Because DD is incredible, there's no way they can include many lesser-known songs because it would lose its essence like Ordinary World, Hungry Like the Wolf, The Wild Boys, Planet Earth and some of those remain because. It was a success in several countries. From the wedding album I would love to hear Sin of The City live, Shelter maybe but I like both of them. So the band created a lot of albums and there are a lot of songs that it's not possible to include everything in the repertoire. But I would love to hear some tracks from Seven and The Ragged Tiger before they brought out Shadows on Your Side and in the 2000s they played it and it was incredible. I would also love to hear if they played Make Me Smile, Cracks in the Pavement and Of Crime and Passion. And some tracks from Notorious, especially because it was very successful here in Brazil and is considered one of the singles loved by Brazilians.
However, there are several songs from each album, if there was at least a poll to vote on the least played songs to include in the repertoire, it would be interesting. I would love to hear American Science, My Antarctica or Proposition. There are several songs from 16 studio albums including Danse Macabre
@@StefanoScarlataDuranGuitar This song is very beautiful Stefano and one of the best tracks on the wedding album I remember very well the live performance in 1993 with the participation of Milton Nascimento which was epic to see. One of the videos in which you mentioned one of your favorite guitar songs is this and Land
You are right. The guitars and synthesizers came together in past concerts, and it seems like Dom has a thinner guitar sound. I remember seeing Duran Duran perform at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas in 2003 (show sold out in 6 minutes) when the band reunited. There was a fuller sound when it came to the guitar playing.
Dopo i concerti di luglio ad ottobre ci saranno i 7 concerti in America .sarebbe fantastico se dopo il lucca summer festival i duran annunciassero l'uscita di reportage 😊😊
Ive seen Duran Duran 3 times and all 3 concerts were special occasions. The only song that they have played in concert I wasn't keen on was Perfect Day.
Oh?!!!Was that in the set list?!A fave of mines from the 'Astronaut' album (not to mention the outakes "Beautiful Colours/Salt on the Rainbow" that missed the 2004 release.)
Hi Stefano. Hope you are well. From my point of view Dom does a job, though he doesn't have the stage presence of Andy. In general, going to a Duran gig is like going to one big party. Can you imagine a world without Duran? A sad place it would be. Happy music.
@@GrazianaRizzo-yk9ch Andy's magic and story with DD is an incredible thing that can never be ignored or left out. He has always been my favorite member because of his honest, funny and dedicated music side. The album Man's a Wolf To Man is incredible, there is no track that I don't like on this album. I also like Thunder, certain songs I don't play, but several. And this new one, I loved his work. Who knows what the future holds from now on? 😄
Totally agree with the final thought. A big part of their magic was ironically the mix between Nick and Andy. Curious, isn't it? Andy is so much missed in their current gigs and music in general. Sometimes I watch performances from the Astronaut era, they were so good. Mostly around the end of the tour, when the machine was well oiled. Energetic electronic rock shows. Then came the Red Carpet Mess Up... So sad. They had it all.
Not only there but generally lots of good reviews on their tour.Seen them live several times they are a great live band.Simon was an explosive leaderman and still a fine entertainer.
@@StefanoScarlataDuranGuitar ps.... and i gotta admit that possibly the most vibrant time of all was when i attented their 2005 'Astronaut" tour with the reunion of the original line-up (with Andy.)I lost control,there were times i really got tyeary eyed.
Hello Stefano I am glad you went to the the shows the location seems very cool for what I see in this video have you gone to the two shows? The set list is ok but a little disappointed with the new version of NMOM what do you think? Don t be sad I also wanted Andy(his unique sound ) to play some gigs but never give up I am obsessed with his comeback for the Reportage project could you ask the guys about this? For me the danse macabre project is longer than it should be.
Even though Andy is not currently in the band but only returned for the album Danse Macabre, he will always be the 5th member of the band. As far as I know, this Halloween album will be much longer, the next successor album will be Reportage after I saw Nick Rhodes live saying that they are working on it and making certain adjustments but that I wouldn't change it too much, but It must already be finished or already in the final part to be able to have a release date. Andy will definitely be involved in this album, because he was part of the recording process from the beginning with the band when they were about to end Astronaut. Now his return to the band is a plausible subject or a little out of opinion. But I would love to see him be part of them live for the 3rd time.
Ciao Steve, la location a me è piaciuta moltissimo, l'ho trovata bella, intima e confortevole, ma probabilmente perché ero in tribuna, prima fila, praticamente fronte palco, e questa posizione mi dava modo di: - vedere perfettamente, data la posizione leggermente rialzata rispetto al parterre, e comunque vicina al palco, viste le dimensioni della piazza - alzarmi quando ne avevo voglia/necessità senza disturbare nessuno - stare più al fresco, praticamente sotto agli alberi. Il concerto è stato meraviglioso e concordo sulla scelta della setlist. Un'emozione pazzesca, li aspettavo da 12 anni! Quando sono arrivata a pochi metri dalla piazza, ho iniziato a sentire l'energia del momento... E mi sono venuti i brividi... E mi sono commossa 🥹 per me che sono fan da quando avevo più o meno 11 anni (ora ne ho 50)... È stato un gran regalo esserci ❤️
I think what you feel about the guitar, is maximized by the low volume of the guitar.. I don't know why.. but I suspect that Nick doesn't like guitars.. if the guitar could be louder, the result could be better... and I was not in Lucca . this is what I hear in all live shows.
@@BlackScorpio-np3yu That's true about Nick being anti-guitar. I even understand that Andy left at times for creative and professional reasons, in Warren's era his guitar sound had a louder and bolder presence due to the guitar tones. Andy he sounds better than when he started The Power Station and his solo career.
First, on the topic of what I call "fan songs" (those songs like Friends of Mine that Duranies know and love, but casual fans just sort of look around, confused, during ;) ), I agree that they have to strike a balance among old, popular songs, new material, and fan songs. Just prior to the Astronaut tour, they did a small-venue mini-tour here in the States specifically for fans, which included a LOT of the lesser-known songs. I hope they consider doing something like that again. I really enjoyed it, probably more than I've enjoyed some other shows. Re: Dom & the guitar: I wonder if there's any validity to the idea that not being an official part of the band might affect his on-stage presence. He's been with them for, what, 20 years now just about (in December--longer than either Warren or Andy, sadly), but he's not *part* of Duran. And I don't mean he's being less engaging in order to make a point or sabotage or anything like that. But I mean, not being an actual part of the band may cause him to be more reserved, leaving the theatrics/extra engagement to the boys. This may not be the case at all; I've never seen him play solo, so I can't judge whether he has a different style then, but it occurred to me that it could be the case. Thoughts?
In effetti tra l'assolo di Andy in the seventh stranger e quello di Dom c'è un abisso ma spero sempre che Warren non torni nella band perché secondo me non si integrava bene con Nick, Simon e John figuriamoci ora che con loro è tornato Roger.
Firstly, Good Evening Stefano, thank you for your feedback on the last show. I would like to say that I really like DD's guitarists, Dom Brown is humble and interactive on stage because he has chemistry with the band members which is a positive point, but the quality and sound of his guitar is very lifeless or feeling. Dom is a good guitarist, but Andy and Warren are on another level which is another story. Both Andy and Warren have contributed a lot to DD's guitar sound, which had feeling, color and life. If I listen to Andy I remember the solo from The Seventh Stranger or Rio, in Warren's case between OW or CU and other sounds he made because I remember him more in The Weeding Album "Sin of The City". Each era of each guitarist involved with the band has always been stories and each trajectory has evolved.
I don't disagree with you regarding Andy's energy (or Warren's, for that matter); the situation is, however, that Andy is not around; and Simon and Warren never gelled.
Concordo pienamente! La mancanza della chitarra " giusta " si avverte, eccome. Ma temo che si tratti di una precisa scelta stilistica per le performance live. Simon ha una voce portentosa, anche nei brani più difficili da rendere dal vivo, però non credo che in questa fase di maturità artistica ed ovviamente anagrafica ( 😂) abbia un senso proporre una scaletta di tipo rock. Mi sembrerebbe una forzatura per dimostrare per l'ennesima volta di essere musicisti di altissimo livello e non una boy band I wonna be forever young! Opinione personalissima di una " ragazza " degli anni '8O 🎉❤
Questa la mia esperienza Stefano. Ero stato a Lucca anche nel 2012 e la disposizione per chi era in piedi era molto meglio. Si poteva vedere bene il concerto anche da dietro. Questa volta la vista per chi era in piedi, a parte chi è riuscito ad incastrarsi per tempo tra le 2 platee, era disastrosa. Ho visto parecchi concerti dei Duran, questo il peggiore come possibilità di partecipazione per tutti. In più ero per la prima volta con mio figlio di 6 anni che ho potuto alzare a tratti nelle transenne perché potesse vedere qualcosa. A parte lo show che è stato sopra le mie aspettative, da dimenticare la location. Mi è dispiaciuto che abbiano accorciato la scaletta di 3 brani rispetto allo spettacolo di Atene di qualche giorno prima. Ultima cosa, e lo dico da super fan dei Duran, la relazione con il pubblico mi piacerebbe fosse con un coinvolgimento maggiore...
Andy and Warren are incredible guitarists. Andy made several contributions with several artists besides DD, when he started with The Power Station and then followed his solo career, leaving the Notorious album sessions, you could notice how much Andy's sound was saved, which is very angry, bold and very uplifting. I loved the album Man's a Wolf to Man as I also love Thunder. Warren of certain projects were very few, but TV Mania I only heard about but I didn't get to listen to all the sounds, however he supported the band from 86 until the beginning of the 2000s with DD, there were certain releases that I didn't know about and his sound is much more potent and powerful, it always has been. I also appreciate Dom's work but there is a lot of reserved stuff that is becoming less important, concluding each era and each year with whoever the band has a guitarist on board be it Andy, Warren or Dom or any other guitarist. DD's history is never forgotten or erased.
@victornunes1303 Warren has a cool solo album called Thanks to Frank that was released in 1996. He also made several albums that are ambient in nature ( Machine Language, The Blue), and he worked with Ustad Sultan Khan. You also have one that he made a couple of years ago called Missing Person.
Regarding the set list, I don't get to see much. However I was glad they brought NMOM back. However, the other songs would be difficult for the band to see which ones to play in the repertoire, in addition to including unknown or obscure songs. Due to their trajectory and evolution, they made several albums, which are 16, which is a lot and it is impossible to play most of them, other tracks were better from each album but were forgotten by the band and some of them return sporadically for a special show like they did with Shadows on Your Side , Love Voodoo, Too Much Information, Electric Barbarella and other hits from various albums. Between Liberty and Pop Trash, which I'm not very fond of but they have significant tracks for me, Pop Trash is at least 3, Liberty are more (First Impression, My Antarctica, Serious and Downtown).So it really depends on the musical taste that the fans want to hear and they are more accustomed to the set list of well-known songs that were very successful.
Certain shows, whenever I hear Dom's guitar, I feel it weaker, or the tone is minimal, I think it's very lacking. Because from my point of view I can feel the sound of Nick's synthesizers and John's bass, Roger's drums are always in rhythm, sometimes high or sometimes low. In the era of RCM and AYNIN he stood out well despite being hired as a touring guitarist during his rookie period. If we listen to the songs or projects that both Andy and Warren made, we can notice the impressive quality of presence in the riffs and solos. It's impressive that no one has ever stopped doing what they love and their guitar tuning is much higher and more surprising. If they at least participated live with them it would be a surprise surprise for fans to see them reuniting or playing once again. Among them I would love to see Andy in action
Sei un chitarrista, e ti stimo come musicista. Mi aspetto un bel video che stronchi, una volta per tutte, Dom. Suona come uno UA-camr che mette su un pezzo dei DD. Il suono non ha personalità, e il tipo sembra sempre eseguire un mero compitino assegnatogli dal maestro di chitarra. In futuro, sii più critico e diretto. Un saluto.
Well said, too many years without a true guitarist and it is too much evident on OW, Careless Memories, CU, Friends of mine and also on Save a Prayer. I’m quite disappointed by the backing vocals too,they definitely need a change. Sometimes a little change is enough to make a big difference. I can’t expect any new arrangements for the live shows at this point but they could easily improve the sound with a simply turnover! Sorry to say that but it is what I think.
Andy Taylor è un gran chitarrista ma sempre meglio Dam Brown di Warren Cuccurullo. Fatta eccezione per alcune canzoni il sound dei Duran era cambiato da quando Warren era diventato un membro della band. Con lui la loro musica era cambiata mi secca ammetterlo in peggio. Prendiamo ad esempio il Wedding Album a parte Breath after Breath, Ordinary world, Come undone e poche altre, alcune canzoni non erano proprio un granché. Per non parlare di quelle successive come Elettrich Barbarella che a me non è mai piaciuta. Infatti con Astronaut è ritornato quel tipo di suono che li ha sempre contraddistinti. Per quanto riguarda la scaletta sarebbe bello sentire canzoni come The man who stole a leopard oppure Mediterranea o ancora Leave a light on o Lauthing boy o Wing. Credo che se provassero a suonarle non potebbero non essere aprrezzate anche da chi non è un fan irriducibile come noi .Inoltre una canzone per diventare famosa deve essere fatta sentire e suonando sempre gli stessi pezzi si finisce per ignorare alcune perle del loro repertorio pensando che la loro musica sia solo Wild boys 😉
I miss Warren. I hardly listen to or fully appreciate their albums after 2004. They were very harsh with Warren, considering his contribution to the group. And if Andy left on his own (at least the first time), then they fired Warren. (At that time he didn't want to leave anywhere). Dom is good, but he is not their guitarist and has never been fully involved with DD. To make it sound normal they must to bring back Warren or Andy.
Man I felt like something was missing but I couldn't pinpoint it until you mentioned it. Andy and Warren have a strong guitar playing. Dom is too laid back. Im sorry but I am not big on Dom Brown. Hes just a pretty face that matches the duran persona but his guitar playing is mediocre. Stefano, I have seen you play and well you play with such passion and enthusiasm. I just don't see it in dom brown. Set list for Albuquerque was ok. I was disappointed when they left out the chauffeur and NMOM. We got cheated out on a couple songs. It was a real treat since it was twenty years the last time they came to Albuquerque. It was worth it. Nick looked like a glow in the dark highlighter in his suit but thats another story. It was overall a damn good concert.
I love Duran Duran but for me with out Andy it's lacking energy now it's all about the synths and the bass you barely hear Doms guitars but I'm sure that is Nick's doing.
It's not about the location, which is great even acoustics-wise (plus bars everywhere to stay normally without any damn token). It has been the LAYOUT totally RIDICOULOUS !!!! I mean 1,500 people taking 3/4th of the space SEATED IN FRONT??? How depressing could that be for a band that can make people dance all time? At rear, at least 6K people who paid 60€, STRUGGLING far away to see nothing behind statues and trees??? Which concerts have the organizers seen before? Opera? Albano???? EVERYWHERE, AND I MEAN EVERY-WHERE IS EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE!! WHAT A SHAME. For the rest, I agree. However, you should mention the wonderful Rachel - what a dancer and singer, what a show! The guitarist, I am afraid, is just a session man....
Unfortunately Andy confirmed that he will never get back with DD ....He said that he is not interested in Disco music.....he wants to create songs like night boat new religion ...early days songs.....
You are wrong sorry buddy a 2 hr set list 22 23 songs 🎉🎉🎉 totally brilliant awesome amazing band I've watched um all from Greece Switzerland and Italy ok I wish I could av been there you got to remember that Dom brown as been the longest guitar 🎸🎸🎸 player with Duran Duran not Andy Taylor I do wish he was still with um ok Warren fuked up big time he wouldn't fit in with um now ok Duran Duran av totally been on top form 🎉🎉🎉so sit back and think they are still era after 46 years and I wish they would consider to play the UK arenas again because the reviews were out of this world 🌎🌍🌎 so I'm sorry I don't agree with you ya need to think Italy was avin um again we in the UK the die hard Duranies Keep asking um to cum back well ya now again America as um in Oct unfair totally
Premetto che non sono andata per la location, perchè PRETENDO da loro concerti in luoghi più usuali, però la scaletta lascia molto a desiderare.. Ormai sono anni che suonano sempre le stesse cose e mi dà proprio l'idea che non vogliano "sbattersi" con canzoni mai suonate o eseguite raramente, proprio anche per campionatura. Qualche canzone di Future, All you o Paper andava inserita. Io non sopporto WL e la piazzano quasi sempre, pur non essendo loro. About Andy: nessuno lo potrà mai sostituire, nemmeno Warren! Io ho visto la formazione originale a Milano e a Londra e Andy trascinava parecchio. Il problema era che all’epoca non era affidabile, ora, ahimè, ha altri problemi 😭 e dubito che suonerà ancora con loro. Dom fa....Dom= qualità media, ma ormai sa la sua parte a memoria e nessuno lo schioda...Ho letto purtroppo di parecchie lamentele di posizione per la location, spt per i posti in piedi, probabilmente a te non è capitato..Se solo avessero un manager piu valido riuscirebbero però almeno a fare 2 concerti decenti, a Milano e a Roma. Last but non least: ora sono fulminati sulla via dì Damasco (=USA), indi li vedremo sempre più col binocolo, se mai accadrà ancora 😢. Scusami la prolissità, ma avevo tanto da dire 😅. Grazie per la pazienza! P.S.: Simon dovrebbe dimagrire o un giorno o l'altro ci rimane sul palco!
What a lot of nonsense! Dom’s an employee, a sideman. His job is to play tidy, competent guitar and stay out of the spotlight. That’s for the 4 remaining original members. If Dom doesn’t rock the boat, he gets to stay in the band. Simon and Nick wear the white blazers, they're the bosses. Andy was more in your/their face, but he used to clash with Simon and Nick. Hence, Andy is no longer in the band. Competent guitarists are a dime a dozen.
In 1986/7 Warren was an employee but his playing was far better...then, the guitar parts played by D.B. are approximatet. So... not energy + wrong guitar parts... I don't like it
Dom can only be as good as he’s given the scope to be. Everything they do is carefully managed. Andy and Warren had more scope, but both were eventually fired. Dom is a team player. He’s still in the band. Having said that I actually think Warren brought the most depth to the band. But I’m sure Dom could play ‘heavier’ if it was required.
@@StefanoScarlataDuranGuitaryou are always negative. Andy is never coming back, stop asking for it. His time on the world is limited,I don’t think he want\s to do tours. Plus he doesn’t like Nick… why would you spend time with someone you don’t like. Toy want a tour of B sides.
I don't even know, wether I was amused about this or a bit surprised and annoyed. I will try to keep it short. I, myself saw almost 40 live performances since 1987. I have NO idea, how a "DURANIE" can consider Songs like "N.MOOM.O.M." or "FRIENDS.O.M." as "less known Songs!?! NMOM was a HIT SINGLE back in the 80ies and FOM is one of the most played live songs.... I would LOVE a set list without tracks such as "Save a prayer" and all the tracks we've been hearing every single tour since 2004, but that's just me...But I have to say one thing in particular, ANDY TAYLOR was the least talented or powerful guitar player in DD's history!!! Warren was the best guitarist that the guys ever had. Not only it always seemed like AT was bored from the first to the last minute on-stage, plus he always needed a "1/2 playback during his live performances with Duran (I have seen and heard it several times in 2004 and onwards with my own eyes and ears)
80% of DD live audience is not a "Duranie"; for them, NMOM and FOM are less known songs (comparing with Ordinary World, Hungry, Save a prayer, The Reflex, Wild boys and so on...). If they don't play Save a prayer, as you wish, 80% of the audience would be unsatisfied for the gig...also the session man guitarist has some "playback" parts...
Ti stai proponendo per sostituire Dom Brown??..😂scherzo...comunque condivido la tua chitarra è un po il tallone d Achille della band...non sono un esperto come te in materia ma con Cuccurullo e Andy era un altra storia...Dom è un onesto chitarrista ma non ha la stoffa degli altri 2...Cuccurullo più tecnico Andy più potente a mio modesto parere
Qualche mese fa lo avevo detto a Stefano che sarebbe perfetto come nuovo chitarrista dei duran ce lo vedrei benissimo. glielo dissi quando pubblicò il video in cui suonava la versione unplugged di serious la suono ' benissimo 😊😊.È un bravissimo chitarrista 😊😊
Please like 👍🏻
We were there night two. First saw them in 85 still wonderful
Great ! Hope they come back soon 😀
I agree it’s an opportunity to meet different people from the world, who have Duran Duran in common
100% agree with your guitar comment. Miss Andy
Because DD is incredible, there's no way they can include many lesser-known songs because it would lose its essence like Ordinary World, Hungry Like the Wolf, The Wild Boys, Planet Earth and some of those remain because. It was a success in several countries. From the wedding album I would love to hear Sin of The City live, Shelter maybe but I like both of them. So the band created a lot of albums and there are a lot of songs that it's not possible to include everything in the repertoire. But I would love to hear some tracks from Seven and The Ragged Tiger before they brought out Shadows on Your Side and in the 2000s they played it and it was incredible. I would also love to hear if they played Make Me Smile, Cracks in the Pavement and Of Crime and Passion. And some tracks from Notorious, especially because it was very successful here in Brazil and is considered one of the singles loved by Brazilians.
However, there are several songs from each album, if there was at least a poll to vote on the least played songs to include in the repertoire, it would be interesting. I would love to hear American Science, My Antarctica or Proposition. There are several songs from 16 studio albums including Danse Macabre
@nnunes_vc American Science, Proposition and My Antarctica are cool... I d like also to hear Breath after Breath
@@StefanoScarlataDuranGuitar This song is very beautiful Stefano and one of the best tracks on the wedding album I remember very well the live performance in 1993 with the participation of Milton Nascimento which was epic to see. One of the videos in which you mentioned one of your favorite guitar songs is this and Land
You are right. The guitars and synthesizers came together in past concerts, and it seems like Dom has a thinner guitar sound. I remember seeing Duran Duran perform at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas in 2003 (show sold out in 6 minutes) when the band reunited. There was a fuller sound when it came to the guitar playing.
It’s not even close when Warren and Andy played with Duran. It’s a huge jump in sound and energy. Sorry but Dom needs to go
Dopo i concerti di luglio ad ottobre ci saranno i 7 concerti in America .sarebbe fantastico se dopo il lucca summer festival i duran annunciassero l'uscita di reportage 😊😊
Stiamo aspettando 👍🏻
Non vedo l'ora 😊
Ho appena letto che nella seconda data del lucca summer festival dei duran nello spazio vip c'era anche Carlo Conti😅
Ho letto anche che la Rai ha parlato del concerto dei duran e il lucca summer festival si fa in questo modo pubblicità 😅
Anche il 2024 per i nostri wild boys è stato strepitoso e pieno di soddisfazioni 😊😊.
Ive seen Duran Duran 3 times and all 3 concerts were special occasions. The only song that they have played in concert I wasn't keen on was Perfect Day.
Two words: Finest Hour
Amazing song 😃😃
Oh?!!!Was that in the set list?!A fave of mines from the 'Astronaut' album (not to mention the outakes "Beautiful Colours/Salt on the Rainbow" that missed the 2004 release.)
@alexioverdo5225 No, unfortunately Finest Hour wasn’t in the setlist... One of my fav off Astronaut 😄
Stamattina ho letto la recensione anche ieri sera è stato un successone con quasi 10 mila spettatori 😊
Hi Stefano. Hope you are well.
From my point of view Dom does a job, though he doesn't have the stage presence of Andy.
In general, going to a Duran gig is like going to one big party.
Can you imagine a world without Duran? A sad place it would be.
Happy music.
Thanks 👍🏻
Ciao Stefano. Volevo dirti che su Andy sono d'accordo con te è insostituibile 😊
@@GrazianaRizzo-yk9ch Andy's magic and story with DD is an incredible thing that can never be ignored or left out. He has always been my favorite member because of his honest, funny and dedicated music side. The album Man's a Wolf To Man is incredible, there is no track that I don't like on this album. I also like Thunder, certain songs I don't play, but several. And this new one, I loved his work. Who knows what the future holds from now on? 😄
I agree.andy it's amazing 😊😊
Night train is wonderful song 😊😊
@@GrazianaRizzo-yk9ch my favorite song that I listen to almost every day hehe. Until this song became my daily favorite
Totally agree with the final thought. A big part of their magic was ironically the mix between Nick and Andy. Curious, isn't it?
Andy is so much missed in their current gigs and music in general.
Sometimes I watch performances from the Astronaut era, they were so good. Mostly around the end of the tour, when the machine was well oiled. Energetic electronic rock shows. Then came the Red Carpet Mess Up...
So sad. They had it all.
Ho visto il video di careless memories dal vivo energia allo stato puro 😊😊
Sul concerto di lunedì in una recensione diceva che i duran sono stati stupefacenti e coinvolgenti 😊
Not only there but generally lots of good reviews on their tour.Seen them live several times they are a great live band.Simon was an explosive leaderman and still a fine entertainer.
@alexioverdo5225 yes, he's great 👍🏻
I agree. Simon it's amazing singer 😊😊
Duran Duran the best band in the world forever and ever😊
@@StefanoScarlataDuranGuitar ps....
and i gotta admit that possibly the most vibrant time of all was when i attented their 2005 'Astronaut" tour with the reunion of the original line-up (with Andy.)I lost control,there were times i really got tyeary eyed.
In una recensione hanno anche detto che i duran più passa il tempo e più migliorano dal vivo😊😊😊
Hello Stefano I am glad you went to the the shows the location seems very cool for what I see in this video have you gone to the two shows? The set list is ok but a little disappointed with the new version of NMOM what do you think?
Don t be sad I also wanted Andy(his unique sound ) to play some gigs but never give up I am obsessed with his comeback for the Reportage project could you ask the guys about this? For me the danse macabre project is longer than it should be.
Even though Andy is not currently in the band but only returned for the album Danse Macabre, he will always be the 5th member of the band. As far as I know, this Halloween album will be much longer, the next successor album will be Reportage after I saw Nick Rhodes live saying that they are working on it and making certain adjustments but that I wouldn't change it too much, but It must already be finished or already in the final part to be able to have a release date. Andy will definitely be involved in this album, because he was part of the recording process from the beginning with the band when they were about to end Astronaut. Now his return to the band is a plausible subject or a little out of opinion. But I would love to see him be part of them live for the 3rd time.
I went only to one show...I agree, I don’t like so much the new versions of NMOM ... too many sinth lines
Ciao Steve, la location a me è piaciuta moltissimo, l'ho trovata bella, intima e confortevole, ma probabilmente perché ero in tribuna, prima fila, praticamente fronte palco, e questa posizione mi dava modo di:
- vedere perfettamente, data la posizione leggermente rialzata rispetto al parterre, e comunque vicina al palco, viste le dimensioni della piazza
- alzarmi quando ne avevo voglia/necessità senza disturbare nessuno
- stare più al fresco, praticamente sotto agli alberi.
Il concerto è stato meraviglioso e concordo sulla scelta della setlist. Un'emozione pazzesca, li aspettavo da 12 anni! Quando sono arrivata a pochi metri dalla piazza, ho iniziato a sentire l'energia del momento... E mi sono venuti i brividi... E mi sono commossa 🥹 per me che sono fan da quando avevo più o meno 11 anni (ora ne ho 50)... È stato un gran regalo esserci ❤️
Grazie 👍🏻 comunque, molto meglio di Camaiore 😃
@@StefanoScarlataDuranGuitar io lì non c'ero, ma ho visto qualcosa sui social 😄
I think it is the PERSONALITY of the gitarist you miss ! Like Andy wanted to be in the foreground : " Here i am ! "
@@tombaker4586 no we actlually miss the actual guitar sound as you can not hear Dom and of course a guitar presence is key too
guitar has been thinner ever since Dom there. Its because Nick wants it like that. But DD is also about those AT guitars. We need That.
I think what you feel about the guitar, is maximized by the low volume of the guitar.. I don't know why.. but I suspect that Nick doesn't like guitars.. if the guitar could be louder, the result could be better... and I was not in Lucca . this is what I hear in all live shows.
You're right 😃 Nick doesn't like guitars
@@BlackScorpio-np3yu That's true about Nick being anti-guitar. I even understand that Andy left at times for creative and professional reasons, in Warren's era his guitar sound had a louder and bolder presence due to the guitar tones. Andy he sounds better than when he started The Power Station and his solo career.
First, on the topic of what I call "fan songs" (those songs like Friends of Mine that Duranies know and love, but casual fans just sort of look around, confused, during ;) ), I agree that they have to strike a balance among old, popular songs, new material, and fan songs. Just prior to the Astronaut tour, they did a small-venue mini-tour here in the States specifically for fans, which included a LOT of the lesser-known songs. I hope they consider doing something like that again. I really enjoyed it, probably more than I've enjoyed some other shows.
Re: Dom & the guitar: I wonder if there's any validity to the idea that not being an official part of the band might affect his on-stage presence. He's been with them for, what, 20 years now just about (in December--longer than either Warren or Andy, sadly), but he's not *part* of Duran. And I don't mean he's being less engaging in order to make a point or sabotage or anything like that. But I mean, not being an actual part of the band may cause him to be more reserved, leaving the theatrics/extra engagement to the boys. This may not be the case at all; I've never seen him play solo, so I can't judge whether he has a different style then, but it occurred to me that it could be the case. Thoughts?
IMHO the problem with the guitar is that I can't feel energy.... I don't know the reason 🤗
@@StefanoScarlataDuranGuitar That's completely fair, for sure.
In effetti tra l'assolo di Andy in the seventh stranger e quello di Dom c'è un abisso ma spero sempre che Warren non torni nella band perché secondo me non si integrava bene con Nick, Simon e John figuriamoci ora che con loro è tornato Roger.
@raf324 Ormai non tornano più, né Andy né Warren
@@StefanoScarlataDuranGuitar meglio per Warren un po' meno per Andy che pur essendo un gran chitarrista è totalmente imprevedibile
Firstly, Good Evening Stefano, thank you for your feedback on the last show. I would like to say that I really like DD's guitarists, Dom Brown is humble and interactive on stage because he has chemistry with the band members which is a positive point, but the quality and sound of his guitar is very lifeless or feeling. Dom is a good guitarist, but Andy and Warren are on another level which is another story. Both Andy and Warren have contributed a lot to DD's guitar sound, which had feeling, color and life. If I listen to Andy I remember the solo from The Seventh Stranger or Rio, in Warren's case between OW or CU and other sounds he made because I remember him more in The Weeding Album "Sin of The City". Each era of each guitarist involved with the band has always been stories and each trajectory has evolved.
Thanks 👍🏻
I don't disagree with you regarding Andy's energy (or Warren's, for that matter); the situation is, however, that Andy is not around; and Simon and Warren never gelled.
Concordo pienamente!
La mancanza della chitarra " giusta " si avverte, eccome. Ma temo che si tratti di una precisa scelta stilistica per le performance live. Simon ha una voce portentosa, anche nei brani più difficili da rendere dal vivo, però non credo che in questa fase di maturità artistica ed ovviamente anagrafica ( 😂) abbia un senso proporre una scaletta di tipo rock.
Mi sembrerebbe una forzatura per dimostrare per l'ennesima volta di essere musicisti di altissimo livello e non una boy band I wonna be forever young! Opinione personalissima di una " ragazza " degli anni '8O 🎉❤
Questa la mia esperienza Stefano. Ero stato a Lucca anche nel 2012 e la disposizione per chi era in piedi era molto meglio. Si poteva vedere bene il concerto anche da dietro. Questa volta la vista per chi era in piedi, a parte chi è riuscito ad incastrarsi per tempo tra le 2 platee, era disastrosa. Ho visto parecchi concerti dei Duran, questo il peggiore come possibilità di partecipazione per tutti. In più ero per la prima volta con mio figlio di 6 anni che ho potuto alzare a tratti nelle transenne perché potesse vedere qualcosa. A parte lo show che è stato sopra le mie aspettative, da dimenticare la location. Mi è dispiaciuto che abbiano accorciato la scaletta di 3 brani rispetto allo spettacolo di Atene di qualche giorno prima. Ultima cosa, e lo dico da super fan dei Duran, la relazione con il pubblico mi piacerebbe fosse con un coinvolgimento maggiore...
I don’t know how the band doesn’t see and hear all these years that Dom just isn’t the one
I feel the same way about Anna Ross. Her voice is so shrill, it ruins the songs. The time to go was 15 years ago
@@yolandalukowski7304 agree. It’s time for her to go too let Dom and Anna make their own band
Andy and Warren are incredible guitarists. Andy made several contributions with several artists besides DD, when he started with The Power Station and then followed his solo career, leaving the Notorious album sessions, you could notice how much Andy's sound was saved, which is very angry, bold and very uplifting. I loved the album Man's a Wolf to Man as I also love Thunder. Warren of certain projects were very few, but TV Mania I only heard about but I didn't get to listen to all the sounds, however he supported the band from 86 until the beginning of the 2000s with DD, there were certain releases that I didn't know about and his sound is much more potent and powerful, it always has been. I also appreciate Dom's work but there is a lot of reserved stuff that is becoming less important, concluding each era and each year with whoever the band has a guitarist on board be it Andy, Warren or Dom or any other guitarist. DD's history is never forgotten or erased.
@victornunes1303 Warren has a cool solo album called Thanks to Frank that was released in 1996. He also made several albums that are ambient in nature ( Machine Language, The Blue), and he worked with Ustad Sultan Khan. You also have one that he made a couple of years ago called Missing Person.
@@johnlopez3996 That's exactly what I remembered from Thaks to Frank. There are several projects that Warren was part of that are very interesting.
Andy Taylor… no Warren cuccurello 🙏🏻
Regarding the set list, I don't get to see much. However I was glad they brought NMOM back. However, the other songs would be difficult for the band to see which ones to play in the repertoire, in addition to including unknown or obscure songs. Due to their trajectory and evolution, they made several albums, which are 16, which is a lot and it is impossible to play most of them, other tracks were better from each album but were forgotten by the band and some of them return sporadically for a special show like they did with Shadows on Your Side , Love Voodoo, Too Much Information, Electric Barbarella and other hits from various albums. Between Liberty and Pop Trash, which I'm not very fond of but they have significant tracks for me, Pop Trash is at least 3, Liberty are more (First Impression, My Antarctica, Serious and Downtown).So it really depends on the musical taste that the fans want to hear and they are more accustomed to the set list of well-known songs that were very successful.
It's like their small electric set tour in 2007, it was not duran, it was flat electronic sounds.
Certain shows, whenever I hear Dom's guitar, I feel it weaker, or the tone is minimal, I think it's very lacking. Because from my point of view I can feel the sound of Nick's synthesizers and John's bass, Roger's drums are always in rhythm, sometimes high or sometimes low. In the era of RCM and AYNIN he stood out well despite being hired as a touring guitarist during his rookie period. If we listen to the songs or projects that both Andy and Warren made, we can notice the impressive quality of presence in the riffs and solos. It's impressive that no one has ever stopped doing what they love and their guitar tuning is much higher and more surprising. If they at least participated live with them it would be a surprise surprise for fans to see them reuniting or playing once again. Among them I would love to see Andy in action
Sei un chitarrista, e ti stimo come musicista. Mi aspetto un bel video che stronchi, una volta per tutte, Dom. Suona come uno UA-camr che mette su un pezzo dei DD. Il suono non ha personalità, e il tipo sembra sempre eseguire un mero compitino assegnatogli dal maestro di chitarra. In futuro, sii più critico e diretto. Un saluto.
What i mean is : Andy was more INVOLVED !!!
I agree
Well said, too many years without a true guitarist and it is too much evident on OW, Careless Memories, CU, Friends of mine and also on Save a Prayer.
I’m quite disappointed by the backing vocals too,they definitely need a change. Sometimes a little change is enough to make a big difference. I can’t expect any new arrangements for the live shows at this point but they could easily improve the sound with a simply turnover! Sorry to say that but it is what I think.
Andy Taylor è un gran chitarrista ma sempre meglio Dam Brown di Warren Cuccurullo. Fatta eccezione per alcune canzoni il sound dei Duran era cambiato da quando Warren era diventato un membro della band. Con lui la loro musica era cambiata mi secca ammetterlo in peggio. Prendiamo ad esempio il Wedding Album a parte Breath after Breath, Ordinary world, Come undone e poche altre, alcune canzoni non erano proprio un granché. Per non parlare di quelle successive come Elettrich Barbarella che a me non è mai piaciuta. Infatti con Astronaut è ritornato quel tipo di suono che li ha sempre contraddistinti. Per quanto riguarda la scaletta sarebbe bello sentire canzoni come The man who stole a leopard oppure Mediterranea o ancora Leave a light on o Lauthing boy o Wing. Credo che se provassero a suonarle non potebbero non essere aprrezzate anche da chi non è un fan irriducibile come noi .Inoltre una canzone per diventare famosa deve essere fatta sentire e suonando sempre gli stessi pezzi si finisce per ignorare alcune perle del loro repertorio pensando che la loro musica sia solo Wild boys 😉
Speravo almeno in "Wing" ma non l'hanno mai fatta dal vivo... peccato perché è davvero bella
I miss Warren. I hardly listen to or fully appreciate their albums after 2004. They were very harsh with Warren, considering his contribution to the group. And if Andy left on his own (at least the first time), then they fired Warren. (At that time he didn't want to leave anywhere). Dom is good, but he is not their guitarist and has never been fully involved with DD. To make it sound normal they must to bring back Warren or Andy.
Man I felt like something was missing but I couldn't pinpoint it until you mentioned it. Andy and Warren have a strong guitar playing. Dom is too laid back. Im sorry but I am not big on Dom Brown. Hes just a pretty face that matches the duran persona but his guitar playing is mediocre. Stefano, I have seen you play and well you play with such passion and enthusiasm. I just don't see it in dom brown. Set list for Albuquerque was ok. I was disappointed when they left out the chauffeur and NMOM. We got cheated out on a couple songs. It was a real treat since it was twenty years the last time they came to Albuquerque. It was worth it. Nick looked like a glow in the dark highlighter in his suit but thats another story. It was overall a damn good concert.
Ricordo anch'io che 2 anni fa a camaiore c'erano stati dei problemi
I love Duran Duran but for me with out Andy it's lacking energy now it's all about the synths and the bass you barely hear Doms guitars but I'm sure that is Nick's doing.
It's not about the location, which is great even acoustics-wise (plus bars everywhere to stay normally without any damn token). It has been the LAYOUT totally RIDICOULOUS !!!! I mean 1,500 people taking 3/4th of the space SEATED IN FRONT??? How depressing could that be for a band that can make people dance all time? At rear, at least 6K people who paid 60€, STRUGGLING far away to see nothing behind statues and trees??? Which concerts have the organizers seen before? Opera? Albano???? EVERYWHERE, AND I MEAN EVERY-WHERE IS EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE!! WHAT A SHAME. For the rest, I agree. However, you should mention the wonderful Rachel - what a dancer and singer, what a show! The guitarist, I am afraid, is just a session man....
Unfortunately Andy confirmed that he will never get back with DD ....He said that he is not interested in Disco music.....he wants to create songs like night boat new religion ...early days songs.....
You are wrong sorry buddy a 2 hr set list 22 23 songs 🎉🎉🎉 totally brilliant awesome amazing band I've watched um all from Greece Switzerland and Italy ok I wish I could av been there you got to remember that Dom brown as been the longest guitar 🎸🎸🎸 player with Duran Duran not Andy Taylor I do wish he was still with um ok Warren fuked up big time he wouldn't fit in with um now ok Duran Duran av totally been on top form 🎉🎉🎉so sit back and think they are still era after 46 years and I wish they would consider to play the UK arenas again because the reviews were out of this world 🌎🌍🌎 so I'm sorry I don't agree with you ya need to think Italy was avin um again we in the UK the die hard Duranies Keep asking um to cum back well ya now again America as um in Oct unfair totally
Premetto che non sono andata per la location, perchè PRETENDO da loro concerti in luoghi più usuali, però la scaletta lascia molto a desiderare.. Ormai sono anni che suonano sempre le stesse cose e mi dà proprio l'idea che non vogliano "sbattersi" con canzoni mai suonate o eseguite raramente, proprio anche per campionatura. Qualche canzone di Future, All you o Paper andava inserita. Io non sopporto WL e la piazzano quasi sempre, pur non essendo loro. About Andy: nessuno lo potrà mai sostituire, nemmeno Warren! Io ho visto la formazione originale a Milano e a Londra e Andy trascinava parecchio. Il problema era che all’epoca non era affidabile, ora, ahimè, ha altri problemi 😭 e dubito che suonerà ancora con loro. Dom fa....Dom= qualità media, ma ormai sa la sua parte a memoria e nessuno lo schioda...Ho letto purtroppo di parecchie lamentele di posizione per la location, spt per i posti in piedi, probabilmente a te non è capitato..Se solo avessero un manager piu valido riuscirebbero però almeno a fare 2 concerti decenti, a Milano e a Roma. Last but non least: ora sono fulminati sulla via dì Damasco (=USA), indi li vedremo sempre più col binocolo, se mai accadrà ancora 😢. Scusami la prolissità, ma avevo tanto da dire 😅. Grazie per la pazienza!
P.S.: Simon dovrebbe dimagrire o un giorno o l'altro ci rimane sul palco!
I really never liked Duran Duran's style of music. Britain has produced so many talents in music, but not all achieved big success in music.
What a lot of nonsense! Dom’s an employee, a sideman. His job is to play tidy, competent guitar and stay out of the spotlight. That’s for the 4 remaining original members. If Dom doesn’t rock the boat, he gets to stay in the band. Simon and Nick wear the white blazers, they're the bosses. Andy was more in your/their face, but he used to clash with Simon and Nick. Hence, Andy is no longer in the band. Competent guitarists are a dime a dozen.
In 1986/7 Warren was an employee but his playing was far better...then, the guitar parts played by D.B. are approximatet. So... not energy + wrong guitar parts... I don't like it
Dom can only be as good as he’s given the scope to be. Everything they do is carefully managed. Andy and Warren had more scope, but both were eventually fired. Dom is a team player. He’s still in the band. Having said that I actually think Warren brought the most depth to the band. But I’m sure Dom could play ‘heavier’ if it was required.
I don’t think this. Guy is even a fan. He always doing subtle digs at the band. The set list was amazing. This dude needs a hobby.
Being a fan doesn't mean always agree with 100% of what they do....
@@StefanoScarlataDuranGuitaryou are always negative. Andy is never coming back, stop asking for it. His time on the world is limited,I don’t think he want\s to do tours. Plus he doesn’t like Nick… why would you spend time with someone you don’t like. Toy want a tour of B sides.
I don't even know, wether I was amused about this or a bit surprised and annoyed. I will try to keep it short. I, myself saw almost 40 live performances since 1987. I have NO idea, how a "DURANIE" can consider Songs like "N.MOOM.O.M." or "FRIENDS.O.M." as "less known Songs!?! NMOM was a HIT SINGLE back in the 80ies and FOM is one of the most played live songs.... I would LOVE a set list without tracks such as "Save a prayer" and all the tracks we've been hearing every single tour since 2004, but that's just me...But I have to say one thing in particular, ANDY TAYLOR was the least talented or powerful guitar player in DD's history!!! Warren was the best guitarist that the guys ever had. Not only it always seemed like AT was bored from the first to the last minute on-stage, plus he always needed a "1/2 playback during his live performances with Duran (I have seen and heard it several times in 2004 and onwards with my own eyes and ears)
80% of DD live audience is not a "Duranie"; for them, NMOM and FOM are less known songs (comparing with Ordinary World, Hungry, Save a prayer, The Reflex, Wild boys and so on...). If they don't play Save a prayer, as you wish, 80% of the audience would be unsatisfied for the gig...also the session man guitarist has some "playback" parts...
Ti stai proponendo per sostituire Dom Brown??..😂scherzo...comunque condivido la tua chitarra è un po il tallone d Achille della band...non sono un esperto come te in materia ma con Cuccurullo e Andy era un altra storia...Dom è un onesto chitarrista ma non ha la stoffa degli altri 2...Cuccurullo più tecnico Andy più potente a mio modesto parere
Manca energia 🙄
Qualche mese fa lo avevo detto a Stefano che sarebbe perfetto come nuovo chitarrista dei duran ce lo vedrei benissimo. glielo dissi quando pubblicò il video in cui suonava la versione unplugged di serious la suono ' benissimo 😊😊.È un bravissimo chitarrista 😊😊