadece evrime inanan bir insan olarak bakarsan mantıksız bir şekilde aykırılığa düşmüş olursun.
Que foda mano, voltaram no tempo só pra gravar essa parada ae e depois vinheram pro futuro pra mostrar pra nós. Camera man é simplesmente o melhor Super herói da história.
Le singe est un animal comme les autres et l'être humain n'est pas le fruit d'une progressivité animale. Que la science revoit encore ses analyses et découvertes.
It’s amazing how the cameraman was born back then and he left us all this amazing material
Like those who visit dangerous planets across the univers.They do an amazing job 😮
Everybodie noes Adam and Eve was the #1 people on erth.
A bíblia , é do mesmo modo e vcs acredita ué
@@rbra9611No, Thats just not true.
Amazing work. Thank you for sharing this incredible documentary. Respect from the Republic of Turkiye. 👍🏻🙂
@@General_isenbuga sen buna bir de paramı gönderdin maymundan geldiğimizi gercekten inanıyormusunuz ya
@@General_isenbuga Vay bee
@@General_isenbuga yoksa sende mi maymundan geliyosun
It's crazy to watch this documentary while lying in a super comfortable bed with air conditioning, with a phone that does a thousand things, with a refrigerator full of food and fresh meat... it's, at the very least, very moving.
Speaking a rich kid💀
Oh , my , you must be a kid from those gays, the Anu people from Nibiru, the anunaki. We are still monkeys here, but I found this phone in the forest. we're a plain just crushed.
It's crazy to watch this documentary while high on mushrooms too. 😂
@@STICKY_tt6 send me some 😆
@@pvasilavalentin hahaha
اسف لكنهم ليسو اسلافي
الحمدلله الله كرمنا بي العقل😢اول إنساء هو ابونا أدم ابو البشر ونحن من ذرية نوح عليه السلام ❤
Lah bawa-bawa agama🙁
@@AbdrahmaneElKhdofie-lf2iz ما دليلك يا عالم الكون
حمدلله انسان عاقل وعربي❤❤
هذا فلم يسيئ للدين كيف اصلنا قردة وهم الأولين
ادم وحواء هم اصلنا ونسبنا واول خلق الله
Nope ) this is religious fairytales
Thanks to every single one of our ancestors. Without you we would not exist. Without your pain, suffering, courage we would have never known this creation. Thankyou from bottom of my heart.
@@happycamperinc. i Hope you mean Adam and Eve and not some stupid monkey 😂😂😂
hear hear!
my grandma threw a rock at its head
كيف تفكر هكذا نحن ليس أجدادنا حيوان القرد نحنو ديننا الله الذي أرسل اكثر من نبي الأجل أن نعرف الحقيقه والذي لا يعرف الحقيقيه سوف يحاسب على كل شي لان لم يبحث عن الحقيقه وصدق المصادر وانا مستعد أن اناقشك بهذا التفكير...هل انت قادر ان تثبت لي انك كنت قرد ?
@@happycamperinc. Thank God, not the ancestors. Without God you would never exist
Can't believe i watched this for free.. hats off to the makers..
I agree. One should be paid to watch this drivel. I got two minutes in with at least 2 untruths..
@@AtomicDog-v2d what are these untruths? obviously it's not entirely historically and biologically accurate, but the general storyline of the documentary is an intelligent species made discoveries which made them even more intelligent, which led them to make even more discoveries, and so on. It's an amazing documentary which slightly dramatises the evolution of humanity to help the viewer understand it. I don't see the issue
@@Jimbobz evolution denialists who are too dumb
@@miroslavstankovic981 ignorance
I would much rather watch this than a celebrity. Excellent! Thank you so much.
@jaguarpaw4632 most of our ancestors advanced, but after this last election I see that many of our maga ancestors remained apes, controlled by a great fat orangutan and his group of chimps.
because you have not yet bear witness to my acting skills
@rudestbeast4907 is this Diddy?
Ellen Degenerate
@@rudestbeast4907 nice try dd
Very informative video and salute to all the characters, cameraman and the speaker 😊😊😊😊
Love from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
''The first man is the one that can tell his story'' - That's a profound and powerful quote
For real! We're living the sequel to this movie now!
Poignant. Peace be with you fellow human.
@@splinewalker214 No, not Adam and Eve. I believe it was “Monkey and Monkey”.
@@splinewalker214 🤣🤣🤣
One of the greatest documentaries I've seen on UA-cam. Amazing job, thank you for posting this for free.
Do you believe that humans originally descended from apes?
@AluminumLampost this was originally on “Curiosity Stream.” My guess is Curiosity Stream either released their rights to it, or this video might be taken down when they find out it’s on UA-cam.
I originally watched this on Curiosity Stream like seven years ago, and it made such an impact on me that I think about it almost every month. I decided to find it on the Internet and watch it again today. Thankfully it’s on here, for now!
Это не документальный фильм . И не гипотеза . Это пропаганда политика которая ввести человечества в заблуждение. Теорию ( гипотезу ) Дарвина давным давно уже опровергли учёные .
What are you talking about, man?
The Almighty God is the creator of all beings.
I experienced every emotion in 92 minutes. This was so well made.
It's incredible to think the cameraman managed to capture all this footage back in the day-what a legend! 😄
How priveliged I am to have been able to watch this. How beautiful.
Deseo conversar contigo sobre estos documentales de dónde eres?
We live in the future 😊
@@jane4670 better than fairy tale religious stories
@@exgamer5073 facts bro.
Absolute greatness. This documentation is incredible, I can't believe this is free!
There is a lot of evidence, but man does not want to see the truth. Do you believe that everything in the heavens and earth came by chance? Is this mastery in the universe and precise craftsmanship all a coincidence? The creation of a male and a female, and the creation of animals from a male and a female, is that a coincidence? And your body, this strange, strange mastery, all of this came by chance?? Unfortunately, Darwin's myth affected poor people in the West and Europe, but did not deceive Muslims, so my advice to you is to watch the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and contemplate the creation of God Almighty and the accuracy in creation, and ask yourself: Is all of this a coincidence?? (That is Allah, your one Lord)
Du kannst bezahlen. Später gebe ich dir meine Kontonummer.
@@dimatteo806 😂😂😂😂hahahahaha😂
Porque tú también eres gratis!!cabeza cuadrada 😂😂
@@Samir-d3qYour words are free
Hats off to the cameraman for going back in time to bring us this amazing footage 👏
This is all just make believe.
Ewolucyjni "naukowcy" są doskonali! Oni nawet z jednego zęba dzikiej świni potrafili zrekonstruować wielu ogniw pośrednich człowieka. A ile super ogniw zrobili, gdy umiejętnie pomieszali szczątki małpy i człowieka!
@michaelharrington75 is it 🤨
@@d-repaslp. Absolutely. Nobody knows how man became man. We didn't evolve from apes, or there wouldn't be apes.
@@michaelharrington75 how do you know?
I am speechless to see such a phenomenal documentary that brought every history book I've read into a meaningful form. Thank you all! This is the most fascinating documentary I have ever seen in my entire life.
Female apes hunting ? N smarter than the males lol 😂
É muito lamentável a pessoa pensar que veio do macaco desse jeito
O ser humano já foi feito pronto, a imagem e semelhança de Deus
@@lucasxavier2501😂😂😂happy people
@@bromarmeladka Você acredita que um macaco virou um ser humano, e ainda está sorrindo de mim?
9:41 I love this part in particular, we’ve all had that feeling of falling and grasping while laying in a flat bed. Scientists believe this is where it came from. Fantastic small detail linking us to the creatures in this scene.
ikr its crazy how its passed down
I paused the video because my friend spoke to me in Discord and while reading the comments you spoiled the video by 10 secondsXD
man thats actually awesome how we are able to adapt and learn from experiences, truly insane stuff
All mammals do this.
@@CherokeeBird we are the only ones who managed to control the world
a few years ago, I was desperately trying to access this documentary, because it was only available in curiosity stream, but it was not in my country, Awesome that they finally published it on youtube.
Hey, what is your country?
was thinking the same here
Same. I had it saved as a must watch for many years now. Awesome it was just in my feed.
twas actually avail in youtube first then moved to curiosity stream, dont know y they moved it back
There is a lot of evidence, but man does not want to see the truth. Do you believe that everything in the heavens and earth came by chance? Is this mastery in the universe and precise craftsmanship all a coincidence? The creation of a male and a female, and the creation of animals from a male and a female, is that a coincidence? And your body, this strange, strange mastery, all of this came by chance?? Unfortunately, Darwin's myth affected poor people in the West and Europe, but did not deceive Muslims, so my advice to you is to watch the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and contemplate the creation of God Almighty and the accuracy in creation, and ask yourself: Is all of this a coincidence?? (That is Allah, your one Lord)
This is probably the best thing I've ever watched.❤
I usually get bored with long documentaries but this one was amazing! ❤ So beautiful to see the evolution of humanity ❤
thanks, i put a lot of effort into making this vid
@@DesireesReactiverse هذا كذب
اول انسان هو ادم
@@حسنحسن-ه5ج kaynagın varmı emin ol evrimin birçok şekilde var sen kokuşmuş dininle kendini oyala kimseye karışma
@@حسنحسن-ه5جتقصد رجل الطين
Our ancestors had to go through so much suffering for us to be able to live with less challenges. I hope their souls are resting in peace
If this story is the truth, what souls are we talking about?
@@ovidiudanutmanciu9331 i am not sure if there is a world beyond us but i just wanted to wish good for my ancestors.. Thats it
I nie wiem jak sobie nasi (PRAWDZIWI!!!) przodkowie radzili bez głodu, chorób, podatków, pozwoleń, zanieczyszczeń, itd. itp.
I pewnie dlatego dawniejsze czasy są nazywane Rajem, a obecne piekłem - Choć w propagandzie jest oczywiście odwrotnie.
@sunnychakraborty9587 I think they're your ancestors 😅😅😂😂
Man the number of religious people offended by this in the comment section is funny. And the thing is you can still believe in God and evolution. The only issue can be with the religious interpretation.
Мы не верим в эволюцию по одной причине,она глупа и абсолютно бессмысленна,Дарвин так и не нашел связующее звено между обезьяной и человеком,ее нет и не было,животные отдельные творения,человек отдельное,и никогда животное не сможет стать разумным,ни через миллион ни через миллиард лет,в них нет разума,и духа от Бога.
Эволюция абсолютная ложь и бред,хотя в ней есть много полезного и интересного в общем.
Виды мутируют но не так радикально,
До сих пор эволюция не может найти объяснения кембрийскому взрыву,
Когда неожиданно появились сложнейшие виды.
Мы особые существа,сотворенные Богом как и демоны и ангелы,и обезьяна тут не причем.
Мы имеем выбор,мы должны жить духовно,а материалисты загоняют нас в темную пещеру атеизма и материи,лишая смысла жизни,по их словам смысл лишь есть,испражняться и умереть ,
Нет,нет и нет.
@@Тимур-с9ш1цwhy it is stupid? There is tons of evidence for it. Yes macroevolution can happen and it was even observed.
I am not sure about Cambrian explosion, I didn't really research that but I am sure there is some kind of explanation. I've heard that organims that preclude it couldn't be fossilized that easy but even if there isn't an explanation that doesn't mean thate evolution is false. And like I said evolution is not opposed to God.
@@bilal535 look Mr. if you have a little logic in you just answer why hasn't another so called Apes or monkeys changed into humans?
or why do we still have those animals?
@@bilal535If you give me an answer, I will become an atheist. Why did animals remain and did not evolve? Only humans evolved and became intelligent. Why have we not evolved more in 2024 years? Why are humans different in all parts of the world? Forms and times. Why do monkeys not evolve?😂
@@bilal535 mutaciones ?
Que dice el código genético?
Merci a l'equipe qui a produit et realise ce documentaire! Vous etes les meilleurs!
I looked up "are there any movies about primative humans" - and was given absolute shyte results. I come to youtube and find this masterpiece, and it couldnt be more of EXACTLY what i wanted to watch and learn about. This was so eloquently done... thank you.
Movie: Quest for fire.
@@jvdheyde Thanks for the recommendation! I definitely saw this on the list when I was googling for a movie. However, being born in 1988, I find it difficult to watch pretty much any movie dated prior to 1990.
It is just a movie, and this movie is false, because a human being was created from the clay of God who created us. The film will not talk about the creation of the first human being, saying, “We were apes,” so how come the apes we see today do not turn into humans? Answer me. And the first human being was created by God from clay and was in the sky, and the female was created from the rib of Adam, peace be upon him, in order to keep Adam company. When God warned them not to approach the tree, Satan tempted them and they ate from it, and God Almighty became angry with them. However, Adam asked for God’s forgiveness, and God accepted his repentance, even if God sent them down to Adam and his wife Eve. Earth, and their descendants have increased, and God promised us that we would all die in this world, and the Hour will come, which is the promised day, and God has informed us of minor signs. Major signs will occur, and a few of them have actually occurred, and you will see, and after that, God will revive us once again and He will see our deeds. The righteous will be in Paradise and the unbelievers will be in Hell, each according to his deeds. God knows best, and we have more evidence and stories and traces that indicate that if you want to read the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet (Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace). And you will see wonders, and I advise you, brother or sister, because one day you will remember my words. Read and you will not regret it. May God guide you and guide us to the straight path. Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds.
@@jvdheyde La mejor película de la prehistoria humana 👍
ابو البشرية هو سيدناء ادم علية السلام
لاتصدقو لهؤلاء الملحدين
I loved this documentary. Thank you❤.
The cameraman was the only modern human back then alive. What a legend.
i am laughing so hard. this joke is Definitely not every gonna be WAYYY OVERUSED.
Yes, he went through a real lot. Had to run with all the gear more than once. I agree an absolute legend. I salute the camera man.. 🤗🤩
@@Nadia..J 😂😂
Obviously the cameraman came from the Adam and Eve family tree, my ancestors.
cameramen always survive
Wow one of the greatest documentaries in my view ❤❤❤❤
I can't believe that we're able to access this video, incredible.
This lie real story is Muslim 😅
Fun fact : Our great grand ancestors didn’t have moustache despite having hair all over their body. It implies moustache evolved itself with evolution . Now I understand why it is a symbol of pride 😂😂
porn wasn't invented until about 250 thousand years ago, and along with it, the modern moustache.
Beards look better without the mustache. Like the Muslim beard. More intimidating.
The first human being was the Prophet Adam Alaihi Salam.
Language and ability to understand each other is the foundation of our evolution.....❤❤love this documentary
Глупый ты не было никакой эволюции, миллионы лет назад люди были подобны богам, а сейчас деградируют, люди владели телепатией, умели читать мысли других, обладали величайшей энергией, что могли многотонные блоки поднимать на высоту, и многое другое, так что делай выводы.
I didn't come from monkeys, I came from God
Ist understand the theory, then say something, Jahil awam
@@ShadowArk606 the theory is that we came from the great apes not monkeys.
The cameraman that took footage of the first man must be over 300 million years old.😂
I am now thnking..Who was the one writing their stories.. and in which language..? 🤣🤣
i wonder what kind of viagra could save a human after 300 million years
Típico comentário de um corno.
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22
WE CAME FROM GOD NOT SOME RANDOM MUD POND that pop out some random cell evolving into to everything and monkeys. FCKING BULLSHIET !!!! DNA IS INFORMATION that information came from GOD !!! Evolution theory cannot explain DNA !!!! Darwin didn t even fcking know about DNA.
Just imazination for know history
Can’t believe I watched this to the end I so much loved it💕💕💕
Und was ist daran nicht zu glauben? Bist du etwa blind, und hast es aber trotzdem gesehen?
And ur saying that this is not ture? Ur the one whoisblinf dimatteo u dont know what is an opinion is
Appreciation for you and your team work ❤ from 🇮🇳
Amazing, powerful! Incredible short documentary about the human species. thank you!
This is science -fiction
@@JurandJS Do you mean as in there are actors/cgi involved in making this docu or do you mean evolution in its entirety?
@@Erwin0912 Evolution is an unproven theory, so that's what I mean.
@@JurandJS Evolution is an observable fact though, human species and animal species have changed dramatically throughout time
I guess you never been to a museum. If you consider this a part of your family tree , then you need mental help .
Thank you for this beautiful documentary. I have always been searching for details about the history of human beings. I can’t believe I watched a cinematic documentary with such a great story for free. I really enjoyed it.
This is why you have sex anytime you animals
تاريخ البشر هو نزول ابونا آدم من الجنة على الارض و بدأ نسل البشر ، اما هذا ف مجرد تخاريف ، بإمكانك ان تبحث عن قصة آدم انها رائعة
@@Malak-alfurat Adam and Eve never existed
@@KamilDML ahahahaha
@@Malak-alfurat religious nut bag rofl
Thank you for posting this. It is the best documentary I have watched.
🐐🐐🐐. Ive been looking for this for years.
really?! No way
@@alirezaebrahimi9183 yea this realized through a platform years ago but the took it down of off yt. I think I saw this in 2021 and wanted to show my peers but couldn't recover it. people should watch this to open their minds for sure!!
released*** through a platform......
This is a real masterpiece! Thanks for uploading it for everyone to watch!🙏
“Revolutionary impacted “ Guys It’s you “The Human” Hatsoff and good luck❤ Love from India❤
is grazy stupid, human is human and monkey is monkey 😂
Wonderful documentary! Congratulations very well done
Remarkable documentary. It reminds us how we came to this modern world. Though millions years later our descendents will research how we had lived in this world 🌍❤️
Cómo es posible que creas esto nosotros no venimos del mono nunca hemos evolucionado siempre hemos sido humanos hombre y mujer.. Este documental es la opinión del que lo está narrando del que lo está haciendo O también se deja llevar por la creencia de la ciencia.
@@rubiocasanova2283 MrArnab92 believes this because - like so many other rational people - he accepts the scientific evidence for it (which is overwhelming) and rejects the nonsensical God-beliefs which were invented by proto-humans and which you still dully and rather hubristically cling on to.
@@rubiocasanova2283True Adam and Eve 😂
@@MrArnab92 how YOU (Yes You) came into this world, NOT ME.
@@rubiocasanova2283 you are so correct. I believe your comment.
Someone in writing has a great sense of humor. I love the way the humor in so casual.
@@juliuspearson4923 Expect for Eurocentric biases such as institutionalized amatonormativity.
I am an atheist, but some things just don't make sense, like why everything has suddenly stopped evolving.
@@Iloveyourmom8888 everything is still evolving. Species go extinct, new species are still being created. Macro-evolution takes a significant amount of time, and it is not uncommon for species to take tens of thousands of years between major anatomical changes. And some species have hardly changed from their ancestors millions of years ago, but they still evolved to their current forms at some point
@@vanwan7610 But I think that this world was created by a creator, not God. The creator, for example, how did the animals in the world come into being?.
@@Iloveyourmom8888 Seems like you’re interested in the origin of life? Scientists theorize that lightning struck a pool containing the correct combination of molecules that formed amino acids and nucleotides which created simple life which over time evolved to be more and more complex. There’s an experiment from the mid-late 1900’s that proved electricity could at least form amino acids under the right conditions, and if it happens enough times (millions/billions of years to keep trying day after day) then eventually simple life could form and replicate.
This is the most common/accepted theory, but we’ll probably never know the true origin of life unless we figure out how to time travel
ça fait voir la vie sous un autre angle merci pour ce documentaire en plus comme ça disponible gratuitement sur youtube ces INCROYABLE
Mais tout est faux. La vie est le fruit d'une création scientifique.
@@jean-marccaster1917good line
@jean-marccaster1917 oui et bien ce documentaire non image les découvertes scientifiques , le fruit des recherche sur le passé et le début de l humanité ? Je n ai pas bien saisi le sens de ton commentaire
This is wrong
@@mitman1607 Il n'y a jamais eu d'évolution. Il y a eu création par des scientifiques venus d'une autre planète. Et ils nous le disent et nous l'expliquent.
Faut juste s'informer.
🎉fantastic doco ,should be shown in schools I can't get enough want to see more of this work
Absolutely fantastic documentary, bravo!
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22
WE CAME FROM GOD NOT SOME RANDOM MUD POND that pop out some random cell evolving into to everything and monkeys. FCKING BULLSHIET !!!! DNA IS INFORMATION that information came from GOD !!! Evolution theory cannot explain DNA !!!! Darwin didn t even fcking know about DNA.
Si freedom est ta religion alors enlève ta photo de profil. l'UE est une dictature qui te prive de liberté petit à petit ouvre les yeux le réveil va être terrible
Like a movie. What a presentation!!!! 🫡👏🏽
ليس أكثر من فيلم خيالي لا علاقة له بالتاريخ الموضوعي الحقيقي للبشر
@@elassileldjazairi5163and Adam and Eve sounds very scientific and realistic? 😂
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22
WE CAME FROM GOD NOT SOME RANDOM MUD POND that pop out some random cell evolving into to everything and monkeys. FCKING BULLSHIET !!!! DNA IS INFORMATION that information came from GOD !!! Evolution theory cannot explain DNA !!!! Darwin didn t even fcking know about DNA.
beautiful....It's beautiful to see how far we have come ...our journey of millions of years...our story made me feel that I am not just a person ,behind me lies the history of mankind...
Of course you realise that this movie is just 99% imagination and good Hollywood like movie science and storytelling.
@@ovidiudanutmanciu9331I will not say it's 100% true , but this is based on the research of several years with advanced technologies like carbon dating to tell the exact age , and has some solid archeological proofs , denying that is same as saying that “space isn't real” or “moon landings were fake”
@@ovidiudanutmanciu9331 like religion?
@@shushan_bd God(krsna) is everything
@@divyanshujoshi3612 wrong
Un des meilleurs documentaires que j'ai vu sur l'évolution de l'homme vraiment passionnant. J'en reprendrai d'autres avec grand plaisir. Merci à vous.
How is this free? Thanks to everyone involved in this amazing documentary.
Because it makes people believe in some of the dumbest fantasy stories ever invented.
@@konterrevolutionbeginnt1457 Why dumbest ? It's true
@@nishant1409 Do you even believe in truth? Does truth exist? Because if you think it does, that would make for a great foundation for a worthwhile and fruitful discussion.
@@konterrevolutionbeginnt1457 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
poor sad you
@@louseveryann2181 What makes you think that I'm sad and poor? And why specifically sad and poor?
Very maybe historically correct...
Very entertaining nonetheless...
Thank you for sharing. 🙏...
Not accurate at all--one of the earliest hominid was Australopithecus and he walked upright. This is just so silly!
@@kathybrem880well, thats true but i don’t think its 100% inaccurate.
@@kathybrem880at least it got rid of the outdated Out Of Africa theory.
I'm a 22 year old South African native with keen interest in evolution and genetics in general. Kudos to the gene-accurate depiction of the Austrolopithecus Sediba's facial features. Our oldest ancestors in South Africa are the Khoe-Xam, often bastardized as "Khoi Khoi" or "Khoi San"(I absolutely loathe this mistake) and they look very similar to this CGI.
Of course we are a mixture of both the Khwe-Xam and the Bantu who migrated South from East Africa. However we still have those with predominantly if not completely Khwe-Xam genes and if you saw them in real life you'd be impressed by the striking resemblance. The skin tone too. A majority of South African natives are darkskin of course but we have the highest percentage of lightskin Africans due to our early ancestors the Khwe-Xam who were more light brown. We get the dark skin from the Bantu.
Also, "Sediba" means "the well" in my language, Sesotho, and also Sepedi (not sure about Setswana) since all 3 are sisters languages the way Italian is to Spanish.
I'll forgive the pronounciation. Every syllable is pronounced with no omission on the vowel. While the narrator pronounces it as "sed'ba" without stressing the "i," he should. Its "sē - dí - bah" or "se - dee - bah"
Wonderful documentary and wonderful CGI.
@Eliot96 keng o lerete?
If u don't believe in such why not just skip the vid let people have their own belief
Bellissimo documentario complimenti ♥️
Merci c'était génial 😁
@@nunezdavid9388 are you are you a monkey
I'm so enjoying this and the narrators soothing vioce. Thank you. 👍🏽
The same man who played the first character killed in the original alien film.
O melhor documentário que já assisti, simplesmente maravilhoso.
Do you really believe that you are descended from a monkey? Do you truly believe in this nonsense?
الحمدلله على نعمة الإسلام
Beautifully done. The only thing is that this documentary still presumes the superiority of humans and our ancestors. Love, empathy and companionship is seen in so many species of animal. It's not exclusive to humans or our ancestors.
This is incredible. I became so attached to the characters, cried, laughed...
you are monkey
thank you for sharing this amazing story with us , still to this day our ancestors continue to impact our lives in many ways on earth.
Если вы в это верите то мне вас жаль!
What do you believe in
@@alexandrm5796but you beliave in sky daddy
أنا أيضا لاأصدق هذا لأن الإنسان هو إنسان منذ خلق الله أبونا آدم @@alexandrm5796
Powerful documentary very informative ❤
Ineffable to watch this creativity, my salute to team who made this 🌞❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Misuse of 'ineffable'
@@rezzer7918 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's amazing documentary love it thank u so much...❤❤❤
Très belle production. Toutefois, je m'interroge sur les sources qui permettent d'être aussi affirmatif sur les comportements sociaux, culturels et affectifs de si lointains ancêtres... Il y a, je suppose, une grande part d'interprétation. Disons de la taille d'un fémur de Toumaï...
Pour ça, il suffit de regarder les comportements communs aux autres primates et, en sachant depuis combien d’années l’espèce existe, on peut déterminer ou du moins supposer (parce que la science ce n’est que des théories qu’on cherche à valider ou infirmer) que les comportements adoptés datent d’un ancêtre commun => eux
It's all bullshit @@arthurhayez4781
Its sheer nonse
Ya eu des savant a chaque époque de l'humanité je pense tout simplement qu'un singe savant à compris de part sa propre expérience qu'ont pouvais aller plus loin et à pris de son expérience pour la transmettre à d'autres et ainsi de suite comme le simple fait de passer des arbres à la terre
Dailleur ces ce qu'ont voit dans le film la planète des singes un savant qui transmet son savoir
Perfect. Thx for sharing. Please share more videos to enlighten humanity.
Obviously open to artistic interpretation but a lovely story told and great aesthetics- Well done on a great piece of work 👏
Not really, most of it is back up by science,
@ science shows us the first kiss and that individuals got together to sit by the river and fall in love 😂😂😂
@rupertjpb Kissing wouldn't have even been a thing at that point, this show was ridiculous.
All I’m thinking about is that actors have dressed up and acted like monkeys
@@MukiBlalock Yes of course
All I'm thinking about is how it is the 21st century and there are still selfish frightened children like you running around, who are so *incredibly insecure* and *shallow* that they can for all that is screwed down not handle a natural fact...
Because you are so intensely self centered that every time you have to type humility, you have to look it up.
THAT is what I am thinking about.
this is the best video ever on an online a fraction of a second i subscribed to this channel without any doubt...
please make this in hindi dub..
Du bist aber nicht sehr anspruchsvoll !
Superbe film et belle façon de raconter l'histoire de l'humanité. J'ai juste eu très peur de voir apparaître au détour d'une scène, une paire de fesse ou de tétons, dieu merci, vous avez pensé à protéger ma pudeur en pensant à flouter vos personnages, y compris les poilus du début... merci encore!
alain 77 ans
Non mais... 😂 N'imp
نظرية التطور لا تقول إن البشر "جاءوا" من القردة الموجودة حاليًا، بل إن البشر والقردة الحالية (كالشمبانزي والغوريلا) تطوروا من سلف مشترك عاش قبل ملايين السنين.
هذا السلف المشترك لم يعد موجودًا، لكنه انقسم إلى فروع تطورية، بعضها أدى إلى البشر، وبعضها إلى القردة الحالية.
@@MohamedBenzaid-bm هل تصدق ان أصلا من قردة؟
As a Muslim, I am sorry that you believe in these ridiculous theories.
@@mustafaakn8365 Don't be, he is smarter than you
@@Doomdayforlife Your conversion to atheism does not mean that you automatically turned into a genius scientist 😄
There were so many real and beautiful scenes. Thank you for the documentary🥹🎀🤌🏻🫢
When you see how many millions of years these people suffered to preserve their lineage and safety until humanity reached this stage, you realize the extent of their suffering... The stage is very, very long compared to the age of our civilization now !?
لانك حيوان اكيد تتعب ولاكن لماذا لم تسئل نفسك من اين اتأ هذأ الحيوان 😂
What an absolutely brilliant documentary
Что вы видите документального в этом ролике....,?
Сплошной вымысел и предположения.....
@@алексневский-е6уthere is evidence to back this stuff up evidence you could research yourself if you wanted to. It's religious doctrine that is complete fiction
You know it really is an absolute disgrace the way you tube moderators shut down perfectly reasonable debates between people.
@@алексневский-е6уprove that it is fiction? What is ur scientific reason?
Where are the documents for the documentary?
Awesome video 🎉🎉🎉🎉
There’s a lot of supposition but I enjoyed this. We’ll never know exactly how things progressed but there was good imagination here.
Dumb asss
Cry more
@halocraze9839 What are you going on about? There is a ton of supposition here. There are many things portrayed here as factual that have zero evidence. This film is more of a person's imagining of how the first humans lived rather than based on evidence and provable science.
@@AEXiTOnE Останки человека?
@@Zheztyrnak he means the way they were depicted not their existence, the earlier ancestors are not actually as smart as the documentary presents
Un super documentaire plein d'émotion. Merci aux acteurs 😊
excellent, very thought provoking. amazing!
This is so good, 90 min like a movie. I'm going to spread this to other people I know.
This is amazing and so crazy how we all evolved
Really you think they are your ancestors? But not mine 😂😂
If humans were created from evolved apes, why do apes still exist? All monkeys should be humans by now!.
@@rixensyngkli8031 are you an alien?
@@かりんとう-m2g8y Kardeşim İslam dinine mensup olan bir birey buna inanabilirmi yada sana şöyle söyleyeyim hak dine inanan bir insan atasının bir haşa maymun olduğunu düşünebilirmi yani Hz.Adem'in. bu dünyanın bir düzeni var ve bu düzene göre hareket ediyor sen bunu anlamayıp sadece bir dünyalık olarak yani sadece evrime inanan bir insan olarak bakarsan mantıksız bir şekilde aykırılığa düşmüş olursun.
@@かりんとう-m2g8y bende bir Türküm benimde bir dinim yok kardeşim dinler felaket ve insanların başına bir beladır ☝️
@@hz.furkan35 fool
Человек без религии- это бездушный и самый глупый это не человек
Excelente documental. Me hizo muy feliz mirarlo. Gracias!
Excellent, thanks for posting this, it's useful.
That cameraman is immortal 😂
This is real research researched by scientists
Listening to the narration and watching the documentary is a true reflection of the power of language
What are the references in this documentary? Where did this knowledge come from? I want to read more about it
He visto esto antes. Realmente me gusto entonces y ahora, y la voz del narrador dio forma a la historia a la perfeccion!
Nó concentrãtion
man im a grown man at 29, but i still teared up a few moments during this doc..
Loved it,I've always wanted to know this thanks a lot for all involved
Where are the Black people in all this from Africa.
Que foda mano, voltaram no tempo só pra gravar essa parada ae e depois vinheram pro futuro pra mostrar pra nós.
Camera man é simplesmente o melhor Super herói da história.
can't believe what is just watched! Absolute cinema 😮
Todaj, monkeys cannot evolve and people are becoming animalisyic.
Amazing video!
Humen fake History
Your stupidity is showing.
Learn how to spell.
Le floutage est un déni de réalité de la nature, c'est totalement hypocrite quand on pense que sur internet le porno est absolument partout.
C'est très gênant et hypocrite je trouve aussi
так вот зачем ты здесь
Até nos primitivos primatas, "MULHER dominando HOMEM". kkkkk
Debile effectivement
he has to do it otherwise immature people would just come and ruin the documentary
So Beautifuly described...thank you so much ❤
A wonderful documentary, I enjoyed it thoroughly.
Le singe est un animal comme les autres et l'être humain n'est pas le fruit d'une progressivité animale.
Que la science revoit encore ses analyses et découvertes.
merci j'adore la préhistoire
que orgulho de ser humano. obrigado a tds os antepassados incríveis, sensacionais e que nunca desistiram.
Now that is a wonderful comment , thank you very much
Best documentary I have ever seen..
Je suis désolée mais ce ne sont pas mes ancêtres 😳😂
Pourtant t'as un air de famille avec le macaque qu'on voit au début
@@JulesDjoulie-r3b الحقيقة مؤلمة
@@JulesDjoulie-r3b tololl nya jadi orang
this was the best documentary I had ever watched