Came here from smidgets freestyle, this one is definitely closer to how the game was intended to be played but huge props for facing away from the screen most of the time, and there were many cool tricks too
wooooooooowwwww!!!! Me encanto nunca antes vi un freestyle tan creativo y limpio FELICIDADES hace años que conozco PUMP y también hace años que ya no bailo, pero volveré (:
Isso sim é dançar!!!Conheço gente que se orgulha em "dançar" no ultimo nível(acho ridículo pq eles só ficam de mexendo sem estilo nenhum),mas não conseguem fazer a metade do que você faz!Parabéns!
i swear dont bother me, mother and funky tonight always gotta be legendary song to be used to freestyle years of playing PIU and I can only freestylin' on mother d5 chart
@Sarah Goforth...guess again, these machines cost WAY more than $1000. Try adding another zero. They START at $6000 and the larger models with the 55" screen go for $10,000. If you are lucky, you might find an older Exceed cabinet for around $2000, but in well worn condition.
Am I the only one that is wondering where the dancer is now? Could he still be dancing according to his heart's will? Or stucked in a salaryman's daily routine.
La mejor versión de Don't Brother Me que he visto hasta ahora. Aunque coincido, si hacía lo del minuto 0:51 me echaban a patadas jaja. Igual espero volver a hacerlo como antes, excelente. :)
Hola AMigo Muy Buena Coreo es muy limpio pasos exacto de un Bboy excelente Pero tengo un pregunta Como se llama el gorrito que usas?' Eh Estado buscando ese gorrito por mucho tiempo!! Ayuda Por Favor!!
Seeing these old dancing videos from 15 years ago in a pretty good quality that UA-cam randomly recommended is like discovering a time capsule
Old? Im 40 haha.
@@murderface3r so u r old
and what quality compared to the utter shite the youth is pumping out on tiktok and the like nowadays
@@DarcMagikianwhat’d murderface3r say?
Where is he now? That is what's on everyone's mind right now.
Idk but im sure he is in brazil
Interesting to see you here lol
I'm losing sleep over that
He's in jail for playing the wrong games with children.
Source: this is my hometown.
We all believe you.@@suprememasteroftheuniverse
Came here from smidgets freestyle, this one is definitely closer to how the game was intended to be played but huge props for facing away from the screen most of the time, and there were many cool tricks too
The one from 2005?
Yeah! @@wrd4xenozz
Cant wait for yt to randomly recommend this to other ppl 15 yrs later
Oh hey you too looks like its already time my friend
This site won’t exist In 15 years
@@epicrap TRUE
00:24 when you and your friend use the same character in fighting games
mario and luigi lmao
@@Frightaholic 😭😭😭
Super Smash Bros. be like:
Wow! My comment from 11 years ago is still here. I remember this freestyle video, I'm glad I've watched it again.
what a legend
0:51 THAT'S SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guy freestyle :Omae wa mou shindeiru...
Yellow botton: nani ???
Best comment XDD
Anyone else find themselves reading this comment exactly when he does the flip...? Weird.
this guy is just living life
still one of the best freestyles Ive ever seen
Brady Thomas
Try watching smidget's version which is the original.
@@iAMACUTEBITCH Smidget is the best one for sure.
@@urbanfireblade yep
Here da links if u want em
Smidget way better....i used to see his midget ass at Mind Boggle Arcade in Charlotte
Damn the resolution compared to that time
This was 480... i would say something like 4k today. This was an awesome camera for sure.
It’s 2008 not 1990
Que haces aquí jajaja ídolo! Porfa saca una rola de Pump It Up versión sierreña
Hace 4 años
12years ago...oh WOW!!! Time is passing so fast. I remember being a kid, dancing to this song.
ese backflip se vio CHINGON y excelente calculo del tiempo
12 years and this dude still catch up teen's fashion these days
Damn that fashion taste tho
I miss those days where nobody seems to care about your looks 😢
@@I.V2022 wym he literally looked good ://
@@moisturizingfacialcream2983 he does look good but I love those simple days tho you can wear anything.
See you all in another 11 years
When this thing gets recommended to us again
this man's style brings me back U_U
Carnal que buen dominio del espacio, neta siempre los b-boys serán los mejores para bailar.
0:51 dale sin miedo, que la máquina no es tuya
No manches wey!
Pense lo mismo, despues las maquinas se hacen mierda y nos quejamos.
And The Hat Never Fell Off...
0:08 0:23 0:50 1:23 1:39
I just realized that lol
That was really good. I wish I could freestyle on Pump It Up. xD
Comment from 10 years ago ! 😶😶
Jessica Cheow a relic in time
11 yr old comment damn
after 13 years? still not too late to learn freestyle!
@@pentaxel3905 Never too late for sure! Now I just don't care to lol. But I still love PIU
rompele los pinches cuadros con los mortales no hay pdo
haha 69 likes funny reddit number ooo ooo aaah aaah
6 years damnnnnn
Tas vivo man?
JAJAJAJA el exito bro
Vlw's, mais essa coreo nem tava pronta ae ainda, ta tudo improvisada i.i
vou fazer um video com a coreo montada certinha ae posto ^^
@Felipe Peloso bem vindo a história do UA-cam
Eu fico imaginando o pessoal oq passou na mente do pessoal passando kkwksk
Caraí 11 anos
@@grease1224 He's speaking brazilian portuguese
waooooo el mejor CAUTION con coreografía q eh visto en toda mi vida XD 12 años han pasado desde q deje de jugar pump it up diariamente .
+christian anco blas Se nota que nunca viste un video de Smidget, y ensima este flaco le copio un par de movimientos jajaja pero nada mal :)
0:51 pobre boton amarillo T_T el dueño del local ya me hechaba a patadas si yo hacía eso !!!! XD
haha, es verdad, en esos tiempos se ponían bien sabrosos cuando uno quería hacer esas cosas
theone itself 1:40 😂😂
Isso é simplesmente arte
wooooooooowwwww!!!! Me encanto nunca antes vi un freestyle tan creativo y limpio FELICIDADES hace años que conozco PUMP y también hace años que ya no bailo, pero volveré (:
Maw Wolff yo tambien trae muchos recuerdos el pump it
Mira al mejor del mundo y cambiará tu opinión
Simplemente el mejor free que he visto
Here before this video blows up
Not really
I loveeee the backflip! :)
For sure another "Don't bother me" video was recommended to me but it was 14 years ago.
And this one is 11 years ago. The time really fly fast.
Isso sim é dançar!!!Conheço gente que se orgulha em "dançar" no ultimo nível(acho ridículo pq eles só ficam de mexendo sem estilo nenhum),mas não conseguem fazer a metade do que você faz!Parabéns!
i swear dont bother me, mother and funky tonight always gotta be legendary song to be used to freestyle
years of playing PIU and I can only freestylin' on mother d5 chart
Wow, didn't expect this to be awesome. Nice form.
All improvised? That backflip was just... beautiful
15 years old. people actually danced on these. now a days it's just people holding the bars and playing footsie with a machine
This video quality is better than all 4K cameras in world.
This vid is gonna blow up just watch.
Here before this gets in everyone's reccomended months after
Amazing man this appears 12 Years later 💪💪
wow he did that flip!! Also I can't believe 2008 was so long ago, 4 years since this video was made! Epic!!!!
Damn! That Backflip landed right on beat too!!!
Awesome moves, dude!
@@Patrick-ky7ez Thank you so much, dude. Stay safe and take care.
@@Arrowdance 11 years and this dude still comments?
Y yo preguntándome xq no se prende las luces de los cuadrados
q chingon mis mas grandes respeto
yo apanas enpieso y eso es algo q es inolbidable en
muchos sentidos
eschale ganas esa esla acxtitud llo apenas hise 1 mes y llabailo esa rola con 2 ble pista como el video saludos
Randomly came into my youtube frontpage...
Lets wait for 20 years
Man if only I had 1% of this guys energy
@Sarah Goforth...guess again, these machines cost WAY more than $1000. Try adding another zero. They START at $6000 and the larger models with the 55" screen go for $10,000. If you are lucky, you might find an older Exceed cabinet for around $2000, but in well worn condition.
not sure about that i got mine for $300
Who knew I'd be watching an hour of ddr videos today
Not a ddr...please😭😭😭,it is pump it up ,and DONT COMPLAINING ME PLEASE!!!!
April 2024 and this guy is still relevant
Cool moves, you have talent
te ganaste un like carnal, bien hecho
I see this video in 2021 and... the best performance on
si awevo,es el mejor Free de Caution que e visto o que vere
Leaving my digital footprint here
see y’all when this gets recommend again
brasileiro ainda meu Deus, mandou demais
Tío... Que talento XD
Damn I love old PIU freestyle vids 😂
Espectacular es todo lo que puedo decir
Felidades :3
Te quedo muy hermoso !
Se noto que ensayaste mucho, ningun fallo :3
Jhonatan Tellez yo diría que si tuvo algunos fallos, aunque lo hizo muy bien la verdad xD
creo que llevaba combo perfecto y en el final dio miss por su salto pero estuvo bien
just feels life was much more simpler back then...
El mejor editing de video que eee visto!! 👍
Wow :3 Eso si que es moverse en la Pump it Up, mis respetos amigo :3
Muy bueno rey
Am I the only one that is wondering where the dancer is now? Could he still be dancing according to his heart's will? Or stucked in a salaryman's daily routine.
siii claro! "improvisada". Igual esta buena! k digo buena! buenisima!
Woah, qué increíble. 🤯
se rifa man, si se rifa, mis respetos
muito brabo ahhahah
Il wait for this recommendation again IN THE FUTUREEEE
La mejor versión de Don't Brother Me que he visto hasta ahora.
Aunque coincido, si hacía lo del minuto 0:51 me echaban a patadas jaja.
Igual espero volver a hacerlo como antes, excelente. :)
jajajaa cierto lo hundio creo el piso xd
eres la ostia macho!!!
C'est tre magnifique!
fit goes so hard....
que pro y tremendo estilo xdd
Improvisado pero ya quisiera yo hacer eso xD Felicidades!!
Hola AMigo Muy Buena Coreo es muy limpio pasos exacto de un Bboy excelente
Pero tengo un pregunta
Como se llama el gorrito que usas?'
Eh Estado buscando ese gorrito por mucho tiempo!!
Ayuda Por Favor!!
It's like a time capsule.
Me encanto y le doy un 1000 de calificacion ese es mi chavo que movimiento de baile te merece mi admiracion .. enseñame no .
Waaaaaaa capoooo
Respond after 14 years for sigma
I'm here before UA-cam did a pro gamer move
Old but gold bons tempos de centervale
This is so nostalgic.
cool backflip !
Why there just a bunch of dance thing vids joining my recommendations
Future internet users, Remember mee!!!
Quiero una version:
Pump it Up: Cumbia Sonidera Ultra bass boosted 2019.
Ahh is there any older video ?
Una pregunta por q cuando se para de una sola mano y hace sus volteretas xq no se le cae el sombrero😅
He’s dancing like there’s no tomorrow. And for many, there would be no tomorrow because this was during the Great Recession.
Que flow se cargaban en el 2008
Que Lindooooooooo Bailas !!
Passou do tempo! Mas deu show. Não fica atrás de nenhum coreano.
Ah cool
No way
Mario & Luigi