The United Kingdom has a vibrant economy and diverse landscape, but there's often a lingering feeling of "almost there" in various sectors. To truly excel, the UK needs a cultural shift towards a "right the first time" mentality. This means prioritizing quality from the outset, minimizing rework, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Thank you guys. I just wanted to add, the door separating the house and the conservatory has to be an external quality door, not a simple internal door. 6m (terraced & semi detached )and 8m (detached house) larger rear extension, the rules are the same as Permitted Development, but need to go through a procedure call neighbour consultation, apply through the Council
Take care Edmond, speedy recovery. Please take good care of yourselves guys.
The United Kingdom has a vibrant economy and diverse landscape, but there's often a lingering feeling of "almost there" in various sectors. To truly excel, the UK needs a cultural shift towards a "right the first time" mentality. This means prioritizing quality from the outset, minimizing rework, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
Thank you guys. I just wanted to add, the door separating the house and the conservatory has to be an external quality door, not a simple internal door.
6m (terraced & semi detached )and 8m (detached house) larger rear extension, the rules are the same as Permitted Development, but need to go through a procedure call neighbour consultation, apply through the Council
啱啱係 M4 買咗 apartment ,想揾 Edmond 幫忙做 level 2 survey ,如何聯絡?
各位早晨,本人打算在倫敦zone4購買自住物業,請問想找你們做Level 3 survey report,怎樣聯絡?看中的物業是4層高有𨋢的flat,經agent得知業主講cladding 同balconies有問題,將要付£3000維修,購買有什麼注意及風險?
你好Rex, 我地暫無打算幫網友提供服務, 敬請見諒, 多謝收看
買屋時玻璃屋已有radiator ,唔知合唔合法?如何得知?
理論上玻璃屋內的radiator 應該同主屋的radiator 分開兩套系統,所以好多時主屋係Gas boiler 提供的radiator 而玻璃屋內就用電暖板,或者要由Gas Engineer 去檢查了。
呢集內容豐富❤。我都知道UA-camr X仔,佢同一啲客擴建裝修,瀨晒嘢。
Right. 次次都兩夫夫婦一齊出UA-cam。佢老婆之前長期戴住口罩。最近除咗。講好多英國香港時事。有另一個UA-camr講佢係深藍,最近有啲敏感話題如Mr K 就避開。佢正職係地產經紀,不過辦低調,世界仔。
@@YaunCheng-q4q想知邊個youtuber 話鬆仔係深藍?佢又好似唔太似藍
Porch亦要留意PD (Permitted Development) 下的限制,最好將呎吋用料及與行人路間的距離問番當區council。