UK floods: Locals paddle through streets in southwest England

  • Опубліковано 4 січ 2024
  • Gloucestershire locals swapped cars for boats on Friday, as flooding forced them to paddle through the streets of the southwestern English county.
    Major rivers across Britain were flooded after heavy rain, with the government issuing more than 300 flood warnings, travel operators announcing serious disruptions and around 1,000 homes suffering damage so far.
    Addressing the floods, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said The Environment Agency understands the “urgency of what is happening,” has “people on the ground everywhere” and is responding appropriately and with all due haste.”
    A succession of storms in recent weeks meant prolonged rainfall that started on Thursday fell on saturated ground and quickly caused already-swollen rivers and waterways to burst their banks across England and Wales. The storms have also caused flooding in other parts of Europe in recent days.
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  • @Fido-vm9zi
    @Fido-vm9zi 6 місяців тому +6

    Hope people & animals survive & can live in comfort!

  • @anti-inflation
    @anti-inflation 6 місяців тому +1

    The Haarp project

  • @einienj3281
    @einienj3281 6 місяців тому +6

    Welcome to the new normal..

    • @thomassmith4678
      @thomassmith4678 6 місяців тому +4

      Yes. In 2023, the destruction on the planet reached a new level. The world was shaken by devastating and abnormal earthquakes, a huge number of red auroras in unusual places, abnormal heating of the ocean, Category 5 hurricanes, wildfires covering half the planet, rivers and lakes massively disappearing, droughts changing with large-scale floods, volcanoes becoming active.
      Over the last 30 years, the climate has changed catastrophically. The cause of this is the cosmic cycle of 12000 years. The same changes are happening now on all planets of the solar system.
      From the end of 2024, the number and scale of natural disasters will increase many times over. And if we do nothing now, it will be impossible to live on the planet in 5-7 years. And not later than 2036 catastrophe will occur, which will turn the Earth into a planet like Mars.
      We still have a chance to save the planet and humankind. The analytical report and ways to solve the problem are voiced here: "Global Crisis. The Responsibility" (online forum).

    • @100canadianmaplestirup8
      @100canadianmaplestirup8 6 місяців тому

      ever heard of HAARP?
      these things can easily be manipulated; not only can clouds be seeded to produce rain causing floods, rain can be diverted or pushed elsware to cause droughts, this science has existed since the first cloud seeding experiments in 1946 (Can be verified by a google search; very easy to find info on all of this i mentioned; its all accepted applied science.) is pollution bad? certainly; does it affect the weather? perhaps; but i would worry more about open plans to block the sun via SAR (a technique used to block the sun with aerosolized heavy metals...look it up! ) HAARP (a high frequency energy station used to influence the Ionosphere, one of the naturel protective barriers of the earths atmosphere.) and the many many other things that pose a serious immediate threat; & could easily cause anything from earthquakes (useing a drilled hole and a missal) to tornedos to hurricanes to floods to droughts... all accepted open science; no conspiracy theorizing there at all.

    • @EllieMaes-Grandad
      @EllieMaes-Grandad 6 місяців тому

      You've been listening to the doom goblin . . . ! @@thomassmith4678

  • @a44489
    @a44489 6 місяців тому +2

    Wat day did the floods start here

  • @uddinislah2724
    @uddinislah2724 6 місяців тому +3

    Good bless you all very sad 🇬🇧

  • @EndofDays-7777
    @EndofDays-7777 6 місяців тому +4

    We need the Hollywood Horror music ? Ridiculous.

  • @cherylsibson2529
    @cherylsibson2529 6 місяців тому +3

    They could figure out new technologies that could prevent a few of those floods, have confidences they will get through this.

    • @anti-inflation
      @anti-inflation 6 місяців тому +1

      The Haarp project to make us believe in climate change , the 1% the satanic

  • @valeria-militiamessalina5672
    @valeria-militiamessalina5672 6 місяців тому +3

    Let them eat fish!

  • @monicanath4859
    @monicanath4859 6 місяців тому

    I pray that everyone is safe!

  • @Wheelsspin.81
    @Wheelsspin.81 6 місяців тому +2

    Need to step up those carbon taxes

    @KING_OF_KINGS_ANDLORD_OF_LORDS 6 місяців тому +3

    *The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ will be like this.*
    *When people are comfortable and safe and do not care about the Second Coming of the LORD CHRIST!*
    *As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the Son of Man.*
    *People were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.*
    *It will be like this on the day the Son of Man appears.* Luke 17:26-27,30.
    *Brothers and sisters!*
    *The only way to see the light of the soul is to dwelling in the Word of the LORD.*
    *May the LORD’s Grace and Mercy be upon everyone ✝️ 🙏❤️*

  • @saxonthegermanshepherd2809
    @saxonthegermanshepherd2809 6 місяців тому +2

    Toilet paper or bullets? ⏳⏳⏳

  • @devildevil2271
    @devildevil2271 6 місяців тому +1


  • @thomassmith4678
    @thomassmith4678 6 місяців тому +9

    From the end of 2024, the number and scale of natural disasters will increase multiple times. The reason for this is entering the cosmic cycle of 12000 years.
    If we don't take action now, in 5-7 years it will be impossible to live on the planet. And not later than 2036 there will be a catastrophe, which will turn the Earth into a second Mars.
    We still have a chance to save the planet and our own lives. The analytical report and ways to solve the problem are voiced here: "Global Crisis. The Responsibility" (online forum).

    • @EllieMaes-Grandad
      @EllieMaes-Grandad 6 місяців тому

      That's what the doom goblin rants about . . .

  • @nonakotler3634
    @nonakotler3634 6 місяців тому +1

    We are controlled by laws of nature.
    There is a general force of nature, and two opposite forces-bestowal and reception-extend from it.
    We exist between these forces, and both of these qualities affect us.
    Then, the question arises: How do we develop under the influence of these forces? Where do we act? Where are we free? How do we accumulate and correlate these two forces within ourselves? How can we build ourselves out of them?
    These are the questions that the wisdom of Kabbalah engages in: how we receive these two forces in an optimal balance, and with their help, shape ourselves so as to resemble the very laws of nature, to arise and reach equivalence of form with the force of bestowal in nature. These very laws gave us the opportunity to control the pace of our progress in accepting them upon ourselves.
    That is the point of our freewill.
    How could we act if we do not have freewill? Who would we be? Would we just be like robots, always under control?
    Until now, we have always been under control. What does it mean?
    Nature as if injects a drop of egoism-the desire to enjoy at others’ expense-into us, and then it does so a little more, and a little more again, and we then get the impetus to move toward all kinds of egoistic goals. The more our egoism inflates, the more we become willing to move to increasingly gain at the expense of others. Nature constantly squeezes the syringe into us until it eventually infuses us with the full amount of egoism.
    Our era is characterized by the syringe of egoism having become completely injected into us, with no more egoism left to inject. That is why we have nowhere left to run.
    Where do we head from here? What do we do?
    Moreover, egoism has become global and integral. In the beginning, we felt good because we reached egoistic global connections in the world and thought that everything would be fine. However, when such connections started depending on everyone, we turned out to be nature’s opposite.
    At this juncture, we find ourselves with a major dilemma, and we need to work out what we do about it. Where our fully-inflated egoism coupled with our tightening global connections brings us to increasing problems around the world, today we require a new form of connection-enriching education that would have the ability to guide us on how to change our egoistic connections to altruistic ones. That is the key to a shift to a harmonious and peaceful world.

    • @epiphanyx3705
      @epiphanyx3705 6 місяців тому

      The 2 forces holy
      affirming and holy
      denying are to be
      Unified in Holy
      The law of 3.
      No kaballah needed.

  • @christinesinclair4881
    @christinesinclair4881 6 місяців тому +1

    Venice 2.0

  • @risa_sh.youtube3244
    @risa_sh.youtube3244 6 місяців тому

    The world has changed
    *Nam myoho rengekyo* 🙏 pray 🌍 peace 🕊️ be safe

  • @AzadShadad
    @AzadShadad 6 місяців тому

    Bud bud bing bing out of da house

  • @monkeyboy8424
    @monkeyboy8424 6 місяців тому +4

    What financial help is Sunak providing UK flood victims? - while he continues to send unaccountable billions of taxpayers money to his bromance chum Zelensky.

  • @Ia-mes_Aqrabdabra
    @Ia-mes_Aqrabdabra 6 місяців тому +1

    High Priest Ia-mes🦂afther the order of Melchizedek.
    Isaiah 42:1-2
    King James Version
    42 Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect, in whom my soul delighteth; I have put my spirit upon him: he shall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles.
    2 He shall not cry, nor lift up, nor cause his voice to be heard in the street.
    Hebrews 3:1
    “Wherefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the Apostle and High Priest of our profession, Christ Jesus;”
    1 most High 2 High Priest 3 Apostle.
    1 John 4:3
    “And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.”
    King James Version (KJV)

  • @ar-rys6330
    @ar-rys6330 6 місяців тому +2

    Jesus is not God. He cant save you

    • @einienj3281
      @einienj3281 6 місяців тому

      Ate you offering some other deity?

    • @Tribuneoftheplebs
      @Tribuneoftheplebs 6 місяців тому

      ​@@einienj3281 yes, his name is Cheeto the tiger. Perhaps you've heard of him?

    • @rickvervoort9536
      @rickvervoort9536 6 місяців тому

      You catch on quick. However, if you let him into your life you can save yourself.

    • @Andre-vr1ul
      @Andre-vr1ul 6 місяців тому +1

      Good luck being saved without Jesus.
      Don't pretend like you weren't told when it's time.

    • @Tribuneoftheplebs
      @Tribuneoftheplebs 6 місяців тому

      @@Andre-vr1ul maybe I prefer purgatory and hellfire. You don't know me 💅

  • @nonakotler3634
    @nonakotler3634 6 місяців тому

    As the climate heads into greater extremes globally, how can we best deal with future climate crises?
    The short answer is that we cannot deal with them unless we take care of nature's inner balance.
    We live in a tightly-closed and interdependent system in which everything boomerangs back to us. While living in such a system, we need to reconsider what we want and think, and how we treat each other, because our human connections are the primary influence on how nature responds to us.
    It is common to think that climate is dependent on factors outside of us-whether it be balances between heat and cold in the environment, or the effects of various kinds of pollution we emit-because we lack a complete picture of how our attitudes to each other bring about the strongest responses from nature toward us.
    No creature distorts nature the way that we people do. And it is not simply a matter of switching to renewable energy sources, electric cars and the like; it is a matter of how we relate to each other.
    If we truly wish to witness more balance throughout nature and not have to deal with all kinds of cold waves and other natural disasters, then similarly to how we have electricity, water and gas meters in our homes, we should also have meters that count how much evil we emit into the world from our negative attitudes to each other. What I mean is that if we could feel the extent to which we emit negative forces into the world, which negatively ricochet back to us, then we would wish to change this negative driver within us. We would want to switch it to a drive that makes our human connections positive, and which harmonizes us with nature.
    In simple terms, when we get up in the morning, we should first and foremost consider what we need to do in order for all people to have it good. Developing such an attitude is not so simple, yet we will need to seriously work on it as we head into the future. A life of increasing blows from nature or a life of peace and harmony depends on the extent to which we impact a shift in our attitudes to each other-from negative to positive.