Eichmann trial - Session No. 93

  • Опубліковано 3 жов 2024
  • Session no. 93 / 12/07/1961
    The continuation of the cross-examination of The Accused by the Attorney General of the Prosecution.
    In the affidavits and statements of Hoess, Wisliceny, Hoffmann and Mildner, Six and Morgen, The Accused's special position in the Head Office for Reich Security was emphasised. Was this a lie ? The Accused confirms they were lying.
    Discussion about the implementation of The Final Solution, the transports, the camps and the Accused 's role after the Wannsee Conference;
    T/730, a document signed by The Accused regarding the "Final Solution", which he insists was an outcome of the Wannsee Conference - merely a survey of figures.
    Says he was ordered by Mueller and Himmler to go to Paris in 1942, but can't find any other documents where he relies on Mueller 's orders.
    Burned many thousands of documents because he was ordered to do so.
    T/550, order of Eichmann whenever Jews managed to obtain Foreign Nationality in order to leave a country he ordered that this would not change their position, and that would not be able to leave.
    T/946, a specific case of a Swiss man, that when he tried to escape over the border The Accused issued an instruction to include him on the next transport.
    When he learned that wealthy Jews were leaving Romania, he made it his business to turn to the Foreign Minister to deal with this matter accordingly because he was worried that when he would arrive there with "his Final Solution" , there would be no wealthy Jews left.
    Document 927 a specific case of an escapee who goes to Budapest to avoid that he be turned over for avoiding the "Final Solution", and Eichmann 's request of his deportation.
    T/496, the case of a Swiss man attempting to acquire South American nationality, allegedly a strictly confidential matter, found out by way of German spies- a network of intelligence and information in all countries.
    Did not allow Sweden to grant nationality to some Norwegians and instructed Sweden to deport them matters were in his authority.
    Denies that all Jewish matters were in his authority
    T/1389, Jews of Trawniki sent to the slaughter by Globocnik, & the organization and collaboration with Pohl on "Operation Reinhard" (code name given to the Nazi plan to murder Polish Jews in the General Government by the use of extermination camps)
    The concentration camps, from whom the orders came in this regard & that Pohl designated the destination.
    T/476, admits that even though the document for the deportation of Jews says they were sent to Holm their ultimate destination was Sobibor extermination camp, where he admits being present and witnessing gassing.
    The deportations of the Jews to Chelmno in T/447, T1420, T/1421.
    -Documents are submitted by the Prosecution & marked exhibits T/1420, T/1421, T/1422 by the court.
    Says he was responsible for all transport matters but had nothing to do with concentration camps.
    The destinations Riga and Minsk were not decided by himself but by Heydrich
    Visited Minsk in the winter of 1941/42, admits knowledge of the activities of the Einsatzgruppen, denies knowing that all Jews from the Reich met the same fate.
    Hitler 's order concerning the Jews of Minsk did apply to all the Jews, which had to be obeyed. Discussion regarding the authority of Generals.