Hilary Hahn - Sibelius Violin Concerto with NZSO (2010)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @theviolinnetwork5828
    @theviolinnetwork5828  4 роки тому +228

    Sibelius Violin Concerto time stamps:
    1st Movement: 0:25 | Cadenza: 7:27 | Allegro M. Vivace: 14:42
    2nd Movement: 16:57
    3rd Movement: 24:40

  • @zuzannawisniewska4464
    @zuzannawisniewska4464 8 днів тому +2

    I love this music and Hilary Hahn as much as I did when I first heard it four years ago. ❤ . Listening in 2024. Who else listening in 2024 ? Amazing! This is truly Hilary at her absolute best .... from Fort Worth, Texas 🎉

  • @posford
    @posford 4 роки тому +216

    thank you TOWSET for introducing Hilary Hahn to me .

    • @smhmyhead8017
      @smhmyhead8017 3 роки тому +25


    • @strings1984
      @strings1984 2 роки тому +8

      Thank you Hillary for introducing me to violin and then twoset. 😉

    • @tahitaua
      @tahitaua 4 місяці тому +1

      I'm in the same boat I guess....I am a kiwi, and the works of the NZSO is something that I certainly enjoy visiting on occasion, reminiscent of days gone by, just a young teen on his first visit to the Christchurch Townhall witnessing the power of a Symphony Orchestra. TwoSet introduced me to many an amazing artist of recent of which Hillary is one of a few. A fantastic collaboration, thank you.

  • @ILikeBirds
    @ILikeBirds 4 роки тому +375

    (1994) 16 year old Hilary Hahn: perfection
    (This one) 30 year old Hilary Hahn: legendary
    (2 year old recording) 38 year old Hilary Hahn: Ling Ling

    • @wiejetze8397
      @wiejetze8397 4 роки тому +5

      Sorry - what means Ling Ling?

    • @ILikeBirds
      @ILikeBirds 4 роки тому +17

      @@wiejetze8397 watch TwoSetViolin

    • @louise7115
      @louise7115 4 роки тому +21

      She is already 38? She looks 20 to me

    • @ILikeBirds
      @ILikeBirds 4 роки тому +10

      @@louise7115 she’s almost 41 now

    • @napper2212
      @napper2212 4 роки тому +6

      You are messing up the order of achievement. Perfection is the highest. Legendary is below perfection. As for "Ling Ling" - it sounds silly & childish (if not stupid) - kind of like kindergarten vocabulary. And it's not English.

  • @chadpell2328
    @chadpell2328 10 місяців тому +10

    Absolutely phenomenal. She is awesome all around. I hear she married with two girls now. I hope she teaches them the same discipline she was taught. I'm sure she will. Beautiful recording. Thank you for uploading.

  • @dsrtsnw
    @dsrtsnw Рік тому +9

    this is the best recording of this concerto. ever. i am in awe.

  • @patrickjwilliams8342
    @patrickjwilliams8342 4 роки тому +156

    This really is Hilary at her absolute best! An absolutely sensational performance by a true genius of the violin.What a privilege to be able to see and hear this.

    • @gracepei2115
      @gracepei2115 4 роки тому +7

      Very good comments,thanks!

    • @odw32
      @odw32 2 роки тому +6

      "At her best"
      I think the only one who can do Sibelius better than Hilary Hahn, is Hilary Hahn.
      Check out her performances with Radio France orchestra (2019) & The RAI national symphony orchestra (2021).

    • @patrickjwilliams8342
      @patrickjwilliams8342 2 роки тому +5

      @@odw32 Absolutely agree!

    • @TheSparshofMusic-wn7de
      @TheSparshofMusic-wn7de 15 днів тому +1

      That is true. I think this is one of her best performances. This is my favourite performance by Hilary Hahn.

  • @richardspaur9707
    @richardspaur9707 2 роки тому +7

    I am a musician and have been all of my life, now 78, and this young lady is nothing short of Genius!

  • @bewell4743
    @bewell4743 4 роки тому +18

    The opening photo with the cellist with his eyes closed says it all. We are all blessed to have had Sebelius walk this planet.

  • @carluy7351
    @carluy7351 4 роки тому +79

    3:09 iT's PrAcTiCaL!!!

    • @Jasper_4444
      @Jasper_4444 4 роки тому +3

      If she had to play the entire concerto the other way around to save her life, she'd pull it off.

  • @zosimolee2873
    @zosimolee2873 4 роки тому +11

    We are blessed that Hilary Hahn is alive and plays the violin like this.

  • @violinarchive
    @violinarchive 2 роки тому +57

    Her bow control is insane. She can use two inches of the bow and make it sound like eight. Her articulation on certain notes is more forceful, effective, and satisfying than that of anyone else I've heard, without ever being crunchy or unnecessarily rough.

  • @siewminglau6799
    @siewminglau6799 3 роки тому +65

    I don't think anyone has ever taken the notoriously challenging 3rd movement at such a fast pace, and executed it as effortlessly. Mad props to Hilary. Simply phenomenal.

    • @NewFelixTwo
      @NewFelixTwo 3 роки тому +2

      Yea, I was thinking the exact same thing! And she nailed every bit of it!! She is phenomenal!

    • @maximilianb.8789
      @maximilianb.8789 3 роки тому +1

      *Caughs* Heifetz. But still insane, how she plays that concerto. Doesnt get anything better than that.

  • @estherbreslau6075
    @estherbreslau6075 Рік тому +17

    She is absolutely amazing! I have loved this concerto for many years (I am 85) and have never heard a better performance. I am so glad she is so young. It means we have many more concerti, violin/piano and violin solos to look forward to.

    • @andygossard4293
      @andygossard4293 Рік тому +1

      May you be around for all of them. This is the most enjoyable concerto of all to listen to, I find, today. I'll have to learn it.

  • @limitstoprogress
    @limitstoprogress 9 місяців тому +6

    Students, pay attention! This is a master-class in virtuoso violin, by perhaps the finest performer ever! What a fine concert hall this is, with excellent acoustics and the orchestra is not crammed at the end. Huge thank you to all involved! That Bach Partita for encore is totally exquisite! (from Canada)

  • @zuzannawisniewska4464
    @zuzannawisniewska4464 2 роки тому +9

    The best Sibelis interpreter alive everything is so crisp and clean.....

  • @johnalexander301
    @johnalexander301 4 роки тому +130

    Her fourth finger vibrato is insane!

    • @serge-alexisgiroux8739
      @serge-alexisgiroux8739 4 роки тому +15

      It's practical

    • @sebastianciarfella3061
      @sebastianciarfella3061 4 роки тому +5

      @@serge-alexisgiroux8739 twoset

    • @staffanolofsson8201
      @staffanolofsson8201 3 роки тому +1

      I understand it is a joke, this about her fourth finger vibrato, that I can read in all comments all the time. Personally I think her third finger vibrato is even better!

    • @tfh5575
      @tfh5575 3 роки тому +1

      Serge-Alexis Giroux 😅

    • @remember9097
      @remember9097 3 роки тому +2

      @@staffanolofsson8201 just being able to get vibrato on the 4th is something to be amazed of

  • @stephenestall9044
    @stephenestall9044 Рік тому +5

    Wonderful playing by Hilary Hahn of this special concerto. The New Zealand Symphony Orchestra, on their first trip to Europe, are very able performers too.

  • @debramoffett-collins4014
    @debramoffett-collins4014 3 роки тому +14

    She is absolutely the best violinist in todays world. I just love listening to her!

  • @fabioghezzi1969
    @fabioghezzi1969 3 роки тому +18

    I could add infinite versions of Hilary's Sibelius to my favorites and it would never be boring

  • @rich70582
    @rich70582 Місяць тому +2

    This whole work is stunning but the melody starting at 13:51 is so beautiful. It gives me the chills every time I hear it! Hilary Hahn's master class in phrasing and technical proficiency!

    • @benpockrass2475
      @benpockrass2475 Місяць тому +1

      This is my favorite part of the whole concerto and I think this recording is the best, there is nice counterpoint between the orchestra and violin and often the orchestra is muddled, I bet its hard to balance and coordinate between the orchestra and violin at this part, but this orchestra in this part plays more clearly than any other recording I've listened to. Sometimes I think violinists focus on their part but dont balance it well with the orchestra, but Hilary is one of the few violinists that is really good at balancing her part with the orchestra. Honestly most other recordings even of great violinists play this part however they want, which is great, but often the orchestra hangs back because of the tempo changes made by the violinist. Anne sophia mutter for example plays this part really nice, but she takes such liberties by wildly changing tempo mid measure that it is impossible for the orchestra to play along with her. All of this is to say I come to this exact recording to listen to this part.

    • @rich70582
      @rich70582 Місяць тому

      @@benpockrass2475 I totally agree!

  • @TheSparshofMusic-wn7de
    @TheSparshofMusic-wn7de 5 місяців тому +2

    Amazing!👍👍👍Out of all the performances of this concerto by Hilary Hahn, this is my favourite. That’s because it has a very good direction and it is steady and consistent throughout. My favourite part was the third movement, which was the cleanest and most precise version of the third movement I have seen.

  • @ashtonlaurent6923
    @ashtonlaurent6923 4 роки тому +260

    Looking at this recording of Hahns Sibelius and her most recent Sibelius honestly shows me how much she constantly grows as a musician and experiments with different parts of the way she chooses to play despite both being equally good. Hope that makes sense lol😀

    • @Jabafish
      @Jabafish 4 роки тому +16

      I was thinking that. Somewhere in the 2nd movement I just said out loud 'she has gotten better'. You can really hear it! HOW CAN A HUMAN BE SO TALENTED AND YET GET *BETTER*

    • @bewell4743
      @bewell4743 4 роки тому +5

      I think you said it just perfectly.

    • @johnjsabrowski2214
      @johnjsabrowski2214 3 роки тому +1

      Complement the Vioin also, all who post. Can any one of you tell which Strad Is being played here? Amen . .

    • @mrsmd4616
      @mrsmd4616 2 роки тому +5

      @@johnjsabrowski2214 I think this Violin is a guarneri del gesu il cannone Copy by Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume in 1834

    • @TomsDone
      @TomsDone 2 роки тому

      Are there any particularly performances you folks are comparing this one to?
      Here she is with Fabio Luisi/RAINSO (2021-10)
      Or with Mikko Franck & the Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France (2019-05)

  • @sakuntalabasu1493
    @sakuntalabasu1493 4 роки тому +64

    Is there anything left to say about Ms Hilary Hahn? Yes there is - it is that she always always puts the music first and foremost. There is no "I am a star celebrity" humbug about her and cosequently her interaction with the orchestra/ conductor brings out the best possible performance for us to hear.
    This performance was a fine balanced one by the NZSO who are new to me. I particularly liked the fullness of sound the strings produced and woodwind/ brass , always a very important component in Sibelius' orchestration were excellent.
    All In all, a lovely half hour listening to glorious music. Thank you for this upload.

  • @mintchoco5640
    @mintchoco5640 4 роки тому +51

    Her bow distribution is the most economical I've seen, so amazing

    • @ladydelcarmenfloresflores6141
      @ladydelcarmenfloresflores6141 4 роки тому

      Feliz. Cumpleaños. H. +H.

    • @grabsmench
      @grabsmench 3 роки тому

      very economical vibrato too

    • @mariedagoult1
      @mariedagoult1 3 роки тому

      True, I find it interesting how she can control everything on her bow perfectly without even moving her right thumb.

  • @alexsaldarriaga8318
    @alexsaldarriaga8318 4 роки тому +117

    There are good violinists, great violinists, and then there’s Hilary Hahn. Like Heifetz before her, she’s in a class by herself. I see, I hear, but I just can’t believe. Her artistry, her virtuosity, are...beyond words.

    • @jong9787
      @jong9787 2 роки тому +6

      she speaks with her hands.

    • @zuzannawisniewska4464
      @zuzannawisniewska4464 2 роки тому +4

      The best Sibelis interpreter alive everything is so crisp and clean...

    • @Myself2-m4s
      @Myself2-m4s Місяць тому

      Energetic 🎉

  • @StephanieHughesDesign
    @StephanieHughesDesign 4 роки тому +9

    The personification of human excellence. HH, I salute you. Magnifique. Sibelius says hello and he is so proud!

  • @wuillymay8815
    @wuillymay8815 4 роки тому +82

    This video saved my life just right now. Idk how to say THANK YOU.

    • @theviolinnetwork5828
      @theviolinnetwork5828  4 роки тому +25

      I'm sure I had little to do with it. You seem like a wonderful person. Take care buddy :)

    • @wuillymay8815
      @wuillymay8815 4 роки тому +15

      Thank you so much. Always trying to be a better soon human. Have a nice weekend

    • @DD-d6d3
      @DD-d6d3 4 роки тому +5

      SAME. Was so anxious. Needed this.

    • @mairimsreeb
      @mairimsreeb 4 роки тому +5

      These comments make me tear up. Hope you all are and stay well

  • @randywest1185
    @randywest1185 Рік тому +2

    What an incredibly beautiful hall!

  • @chriss6356
    @chriss6356 4 роки тому +146

    objectively, she is the best violinist there is in terms of technique. no other violinist plays this cleanly.

    • @timothyangeles4222
      @timothyangeles4222 4 роки тому +4

      Have you heard of daniel lozakovitch?

    • @danielasaldana9910
      @danielasaldana9910 4 роки тому +1

      @@timothyangeles4222 yo si

    • @caseyngo1693
      @caseyngo1693 4 роки тому +5

      James Ehnes

    • @chriss6356
      @chriss6356 4 роки тому +13

      @@caseyngo1693 yea james ehnes is really good too. i still feel like hilary is slightly more accurate.

    • @kevinvanhove5834
      @kevinvanhove5834 4 роки тому +10

      wrong. augustin hadelich does

  • @ТатьянаФедоровна-щ2п

    Мой любимый концерт да еще в исполнении прекрасной скрипачки!

  • @afle007
    @afle007 4 роки тому +3

    this is my favourite violin Concert!!!

  • @johnpeter9353
    @johnpeter9353 4 роки тому +29

    Hilary Hahn-undisputed Best Living violinist in the universe

    • @gracepei2115
      @gracepei2115 4 роки тому +3


    • @JoseJimenez-tc6ij
      @JoseJimenez-tc6ij 4 роки тому +7

      Not even close

    • @davidkuder4356
      @davidkuder4356 4 роки тому

      She speaks to the strings, and the Violin *answers*...

    • @Ysmir.
      @Ysmir. 4 роки тому +4

      As much as I respect Hillary Hahn, there's no such thing as 'undisputed' best violinist.

    • @dylankwong1512
      @dylankwong1512 4 роки тому +5

      @@villesarkilahti4975 I like people like you. You state your opinion and then give a logical reason to why you've formed your opinion. Only thing is that you disregard other people's opinions. You can call her overrated, but saying that the original comment is a joke implies that their opinion is worthless and is, at most, a joke.

  • @kerenrodriguez9946
    @kerenrodriguez9946 4 роки тому +16

    8:54 i'm the man that's back with the cello whenever I hear Hilary😌

  • @willemt409
    @willemt409 4 роки тому +10

    A very nice concert indeed, Hillary play's amazing as alway's!

  • @amiedo
    @amiedo 4 роки тому +45

    Brilliant as ever! I have been waiting for the full performance since her interview video uploaded 7 years ago. It's finally here. Thank you so much for sharing!

    • @arasswara1651
      @arasswara1651 4 роки тому +2

      Yes me too!

    • @judesolis481
      @judesolis481 4 роки тому

      Yes, me three! 😅 Thank you, uploader! ♥️🎶

  • @pelarinbacosiii448
    @pelarinbacosiii448 4 роки тому +71

    Her playing is effortless. I had the pleasure of being on the same stage with her, turning pages for her accompanist ,Andrius Zlabys, in performances of Beethoven's "Kreutzer" and the Brahms D minor Sonata.

  • @kenbarton2599
    @kenbarton2599 4 роки тому +14

    And the lady does it again. A perfect and passionate performance from start to finish. What an extraordinary talent.

  • @dennyt4520
    @dennyt4520 4 роки тому +3

    Hillary played this piece as perfectly as is humanly possible. Fantastic!

  • @alainrobynsds5735
    @alainrobynsds5735 4 роки тому +7

    nous avons ici le sacre de ce concerto,un chemin de lumière, haute merveille, hilary est miraculeuse, un joyau dans l'univers du violon

    • @j1110a222
      @j1110a222 4 роки тому +3

      oui oui, je suis totalement d'accord

  • @Bobmartiz1
    @Bobmartiz1 3 роки тому +2

    I would like to thank Mr. Hansen on a Facebook post for linking this video featuring Ms. Hilary Hahn. I had never heard of her before but watching and listening to her on this video I have fallen in love with Ms Hahn's musicianship. This is a powerful and magnificent performance. She is a magnificent musician. Listening to this, I was transported to a netherworld in my imagination. I am a life-long jazz aficionado, I am over 80 years of age and I love all music, but Ms. Hahn has crept into my musical heart.

  • @andriesbartels3454
    @andriesbartels3454 3 роки тому +3

    Hilary Hahn at her absolute best! What an experience.

  • @j1110a222
    @j1110a222 4 роки тому +40

    13:55 / 4:20 it sounds exactly like those emotional/romantic scenes from a movie

  • @rajasrisinharoy2687
    @rajasrisinharoy2687 4 роки тому +27

    Indeed, Sibelius's violin concerto is heart-touching. Speechless! And yes, Ms. Hilary Hahn, beautiful as always. Loved this! ❤❤

  • @DomtheWise314
    @DomtheWise314 4 роки тому +2

    I am in LOVE with her dress (and her playing) :)

  • @dsrtsnw
    @dsrtsnw 3 місяці тому

    just perfect. dont ever delete this

  • @oguzhanyalc2280
    @oguzhanyalc2280 4 роки тому +59

    Look at the part at 25:18 !!! There is no violinist that plays that passage as clean as she does.

    • @chainuser1774
      @chainuser1774 4 роки тому +7

      Yeah my jaw hit the floor. Absolutely incredible.

    • @willemhaifetz-chen1588
      @willemhaifetz-chen1588 4 роки тому +4

      This level of skill brings tears welling up...

    • @JaapVersteegh
      @JaapVersteegh 2 роки тому +1

      That's what 40 hours of practice a day does for you, or rather... for her :p

    • @donaldallen1771
      @donaldallen1771 2 роки тому +1

      @@JaapVersteegh Yes, you corrected yourself. I'm sure she works hard, but she's a one-in-a-gazillion talent. Anyone of us could work harder than she does and not come within 4 or 5 orders of magnitude of getting the results she does. The same was true, of course, of Heifetz or Oistrakh or Stern or Milstein or Perlman, etc.

    • @stevenvinson1615
      @stevenvinson1615 5 місяців тому

      It's the rhythm that does it for me. It's so hard to play that just surviving it and warping the rhythm here and there is almost inevitable.

  • @janeroth8511
    @janeroth8511 4 роки тому +37

    It is so good! But there is also a newer Video of the sibelius violin concerto. I just can't believe Hilary was 30 years old there

    • @ILikeBirds
      @ILikeBirds 4 роки тому +8

      Jane Roth same . She even played it at 16!!!!

    • @simonwong2738
      @simonwong2738 4 роки тому +5

      This one is more energetic as compared to the newer one with a sitting conductor.

    • @ILikeBirds
      @ILikeBirds 4 роки тому +2

      Simon Wong yeah but her playing improved

    • @simonwong2738
      @simonwong2738 4 роки тому +5

      Sibelius is a musical adventure, so I prefer the younger Haln, but her Brahms was definitely better when getting older, looking forward for her latest Beethoven.
      By the way, the Geneva Hall is gorgeous, and her Bach was amazing, what a pleasant experience.

    • @avabloomfield
      @avabloomfield 4 роки тому +7

      Simon Wong I have to say I personally prefer the newer one. Not only has her playing improved but the connection, interaction and smiles between her and the conductor make the performance impossible to look away from.

  • @Linz0r1s
    @Linz0r1s 4 роки тому +6

    22:00 so lyrical i love it

  • @msmorado
    @msmorado 3 роки тому +6

    the 3rd mov makes me cry.....how much did Hahn practice for that cruel part.....anybody of the world in this time can't be better than this.

  • @iamjane9628
    @iamjane9628 2 роки тому +1

    Of all her stunning performances of this concerto here on UA-cam, I can't decide which one is my favorite! This may be it, however. 😍😍😍😍

  • @roystewart4386
    @roystewart4386 3 роки тому +2

    Fantastic performance.

  • @shin-i-chikozima
    @shin-i-chikozima 7 місяців тому +1

    Comfort of her wonderful performance is off the charts

  • @lond2835
    @lond2835 2 місяці тому

    Wow! Thank you, Danke, Merci

  • @elzbietabuzalska-wylegaa1319
    @elzbietabuzalska-wylegaa1319 2 місяці тому +1

    Cudo, nie koncert....Dziękuję ❤

  • @idkhbtfmandnowimsad994
    @idkhbtfmandnowimsad994 4 роки тому +49

    Get ready Eddy... not long before you have to do this.

  • @LSS55
    @LSS55 4 роки тому +18

    My eyes want to listen this song too

  • @angelareading2669
    @angelareading2669 3 роки тому

    Beautiful music thank you it is my husband's favorite. He is listening from his hospital bed and getting enjoyment from it. Thank you so 💓very much.

  • @tylermoore8218
    @tylermoore8218 3 роки тому +48

    This is by no means a bad interpretation, it is actually one of the best I've seen, but I compare it to her performance at 16, 39, and 41 and I see a trend - she keeps improving, keeping everything good about her playing, but refining it - come 42, she'll be unstoppable! I don't know how someone who is "always" perfect keeps getting better (that's a joke, I know her secret - PRACTICE). Seriously, I am impressed she sounds better than ever fresh off her sabbatical - this woman is an inspiration to me, as a musician, and several million other musicians and non-musicians alike! If anyone was Ling Ling, Hilary definitely should have the honor of that title, because she clearly puts in her 40 hours!

    • @1014p
      @1014p 2 роки тому +1

      Are you saying that girl, the violinist. Is not in her mid 20’s to 30 tops, but actually 41? If this is true holy cow I would have never even close to guessing her age. Watching her hand and hearing her violins clarity makes it pretty obvious she is top bracket violinist. A very pretty and stunning violinist at that.
      Ok just looked her up, currently 42 years old. Im simply surprised this is even possible. More surprised never seen anything about her till recently on UA-cam.

    • @JohnathanJohaisen
      @JohnathanJohaisen Рік тому

      @@1014pwas also surprised when I found out her age

  • @MLaval
    @MLaval 3 роки тому +2

    Habemos más de alguno de habla hispana,de latinoamerica,que conocemos a Hillary y disfrutamos de su música,de su ENORME talento y virtuosismo!

  • @irapuacorreia6203
    @irapuacorreia6203 2 роки тому +2

    Não consigo encontrar palavras para expressar a Beleza dessa deusa do violino...Só agradecer!

  • @arasswara1651
    @arasswara1651 4 роки тому +3

    Awesome 😍😍😍😍😍
    Thanks for sharing.

  • @durhamgrigg3125
    @durhamgrigg3125 2 роки тому

    Great performance. Wonderfully directed and sensitively supported by the NZSO!!

  • @eduardosuarez4762
    @eduardosuarez4762 4 роки тому +9

    O M G! This is SO Beautiful! She is so absolutely perfect; it seems, even better than her previous same performance years ago, absolutely Gorgeous in every respect. She's definitely not (not) human!

  • @DiSanzio
    @DiSanzio 3 роки тому +4

    She’s a miracle!

  • @rustybolts8953
    @rustybolts8953 4 роки тому +5

    Nothing short of absolutely amazing! The electricity generated so strong my computer decided to do an automatic replay. Must go out to see if my house still has a roof!

    • @rustybolts8953
      @rustybolts8953 3 роки тому

      @@horacioplotino1894 Its OK the roof is fine:-:

    • @rustybolts8953
      @rustybolts8953 3 роки тому

      @@horacioplotino1894 Just watched again. This time no odd electrical activity, computer did not repeat the performance.

  • @goodchessactor
    @goodchessactor 4 роки тому +29

    Does any part of the solo NOT have double stops? Amazing playing by Ms. Hahn, Bravo! Truly one of today's best violinists.

  • @laughinloveforever6707
    @laughinloveforever6707 3 роки тому

    This is a great recording from 2010! Thanks a lot!

  • @sylviaelenamunoz2572
    @sylviaelenamunoz2572 8 місяців тому +1

    Bellisimo. Hilary Hann debe ser la mejor violinista contemporanea a nivel mundial. Es perfecta se ejecucion e interpretación. Hay obras

  • @ziondar3716
    @ziondar3716 4 роки тому +2

    omg what a beutifull performance she is so professional.

  • @タンノイアンシン
    @タンノイアンシン 4 роки тому +1

    What a wonderful performance!
    Sibelius is smiling.

  • @filippoarena454
    @filippoarena454 4 роки тому +4

    Damm it's so good

  • @dabeamer42
    @dabeamer42 4 роки тому +20

    An excellent performance, but there's another one of Hahn, playing the same work, with the Radio France orchestra from a year or two ago, and that one is even better. She's like a good wine, getting better with age.

    • @odw32
      @odw32 2 роки тому +1

      And then there's also the 2021 performance with the RAI national symphony orchestra, which might be my favorite.

  • @cameronwarmerdam4251
    @cameronwarmerdam4251 4 роки тому +54

    I was gonna be like how did I miss this recording I've listened to every sibelius on yt but then I say the release date

  • @jaimekopstein4248
    @jaimekopstein4248 4 роки тому +3

    Oh she was a muse in this video. Thank you.

  • @alice40758
    @alice40758 4 роки тому +1

    As always perfect💜

  • @richardjx5442
    @richardjx5442 3 роки тому +2

    Her mastery of the instrument is stunning❗️Her control of the entire ensemble is even less believable ‼️The stream from Sibelius’ brain to the black dots on the lines to her brain then to her arms and fingers is one totally integrated process🎯There however one step higher: her performance of the entire solo part unaccompanied, available on UA-cam as Hahn Solo👍💪✅

  • @k4ir0s
    @k4ir0s 3 роки тому

    Cool. I emailed NZSO years ago asking them if they had a copy of this to share. They didn't! Thank you for posting it. I love this performance

  • @valeriysakov1410
    @valeriysakov1410 2 роки тому +1

    Прекрасно Хилари Хан!!!

  • @bewell4743
    @bewell4743 4 роки тому +5

    Simply put, this is what happens when you put a room full on dedicated and magnificent people all in the same room.

  • @jacc88888
    @jacc88888 4 роки тому +1

    Certainly one of the G.O.A.T. Amazing

  • @jong9787
    @jong9787 2 роки тому

    great maestro and orchestra,,,,she is like a giant hug,.

  • @healingvision91
    @healingvision91 4 роки тому

    Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you SO MUCH for uploading this

  • @VicenteChamberOrchestra
    @VicenteChamberOrchestra 3 роки тому

    Thank you! Wonderful!

  • @remember9097
    @remember9097 3 роки тому +3

    It´s so freaking different from her recent one..omg
    Love them both

  • @serlal-s3b
    @serlal-s3b 10 місяців тому

    On écoute le concerto de Sibelius joué par de bons violonistes et on aime bien, et puis on l'écoute par Hilary ... et là c'est une autre dimension, un nirvana!

  • @АлександрБердников-э6ш

    Hilary, you are great!

  • @rtreee1
    @rtreee1 4 роки тому +2


  • @luzarestrepo1358
    @luzarestrepo1358 4 роки тому +3

    Maravillosa Hilary

  • @vantilate
    @vantilate 4 роки тому +4

    Hilary Hahn plays beautifully as always. I just wish the microphones hadn’t been quite so near!! They’re practically popping from the intensity of her playing.

  • @elbertwan4038
    @elbertwan4038 3 роки тому +1

    Even at this age you were awesome hillary.👊✌

  • @mmppeegg
    @mmppeegg 2 роки тому

    I have a recap of this video, Hilary was young and so charming, now her performing skill is so strong that we fully enjoy in it. Really wish the day she comes Taiwan again! I will go absolutely.

  • @robertcohn8858
    @robertcohn8858 4 роки тому +10

    This is such a phenomenal, beautiful and powerful performance. Why isn't the audience jumping to their feet at the end?

  • @patsydf
    @patsydf 4 роки тому +2

    Wow, that was emotional.

  • @mrsubase
    @mrsubase 4 роки тому +3

    For sure and for certain Sibelius was a violinist, with a an ability that transcends description, but this composition gives the virtuoso The uncommon ability to express what only a violin can voice, ...that next level of, good Lord how do I say it? Of course the violinist would have to be able to actually “channel” the message combined with an orchestra and conductor that understands and can perpetuate the message. Jacqueline du Pre was on that level. Hillary is on that level. So I might add is this orchestra and conductor. What a wonderfully rare moment, thank God for UA-cam.

  • @parsabahrambeik4381
    @parsabahrambeik4381 3 роки тому

    It was one of the most unprecedented performances in at least the last two years, saying: "We are still alive, we are still hopeful، There is still a lot to be said, a lot of potential surprises. ." Thanks

  • @twagdrewer1296
    @twagdrewer1296 4 роки тому +4

    That dress 😍

  • @sylviaelenamunoz2572
    @sylviaelenamunoz2572 8 місяців тому

    Hay Obras más modernas ejecutadas por Hilary Hann. Ojalá podamos disfrutar.Muchas gracias!!😅 Emocionante!!!!😮

  • @kathyalmuller5143
    @kathyalmuller5143 3 роки тому +1

    Just saw your tweet on the art of composing. A brain like yours has many beautiful melodies to be unleashed. Please, Hilary, for posterity, publish some music that originated form your brain. The combination of your skills and creativity is truly unique in this world. You deserve to be in a class like Paganini and Mozart.

  • @Ragnvald-999
    @Ragnvald-999 4 роки тому +1

    I am so blessed