What a coincidence, I'm the bot cliffe. Does well consistently and is an all around team player but is an absolute disgrace when it comes to crucial moments.
I'm IGL in our team and can say that Support is the most difficult role. Without someone playing the support role 99% of our strats does not work out. Most hated map is Mirage, if you think about it is like a Dust 3🔫
IGL is on high level the most difficult role cuz its like playing cs and 4D chess but support comes second beacause supprot usually calls with IGL and support need great knowledge etc entry fragger is the easiest probably cuz support takes care that entry fragger gets easy time getting the entry
Great video. I would rank support role between rotator and AWP just for the fact that the support player is usually the last one alive which means a great support player must be a great clutch player. P.S. Cache
On a competitive level, my least favorite is *Overpass* - Broken, unnecessary disturbances like the passing of the train which can mask noises, stacked bombsites when we already had Nuke results in more deaths in after plant saving situations. They should not have removed Aztec. I feel it had the most unique yet fair gameplay, stunning graphic elements and it was a 1.6 classic so had a fairly high fan base which is one of the reasons why maps like dus2, office, Italy, nuke, etc are played so much.
i think lurker is arguably one of the most powerful roles on the team, not even due to its kill potential or anything like that, but because of its *tilt potential.* If you catch someone out more than 2 rounds in a row, their mental just immediately deteriorates. The impact this can have is astronomical
I always play as a lurker and anchor role, I feel these 2 roles are similar things. Both roles need to understand the map and most of the time is you are alone to find info for your team.
When I play with my friends, I like to be the IGL of the team. But if I play solo I normally entry frag. Mainly because teammates normally hold on choke points since theyre scared to entry.
Hehe that's true also did he just said that the support role was the easiest ?that's some straight bullshit cuz if you are a support player your gonna sacrifice your stats you will have a pretty bad k/d ratio .
@@oppi176 It doesn't really work in ranks lower than dmg tbh as you'd not rank up- yes you can get points as support is generally the bomber/defuser guy but you need a co-ordinated team for it and in solo queue, kekw
@@killerracoon8471 I know that k/d doesn't mean a shit over all but the experience of a support player it kinda sucks fun wise .Cuz if you do something right nobody will notice and if you do something wrong you will become the black sheep of the team.(at least in solo q /where I meet some of the most selfish persons ever :) ).if you have a good team and you can do a coordinated tactic and you are let's say a mixt of a support player and any other role then you could get easily to lem or maybe further idk :)
@@oppi176 @Oppi I'm ranked in GNM and I feel like I should be ranked much higher lul and I know support kinda sucks tbh but I generally outfrag 70% of times until I meet some good teammates and so I have to become the IGL as they just don't communicate or salty; it's pretty hard to get a good team in general in solo queues- teammate gets a good frag- everyone: ... me: nice one dude there are hella selfish players in solo queue many times; support player many a times has to have a good game sense which most- as well as this video undermines as you generally either have don't really get to kill as many or many a times have to enter clutch scenarios imo lurker is the easiest role as you get the frags from the behind and generally just have to obtain audio clues. I'm good with awping but if another teammate wants to awp I give them a chance and I have to become the support/entry fragger depending upon the situation I think the easier roles will be Lurker
@@killerracoon8471 :)) Welp i really hope you will rank up cuz I know the feeling of wining a lot of games , doing pretty well and being stuck at a specific rank.
IGL, any time of the day. People usually take me as the IGL because of my reads, which work most of the time. If I'm feeling confident, entry frag. Or I'll just simply AWP while I'm IGL-ing
I mostly awp and igl I think awping is rather ez its not hard to hit shots but entry fragging is the hardest imo because you get tilted so easily when just dying the first 30 seconds 3 rounds in a row
I've Been Playing COUNTER STRIKE since I was 8,And I Started CS:GO Version At The Age Of 9,I always lurk when i was 9,But,Now,Because Of This Video I Have Been Trying To Be An Anchor Nor AWPer All Time,And All Thanks To You
Being IGL in MM especially silver ranks is very very difficult. let's take over A site . Bomber rushes B with C4. let's Eco . Bottom fragger buys AWP and don't even drop. Lets play aggressive against T on eco round only 2 rushes while other baits and stay behind. The most frustrating part after loosing 3-4 round one teammate leaves match and one has to carry 4 v 5.
Anchor role is more important than explained. A mechanically weak anchor with good game sense has no use since it will be more exploited by opponents. Every team has their best mechanically strong player do this role because of this reason.
Least favourite map - for me it is tie between Rails and Logs - both from Operation Bloodhound - Logs seems very chaotic, unorganized and having a weird tunnel to lead your opponents to your back no matter where you stand (kinda like Nuke when I am thinking of it, but in Nuke the layout is simplistic enough that you cna get the feeling for the map faster than on Logs). And Rails because you were in too claustrophobic roads, which led to large open area with ton of spots where CTs were camping and you were basically unable to peek one angle at the time. Also the colours look like if I would be looking into my own depressed soul, not thank you. And from the active maps - I would say Vertigo as when it appeared there was basically no possibility to throw grenades, except if you were pretty much on conquered site itself. Also, if you wanna rotate, you have to shift pretty much all the way as there is like a spot where CT can stand and hear almost whole map. Also the roads looks way to similar so you get lost on it easily (especially on lower floor). And lastly, it was changed so many times (yes, this might be my fault a bit too) in short period of time that when I play it once in half a year I remember a bit how it looked (or rather say what screwed me up) last time. And I want to go that way which is no longer there. Also I would say it highly depends on what are your strenghts and weaknesses. I do remember I was in one previous wannabe-team (group of 7 people playing often together, no practice times, just mm games) entry+carry+igl, but I was unable to throw any supportive grenades what-so-ever. :D
Easiest to hardest: Support -> Anchor -> Rotator (like a Lurker but not stealth and follow teammate orders) -> AWPer/Sniper -> Lurker -> Entry Fragger -> IGL/Commander
Lurking and playing the solo position also requires all of the other positions. You have to rotate well, support your team, entry frag, you can also turn into an anchor if you are bomb carry.
Normally i really like your vids, but i dont agree with the rankings except for igl and entry. In my opinion there wasnt put in enough thought into ranking these roles XD
I feel the support player not having the most kills or the role being boring. I'm a supprt player for my clan and I love it because I know I'm making an impact for a win. The team always comes first in a team sport. ❤
Entry fragger + P90/MP9 = unstoppable. My fav map : inferno My hated map : mirage Edit : seems theres an angry guy here, just doing for the memes. Edit again : don't start a ww3 here
To be honest, I think the role of the guy that only ever uses the P250 is the hardest, either that or the guy that is responsible for flashing his team.
I agree with your list, but one thing I don't disagree with is the fragging abilities of igls. Being an igl isn't an excuse to not frag in matchmaking or amateur leagues. Up until a certain level of counter strike, individual skill is what wins games
in matchmaking i am IGL and support or entry basically, except usually players don't give a shit about calls or teamwork. But i am the first to take the initiative as soon as i notice noone is calling and everyone is just doing their own things. Sometimes you are lucky and get 2 or 3 good teammates and in that case beeing IGL is great fun for me
The reason IGLs doesn’t get a lot of kills is not that they can’t focus on their aim, it’s that there role is not to get kills, their role is the lead their team to win but strategies, strategies where themselves is not always in a position to get the most kills
im def the rotator. im new to cs but not to fps games. i often find myself at enemy spawn within the first 30 sec and then killing my enemies in the back. so satisfying
What about that one teammate that always goes away from all of you and waits until you die so he's 1v5 and enemies just rush him so he gets kills and than calls others noobs and idiots when they die
The worst part about csgo is when you are the last alive against 3 other players and you don't know which bomb site the bomb is at and run to the wrong site and get kicked by idiots that died before you did
Nice video due to the corona i met 2 people i play everyday with and tbh we are pretty good and your video is accurate i am an in game leader and an entry fragger we have a baiter and a support and tbh you are pretty accurate with every style you said keep up the good work
I don't understand how entry fragger is harder than lurking whereas entry fragging checks angles with a support behind him for a trade while lurking needs to know the appropriate time to come out and try to find rotators or go behind enemy lines to kill them. In other words going directly to enemy lines is much easier than going behind enemy lines
I feel like entry frag is easier than support, they have different skill sets but it’s harder to learn support than entry frag since supporting you need to learn smoke angles and flash angles and awping is probably the hardest role since you need a lot more aim skill than entry frag, and with calls and call outs everyone needs to know
QOTD : MY least favorite map is train because it requires so much team play, and me and my soloq teammates just can't come to par with the coordination.
I kind of thought of a strat on when ct are force buying you could have 2 on one site so when you just hold left click and you reload your teammate can then hold left click on B like inferno and Dust 2 and kind of mirage I think this could hold a site
My roles(Most used to least)- 1.SNEAKY MUCHACHO(Lurkerer) 2.AWPer 3.Rotator 4.ScoutEr 5.Anchor 6.Support 7.Entry fragger 8.IGL 9.One who listens to the IGL. I'm that sneaky muchacho running from one site to the other and backstabbing the other team with an awp.
Alot of people enter the don't know what role to play ... They end up being a camper or a baiter even throwing... People thought they just need good aim to play the game.
There is also 1 forbidden role that mostly lurks in nuke but also roams the other maps the, the role is simply called The troller, it is a role where you simply *troll* the game and become *the mvp* from trolling and try Not to get *kicked* it is in my opinion the hardest role to master in csgo...
QOTD: Cache Not that the map is bad, I just have issues feeling how to play it. :/ I know Dust 2 like the back of my hand, Inferno is highly familiar, Nuke is difficult but fun, finally Mirage clicked with me, I love Overpass and Train, but Cache... can't feel it. p.s. I haven't tried Vertigo yet, I'm highly unfamiliar with it.
I'm mainly an awper but sometimes I can be an IGL or second caller. Btw being the awper and I'm most comfortable with the awp imo the most hard role is the Lurker and igl
personally ive played about 1K inferno only and i know most of the timings and choke points but that made me almost hate any other map because i have to play with high rank people that know the map way better than me, if you could make a video on how to study and analyze every map, good video btw
I'm the Bot Connor.
Sometimes useless, sometimes clutching 1 v 4
i have a guy like that in my team, but he is bot Fergus, doesnt listen to you, goes where tf he wants and cant deal 14 damage but sometimes gets a 1v4
What a coincidence, I'm the bot cliffe. Does well consistently and is an all around team player but is an absolute disgrace when it comes to crucial moments.
Wasn't it 1v5
My team: *we’re all awpers now*
literally every soloq game
That is why I play with friends
@@filip4698 I swear it's awful being the only rifler in a team in Soloq
Our role
mm in a nutshell
PRO Guides: As IGL you have to be calm
Zeus: CYKA BLYAT!!!!
Zeus built different
The most difficult role is trying to clutch 1v5 whitout being kicked
I got legit kicked when I was top frag on my team because of a 1 v 5.
@@artinmajidi1654 Same. Got photo evidence.
I would add carrying bot friends too
i’m the negev player idk works pretty good for me
Lol one ct opponent used negev during their ct side he has like 25 kills afyer the half
Dude i just clutch a 1v5 with negev lol
Nah I personally prefer the m249
It's awsome in mirage to spray it from nest
@@declanaus3062 that thing is to in accurate and expensive I only buy Negev on eco or force buys
The most easiest role in CS:GO is a b8ter
No. The easiest is Troller. Because they dont need to kill the enemies.
Pomes Warfogando ah yes, trolls are peacemakers, they are just misunderstood
Im the MasterBaiter
I am the matchmaking hard IGL entryfrag, support and rotate...
+1 xd
ugh. no offense but I hate the matchmaking igl. Even the faceit igls always talking down to you.
Am that guy that gets AK everytime and tries to recoil control but shots go just above the shoulder.
@@f0rtyy815 It's ok, because tbh they are being a try hard while doing it, I understand it very much :")
@@f0rtyy815 I'm no bad person, just designated IGL in my 5 stack of friends and I'll make the occasional read or call in soloq
Talks about Lurking and Get Right.. shows only clips of him on CT.
This, lol
Feels Bad, ur channel is So under-rated.
Ik man.
hate it how this channels been going on for quite some time now and only has 35k subs while the proguides got like 100k in a matter of days.
woah didint even notice he had low amount of subs his content is so good
I’ve been an entry-fragger since I started the game
@Akshobhya Nadig thats how me and entry fragging felt it just felt right to play that aggressive
"No IGL's were good fragger"
nexa: that thing's gonna change now
Does Smoke crim also work?
Wasn't Stewie an igl
Kanahe1 yep
Forgetting about blameF
They are rare exceptions
I'm IGL in our team and can say that Support is the most difficult role. Without someone playing the support role 99% of our strats does not work out.
Most hated map is Mirage, if you think about it is like a Dust 3🔫
As a GN2 player I feel more comfortable playing on Mirage than D2
IGL is on high level the most difficult role cuz its like playing cs and 4D chess but support comes second beacause supprot usually calls with IGL and support need great knowledge etc entry fragger is the easiest probably cuz support takes care that entry fragger gets easy time getting the entry
@@doduyle8476 gn3 and im shit on mirage and better on d2
@@QselaNiklas i am igl and entry fragger it is stressful trust me playing those 2 rules its either you bottom frag or top frag
@@ognjenpesic7008 i know how stressful igl is but entry frag is the easiest with all the support u get
After watching this video i figure out i am playing every role.
yea my team always switches every round it's crazy, so i fill based on econ/spawn/guns. they should call us the ditto player or filler or something
Great video. I would rank support role between rotator and AWP just for the fact that the support player is usually the last one alive which means a great support player must be a great clutch player.
P.S. Cache
yeah cashe is kinda doo doo ngl
On a competitive level, my least favorite is *Overpass* - Broken, unnecessary disturbances like the passing of the train which can mask noises, stacked bombsites when we already had Nuke results in more deaths in after plant saving situations. They should not have removed Aztec. I feel it had the most unique yet fair gameplay, stunning graphic elements and it was a 1.6 classic so had a fairly high fan base which is one of the reasons why maps like dus2, office, Italy, nuke, etc are played so much.
Does the role, "cheater" exist?
@@realestneegamind lol
Just tell teammates where is enemy and support them by headshoting ur enemy
When you don't have prime then yes
Wtf how i can see you here 😂😂😂😂😂lol
i think lurker is arguably one of the most powerful roles on the team, not even due to its kill potential or anything like that, but because of its *tilt potential.* If you catch someone out more than 2 rounds in a row, their mental just immediately deteriorates. The impact this can have is astronomical
I always play as a lurker and anchor role, I feel these 2 roles are similar things. Both roles need to understand the map and most of the time is you are alone to find info for your team.
“IGLs never frag”
Glaive: hold my drink
nexa: hold my beer
blameF : hold my protein shake
Hampus : hold my beer
Niko: Hold my...
Wait no, Niko is terrible IGL
nexa: hold my rakija
I’m a IGL for a German Tier 3/4 Team and I can tell how hard it is sometimes, but when you win a Match it feels so good :D
My role is *This dude*
"Go with this dude so he doesn't die"
"Fuck this dude died again"
"This dude killed 2 people, wow impressive"
I’m 2 months late but I wanted to say that this made me laugh
This dude made me laugh, impressive
"IGL usually doesn't have good stats"
Nexa: 🤔
9:32 the guy is broken or is he just depressed because he lost?
Teammate: HEY GO B
Another Teammate: Hey look at me im the leader now
„Entries need good aim and reflexes“
Es3tag: „I’ll just bhop with my back in first!“
Title says hardest to easiest, video goes from easiest to hardest...
9:31 That guy ate through the triple box.
support is underrated tho
Under rated sure....but there's a reason your support player is usually the 2nd worst fragger.
I love how the title is from HARDEST to EASIEST and the video is the opposite.
When I play with my friends, I like to be the IGL of the team. But if I play solo I normally entry frag. Mainly because teammates normally hold on choke points since theyre scared to entry.
Same here. Get so annoyed if I soloq and my team camps all game.
3:07 : " Or should you just try and make some noise as distraction "
*Violently Rushes with P90*
when you almost always have to solo queue and you play all the roles
Hehe that's true also did he just said that the support role was the easiest ?that's some straight bullshit cuz if you are a support player your gonna sacrifice your stats you will have a pretty bad k/d ratio .
@@oppi176 It doesn't really work in ranks lower than dmg tbh as you'd not rank up-
yes you can get points as support is generally the bomber/defuser guy but you need a co-ordinated team for it and in solo queue, kekw
@@killerracoon8471 I know that k/d doesn't mean a shit over all but the experience of a support player it kinda sucks fun wise .Cuz if you do something right nobody will notice and if you do something wrong you will become the black sheep of the team.(at least in solo q /where I meet some of the most selfish persons ever :) ).if you have a good team and you can do a coordinated tactic and you are let's say a mixt of a support player and any other role then you could get easily to lem or maybe further idk :)
@@oppi176 @Oppi I'm ranked in GNM and I feel like I should be ranked much higher lul
and I know support kinda sucks tbh but I generally outfrag 70% of times until I meet some good teammates and so I have to become the IGL as they just don't communicate or salty; it's pretty hard to get a good team in general in solo queues- teammate gets a good frag-
everyone: ...
me: nice one dude
there are hella selfish players in solo queue many times;
support player many a times has to have a good game sense which most- as well as this video undermines as you generally either have don't really get to kill as many or many a times have to enter clutch scenarios
imo lurker is the easiest role as you get the frags from the behind and generally just have to obtain audio clues.
I'm good with awping but if another teammate wants to awp I give them a chance and I have to become the support/entry fragger depending upon the situation
I think the easier roles will be
@@killerracoon8471 :)) Welp i really hope you will rank up cuz I know the feeling of wining a lot of games , doing pretty well and being stuck at a specific rank.
IGL, any time of the day. People usually take me as the IGL because of my reads, which work most of the time. If I'm feeling confident, entry frag. Or I'll just simply AWP while I'm IGL-ing
I mostly awp and igl I think awping is rather ez its not hard to hit shots but entry fragging is the hardest imo because you get tilted so easily when just dying the first 30 seconds 3 rounds in a row
whenever someone was making calls and taking the role of IGL in my matchmaking, I listen. I mostly Lurk, Rotate or Anchor
Me as an Awper every round: DROP aVp MeN
I've Been Playing COUNTER STRIKE since I was 8,And I Started CS:GO Version At The Age Of 9,I always lurk when i was 9,But,Now,Because Of This Video I Have Been Trying To Be An Anchor Nor AWPer All Time,And All Thanks To You
Actual roles in cs: IGL: awp1 awp2 awp3 awp4 and finally never give this guy a fucking awp
Being IGL in MM especially silver ranks is very very difficult.
let's take over A site . Bomber rushes B with C4.
let's Eco . Bottom fragger buys AWP and don't even drop.
Lets play aggressive against T on eco round only 2 rushes while other baits and stay behind.
The most frustrating part after loosing 3-4 round one teammate leaves match and one has to carry 4 v 5.
So the outro role is difficult, any tips to improve on it?
Anchor role is more important than explained. A mechanically weak anchor with good game sense has no use since it will be more exploited by opponents. Every team has their best mechanically strong player do this role because of this reason.
been playing csgo for 5 years... I don't even know what im doing half the time
Yeah i just do 30 frags and lose the match
I get one tapped with an ak from someone walking in B aps (mirage) in 2 ms,they just flick at my head💀
Least favourite map - for me it is tie between Rails and Logs - both from Operation Bloodhound - Logs seems very chaotic, unorganized and having a weird tunnel to lead your opponents to your back no matter where you stand (kinda like Nuke when I am thinking of it, but in Nuke the layout is simplistic enough that you cna get the feeling for the map faster than on Logs). And Rails because you were in too claustrophobic roads, which led to large open area with ton of spots where CTs were camping and you were basically unable to peek one angle at the time. Also the colours look like if I would be looking into my own depressed soul, not thank you.
And from the active maps - I would say Vertigo as when it appeared there was basically no possibility to throw grenades, except if you were pretty much on conquered site itself. Also, if you wanna rotate, you have to shift pretty much all the way as there is like a spot where CT can stand and hear almost whole map. Also the roads looks way to similar so you get lost on it easily (especially on lower floor). And lastly, it was changed so many times (yes, this might be my fault a bit too) in short period of time that when I play it once in half a year I remember a bit how it looked (or rather say what screwed me up) last time. And I want to go that way which is no longer there.
Also I would say it highly depends on what are your strenghts and weaknesses. I do remember I was in one previous wannabe-team (group of 7 people playing often together, no practice times, just mm games) entry+carry+igl, but I was unable to throw any supportive grenades what-so-ever. :D
I mix anchor with aggresive play-style as ct, and entry with passive play-style for t lol
QOTD mirage and inferno as second
Oh, the agressive anchor who rushes, dies and leave the bombsite open. Love that role
No IGL was ever a great fragger
Gla1ve : Excuse you?
I'm the one who dies first, then take control of the bot and clutch
Broo insane🔥🔥🔥🔥🤣
Easiest to hardest:
Support -> Anchor -> Rotator (like a Lurker but not stealth and follow teammate orders) -> AWPer/Sniper -> Lurker -> Entry Fragger -> IGL/Commander
QOTD: Dust 2
Qotd vertigo: off angles anywhere and just 5 zeuses waiting for you all the time
QOTD: Overpass is such an annoying map, it always triggers me when I play this map.
Predator only thing I like is some surprise angles and bathrooms.
yea monster is the only place i kinda like playing on overpass, and connector
10:26 if anyone thinks about doing this don't wide peek always jiggle peek or peek slowly so you dont peek 2 enemies at the same time as you see here
Where's my dust 2 gang?
Lurking and playing the solo position also requires all of the other positions. You have to rotate well, support your team, entry frag, you can also turn into an anchor if you are bomb carry.
Normally i really like your vids, but i dont agree with the rankings except for igl and entry. In my opinion there wasnt put in enough thought into ranking these roles XD
I feel the support player not having the most kills or the role being boring. I'm a supprt player for my clan and I love it because I know I'm making an impact for a win. The team always comes first in a team sport. ❤
Entry fragger + P90/MP9 = unstoppable.
My fav map : inferno
My hated map : mirage
Edit : seems theres an angry guy here, just doing for the memes.
Edit again : don't start a ww3 here
Lemme guess: Silver 1
@@alexandruoprea4415 I'm dmg homie.
@@alexandruoprea4415 silver 1 only play mirage and dust 2 man
@@muhammadfairuzzaky9532 u entry frag with p90 and ur dmg, thats the most contradicting statement i have ever seen XD
@@chrissantosh9521 no, I mean when I'm playing casual lol.
To be honest, I think the role of the guy that only ever uses the P250 is the hardest, either that or the guy that is responsible for flashing his team.
My QOTD answer is Mirage. Overrated map because I played it a lot recently. Makes my gameplay boring.
Bad anchor + rifler + awper = 👍
me : dry peek entry getting one kill and 80 dmg on another one
support : still alt tabbing to youtube searching the smoke line up
I’m anti-nuke
Repz yes same
Anti train
Anti-vertical maps
I agree with your list, but one thing I don't disagree with is the fragging abilities of igls. Being an igl isn't an excuse to not frag in matchmaking or amateur leagues. Up until a certain level of counter strike, individual skill is what wins games
QOTD : Train
I only like it for deathmatch lol
Same lol
in matchmaking i am IGL and support or entry basically, except usually players don't give a shit about calls or teamwork. But i am the first to take the initiative as soon as i notice noone is calling and everyone is just doing their own things. Sometimes you are lucky and get 2 or 3 good teammates and in that case beeing IGL is great fun for me
I'm basically every role when playing with my friends and carrying noobs in Competitive matchmaking
My squad ranks: -lagger
-"want me to turn on the spinbot?" Guy
@@b3lka_ no im always the rager but i clutch a lot
I play support/entry frag and still top frag 😂
Rank ???
Thats MM for ya...
The reason IGLs doesn’t get a lot of kills is not that they can’t focus on their aim, it’s that there role is not to get kills, their role is the lead their team to win but strategies, strategies where themselves is not always in a position to get the most kills
My least favourite map is Mirage.
Darrell CH Idk... I just hate the mirage.
@@darrellch4709 it's really boring and overplayed
@@user-tz6jl7qt8k wanna talk about dust 2?
im def the rotator. im new to cs but not to fps games. i often find myself at enemy spawn within the first 30 sec and then killing my enemies in the back. so satisfying
Agency is the worst map, we all can agree
Chinese that play skin simulator disagree.
Me over here: I solo A,all b.
Oh yes they are all at a let me make noise
Mirage is my least favorite map. I don’t think it’s bad, I just feel like I do horrible on it
What about that one teammate that always goes away from all of you and waits until you die so he's 1v5 and enemies just rush him so he gets kills and than calls others noobs and idiots when they die
QOTD: I hate dust 2, every match I play there is a bad match
Dust 2 soloQ is so painful and the map is fucking overrated
Nah, sry to say u guys just suck at that map. There is a reason why it's overrated because many players love that map. xD
The worst part about csgo is when you are the last alive against 3 other players and you don't know which bomb site the bomb is at and run to the wrong site and get kicked by idiots that died before you did
Least favourite map: Anubis
Im a lurker btw
Nice video due to the corona i met 2 people i play everyday with and tbh we are pretty good and your video is accurate i am an in game leader and an entry fragger we have a baiter and a support and tbh you are pretty accurate with every style you said keep up the good work
mirage, i hate it so much
the first 20 seconds made my day ty and my least fav map is cobble aswell
i really dont like nuke its a good map but i hate it
I keep saying “my team is so much better than me” when I’m literally playing against bots so I’m one of them
In silver when the entry fragger dies, all backs up
I don't understand how entry fragger is harder than lurking whereas entry fragging checks angles with a support behind him for a trade while lurking needs to know the appropriate time to come out and try to find rotators or go behind enemy lines to kill them. In other words going directly to enemy lines is much easier than going behind enemy lines
I feel like entry frag is easier than support, they have different skill sets but it’s harder to learn support than entry frag since supporting you need to learn smoke angles and flash angles and awping is probably the hardest role since you need a lot more aim skill than entry frag, and with calls and call outs everyone needs to know
If you play without a team. Solo in matchmaking. You should be awper igl rotator anchor and a great support in order to win any game
Hardest role is having to play all the roles because team doesn’t speak English and they play on their laptop trackpad
wasn't it called touchpad?
QOTD : MY least favorite map is train because it requires so much team play, and me and my soloq teammates just can't come to par with the coordination.
im the rifler,shotgun and smg player i dont know what to buy evry round but i buy a negev on ct side when i get tilted in game and it does the work!
Negav is SO underrated on ct. because when your on a force but with like on B most maps
I kind of thought of a strat on when ct are force buying you could have 2 on one site so when you just hold left click and you reload your teammate can then hold left click on B like inferno and Dust 2 and kind of mirage I think this could hold a site
Me left alive on team: 100%STRESS
My second favourite map is mutiny my personal preference
👍 💬
My roles(Most used to least)-
7.Entry fragger
9.One who listens to the IGL.
I'm that sneaky muchacho running from one site to the other and backstabbing the other team with an awp.
Alot of people enter the don't know what role to play ... They end up being a camper or a baiter even throwing... People thought they just need good aim to play the game.
and thats totally right, if u outfrag them, youll always have fun...
@@gobl1nn yep which will needs luck because baiters are the worst and i get them around 80% of my matches
ence's downfall after kicking Aleksib is good example why IGL is such a important role it ca make or break the team
There is also 1 forbidden role that mostly lurks in nuke but also roams the other maps the, the role is simply called The troller, it is a role where you simply *troll* the game and become *the mvp* from trolling and try Not to get *kicked* it is in my opinion the hardest role to master in csgo...
QOTD: Cache
Not that the map is bad, I just have issues feeling how to play it. :/ I know Dust 2 like the back of my hand, Inferno is highly familiar, Nuke is difficult but fun, finally Mirage clicked with me, I love Overpass and Train, but Cache... can't feel it.
p.s. I haven't tried Vertigo yet, I'm highly unfamiliar with it.
Just play the maps
Sometimes support and IGL can share leadership so that there is a primary and secondary decision maker to ease pressures.
Being a support and second entry, second caller is the best.
Remember the old days of me lurking maybe one day I’ll return
I'm mainly an awper but sometimes I can be an IGL or second caller.
Btw being the awper and I'm most comfortable with the awp imo the most hard role is the Lurker and igl
My play style: Entry fragger
Some random mg1: Let me entry long/B
*dies to awp immediately*
(Spent so much time,prob dmg or smt at real skill)
personally ive played about 1K inferno only and i know most of the timings and choke points but that made me almost hate any other map because i have to play with high rank people that know the map way better than me, if you could make a video on how to study and analyze every map, good video btw