"Okay, after half hour of grinding, i have all my weapons at MAX level, it's time to go to that door!" *All the weapons are now at level 1* *throws ds*
Don't subscribe to this channel I have the Nemesis. But I keep leveling it up by accident... Either way, I've long since finished this area... Just recalling the memories... :)
@@SabeNo-rh7mb yeah, honestly it's not that hard to spam the polar star really fast. Only downside is lack of jetpack ability, but you'll get rocket boots later anyways.
I remember this place being a bit of pain in the ass in terms of being a pretty big difficulty spike, but when put into consideration that the next place after this is The Bloodstained sanctuary, this place is fuckin' *nothing!*
Just beat this game (forgot one small thing to unlock the secret boss and now I'm playing it again on a harder difficulty). Yeah, they don't give you enough time to get used to the booster 2.0, but let me tell you, you sure as hell get used to it in this cave. This place made me much better at platforming in this game. Didn't help I got the Spur instead of Machine Gun, too, so no flying for me. :( This fucking music, though. It never bothered me to die in this place because of it. Not looking forward to Bloodstained Sanctuary, though. D: Although the boss there looks fun as hell.
Saemyr Yeah, although as soon as you get used to it, the booster 2.0 is actually one of the best toys to mess around with in the game. Giving some pretty diverse ways to approach each fight. It also makes the 3 parted fight with the Doctor a complete joke (I actually find Misery the hardest part because of her disgusting 10 points of damage that she dishes out). In terms of a weapon that I go with, the Spur is a good choice for the best ending. However, the Snake is also pretty damn efficiant, dealing some decent damage & really comes in handy at the Bloodstained sanctuary for getting the jump on some enemies (in case you don't know, The Snake shoots through walls). I find that the Nemesis is good enough for damage on bosses if you decide to sacrifice the Spur (I either go Spur & King's blade or Snake & Nemesis for the best ending). Ballos is a pretty stimulating fight, but it's just ruined by the fact that you get no breaks in the Sanctuary. I would have so much more fun with that fight if it weren't for the pressure of having to do a brutally difficult level & *5 bosses* on one life. Even if they didn't want me to save, they could've had the decency to at least put a recharge station before Ballos to get me perked up & filled with missles. The life pot that Jenka gives me helps a ton, but I'd rather use that in the middle of the Ballos battle do to the fact that his final form is just an immense crapshoot in terms of not getting hit. At the very least, The bloodstained sanctuary is one of those places that get's *exponentially* easier on repeat plays. My second run for the best ending took me only 2 dedicated tries to get to Ballos' final form.
+AlluMan96 Heheh. Yeah, a year later and I still haven't gotten it finished completely. Ballos has never even graced my screen yet. xD Now that it's been a while, I think it's time to start it back up again. I miss all that beautiful music the most, tbh. Pretty crazy to think that the creator made his own music program to make the music for the game, lol. I know that George & Jonathan (also good music) use the same program. Pretty cool.
Curly has her Light Machine Gun in the Original, making her pretty strong depending on what damage output you can do with it with Curly on your back. It makes your life hell, yes, but would you rather have 1 gun and a bad ending or 2 guns and a good ending?
EpicNolegs Crap, I forgot to mention that in the 3DS version she has Nemesis. It makes her hit a LOT harder then she used to...but that doesn't count because, well...you had to trade either King's soul-infused Blade for Nemesis or give Nemesis back for King's blade....I took the Blade because Mimiga kick ass.
I had this game on my DSi when I was little. I would constantly start new save files before getting stuck at Mimiga Village because I didn't know what to do, since I was a dumb child. Because of this, I had the words "First Cave" etched into my mind. I eventually returned to the game later on to buckle down and finish it. When I got to this section, and saw the words "Last Cave" on my screen, I was immediately sent into orbit.
I know right? Granted my last playthrough wasn't so bad (despite it being my first time playing through on Normal difficulty), but obviously those crushers got me, as they had several times before.
I would always go an area on the left where there are no spikes, get the bubble launcher to level 3, and cheese it that way. Or use the circling stars to cheese it too
Before I beat the game for the first time, I talked to my friend about it. He told me about Hell and was like "Man, it's sooo hard." Later that day I got to this part and thought this was Hell... ...boy was I sooo wrong.
The biggest difficulty spike of the game hands down, I love this part. It's the original "Path of Pain". The sacred ground wasn't as hard as this area I feel. The sacred ground was more punishing than it was hard. The lack of save points proved it to be that way.
@Gregorio Bejarano Perea maybe if you suck balls at platformers then yeah sure... but if you aren't completely inept at video games (which you really shouldn't be considering that you've played basically the entire game up to this point AND did all of the side content to get the true ending) then you are immensely over-exaggerating the difficulty of sacred grounds, lol
I find it neat that the level changes based on what ending you're going for. The level design is aware of what you're currently capable of at the time. Got the Booster v2.0? Seems like you're in for a rougher time.
On the path to the true ending Me: My god, that was difficult. It can't get harder than that Game: Heyyyy do you wanna see some angels? Edit: guys stop liking this cringey comment I posted a month ago
lmfao, last cave (hidden) was really easy and if you are going for the best ending you probably took a guide because maaan I would've never thinked of leaving an old man alone would give him better survival chances than trying to help him. + saving curly is in the pain in the anal hole as well.
I must have spent 30 tries to finally get through this part. It awakened something within me i didnt know i had and i better use that on any future project
I'm doing a Polar Star only True ending run, and I needed around 2 hours just to beat this damn level, thank god the boss is easy. I'm currently stuck on second phase Doctor, by the way, I was so spoiled using Spur and Rockets in other runs that I didn't realise how much health he actually has.
I had to go through this cave 3 different times (the good ending version) first went through it normally, second time was cuz I wanted Nemesis, so I had to beat it in reverse, then I realized I didn’t actually want the Nemesis so I went through the cave again for the third time.
Heres a tip: when you get to those blocks that have fall down and insta kill you, damage yourself with the red hopping things or the blood/lava. The immunity will prevent the blocks from insta killing you for a period of time.
So yeah, I got the hang of it, beat it, blah blah... So the more important stuff is A. I cannot get past B2 for Hell B. I used the life pot right after the Muscle Doctor fight and had most of my life after Undead Core (I suck don't judge me ;-;) So yeah. I have to make it through hell with no Life Pot. Wish me luck.
If you're going for the neutral ending, this is cave is the last thing stopping you from finally tearing the doctor to shreds. If you're going for the good ending, this is the *warmup.*
Gonna be honest, I find this place more difficult than the Blood Stained Sanctuary, but that's because I've practiced the Sanctuary way more than this cave. :P
First playthrough, with booster 0.8 : Huh. This is easy Second playthrough, with booster 2.0 : Oh my God what the f this frickin layout!?!? All weapons become level 1 : Bruh didnt care. I have Nemesis and Spur
I like how this area changes based on what ending your going for, wish the music wasn't the same though... This track is good but a change would've been nice.
+Fire you mean the best ending or this level? because if hard isn't describing this then nothing does because hard is an overstatement compared to what is to come.
I didn’t know you could pick her up after she saves you by giving you the water shield :( Will have to do that for my second run ^^ At the 4 boss fights atm.
To all of you who think this cave and the proceeding bosses are the end and the peak of the game's difficulty... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahaha.ha..ha...haaaaaaaa
Okay but that lineup of presses being the literal end to this area is such asshole game design, Pixel was just tryin to bully his playtester friends huh
"Okay, after half hour of grinding, i have all my weapons at MAX level, it's time to go to that door!"
*All the weapons are now at level 1*
*throws ds*
Same bro.
a black wing blows...
where tf are you grinding if it takes you half an hour to get everything maxed out
@@upice6863 i literally don't know i made this comment 2 years ago
@@upice6863 best area i can think of for grinding would probably be the labyrinth, because the abundance of cockroaches
"A black wind passes through your soul..."then"All weapons reset to level 1..."*AAARRRGGGHHH!*
+Aryzen Inniriea Unless you have the spur or nemesis.
Then it's fine.
Don't subscribe to this channel
I have the Nemesis. But I keep leveling it up by accident...
Either way, I've long since finished this area... Just recalling the memories... :)
Aryzen Inniriea Yeah me too. I really dislike the nemesis.
Don't subscribe to this channel
Need... Moar... MISSILES!
Aryzen Inniriea Well just go back down to the plantation and grind for missiles.
The level that made me realize that being calm let’s you play better .-.
Being calm helps a lot in everything.
@@randomnobody1519 Biggest reason why you keep your default weapon the whole game.
@@SabeNo-rh7mb yeah, honestly it's not that hard to spam the polar star really fast. Only downside is lack of jetpack ability, but you'll get rocket boots later anyways.
@@McCaroni_Sup After you return to the now empty village, you can trade the polar star in to get it upgraded to its true form: The Spur.
You learned what thousands of competitive players still struggle to realize
When I first got here, I still had the Polar Star and the Mimiga Mask.
I abandoned my save file.
Why didn't you trade in the Polar Star for the Spur?
I didn't know that the Spur existed. And I didn't want the Snake. So I had the Polar Star.
It's literally the ultimate weapon of the game, just go back to the cave where you first got the gun and have it upgraded.
You lucky soul
solitonmedic yo you have to avoid the booster 0.8 to get that
Beats cave. Gets killed on balcony. Fuck.
So real
But you should see your face when you *face* the *BloodStained Sanctuary* or should I say *HELL*
I remember this place being a bit of pain in the ass in terms of being a pretty big difficulty spike, but when put into consideration that the next place after this is The Bloodstained sanctuary, this place is fuckin' *nothing!*
Just beat this game (forgot one small thing to unlock the secret boss and now I'm playing it again on a harder difficulty). Yeah, they don't give you enough time to get used to the booster 2.0, but let me tell you, you sure as hell get used to it in this cave. This place made me much better at platforming in this game. Didn't help I got the Spur instead of Machine Gun, too, so no flying for me. :( This fucking music, though. It never bothered me to die in this place because of it.
Not looking forward to Bloodstained Sanctuary, though. D: Although the boss there looks fun as hell.
Yeah, although as soon as you get used to it, the booster 2.0 is actually one of the best toys to mess around with in the game. Giving some pretty diverse ways to approach each fight. It also makes the 3 parted fight with the Doctor a complete joke (I actually find Misery the hardest part because of her disgusting 10 points of damage that she dishes out).
In terms of a weapon that I go with, the Spur is a good choice for the best ending. However, the Snake is also pretty damn efficiant, dealing some decent damage & really comes in handy at the Bloodstained sanctuary for getting the jump on some enemies (in case you don't know, The Snake shoots through walls). I find that the Nemesis is good enough for damage on bosses if you decide to sacrifice the Spur (I either go Spur & King's blade or Snake & Nemesis for the best ending).
Ballos is a pretty stimulating fight, but it's just ruined by the fact that you get no breaks in the Sanctuary. I would have so much more fun with that fight if it weren't for the pressure of having to do a brutally difficult level & *5 bosses* on one life. Even if they didn't want me to save, they could've had the decency to at least put a recharge station before Ballos to get me perked up & filled with missles. The life pot that Jenka gives me helps a ton, but I'd rather use that in the middle of the Ballos battle do to the fact that his final form is just an immense crapshoot in terms of not getting hit.
At the very least, The bloodstained sanctuary is one of those places that get's *exponentially* easier on repeat plays. My second run for the best ending took me only 2 dedicated tries to get to Ballos' final form.
+AlluMan96 OMG don't make me cry, I've died 92 times in Last Cave (Hidden) D:
Still stuck there, ofc
+AlluMan96 Heheh. Yeah, a year later and I still haven't gotten it finished completely. Ballos has never even graced my screen yet. xD Now that it's been a while, I think it's time to start it back up again. I miss all that beautiful music the most, tbh. Pretty crazy to think that the creator made his own music program to make the music for the game, lol. I know that George & Jonathan (also good music) use the same program. Pretty cool.
This is where you regret having chosen the path to the good ending. Darn Curly, what Quote went through to save you...
Curly has her Light Machine Gun in the Original, making her pretty strong depending on what damage output you can do with it with Curly on your back. It makes your life hell, yes, but would you rather have 1 gun and a bad ending or 2 guns and a good ending?
EpicNolegs Crap, I forgot to mention that in the 3DS version she has Nemesis. It makes her hit a LOT harder then she used to...but that doesn't count because, well...you had to trade either King's soul-infused Blade for Nemesis or give Nemesis back for King's blade....I took the Blade because Mimiga kick ass.
My first run through took three attempts to beat it. Sacred Grounds was the one I busted my balls on for two weeks before finally getting it.
Huh? This isn't Running Hell.
***** Oh, really? It had been so long between getting the normal ending and finally looking at the guide for the good ending that I didn't notice.
I had this game on my DSi when I was little. I would constantly start new save files before getting stuck at Mimiga Village because I didn't know what to do, since I was a dumb child. Because of this, I had the words "First Cave" etched into my mind. I eventually returned to the game later on to buckle down and finish it. When I got to this section, and saw the words "Last Cave" on my screen, I was immediately sent into orbit.
That's so raw...
*dies in Hidden Cave trying to get past last set of crushers*
I know right? Granted my last playthrough wasn't so bad (despite it being my first time playing through on Normal difficulty), but obviously those crushers got me, as they had several times before.
If you didn't know they're called Presses (those giant falling 127 dmg dealing block things)
_Incoherent angry screaming_
I would always go an area on the left where there are no spikes, get the bubble launcher to level 3, and cheese it that way.
Or use the circling stars to cheese it too
haha spur go bzzzzzzzt
Yeah, this is the last cave. The one after this isn't a cave so much as a literal hell pit.
Some segments make it seem like Pixel expects you to have the -Ultimate Weapon That's Easy to Miss- Spur.
For example: -the FINAL STRETCH.- No wait, fireball.
ikr the critters are all lined up in long lines.
You’re pfp I’ve seen it before, but where?
Or Nemesis. Just as hard to get thanks to that hidden little man.
ultimate weapon that's easy to miss but actually really easy to get
Before I beat the game for the first time, I talked to my friend about it. He told me about Hell and was like "Man, it's sooo hard." Later that day I got to this part and thought this was Hell...
...boy was I sooo wrong.
Same here but my sister told instead
True Heroes meet the Red Pushover.
Dr. Pew ...But not in this game
"Oh boy, Last Cave sure was hard! i bet after that the hard part is gonna be over!"
*Blood stained sanctuary laughs in distance*
* Ballos' laugh echoing from the shaft in the shed *
Getting that best ending is a LOT of work...
David Broxterman yep
True heroes meet the red demon
Good one
goodperson656 ORGE NOT DEMON
I assume it's demon in the freeware version but it was changed to ogre so dumbasses on the 3ds would give bad reviews because of the word
Phantu that sucks
Sucks how in 2016 people are the worst
"Oh I can't see red this game is offenceinfe)
(Yes that was intention)
Me: Alright let's do this! all weapons level 3! Gonna save Sue and Curly!
Black Wind: Bitch please. *blows through soul*
Credit where it's due, that you were using the Rage Comics joke format in 2016.
"A black wind blows through your body. All weapons dropped to level 1!"
Considering how easy (and enjoyable) the game is, finding this cavr was really refreshing
The biggest difficulty spike of the game hands down, I love this part. It's the original "Path of Pain". The sacred ground wasn't as hard as this area I feel.
The sacred ground was more punishing than it was hard. The lack of save points proved it to be that way.
This part doesn't have a million "angels" and blocks falling around everywhere, it's mainly platforming so imo last cave is easier
@Gregorio Bejarano Perea maybe if you suck balls at platformers then yeah sure... but if you aren't completely inept at video games (which you really shouldn't be considering that you've played basically the entire game up to this point AND did all of the side content to get the true ending) then you are immensely over-exaggerating the difficulty of sacred grounds, lol
This song is my jam
The moment when I figured out you could kill the Presses with the Whimsical Star was glorious time.
_3 years of slowly whacking several living blocks with stars later_
level 3 bubbler is good for that but
you can kind of just walk through the first row, the lava's where it gets difficult tho
@@vinnisvidya What I did was just fully charge the spur and fire right before it hit me
@@goiabexp bubbler for the first then spur for the rest for max safety.
coward, i bait out the presses myself so i can one-shot them with the spur
* Panic rushes over the back of your eyeballs!!
* You can only sprint in this area!!
Is it possible to get ptsd from a video game
In this game very much yes
People have gotten ptsd from a manga so it is just as likely.
Easier than regular last cave without Booster 2.0. Only hard part was fighting the red ogre with low HP.
This song felt like "Doctor, I'm coming for you!" after all struggle and tragic moments we had before.
lol Quote is just standing there like: "...shit…"
I find it neat that the level changes based on what ending you're going for. The level design is aware of what you're currently capable of at the time. Got the Booster v2.0? Seems like you're in for a rougher time.
On the path to the true ending
Me: My god, that was difficult. It can't get harder than that
Game: Heyyyy do you wanna see some angels?
Edit: guys stop liking this cringey comment I posted a month ago
Butes- putting the hell in Running Hell.
lmfao, last cave (hidden) was really easy and if you are going for the best ending you probably took a guide because maaan I would've never thinked of leaving an old man alone would give him better survival chances than trying to help him. + saving curly is in the pain in the anal hole as well.
you: *chuckles* im in danger
Nope. We will not. Also it's been 3 years now
how about 6 years instead? god time flies
This place was extremely hard... thanks to the lack of good weapon power, but atleast I had the booster 2.0.
Did you know that the last cave changes depending on which booster you have?
@@herhioi yep
jeeeesus the bus rides to college trying to grind this. good thing the music fucks so hard
I must have spent 30 tries to finally get through this part.
It awakened something within me i didnt know i had and i better use that on any future project
I can't believe no one else has uploaded this.
I'm doing a Polar Star only True ending run, and I needed around 2 hours just to beat this damn level, thank god the boss is easy. I'm currently stuck on second phase Doctor, by the way, I was so spoiled using Spur and Rockets in other runs that I didn't realise how much health he actually has.
did you get it?
did you get it
did you get it
did ya get it?
Holy crap I got it like a month and a half ago after I took a break and just remembered I posted this comment.
I guess taking breaks really works.
_Last Cave (Hidden) PTSD_
I had to go through this cave 3 different times (the good ending version) first went through it normally, second time was cuz I wanted Nemesis, so I had to beat it in reverse, then I realized I didn’t actually want the Nemesis so I went through the cave again for the third time.
Honestly IMO this is the best theme
It's at this point you realize that some games just want to punch you in the face.
I actually enjoyed this cave the most. Just a test of skill and composure and the music is great.
You brought memories i did not remember.
Honestly i belive the new version is better but i like to see its origins
*Reaches door* Yay!
*Door resets all my weapons* No!
Heres a tip: when you get to those blocks that have fall down and insta kill you, damage yourself with the red hopping things or the blood/lava. The immunity will prevent the blocks from insta killing you for a period of time.
Trying to beat this level on Best Ending... Help.
A much harder level is in store
So yeah, I got the hang of it, beat it, blah blah...
So the more important stuff is
A. I cannot get past B2 for Hell
B. I used the life pot right after the Muscle Doctor fight and had most of my life after Undead Core (I suck don't judge me ;-;)
So yeah. I have to make it through hell with no Life Pot.
Wish me luck.
Luck? You're going through true hell now, bruh, luck isn't gonna help a lot.
I wish you sanity.
Channel #1728 I don't have the nemesis and I'm not starting over
That's not EVEN CLOSE. Hell with 8 HP, no missiles, and on hard mode. now THAT'S True hell.
When you have the *Spur*
Pain incarnate
It's this game that I often used to play!
Someday, I'll have to revisit this game to finish it.
When I got here I was all like "NOPE NOPE NOPE"
ah yes the last cave where you really test your patience
Until blood stained sanctuary
im pretty sure that this is one of the game ost's of all time
Thank god I had the spur here.
Such a pain in hard mode
I died a lot in this part of the game! oh mann (TF2 EJEMMM) good remembers come back!!! :')
The Critters' face though.
My fave
I spent so long on that damn cave and I'm pretty sure I would have reage quitted long ago if it weren't for the music
(All Weapons to Level 1)
"Oh no."
(charges Spur)
Oh, man, my face when I found out that there was a hidden area to this place.
"What do you mean, 'Booster 2.0'?"
kept dying in the true cave but the music was like, even more of a bop then
If you're going for the neutral ending, this is cave is the last thing stopping you from finally tearing the doctor to shreds.
If you're going for the good ending, this is the *warmup.*
It's very good.
Everyone: Complaining about the level reset
Me: **laughs in spur**
Gonna be honest, I find this place more difficult than the Blood Stained Sanctuary, but that's because I've practiced the Sanctuary way more than this cave. :P
Always the 10 damage the spikes and lava does. Just as I killed the red ogre, I just get destroyed by presses lol
one time i got stuck right before the door
It was a pain in one's ass, pardon my French
Whenever I hear this song I get traumatizing flashbacks
First playthrough, with booster 0.8 : Huh. This is easy
Second playthrough, with booster 2.0 : Oh my God what the f this frickin layout!?!?
All weapons become level 1 : Bruh didnt care. I have Nemesis and Spur
I like how this area changes based on what ending your going for, wish the music wasn't the same though... This track is good but a change would've been nice.
I dunno, I remember it being even easier in reverse.
i hear if you're aiming for the best ending it's twice as hard
Oh, buddy, lemme tell you. Hard is an understatement for what kind of hell you Have to go through
+Fire you mean the best ending or this level? because if hard isn't describing this then nothing does because hard is an overstatement compared to what is to come.
who would have thought 14 years in the future that this song would become a remix in a fnf song (last meow fnfever)
people complaining about difficulty have yet to master the art of the damage boost
FUCK THIS PLACE. IM STILL STUCK ( and i didnt save curly. i didnt know you could )
I do the last cave but whitout saving Curly :, (
and i repeated the game... very good game.
I didn’t know you could pick her up after she saves you by giving you the water shield :( Will have to do that for my second run ^^ At the 4 boss fights atm.
I just grinded bats halfway through the level to max out the machine gun. Still, this gives me PTSD
When, I first played the game, I was like holy crap now this is hard. Until I went to hell...
1:15 Its me or that part sounds like the wily space from MMV on GameBoy?
Im not Kidding. :l
*Path of pain before path of pain was cool*
The difficulty spike from last cave hidden to path to best ending goes from asian to Chuck Nor-- *shot*
One day I will play this game, just not today......
I had gotten the hidden one by mistake and forever regret my decision
I backtracked though the hidden cave, boy, that was fun! (not really, it was painful.)
Imagine this with 1.8 booster... wait I think when I was really young I actually did have the 1.8 booster and beat this 0-0
Agent Pluto wait rlly
The cave is different depending on which booster you have.
it took me long enough to realize that I can destory the falling blocks with snake
this surpasses alot of megaman music for me even the wily stages. XD
Final Cave on my Hell run was probably the worst five hours of my life.
Idea for I beat this level tbh this shot was one of the hardest
The critters here were more annoying than ever. 6 damage, my god...
To all of you who think this cave and the proceeding bosses are the end and the peak of the game's difficulty...
I died 439 times here
If the actual difficulty scale were listed, the game goes from fairly challenging to (for lack of a better way of describing it) Asian hard.
Actually, this sounds like something it was about to left out of the game, don't you think?
I pray for you if you have Booster v2.0
I really do
Best ost / worst level
Okay but that lineup of presses being the literal end to this area is such asshole game design, Pixel was just tryin to bully his playtester friends huh
*audible stress*
I'm fine in this cave until the mid-boss (in the hidden version) where i start taking serious damage.
I thought that this was hard...
And then I got to hell.