Unicorn Overlord | Tactics Made Easy

  • Опубліковано 2 жов 2024
  • Unicorn Overlord has some very fun mechanics like tactics. Sometimes, it can be tough to fully understand how to use tactics, and this guide will help you learn how to best use them!


  • @Rubikant
    @Rubikant 6 місяців тому +30

    Good video with some great example tactics! I especially appreciated you actually showing examples of how it works in Mock Battles.
    One thing I've seen throw off other people, that might be helpful to know when they begin to go deeper on specialized tactics, is the difference between the 3 different types of Conditions, and the one case where the order of Condition1 and Condition2 CAN make a difference.
    So the base thing that helped me understand the system was realizing that, despite the name, these aren't really "conditions" so much as "operations performed on a list of potential targets."
    The "list of potential targets" being operated on depends on the skill and positions of combatants initially (in the case of active skills, this default order is even documented in the in-game help files). The Condition operations are each performed on the list in order, and the skill is then used on whatever target is at the top of the resulting list. If the list ends up empty after the operations, then that line (priority) is skipped and the next one is checked with a new, fresh list of targets.
    There are actually 3 different types of operations, and they are identified by the red text in the Condition description at the bottom of the screen. They are:
    CHECK - "The skill will not activate otherwise." - If the condition being checked is true, nothing happens. If it is false, the list is cleared of ALL targets, meaning the other Condition won't matter and this line will be skipped.
    FILTER - "The skill will not activate if there are no applicable targets." - Any targets that do not meet the condition specified are removed from the list. Even if some targets do get removed from the list, it can still end up with multiple targets left in it. This mean these can be combined with another FILTER or a SORT to further modify the results.
    SORT - "The skill will override default targeting rules." - The list is re-ordered based on a specific stat for each target, in either ascending or descending order. In the case of things like "Prioritize Scouts", it means Scouts are sorted first before non-scouts, but otherwise it is things like sorting from lowest to highest HP and so on.
    SORT conditions have some extra quirks, particularly if you use 2 of them on the same line. I'm not sure why this is exactly, but the in-game documentation notes that when a SORT condition is included, the default list is also slightly reordered first before the specific reordering the condition requested is applied (it makes targets further away on the row being attacked take priority over the targets directly in front of the character).
    From my testing, if 2 SORT conditions are used in the same line this default re-ordering only happens once before either of them, so it is default target list->special default reorder->Condition1 sort->Condition2 sort to get the final result.
    Because of the above, 2 SORT conditions on the same line is also the only time that the order of Condition 1 vs 2 matters. This is why some people claim Condition2 has "priority" - because its sorting will happen last and thus potentially override any previous sorting. The previous sorting operations can still have an effect though, in the case where multiple targets have the same value for whatever Condition2 is sorting by.
    A common Tactic Priority I see is something like combining, say, "Prioritize Armored" with "Lowest HP". This attempts to combine focus-firing down weaker targets by using Lowest HP (a very common Condition I use on most attacks) but give priority to armored units. But what happens if you put "Prioritize Armored" in Condition 1 and "Lowest HP" in Condition2?
    Because Condition2 re-sorts the list after Condition1 is done, the list would end up being according to HP, and the only time "armored" would matter is in the very rare case where 2 combatants have the exact same HP but one of them is armored and the other one isn't! It is very likely the skill would just target the lowest-HP unit every time, essentially ignoring the "Prioritize Armored" condition entirely.
    Reversing the order (so Condition1 is "Lowest HP" and Condition2 is "Prioritize Armored") would instead cause the list to first be sorted by HP, and then sorted again by "is armored or not". This means the final list will first contain armored combatants, ordered from lowest to highest HP, and after those contain the non-armored combatants, ordered from lowest to highest HP.
    With this new order, if there are 2+ armored units then the skill will target the one with lowest HP, if there is only one armored unit then it will target it regardless of HP, and if there are no armored units then it will target whichever unit has the lowest HP regardless of class. All with just a single line, which would require at least 2 lines to do the same setup without using a double-SORT.
    In short, if using 2 SORT conditions on the same line, put the more "fluid" value like HP in Condition1, and the more "rigid" value like unit type in Condition2 for best results. Or just avoid double SORTs entirely to prevent unexpected results (and hope you have enough lines to spare in your tactics for all the stuff you want that character to do!).
    One other final point of confusion for some people is realizing that the target list may be enemies and it may be allies, depending on the skill, and what that means. For many passive skills the "target list" will only be a single target anyway - the one that triggered the passive. For example, Powerful Call only ever has a single ally in the list that gets operated on (the one ally that is about to attack). SORT conditions do absolutely nothing in these cases.
    For passive skills that respond to enemy attacks by performing an action on an ally (such as "Cover" skills), the list that is being filtered and sorted will contain all ALLIES that are being attacked, NOT the enemy attacker! However, the attacker can still be checked in these cases via CHECK conditions available in the "Attack Type" category of conditions.
    So, for example, say you want to have a Hoplite/Lord use Heavy/Luminous Cover exclusively on your thief to block archers using Eagle Eye (True strike) to take them out, and making sure not to waste their PP covering other attacks that the thief could Evade just fine anyway. You can do this by setting the Cover skill to the Conditions "Scout" and "Attacker is an Archer". This works because the "Scout" FILTER looks at the target list (containing allies being attacked to potentially use Cover on) but "Attacker is an Archer" is a CHECK that directly checks the attacker even though when aren't on the target list.
    On a side note for that last example, I would suggest adding a second line for the Cover skill with conditions "Scout" and "Target has 0 PP" to also cover the thief for any attack if they have no PP left for Evade, though with their natural high evasion you may not find this necessary.
    Hope this extra detailed info helps someone!

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому +4

      Thanks so much for posting this! Lots of good info in here especially on why buffs like powerful call have been such a hassle to try and figure out. I am working on a video that more or less tells you what tactics will work best on move types (single target, aoe, etc) just to help those that are struggling with the tactics system but want to make sure that their units have a relatively good baseline performance, but I really want to do another video on tactics that breaks down the science of tactics just because this system is so fascinating to me. Would you mind if I took a lot of the info you broke down here and translated into a video?

    • @Rubikant
      @Rubikant 6 місяців тому

      @@MagKravaNot at all, please do! The more word spreads on how the system works, the better for everyone! No need to credit me specifically either, since much of this was figured out with the help of others in the community.

    • @Rubikant
      @Rubikant 6 місяців тому +1

      @@MagKravaAnother aspect of the system you might want to cover is the fact that conditions could cause the character to do nothing at all, skipping their turn (shows them performing "Standby"). While this is usually undesired and means you might have messed up your tactics setup, there are use cases for setting this up to happen on purpose.
      The thing to note is, skipping their turn doesn't mean they don't get to do anything at all for the entire fight, they can still possibly take a turn later!
      Combat will only end if everyone has used up their AP, all combatants on one side are dead, or (unmentioned by the game) if every remaining combatant will just skip their turn from now on due to how their tactics are set. BUT if a combatant skips their turn at one point, and then conditions of the battle change, they might get to take their turn later since they still have the AP they didn't use.
      So example of when this might be useful: Let's say Alain only has Lean Edge as an attack. Lean Edge self-heals as well as does damage. But if he starts out the fight already at or near full health and immediately attacks with Lean Edge, then this healing effect is wasted. So you might want to set a CHECK condition of "Own HP < 75%" on it. This means if Alain moves first and isn't injured, he'll just skip his turn. Then, after everyone else moves, if he got injured then this condition becomes true and he'll get to take his turn to attack and heal himself (and be more likely to get the bonus healing for finishing off an enemy this way if his allies softened up some targets for him).
      Now you may be thinking, what if he never gets injured at all? He'll never get his attack! Just add a second entry for Lean Edge, but this time, set a condition like "Second Action" or some other condition only likely to be true after his first turn like "Targets with 0 AP". This guarantees the attack will occur later on in combat for pure damage output in cases where the healing is never needed, while still allowing for the possibility for Alain skipping his first turn in order to gain more benefit from the heal effect.
      I've also sometimes used this trick to try to set up a Knight to get extra attacks with Assaulting Lance by potentially skipping their first turn if no enemies have < 100% HP or < 75% HP or similar (and having them target lowest HP to increase odds of getting the killing blow). Then, similar to Alain above, having a second priority to still do the attack even if no enemies are really injured on their second turn, just to make sure they do eventually get to deal damage.

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому

      @@RubikantThat's great, I will definitely have to include that! Might have to do some adjusting of my own squads now haha, that Alain one is very cool.

    • @drygnfyre
      @drygnfyre 6 місяців тому

      Ah, that makes a lot of sense. I try to think of it like a flow chart. So first I want to target whoever has the lowest HP. If two units have the same lowest HP (they both have 1 HP, for example), then I prefer the one that is armored.
      There are some times when you need to be redundant, though. Like "Fireball" gets listed twice, once to check for burning units, then again for anything not burning. If you don't do this twice, then if it doesn't find a burning target, it will just not activate at all. And putting them on the same line will cancel them out.

  • @fairtoki1685
    @fairtoki1685 6 місяців тому +20

    4:45 you can just use 2 tactic slots
    1st full column + prioritize cav
    2nd prioritize cav
    Still get same effects as your 4 tactic slots.
    This really matter later when you use all tactics slot.

  • @martinomagic9230
    @martinomagic9230 6 місяців тому +11

    Haha this made me feel a bit dumb, I understood how to use tactics. But I never thought "Oh I can just use multiple of the same skill to accomplish various things"! It's not really needed to do that even on the hardest difficulty, but I can already tell how much more I can optimize my units. Thanks for the video!

  • @Synysterenji
    @Synysterenji 6 місяців тому +3

    DUDE thanks so much. I never thought of queuing the same attack with different conditions. I always thought "damn theres missing a few condition rows" but when you do it like that it nakes so much sense!

  • @Austin-og7fg
    @Austin-og7fg 6 місяців тому +15

    I was so confused how this system worked and getting so frustrated why units were doing really suboptimal things so this explained so much lol

  • @johnnyc1216
    @johnnyc1216 6 місяців тому +2

    Please continue, this was great. I need to watch it again because I'm going to put your recommendations on my builds. Thank you

  • @maougha
    @maougha 6 місяців тому +2

    Thank you, thank you, just thank you. First time with this sort of system and I didn't think I was understanding it right. This? This has totally helped.

  • @Ishidori85
    @Ishidori85 6 місяців тому

    God bless you, man. This by far the most useful video around. Thanks ♥️

  • @fenrir-art4742
    @fenrir-art4742 3 місяці тому

    I like this video game. Best from Atlus and Sega. I was playing this for two weeks, training my army, got Amalia early for greater combat chances, and enjoyed the story. Been all over the place to get different fighters. I use the first to second to third turn conditions to help since I need to outsmart the enemies.

    • @fenrir-art4742
      @fenrir-art4742 3 місяці тому

      For someone like a wyvern rider, I use the two action points attacks first if the health is weaker or if it has not been brought down.

  • @NapoleonSoares
    @NapoleonSoares 6 місяців тому +3

    Tbh I think your the first content creator I've come across making videos for this game that actually has grasped how the tactics system works, so kudos.

  • @wamteng3790
    @wamteng3790 6 місяців тому

    I believe this was presented really well and because the game file used is in early stages of the game allows beginners to relate and apply in it in practice. As oppose to videos that has characters with complex setups and weapons that are acquired late in the game which is of no use to those that just started playing.

  • @metallion2123
    @metallion2123 6 місяців тому

    This was pretty helpful and very good examples. I'm still getting the hang of experimenting with my tactics and how I want my unit to perform in battle like effective healing. Also got tripped up sometimes in settings conditions where the ones have like a red or blue triangle like "Blue triangle: target hp 100 great or less than hp" or similar like. I think the blue means ally and red means enemy but in your healer examples you had the settings of "Red ∆ Target HP is 75 or less. So I wasn't sure if there was a different that's one thing that still confuses me

  • @epiclight858
    @epiclight858 6 місяців тому +5

    Have never played a more customizable game

  • @lordjunk5847
    @lordjunk5847 6 місяців тому +3

    Couldnt understand this mechanic at first but then you said it was like coding true or false, it became so easy to understand

  • @vorpal22
    @vorpal22 5 місяців тому

    What's confusing about this game is that it has rows and columns reversed as to their typical interpretation.
    Row = horizontal
    Column = vertical
    This was great, though... you put a lot more thought into this than I did. I just turned my healers down from heal when less than 100% to heal when less than 25% or 50% and very little else.

  • @vorpal22
    @vorpal22 5 місяців тому

    It's not clear to me at 11:42 why you have a second condition for heal instead of a first condition.
    Isn't is just "traverse list until conditions are both met and if that never happens, standby?"
    Thus I'm not clear why you would ever want a second condition but not a first condition.
    Setting the heals to less than 100% by default was what made me dig into these a bit more. So tired of healers wasting AP / PP to heal a tiny amount of damage.
    The actual showing of how the rules in this example play out with %HP is really well done.

  • @patricksusulin9335
    @patricksusulin9335 2 місяці тому

    Radiant knight: Protect Back row form Magic attack
    Alain and his stupid ass luminous cover: Allow me to introduce myself....

  • @deadbeatseikor0wonl1dance88
    @deadbeatseikor0wonl1dance88 4 місяці тому

    There isna mothernfcking tactics loadout!!!???????? I cleared prettybmuch 50% of the game and about to enter the hard part and this is the firstntime ive heard of it!?

  • @Ty-ng7yo
    @Ty-ng7yo 5 місяців тому

    Me sitting here for 20 minutes trying to set everyones tactics to what i want them to do then i get in a battle and no one does what i want so if a skill cost 3 AP and i use the skill once then the mage or witch for example then thats it i cant do anything else the the rest of the fight and PP determines how many turns you have per fight? Im so confused this games awesome im late game albion but i feel like me not understanding how to make these tactics work im loosing out on alot of enjoyment like being able to make some crazy unit that destroys everything

  • @dshadows2966
    @dshadows2966 6 місяців тому +4

    7:08 Do you need to take up an entirely different tactics slot with that second 'row with most enemies' High Swing? You can basically do the same thing with the one tactic slot with Prioritize Cavalry and Row With Most? It'll basically do the same thing and save on a slot, you don't need to 'only target' cavalry in this instance.

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому +1

      Yes, I do believe you are correct there that you can minimize that to a single tactic if you instead swap to Prioritize Cavalry instead of just Cavalry! Good catch

    • @Jokerecho3540
      @Jokerecho3540 6 місяців тому +2

      It's the same deal with the Soldier's Long Thrust priority.
      To consolidate slots, you could just run:
      Condition #1: Full Column / Condition #2: Prioritize Cavalry
      Slots 3 and 4 in the video could be consolidated into:
      Condition #1: Prioritize Cavalry
      I'm not sure if there's a hierarchy to where Condition #1 is considered before Condition #2 when applicable. If anybody knows for certain, I'd be glad to find out.
      But if so you could put Lowest HP into Condition #2 to have the soldier do all of the four Long Thrust slots in the video example into two slots, and then still try to finish off any enemies instead of default targeting.

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому

      @@Jokerecho3540 I've done some more testing and it does look like priority 2 is considered before 1. Kind of weird they did it like that, but useful to know now.
      So if full column is in prio 2, then a soldier will target the full column of units even if there is a single calvary in a different column.
      I'm still tinkering with my preferred setup now that all my units are lvl 15 and I need to consolidate my slots, but I've discovered quite a bit that I will hopefully be able to put into another video on how I recommend setting up conditions for attacks, heals, and buffs.
      This system is quite dense, but it's been fun figuring this all out!

    • @Rubikant
      @Rubikant 6 місяців тому

      @@Jokerecho3540Condition #1 vs Condition #2 only matters in the case that both are SORT operations. In that case, Condition #1 reorders the target list, and then Condition #2 reorders the results from Condition #1. This will have the effect of Condition #2 feeling like it has "priority" since it can potentially completely un-do whatever Condition #1 did (but not always, if multiple targets have the same value for whatever Condition #2 is sorting by).
      Otherwise, they definitely affect each other, but the order if which condition is in which slot won't matter if one or the other of them is a FILTER or a CHECK condition.
      I have a giant comment on this video that explains how this works in more detail.

  • @Tabooty849
    @Tabooty849 6 місяців тому +1

    I played allot of this game your on the right track but your units can still be way more optimize. once you start getting higher level and more skill 4 rows of long thrust won't be applicable. you also have to be careful of putting hard locks instead of prioritize because it will make your unit stand by instead of attacking but sometimes that's actually what you want if it was a cleric unit so you wouldn't waste all your ap & pp and heals. keep testing man your on the right track.

  • @momoneyho666
    @momoneyho666 Місяць тому

    Thanks for this video, you’re really good at explaining it

  • @michaeltsang1748
    @michaeltsang1748 Місяць тому

    The tactics system reminds me of coding else if statements or switch statements.

  • @PlasmaWisp100
    @PlasmaWisp100 6 місяців тому +1

    It helps so much to have someone explain it in detail and show examples. Thank you for your help! Sending this to my friends who are playing too!

  • @View619
    @View619 6 місяців тому

    The "AND/OR" explanation makes a huge difference. That pretty much allows you to tailor exactly how each unit acts, in every combat encounter.

  • @_AlphaKennyOne
    @_AlphaKennyOne 6 місяців тому

    This'll be a good gap in skill for this game's pvp. Without prior set up, my lvl 15 team was able to kill a lvl 23-25 team because they didn't have any conditions to get around my front tank.

  • @JohnnieDoe183
    @JohnnieDoe183 6 місяців тому

    Nice video, but my God, it’s “cavalry”, not “calvalry”! 😂

    • @eagleotto2527
      @eagleotto2527 6 місяців тому

      Depends where you grew up, its a very common dialect to say it that way

  • @janas19
    @janas19 6 місяців тому

    Been playing for almost 20 hours and didn't realize there was a priority column on the left side, good job detective! 😅

  • @kacpadestro8086
    @kacpadestro8086 6 місяців тому +1

    What happends to script when you have 2 red gems ? Does red script repeats ?

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому +1

      Yes, if you have more than one red gem, it will repeat any red attacks you have set up in your priority list, which is why setting up multiple parameters can be important if things on the battlefield change when the unit attacks again!

  • @RichardHannay
    @RichardHannay 6 місяців тому

    I’m 1/3rd through the game and I didn’t know you can add multiple tactic of the same move until now 😅

  • @mad_docta
    @mad_docta 6 місяців тому

    Great video homie

  • @ZeNex74
    @ZeNex74 6 місяців тому

    I've still hardly touched tactics.. looks like I should and stop losing

  • @ItsJustHenriHeck
    @ItsJustHenriHeck 6 місяців тому +1

    This game is pretty deep

  • @trevorweisberg8470
    @trevorweisberg8470 6 місяців тому

    So the two conditions are an "and" check, not an "or" check? Or does it matter which conditions you pick? Also, is there a way to ensure a buff that, say, negates damage only goes off in the off chance an enemy would hit? I have Ochlys as my front line tank on one squad where her evasion is so high pretty much every enemy is trying to hit her at a 0-1% chance. So far her biggest weakness is true strike, but it's not always an archer doing it- sometimes it's a swordmaster, sometimes they were given the buff by a witch. Is there a way to make it so an ally only gives her a buff if she would be hit by these attacks?

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому

      I'm not sure if there's a surefire way to do so. I will say in the comment thread I pinned the OP added more information that went over some conditional blocking that could help steer you in the right direction. I'm still trying to figure all that out myself!

  • @johnforkner
    @johnforkner 6 місяців тому +2

    I’m too dumb for this game. Sad.

    • @thegamer9302
      @thegamer9302 6 місяців тому +3

      Honestly i feel that way all the time but ive made it to the last area ya can do it!

    • @johnforkner
      @johnforkner 6 місяців тому +1

      @@thegamer9302 I won't give up! I'm starting with giving everybody Lowest HP, but I need a Unicorn Overlord Tactics for Absolute Dummies. What is the one big tactic to consider for each unit type--starting there so as to build confidence to start experimenting!

    • @thegamer9302
      @thegamer9302 6 місяців тому +1

      @@johnforkner Honestly the thing ive run into time and time again is theres no skeleton key unit. You got to keep rebuilding the wheel.

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому

      @@johnforkner 👀 I will take that idea into consideration and see what recommendations I can come up with!

  • @svdrevolver5109
    @svdrevolver5109 6 місяців тому

    Remind me of Gambit system from FF XII

  • @EzGrimzz
    @EzGrimzz 5 місяців тому +1

    its all fun and games till you have 10+ skill, i hope they make tactic slot unlimited or more complex tactic set up

  • @writemedz
    @writemedz 6 місяців тому +1


  • @alemmingsdeath
    @alemmingsdeath 6 місяців тому

    Great guide, thanks!

  • @Brandonfriggenstaleylol
    @Brandonfriggenstaleylol 6 місяців тому

    Awesome guide, thanks.

  • @luism8130
    @luism8130 6 місяців тому

    This is an amazing system!

  • @bificommander7472
    @bificommander7472 6 місяців тому

    Is there any way to rearange my tactics? When I want to add a new tactic to the top of the liat, I now have to delete all my existing tactics, make the new one, then make all the old ones again.

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому

      If you are playing on switch, you should be able to swap tactics around by pressing y over one of them.

    • @bificommander7472
      @bificommander7472 6 місяців тому

      @@MagKrava Thanks. "Set Tactic" is a weird description for rearanging, but it does work.

  • @Ninja40K
    @Ninja40K 6 місяців тому

    What initiative stat do?

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому +2

      It determines the order in which units attack. So, whoever has the highest initiative will go first, and then next highest, and so on

    • @Ninja40K
      @Ninja40K 5 місяців тому


  • @agav2345
    @agav2345 6 місяців тому

    jesus christ i love this game so fucking much

  • @EtherealRune
    @EtherealRune 6 місяців тому

    Any idea on how to set up tactics so that only a specific unit receives a buff from another ally?
    It's easy to do if the units in question are different classes, but, well, if they are not I seem to have trouble.

    • @heatmasta4703
      @heatmasta4703 6 місяців тому +2

      Donno what your setup looks like, but i'd say looking at said unit's stats might help e.i: (1)Infantry / (2)highest max hp.
      That example would have your buffer looking for a infantry unit with the highest max hp stat

    • @MagKrava
      @MagKrava  6 місяців тому +3

      @@heatmasta4703This. I still need to do more testing on it myself but I believe the best you can try for is targeting specific unit types/stats.
      Another option is to target a specific row - i.e. you only have one attacker in the back row with the unit that does the buffing so that attacker is the only one being buffed.
      This system is super cool, but it does feel like there are just a couple holes in it or I need a couple more grooves in my brain for it all to fully click.
      I feel like you could make a video just on buffing tactics alone. Once I am fully into the mid game I might see what I can find.

    • @derdingo
      @derdingo 6 місяців тому +1

      @@heatmasta4703 (1)Infantry / (2)highest max hp. That example would make any infantry unit a valid target. Sorting for highest max hp does nothing if the target list contains only one entry anyway.

    • @heatmasta4703
      @heatmasta4703 6 місяців тому

      @@derdingoTouché, after running some tests, I notice that those conditions only works if the buff in question is an active skill, since the unit would be looking for a target, while a passive would active when its activation condition are met.
      It seems having a 3 or 4 man team with a single full column with the buffer behind the target and the buff condition set to full column help somewhat.
      Do let me know if you find a better solution to this.

    • @derdingo
      @derdingo 6 місяців тому

      ​@@heatmasta4703 yes, i would say between things like (1)Full column/ (2)front or back row, (1)Full column/ (2) specific class and (1) front or back row/ (2) specific class you can get it to work most of the time. sadly there is no simple solution.

  • @horizon92lee
    @horizon92lee 6 місяців тому


  • @LouieLouLoo
    @LouieLouLoo 6 місяців тому

    The game is fun but the UI is like diarrhea for the eyes.

  • @kingdanz2683
    @kingdanz2683 6 місяців тому

    once you mentioned this was like coding, i got it instantly lol.

  • @gamesbloke
    @gamesbloke 6 місяців тому

    I over levelled and then found gryphon riders/flying units. I basically just sent a flying squad to the objective and kept two/three units back for any enemy units thats rushed.
    And yes I know thats stupid lol - But it was fun.
    I am a lowest common denominator when it comes to Strategy RPG's. I love the freedom this game offers.
    I am really grateful for this guide. And will revisit my units. Why? Because I am hitting a level wall (Or it feels that way lol)
    Someone needs to make a Leroy Jenkins build for folks like me.
    All the best!