REACTION | DIMASH - Thousand Miles a Common Dream ( Clássicas Wings ) | New Performance

  • Опубліковано 25 чер 2020
  • REACTION | DIMASH - Thousand Miles a Common Dream ( Clássicas Wings ) | New Performance
    Original video (Dimash Brazil):
    • Video
    #Dimash #cctv #ThousandMilesACommonDream
  • Розваги


  • @mausilazaripova14
    @mausilazaripova14 4 роки тому +2

    Новая бриллиантовая песня!!!👏👏👏🇷🇺❤

  • @rttadz3123
    @rttadz3123 3 роки тому +1

    Очень нежное исполнение. У меня тоже такая реакция была😁

  • @user-qd9vi6vw5i
    @user-qd9vi6vw5i 2 роки тому

    Вы правы Димаш с другой планеты ✨ ✨ ✨!!! Самый лучший!!!

  • @dikahajdini7307
    @dikahajdini7307 4 роки тому +1

    O zot me kete meliodioz te magheps eshte i pa aritshem. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💐

  • @ruthvioletamoralesjauregui4251
    @ruthvioletamoralesjauregui4251 2 роки тому

    Me encantó la cancion y sobre todo la interpretación magistral de nuestro querido DIMASH. Este bello kazajo es portentoso sin embargo es sencillo y humilde. Gracias DIMASH por existir.

  • @user-hz6sv4wc4j
    @user-hz6sv4wc4j 4 роки тому +53

    Какое наслаждение получаешь от такого пения!Просто душа тает 👏👏👏👏👏😳

  • @fadliyaakob6001
    @fadliyaakob6001 4 роки тому +2

    English please....for Dimash's international fans. 🙏🙏🙏

  • @jaydeeess8996
    @jaydeeess8996 4 роки тому +2

    I always enjoy your Dimash reactions, Zeus! Please continue in English.

  • @lenariley8575
    @lenariley8575 3 роки тому

    Of all of the hundreds of songs by Dimash, thus is my MOST FAVOURITE song and performce...😇😇

  • @user-tg1sj2ih4m
    @user-tg1sj2ih4m 4 роки тому +41

    ХЕЛЛО Эмерсон ! Димаш , как всегда феноменален ! ОН правит своим голосом как легкой лодкой в океане .... Спасибо Эмерсон !

  • @user-rc8wp6or1b
    @user-rc8wp6or1b 4 роки тому +59

    Зеус! Рады Вас видеть! По Вашей реакции чувствуется, что песня очень глубоко тронула! И Димаш опять дал нам всем такую радость с соприкосновением с Великим Настоящим Искусством! По всему Миру Dears наслаждаются Вокалом Димаша! Спасибо Вам за реакцию!

  • @__-he6qh
    @__-he6qh 4 роки тому +5

    Это просто волшебство Димаш!!!! 🤯🤯🤯😇😇😇

  • @mariadagracaegarcia9818
    @mariadagracaegarcia9818 4 роки тому

    É um anjo entoando cânticos, que explendor, que voz.♥️😍👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @svetlanamarinovic5676
    @svetlanamarinovic5676 4 роки тому

    Predivno,fantastično.Dimash je jedinstven.BRAVO.Veliki pozdrav za Zeus iz prelepe SERBIJE.🎶🎹🎤❤

  • @KukeApas
    @KukeApas 4 роки тому +1

    So beautiful!

  • @mariadagracaegarcia9818
    @mariadagracaegarcia9818 3 роки тому

    Fecho os olhos e escuto um anjo cantando. É lindo demais. É Dimash.

  • @MsLiloue
    @MsLiloue 3 роки тому

    dimash le prince de la chanson, une voix unique, un dieu, je suis fan

  • 4 роки тому

    The message of this song is more important than ever. But his voice makes it so much ethereal. It’s like a painting of heaven.

  • @revagreen2303
    @revagreen2303 11 місяців тому

    Dimash is from Kazakhstan. Her costume and instrument is a Kazakh addition to this famous Chinese song and performance by Dimash, in Chinese.

  • @user-xh4cr9ve5d
    @user-xh4cr9ve5d 4 роки тому +11


  • @domingasilvalara7453
    @domingasilvalara7453 Рік тому


  • @halina8369
    @halina8369 4 роки тому +21

    DIMASH UNIKUM 🌏🌎🌏🎶🎶🎶 !!! Reakcion 👏👏👏 THANK YOU !!!

  • @veraqwert25
    @veraqwert25 4 роки тому +18

    Куда же вы подевались, дорогой вы наш !!!
    Соскучились по Вам!!!
    Спасибо , что снова с нами!!!!
    Thenk you for reaction,....
    Bravo Dimash, SUPER, llll

  • @gioneeone9915
    @gioneeone9915 4 роки тому +18

    Давно Вас не видно Я подписана у Вас Нравиться Ваша реакция Димаш Наш Славный Гордость Наша

  • @claudiaaranda1684
    @claudiaaranda1684 3 роки тому +1

    Pocas cosas apaciguan más mi alma que escuchar cantar a este muchacho kazajo. Esta es la musicalización de un antigüo poema chino que habla de la amistad y su trascendencia más allá de cualquier circunstancia porque los lazos del amor verdadero no responden a la lógica del espacio-tiempo. #DimashQudaibergen demuestra que las posibilidades de la belleza son ilimitadas. @kudaibergenov.dimash no canta solamente, sino que interpreta y crea mundos en un proceso creativo de un buen gusto exquisito, maestría técnica al punto de que domina su diafragma como quien hace Taichi, y creando un bien definido universo semántico en cada signo de sí mismo que despliega en el escenario. Una joya. Una gema extraña. Un artista sublime. Esta obra, del poema Sueños Compartidos a Través de Miles de Millas, fue escogido por Dimash para ser cantado. Pertenece a la época de la antigua Dinastía Thang y fue escrito por Zhang Julin como despedida a un querido amigo, cosa que lo entristece, pero finalmente en su reflexión escribe estas líneas: mientras nos conozcamos, incluso si estamos lejos, nos sentiremos vecinos, al igual que cerca. En mi opinión, no sólo el talento y la capacidad técnica de Dimash son las que logran la excelencia de esta obra (como en tantas otras), sino que el gran salto cualitativo de su interpretación está dado por la extraordinaria madurez espiritual de este joven kazajo que logra captar, vivir y transmitir la profundidad de cada concepto que abriga este poema. Dimash Kudaibergen sabe seguir leyendo el alma del poema y del poeta, más allá de las palabras de la poesía, y desde ahí nos amplifica el discurso traducido en música y signos verbales y no verbales extendidos desde todo lo que él mismo es, desde su piel hacia adentro, y desde sus profundidades hacia el escenario. Es por esta razón que a veces el canto de Dimash nos desgarra, nos asombra y nos envuelve por completo. Ver y escuchar a Dimash es un viaje sensorial. Esta no es sólo una canción. Esta es una pieza de arte.
    Мало что успокаивает мою душу так, как поет этот казахский мальчик. Это музыкализация старинного китайского стихотворения, в котором говорится о дружбе и ее значении вне зависимости от обстоятельств, потому что узы настоящей любви не соответствуют логике пространства-времени. #DimashQudaibergen показывает, что возможности красоты безграничны. @ kudaibergenov.dimash не только поет, но и интерпретирует и создает миры в творческом процессе с безупречным вкусом, техническим мастерством до такой степени, что он овладевает своей диафрагмой, как те, кто занимается тайцзицюань, и создает четко определенную семантическую вселенную в каждом своем знаке. то же, что разворачивается на сцене. Жемчужина. Странная жемчужина. Великолепный художник. Это произведение из поэмы «Мечты, разделяемые тысячами миль» было выбрано Димашем для исполнения. Он относится ко времени древней династии Тханг и был написан Чжан Юлином как прощание с дорогим другом, что его опечалило, но, наконец, в своем размышлении он пишет такие строки: пока мы знаем друг друга, даже если мы далеко, мы будем чувствовать себя соседями по соседству. так же близко. На мой взгляд, не только талант и технические способности Димаша достигают совершенства в этой работе (как и во многих других), но и огромный качественный скачок в его исполнении обусловлен необычайной духовной зрелостью этого молодого казахстанца. которому удается уловить, пережить и передать глубину каждой концепции, содержащейся в этом стихотворении. Димаш Кудайберген знает, как продолжить чтение души поэмы и поэта, помимо слов поэзии, и оттуда он усиливает речь, переведенную в музыку, и словесные и невербальные знаки, исходящие от всего, что он есть, из его кожи. внутрь, а из глубины к сцене. Именно поэтому песня Димаша иногда разрывает нас на части, поражает и полностью окутывает. Видеть и слышать Димаша - это сенсорное путешествие. Это не просто песня. Это произведение искусства.
    Few things soothe my soul more than listening to this Kazakh boy sing. This is the musicalization of an old Chinese poem that talks about friendship and its significance beyond any circumstance because the bonds of true love do not respond to the logic of space-time. #DimashQudaibergen shows that the possibilities of beauty are limitless. @ kudaibergenov.dimash not only sings, but interprets and creates worlds in a creative process of exquisite good taste, technical mastery to the point that he masters his diaphragm like those who do Taichi, and creating a well-defined semantic universe in each sign of himself. same that unfolds on stage. A jewel. A strange gem. A sublime artist. This work, from the poem Dreams Shared Across Thousands of Miles, was chosen by Dimash to be sung. It belongs to the time of the ancient Thang Dynasty and was written by Zhang Julin as a farewell to a dear friend, which saddens him, but finally in his reflection he writes these lines: as long as we know each other, even if we are far away, we will feel like neighbors, at same as close. In my opinion, it is not only Dimash's talent and technical ability that achieve the excellence of this work (as in so many others), but the great qualitative leap in his performance is given by the extraordinary spiritual maturity of this young Kazakh that manages to capture, live and transmit the depth of each concept that this poem contains. Dimash Kudaibergen knows how to continue reading the soul of the poem and the poet, beyond the words of poetry, and from there he amplifies the speech translated into music and verbal and non-verbal signs extended from all that he himself is, from his skin inward, and from its depths towards the stage. It is for this reason that Dimash's song sometimes tears us apart, amazes us and completely envelops us. Seeing and hearing Dimash is a sensory journey. This is not just a song. This is a piece of art.

  • @ABauland
    @ABauland 4 роки тому +39

    Dimash is a magican, he is painting a beautyful picture with all the colors his voice😍🎵🎶🎵😍

  • @damenkusainova4432
    @damenkusainova4432 4 роки тому +13

    Отличная реакция. Димаш чудо🙋😍😷

  • @mariavaz6631
    @mariavaz6631 2 роки тому

    Ficava feliz se fossem em português. De Portugal 🇵🇹

  • @samybel1894
    @samybel1894 4 роки тому +4

    Thanks for the reaction 😘👏 Dimash I will love him forever❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @dilciafrancisco1295
    @dilciafrancisco1295 4 роки тому +1


  • @user-xu7ks2lq9m
    @user-xu7ks2lq9m 4 роки тому +15


  • @renego1350
    @renego1350 4 роки тому

    This is a beautiful beautiful mandarin song that Dimash composed with the help of the chinese, and it is based on a Tang Dynasty poem (written by a famous poet from the 7-8th century) of friendship and longing between 2 good friends separated by thousands of miles. The poem is full of imagery and Dimash beautifully emotes the meaning of the song and transport us to a magical place. Sublime performance may just be an understatement!
    This is a chinese program targeted at the younger generation by translation ancient chinese poems into songs and with this, hoping that the younger chinese appreciates and know their cultural roots. During the program, u may noticed an older gentlemen (in blue suit) seated at a panel table clapping - he is also one of Dimash's fan and he is a well known academic professor (of chinese history, I think). He accorded Dimash with so much love and respect, despite Dimash's young age (relative to him), that was so touching to watch - he gifted Dimash a famous and beautiful chinese poem of aspirations and ambitions towards the end of the segment. ❤
    Video of song with Dimash's interactions with the panel judges (with eng & portugese subs):
    There is a segment where Dimash played the dombra but it is in a situation separate link on youtube....
    The lady playing the dombra was wearing a traditionally kazakh costume.

  • @user-ls7nf9cf5u
    @user-ls7nf9cf5u 4 роки тому +7


  • @user-be2se5be7x
    @user-be2se5be7x 4 роки тому +1

    Низы Элвис Пресли

  • @asia394
    @asia394 4 роки тому +63

    Dear Friend! I've been watching your reactions for over a year. I like them. Thank you. ///////// On January 8, 2020 (even before the coronavirus pandemic) Dimash traveled to China and participated in the festival "Classic Wings " (China CCTV-1). Dimash said he would sing a song by the Chinese poet Chang Julin (678-740 AD), who lived during the Tang Dynasty. So the age of the poems is about 1300 years! The song says the two friends are splitting up, but their friendship, despite a distance of 1,000 miles, will remain strong. Who is the author of the music, I do not know. Maybe the music is ancient too? You're right, Dimash has a lot of voices and techniques. Imi Dimash uses with great skill. Behind the beauty and ease of singing Dimas can not see how much work he put to learn to sing so beautifully. But now he is an Angel for us. Now each of us can say that we have heard angels sing.
    Дорогой Друг! Уже больше года смотрю твои реакции. Они мне нравятся. Спасибо. ///////// 8 января 2020 г. (еще до пандемии коронавируса) Димаш ездил в Китай и участвовал в фестивале "Classic Wings / Классические крылья" (Китай, CCTV-1). Димаш сказал, что будет петь песню китайского поэта Чжан Цзюлина (678-740 н.э.), жившего в эпоху династии Тан. Значит, возраст стихов примерно 1300 лет! В песне говорится, что два друга расстаются, но их дружба, несмотря на расстояние 1000 миль, останется крепкой. Кто автор музыки - не знаю. Может быть, музыка тоже древняя? Ты прав, у Димаша много голосов и техник. Ими Димаш пользуется с большим мастерством. За красотой и легкостью пения Димаша не видно, сколько труда он вложил, чтобы научиться так красиво петь. Зато сейчас он для нас - Ангел. Теперь каждый из нас может сказать, что слышал, как поют ангелы.

    • @jaydeeess8996
      @jaydeeess8996 4 роки тому +2

      Thank you, Asia. I always look for you in every Dimash reaction! You always have such great insights and information.

  • @TheRemi0616
    @TheRemi0616 3 роки тому


  • @ninachaudhry354
    @ninachaudhry354 4 роки тому +33

    This festival was in China in January but was just recently released because of Covid-19. Yes, it is Mandarin language. Dimash’s voice is the best of the best of all time, truly celestial bliss. I love his long shirt with the side splits & the short jacket. I am a Dear of Dimash from Canada. Did you subscribe to his official channel? Thank you for your reactions to all Dimash’s songs.❤️🇨🇦

  • @user-hb2qq3id7c
    @user-hb2qq3id7c 4 роки тому +14

    Amazing performer! A very beautiful voice and a wonderful song! Thank you for your reaction!

  • @user-or6yc2rp1e
    @user-or6yc2rp1e 4 роки тому +7


  • @user-vq8xo2wm1j
    @user-vq8xo2wm1j 4 роки тому +11

    Thank you for reaction!

  • @tadpethtel8035
    @tadpethtel8035 4 роки тому +11

    it was actually done in February but couldnt' be aired until after the pandemic settled down.. This song just blew me away....Dimash just gets better and better....and that's stunning considering how amazing he has been from the start...

  • @sallystubbs7417
    @sallystubbs7417 4 роки тому

    Thanks for your reaction to Dimash! More Dimash please?

  • @cheryls8460
    @cheryls8460 4 роки тому +7

    He sings like an angel! Music is beautiful!

  • @maggietang6576
    @maggietang6576 4 роки тому +11

    Dimash vocal is just out of this world , singing in perfect Chinese ❣️you can feel his fully emotions 🥰❣️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️It’s melts your heart 💓

  • @donamarkovic8992
    @donamarkovic8992 3 роки тому

    Sve je predivno

  • @mariavaz6631
    @mariavaz6631 2 роки тому

    É do Cazaquistão e o instrumento também.

  • @medeaturmanidze3342
    @medeaturmanidze3342 4 роки тому +6

    Thank you for sharing and great comments,reaction...Go keeping👍👍😁😁😁👏👏👏😉😉😉😉

  • @adastra3872
    @adastra3872 4 роки тому +6

    Beautiful, beautiful, mesmerizing song , stunning performance by our Prince Dimash💖. Thank you Zeus. Dear forever 😘

  • @__-he6qh
    @__-he6qh 4 роки тому +2

    Реакционер смакует прям 😁🌝👍

  • @lauraalkhaz2163
    @lauraalkhaz2163 4 роки тому +9

    This has to be one of the most beautiful and peaceful performances I have ever heard. It just sends me into a state of absolute peace.

  • @C.C.2000.
    @C.C.2000. 4 роки тому +15

    Now, listen "SOS" and "Across Endless Dimensions" by Dimash!

    • @eufemijak3527
      @eufemijak3527 4 роки тому +3

      Yesssss!SOS from Slavic Bazaar on his Official UA-cam channel
      and "Across Endless Dimensions" from Official UA-cam channel of Dimash Kudaibergen.

  • @lugiv2731
    @lugiv2731 4 роки тому +2

    Wow insuperabile❤️🇮🇹

  • @adrianareginato7636
    @adrianareginato7636 4 роки тому +4

    ÚNICO, GENIO, MARAVILLOSO, DULCE, EXCELENTE PERSONA Y ARTISTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ESTA CANCIÓN ES INA BELLEZA!!!!!!!!!! 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇🥇👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷🇦🇷💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙

  • @herminiapurugganan4923
    @herminiapurugganan4923 3 роки тому

    Hi Zeus Dimash has a new music video "Qairan Elim" means Oh my holy land.

  • @mariapilargalar917
    @mariapilargalar917 4 роки тому +21

    Hello Zeus;this is the last song from Dimash two days ago.Is amazing;he talks about frienship between two friends who are separarate eacht other for distante but united in fellins;hope you understand my english;thank you for your react to our dear Dimash💝💝💝💝😘😘😘😘.You have got a version in English to understand the meaning of the song

    • @ZeusReact
      @ZeusReact  4 роки тому +4

      Hello Maria! Your english is very good, thanks for the informations, cheers!

    • @mariapilargalar917
      @mariapilargalar917 4 роки тому +4

      @@ZeusReact Thanks to you.😊

    • @julianomendes7103
      @julianomendes7103 4 роки тому

      Oiiiiii!!!!!! Tudo bem? Entendi tudoooo. Ele entendeu tb. Com certeza. Abraços meu e dos meus 7.filhos de bigodinho de 😽😽😽😽😽😽😽😷

    • @julianomendes7103
      @julianomendes7103 4 роки тому

      Desculpa. Eu.nao vi q ZEUS respondeu.

    • @user-zj4ui9dm2d
      @user-zj4ui9dm2d 4 роки тому +1

      @@ZeusReact *No, I'm not from Ukraine! I'm from Russia!!! ))) But I was born in the homeland of Dimash, in Kazakhstan!*
      *Be always healthy!*

  • @rosangelaruza2550
    @rosangelaruza2550 4 роки тому +5

    Dimash transformou esse lindo poema Chinês em canção clássica e introduziu a Dombra na orquestra.
    Ficou esplêndida !
    Dimash fez uma apresentação espetacular e apaixonante, onde sua voz doce e inebriante e nos deixou extasiados de emoção e amor e não é preciso traduzir pois sua voz e interpretação transcende qualquer idioma! Simplesmente Sublime!!

  • @zerrinsigirci638
    @zerrinsigirci638 4 роки тому +3

    Indeed beautiful Emmerson. So angelic and soft👏👏👏👏👏Dimash’s is beyond this world indeed. A Chinese poet I understand and is arranged in a song. I understood that his Mandarin articulation has improved so good thats why they can’t stop clapping. Normaly the Chinese singers interpreted the chorus the same but Dimash does it each time differently that’s why he’s special🙏😘

  • @domingasilvalara7453
    @domingasilvalara7453 Рік тому


  • @yani1353
    @yani1353 4 роки тому +2

    Beautiful and amazing

  • @user-cx4xp9iz1t
    @user-cx4xp9iz1t 4 роки тому +3

    Cool song

  • @user-bb2lo9dk8n
    @user-bb2lo9dk8n 4 роки тому +4

    Incredibly beautiful, gentle, airy performance.Dimash carries us into magical, fabulous dreams.In the work on the song, Dimash introduced musical production (Kazakh national instrument).I think in China this song, thanks to Dimash, will be in the top

  • @fadliyaakob6001
    @fadliyaakob6001 4 роки тому +1

    Hi, long time no see.

  • @esaumarquina4822
    @esaumarquina4822 4 роки тому +1

    Dimash canta tan hermoso. Es un ángel.

  • @miguelmoreira1135
    @miguelmoreira1135 4 роки тому +5

    Caro Zeus esta musica foi criada a partir de um lindo poema chinês. Dimash simplesmente transportou-o para a galáxia do amor e da beleza eterna

  • @rosaromero9446
    @rosaromero9446 4 роки тому +2

    ¡¡Hola, Q" tal ,un abrazó desde Chile cómo siempre Dimash fantástico!! Cuídate amigo.

  • @eufemijak3527
    @eufemijak3527 4 роки тому +19

    LYRICS: Thousand Miles a Common Dream
    The ever buiding willows in farewells
    The ever growing clouds in sights
    The ever echoing birdsong in ears
    The ever haunting lovesickness in hearts

    The farewell had put us on the gateway
    On horse I left for the ferry, seeing you away
    Together or apart, near or far
    Sharing a heart, friends still we are

    In my arms sleeps the moon
    Casting velvety dreams to lane and road
    The twittering swallow, please
    Bestow spring jasmines to every household
    Guests from the east and the west
    Travelers from the north and the south
    Beyond all the mountains and rivers
    We are bonded by an angelic soul
    Through effort common dreams loom In every home spring will bloom

  • @ANGOBA211
    @ANGOBA211 4 роки тому +8

    Hello greetings Mr. Zeus, I am in love with your videos I love them, I recommend the video of DIMASH KUDAIBERGEAN "SCREAMIMG"

  • @paolageraci
    @paolageraci 4 роки тому +1

    💕😜😍🎵🎶🎵😍😘So sweet!!!

  • @arareign8944
    @arareign8944 4 роки тому +3

    This Chinese show was about Ancient Poems turned into songs.
    Dimash recorded this Jan. 2020 supposed to be shown during the Chinese New Year but got postponed. They aired it during The Dragon Boat Festival, May 25.
    His singing in Mandarin, the judges was amazed because his pronounciation was that really good.
    That lady was a Kazakh Chinese, she's wearing a Kazakh Traditional dress. Kazakh Ethnic Minority is One of the 56 ethnic minorities recognized by the Chinese Gov't.
    Dimash brings out the beauty of the poem, his voice gives color to it.
    Thanks for the reaction.

  • @cn7358
    @cn7358 4 роки тому +3

    I agree brother a beautiful song with a beautiful voice is magical....really dig your reaction.

  • @47foxy
    @47foxy 4 роки тому +3

    Hi Emerson, Excellent reaction once again, Dimash delivered such a beautiful, controlled performance. 👌👌👌😊😊

  • @user-th1ew1es9z
    @user-th1ew1es9z 4 роки тому +9

    I hope CCTV1 will be lenient with copyright for this😜 because their rating will be much higher. As for your reaction, it was wonderful, thanx!

  • @startaylor7116
    @startaylor7116 4 роки тому +2

    He is in Japan& it's Japanese. Once again the Most beautiful voice in the World! Thank you for a great reaction!

  • @alina1848
    @alina1848 4 роки тому +2

    This performance is like a warm shower for the soul, isn´t it ?! 😍 Thank you so much for your great reaction !

  • @Karin_Aquatica
    @Karin_Aquatica 4 роки тому +3

    You are a part of the Dimash fan base. 😉 I like your reactions a lot.

  • @marcelamercado113
    @marcelamercado113 4 роки тому +2


  • @jimwallace3441
    @jimwallace3441 4 роки тому +2

    Love your reaction. He keeps surprising us. It’s Chinese. A friend was going away.

  • @beatrizqueiroz6691
    @beatrizqueiroz6691 4 роки тому +1

    Brasil love dimash

  • @FluffysMum
    @FluffysMum 4 роки тому +2

    Dimash was on this arts programme in January its called Classical Wings and he is singing in Mandarin to an 8th century Tang Dynasty poem. The woman accompanying him an the Dombra is wearing traditional Kazakh dress as he wanted the dombra with him.

  • @anna-lenagrnland502
    @anna-lenagrnland502 4 роки тому +4

    This must be the best I ever heard Dimash sing. So much feelings! He creates magic!
    CCTV 1 sure know how to entertain us.
    Thank you Emerson for this beautiful reaction video. I wish you a peaceful Saturday!

    • @ZeusReact
      @ZeusReact  4 роки тому +1

      Hi Anna-Lena, I'm trying to be brave here to start reacting to Elvis. I need to react to "If I can dream" first, because I think I need some Elvis fans here on this channel before reacting to "In The getto "with Lisa-Marie. I don't think my English is good enough to react to Elvis, so I keep putting it off.
      P.S: It will be the first time that I will watch the video you suggested, I didn't even know it existed. I am very excited to do this reaction.

    • @anna-lenagrnland502
      @anna-lenagrnland502 4 роки тому +1

      ZEUS I trust your instincts. You should follow them, I think. I am impressed how fast you hear and see things on your reactionvideos. If your gutfeelings say you shall speak portuguese on your reactionvideos, maybe you should follow them. I am sure you have an ocean of knowledge about Elvis Presley. It will be interesting to follow your reaction videos with Elvis Presley whatever it is in english or on portoguese. 👍

  • @herminiapurugganan4923
    @herminiapurugganan4923 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you Zeus for mentioning my name I like your outfit you look like in outer space and also because of your background. 🇵🇭💖🇵🇭💖

    • @ZeusReact
      @ZeusReact  4 роки тому

      Thanks for the request @Herminia Purugganan

  • @orhideeatudose6764
    @orhideeatudose6764 4 роки тому +1

    Hello from România

  • @CarlaHolley
    @CarlaHolley 4 роки тому +12

    *I would love to hear you speak in your 'mother tongue' of Portuguese* (with english subtitles maybe?)

  • @user-sg5zo1jv4k
    @user-sg5zo1jv4k 4 роки тому +2


  • @Treefellow1
    @Treefellow1 4 роки тому +1

    I've always loved your reactions you are so appreciative of angelic singing genius Dimash. I like that you repeated many parts of the song, not surprising because of the extreme beauty of it.. Dimash has definitely learned some techniques of Chinese music but has adapted it to his fusion style here.. Love the cuffs on his shirt, looks like Tengr! This song is in pentatonic scale, 5 tones in an octave which gives a dreamy typically Chinese feeling, so there's no major or minor key here.

  • @aljj456
    @aljj456 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much! I like your reactions 🙏♥️

  • @tatianaprabucka6231
    @tatianaprabucka6231 4 роки тому +2


  • @caroleannssarasumner4343
    @caroleannssarasumner4343 4 роки тому +6


    • @CarlaHolley
      @CarlaHolley 4 роки тому +2

      He speaks Kazakh and Russian. He is learning English and Mandarin (Chinese). As a classically trained singer, he would of course sing in Italian very well, because it's the original language of Opera.

  • @marileiadesouza6995
    @marileiadesouza6995 4 роки тому +2

    BRAZIL - Emerson, how long. Beautiful and sincere reaction. I also love Dimash's bass. He changed several records in the voice and they were beautiful. Dimash is not just about high notes and the music becomes perfect. I love traditional music from Kazakhstan, China, Japan and Dimash included Dombra in this performance and the musician on stage played beautifully. Dimash and his team chose a verse by Zhang Jiuling (673-740), was a prominent minister, noted poet and scholar of the Tang Dynasty, serving as chancellor during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong. Very old, some 1,300 years old. Presentation on 08.01.2020, where the project is to bring young people to the traditional culture of China. They chose the right young man, Dimash always shares his culture, wherever he is, he was a great example for young Chinese and the performance already ranks 2nd on the QQ Weibo music platform in China, with over 1 million views.

  • @mariadagracaegarcia9818
    @mariadagracaegarcia9818 4 роки тому

    Zeus, porquê não fala em português pra nós que te seguimos aqui no Brasil?

  • @miltonsasahara5386
    @miltonsasahara5386 4 роки тому

    Dimash é mágico ..nao ha igual neste mundo real

  • @caroleannssarasumner4343
    @caroleannssarasumner4343 4 роки тому +6


  • @Mamurito
    @Mamurito 4 роки тому

    Dimash es de otro mundo ❤️

  • @mercedesrivero5692
    @mercedesrivero5692 4 роки тому

    Hola Zeus! Gracias por reaccionar a Dimash por transmitir la misma emoción que sentimos los seguidores de este joven tan talentoso te saludo desde Argentina ❤🇦🇷

  • @silviaalvarezpeche6981
    @silviaalvarezpeche6981 4 роки тому

    Como no amarlo , si es perfecto

  • @dankan1349
    @dankan1349 4 роки тому

    Yeah,,,,so pretty :)

  • @ABauland
    @ABauland 4 роки тому +5

    Well if you give all of us english speaker subtitles use Portogese

  • @user-zj4ui9dm2d
    @user-zj4ui9dm2d 4 роки тому

    *No, I'm not from Ukraine! I'm from Russia!!! ))) But I was born in the homeland of Dimash, in Kazakhstan!*
    *Be always healthy!*

  • @orhideeatudose6764
    @orhideeatudose6764 4 роки тому

    Samaltau Tokio Jazz pleaze multumesccccccccccccc