Hello Timea. I’m not a truck driver but I enjoy very your videos. I always thought a trucker was just the driver but you do so much more loading and unloading etc. Also the scenery is amazing. I know very little about Romania but it looks very beautiful. Please continue the videos. They must take a lot of time as well as your trucking.
Timea, you are an incredible young woman. I have 6 grandsons around your age and I only wish they had half the motivation and skills you have. Please be careful and don't overdo the heavy work because you'll really feel it as you get older. You are fantastic, Frank from Florida 🤩😁
I have a couple questions: Do you own the truck and trailer or do you work for a company that does? Is it difficult to travel through the different countries or easy? The roads look very narrow compared to ours in the States. Finally, your a pleasure to watch as you do your daily routines, especially when you cook. You've given me a couple of ideas. Peace and love
Your channel plus one other are the only ones I watch. Especially since you're in Europe and I'm from Germany, it really helps me stay connected to home. Good luck in all that you do.
I also rode with my Dad, a truck driver and then drove trucks in Germany in the Army. Thanks for answering the questions. Translvania, like Count Dracula? HAHA. Great video thanks!
Thank you for making this video. It's very wonderful to hear from you and get to know you more. I watch all your videos, and though I don't always leave a comment, I enjoy your videos very much. I drive a truck in the U.S. and love to hear all about you and your adventures on the road. Thank you for sharing, and safe journeys.😊
Thanks for the q&a video and letting us to get to know you better!!👍😁 It is hot where I am at as well. It will be over 100 degrees Fahrenheit today.😎 It will be in the mid to upper 90s for the next 2 months. Keep the awesome videos coming!!👍
merci à vous, d'être présente de consacrer un peu de votre temps libre, à faire ces vidéos. thank you for being present to devote some of your free time to making these videos. 😘😘😘
How long have you been driving big trucks? Did you go to school for truck driving? What is your favorite memory about driving? Timea you are so sweet and great driver 😊
Good morning to you too Timea, and thanks for sharing some of your subs questions. It was great to see you smiling and relaxing with your pup. I appreciate that you are doing this in English and that that is not your first language - and you are doing great! Please stay safe and hope to see you next week.
Good morning! It was a pleasure to introduce myself properly for you, since I haven't done it before!😊 I have forgotten very much English, because I didn't use it when I was learning at the university, but now I can't wait to practice more/ speak better! It helps me a lot, that I can have a conversation with you in English! Promise to be better!😊🌞 See you next Sunday! Take care!🌻
Thank you for the Q& A video. You answered questions I had about your job experience, your truck as well as who you are. Keep up the great job with your videos and I'll be happy to ride along with you and keep you company on your journeys across Europe. Take care and stay safe, it matters to me. :)
Timea it's always a pleasure to see your videos and your dog would struggle with 9hrs in a truck even though she's beautiful and would get lots of attention. XXX from UK
Thank you very much! 😊 I share the same opinion; she wouldn't like it. Maybe if I had brought her with me from the very start. But when I come home, she is the happiest puppy. Take care! 🌻🌞
Thank you for this video. We got to know you more and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Interesting that you were taught and developed a passion for driving from your father being a trucker himself. Amazing that you graduated with Engineering program. Your father did an excellent job raising a strong and independent daughter. Well done so far and wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
I had a man from Romania who worked for me about 26 years ago. He loved the Costa Rica assignments and worked off and on for 4 years there. After my 43 years of work there the banks got greedy and wanted more revenue. We where the highest money makers then out of 5 competitors, but the shut us down world wide. To make a long story short, he moved to Miami and I haven't heard a word since. A very good worker.
Nice video Timea! Thank for sharing some information about yourself. I always enjoy watching your videos and look forward to the next one to see what you are up to.👍😎
Hello Timea. I love your videos. I am happy with the growth of your UA-cam channel. I live on a farm here in Brazil, we have trucks to transport our agricultural products. Kisses from your fan Bruna 😘
Hello Bruna!🌞🙋🏼♀️ Sorry that I didn't respond earlier. Thank you very much! I am very happy also, we did hit 3K🥳. So thank you for being here!🤗 Have you every driven a truck? What kind of agricultural products do you make?😊 I am very happy to hear from you! Take care!😘
pretty amazing to hear about you ..nice house behind you ..started trucking as yuong as 4 ...by then i was back in the village playing with mud as a five year old 🤣🤣🤣🤣so naive ...the main domestic work was farming but still was interesting ..anyways hes a good papi since i have seen you are great engineer..keep trucking i wish i had ability to subscribe more 🤣🤣 you deserve more viewersshp ...good video👌
Hello!🙋🏼♀️🌞 I am happy to introduce myself for you properly!😊 Well, if my father wouldn't have been a truck driver, I would have been playing with mud also.😂😀 My grandparents had a little farm with a few animals, I adored it. They taught me everything I know about farming and this is how I became closer to the nature. It was very cool, so I am sure it was interesting.😎 You are very nice😂😂 The fact that you follow my "adventure" so enthusiastically is more than enough for me!🌞🌻
Greetings from Scotland! You are a star Timea! Q&A videos are always difficult because you have nobody to "bounce" the answers off, it's easy to get distracted. But you did very well and now we all know a little more about you and your life on the road and at home too! I look forward to the next video, wherever you go and whatever you do - I will be sitting alongside you, in fact we will ALL be sitting alongside you! (I hope your cab is quite large?) 🤔 😂😂
Thank you very much! Sometimes when I am all alone talking to the camera the people around me are looking at me very strangely 🤔😂. But I think I slowly started getting used to the camera.😊 Thank you for being here! I assure your place😂! Everybody has enough place!😀 I will make a video about my cab sometimes to show you everything.😁 Have a beautiful week!🌻🌞
@@blondietruckingadventures Yes, it takes a little time to get used to speaking to a camera. Just imagine we are all the other side of the lens! On second thoughts, that maybe a bad idea because that could scare you! 😂🤣 People seeing you speak probably assume that you are talking to somebody on your cell phone anyway Timea. Yes, a video of your cab usually makes for interesting content, what you take on long trips and how things are stored etc.. Also what you do to prepare for long trips away from home. My wife always packed some cakes for me, a taste of home! Have a good week/weekend when it arrives and safe travels always! 😊😊👍👍
Vă mulțumim că ne-ați luat cu dvs. în călătoriile voastre, este întotdeauna o plăcere să vă urmărim videoclipurile. Încă o dată, videoclip excelent, conținutul se schimbă dar originalitatea și calitatea rămân. Drum bun pentru tine, domnișoară „Clean”.
Szia Timi Very very nice. Chill video... You made my sunday 🙂 The video is longer than usual yet very enjoyable, still. I wish for myself that 1 day I'm going to finish a whole popcorn watching your video Sunday noon 🙂 Thank You for introducing Yourself and sharing more info. about Yourself. And of course, keep up the great work and push out more videos and more and more and more.... Thanx and have a great sunday... P.S Itt-ott nem megfelelöek a szavak de ezt csak "baráti alapon írom" hiszen örvendek hogy sikerült rávegyelek hogy beszélj és minnél többet beszélsz annál jobb. (Valójába, szerintem mindenki érti csak nekem van 1 perfekcionista, maximalista fixem és igy mindig hajtok hogy lehetöleg minden a legjobb legyen) Ugyhogy ez így jol van ahogy van. Majd jobbá alakul ez, az idö során... gyakorlat teszi az embert (tudod 😉 ) Ugyhogy haj-rá és "még-még-még-még-még..." Republik 😉 Köszönöm igy magyarul is és legyen 1 csodás 7végéd 👋🙂
Thank you very much! The time has already come to introduce myself properly.😁 I really try my best to make longer videos, but one day I am sure that I will succeed. P.S. Annyit felejtettem az egyetemi évek alatt az angol nyelvből, hogy rengeteget. Nem is nagyon volt akivel használjam, s most bele kell mégjobban jöjjek. Plusz amikor magyarázok valamit a kamera előtt van, hogy egy szó nem jut eszembe s akkor az egész magyarázatnak annyi😂🤦🏼♀️. De nagyon jó volt a tanácsod, azt fogom csinálni amikor lehet, hogy utána veszem fel a hangot miután kész a video és akkor sokkal pontosabb és szebb és tökéletesebb lesz az egész.😊 A legfontosabb a visszajelzés, mert ebből tudom meg igazán, hogy tényleg jó-e ahogy csinálom vagy nem, úgyhogy köszönöm nagyon szépen!🌻🌞 Szép hetet kívánok!🙋🏼♀️😊
Hát teljesen érthetö hogy a kamera elött minden másképp történik mind ahogy eltervezted, de ahogy korábban is írtam, már látszik hogy kezdesz megbarátkozni a kamcsival és ezt, az idö teljesen meg fogja oldani. Ami a nyelv gyakorlását illeti, tudok 1 modszert ami nálam nagyon jol müködött és most is ezt használom. Én nagyon sokat beszélgetek magammal, mindig feldobok 1 témát és azt elemzem, kérdezek-válaszolok, az általam ismert emberek lehetséges kérdéseire keresek válaszokat vagy élet helyzeteikre magyarázatokat igy aztán mikor élöbe talizunk már sokkal könnyebb a dolgom. Igy, te is tudnál 1-1 mentális elöadást tartani külömbözö témákról... Na de nem ez a lênyeg...hanem az, hogy ezeket a magammal való beszélgetéseket, mikor angolul vagy románul vezetem le, olykor a kiejtést is gyakorlom de egyben hallom is, ugyhogy ha javítani kell akkor magamtól rájövök. Ami viszont a leg fontosabb 1 folyékony beszélgetésnél, az az, hogy ne kelljen fordíts, mert az sok idö és energia. Ebben segít majd az hogy ha sokat beszélsz magaddal folyamatosan angolul, akkor kényszeríted az agyat hogy energia takarékos, gyors és hatékony megoldást találjon. És akkor majd elkezd angolul gondolkodni és onnan már ugy fogsz beszélni angolul, akár 1 angol. Ehez viszont sok idö kell, és sok gyakorlat, ezért szokott a leggyorsabban azoknak sikerülni, akik külföldi közösségbe élnek és dolgoznak vagy akár valakivel össze költöznek. Mert igy az agy rá van kényszerítve hogy változtasson. Na ezt a sok órányi intenzív gyakorlatot, a legjobb társaddal... "önmagaddal" tudod gyakorolni. 🙂👍 Remélem a "racsni buli" is össze jön majd, azt amugy kicsit kiegészitettem az elözö videódat kommentálva. Szép 7végét 👋🙂
Hello Timea, I was driving heavier stuff than you, I'm a former Metro driver in Stockholm, Sweden. The older wagons weight 30 tons emty and they goes in 8 wagons train during the peak hours, then add all passenger... Your country has one leg in the Schengen now for trucks, soon you have the other leg too, welcome in the Schengen community then. I really want to visiting Romania but for now I've only a Nationel ID Card that goes only inside Schengen.
Szia Timi 😊. Remek válaszok. 24-én 24 éves, ilyen csak egyszer van az életben 😁 Megfizethetetlen dolog ha az ember egy közeli családtagjától tudja tanulni a szakmát. Szerintem is az élet egyik értelme az álmaink valóra váltása. Ha nem a saját álmaidat váltod valóra akkor valaki másét fogod. Nekem még mindig fura Maci új frizurája 😄 te vagy Maci szokta előbb megunni a simogatásokat?😄😄 Hozzátok is megjött a kánikula?🥵 Érezd jól magad a héten Timi és üdvözlöm Macit is😊
Szia Norbi!🙋🏼♀️ Hát tényleg csak egyszer van ennyi huszonnégyes az ember életében.😀 Hát az biztos, hogy rendesen meg fog tanítani, mert a lehető legjobb tudását akarja átadni neked. Azért volt, hogy vitatkoztunk elégszer amikor nem úgy csináltam valamit ahogy kellett volna 😂, de megérte, nagyon jó tanár.😁 Ha nem próbálod meg valóra váltani az álmaid, mindig bánni fogod. Az elején nekem is nagyon furcsa volt Maci haja, kellett kacagjam amikor láttam meg, de már megszoktam.😁 Ő unja meg mindig, mert nagyon mozgékony kutya. Hall egy hangot vagy valamit, akkor azt hamar meg kell vizsgálja, hogy vajon mi történt.😂 Megjött nálunk is🥵. Annyival könnyebb itt nálunk, hogy bár éjjelre le tud hűlni az időjárás egy kicsit így tudsz pihenni, de nálatok éjjel is nagyon meleg van. Köszönöm szépen, neked is szép hetet kívánok!🌞🌻
Bonjour Timéa, merci pour les explications de ton parcours pour devenir trucker, ton père a eu raison d'être exigeant, il a fait du bon travail bravo Tu es propriétaire de ton camion ?? 😘😘
Merci beaucoup pour les compliments😊! Ce serait bien si j'étais le propriétaire du camion, mais je suis seulement un employé. Passez une belle semaine !🌻🌞
Princess since you are an engineer then try to find systems or solutions to facilitate carriers or integrate less painful techniques to reduce infernal expectations. and I know you are capable for it
Én köszönöm, hogy mindig ennyire értéklitek a munkám!🌻Köszönöm, hogy mindig felvidítotok amikor a kommenteket olvasom!🌞 Maci is köszöni! Vigyázz magadra!😊
Still very young, try and study something if you can and get out of this lorry driving nonsense whilst you still can. This job is going to rob you, steal your personal life and by the time you realise this, you won’t be a young girl anymore. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about…
@@BlueberryHigh There are only a hand full of people who’s passion is trucking and only a few of them can actually do something else and/or posses university degree. Most of the people do it for the money or because they can’t do anything else. I have been an HGV driver for a few years now, although I do have a bachelor degree from Uni, but trucking pays more than the job I would do with my degree, unfortunately, so there you go… So, my point is, if she is good for something else, it is not very smart to proceed with this nonsense called international trucker for much longer. However, if she’s one of these people who don’t want family or friends, or social life or stress free, healthy ish style of life, or anything that is considered “normal” by most people, then carry on, be a trucker. Hope this comment makes more sense to you now.
You get positive feedback back because you're a positive and very nice person .
And a good truck driver
Thank you for these nice thoughts!🌻 I always feel so energised and motivated after reading the comment section! Thank you for these!😊🌞🙌
Hello Timea. I’m not a truck driver but I enjoy very your videos. I always thought a trucker was just the driver but you do so much more loading and unloading etc. Also the scenery is amazing. I know very little about Romania but it looks very beautiful. Please continue the videos. They must take a lot of time as well as your trucking.
Timea, you are an incredible young woman. I have 6 grandsons around your age and I only wish they had half the motivation and skills you have. Please be careful and don't overdo the heavy work because you'll really feel it as you get older. You are fantastic,
Frank from Florida 🤩😁
My wife is Romanian and we are moving to Bucuresti next year. Beautiful country and people.
You are a true gypsy. I was in the truck since i was 10 years old. Ive been driving since you were born. I like your drive and work ethic.
Just came across your channel. You have a kind, engaging and friendly personality! Watching from Newfoundland, Canada! Just subscribed!😁👍👍
@@curtdawe Hello there!😊 Thanks a lot, and welcome to my channel!🌞
Wonderful meeting you. Lyle from Minnesota, USA.
Wow an engineer too, be safe and warm.Its wintertime here in USA cold with snow on the ground
I have a couple questions:
Do you own the truck and trailer or do you work for a company that does?
Is it difficult to travel through the different countries or easy? The roads look very narrow compared to ours in the States.
Finally, your a pleasure to watch as you do your daily routines, especially when you cook. You've given me a couple of ideas.
Peace and love
You're one of my favourite truck drivers. Hope you can make more POV videos. Cheers from Slovakia :)
Hello!😊 You are really flattering me! Thank you very much!🌻 Sure I can make more POV for you! With pleasure!😊 Take care!
Your channel plus one other are the only ones I watch. Especially since you're in Europe and I'm from Germany, it really helps me stay connected to home. Good luck in all that you do.
You are a Pretty and delightful person. I love the craftsmanship of Your home's entryway. Beautiful
I also rode with my Dad, a truck driver and then drove trucks in Germany in the Army. Thanks for answering the questions. Translvania, like Count Dracula? HAHA. Great video thanks!
timea, you are a very competent and talented young lady for your age, best of luck in all you do.
Thank you for making this video. It's very wonderful to hear from you and get to know you more. I watch all your videos, and though I don't always leave a comment, I enjoy your videos very much. I drive a truck in the U.S. and love to hear all about you and your adventures on the road. Thank you for sharing, and safe journeys.😊
Timea , you seem so sweet and kind ... Your video productions are very touching ... Peace to you and yours...
New subscriber! You are such a delight! I wish you well and safe journeys ☮️🙏🇺🇸
Sehr sympathische, junge Dame! ☺️👍🏻
Thanks for the q&a video and letting us to get to know you better!!👍😁 It is hot where I am at as well. It will be over 100 degrees Fahrenheit today.😎 It will be in the mid to upper 90s for the next 2 months. Keep the awesome videos coming!!👍
hiking & fishing!🌻🌻🍀I want to travel all the countries!
Great videos and very interesting well done to you 👌💯👍
Subscriber here 👋 from Philippines 😃 keep on trucking take care always. 💪👍
Welcome to my channel!🙋🏼♀️ Thank you for subscribing!😊 Take care!
Hi Wonder woman.you have lots of talent.special lady.🇮🇪
merci à vous, d'être présente de consacrer un peu de votre temps libre, à faire ces vidéos.
thank you for being present to devote some of your free time to making these videos.
Merci d'être ici! 🌞 Cela signifie beaucoup pour moi ! Passez une bonne semaine!🌻😊
Thnxx for the video Timea i wish for you all the best you are goood on what you do and keep up the goood work i will calll you king of the road :)
How long have you been driving big trucks? Did you go to school for truck driving? What is your favorite memory about driving? Timea you are so sweet and great driver 😊
Thanks Timea for your video.
Keep on trunking and vlogs.
Lots of love from Holland.
Big hugs for you dog.
Hello Paul!🙋🏼♀️ Thank you for appreciating it!🌞 I will keep the vlogs coming! I am sure that she would loved to be hugged.😁 Have a beautiful week!🌻
Good morning to you too Timea, and thanks for sharing some of your subs questions. It was great to see you smiling and relaxing with your pup. I appreciate that you are doing this in English and that that is not your first language - and you are doing great! Please stay safe and hope to see you next week.
Good morning! It was a pleasure to introduce myself properly for you, since I haven't done it before!😊 I have forgotten very much English, because I didn't use it when I was learning at the university, but now I can't wait to practice more/ speak better! It helps me a lot, that I can have a conversation with you in English! Promise to be better!😊🌞 See you next Sunday! Take care!🌻
Thank you for the Q& A video. You answered questions I had about your job experience, your truck as well as who you are. Keep up the great job with your videos and I'll be happy to ride along with you and keep you company on your journeys across Europe. Take care and stay safe, it matters to me. :)
Timea it's always a pleasure to see your videos and your dog would struggle with 9hrs in a truck even though she's beautiful and would get lots of attention. XXX from UK
Thank you very much! 😊 I share the same opinion; she wouldn't like it. Maybe if I had brought her with me from the very start. But when I come home, she is the happiest puppy. Take care! 🌻🌞
Thank you for this video. We got to know you more and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree! Interesting that you were taught and developed a passion for driving from your father being a trucker himself. Amazing that you graduated with Engineering program. Your father did an excellent job raising a strong and independent daughter. Well done so far and wish you the very best in your future endeavors.
Thank you! 😊🙋🏼♀️🌞
Enjoyed that Q&A. And pls keep the videos coming. They are very enjoyable.
Thank you very much! It's a pleasure to make videos for the nice people like you!😊🌞
I had a man from Romania who worked for me about 26 years ago. He loved the Costa Rica assignments and worked off and on for 4 years there. After my 43 years of work there the banks got greedy and wanted more revenue. We where the highest money makers then out of 5 competitors, but the shut us down world wide. To make a long story short, he moved to Miami and I haven't heard a word since. A very good worker.
You are a very talented young lady😊
Thank you a lot!😊🌞🌻
Yes Maci ❤❤
Nice video Timea! Thank for sharing some information about yourself. I always enjoy watching your videos and look forward to the next one to see what you are up to.👍😎
Thank you Martin, I really appreciate it! See you on Sunday!🌞🙋🏼♀️
good morning, from your eastern Canadian subcriber and also truck driver.
Good morning my colleague!😊🌞 Take care!😊
Hello Timea, thanks for that Q&A. It was really cool.
Have a great week & take care from 🇨🇦!!
I am very happy that I could introduce myself for you! Thank you for being here!🌻🌞 Take care!😊
Thanks for your new video ❤
Thank you for watching!😊🌻
Thank you for being here!🌻
Hello Timea. I love your videos. I am happy with the growth of your UA-cam channel. I live on a farm here in Brazil, we have trucks to transport our agricultural products. Kisses from your fan Bruna 😘
Hello Bruna!🌞🙋🏼♀️ Sorry that I didn't respond earlier. Thank you very much! I am very happy also, we did hit 3K🥳. So thank you for being here!🤗 Have you every driven a truck? What kind of agricultural products do you make?😊 I am very happy to hear from you! Take care!😘
❤ thanks for your video
pretty amazing to hear about you ..nice house behind you ..started trucking as yuong as 4 ...by then i was back in the village playing with mud as a five year old 🤣🤣🤣🤣so naive ...the main domestic work was farming but still was interesting ..anyways hes a good papi since i have seen you are great engineer..keep trucking i wish i had ability to subscribe more 🤣🤣 you deserve more viewersshp ...good video👌
Hello!🙋🏼♀️🌞 I am happy to introduce myself for you properly!😊 Well, if my father wouldn't have been a truck driver, I would have been playing with mud also.😂😀 My grandparents had a little farm with a few animals, I adored it. They taught me everything I know about farming and this is how I became closer to the nature. It was very cool, so I am sure it was interesting.😎 You are very nice😂😂 The fact that you follow my "adventure" so enthusiastically is more than enough for me!🌞🌻
@@blondietruckingadventures you aways have the right answers🤣🤣
Greetings from Scotland! You are a star Timea! Q&A videos are always difficult because you have nobody to "bounce" the answers off, it's easy to get distracted. But you did very well and now we all know a little more about you and your life on the road and at home too! I look forward to the next video, wherever you go and whatever you do - I will be sitting alongside you, in fact we will ALL be sitting alongside you! (I hope your cab is quite large?) 🤔 😂😂
Thank you very much! Sometimes when I am all alone talking to the camera the people around me are looking at me very strangely 🤔😂. But I think I slowly started getting used to the camera.😊 Thank you for being here! I assure your place😂! Everybody has enough place!😀 I will make a video about my cab sometimes to show you everything.😁 Have a beautiful week!🌻🌞
@@blondietruckingadventures Yes, it takes a little time to get used to speaking to a camera. Just imagine we are all the other side of the lens! On second thoughts, that maybe a bad idea because that could scare you! 😂🤣 People seeing you speak probably assume that you are talking to somebody on your cell phone anyway Timea. Yes, a video of your cab usually makes for interesting content, what you take on long trips and how things are stored etc.. Also what you do to prepare for long trips away from home. My wife always packed some cakes for me, a taste of home! Have a good week/weekend when it arrives and safe travels always! 😊😊👍👍
Great vlog I will be 81 on the 24th of August, we share same birthday
Yay! Happy birthday for us on 24th of August! 🎂😊 Take care!🌻
can you tell me where you got your green utinsil holder that has a flip top? thank you
Your videos continue please🤝🤝
Vă mulțumim că ne-ați luat cu dvs. în călătoriile voastre, este întotdeauna o plăcere să vă urmărim videoclipurile. Încă o dată, videoclip excelent, conținutul se schimbă dar originalitatea și calitatea rămân.
Drum bun pentru tine, domnișoară „Clean”.
Vă mulțumesc că m-ați alăturat! O săptămână frumoasă vă doresc!🌞🙋🏼♀️
Szia Timi
Very very nice.
Chill video... You made my sunday 🙂
The video is longer than usual yet very enjoyable, still.
I wish for myself that 1 day I'm going to finish a whole popcorn watching your video Sunday noon 🙂
Thank You for introducing Yourself and sharing more info. about Yourself.
And of course, keep up the great work and push out more videos and more and more and more....
Thanx and have a great sunday...
Itt-ott nem megfelelöek a szavak de ezt csak "baráti alapon írom" hiszen örvendek hogy sikerült rávegyelek hogy beszélj és minnél többet beszélsz annál jobb.
(Valójába, szerintem mindenki érti csak nekem van 1 perfekcionista, maximalista fixem és igy mindig hajtok hogy lehetöleg minden a legjobb legyen)
Ugyhogy ez így jol van ahogy van. Majd jobbá alakul ez, az idö során... gyakorlat teszi az embert (tudod 😉 )
Ugyhogy haj-rá és "még-még-még-még-még..." Republik 😉
Köszönöm igy magyarul is és legyen 1 csodás 7végéd
Thank you very much! The time has already come to introduce myself properly.😁 I really try my best to make longer videos, but one day I am sure that I will succeed.
Annyit felejtettem az egyetemi évek alatt az angol nyelvből, hogy rengeteget. Nem is nagyon volt akivel használjam, s most bele kell mégjobban jöjjek. Plusz amikor magyarázok valamit a kamera előtt van, hogy egy szó nem jut eszembe s akkor az egész magyarázatnak annyi😂🤦🏼♀️. De nagyon jó volt a tanácsod, azt fogom csinálni amikor lehet, hogy utána veszem fel a hangot miután kész a video és akkor sokkal pontosabb és szebb és tökéletesebb lesz az egész.😊 A legfontosabb a visszajelzés, mert ebből tudom meg igazán, hogy tényleg jó-e ahogy csinálom vagy nem, úgyhogy köszönöm nagyon szépen!🌻🌞 Szép hetet kívánok!🙋🏼♀️😊
Hát teljesen érthetö hogy a kamera elött minden másképp történik mind ahogy eltervezted, de ahogy korábban is írtam, már látszik hogy kezdesz megbarátkozni a kamcsival és ezt, az idö teljesen meg fogja oldani.
Ami a nyelv gyakorlását illeti, tudok 1 modszert ami nálam nagyon jol müködött és most is ezt használom.
Én nagyon sokat beszélgetek magammal, mindig feldobok 1 témát és azt elemzem, kérdezek-válaszolok, az általam ismert emberek lehetséges kérdéseire keresek válaszokat vagy élet helyzeteikre magyarázatokat igy aztán mikor élöbe talizunk már sokkal könnyebb a dolgom.
Igy, te is tudnál 1-1 mentális elöadást tartani külömbözö témákról...
Na de nem ez a lênyeg...hanem az, hogy ezeket a magammal való beszélgetéseket, mikor angolul vagy románul vezetem le, olykor a kiejtést is gyakorlom de egyben hallom is, ugyhogy ha javítani kell akkor magamtól rájövök.
Ami viszont a leg fontosabb 1 folyékony beszélgetésnél, az az, hogy ne kelljen fordíts, mert az sok idö és energia.
Ebben segít majd az hogy ha sokat beszélsz magaddal folyamatosan angolul,
akkor kényszeríted az agyat hogy energia takarékos, gyors és hatékony megoldást találjon.
És akkor majd elkezd angolul gondolkodni és onnan már ugy fogsz beszélni angolul, akár 1 angol.
Ehez viszont sok idö kell, és sok gyakorlat, ezért szokott a leggyorsabban azoknak sikerülni, akik külföldi közösségbe élnek és dolgoznak vagy akár valakivel össze költöznek.
Mert igy az agy rá van kényszerítve hogy változtasson.
Na ezt a sok órányi intenzív gyakorlatot, a legjobb társaddal... "önmagaddal" tudod gyakorolni.
Remélem a "racsni buli" is össze jön majd, azt amugy kicsit kiegészitettem az elözö videódat kommentálva.
Szép 7végét
Hello Timea, I was driving heavier stuff than you, I'm a former Metro driver in Stockholm, Sweden. The older wagons weight 30 tons emty and they goes in 8 wagons train during the peak hours, then add all passenger... Your country has one leg in the Schengen now for trucks, soon you have the other leg too, welcome in the Schengen community then. I really want to visiting Romania but for now I've only a Nationel ID Card that goes only inside Schengen.
So fun
Szia Timi 😊. Remek válaszok. 24-én 24 éves, ilyen csak egyszer van az életben 😁 Megfizethetetlen dolog ha az ember egy közeli családtagjától tudja tanulni a szakmát. Szerintem is az élet egyik értelme az álmaink valóra váltása. Ha nem a saját álmaidat váltod valóra akkor valaki másét fogod. Nekem még mindig fura Maci új frizurája 😄 te vagy Maci szokta előbb megunni a simogatásokat?😄😄 Hozzátok is megjött a kánikula?🥵 Érezd jól magad a héten Timi és üdvözlöm Macit is😊
Szia Norbi!🙋🏼♀️ Hát tényleg csak egyszer van ennyi huszonnégyes az ember életében.😀 Hát az biztos, hogy rendesen meg fog tanítani, mert a lehető legjobb tudását akarja átadni neked. Azért volt, hogy vitatkoztunk elégszer amikor nem úgy csináltam valamit ahogy kellett volna 😂, de megérte, nagyon jó tanár.😁
Ha nem próbálod meg valóra váltani az álmaid, mindig bánni fogod.
Az elején nekem is nagyon furcsa volt Maci haja, kellett kacagjam amikor láttam meg, de már megszoktam.😁 Ő unja meg mindig, mert nagyon mozgékony kutya. Hall egy hangot vagy valamit, akkor azt hamar meg kell vizsgálja, hogy vajon mi történt.😂
Megjött nálunk is🥵. Annyival könnyebb itt nálunk, hogy bár éjjelre le tud hűlni az időjárás egy kicsit így tudsz pihenni, de nálatok éjjel is nagyon meleg van. Köszönöm szépen, neked is szép hetet kívánok!🌞🌻
Hello, Timea. I have a few questions to ask you. How many years have you been a truck driver? Is your car a double driver or a single driver?😊
Bonjour Timéa, merci pour les explications de ton parcours pour devenir trucker, ton père a eu raison d'être exigeant, il a fait du bon travail bravo
Tu es propriétaire de ton camion ?? 😘😘
Merci beaucoup pour les compliments😊! Ce serait bien si j'étais le propriétaire du camion, mais je suis seulement un employé. Passez une belle semaine !🌻🌞
Merci pour la réponse, comme parfois tu fais l'entretien je pensais que c'était ton camion. Bonne semaine sur la route
Is it your truck as a "Freelance". or are you an employee.
Minor replacements, like lights are normal for most Drivers.
Thank you. [Phoenix AZ]
Hi Timea, sounds like your family could start a trucking company ! Quick question, could I ask how tall are you ? Have a great week !
Hello John!🙋🏼♀️ Yes, absolutely!😁 I am 175 cm tall. Take care!😊
Oh Timea. I have fallen in love with you. You are a darling. Tom, Scotland UK
❤ from INDIA
Thank you!😁
since you are an engineer then try to find systems or solutions to facilitate carriers or integrate less painful techniques to reduce infernal expectations. and I know you are capable for it
ahh, they call it the golden birthday, cheers
Is it difficult to get a commercial driver's license in Romania.
Hello! You have to learn the road traffic legislation, but it is not very difficult!
I have question for you how long have you been driving truck for
Thank you!😁
Hello, your number plate READS HR....that means Hrvatska.......Croatia.
Hello Timea.!!! You are breathtakingly beautiful !!! i really like your content.
Hello!😊 Thank you very much!🌻
How much do romanian drivers average per month in euro. I'm curious because I'm an American driver considering moving to romanian
What brand is your phone.😁
Hello! It's Xiaomi Redmi 8 Pro😁.
@@blondietruckingadventures I like Xiaomi, My phone is Xiaomi 11 Lite.😁
Est româncă, nu am știut.
Est angajat sau este tirul tău?
Do you own your truck or are you a company driver?
I work for a company in Romania.
Köszi Timea a kedves videót. Vigyázz magadra az kalandjaidon :)) Ps. Maci nagyon aranyos
Én köszönöm, hogy mindig ennyire értéklitek a munkám!🌻Köszönöm, hogy mindig felvidítotok amikor a kommenteket olvasom!🌞 Maci is köszöni! Vigyázz magadra!😊
Sorry my Inglés is very simple:
- But why your Englhis is very good!! Not is ver normaly in Romaina, no??
We all learn English in school, so we try our best!😁
Good morning
how many passports do you have have for your job?
Hi süße habe echt Respekt vor dir in liebe ❤
Timea ❤今日は休みですか?ワンコの犬種は何ですか?ブルテリアを飼っています
スカイニアのエンジンはどうですか直6 turboは運転は日本で整備士を👨🔧しています
You look fit.
So we share a birthday then. Your birth improved the world more than mine I'm sure.
Are u single Timea? You dating someone? Your fan here fr the Philippines
are you have boyfriend timea 😊
You are very beautiful
Thank you 😊!
Still very young, try and study something if you can and get out of this lorry driving nonsense whilst you still can. This job is going to rob you, steal your personal life and by the time you realise this, you won’t be a young girl anymore. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about…
There are only a hand full of people who’s passion is trucking and only a few of them can actually do something else and/or posses university degree. Most of the people do it for the money or because they can’t do anything else. I have been an HGV driver for a few years now, although I do have a bachelor degree from Uni, but trucking pays more than the job I would do with my degree, unfortunately, so there you go…
So, my point is, if she is good for something else, it is not very smart to proceed with this nonsense called international trucker for much longer. However, if she’s one of these people who don’t want family or friends, or social life or stress free, healthy ish style of life, or anything that is considered “normal” by most people, then carry on, be a trucker. Hope this comment makes more sense to you now.
Un instagram ?