00:10 Varanasi's cosmic significance and interpretation 02:44 Varanasi, from ancient temples to modern significance. 07:28 Discussion on the significance of Parvati's statue and the story behind it 09:43 Varanasi's spiritual significance and the connection to Lord Shiva 14:38 Varanasi's ancient significance and spiritual power 17:16 Kashi's connection with Vishnu and Shiva 21:31 Varanasi's spiritual significance and diverse aspects explained 23:38 Varanasi's ancient cultural importance and evolution over centuries. 28:11 The Significance of building temples in Varanasi explained 30:16 Discussion on the history and traditions of Varanasi 34:32 A Christian girl's experiences and struggles in Varanasi. 36:52 Controversy over demolition in Varanasi 41:11 Impact of development activities on pilgrimage routes in Varanasi 43:21 Discussing the development of the sacred path Kashi Vishwanath 47:48 Varanasi's uniqueness as a blend of ancient and modern 49:54 Discussion on cultural and linguistic diversity 54:22 Significance of ancient energy points in Varanasi 56:51 Varanasi's transformation involves modernization and potential destruction 1:01:21 Varanasi's blend of ancient brilliance and modern 'destruction' 1:03:32 Discussion on religious and cultural significance of Varanasi 1:07:48 Discussion on Kashi's ancient heritage and modern challenges 1:10:05 Discussing the importance of experience and consciousness in adopting a model for Varanasi 1:14:18 Varanasi's blend of ancient brilliance and modern 'destruction' 1:16:40 Discussion on the ancient significance of Varanasi 1:21:09 Changes and discussions in the chapter description 1:23:38 Varanasi's ancient brilliance and modern 'destruction'
@@so-luckyvijay7460तेरे ढोंगाचार्य का हिंदुत्व के लिए एक चींटी बराबर योगदान बता दे, फिर बात करना। किसी की बनाई हुई तस्वीर में नुक्ता चीनी करना और कमियां निकालना दुनिया का सबसे आसान काम है चाहे खुद से बाल भी न उखड़े।
As a Indian from South when ever I visited Mandirs of North it always irked me seeing this rapid commercialization of Mandirs in North especially main mandirs like Jyotirlingas I mean in South there're very strict rules for the day to day functions of Mandirs & it's premises absolutely no commercial business can be run in & around the premises that's related to deity & in the name of the God actly there's a certain level of discipline & order in the functions of Mandirs in South whereas in Northern part like anyone can sell prasad of the God & also anyone can go near Deity even touch it there's no sanity is maintained in such sacred sites as if the officials of that mandirs r running it as per their comfort & convenience.......
Maine ek din frustration me aake shivling banaya aur banake prayer kiya ki mera job laga do bhagwan usi samay mera interview letter aa gaya ...OM NAMAH SHIVAY !
अरिहंतभाई, आपसे अनुरोध है कि १२ ज्योतिर्लिंगों के उपर एक series बनाइए । केवल काशी विश्वनाथ पर focus करने से बेहतर होगा कि हर एक ज्योतिर्लिंग के विषय पर उस ज्योतिर्लिंग के विषय में विशेष जानकारी रखने वाले विशेषज्ञ को आमंत्रित किया जाए। उदाहरणार्थ UA-cam पर, घृष्णेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग, मल्लिकार्जुन ज्योतिर्लिंग, नागेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग के विषय में काशी विश्वनाथ, केदारनाथ या सोमनाथ की तुलना में बहुत कम जानकारी उपलब्ध है ।
Never have i felt so connected and attached to any podcast but this. Started Listening, now I have deep and genuine interest in knowing more about Our religion and Banaras. Looking forward for more podcast with such Prof. Rana P.B. Singh sir 😊
I don’t know why but I cried listening to it. Better knowledge of spirituality than any saint out there. Hope I’ll meet him someday. Gyaan ka sagar hai inke pass. 🙏
मैं अपने जीवन में पूर्ण रूपेण निराश और असहाय था, मेरे अपने करने से कुछ भी नहीं हो पा रहा था, मैं काशी, विस्वनाथ जी के दर्शन को आया, उनको छू कर प्रार्थना की, हे नाथ!आप ही कुछ करो,,,,, कुछ दिनों बाद बनारस में सरकारी नौकरी मिली,, वो भी विस्वनाथ जी के ही निकट पोस्टिंग मिली,,, काशी में घर बन गया,, अब मैं प्रसन्नता से सपरिवार यहीं रहता हूँ 🙏🙏🙏अब कुछ नहीं चाहिए,,,, जय विश्वनाथ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
2014में काशी के हरिश्चंद्र घाट में चाय पीते पीते एक दाह संस्कार के लिए चिता पर रखे शव पर नजर ठहर गई। और मैंने सोचा कि मानलो यह मैं हूं। मैंने स्वयं के शरीर को राख होते देखा। तत्पश्चात मुझे लगा कि मैं भार विहीन हो गया हूं।पूरी शाम मैं भार विहीन ही रहा।।
I had the privilege of experiencing his insightful lectures and constructive criticisms throughout my postgraduate studies. He has the same breathy tone, vibrant energy, expressive gestures, and knack for satirical yet profound discussions and analyses.
प्रोफेसर राणा ज्ञान के अगाध भंडार हैं. इनको जितना सुनें हमेशा अदभुत जानकारी मिलती है वो भी धार्मिक, आध्यात्मिक,सांस्कृतिक और वैज्ञानिकता से परिपूर्ण होता है.
पैदा हुआ बनारस में मैं शिक्षा पाया वहीं सभीं।गली गली घूमा देखा सब पढ़ा पुराण कथाएं भी।। किंतु न जाने गूढ़ बात काशी क्यों न्यारी प्यारी है। ब्रह्मा विष्णु सदाशिव शंकर आदि पुरुष की नगरी है।। धन्यवाद
बचपन ललिताघाट पर व्यतीत किया है। नानाजी स्व. पण्डित लालबिहारी जी मिश्र (शास्त्रीजी/ वैद्यजी) के साथ आपकी बताई हर जगह, मंदिर में दर्शन करने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ। हमारे घर में ही गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी के द्वारा स्थापित प्रथम हनुमानजी की प्रतिमा "आदिसंकटमोचन मंदिर" में स्थित थी। कॉरिडोर में ललिताघाट का प्रारंभिक मकान होने के कारण हमारा घर एवं यह मंदिर भी ध्वस्त हो गए थे। एक मित्र श्री संदीप देव जिन्होंने श्री मोदी पर पुस्तक लिखी एवं उनके बड़े प्रशंसक थे, को मैंने इस मंदिर के बारे में बताया। ईश्वर की प्रेरणा से अथवा उनके प्रयास से आदि संकटमोचन हनुमान जी की प्रतिमा एवं उन्हीं के साथ शिवलिंग, राम लक्ष्मण जानकी की प्रतिमाएं भी कॉरिडोर में निचली तरफ अलग अलग मंदिरों में स्थापित कर दी गईं हैं किंतु कोई भी विवरण नहीं दिया गया है और बिल्कुल अलग थलग ये मंदिर सर्वथा उपेक्षित हैं। केवल पुराने जानकार ही यहां दर्शन करने आते हैं। यह तथ्य सार्वजनिक होना चाहिए तथा इन अद्भुत मंदिरों का दर्शनलाभ सभी को सुलभ होना चाहिए। जानकारी के लिए बताना चाहता हूं कि गोस्वामी जी ने कुल ऐसे 11 मंदिर प्रतिष्ठित किए थे जिनमे दूसरा मंदिर मीरघाट के नये विश्वनाथजी के पीछे स्थित हैं। यह मेरी जानकारी में एक मात्र मंदिर है जहां अंजना माई भी स्थापित हैं। तुलसीदास जी का ग्यारहवां मंदिर अस्सीघाट - लंका वाले संकटमोचन मंदिर है। (दुर्भाग्यवश उपरोक्त श्री संदीप देव अब मोदीजी के भारत में संभवतः सबसे बड़े आलोचक हैं।)
ऐसे पुरोधा को शतशत नमन। काश इस सम्पूर्ण बातचीत को मौजूदा पी एम ओ के विशिष्ट अधिकारी भी देखें साथ ही करबद्ध अनुरोध है कि समय निकाल कर माननीय प्रधान मंत्री जी भी स्वयं समय निकाल कर खासकर काशी के नव निर्मित श्री विश्वनाथ जी परिसर में कतिपय अति महत्वपूर्ण व संवेदनशील सुधार को अंगीकार कर सुधार करा सकें।
प्रणाम गुरुदेव अपने काशी के बारे में ऐसी बातें जानकर बहुत ही अच्छा लग रहा है और अंदर से उत्सुकता बढ़ रही है कि इसके बारे में और चर्चाएं की जाए आपकी एक बात जो कि बनारस शहर घूमते हुए हमें स्पिरिचुअलिटी का जो एहसास ना होता है इससे मैं सहमत हूं और जब हम मंदिर परिसर के पास पहुंचते हैं तब हमें प्रतीत होता है तो कुछ अलौकिक शक्तियां इस जगह विद्यमान है शेष बनारस में वह बात नहीं है
Kashi (Varanasi) is inhabited since at least 1800 BC. The holy complex has seen more than one destruction and reconstruction over thousands of years. Of late. In c. 1669 Auranzeb destroyed the main Kashi-Vishwanath temple and built the Gyanvapi Mosque over theplace. In 1780, Devi Ahilyabai Holkar built a temple few meters away from the original location (Original location is Gyanvapi Mosque). This happened during Maratha rule over northern India. In 2021, Shri Narendra Modi was instrumental in enlarging the temple premises and providing direct access via a staircase from the temple to Ganga River. Discussions & debate still going on recovery of original temple which is the Gyanvapi Mosque. Let us unite and work for making the ancient Kashi, and modern Varanasi, a city where we can feel calm, peace, and spirituality.
I think you didn't here the podcast properly, temples have been broken. There is no Ancient Kashi anymore. The spirituality of the Kashi is dying. The original yaatras mentioned in Skand Puraan are stopped because the original temples are no more. They have no plan to rebuild the temples. In fact they are planing to break more as, this was only the first phase of the Kashi corridor. They are promoting liquor party in the Ganga river, they have started ganga cruise for this. This temple breaking spree they call corridor building is not just isolated to Kashi. They have broken several in Ayodhya, Mhakaal jyotirling, Vrundaavan, Maa Vaishnodevi, many lesser known and local temples. They are still breaking more. Hidus will never unite in the name of temple breaking. If they do, they are not Hindus but Shivdrohis. Hindu unity exists only in social media comment sections.
@@Hindus_Nation You may be living in Kashi, but I have a different experience. I went to the Kashi Vishwanath Temple about 10 years back. I had to go in thru a narrow three feet wide path in between zoo-like steel bars. I felt like a zoo animal who was being watched by crowd of people from adjacent mosque thru the steel bars. {Experience in Prayagraj was still worse. We went for a bath in sangam. Water of our holy sangam was so dirty, so dirty, that it was repulsive even to put feet inside it. We took a bath somehow, but I vowed never to take a dip at any holy place.} In Mahabharata only two tirthas are mentioned in Varanasi. These are [i] Kapilhrada and [ii] Avimukta. Both are lost. In Mahabharata there is Yatra of Kurukshetra only, none in Varanasi. As regards Skanda Purana Yatras (like 5-kosi, or 84-Kosi), either effort can be made to make way for them, alternatively sequence can be changed or longer route taken. Anyone who implements a change can not keep everyone involved, or everyone happy. It is so easy to criticize anything and anyone. Change is inescapable. Since there are so many improvements in Varanasi - we visited six months back - let us embrace the change. It is now a place where young people will be happy & proud to go and pray.
@@rajeevbhatnagar6495 So all that you wrote, justifies the temple destructions? Filth needs to be cleaned, agreed, but there are other ways to achieve it. BREAKING TEMPLES is not one of those ways! People who think like you, are not hindus. Sadly there are lot of you out there. Yatras are based on mandalas mentioned in skand puran; You cannot just magically change the route as per YOUR convenience. Every temple, pond, tree in every yatra has been put there in a certain way so that the bhaktas can get benefit from it, it is designed as per the structure of the cosmos(not making this up, it is written). You mentioned the Avimukta Yatra, one of the main shiva temple, Avimukteshvara has been destroyed! The yatra themselves are broken because the temples do not exist. They didn't even keep the lingams of many templates. They broke them to smaller pieces and mix them with the rubble(Not making this up either, there is a whole video of this on Twitter as proof, they were doing this at night time). The temple of one of the main Vinayakaa is also destroyed. They have destroyed few ponds as well. They fell the Akshaya Vat(अक्षय वट), one of the holiest tree in India! They have destroyed the house of Mandana Mishra, destroyed the Vyasa Pitha itself, destroyed the house of Kedarnath Vyasa, with it countless manuscripts were also lost forever! This is not about making everyone happy. This is about preserving the remains of the oldest, holiest, God built city on this earth! Which we HAVE LOST due to the corridor. This is not change, this is destruction of a very sacred place. NO, it is not easy to criticize, rather it is easy to sweep the issue under the carpet, rather it is difficult to digest the truth. I will say this again. Those who perform, justify or support this type of destruction is NOT a hindu, but just a politically blind Indian.
@@rajeevbhatnagar6495 So all that you wrote, justifies the temple destructions? Filth needs to be cleaned, agreed, but there are other ways to achieve it. BREAKING TEMPLES is not one of those ways! People who think like you, are not hindus. Sadly there are lot of you out there. Yatras are based on mandalas mentioned in skand puran; You cannot just magically change the route as per YOUR convenience. Every temple, pond, tree in every yatra has been put there in a certain way so that the bhaktas can get benefit from it, it is designed as per the structure of the cosmos(not making this up, it is written). You mentioned the Avimukta Yatra, one of the main shiva temple, Avimukteshvara has been destroyed! The yatra themselves are broken because the temples do not exist. They didn't even keep the lingams of many templates. They broke them to smaller pieces and mix them with the rubble(Not making this up either, there is a whole video of this on Twitter as proof, they were doing this at night time). The temple of one of the main Vinayakaa is also destroyed. They have destroyed few ponds as well. They fell the Akshaya Vat(अक्षय वट), one of the holiest tree in India! They have destroyed the house of Mandana Mishra, destroyed the Vyasa Pitha itself, destroyed the house of Kedarnath Vyasa, with it countless manuscripts were also lost forever! This is not about making everyone happy. This is about preserving the remains of the oldest, holiest, God built city on this earth! Which we HAVE LOST due to the corridor. This is not change, this is destruction of a very sacred place. NO, it is not easy to criticize, rather it is easy to sweep the issue under the carpet, rather it is difficult to digest the truth. I will say this again. Those who perform, justify, support or "embrace" this type of destruction is NOT a hindu, but just a politically blind Indian.
@@rajeevbhatnagar6495 I agree with you. I went Kashi around 40 years back. After seeing so dirty place, dead bodies floating in ganga. It never occurred to me to visit Kashi again. But after seeing so much development I went there last year. There was not a single moment when I had not felt shiv . After sitting there in different ghats I as well as my children felt so spiritual upliftment. May be old generation feel disconnected but for young and future generations the development was necessary. Only two things I don't like are destruction of shivlings and cutting of trees.
आप दोनों महानुभाव के इस अद्भुत, आश्चर्यजनक, अद्वितीय संवाद ने प्रत्येक श्रोता को मंत्र मुग्ध ही नहीं अपितु अंतरात्मा तक को झकझोर देने की सामर्थ रखता है । कोटि कोटि प्रणाम।
This was a free flowing conversation with invaluable knowledge shared by such a delightful gentleman. Thank you for sharing this content and please revisit him again, may Bhole Baba forgive our sins and guide our intellect at his feet 🙏
Gurudev ke charno mein sadar pranam...once again delighted to listen the view and thoughts of guru ji ..it reminds me of those golden days as i was attending the lecture of rana ji long back in classroom..
नि:संदेह आप विद्वान हैं, किन्तु अहंकारी हैं। अपशब्द का प्रयोग करना मूर्खतापूर्ण कार्य है। यदि हमारी बात से असहमत हों तो पूछिये, सत्यनारायण कथा के बारे में हम बताने का प्रयास करेंगे। यही अहंकार आप को डुबो रहा है।
Superb superb podcast. Learned a lot Gained a lot of knowledge from you Sir 🙏🏻❤ Har Har Mahadev 🙏🏻 Om Nomo Shivaya 🙏🏻 Brother Arihant ❤️ But he has finally made it and opened it for the common man so we should and would praise our Modiji from our ❤. 🙏🏻 Modiji ❤
Kshetram would have been adept name. Gurvayoor Kshetram , has Bal Gopal as the only deity. Until now I thought, southern part of country has more temple devoted to Vaishnav , Shaivism and Shakti in equal proportions and daily rituals of agamic /tantric practices. With this interview of Mr.Singh , thanks to his knowledge on northern city. The way shiv linga kshetram designed with cosmic science. His book on cosmic astrology and cosmic order , would be a definite read. Thanks to Vaad team , he is a treasure trove in Shivology science. Mr.Singh making his work open source is another commendable step. Avadhoot philosophy. Good watch , must watch !!!
What Modi did in Kashi, the same Tirupathi did in Jammu. They cut hundreds of trees to build a Tirupathi Temple in Jammu! Those hills surrounding Jammu were one of the only surviving forests 🌳 around Jammu! It’s all about money 💰 If tomorrow they construct a Vaishno Devi temple in Delhi, would it have any significance? Then why Tirupathi temple in Jammu?
Bohot bohot dhanyawad bhaiya , inse milwane ke liye.....please please inke sath or v conversation kijiye bohot sari , inke knowledge ki need hai ham jese youth ko . Abhi sab show off ka jamana hai please inke sath future mai v podcast kijiyega. Apke subscriber ka request hai please.and thank you bhaiya ............
Shayad @vaad ke through logo ko pata chala ki jis ped ko nahi katna chahiye wo nahi scientific reason ke saath nahi katni chahiye. Bhaiya ji jise tourist kehte hai unhe kyoto hi jaana chahiye, teerthsthal nahi. Unhe paan ki peechki nahi mikegi, kisi ne dande maarke aapko Kashi jaane nahi kaha. Par ha Prof saab is enchanting❤
सबसे पहले धर्म को राजनीति के चंगुल से मुक्त करवाना होगा तभी लोक कल्याण हो पाएगा । प्रोफेसर साहब जैसे विद्वानों के सलाह और वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण से पौराणिक महत्वो को ध्यान में रखते हुए से तीर्थ स्थलों का निर्माण करवाया जाना चाहिए अंधा विकास नही होना चाहिए जो पार्टी
🙏आदरणीय अरिहंत जी प्रोग्राम देने के लिए बहुत बहुत साधुवाद💞🌹🌹💐l कमेंट सेक्शन में जाकर हक में कमेंट देने वालों के नाम से पता लगाइए कि वह किस वर्ग से हैं🙏 🤔❓🤔
4:20 - 40:47, : Only gujarati 1. Bimal Hasmukh Patel- Parliament House of India, Central Vista Redevelopment Project 2. Chandrakant Sompura -chief architect of the Ram temple- Gujarat 3. Bimal Hasmukh Patel- Kashi Vishwanath Dham
43:48 Corridor: 16वीं सदी के अंत में (एक सैन्य शब्द के रूप में, जो एक "मिट्टी की सड़क या खेत के साथ-साथ बनाई गई खाई (पानी के बहने के लिए), ख़ंदक़, खात" ) late 16th century (as a military term denoting a strip of land along the outer edge of a ditch.
1:12:16 vartaman kaal main yeh kahne mai atishyokti nhi hai ki bhartiye log dusre ki mehnat ka swed chkhna adhik pasand krte hai bajay ki wah mehnat khud kren..It is shame that We don't have critcal edition of all 18 purans. All youth ,, bas naare lagao. karm kuch nhi krna hai.
1:14:57 Now to all brahmins, what is "Katha ki katha"?, the original Styanarayan ki katha kha hai. We can sense that the huge manipulation here is being done by Brahmins. Ye toh topi pahne na hua tb toh.
00:10 Varanasi's cosmic significance and interpretation
02:44 Varanasi, from ancient temples to modern significance.
07:28 Discussion on the significance of Parvati's statue and the story behind it
09:43 Varanasi's spiritual significance and the connection to Lord Shiva
14:38 Varanasi's ancient significance and spiritual power
17:16 Kashi's connection with Vishnu and Shiva
21:31 Varanasi's spiritual significance and diverse aspects explained
23:38 Varanasi's ancient cultural importance and evolution over centuries.
28:11 The Significance of building temples in Varanasi explained
30:16 Discussion on the history and traditions of Varanasi
34:32 A Christian girl's experiences and struggles in Varanasi.
36:52 Controversy over demolition in Varanasi
41:11 Impact of development activities on pilgrimage routes in Varanasi
43:21 Discussing the development of the sacred path Kashi Vishwanath
47:48 Varanasi's uniqueness as a blend of ancient and modern
49:54 Discussion on cultural and linguistic diversity
54:22 Significance of ancient energy points in Varanasi
56:51 Varanasi's transformation involves modernization and potential destruction
1:01:21 Varanasi's blend of ancient brilliance and modern 'destruction'
1:03:32 Discussion on religious and cultural significance of Varanasi
1:07:48 Discussion on Kashi's ancient heritage and modern challenges
1:10:05 Discussing the importance of experience and consciousness in adopting a model for Varanasi
1:14:18 Varanasi's blend of ancient brilliance and modern 'destruction'
1:16:40 Discussion on the ancient significance of Varanasi
1:21:09 Changes and discussions in the chapter description
1:23:38 Varanasi's ancient brilliance and modern 'destruction'
ऐसे ज्ञानियों को अपने channel पर लाने के लिए बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद !
मतलब आचार्य शंकराचार्य का विरोध सही है। लेकिन वो खुलकर इस तरह आसानी से जनता को समझा नहीं पाये
@@so-luckyvijay7460तेरे ढोंगाचार्य का हिंदुत्व के लिए एक चींटी बराबर योगदान बता दे, फिर बात करना। किसी की बनाई हुई तस्वीर में नुक्ता चीनी करना और कमियां निकालना दुनिया का सबसे आसान काम है चाहे खुद से बाल भी न उखड़े।
As a Indian from South when ever I visited Mandirs of North it always irked me seeing this rapid commercialization of Mandirs in North especially main mandirs like Jyotirlingas I mean in South there're very strict rules for the day to day functions of Mandirs & it's premises absolutely no commercial business can be run in & around the premises that's related to deity & in the name of the God actly there's a certain level of discipline & order in the functions of Mandirs in South whereas in Northern part like anyone can sell prasad of the God & also anyone can go near Deity even touch it there's no sanity is maintained in such sacred sites as if the officials of that mandirs r running it as per their comfort & convenience.......
Then u hv never been to tamil nadu and kerala
Atleast north Indians r not heavy on m.e.a....and definitely not b.e.e...
@@Aman-kq7lx ??
@@Aman-kq7lx Yepp!!
@@Aman-kq7lx mea & bee??
Maine ek din frustration me aake shivling banaya aur banake prayer kiya ki mera job laga do bhagwan usi samay mera interview letter aa gaya ...OM NAMAH SHIVAY !
Bahut sunder Aditya ji
Internet is helping Hindu Revival
Otherwise such gem & knowledge would never come to us.
अरिहंतभाई, आपसे अनुरोध है कि १२ ज्योतिर्लिंगों के उपर एक series बनाइए । केवल काशी विश्वनाथ पर focus करने से बेहतर होगा कि हर एक ज्योतिर्लिंग के विषय पर उस ज्योतिर्लिंग के विषय में विशेष जानकारी रखने वाले विशेषज्ञ को आमंत्रित किया जाए। उदाहरणार्थ UA-cam पर, घृष्णेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग, मल्लिकार्जुन ज्योतिर्लिंग, नागेश्वर ज्योतिर्लिंग के विषय में काशी विश्वनाथ, केदारनाथ या सोमनाथ की तुलना में बहुत कम जानकारी उपलब्ध है ।
Never have i felt so connected and attached to any podcast but this. Started Listening, now I have deep and genuine interest in knowing more about Our religion and Banaras. Looking forward for more podcast with such Prof. Rana P.B. Singh sir 😊
I don’t know why but I cried listening to it. Better knowledge of spirituality than any saint out there. Hope I’ll meet him someday. Gyaan ka sagar hai inke pass. 🙏
मैं अपने जीवन में पूर्ण रूपेण निराश और असहाय था, मेरे अपने करने से कुछ भी नहीं हो पा रहा था, मैं काशी, विस्वनाथ जी के दर्शन को आया, उनको छू कर प्रार्थना की, हे नाथ!आप ही कुछ करो,,,,, कुछ दिनों बाद बनारस में सरकारी नौकरी मिली,, वो भी विस्वनाथ जी के ही निकट पोस्टिंग मिली,,, काशी में घर बन गया,, अब मैं प्रसन्नता से सपरिवार यहीं रहता हूँ 🙏🙏🙏अब कुछ नहीं चाहिए,,,, जय विश्वनाथ 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Baba Ki Kripa Mata Ji Ka Ashirvad He
Jai ho❤
2014में काशी के हरिश्चंद्र घाट में चाय पीते पीते एक दाह संस्कार के लिए चिता पर रखे शव पर नजर ठहर गई। और मैंने सोचा कि मानलो यह मैं हूं। मैंने स्वयं के शरीर को राख होते देखा। तत्पश्चात मुझे लगा कि मैं भार विहीन हो गया हूं।पूरी शाम मैं भार विहीन ही रहा।।
हर हर महादेव :-)
इसे शमशान -वैराग्य भाव कहा गया है...
@@s.kverma1972 आशा है भविष्य में भी आपका मार्गदर्शन मिलता रहेगा
बाबा एक दिन में इतने बड़े ज्ञानी नहीं बन गए। कई वर्षों की तपस्या है। भारत गर्व करता है।
I had the privilege of experiencing his insightful lectures and constructive criticisms throughout my postgraduate studies.
He has the same breathy tone, vibrant energy, expressive gestures, and knack for satirical yet profound discussions and analyses.
Prof. Rana P. B. is my teacher. ❤
प्रोफेसर राणा ज्ञान के अगाध भंडार हैं. इनको जितना सुनें हमेशा अदभुत जानकारी मिलती है वो भी धार्मिक, आध्यात्मिक,सांस्कृतिक और वैज्ञानिकता से परिपूर्ण होता है.
राणा सर का ऐतिहासिक ज्ञान भंडार विशाल है. विशेष रूप से काशी के महत्व के सन्दर्भ में.
राणा सर का एड्रेस मिल सकता है l
Such a beautiful talk❤ I love it.
Bring him back on VAAD.
My thought process stopped, listened carefully at one go like a movie. Guruji is a real gem of our civilization and the modern Aryabhatta
पैदा हुआ बनारस में मैं शिक्षा पाया वहीं सभीं।गली गली घूमा देखा सब पढ़ा पुराण कथाएं भी।। किंतु न जाने गूढ़ बात काशी क्यों न्यारी प्यारी है। ब्रह्मा विष्णु सदाशिव शंकर आदि पुरुष की नगरी है।। धन्यवाद
Excellent talk. Grateful to you for getting Rana ji on the show. Absolutely delightful and informative!
अद्भुत ज्ञान है इनके पास,सच में ये महापुरुष हैं।
ऐसे लोगों की सरकार कद्र नहीं करती।
इनसे मिलकर काशी विश्वनाथ परिक्रमा पथ का निर्माण होना चाहिए।❤❤
बहुत आनन्द आया , ज्ञान मिला और प्रोफेसर साहब का बनारसी अन्दाज़ दिल को गुदगुदा गया 😀🙏
अद्भुत,विलक्षण, विद्वता और परम ग्यानार्जन की यही पराकाष्ठा भारतीय दर्शन की थाती है! धन्य हैं ऐसे मूर्धन्य अध्येता! नमन।
Awesome samvaad bhai! Didn't know our Bharat has such hidden gems.
अब तक का सर्वोत्तम इंटरव्यू साधुवाद है राणा जी के और भी इंटरव्यू कीजिए
बहुत जबरदस्त जानकारी व ज्ञान दिया है ,धन्यवाद।
बिहार के सोनपुर में हरिहर क्षेत्र मंदिर है, जहां गंडक और गंगा के मिलन स्थल पर
हरि (विष्णु) और हर (शिव) का सम्मिलन हुआ था।
Aapka aur apki team ka bahut bahut dhanyavaad SHIV ANSH KA SAAKSHAAT KARAANE KELIYE
Bhai bohot anand aaya. Thanks! For a wonderful podcast 🙏. Namah Parvatipataye’ Har Har Mahadev!!
सुनना शुरू किया है। बंध सा गया हूं। आपका क्या ही हाल हुआ होगा।
Phr beech mein comment kahaan se karne lage
बचपन ललिताघाट पर व्यतीत किया है। नानाजी स्व. पण्डित लालबिहारी जी मिश्र (शास्त्रीजी/ वैद्यजी) के साथ आपकी बताई हर जगह, मंदिर में दर्शन करने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ। हमारे घर में ही गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी के द्वारा स्थापित प्रथम हनुमानजी की प्रतिमा "आदिसंकटमोचन मंदिर" में स्थित थी। कॉरिडोर में ललिताघाट का प्रारंभिक मकान होने के कारण हमारा घर एवं यह मंदिर भी ध्वस्त हो गए थे। एक मित्र श्री संदीप देव जिन्होंने श्री मोदी पर पुस्तक लिखी एवं उनके बड़े प्रशंसक थे, को मैंने इस मंदिर के बारे में बताया। ईश्वर की प्रेरणा से अथवा उनके प्रयास से आदि संकटमोचन हनुमान जी की प्रतिमा एवं उन्हीं के साथ शिवलिंग, राम लक्ष्मण जानकी की प्रतिमाएं भी कॉरिडोर में निचली तरफ अलग अलग मंदिरों में स्थापित कर दी गईं हैं किंतु कोई भी विवरण नहीं दिया गया है और बिल्कुल अलग थलग ये मंदिर सर्वथा उपेक्षित हैं। केवल पुराने जानकार ही यहां दर्शन करने आते हैं। यह तथ्य सार्वजनिक होना चाहिए तथा इन अद्भुत मंदिरों का दर्शनलाभ सभी को सुलभ होना चाहिए।
जानकारी के लिए बताना चाहता हूं कि गोस्वामी जी ने कुल ऐसे 11 मंदिर प्रतिष्ठित किए थे जिनमे दूसरा मंदिर मीरघाट के नये विश्वनाथजी के पीछे स्थित हैं। यह मेरी जानकारी में एक मात्र मंदिर है जहां अंजना माई भी स्थापित हैं। तुलसीदास जी का ग्यारहवां मंदिर अस्सीघाट - लंका वाले संकटमोचन मंदिर है।
(दुर्भाग्यवश उपरोक्त श्री संदीप देव अब मोदीजी के भारत में संभवतः सबसे बड़े आलोचक हैं।)
Nahi poora sun ne ke bad kiye honge@@SumitSharma-vs3fq
I don’t understand and unfollow this channel and make sure never seen this channel again
mulla hai@@ChandeepSinghBhulli
ऐसे पुरोधा को शतशत नमन। काश इस सम्पूर्ण बातचीत को मौजूदा पी एम ओ के विशिष्ट अधिकारी भी देखें साथ ही करबद्ध अनुरोध है कि समय निकाल कर माननीय प्रधान मंत्री जी भी स्वयं समय निकाल कर खासकर काशी के नव निर्मित श्री विश्वनाथ जी परिसर में कतिपय अति महत्वपूर्ण व संवेदनशील सुधार को अंगीकार कर सुधार करा सकें।
Bring back excellent dr Rana b p Singh to speak in depth on importance of gyanvapi vishwanath vishweshwar please
इतना आनंद देने के लिये धन्यवाद. आप को नमस्कार
He is a genius. Thanks for inviting such knowledgeable and brilliant person.
Such a beautiful conversation we need more
प्रणाम गुरुदेव अपने काशी के बारे में ऐसी बातें जानकर बहुत ही अच्छा लग रहा है और अंदर से उत्सुकता बढ़ रही है कि इसके बारे में और चर्चाएं की जाए आपकी एक बात जो कि बनारस शहर घूमते हुए हमें स्पिरिचुअलिटी का जो एहसास ना होता है इससे मैं सहमत हूं और जब हम मंदिर परिसर के पास पहुंचते हैं तब हमें प्रतीत होता है तो कुछ अलौकिक शक्तियां इस जगह विद्यमान है शेष बनारस में वह बात नहीं है
Kashi (Varanasi) is inhabited since at least 1800 BC. The holy complex has seen more than one destruction and reconstruction over thousands of years. Of late. In c. 1669 Auranzeb destroyed the main Kashi-Vishwanath temple and built the Gyanvapi Mosque over theplace. In 1780, Devi Ahilyabai Holkar built a temple few meters away from the original location (Original location is Gyanvapi Mosque). This happened during Maratha rule over northern India. In 2021, Shri Narendra Modi was instrumental in enlarging the temple premises and providing direct access via a staircase from the temple to Ganga River. Discussions & debate still going on recovery of original temple which is the Gyanvapi Mosque.
Let us unite and work for making the ancient Kashi, and modern Varanasi, a city where we can feel calm, peace, and spirituality.
I think you didn't here the podcast properly, temples have been broken. There is no Ancient Kashi anymore. The spirituality of the Kashi is dying. The original yaatras mentioned in Skand Puraan are stopped because the original temples are no more. They have no plan to rebuild the temples. In fact they are planing to break more as, this was only the first phase of the Kashi corridor. They are promoting liquor party in the Ganga river, they have started ganga cruise for this.
This temple breaking spree they call corridor building is not just isolated to Kashi. They have broken several in Ayodhya, Mhakaal jyotirling, Vrundaavan, Maa Vaishnodevi, many lesser known and local temples. They are still breaking more.
Hidus will never unite in the name of temple breaking. If they do, they are not Hindus but Shivdrohis. Hindu unity exists only in social media comment sections.
@@Hindus_Nation You may be living in Kashi, but I have a different experience. I went to the Kashi Vishwanath Temple about 10 years back. I had to go in thru a narrow three feet wide path in between zoo-like steel bars. I felt like a zoo animal who was being watched by crowd of people from adjacent mosque thru the steel bars. {Experience in Prayagraj was still worse. We went for a bath in sangam. Water of our holy sangam was so dirty, so dirty, that it was repulsive even to put feet inside it. We took a bath somehow, but I vowed never to take a dip at any holy place.} In Mahabharata only two tirthas are mentioned in Varanasi. These are [i] Kapilhrada and [ii] Avimukta. Both are lost. In Mahabharata there is Yatra of Kurukshetra only, none in Varanasi. As regards Skanda Purana Yatras (like 5-kosi, or 84-Kosi), either effort can be made to make way for them, alternatively sequence can be changed or longer route taken. Anyone who implements a change can not keep everyone involved, or everyone happy. It is so easy to criticize anything and anyone. Change is inescapable. Since there are so many improvements in Varanasi - we visited six months back - let us embrace the change. It is now a place where young people will be happy & proud to go and pray.
@@rajeevbhatnagar6495 So all that you wrote, justifies the temple destructions? Filth needs to be cleaned, agreed, but there are other ways to achieve it. BREAKING TEMPLES is not one of those ways! People who think like you, are not hindus. Sadly there are lot of you out there.
Yatras are based on mandalas mentioned in skand puran; You cannot just magically change the route as per YOUR convenience. Every temple, pond, tree in every yatra has been put there in a certain way so that the bhaktas can get benefit from it, it is designed as per the structure of the cosmos(not making this up, it is written).
You mentioned the Avimukta Yatra, one of the main shiva temple, Avimukteshvara has been destroyed! The yatra themselves are broken because the temples do not exist. They didn't even keep the lingams of many templates. They broke them to smaller pieces and mix them with the rubble(Not making this up either, there is a whole video of this on Twitter as proof, they were doing this at night time).
The temple of one of the main Vinayakaa is also destroyed. They have destroyed few ponds as well. They fell the Akshaya Vat(अक्षय वट), one of the holiest tree in India!
They have destroyed the house of Mandana Mishra, destroyed the Vyasa Pitha itself, destroyed the house of Kedarnath Vyasa, with it countless manuscripts were also lost forever!
This is not about making everyone happy. This is about preserving the remains of the oldest, holiest, God built city on this earth! Which we HAVE LOST due to the corridor. This is not change, this is destruction of a very sacred place. NO, it is not easy to criticize, rather it is easy to sweep the issue under the carpet, rather it is difficult to digest the truth.
I will say this again. Those who perform, justify or support this type of destruction is NOT a hindu, but just a politically blind Indian.
@@rajeevbhatnagar6495 So all that you wrote, justifies the temple destructions? Filth needs to be cleaned, agreed, but there are other ways to achieve it. BREAKING TEMPLES is not one of those ways! People who think like you, are not hindus. Sadly there are lot of you out there.
Yatras are based on mandalas mentioned in skand puran; You cannot just magically change the route as per YOUR convenience. Every temple, pond, tree in every yatra has been put there in a certain way so that the bhaktas can get benefit from it, it is designed as per the structure of the cosmos(not making this up, it is written).
You mentioned the Avimukta Yatra, one of the main shiva temple, Avimukteshvara has been destroyed! The yatra themselves are broken because the temples do not exist. They didn't even keep the lingams of many templates. They broke them to smaller pieces and mix them with the rubble(Not making this up either, there is a whole video of this on Twitter as proof, they were doing this at night time).
The temple of one of the main Vinayakaa is also destroyed. They have destroyed few ponds as well. They fell the Akshaya Vat(अक्षय वट), one of the holiest tree in India! They have destroyed the house of Mandana Mishra, destroyed the Vyasa Pitha itself, destroyed the house of Kedarnath Vyasa, with it countless manuscripts were also lost forever!
This is not about making everyone happy. This is about preserving the remains of the oldest, holiest, God built city on this earth! Which we HAVE LOST due to the corridor. This is not change, this is destruction of a very sacred place. NO, it is not easy to criticize, rather it is easy to sweep the issue under the carpet, rather it is difficult to digest the truth.
I will say this again. Those who perform, justify, support or "embrace" this type of destruction is NOT a hindu, but just a politically blind Indian.
@@rajeevbhatnagar6495 I agree with you. I went Kashi around 40 years back. After seeing so dirty place, dead bodies floating in ganga. It never occurred to me to visit Kashi again. But after seeing so much development I went there last year. There was not a single moment when I had not felt shiv . After sitting there in different ghats I as well as my children felt so spiritual upliftment. May be old generation feel disconnected but for young and future generations the development was necessary. Only two things I don't like are destruction of shivlings and cutting of trees.
बहुत सुंदर
कुछ अहंकार के साथ अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण जानकारियाँ।
तुम उनके में अहंकार कहां देख लिए
आप दोनों महानुभाव के इस अद्भुत, आश्चर्यजनक, अद्वितीय संवाद ने प्रत्येक श्रोता को मंत्र मुग्ध ही नहीं अपितु अंतरात्मा तक को झकझोर देने की सामर्थ रखता है । कोटि कोटि प्रणाम।
This was a free flowing conversation with invaluable knowledge shared by such a delightful gentleman. Thank you for sharing this content and please revisit him again, may Bhole Baba forgive our sins and guide our intellect at his feet 🙏
मैं स्वयं काशी से हु परंतु काशी के विषय मे इतना ज्ञान नहीं था 🙏🏻What a scientific approach to the Kashi
Excellent program.......because of this I could learn a lot...
Gurudev ke charno mein sadar pranam...once again delighted to listen the view and thoughts of guru ji ..it reminds me of those golden days as i was attending the lecture of rana ji long back in classroom..
Iss vyakti ko jitna sunta hoon utna hi sunne ki man karta hai...aisa episode aur banana chahiye.. hat's off rana ji ..
अद्भुत चर्चा हुई, अत्यंत ज्ञानवर्धक, अरिहंत जी आपसे निवेदन है कि आप इनके साथ आगे और episodes बनाएं, और हमारा ज्ञान बढ़ाएं ।
Bahut sunder, adbht, bahut gyanwardhk prabhavshali
अद्वितीय ग्यानवरधक जानकारियों के व्यासदेव आपको प्रणाम।साधुवाद ।
One of the best interview........ waiting for next episode..... thanks
Truly humbled to hear so much about my city Varanasi, second part is must.
काशी में भले ही भौतिक रुप से विनाश किया गया हो किन्तु यह आध्यात्मिक रुप से अविनाशी ही है, भोले नाथ का कौन विनाश कर सकता है। हर हर महादेव 🙏🙏💐🌹🌹🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
अद्भुत आंनद मिला। सत्य नारायण भगवान की जय। 😁😁😁
Thanks Sir
I am listening you after a long time.very beautiful talk.
नि:संदेह आप विद्वान हैं, किन्तु अहंकारी हैं। अपशब्द का प्रयोग करना मूर्खतापूर्ण कार्य है।
यदि हमारी बात से असहमत हों तो पूछिये, सत्यनारायण कथा के बारे में हम बताने का प्रयास करेंगे।
यही अहंकार आप को डुबो रहा है।
बता दो भाई
अपना प्रश्न पूछिये, शत प्रतिशत प्रमाण के साथ उत्तर मिलेगा।
भाई, आप मूर्ख हैं!
ये काशी की भाषा है भराता श्री।
@@kulbirhooda8464 ये हुड्डा कबसे बनारसी समझने लगे भाई
Superb superb podcast.
Learned a lot Gained a lot of knowledge from you Sir 🙏🏻❤
Har Har Mahadev 🙏🏻
Om Nomo Shivaya 🙏🏻 Brother Arihant ❤️
But he has finally made it and opened it for the common man so we should and would praise our Modiji from our ❤.
🙏🏻 Modiji ❤
अद्भुत अद्भुत आदरणीय
जय सनातन
हर हर महादेव
बहुत ज्ञानवर्धक जानकारी प्राप्त हुई। बहुत बहुत हार्दिक आभार। प्रणाम 🙏🚩🙏
Kshetram would have been adept name. Gurvayoor Kshetram , has Bal Gopal as the only deity. Until now I thought, southern part of country has more temple devoted to Vaishnav , Shaivism and Shakti in equal proportions and daily rituals of agamic /tantric practices. With this interview of Mr.Singh , thanks to his knowledge on northern city. The way shiv linga kshetram designed with cosmic science. His book on cosmic astrology and cosmic order , would be a definite read. Thanks to Vaad team , he is a treasure trove in Shivology science. Mr.Singh making his work open source is another commendable step. Avadhoot philosophy. Good watch , must watch !!!
वाह अद्भुत रोमांच सा लगता है आपको सुनकर👍🙏
सर को सुनना हमेशा ही सम्मोहन एवं ज्ञानवर्धक होता है। काशी के विषय पर तो आपसे बढ़कर किसी का अधिकार नहीं है। मन होता है कि सुनते ही जाएं।
Arihant aapka athyadhik dhanyawad Kashike in chupe hue ratna ko hum sabke samne prastoot karne ke liye.. 🙏🏻
शुक्रिया सर। आपसे बहुत कुछ सीखने को मिलता है। असली बनारसी तो आप ही हैं।
आप भारतीय सब्जी अनुसंधान मे दस वर्ष पुर्व आये थे।आप ने काशी पर कुछ विचार प्रकट किये थे।तब से अनवरत आप के वाणी सुनने के लिए तरस रहा था।❤❤
What Modi did in Kashi, the same Tirupathi did in Jammu. They cut hundreds of trees to build a Tirupathi Temple in Jammu! Those hills surrounding Jammu were one of the only surviving forests 🌳 around Jammu! It’s all about money 💰 If tomorrow they construct a Vaishno Devi temple in Delhi, would it have any significance? Then why Tirupathi temple in Jammu?
Superb!!! I bow down to this professors knowledge, achievements and service to ParamaShiva.
❤ गजब! मजा आ गया। बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद ...
Bahut acha lga aapko sunke, baba logon ki yaad aa gai🥹🙏🏼
Bohot bohot dhanyawad bhaiya , inse milwane ke liye.....please please inke sath or v conversation kijiye bohot sari , inke knowledge ki need hai ham jese youth ko . Abhi sab show off ka jamana hai please inke sath future mai v podcast kijiyega. Apke subscriber ka request hai please.and thank you bhaiya ............
ज्ञान के भंडार श्रीमान जी को प्रणाम
👏Jay Shri Krishna👏
मोदी ने हिंदुओं की तीर्थ का सर्वनाशकर दिया है
अच्छा! आज जो हिंदुओं के तीर्थ और हिंदुत्व प्वाइंट ऑफ डिस्कशन में हैं, वो बीजेपी मोदी की वजह से ही है। उसके पहले कौन पूछ रहा था अयोध्या काशी को।
@@vishalbhatnagar4305पहले जाके पर्यटन स्थल और तीर्थ स्थल का परिभाषा पढ़ के आ
Kya galat kiya modiji ne sare hinduo ko jga diya ab sub kripa pa rhe h Kashi baba ji ki
Kalnemi.modi Marde.mujahid. ka.aant @@neelamagarwal9800
Very Insightful Talk !!
Very informative
Shayad @vaad ke through logo ko pata chala ki jis ped ko nahi katna chahiye wo nahi scientific reason ke saath nahi katni chahiye. Bhaiya ji jise tourist kehte hai unhe kyoto hi jaana chahiye, teerthsthal nahi. Unhe paan ki peechki nahi mikegi, kisi ne dande maarke aapko Kashi jaane nahi kaha.
Par ha Prof saab is enchanting❤
आपको कोटि कोटि प्रणाम 🙏
My god, these kind of gems people exist. It’s amazing how much poetic aesthetics exist in our culture
अद्भुत उद्बोधन...अथ श्री विश्वनाथ कथा....🌹🤗🌹
अति सुन्दर संवाद रहा l ऐसे ही संवाद के वीडियो बनाते रहिए l ऐसे लग रहा था कि लगातार सुनते रहें l धन्यवाद 🙏
One of the best Podcast of yours. धन्यवाद
Superb,full of informations , knowledge ,science and spirituality.
Beautiful, a pleasure to the ear , great conversation
मंदिर तोड़कर उसके सामने शौचालय बनाए हैं मोदी ने! 😢
हर हर महादेव 🙏
Thankyou so much for this wonderful episode.
अति सुन्दर जानकारी 🙏💐🌹
सबसे पहले धर्म को राजनीति के चंगुल से मुक्त करवाना होगा तभी लोक कल्याण हो पाएगा ।
प्रोफेसर साहब जैसे विद्वानों के सलाह और वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिकोण से पौराणिक महत्वो को ध्यान में रखते हुए से तीर्थ स्थलों का निर्माण करवाया जाना चाहिए अंधा विकास नही होना चाहिए
जो पार्टी
जय जय सीताराम धन्यवाद ज्ञान देने के लिए
ऐसी अदभूत काशी को कोई पापी हि उजाडेगा.
Excellent episode. Well done.
You have been doing a great job sir. You are inviting such a great personality who we are not familiar with. This was amazing session ❤
🙏आदरणीय अरिहंत जी प्रोग्राम देने के लिए बहुत बहुत साधुवाद💞🌹🌹💐l कमेंट सेक्शन में जाकर हक में कमेंट देने वालों के नाम से पता लगाइए कि वह किस वर्ग से हैं🙏 🤔❓🤔
Arihant ji ko sadhuwad waiting for next talk about Kashi and surrounding with great scholar Singh sahib🙏
Very happy to see such interesting video and professor talking about hindu religious texts and spirituality
🙏🏻जय श्री हरि ।हर हर महादेव ।
1:15:35 इस का पूरा नाम सतयनाराण व्रत कथा है ।असल मे यह कथा इस व्रत के महात्म को बताती है न कि सत्य नारायण की कोई कथा बताती है ।
Bahut sundar jankari dhanyawad
Best संवाद, so far 🤩
Bhai aise aur podcast sir ke saath karo hindi belt aap ka aabhar pure jivan maanta rahega
The best knowledge with your own example
4:20 - 40:47, :
Only gujarati
1. Bimal Hasmukh Patel- Parliament House of India, Central Vista Redevelopment Project
2. Chandrakant Sompura -chief architect of the Ram temple- Gujarat
3. Bimal Hasmukh Patel- Kashi Vishwanath Dham
43:48 Corridor: 16वीं सदी के अंत में (एक सैन्य शब्द के रूप में, जो एक "मिट्टी की सड़क या खेत के साथ-साथ बनाई गई खाई (पानी के बहने के लिए), ख़ंदक़, खात" )
late 16th century (as a military term denoting a strip of land along the outer edge of a ditch.
vartaman kaal main yeh kahne mai atishyokti nhi hai ki bhartiye log dusre ki mehnat ka swed chkhna adhik pasand krte hai bajay ki wah mehnat khud kren..It is shame that We don't have critcal edition of all 18 purans. All youth ,, bas naare lagao. karm kuch nhi krna hai.
1:14:57 Now to all brahmins, what is "Katha ki katha"?, the original Styanarayan ki katha kha hai. We can sense that the huge manipulation here is being done by Brahmins. Ye toh topi pahne na hua tb toh.
Thank you prof. ranaji
अद्भुत अद्वितीय।हर हर महादेव
मैं अपने शोध के सिलसिले में राणा जी से मिला पहली मुलाकात में 3 घंटा 45 मिनट की बैठकी हुई।
अहो भाग्य अद्भुत प्रस्तुति 🙏
Pranam Acharya ji🙏