After loads and loads of work I've managed to make the bonnet, will post a video shortly, am doing the project on a very low budget so had to do it myself, its come out well but was a steep learning curve. I had to make five bonnet top sides to end up with the two required. I recon its taken me 160 hours to make.
Great work......ignore the bonnet.....wait till you can find some one with the skill to do the job for a good price. Get that engine & electricals started. When you trun up at a few shows with a canvas over the engine bay, some one will recommend you a good panel worker.
Great video Trevor, keep em coming!!
After loads and loads of work I've managed to make the bonnet, will post a video shortly, am doing the project on a very low budget so had to do it myself, its come out well but was a steep learning curve. I had to make five bonnet top sides to end up with the two required. I recon its taken me 160 hours to make.
Great work......ignore the bonnet.....wait till you can find some one with the skill to do the job for a good price. Get that engine & electricals started. When you trun up at a few shows with a canvas over the engine bay, some one will recommend you a good panel worker.